Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/salesagility/SuiteCRM.git synced 2025-03-12 12:36:53 +00:00
2023-07-18 15:53:48 +01:00

666 lines
25 KiB
Executable file

if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
global $timedate;
class CalendarGrid
protected $cal; // Calendar object
public $style = ""; // style of calendar (basic or advanced); advanced contains time slots
protected $today_ts; // timestamp of today
protected $weekdays; // string array of names of week days
protected $startday; // first day of week
protected $scrollable; // scrolling in calendar
protected $time_step = 30; // time step
protected $time_format; // user time format
protected $date_time_format; // user date time format
protected $scroll_height; // height of scrollable div
* constructor
* @param Calendar $cal
public function __construct(Calendar $cal)
global $current_user;
$this->cal = $cal;
$today = $GLOBALS['timedate']->getNow(true)->get_day_begin();
$this->today_ts = $today->format('U') + $today->getOffset();
$this->startday = $current_user->get_first_day_of_week();
$weekdays = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
$j = $i + $this->startday;
if ($j >= 7) {
$j = $j - 7;
$weekdays[$i] = $GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['dom_cal_day_short'][$j+1];
$this->weekdays = $weekdays;
$this->scrollable = false;
if (!($this->cal->isPrint() && $this->cal->view == 'day')) {
if (in_array($this->cal->view, array('day','week'))) {
$this->scrollable = true;
if ($this->cal->time_step < 30) {
$this->scroll_height = 480;
} else {
$this->scroll_height = $this->cal->celcount * 15 + 1;
$this->time_step = $this->cal->time_step;
$this->time_format = $GLOBALS['timedate']->get_time_format();
$this->date_time_format = $GLOBALS['timedate']->get_date_time_format();
$this->style = $this->cal->style;
/** Get html of calendar grid
* @return string
public function display()
$action = "display_".strtolower($this->cal->view);
return $this->$action();
/** Get html of time column
* @param integer $start timestamp
* @return string
protected function get_time_column($start)
$str = "";
$head_content = "&nbsp;";
if ($this->cal->view == 'month') {
if ($this->startday == 0) {
$wf = 1;
} else {
$wf = 0;
$head_content = "<a href='".ajaxLink("index.php?module=Calendar&action=index&view=week&hour=0&day=".$GLOBALS['timedate']->fromTimestamp($start)->format('j')."&month=".$GLOBALS['timedate']->fromTimestamp($start)->format('n')."&year=".$GLOBALS['timedate']->fromTimestamp($start)->format('Y'))."'>".$GLOBALS['timedate']->fromTimestamp($start + $wf*3600*24)->format('W')."</a>";
$str .= "<div class='left_col'>";
// $str .= "<div class='col_head'>".$head_content."</div>";
$cell_number = 0;
$first_cell = $this->cal->scroll_slot;
$last_cell = $first_cell + $this->cal->celcount - 1;
for ($i = 0; $i < 24; $i++) {
for ($j = 0; $j < 60; $j += $this->time_step) {
if ($j == 0) {
$innerText = $GLOBALS['timedate']->fromTimestamp($start + $i * 3600)->format($this->time_format);
} else {
$innerText = "&nbsp;";
if ($j == 60 - $this->time_step && $this->time_step < 60) {
$class = " odd_border";
} else {
$class = "";
if ($this->scrollable || ($cell_number >= $first_cell && $cell_number <= $last_cell)) {
$str .= "<div class='left_slot".$class."'>".$innerText."</div>";
$str .= "</div>";
return $str;
* Get html of day slots column
* @param integer $start timestamp
* @param integer $day number of day in week
* @param string $suffix suffix for id of time slot used in shared view
* @return string
protected function get_day_column($start, $day = 0, $suffix = "")
$curr_time = $start;
$str = "";
$str .= "<div class='col'>";
//$str .= $this->get_day_head($start,$day);
$cell_number = 0;
$first_cell = $this->cal->scroll_slot;
$last_cell = $first_cell + $this->cal->celcount - 1;
for ($i = 0; $i < 24; $i++) {
for ($j = 0; $j < 60; $j += $this->time_step) {
$timestr = $GLOBALS['timedate']->fromTimestamp($curr_time)->format($this->time_format);
if ($j == 60 - $this->time_step && $this->time_step < 60) {
$class = " odd_border";
} else {
$class = "";
if ($this->scrollable || ($cell_number >= $first_cell && $cell_number <= $last_cell)) {
$str .= "<div id='t_".$curr_time.$suffix."' class='slot".$class."' time='".$timestr."' datetime='".$GLOBALS['timedate']->fromTimestamp($curr_time)->format($this->date_time_format)."'></div>";
$curr_time += $this->time_step*60;
$str .= "</div>";
return $str;
public function display_mobile()
global $mod_strings;
$str = "<div class='mobile_calendar_container'>";
$agenda_array = [];
foreach ($this->cal->items as $cal_item) {
if (date("Y-m-d", $cal_item['ts_start']) >= date("Y-m-d", $this->today_ts)) {
$agenda_array[$cal_item['ts_start']][] = $cal_item;
$days = array_keys($agenda_array);
if ($days) {
foreach ($days as $day) {
$agenda_array[$day] = $this->mobile_sort_items($agenda_array[$day]);
if ($day == $this->today_ts) {
$str .= "<div class='mobile_calendar_title today'><b>Today</b> " . date("D dS, M Y", $agenda_array[$day][0]['ts_start']) . "</div>";
} else {
$str .= "<div class='mobile_calendar_title'>" . date("D dS, M Y", $agenda_array[$day][0]['ts_start']) . "</div>";
$i = 0;
while ($i < (is_countable($agenda_array[$day]) ? count($agenda_array[$day]) : 0)) {
$day_item = $agenda_array[$day][$i];
$str .= $this->mobile_display_items($day_item);
} else {
$str .= "<div class='mobile_calendar_title no_items'>" . $mod_strings['LBL_NO_ITEMS_MOBILE'] . "</div>";
$str .= "</div>";
return $str;
public function mobile_display_items($day_item)
$end_time = $this->mobile_get_end_time($day_item);
$status_color = $this->mobile_get_status_colour($day_item['status']);
$type_color = $this->mobile_get_type_colour($day_item['type']);
$display = "";
$display .= "<div class='mobile_calendar_item'>";
$display .= "<div class='mobile_calendar_item_left' >";
$display .= "<div class='mobile_calendar_item_left_type' style='background-color:" . $type_color .";'>";
$display .= ucfirst($day_item['type']);
$display .= "</div>";
$display .= "<div class='mobile_calendar_item_left_date'>";
$display .= "<div class='mobile_calendar_item_left_time'>" . $day_item['time_start'] . "</div>";
$display .= "<div class='mobile_calendar_item_left_time'>" . $end_time . "</div>";
$display .= "</div>";
$display .= "<div class='mobile_calendar_item_left_status' style='background-color:" . $status_color ."';>";
$display .= $day_item['status'];
$display .= "</div>";
$display .= "</div>";
$display .= "<div class='mobile_calendar_item_center'>";
$display .= "<p class='mobile_calendar_item_name'>" . $day_item['name'] . "</p>";
$display .= "<p class='mobile_calendar_item_desc'>" . $day_item['description'] . "</p>";
$display .= "</div>";
if ($day_item['type'] == "task") {
$display .= "<div class='mobile_calendar_item_edit'>";
$display .= "<a class='button' module_name ='" . ucfirst($day_item['type']) ."s' href='index.php?action=EditView&module=Tasks&return_module=Calendar&return_action=index&record=" . $day_item['record'] . "'>Edit</a>";
$display .= "</div>";
$display .= "</div>";
} else {
$display .= "<div class='mobile_calendar_item_edit'>";
$display .= "<a class='button' href='#' module_name ='" . ucfirst($day_item['type']) ."s' record = '" . $day_item['record'] ."' onclick=CAL.load_form(this.getAttribute('module_name'),this.getAttribute('record'),true);>Edit</a>";
$display .= "</div>";
$display .= "</div>";
return $display;
public function mobile_get_end_time($day_item)
$start_time = DateTime::createFromFormat("h:ia", $day_item['time_start']);
$start_time->modify('+' . $day_item['duration_minutes'] .'minutes');
return $start_time->format("h:ia");
public function mobile_get_type_colour($type)
switch ($type) {
case "meeting":
$colour = "#D2E5FC";
case "call":
$colour = "#FCDCDC";
case "task":
$colour = "#B1F5AE";
$colour = "#777777";
return $colour;
public function mobile_get_status_colour($type)
switch ($type) {
case "Held":
case "Completed":
$colour = "green";
case "Planned":
case "Not Started":
case "In Progress":
$colour = "#1B4B94";
case "Not Held":
case "Deferred":
$colour = "red";
$colour = "#777777";
return $colour;
public function mobile_sort_items($agenda_array)
$times = "";
foreach ($agenda_array as $key => $row) {
$times[$key] = $row['timestamp'];
array_multisort($times, SORT_ASC, $agenda_array);
return $agenda_array;
* Get html of basic cell
* @param integer $start timestamp
* @param integer $height slot height
* @param string $prefix prefix for id of slot used in shared view
* @return string
protected function get_basic_cell($start, $height = 80, $suffix = "")
$str = "";
$dt = $GLOBALS['timedate']->fromTimestamp($start)->get("+8 hours");
$str .= "<div class='col'>";
$str .= "<div class='basic_slot' id='b_".$start.$suffix."' style='height: ".$height."px;' time='' datetime='".$dt->format($this->date_time_format)."'></div>";
$str .= "</div>";
return $str;
* Get html of basic week grid
* @param integer $start timestamp
* @param string $prefix prefix for id of slot used in shared view
* @return string
protected function get_basic_row($start, $cols = 7, $suffix = "")
$height = 20;
$str = "";
$head_content = "&nbsp;";
if ($this->cal->view == 'month' || $this->cal->style == "basic") {
$wf = 0;
if ($this->startday == 0) {
$wf = 1;
$head_content = $GLOBALS['timedate']->fromTimestamp($start + $wf*3600*24)->format('W');
$head_content = "<a href='".ajaxLink("index.php?module=Calendar&action=index&view=week&hour=0&day=".$GLOBALS['timedate']->fromTimestamp($start)->format('j')."&month=".$GLOBALS['timedate']->fromTimestamp($start)->format('n')."&year=".$GLOBALS['timedate']->fromTimestamp($start)->format('Y'))."'>".$head_content."</a>";
$left_col = ($this->style != 'basic' || $this->cal->view == 'month');
$attr = "";
if ($this->cal->style != "basic") {
$attr = " id='cal-multiday-bar'";
$str .= "<div>";
if ($cols > 1) {
$str .= "<div>";
if ($left_col) {
$str .= "<div class='left_col'>";
$str .= "<div class='col_head'>".$head_content."</div>";
$str .= "</div>";
$str .= "<div class='week'>";
for ($d = 0; $d < $cols; $d++) {
$curr_time = $start + $d * 86400;
$str .= "<div class='col'>";
$str .= $this->get_day_head($curr_time, $d, true);
$str .= "</div>";
$str .= "</div>";
$str .= "<br style='clear: left;'/>";
$str .= "</div>";
$str .= "<div class='cal-basic' ".$attr.">";
if ($left_col) {
$str .= "<div class='left_col'>";
$str .= "<div class='left_basic_slot' style='height: ".$height."px;'>&nbsp;</div>";
$str .= "</div>";
$str .= "<div class='week'>";
for ($d = 0; $d < $cols; $d++) {
$curr_time = $start + $d*86400;
$str .= $this->get_basic_cell($curr_time, $height, $suffix);
$str .= "</div>";
$str .= "<div style='clear: left;'></div>";
$str .= "</div>";
$str .= "</div>";
return $str;
* Get html of day head
* @param integer $start timestamp
* @param integer $day number of day in week
* @param bulean $force force display header
* @return string
protected function get_day_head($start, $day = 0, $force = false)
$str = "";
if ($force) {
$headstyle = "";
if ($this->today_ts == $start) {
$headstyle = " today";
$str .= "<div class='col_head".$headstyle."'><a href='".ajaxLink("index.php?module=Calendar&action=index&view=day&hour=0&day=".$GLOBALS['timedate']->fromTimestamp($start)->format('j')."&month=".$GLOBALS['timedate']->fromTimestamp($start)->format('n')."&year=".$GLOBALS['timedate']->fromTimestamp($start)->format('Y'))."'>".$this->weekdays[$day]." ".$GLOBALS['timedate']->fromTimestamp($start)->format('d')."</a></div>";
return $str;
* Get html of week calendar grid
* @return string
protected function display_week()
$basic = $this->style == "basic";
$week_start_ts = $this->cal->grid_start_ts;
$str = "";
$str .= "<div id='cal-grid' style='visibility: hidden;'>";
$str .= $this->get_basic_row($week_start_ts);
if (!$basic) {
$str .= "<div id='cal-scrollable' style='clear: both; height: ".$this->scroll_height."px;'>";
$str .= $this->get_time_column($week_start_ts);
$str .= "<div class='week'>";
for ($d = 0; $d < 7; $d++) {
$curr_time = $week_start_ts + $d*86400;
$str .= $this->get_day_column($curr_time);
$str .= "</div>";
$str .= "<div style='clear: left;'></div>";
$str .= "</div>";
$str .= "</div>";
return $str;
* Get html of day calendar grid
* @return string
protected function display_day()
$basic = $this->style == "basic";
$day_start_ts = $this->cal->grid_start_ts;
$str = "";
$str .= "<div id='cal-grid' style='visibility: hidden;'>";
$str .= $this->get_basic_row($day_start_ts, 1);
if (!$basic) {
$str .= "<div id='cal-scrollable' style='height: ".$this->scroll_height."px;'>";
$str .= $this->get_time_column($day_start_ts);
$d = 0;
$curr_time = $day_start_ts + $d*86400;
$str .= "<div class='week'>";
$str .= $this->get_day_column($curr_time);
$str .= "</div>";
$str .= "<div style='clear: left;'></div>";
$str .= "</div>";
$str .= "</div>";
return $str;
* Get html of month calendar grid
* @return string
protected function display_month()
$basic = $this->style == "basic";
$week_start_ts = $this->cal->grid_start_ts;
$current_date = $this->cal->date_time;
$month_start = $current_date->get_day_by_index_this_month(0);
$month_end = $month_start->get("+".$month_start->format('t')." days");
$week_start = CalendarUtils::get_first_day_of_week($month_start);
$month_end_ts = $month_end->format('U') + $month_end->getOffset();
$str = "";
$str .= "<div id='cal-grid' style='visibility: hidden;'>";
$curr_time_global = $week_start_ts;
$w = 0;
while ($curr_time_global < $month_end_ts) {
if ($basic) {
$str .= $this->get_basic_row($curr_time_global);
} else {
$str .= $this->get_time_column($curr_time_global);
$str .= "<div class='week'>";
for ($d = 0; $d < 7; $d++) {
$curr_time = $week_start_ts + $d*86400 + $w*60*60*24*7;
$str .= $this->get_day_column($curr_time, $d);
$str .= "</div>";
$str .= "<div style='clear: left;'></div>";
$curr_time_global += 60*60*24*7;
$str .= "</div>";
return $str;
* Get html of week shared grid
* @return string
protected function display_shared()
$basic = $this->style == "basic";
$week_start_ts = $this->cal->grid_start_ts;
$str = "";
$str .= "<div id='cal-grid' style='visibility: hidden;'>";
$user_number = 0;
$shared_user = BeanFactory::newBean('Users');
foreach ($this->cal->shared_ids as $member_id) {
$user_number_str = "_".$user_number;
$str .= "<div style='clear: both;'></div>";
$str .= "<div class='monthCalBody'><h5 class='calSharedUser'>".$shared_user->full_name."</h5></div>";
$str .= "<div user_id='".$member_id."' user_name='".$shared_user->user_name."'>";
$str .= $this->get_basic_row($week_start_ts, 7, $user_number_str);
if (!$basic) {
$str .= $this->get_time_column($week_start_ts);
$str .= "<div class='week'>";
for ($d = 0; $d < 7; $d++) {
$curr_time = $week_start_ts + $d*86400;
$str .= $this->get_day_column($curr_time, $d, $user_number_str);
$str .= "</div>";
$str .= "</div>";
$str .= "</div>";
return $str;
* Get html of year calendar
* @return string
protected function display_year()
$weekEnd1 = 0 - $this->startday;
$weekEnd2 = -1 - $this->startday;
if ($weekEnd1 < 0) {
$weekEnd1 += 7;
if ($weekEnd2 < 0) {
$weekEnd2 += 7;
$year_start = $GLOBALS['timedate']->fromString($this->cal->date_time->year.'-01-01');
$str = "";
$str .= '<table id="daily_cal_table" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%">';
for ($m = 0; $m < 12; $m++) {
$month_start = $year_start->get("+".$m." months");
$month_start_ts = $month_start->format('U') + $month_start->getOffset();
$month_end = $month_start->get("+".$month_start->format('t')." days");
$week_start = CalendarUtils::get_first_day_of_week($month_start);
$week_start_ts = $week_start->format('U') + $week_start->getOffset(); // convert to timestamp, ignore tz
$month_end_ts = $month_end->format('U') + $month_end->getOffset();
$table_id = "daily_cal_table".$m; //bug 47471
if ($m % 3 == 0) {
$str .= "<tr>";
$str .= '<td class="yearCalBodyMonth" align="center" valign="top" scope="row">';
$str .= '<a class="yearCalBodyMonthLink" href="'.ajaxLink('index.php?module=Calendar&action=index&view=month&&hour=0&day=1&month='.($m+1).'&year='.$GLOBALS['timedate']->fromTimestamp($month_start_ts)->format('Y')).'">'.$GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['dom_cal_month_long'][$m+1].'</a>';
$str .= '<table id="'. $table_id. '" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%">';
$str .= '<tr class="monthCalBodyTH">';
for ($d = 0; $d < 7; $d++) {
$str .= '<th width="14%">'.$this->weekdays[$d].'</th>';
$str .= '</tr>';
$curr_time_global = $week_start_ts;
$w = 0;
while ($curr_time_global < $month_end_ts) {
$str .= '<tr class="monthViewDayHeight yearViewDayHeight">';
for ($d = 0; $d < 7; $d++) {
$curr_time = $week_start_ts + $d*86400 + $w*60*60*24*7;
if ($curr_time < $month_start_ts || $curr_time >= $month_end_ts) {
$monC = "";
} else {
$monC = '<a href="'.ajaxLink('index.php?module=Calendar&action=index&view=day&hour=0&day='.$GLOBALS['timedate']->fromTimestamp($curr_time)->format('j').'&month='.$GLOBALS['timedate']->fromTimestamp($curr_time)->format('n').'&year='.$GLOBALS['timedate']->fromTimestamp($curr_time)->format('Y')) .'">'.$GLOBALS['timedate']->fromTimestamp($curr_time)->format('j').'</a>';
if ($d == $weekEnd1 || $d == $weekEnd2) {
$str .= "<td class='weekEnd monthCalBodyWeekEnd'>";
} else {
$str .= "<td class='monthCalBodyWeekDay'>";
$str .= $monC;
$str .= "</td>";
$str .= "</tr>";
$curr_time_global += 60*60*24*7;
$str .= '</table>';
$str .= '</td>';
if (($m - 2) % 3 == 0) {
$str .= "</tr>";
$str .= "</table>";
return $str;