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* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
* Class FormulaNode
class FormulaNode
public $text;
public $level;
public $parent;
public $children = array();
public $evaluatedValue;
public function __construct($text, $level, $parent = null)
$this->text = $text;
$this->level = $level;
$this->parent = $parent;
public function addChild($childNode)
$this->children [] = $childNode;
public function isLeaf()
return count($this->children) === 0;
* Class FormulaCalculator
class FormulaCalculator
public const START_TERMINAL = "{";
public const END_TERMINAL = "}";
public const CONFIGURATOR_NAME = "SweeterCalc";
private $parameters;
private $relationParameters;
private $currentModule;
private $creatorUserId;
private $configurator;
private $debugEnabled;
private $debugFileName;
* FormulaCalculator constructor.
* @param $parameters
* @param $relationParameters
* @param $currentModule
* @param $creatorUserId
public function __construct($parameters, $relationParameters, $currentModule, $creatorUserId)
$this->parameters = $parameters;
$this->relationParameters = $relationParameters;
$this->currentModule = $currentModule;
$this->creatorUserId = $creatorUserId;
require_once 'modules/Configurator/Configurator.php';
$this->configurator = new Configurator();
$configName = $this->configurator->config[FormulaCalculator::CONFIGURATOR_NAME] ?? '';
$debugEnabled = $configName['DebugEnabled'] ?? 0;
$this->debugEnabled = $debugEnabled == 1;
$this->debugFileName = $configName['DebugFileName'] ?? 'SweeterCalc.log';
* @param $formula
* @return mixed|string
* @throws Exception
public function calculateFormula($formula)
try {
$currentEncoding = mb_internal_encoding();
$this->log("Evaluating expression: '$formula'.");
$rootNode = $this->createTree($formula);
$evaluated = $this->evaluateTreeLevel($rootNode);
$this->log("Expression evaluated, value is: '$evaluated'.");
return $evaluated;
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->log('Exception: ' . $e->getMessage());
throw $e;
* @param $content
private function log($content)
if (!$this->debugEnabled) {
$currentContent = file_exists($this->debugFileName) ? file_get_contents($this->debugFileName) : "";
file_put_contents($this->debugFileName, $currentContent . "[" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "] " . $content . "\n");
* @param $content
* @return FormulaNode
private function createTree($content)
$rootNode = new FormulaNode($content, 0);
$this->findLexicalElementsOnLevel($content, 0, $rootNode);
return $rootNode;
* @param $content
* @param $level
* @param $node
private function findLexicalElementsOnLevel($content, $level, &$node)
$characters = preg_split('//u', (string) $content, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$terminalLevel = 0;
$hasChild = false;
$currentText = "";
$charactersCount = is_countable($characters) ? count($characters) : 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $charactersCount; $i++) {
$char = $characters[$i];
if ($terminalLevel > 0) {
$currentText .= $char;
if ($char === FormulaCalculator::START_TERMINAL) {
if ($terminalLevel == 0) {
$currentText .= $char;
} elseif ($char === FormulaCalculator::END_TERMINAL) {
if ($terminalLevel == 0) {
$newLevel = $level + 1;
$newNode = new FormulaNode($currentText, $newLevel, $node);
$this->findLexicalElementsOnLevel(mb_substr($currentText, 1, -1), $newLevel, $newNode);
$currentText = "";
$hasChild = true;
* @param $node
* @return int|mixed|string
private function evaluateTreeLevel(&$node)
if ($node->isLeaf()) {
$node->evaluatedValue = $this->evaluateNode($node->text);
$this->log("Node value: " . $node->evaluatedValue);
$node->evaluatedValue = $this->evaluateLeaf($node->evaluatedValue);
$this->log("Evaluating leaf: " . $node->text);
$this->log("Leaf value: " . $node->evaluatedValue);
return $node->evaluatedValue;
$childItems = array();
foreach ($node->children as $child) {
$childItems [] = array(
'value' => $child->text,
'evaluatedValue' => $this->evaluateTreeLevel($child),
if ($node->level > 0) {
$node->evaluatedValue = $this->evaluateNode($node->text, $childItems);
$this->log("Node value: " . $node->evaluatedValue);
} else {
$evaluatedValue = $node->text;
foreach ($childItems as $childItem) {
$pos = strpos((string) $evaluatedValue, (string) $childItem['value']);
if ($pos !== false) {
$this->log("Going to replace child value '" . $childItem['value'] . "' in expression: " . $evaluatedValue);
$evaluatedValue = substr_replace(
strlen((string) $childItem['value'])
$this->log("Replaced child value '" . $childItem['evaluatedValue'] . "'. New expression: " . $evaluatedValue);
$node->evaluatedValue = $evaluatedValue;
return $node->evaluatedValue;
* @param $text
* @param array $childItems
* @return string
private function evaluateNode($text, $childItems = array())
if (count($childItems) == 0) {
$this->log("Evaluating node: " . $text . " with no children.");
} else {
$this->log("Evaluating node: " . $text . " with children: ");
// Logical functions
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("equal", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
return $params[0] == $params[1] ? "1" : "0";
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("notEqual", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
return $params[0] != $params[1] ? "1" : "0";
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("greaterThan", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
return $params[0] > $params[1] ? "1" : "0";
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("greaterThanOrEqual", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
return $params[0] >= $params[1] ? "1" : "0";
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("lessThan", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
return $params[0] < $params[1] ? "1" : "0";
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("lessThanOrEqual", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
return $params[0] <= $params[1] ? "1" : "0";
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("empty", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
return $params[0] == "" ? "1" : "0";
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("notEmpty", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
return $params[0] != "" ? "1" : "0";
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("not", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
return $params[0] == "0" ? "1" : "0";
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("and", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
return ($params[0] && $params[1]) ? "1" : "0";
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("or", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
return ($params[0] || $params[1]) ? "1" : "0";
// Control functions
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("ifThenElse", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
return $params[0] ? $params[1] : $params[2];
// String functions
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("substring", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
// Workaround for PHP < 5.4.8
if (isset($params[2])) {
return mb_substr($params[0], (int)$params[1], (int)$params[2]);
return mb_substr($params[0], (int)$params[1]);
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("length", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
return mb_strlen($params[0]);
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("replace", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
return str_replace($params[0], $params[1], (string) $params[2]);
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("position", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
$pos = mb_strpos((string) $params[0], (string) $params[1]);
return ($pos == false) ? -1 : $pos;
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("lowercase", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
return mb_strtolower($params[0]);
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("uppercase", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
return mb_strtoupper($params[0]);
// Mathematical calculations
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("add", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
return $this->parseFloat($params[0]) + $this->parseFloat($params[1]);
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("subtract", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
return $this->parseFloat($params[0]) - $this->parseFloat($params[1]);
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("multiply", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
return $this->parseFloat($params[0]) * $this->parseFloat($params[1]);
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("divide", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
return $this->parseFloat($params[0]) / $this->parseFloat($params[1]);
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("power", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
return pow($this->parseFloat($params[0]), $this->parseFloat($params[1]));
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("squareRoot", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
return sqrt($this->parseFloat($params[0]));
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("absolute", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
return abs($this->parseFloat($params[0]));
// Date functions
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("now", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
return date($params[0]);
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("yesterday", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
return date($params[0], time() - 60 * 60 * 24);
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("tomorrow", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
return date($params[0], time() + 60 * 60 * 24);
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("date", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
return date($params[0], strtotime($params[1]));
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("datediff", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
$d1 = new DateTime($this->getDBFormat($params[0]));
$d2 = new DateTime($this->getDBFormat($params[1]));
$diff = $d1->diff($d2);
switch ($params[2]) {
case 'years':
return $diff->y;
case 'months':
return $diff->y * 12 + $diff->m;
case 'days':
return $diff->days;
case 'hours':
return $diff->days * 24 + $diff->h;
case 'minutes':
return ($diff->days * 24 + $diff->h) * 60 + $diff->i;
case 'seconds':
return (($diff->days * 24 + $diff->h) * 60 + $diff->i) * 60 + $diff->s;
return $diff->days;
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("addYears", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
return $this->modifyDate($params[0], $params[1], $params[2], 'Y');
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("addMonths", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
return $this->modifyDate($params[0], $params[1], $params[2], 'M');
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("addDays", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
return $this->modifyDate($params[0], $params[1], $params[2], 'D');
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("addHours", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
return $this->modifyDate($params[0], $params[1], $params[2], 'H', true);
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("addMinutes", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
return $this->modifyDate($params[0], $params[1], $params[2], 'M', true);
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("addSeconds", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
return $this->modifyDate($params[0], $params[1], $params[2], 'S', true);
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("subtractYears", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
return $this->modifyDate($params[0], $params[1], $params[2], 'Y', false, false);
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("subtractMonths", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
return $this->modifyDate($params[0], $params[1], $params[2], 'M', false, false);
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("subtractDays", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
return $this->modifyDate($params[0], $params[1], $params[2], 'D', false, false);
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("subtractHours", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
return $this->modifyDate($params[0], $params[1], $params[2], 'H', true, false);
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("subtractMinutes", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
return $this->modifyDate($params[0], $params[1], $params[2], 'M', true, false);
if (($params = $this->evaluateFunctionParams("subtractSeconds", $text, $childItems)) != null) {
return $this->modifyDate($params[0], $params[1], $params[2], 'S', true, false);
return $text;
* @param $obj
private function logVardump($obj)
if (!$this->debugEnabled) {
$str = ob_get_contents();
* @param $functionName
* @param $text
* @param $childItems
* @return array|null
private function evaluateFunctionParams($functionName, $text, $childItems)
if (!preg_match("/^\s*\{\s*$functionName\s*\(/i", (string) $text)) {
return null;
$this->log("Matched funcion name: " . $functionName);
$params = $this->getFunctionParameters($functionName, $text, $childItems);
$this->log("Resolved parameters for function '$functionName': ");
return $params;
* @param $functionName
* @param $text
* @param $childItems
* @return array
private function getFunctionParameters($functionName, $text, $childItems)
$parameters = $this->getParameterArray($functionName, $text);
$resolvedParameters = array();
foreach ($parameters as $parameter) {
$this->log("Resolving parameter '$parameter'");
$found = false;
foreach ($childItems as $childItem) {
if ($parameter == $childItem['value']) {
$this->log("Replacing parameter '$parameter' with value '" . $childItem['evaluatedValue'] . "'");
$resolvedParameters [] = $childItem['evaluatedValue'];
$found = true;
if (!$found) {
$paramText = $parameter;
$replaced = false;
$this->log("Single expression parameter not found, trying to parse multi expression parameter...");
foreach ($childItems as $childItem) {
if (mb_strpos((string) $paramText, (string) $childItem['value']) !== false) {
$this->log("Found multi expression part '" . $childItem['value'] . "' in parameter '$paramText'");
$this->log("Replacing parameter part '" . $childItem['value'] . "' with value '" . $childItem['evaluatedValue'] . "'");
$paramText = str_replace($childItem['value'], $childItem['evaluatedValue'], (string) $paramText);
$replaced = true;
$this->log("New parameter value '$paramText'");
if (!$replaced) {
$this->log("Did not found any multi expression part.");
$resolvedParameters [] = $paramText;
return $resolvedParameters;
* @param $functionName
* @param $text
* @return array
private function getParameterArray($functionName, $text)
$this->log("Extracting parameters for function '$functionName' ...");
$parameterText = $this->getParameterText($functionName, $text);
$characters = preg_split('//u', $parameterText, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$terminalLevel = 0;
$params = array();
$currentParam = "";
$charactersCount = is_countable($characters) ? count($characters) : 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $charactersCount; $i++) {
$char = $characters[$i];
if ($char === FormulaCalculator::START_TERMINAL) {
$currentParam .= $char;
} else {
if ($char === FormulaCalculator::END_TERMINAL) {
$currentParam .= $char;
} else {
if ($char === FormulaCalculator::PARAMETER_SEPARATOR_TERMINAL) {
if ($terminalLevel == 0) {
$params [] = $currentParam;
$currentParam = "";
} else {
$currentParam .= $char;
} else {
$currentParam .= $char;
$params [] = $currentParam;
$trimmed = array_map('trim', $params);
$this->log("Extracted parameters:");
return $trimmed;
* @param $functionName
* @param $text
* @return string
private function getParameterText($functionName, $text)
$parameterText = preg_replace("/^\s*\{\s*" . $functionName . "\s*\(\s*/", "", (string) $text, 1);
$parameterText = preg_replace("/\s*\)\s*\}\s*$/", "", $parameterText, 1);
return trim($parameterText);
* @param $value
* @return float
private function parseFloat($value)
return (float)str_replace(",", ".", (string) $value);
* @param $format
* @param $datestring
* @param $ammount
* @param $type
* @param bool $isTime
* @param bool $isAdd
* @return string
private function modifyDate($format, $datestring, $ammount, $type, $isTime = false, $isAdd = true)
$prefix = $isTime ? 'PT' : 'P';
$datetime = new DateTime($this->getDBFormat($datestring));
if ($isAdd) {
$datetime->add(new DateInterval($prefix . $ammount . $type));
} else {
$datetime->sub(new DateInterval($prefix . $ammount . $type));
return $datetime->format($format);
* @param $leaf
* @return int|mixed|string
private function evaluateLeaf($leaf)
$evaluated = $leaf;
if (preg_match("/{P[0-9]+}/i", (string) $leaf)) {
$parametersCount = is_countable($this->parameters) ? count($this->parameters) : 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $parametersCount; $i++) {
$evaluated = str_replace("{P$i}", $this->parameters[$i], (string) $evaluated);
$evaluated = str_replace("{p$i}", $this->parameters[$i], $evaluated);
} else {
if (preg_match("/{R[0-9]+}/i", (string) $leaf)) {
$relationParametersCount = is_countable($this->relationParameters) ? count($this->relationParameters) : 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $relationParametersCount; $i++) {
$evaluated = str_replace("{R$i}", $this->relationParameters[$i], (string) $evaluated);
$evaluated = str_replace("{r$i}", $this->relationParameters[$i], $evaluated);
$evaluated = $this->replaceGlobalVariables($evaluated);
return $evaluated;
* @param $text
* @return int|string
private function replaceGlobalVariables($text)
$evaluated = $text;
$evaluated = $this->replaceGlobalVariable('GlobalCounter', $evaluated);
$evaluated = $this->replaceGlobalVariable('GlobalCounterPerUser', $evaluated);
$evaluated = $this->replaceGlobalVariable('GlobalCounterPerModule', $evaluated);
$evaluated = $this->replaceGlobalVariable('GlobalCounterPerUserPerModule', $evaluated);
$evaluated = $this->replaceGlobalVariable('DailyCounter', $evaluated);
$evaluated = $this->replaceGlobalVariable('DailyCounterPerUser', $evaluated);
$evaluated = $this->replaceGlobalVariable('DailyCounterPerModule', $evaluated);
$evaluated = $this->replaceGlobalVariable('DailyCounterPerUserPerModule', $evaluated);
return $evaluated;
* @param $globalVariableType
* @param $text
* @return int|string
private function replaceGlobalVariable($globalVariableType, $text)
if (preg_match("/^\{$globalVariableType\(/i", (string) $text)) {
$parameters = $this->getParameterArray($globalVariableType, $text);
$currentValue = $this->getGlobalVariableConfig($globalVariableType, $parameters[0]);
$newValue = $currentValue + 1;
$this->setGlobalVariableConfig($globalVariableType, $parameters[0], $newValue);
return isset($parameters[1]) ? $this->formatCounter($newValue, $parameters[1]) : $newValue;
return $text;
* @param $globalVariableType
* @param $parameterText
* @return int
private function getGlobalVariableConfig($globalVariableType, $parameterText)
switch ($globalVariableType) {
case 'GlobalCounter':
return $this->configurator->config[FormulaCalculator::CONFIGURATOR_NAME]['GlobalCounter'][$parameterText];
case 'GlobalCounterPerUser':
return $this->configurator->config[FormulaCalculator::CONFIGURATOR_NAME]['GlobalCounterPerUser'][$this->creatorUserId][$parameterText];
case 'GlobalCounterPerModule':
return $this->configurator->config[FormulaCalculator::CONFIGURATOR_NAME]['GlobalCounterPerModule'][$this->currentModule][$parameterText];
case 'GlobalCounterPerUserPerModule':
return $this->configurator->config[FormulaCalculator::CONFIGURATOR_NAME]['GlobalCounterPerUserPerModule'][$this->creatorUserId][$this->currentModule][$parameterText];
case 'DailyCounter':
if ($this->configurator->config[FormulaCalculator::CONFIGURATOR_NAME]['DailyCounter'][$parameterText]['date'] ===
) {
return $this->configurator->config[FormulaCalculator::CONFIGURATOR_NAME]['DailyCounter'][$parameterText]['value'];
return 0;
case 'DailyCounterPerUser':
if ($this->configurator->config[FormulaCalculator::CONFIGURATOR_NAME]['DailyCounterPerUser'][$this->creatorUserId][$parameterText]['date'] ===
) {
return $this->configurator->config[FormulaCalculator::CONFIGURATOR_NAME]['DailyCounterPerUser'][$this->creatorUserId][$parameterText]['value'];
return 0;
case 'DailyCounterPerModule':
if ($this->configurator->config[FormulaCalculator::CONFIGURATOR_NAME]['DailyCounterPerUser'][$this->currentModule][$parameterText]['date'] ===
) {
return $this->configurator->config[FormulaCalculator::CONFIGURATOR_NAME]['DailyCounterPerUser'][$this->currentModule][$parameterText]['value'];
return 0;
case 'DailyCounterPerUserPerModule':
if ($this->configurator->config[FormulaCalculator::CONFIGURATOR_NAME]['DailyCounterPerUserPerModule'][$this->creatorUserId][$this->currentModule][$parameterText]['date'] ===
) {
return $this->configurator->config[FormulaCalculator::CONFIGURATOR_NAME]['DailyCounterPerUserPerModule'][$this->creatorUserId][$this->currentModule][$parameterText]['value'];
return 0;
* @param $globalVariableType
* @param $parameterText
* @param $value
private function setGlobalVariableConfig($globalVariableType, $parameterText, $value)
switch ($globalVariableType) {
case 'GlobalCounter':
$this->configurator->config[FormulaCalculator::CONFIGURATOR_NAME]['GlobalCounter'][$parameterText] = $value;
case 'GlobalCounterPerUser':
$this->configurator->config[FormulaCalculator::CONFIGURATOR_NAME]['GlobalCounterPerUser'][$this->creatorUserId][$parameterText] = $value;
case 'GlobalCounterPerModule':
$this->configurator->config[FormulaCalculator::CONFIGURATOR_NAME]['GlobalCounterPerModule'][$this->currentModule][$parameterText] = $value;
case 'GlobalCounterPerUserPerModule':
$this->configurator->config[FormulaCalculator::CONFIGURATOR_NAME]['GlobalCounterPerUserPerModule'][$this->creatorUserId][$this->currentModule][$parameterText] = $value;
case 'DailyCounter':
$this->configurator->config[FormulaCalculator::CONFIGURATOR_NAME]['DailyCounter'][$parameterText]['date'] = date('Y-m-d');
$this->configurator->config[FormulaCalculator::CONFIGURATOR_NAME]['DailyCounter'][$parameterText]['value'] = $value;
case 'DailyCounterPerUser':
$this->configurator->config[FormulaCalculator::CONFIGURATOR_NAME]['DailyCounterPerUser'][$this->creatorUserId][$parameterText]['date'] = date('Y-m-d');
$this->configurator->config[FormulaCalculator::CONFIGURATOR_NAME]['DailyCounterPerUser'][$this->creatorUserId][$parameterText]['value'] = $value;
case 'DailyCounterPerModule':
$this->configurator->config[FormulaCalculator::CONFIGURATOR_NAME]['DailyCounterPerUser'][$this->currentModule][$parameterText]['date'] = date('Y-m-d');
$this->configurator->config[FormulaCalculator::CONFIGURATOR_NAME]['DailyCounterPerUser'][$this->currentModule][$parameterText]['value'] = $value;
case 'DailyCounterPerUserPerModule':
$this->configurator->config[FormulaCalculator::CONFIGURATOR_NAME]['DailyCounterPerUserPerModule'][$this->creatorUserId][$this->currentModule][$parameterText]['date'] = date('Y-m-d');
$this->configurator->config[FormulaCalculator::CONFIGURATOR_NAME]['DailyCounterPerUserPerModule'][$this->creatorUserId][$this->currentModule][$parameterText]['value'] = $value;
* @param $value
* @param $digits
* @return string
private function formatCounter($value, $digits)
return sprintf("%0" . $digits . "d", $value);
* Outputs date and datetime values in DB format
* @param String $date
* @return String
private function getDBFormat($date) {
// 1) If WF is thrown by the after_save LH, the bean is already loaded and the date/datetime value
// is properly formatted, so will only change the timezone value from UTC to user's one.
// 2) If WF is run by the scheduler task, will change date/datetime value to DB format.
$formatDate = 'Y-m-d';
$validDate = DateTime::createFromFormat($formatDate, $date);
$formatDateTime = 'Y-m-d H:i:s';
$validDateTime = DateTime::createFromFormat($formatDateTime, $date);
if ($validDate && $validDate->format($formatDate) === $date) {
// Nothing to do
return $date;
} else if ($validDateTime && $validDateTime->format($formatDateTime) === $date) {
// Set TZ to user's TZ
global $timedate, $current_user;
$date = $timedate->fromDb($date);
$date = $timedate->tzUser($date, $current_user);
return $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
} else { // In this case the WF is run by the cron
global $current_user, $timedate;
if(strpos($date, " ") !== false){
$type = 'datetime';
} else{
$type = 'date';
$date = $timedate->fromUserType($date, $type, $current_user);
if ($date) {
return $date->asDb(false);
return null;