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Executable file

if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
* Description: Defines the English language pack for the base application.
* Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): ______________________________________..
*returns a list of objects a message can be scoped by, the list contacts the current campaign
*name and list of all prospects associated with this campaign..
function get_message_scope_dom($campaign_id, $campaign_name, $db = null, $mod_strings = array())
if (empty($db)) {
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
if (empty($mod_strings) || !isset($mod_strings['LBL_DEFAULT'])) {
global $current_language;
$mod_strings = return_module_language($current_language, 'Campaigns');
//find prospect list attached to this campaign..
$query = "SELECT prospect_list_id, prospect_lists.name ";
$query .= "FROM prospect_list_campaigns ";
$query .= "INNER join prospect_lists on prospect_lists.id = prospect_list_campaigns.prospect_list_id ";
$query .= "WHERE prospect_lists.deleted = 0 ";
$query .= "AND prospect_list_campaigns.deleted=0 ";
$query .= "AND campaign_id='". $db->quote($campaign_id)."'";
$query.=" and prospect_lists.list_type not like 'exempt%'";
//add campaign to the result array.
//$return_array[$campaign_id]= $campaign_name . ' (' . $mod_strings['LBL_DEFAULT'] . ')';
$return_array = [];
while (($row=$db->fetchByAssoc($result))!= null) {
if (empty($return_array)) {
} else {
return $return_array;
* Return bounce handling mailboxes for campaign.
* @param unknown_type $emails
* @param unknown_type $get_box_name, Set it to false if want to get "From Name" other than the InboundEmail Name.
* @return $get_name=true, bounce handling mailboxes' name; $get_name=false, bounce handling mailboxes' from name.
function get_campaign_mailboxes(&$emails, $get_name=true)
if (!class_exists('InboundEmail')) {
$query = "select id,name,stored_options from inbound_email where mailbox_type='bounce' and status='Active' and deleted='0'";
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
$return_array = [];
while (($row=$db->fetchByAssoc($result))!= null) {
if ($get_name) {
$return_array[$row['id']] = $row['name'];
} else {
$return_array[$row['id']]= InboundEmail::get_stored_options_static('from_name', $row['name'], $row['stored_options']);
$emails[$row['id']]=InboundEmail::get_stored_options_static('from_addr', 'nobody@example.com', $row['stored_options']);
if (empty($return_array)) {
return $return_array;
function get_campaign_mailboxes_with_stored_options()
$ret = array();
if (!class_exists('InboundEmail')) {
$q = "SELECT id, name, stored_options FROM inbound_email WHERE mailbox_type='bounce' AND status='Active' AND deleted='0'";
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
$r = $db->query($q);
while ($a = $db->fetchByAssoc($r)) {
$ret[$a['id']] = unserialize(base64_decode($a['stored_options']));
return $ret;
function get_campaign_mailboxes_with_stored_options_outbound()
$ret = array();
if (!class_exists('OutboundEmail')) {
$q = "SELECT * FROM outbound_email WHERE deleted='0'";
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
$r = $db->query($q);
while ($a = $db->fetchByAssoc($r)) {
$ret[$a['id']] = $a;
return $ret;
function log_campaign_activity($identifier, $activity, $update = true, $clicked_url_key = null)
global $sugar_config;
$data = [];
$return_array = [];
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
//check to see if the identifier has been replaced with Banner string
if ($identifier == 'BANNER' && isset($clicked_url_key) && !empty($clicked_url_key)) {
// create md5 encrypted string using the client ip, this will be used for tracker id purposes
$enc_id = 'BNR' . md5($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
//default the identifier to ip address
$identifier = $enc_id;
//if user has chosen to not use this mode of id generation, then replace identifier with plain guid.
//difference is that guid will generate a new campaign log for EACH CLICK!!
//encrypted generation will generate 1 campaign log and update the hit counter for each click
if (isset($sugar_config['campaign_banner_id_generation']) && $sugar_config['campaign_banner_id_generation'] != 'md5') {
$identifier = create_guid();
//retrieve campaign log.
// quote variable first
$identifierQuoted = $db->quote($identifier);
$clickedUrlKeyQuoted = $db->quote($clicked_url_key);
$trkr_query = "select * from campaign_log where target_tracker_key='$identifierQuoted' and related_id = '$clickedUrlKeyQuoted'";
$current_trkr = $db->query($trkr_query);
$row = $db->fetchByAssoc($current_trkr);
//if campaign log is not retrieved (this is a new ip address or we have chosen to create
//unique entries for each click
if ($row == null || empty($row)) {
//retrieve campaign id
$clickedUrlKeyQuoted = $db->quote($clicked_url_key);
$trkr_query = "select ct.campaign_id from campaign_trkrs ct, campaigns c where c.id = ct.campaign_id and ct.id = '$clickedUrlKeyQuoted'";
$current_trkr = $db->query($trkr_query);
$row = $db->fetchByAssoc($current_trkr);
//create new campaign log with minimal info. Note that we are creating new unique id
//as target id, since we do not link banner/web campaigns to any users
$data['target_id'] = "'" . create_guid() . "'";
$data['target_type'] = "'Prospects'";
$data['id'] = "'" . create_guid() . "'";
$data['campaign_id'] = $db->quoted($row['campaign_id']);
$data['target_tracker_key'] = $db->quoted($identifier);
$data['activity_type'] = $db->quoted($activity);
$data['activity_date'] = "'" . TimeDate::getInstance()->nowDb() . "'";
$data['hits'] = 1;
$data['deleted'] = 0;
if (!empty($clicked_url_key)) {
$data['related_id'] = $db->quoted($clicked_url_key);
$data['related_type'] = "'" . 'CampaignTrackers' . "'";
//values for return array..
$return_array['target_id'] = $data['target_id'];
$return_array['target_type'] = $data['target_type'];
//create insert query for new campaign log
// quote variable first
$dataArrayKeys = array_keys($data);
$dataArrayKeysQuoted = array();
foreach ($dataArrayKeys as $dataArrayKey) {
$dataArrayKeysQuoted[] = $db->quote($dataArrayKey);
$dataArrayKeysQuotedImplode = implode(', ', $dataArrayKeysQuoted);
$insert_query = "INSERT into campaign_log (" . $dataArrayKeysQuotedImplode . ")";
$dataArrayValuesQuotedImplode = implode(', ', array_values($data));
$insert_query .= " VALUES (" . $dataArrayValuesQuotedImplode . ")";
} else {
//campaign log already exists, so just set the return array and update hits column
$return_array['target_id'] = $row['target_id'];
$return_array['target_type'] = $row['target_type'];
// quote variable first
$rowIdQuoted = $db->quote($row['id']);
$query1 = "update campaign_log set hits=hits+1 where id='$rowIdQuoted'";
$current = $db->query($query1);
//return array and exit
return $return_array;
// quote variable first
$identifierQuoted = $db->quote($identifier);
$activityQuoted = $db->quote($activity);
$query1 = "select * from campaign_log where target_tracker_key='$identifierQuoted' and activity_type='$activityQuoted'";
if (!empty($clicked_url_key)) {
// quote variable first
$clickedUrlKeyQuoted = $db->quote($clicked_url_key);
$query1 .= " AND related_id='$clickedUrlKeyQuoted'";
$current = $db->query($query1);
$row = $db->fetchByAssoc($current);
if ($row == null) {
// quote variable first
$identifierQuoted = $db->quote($identifier);
$query = "select * from campaign_log where target_tracker_key='$identifierQuoted' and activity_type='targeted'";
$targeted = $db->query($query);
$row = $db->fetchByAssoc($targeted);
//if activity is removed and target type is users, then a user is trying to opt out
//of emails. This is not possible as Users Table does not have opt out column.
if ($row && (strtolower($row['target_type']) == 'users' && $activity == 'removed')) {
$return_array['target_id'] = $row['target_id'];
$return_array['target_type'] = $row['target_type'];
return $return_array;
} elseif ($row) {
$data['id'] = "'" . create_guid() . "'";
$data['campaign_id'] = $db->quoted($row['campaign_id']);
$data['target_tracker_key'] = $db->quoted($identifier);
$data['target_id'] = $db->quoted($row['target_id']);
$data['target_type'] = $db->quoted($row['target_type']);
$data['activity_type'] = $db->quoted($activity);
$data['activity_date'] = "'" . TimeDate::getInstance()->nowDb() . "'";
$data['list_id'] = $db->quoted($row['list_id']);
$data['marketing_id'] = $db->quoted($row['marketing_id']);
$data['hits'] = 1;
$data['deleted'] = 0;
if (!empty($clicked_url_key)) {
$data['related_id'] = $db->quoted($clicked_url_key);
$data['related_type'] = "'" . 'CampaignTrackers' . "'";
//values for return array..
$return_array['target_id'] = $row['target_id'];
$return_array['target_type'] = $row['target_type'];
// quote variable first
$dataArrayKeys = array_keys($data);
$dataArrayKeysQuoted = array();
foreach ($dataArrayKeys as $dataArrayKey) {
$dataArrayKeysQuoted[] = $db->quote($dataArrayKey);
$dataArrayKeysQuotedImplode = implode(', ', $dataArrayKeysQuoted);
$insert_query = "INSERT into campaign_log (" . $dataArrayKeysQuotedImplode . ")";
$dataArrayValuesQuotedImplode = implode(', ', array_values($data));
$insert_query .= " VALUES (" . $dataArrayValuesQuotedImplode . ")";
} else {
$return_array['target_id'] = $row['target_id'];
$return_array['target_type'] = $row['target_type'];
// quote variable first
$rowIdQuoted = $db->quote($row['id']);
$query1 = "update campaign_log set hits=hits+1 where id='$rowIdQuoted'";
$current = $db->query($query1);
//check to see if this is a removal action
if ($row && $activity == 'removed') {
//retrieve campaign and check it's type, we are looking for newsletter Campaigns
// quote variable first
$rowCampaignIdQuoted = $db->quote($row['campaign_id']);
$query = "SELECT campaigns.* FROM campaigns WHERE campaigns.id = '" . $rowCampaignIdQuoted . "' ";
$result = $db->query($query);
if (!empty($result)) {
$c_row = $db->fetchByAssoc($result);
//if type is newsletter, then add campaign id to return_array for further processing.
if (isset($c_row['campaign_type']) && $c_row['campaign_type'] == 'NewsLetter') {
$return_array['campaign_id'] = $c_row['id'];
return $return_array;
* This method is deprecated
* @deprecated 62_Joneses - June 24, 2011
* @see campaign_log_lead_or_contact_entry()
function campaign_log_lead_entry($campaign_id, $parent_bean, $child_bean, $activity_type)
campaign_log_lead_or_contact_entry($campaign_id, $parent_bean, $child_bean, $activity_type);
function campaign_log_lead_or_contact_entry($campaign_id, $parent_bean, $child_bean, $activity_type)
global $timedate;
//create campaign tracker id and retrieve related bio bean
$tracker_id = create_guid();
//create new campaign log record.
$campaign_log = BeanFactory::newBean('CampaignLog');
$campaign_log->campaign_id = $campaign_id;
$campaign_log->target_tracker_key = $tracker_id;
$campaign_log->related_id = $parent_bean->id;
$campaign_log->related_type = $parent_bean->module_dir;
$campaign_log->target_id = $child_bean->id;
$campaign_log->target_type = $child_bean->module_dir;
$campaign_log->activity_date = $timedate->now();
$campaign_log->activity_type = $activity_type;
//save the campaign log entry
function get_campaign_urls($campaign_id)
if (!empty($campaign_id)) {
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
$campaign_id = $db->quote($campaign_id);
$query1="select * from campaign_trkrs where campaign_id='$campaign_id' and deleted=0";
while (($row=$db->fetchByAssoc($current)) != null) {
$return_array['{'.$row['tracker_name'].'}']=$row['tracker_name'] . ' : ' . $row['tracker_url'];
return $return_array;
* Queries for the list
function get_subscription_lists_query($focus, $additional_fields = null)
//get all prospect lists belonging to Campaigns of type newsletter
$all_news_type_pl_query = "select c.name, pl.list_type, plc.campaign_id, plc.prospect_list_id";
if (is_array($additional_fields) && !empty($additional_fields)) {
$all_news_type_pl_query .= ', ' . implode(', ', $additional_fields);
$all_news_type_pl_query .= " from prospect_list_campaigns plc , prospect_lists pl, campaigns c ";
$all_news_type_pl_query .= "where plc.campaign_id = c.id ";
$all_news_type_pl_query .= "and plc.prospect_list_id = pl.id ";
$all_news_type_pl_query .= "and c.campaign_type = 'NewsLetter' and pl.deleted = 0 and c.deleted=0 and plc.deleted=0 ";
$all_news_type_pl_query .= "and (pl.list_type like 'exempt%' or pl.list_type ='default') ";
$campaign = BeanFactory::newBean('Campaigns');
$campaign->table_name = 'c';
$accessWhere = $campaign->buildAccessWhere('list');
if (!empty($accessWhere)) {
$all_news_type_pl_query .= ' AND ' . $accessWhere;
$all_news_type_list =$focus->db->query($all_news_type_pl_query);
//build array of all newsletter campaigns
$news_type_list_arr = array();
while ($row = $focus->db->fetchByAssoc($all_news_type_list)) {
$news_type_list_arr[] = $row;
//now get all the campaigns that the current user is assigned to
$all_plp_current = "select prospect_list_id from prospect_lists_prospects where related_id = '$focus->id' and deleted = 0 ";
//build array of prospect lists that this user belongs to
$current_plp =$focus->db->query($all_plp_current);
$current_plp_arr = array();
while ($row = $focus->db->fetchByAssoc($current_plp)) {
$current_plp_arr[] = $row;
return array('current_plp_arr' => $current_plp_arr, 'news_type_list_arr' => $news_type_list_arr);
* This function takes in a bean from a lead, prospect, or contact and returns an array containing
* all subscription lists that the bean is a part of, and all the subscriptions that the bean is not
* a part of. The array elements have the key names of "subscribed" and "unsusbscribed". These elements contain an array
* of the corresponding list. In other words, the "subscribed" element holds another array that holds the subscription information.
* The subscription information is a concatenated string that holds the prospect list id and the campaign id, separated by at "@" character.
* To parse these information string into something more usable, use the "process subscriptions()" function
* */
function get_subscription_lists($focus, $descriptions = false)
$return_array = [];
$subs_arr = array();
$unsubs_arr = array();
$results = get_subscription_lists_query($focus, $descriptions);
$news_type_list_arr = $results['news_type_list_arr'];
$current_plp_arr = $results['current_plp_arr'];
//For each prospect list of type 'NewsLetter', check to see if current user is already in list,
foreach ($news_type_list_arr as $news_list) {
$match = 'false';
//perform this check against each prospect list this user belongs to
foreach ($current_plp_arr as $current_list_key => $current_list) {//echo " new entry from current lists user is subscribed to-------------";
//compare current user list id against newsletter id
if ($news_list['prospect_list_id'] == $current_list['prospect_list_id']) {
//if id's match, user is subscribed to this list, check to see if this is an exempt list,
if (strpos((string) $news_list['list_type'], 'exempt')!== false) {
//this is an exempt list, so process
if (array_key_exists($news_list['name'], $subs_arr)) {
//first, add to unsubscribed array
$unsubs_arr[$news_list['name']] = $subs_arr[$news_list['name']];
//now remove from exempt subscription list
} else {
//we know this is an exempt list the user belongs to, but the
//non exempt list has not been processed yet, so just add to exempt array
$unsubs_arr[$news_list['name']] = "prospect_list@".$news_list['prospect_list_id']."@campaign@".$news_list['campaign_id'];
$match = 'false';//although match is false, this is an exempt array, so
//it will not be added a second time down below
} else {
//this list is not exempt, and user is subscribed, so add to subscribed array, and unset from the unsubs_arr
//as long as this list is not in exempt array
if (!array_key_exists($news_list['name'], $unsubs_arr)) {
$subs_arr[$news_list['name']] = "prospect_list@".$news_list['prospect_list_id']."@campaign@".$news_list['campaign_id'];
$match = 'true';
} else {
//do nothing, there is no match
//if this newsletter id never matched a user subscription..
//..then add to available(unsubscribed) NewsLetters if list is not of type exempt
if (($match == 'false') && (strpos((string) $news_list['list_type'], 'exempt') === false) && (!array_key_exists($news_list['name'], $subs_arr))) {
$unsubs_arr[$news_list['name']] = "prospect_list@".$news_list['prospect_list_id']."@campaign@".$news_list['campaign_id'];
$return_array['unsubscribed'] = $unsubs_arr;
$return_array['subscribed'] = $subs_arr;
return $return_array;
* same function as get_subscription_lists, but with the data separated in an associated array
function get_subscription_lists_keyed($focus)
$return_array = [];
$subs_arr = array();
$unsubs_arr = array();
$results = get_subscription_lists_query($focus, array('c.content', 'c.frequency'));
$news_type_list_arr = $results['news_type_list_arr'];
$current_plp_arr = $results['current_plp_arr'];
//For each prospect list of type 'NewsLetter', check to see if current user is already in list,
foreach ($news_type_list_arr as $news_list) {
$match = false;
$news_list_data = array('prospect_list_id' => $news_list['prospect_list_id'],
'campaign_id' => $news_list['campaign_id'],
'description' => $news_list['content'],
'frequency' => $news_list['frequency']);
//perform this check against each prospect list this user belongs to
foreach ($current_plp_arr as $current_list_key => $current_list) {//echo " new entry from current lists user is subscribed to-------------";
//compare current user list id against newsletter id
if ($news_list['prospect_list_id'] == $current_list['prospect_list_id']) {
//if id's match, user is subscribed to this list, check to see if this is an exempt list,
if ($news_list['list_type'] == 'exempt') {
//this is an exempt list, so process
if (array_key_exists($news_list['name'], $subs_arr)) {
//first, add to unsubscribed array
$unsubs_arr[$news_list['name']] = $subs_arr[$news_list['name']];
//now remove from exempt subscription list
} else {
//we know this is an exempt list the user belongs to, but the
//non exempt list has not been processed yet, so just add to exempt array
$unsubs_arr[$news_list['name']] = $news_list_data;
$match = false;//although match is false, this is an exempt array, so
//it will not be added a second time down below
} else {
//this list is not exempt, and user is subscribed, so add to subscribed array
//as long as this list is not in exempt array
if (!array_key_exists($news_list['name'], $unsubs_arr)) {
$subs_arr[$news_list['name']] = $news_list_data;
$match = 'true';
} else {
//do nothing, there is no match
//if this newsletter id never matched a user subscription..
//..then add to available(unsubscribed) NewsLetters if list is not of type exempt
if (($match == false) && ($news_list['list_type'] != 'exempt')) {
$unsubs_arr[$news_list['name']] = $news_list_data;
$return_array['unsubscribed'] = $unsubs_arr;
$return_array['subscribed'] = $subs_arr;
return $return_array;
* This function will take an array of strings that have been created by the "get_subscription_lists()" method
* and parses it into an array. The returned array has it's key's labeled in a specific fashion.
* Each string produces a campaign and a prospect id. The keys are appended with a number specifying the order
* it was process in. So an input array containing 3 strings will have the following key values:
* "prospect_list0", "campaign0"
* "prospect_list1", "campaign1"
* "prospect_list2", "campaign2"
* */
function process_subscriptions($subscription_string_to_parse)
$subs_change = array();
//parse through and build list of id's'. We are retrieving the campaign_id and
//the prospect_list id from the selected subscriptions
$i = 0;
foreach ($subscription_string_to_parse as $subs_changes) {
$subs_changes = trim($subs_changes);
if (!empty($subs_changes)) {
$ids_arr = explode("@", $subs_changes);
$subs_change[$ids_arr[0].$i] = $ids_arr[1];
$subs_change[$ids_arr[2].$i] = $ids_arr[3];
$i = $i+1;
return $subs_change;
/*This function is used by the Manage Subscriptions page in order to add the user
* to the default prospect lists of the passed in campaign
* Takes in campaign and prospect list id's we are subscribing to.
* It also takes in a bean of the user (lead,target,prospect) we are subscribing
* */
function subscribe($campaign, $prospect_list, $focus, $default_list = false)
$relationship = strtolower($focus->getObjectName()).'s';
//--grab all the lists for the passed in campaign id
$pl_qry ="select id, list_type from prospect_lists where id in (select prospect_list_id from prospect_list_campaigns ";
$pl_qry .= "where campaign_id = " . $focus->db->quoted($campaign) . ") and deleted = 0 ";
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("In Campaigns Util: subscribe function, about to run query: ".$pl_qry);
$pl_qry_result = $focus->db->query($pl_qry);
//build the array of all prospect_lists
$pl_arr = array();
while ($row = $focus->db->fetchByAssoc($pl_qry_result)) {
$pl_arr[] = $row;
//--grab all the prospect_lists this user belongs to
$curr_pl_qry ="select prospect_list_id, related_id from prospect_lists_prospects ";
$curr_pl_qry .="where related_id = " . $focus->db->quoted($focus->id) . " and deleted = 0 ";
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("In Campaigns Util: subscribe function, about to run query: ".$curr_pl_qry);
$curr_pl_qry_result = $focus->db->query($curr_pl_qry);
//build the array of all prospect lists that this current user belongs to
$curr_pl_arr = array();
while ($row = $focus->db->fetchByAssoc($curr_pl_qry_result)) {
$curr_pl_arr[] = $row;
//search through prospect lists for this campaign and identifiy the "unsubscription list"
$exempt_id = '';
foreach ($pl_arr as $subscription_list) {
if (strpos((string) $subscription_list['list_type'], 'exempt')!== false) {
$exempt_id = $subscription_list['id'];
if ($subscription_list['list_type'] == 'default' && $default_list) {
$prospect_list = $subscription_list['id'];
$exempt_array = [];
//now that we have exempt (unsubscription) list id, compare against user list id's
if (!empty($exempt_id)) {
$exempt_array['exempt_id'] = $exempt_id;
foreach ($curr_pl_arr as $curr_subscription_list) {
if ($curr_subscription_list['prospect_list_id'] == $exempt_id) {
//--if we are in here then user is subscribing to a list in which they are exempt.
// we need to remove the user from this unsubscription list.
//Begin by retrieving unsubscription prospect list
$exempt_subscription_list = BeanFactory::newBean('ProspectLists');
$exempt_result = $exempt_subscription_list->retrieve($exempt_id);
if ($exempt_result == null) {//error happened while retrieving this list
//load realationships and delete user from unsubscription list
$exempt_subscription_list->$relationship->delete($exempt_id, $focus->id);
//Now we need to check if user is already in subscription list
$already_here = 'false';
//for each list user is subscribed to, compare id's with current list id'
foreach ($curr_pl_arr as $user_list) {
if (in_array($prospect_list, $user_list)) {
//if user already exists, then set flag to true
$already_here = 'true';
if ($already_here ==='true') {
//do nothing, user is already subscribed
} else {
//user is not subscribed already, so add to subscription list
$subscription_list = BeanFactory::newBean('ProspectLists');
$subs_result = $subscription_list->retrieve($prospect_list);
if ($subs_result == null) {//error happened while retrieving this list, iterate and continue
//load subscription list and add this user
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("In Campaigns Util, loading relationship: ".$relationship);
/*This function is used by the Manage Subscriptions page in order to add the user
* to the exempt prospect lists of the passed in campaign
* Takes in campaign and focus parameters.
* */
function unsubscribe($campaign, $focus)
$relationship = strtolower($focus->getObjectName()).'s';
//--grab all the list for this campaign id
$pl_qry ="select id, list_type from prospect_lists where id in (select prospect_list_id from prospect_list_campaigns ";
$pl_qry .= "where campaign_id = " . $focus->db->quoted($campaign) . ") and deleted = 0 ";
$pl_qry_result = $focus->db->query($pl_qry);
//build the array with list information
$pl_arr = array();
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("In Campaigns Util, about to run query: ".$pl_qry);
while ($row = $focus->db->fetchByAssoc($pl_qry_result)) {
$pl_arr[] = $row;
//retrieve lists that this user belongs to
$curr_pl_qry ="select prospect_list_id, related_id from prospect_lists_prospects ";
$curr_pl_qry .="where related_id = '$focus->id' and deleted = 0 ";
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("In Campaigns Util, unsubscribe function about to run query: ".$curr_pl_qry);
$curr_pl_qry_result = $focus->db->query($curr_pl_qry);
//build the array with current user list information
$curr_pl_arr = array();
while ($row = $focus->db->fetchByAssoc($curr_pl_qry_result)) {
$curr_pl_arr[] = $row;
//check to see if user is already there in prospect list
$already_here = 'false';
$exempt_id = '';
foreach ($curr_pl_arr as $user_list) {
foreach ($pl_arr as $v) {
//if list is exempt list
if ($v['list_type'] == 'exempt') {
//save the exempt list id for later use
$exempt_id = $v['id'];
//check to see if user is already in this exempt list
if (in_array($v['id'], $user_list)) {
$already_here = 'true';
break 2;
$exempt_list = null;
//unsubscribe subscripted newsletter
foreach ($pl_arr as $subscription_list) {
//create a new instance of the prospect list
$exempt_list = BeanFactory::newBean('ProspectLists');
//if list type is default, then delete the relationship
//if list type is exempt, then add the relationship to unsubscription list
if ($subscription_list['list_type'] == 'exempt') {
} elseif ($subscription_list['list_type'] == 'default' || $subscription_list['list_type'] == 'test') {
//if list type is default or test, then delete the relationship
if ($already_here =='true') {
//do nothing, user is already exempted
} else {
//user is not exempted yet , so add to unsubscription list
$exempt_result = $exempt_list->retrieve($exempt_id);
if ($exempt_result == null) {//error happened while retrieving this list
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("In Campaigns Util, loading relationship: ".$relationship);
*This function will return a string to the newsletter wizard if campaign check
*does not return 100% healthy.
function diagnose(&$errors = array(), &$links = array())
global $mod_strings;
global $current_user;
$errors = array(
'mailbox1' => false,
'mailbox2' => false,
'admin' => false,
'scheduler1' => false,
'scheduler2' => false,
$links = array(
'scheduler' => false,
'email' => false,
$msg = " <table class='diagnose_messages detail view small' width='100%'><tr><td> ".$mod_strings['LNK_CAMPAIGN_DIGNOSTIC_LINK']."</td></tr>";
//Start with email components
//monitored mailbox section
$focus = BeanFactory::newBean('Administration');
$focus->retrieveSettings(); //retrieve all admin settings.
//run query for mail boxes of type 'bounce'
$email_health = 0;
$email_components = 2;
$mbox_qry = "select * from inbound_email where deleted ='0' and mailbox_type = 'bounce'";
$mbox_res = $focus->db->query($mbox_qry);
$mbox = array();
while ($mbox_row = $focus->db->fetchByAssoc($mbox_res)) {
$mbox[] = $mbox_row;
//if the array is not empty, then set "good" message
if (isset($mbox) && count($mbox)>0) {
//everything is ok, do nothing
} else {
//if array is empty, then increment health counter
$email_health =$email_health +1;
$msg .= "<tr><td ><font color='red'><b>". $mod_strings['LBL_MAILBOX_CHECK1_BAD']."</b></font></td></tr>";
$errors['mailbox1'] = $mod_strings['LBL_MAILBOX_CHECK1_BAD'];
if (strstr((string) $focus->settings['notify_fromaddress'], 'example.com')) {
//if "from_address" is the default, then set "bad" message and increment health counter
$email_health =$email_health +1;
$msg .= "<tr><td ><font color='red'><b> ".$mod_strings['LBL_MAILBOX_CHECK2_BAD']." </b></font></td></tr>";
$errors['mailbox2'] = $mod_strings['LBL_MAILBOX_CHECK2_BAD'];
} else {
//do nothing, address has been changed
//do nothing, address has been changed
//if health counter is above 1, then show admin link
if ($email_health>0) {
if (is_admin($current_user)) {
$lnk = 'index.php?module=Campaigns&action=WizardEmailSetup';
$msg.="<tr><td ><a href='";
if (isset($_REQUEST['return_module'])) {
$lnk .="&return_module=".$_REQUEST['return_module'];
if (isset($_REQUEST['return_action'])) {
$lnk .="&return_action=".$_REQUEST['return_action'];
$msg .= $lnk;
$links['email'] = $lnk;
} else {
$msg.="<tr><td >".$mod_strings['LBL_NON_ADMIN_ERROR_MSG']."</td></tr>";
$errors['admin'] = $mod_strings['LBL_NON_ADMIN_ERROR_MSG'];
// proceed with scheduler components
//create and run the scheduler queries
$sched_qry = "select job, name, status from schedulers where deleted = 0 and status = 'Active'";
$sched_res = $focus->db->query($sched_qry);
$sched_health = 0;
$sched = array();
$check_sched1 = 'function::runMassEmailCampaign';
$check_sched2 = 'function::pollMonitoredInboxesForBouncedCampaignEmails';
$sched_mes = '';
$sched_mes_body = '';
$scheds = array();
while ($sched_row = $focus->db->fetchByAssoc($sched_res)) {
$scheds[] = $sched_row;
//iterate through and see which jobs were found
foreach ($scheds as $funct) {
if (($funct['job']==$check_sched1) || ($funct['job']==$check_sched2)) {
if ($funct['job']==$check_sched1) {
$check_sched1 ="found";
} else {
$check_sched2 ="found";
//determine if error messages need to be displayed for schedulers
if ($check_sched2 != 'found') {
$sched_health =$sched_health +1;
$msg.= "<tr><td><font color='red'><b>".$mod_strings['LBL_SCHEDULER_CHECK1_BAD']."</b></font></td></tr>";
$errors['scheduler1'] = $mod_strings['LBL_SCHEDULER_CHECK1_BAD'];
if ($check_sched1 != 'found') {
$sched_health =$sched_health +1;
$msg.= "<tr><td><font color='red'><b>".$mod_strings['LBL_SCHEDULER_CHECK2_BAD']."</b></font></td></tr>";
$errors['scheduler2'] = $mod_strings['LBL_SCHEDULER_CHECK2_BAD'];
//if health counter is above 1, then show admin link
if ($sched_health>0) {
global $current_user;
if (is_admin($current_user)) {
$link = 'index.php?module=Schedulers&action=index';
$msg.="<tr><td ><a href='$link'>".$mod_strings['LBL_SCHEDULER_LINK']."</a></td></tr>";
$links['scheduler'] = $link;
} else {
$msg.="<tr><td >".$mod_strings['LBL_NON_ADMIN_ERROR_MSG']."</td></tr>";
$errors['admin'] = $mod_strings['LBL_NON_ADMIN_ERROR_MSG'];
//determine whether message should be returned
if (($sched_health + $email_health)>0) {
$msg .= "</table> ";
} else {
$msg = '';
return $msg;
* Handle campaign log entry creation for mail-merge activity. The function will be called by the soap component.
* @param String campaign_id Primary key of the campaign
* @param array targets List of keys for entries from prospect_lists_prosects table
function campaign_log_mail_merge($campaign_id, $targets)
$campaign= BeanFactory::newBean('Campaigns');
if (empty($campaign->id)) {
$GLOBALS['log']->debug('set_campaign_merge: Invalid campaign id'. $campaign_id);
} else {
foreach ($targets as $target_list_id) {
$pl_query = "select * from prospect_lists_prospects where id='".DBManagerFactory::getInstance()->quote($target_list_id)."'";
if (!empty($row)) {
write_mail_merge_log_entry($campaign_id, $row);
* Function creates a campaign_log entry for campaigns processesed using the mail-merge feature. If any entry
* exist the hit counter is updated. target_tracker_key is used to locate duplicate entries.
* @param string campaign_id Primary key of the campaign
* @param array $pl_row A row of data from prospect_lists_prospects table.
function write_mail_merge_log_entry($campaign_id, $pl_row)
//Update the log entry if it exists.
$update="update campaign_log set hits=hits+1 where campaign_id='".DBManagerFactory::getInstance()->quote($campaign_id)."' and target_tracker_key='" . DBManagerFactory::getInstance()->quote($pl_row['id']) . "'";
//get affected row count...
if ($count==0) {
$data['id']="'" . create_guid() . "'";
$data['campaign_id']="'" . DBManagerFactory::getInstance()->quote($campaign_id) . "'";
$data['target_tracker_key']="'" . DBManagerFactory::getInstance()->quote($pl_row['id']) . "'";
$data['target_id']="'" . DBManagerFactory::getInstance()->quote($pl_row['related_id']) . "'";
$data['target_type']="'" . DBManagerFactory::getInstance()->quote($pl_row['related_type']) . "'";
$data['activity_date']="'" . TimeDate::getInstance()->nowDb() . "'";
$data['list_id']="'" . DBManagerFactory::getInstance()->quote($pl_row['prospect_list_id']) . "'";
$insert_query="INSERT into campaign_log (" . implode(",", array_keys($data)) . ")";
$insert_query.=" VALUES (" . implode(",", array_values($data)) . ")";
function track_campaign_prospects($focus)
$campaign_id = DBManagerFactory::getInstance()->quote($focus->id);
$delete_query="delete from campaign_log where campaign_id='".$campaign_id."' and activity_type='targeted'";
$current_date = $focus->db->now();
$guidSQL = $focus->db->getGuidSQL();
$insert_query= "INSERT INTO campaign_log (id,activity_date, campaign_id, target_tracker_key,list_id, target_id, target_type, activity_type, deleted";
$insert_query.="SELECT {$guidSQL}, $current_date, plc.campaign_id,{$guidSQL},plp.prospect_list_id, plp.related_id, plp.related_type,'targeted',0 ";
$insert_query.="FROM prospect_lists INNER JOIN prospect_lists_prospects plp ON plp.prospect_list_id = prospect_lists.id";
$insert_query.=" INNER JOIN prospect_list_campaigns plc ON plc.prospect_list_id = prospect_lists.id";
$insert_query.=" WHERE plc.campaign_id='".DBManagerFactory::getInstance()->quote($focus->id)."'";
$insert_query.=" AND prospect_lists.deleted=0";
$insert_query.=" AND plc.deleted=0";
$insert_query.=" AND plp.deleted=0";
$insert_query.=" AND prospect_lists.list_type!='test' AND prospect_lists.list_type not like 'exempt%'";
global $mod_strings;
//return success message
function create_campaign_log_entry($campaign_id, $focus, $rel_name, $rel_bean, $target_id = '')
global $timedate;
$target_ids = array();
//check if this is specified for one target/contact/prospect/lead (from contact/lead detail subpanel)
if (!empty($target_id)) {
$target_ids[] = $target_id;
} else {
//this is specified for all, so load target/prospect relationships (mark as sent button)
$target_ids = $focus->$rel_name->get();
if ((is_countable($target_ids) ? count($target_ids) : 0)>0) {
//retrieve the target beans and create campaign log entry
foreach ($target_ids as $id) {
//perform duplicate check
$dup_query = "select id from campaign_log where campaign_id = '$campaign_id' and target_id = '$id'";
$dup_result = $focus->db->query($dup_query);
$row = $focus->db->fetchByAssoc($dup_result);
//process if this is not a duplicate campaign log entry
if (empty($row)) {
//create campaign tracker id and retrieve related bio bean
$tracker_id = create_guid();
//create new campaign log record.
$campaign_log = BeanFactory::newBean('CampaignLog');
$campaign_log->campaign_id = $campaign_id;
$campaign_log->target_tracker_key = $tracker_id;
$campaign_log->target_id = $rel_bean->id;
$campaign_log->target_type = $rel_bean->module_dir;
$campaign_log->activity_type = 'targeted';
//save the campaign log entry
* This function will return an array that has been formatted to work as a Quick Search Object for prospect lists
function getProspectListQSObjects($source = '', $return_field_name='name', $return_field_id='id')
global $app_strings;
//if source has not been specified, then search across all prospect lists
if (empty($source)) {
$qsProspectList = array('method' => 'query',
'modules'=> array('ProspectLists'),
'group' => 'and',
'field_list' => array('name', 'id'),
'populate_list' => array('prospect_list_name', 'prospect_list_id'),
'conditions' => array( array('name'=>'name','op'=>'like_custom','end'=>'%','value'=>'') ),
'order' => 'name',
'limit' => '30',
'no_match_text' => $app_strings['ERR_SQS_NO_MATCH']);
} else {
//source has been specified use it to tell quicksearch.js which html input to use to get filter value
$qsProspectList = array('method' => 'query',
'modules'=> array('ProspectLists'),
'group' => 'and',
'field_list' => array('name', 'id'),
'populate_list' => array($return_field_name, $return_field_id),
'conditions' => array(
//this condition has the source parameter defined, meaning the query will take the value specified below
array('name'=>'list_type', 'op'=>'like_custom', 'end'=>'%','value'=>'', 'source' => $source)
'order' => 'name',
'limit' => '30',
'no_match_text' => $app_strings['ERR_SQS_NO_MATCH']);
return $qsProspectList;
function filterFieldsFromBeans($beans)
global $app_strings;
$formattedBeans = array();
foreach ($beans as $b) {
$formattedFields = array();
//bug: 47574 - make sure, that webtolead_email1 field has same required attribute as email1 field
if (isset($b->field_defs['webtolead_email1']) && isset($b->field_defs['email1']) && isset($b->field_defs['email1']['required'])) {
$b->field_defs['webtolead_email1']['required'] = $b->field_defs['email1']['required'];
foreach ($b->field_defs as $field_def) {
$email_fields = false;
if ($field_def['name']== 'email1' || $field_def['name']== 'email2') {
$email_fields = true;
if ($field_def['name']!= 'account_name') {
if (($field_def['type'] == 'relate' && empty($field_def['custom_type']))
|| $field_def['type'] == 'assigned_user_name' || $field_def['type'] =='link' || $field_def['type'] =='function'
|| (isset($field_def['source']) && $field_def['source']=='non-db' && !$email_fields) || $field_def['type'] == 'id') {
if ($field_def['name']== 'deleted' || $field_def['name']=='converted' || $field_def['name']=='date_entered'
|| $field_def['name']== 'date_modified' || $field_def['name']=='modified_user_id'
|| $field_def['name']=='assigned_user_id' || $field_def['name']=='created_by'
|| $field_def['name']=='team_id') {
//If the field is hidden in the studio settings, then do not show
if (isset($field_def['studio']) && isset($field_def['studio']['editview']) && $field_def['studio']['editview']=== false) {
$field_def['vname'] = preg_replace('/:$/', '', (string) translate($field_def['vname'], $b->module_dir));
//$cols_name = "{'".$field_def['vname']."'}";
$col_arr = array();
if ((isset($field_def['required']) && $field_def['required'] != null && $field_def['required'] != 0)
|| $field_def['name']=='last_name'
) {
$cols_name=$field_def['vname'].' '.$app_strings['LBL_REQUIRED_SYMBOL'];
} else {
if (! in_array($cols_name, $formattedFields)) {
array_push($formattedFields, $col_arr);
$holder = new stdClass();
$holder->name = $b->object_name;
$holder->fields = $formattedFields;
$holder->moduleKnownAs = translate($b->module_name, 'LBL_MODULE_NAME');
$holder->moduleDir = $b->module_dir;
$holder->moduleName = $b->module_name;
$formattedBeans[] = $holder;
return $formattedBeans;
* Get valid web to person modules
* @return array
function getValidWebToPersonModules(): array
$superclass = 'Person';
$modules = [];
foreach ($GLOBALS['moduleList'] as $mod) {
$item = BeanFactory::getBean($mod);
if ($item && is_subclass_of($item, $superclass)) {
$modules[] = $item->module_name;
return $modules;
* Check if it is a valid WebToPerson module
* @param string $module
* @return bool
function isValidWebToPersonModule(string $module): bool
$validModules = getValidWebToPersonModules();
return in_array($module, $validModules, true);