Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/salesagility/SuiteCRM.git synced 2025-03-12 12:36:53 +00:00
2023-07-18 15:53:48 +01:00

3633 lines
132 KiB
Executable file

* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
use SuiteCRM\Utility\SuiteValidator;
if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
require_once 'include/Exceptions/SuiteException.php';
class EmailUI
public $db;
public $folder; // place holder for SugarFolder object
public $folderStates = array(); // array of folderPath names and their states (1/0)
public $smarty;
public $addressSeparators = array(";", ",");
public $rolloverStyle = "<style>div#rollover {position: relative;float: left;margin: none;text-decoration: none;}div#rollover a:hover {padding: 0;}div#rollover a span {display: none;}div#rollover a:hover span {text-decoration: none;display: block;width: 250px;margin-top: 5px;margin-left: 5px;position: absolute;padding: 10px;color: #333; border: 1px solid #ccc; background-color: #fff; font-size: 12px;z-index: 1000;}</style>\n";
public $groupCss = "<span class='groupInbox'>";
public $cacheTimeouts = array(
'messages' => 86400, // 24 hours
'folders' => 300, // 5 mins
'attachments' => 86400, // 24 hours
public $userCacheDir = '';
public $coreDynamicFolderQuery = "SELECT emails.id polymorphic_id, 'Emails' polymorphic_module FROM emails
JOIN emails_text on emails.id = emails_text.email_id
WHERE (type = '::TYPE::' OR status = '::STATUS::') AND assigned_user_id = '::USER_ID::' AND emails.deleted = '0'";
* Setting this to false will prevent the email tick to be appended to the compose email link
* @var bool
public $appendTick = true;
* Sole constructor
public function __construct()
global $sugar_config;
global $current_user;
$folderStateSerial = $current_user->getPreference('folderOpenState', 'Emails');
if (!empty($folderStateSerial)) {
$this->folderStates = sugar_unserialize($folderStateSerial);
$this->smarty = new Sugar_Smarty();
$this->folder = new SugarFolder();
$this->userCacheDir = sugar_cached("modules/Emails/{$current_user->id}");
$this->db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
//// CORE
* Renders the frame for emails
* @throws RuntimeException
public function displayEmailFrame($baseTpl = "modules/Emails/templates/_baseEmail.tpl")
global $app_strings, $app_list_strings;
global $mod_strings;
global $sugar_config;
global $current_user;
global $locale;
global $timedate;
global $theme;
global $sugar_version;
global $sugar_flavor;
global $current_language;
global $server_unique_key;
$ie = BeanFactory::newBean('InboundEmail');
// focus listView
$list = array(
'mbox' => 'Home',
'ieId' => '',
'name' => 'Home',
'unreadChecked' => 0,
'out' => array(),
//Check quick create module access
$QCAvailableModules = $this->_loadQuickCreateModules();
//Get the quickSearch js needed for assigned user id on Search Tab
$qsd = QuickSearchDefaults::getQuickSearchDefaults();
$quicksearchAssignedUser = "if(typeof sqs_objects == 'undefined'){var sqs_objects = new Array;}";
$quicksearchAssignedUser .= "sqs_objects['advancedSearchForm_assigned_user_name']=" . json_encode($qsd->getQSUser()) . ";";
$quicksearchAssignedUser .= "sqs_objects['Distribute_assigned_user_name']=" . json_encode($qsd->getQSUser()) . ";";
$this->smarty->assign('quickSearchForAssignedUser', $quicksearchAssignedUser);
$this->smarty->assign("currentUserId", $current_user->id);
$this->smarty->assign("CURRENT_USER_EMAIL", $current_user->email1);
$this->smarty->assign("currentUserName", $current_user->name);
$this->smarty->assign('yuiPath', 'modules/Emails/javascript/yui-ext/');
$this->smarty->assign('app_strings', $app_strings);
$this->smarty->assign('mod_strings', $mod_strings);
$this->smarty->assign('theme', $theme);
$this->smarty->assign('sugar_config', $sugar_config);
$this->smarty->assign('is_admin', $current_user->is_admin);
$this->smarty->assign('sugar_version', $sugar_version);
$this->smarty->assign('sugar_flavor', $sugar_flavor);
$this->smarty->assign('current_language', $current_language);
$this->smarty->assign('server_unique_key', $server_unique_key);
$this->smarty->assign('qcModules', json_encode($QCAvailableModules));
$extAllDebugValue = "ext-all.js";
$this->smarty->assign('extFileName', $extAllDebugValue);
$useRequestedRecord = false;
if (isset($_REQUEST['record']) && $_REQUEST['record'] && $_REQUEST['record'] != $current_user->id) {
$useRequestedRecord = true;
$user = $current_user;
if ($useRequestedRecord) {
$user = $current_user->getRequestedUserRecord();
// settings: general
$e2UserPreferences = $this->getUserPreferencesJS($useRequestedRecord);
$emailSettings = $e2UserPreferences['emailSettings'];
// settings: accounts
$cuDatePref = $user->getUserDateTimePreferences();
$this->smarty->assign('dateFormat', $cuDatePref['date']);
str_replace(array("Y", "m", "d"), array("yyyy", "mm", "dd"), (string) $cuDatePref['date'])
$this->smarty->assign('calFormat', $timedate->get_cal_date_format());
$this->smarty->assign('TIME_FORMAT', $timedate->get_user_time_format());
$ieAccounts = $ie->retrieveByGroupId($user->id);
$ieAccountsOptions = "<option value=''>{$app_strings['LBL_NONE']}</option>\n";
foreach ($ieAccounts as $k => $v) {
$disabled = (!$v->is_personal) ? "DISABLED" : "";
$group = (!$v->is_personal) ? $app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_GROUP'] . "." : "";
$ieAccountsOptions .= "<option value='{$v->id}' $disabled>{$group}{$v->name}</option>\n";
$this->smarty->assign('ieAccounts', $ieAccountsOptions);
$this->smarty->assign('rollover', $this->rolloverStyle);
$protocol = filterInboundEmailPopSelection($app_list_strings['dom_email_server_type']);
$this->smarty->assign('PROTOCOL', get_select_options_with_id($protocol, ''));
get_select_options_with_id($app_list_strings['email_settings_for_ssl'], '')
$this->smarty->assign('ie_mod_strings', return_module_language($current_language, 'InboundEmail'));
$charsetSelectedValue = isset($emailSettings['defaultOutboundCharset']) ? $emailSettings['defaultOutboundCharset'] : false;
if (!$charsetSelectedValue) {
$charsetSelectedValue = $user->getPreference('default_export_charset', 'global');
if (!$charsetSelectedValue) {
$charsetSelectedValue = $locale->getPrecedentPreference('default_email_charset');
$charset = array(
'options' => $locale->getCharsetSelect(),
'selected' => $charsetSelectedValue,
$this->smarty->assign('charset', $charset);
$emailCheckInterval = array(
'options' => $app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_CHECK_INTERVAL_DOM'],
'selected' => $emailSettings['emailCheckInterval']
$this->smarty->assign('emailCheckInterval', $emailCheckInterval);
$this->smarty->assign('attachmentsSearchOptions', $app_list_strings['checkbox_dom']);
$this->smarty->assign('sendPlainTextChecked', ($emailSettings['sendPlainText'] == 1) ? 'CHECKED' : '');
get_select_options_with_id($app_list_strings['email_settings_num_dom'], $emailSettings['showNumInList'])
$prependSignature = $user->getPreference('signature_prepend') ?
'true' :
$defaultSignatureId = $user->getPreference('signature_default');
$user->getSignatures(false, $defaultSignatureId, false, 'signature_id')
$user->getSignatures(false, $defaultSignatureId, false, 'signature_id')
$user->getEmailAccountSignatures(false, $defaultSignatureId, false, 'account_signature_id')
$signatureButtons = $user->getSignatureButtons(
if (!empty($defaultSignatureId)) {
$signatureButtons = $signatureButtons . '<span name="delete_sig" id="delete_sig" style="visibility:inherit;"><input class="button" onclick="SUGAR.email2.settings.deleteSignature();" value="' . $app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_DELETE'] . '" type="button" tabindex="392">&nbsp;
} else {
$signatureButtons = $signatureButtons . '<span name="delete_sig" id="delete_sig" style="visibility:hidden;"><input class="button" onclick="SUGAR.email2.settings.deleteSignature();" value="' . $app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_DELETE'] . '" type="button" tabindex="392">&nbsp;
$this->smarty->assign('signatureButtons', $signatureButtons);
$this->smarty->assign('signaturePrepend', $prependSignature == 'true' ? 'CHECKED' : '');
$email_templates_arr = $this->getEmailTemplatesArray();
$this->smarty->assign('EMAIL_TEMPLATE_OPTIONS', get_select_options_with_id($email_templates_arr, ''));
//// FOLDERS & TreeView
$ie->getGroupsWithSelectOptions(array('' => $app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_CREATE_NEW']))
$tree = $this->getMailboxNodes();
// preloaded folder
$preloadFolder = 'lazyLoadFolder = ';
$focusFolderSerial = $current_user->getPreference('focusFolder', 'Emails');
if (!empty($focusFolderSerial)) {
$focusFolder = sugar_unserialize($focusFolderSerial);
//$focusFolder['ieId'], $focusFolder['folder']
$preloadFolder .= json_encode($focusFolder) . ";";
} else {
$preloadFolder .= "new Object();";
$out = "";
$out .= $this->smarty->fetch($baseTpl);
$out .= $tree->generate_header();
$out .= $tree->generateNodesNoInit(true, 'email2treeinit');
$out .= <<<eoq
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
var loader = new YAHOO.util.YUILoader({
require : [
"layout", "element", "tabview", "menu",
"cookie", "sugarwidgets"
loadOptional: true,
skin: { base: 'blank', defaultSkin: '' },
onSuccess: email2init,
allowRollup: true,
base: "include/javascript/yui/build/"
name :"sugarwidgets",
type : "js",
fullpath: "include/javascript/sugarwidgets/SugarYUIWidgets.js",
varName: "YAHOO.SUGAR",
requires: ["datatable", "dragdrop", "treeview", "tabview", "calendar"]
return $out;
* Generate the frame needed for the quick compose email UI. This frame is loaded dynamically
* by an ajax call.
* @return JSON An object containing html markup and js script variables.
public function displayQuickComposeEmailFrame()
$javascriptOut = $this->smarty->fetch("modules/Emails/templates/_baseConfigData.tpl");
$divOut = $this->smarty->fetch("modules/Emails/templates/overlay.tpl");
$divOut .= $this->smarty->fetch("modules/Emails/templates/addressSearchContent.tpl");
$outData = array('jsData' => $javascriptOut, 'divData' => $divOut);
$out = json_encode($outData);
return $out;
* Load the modules from the metadata file and include in a custom one if it exists
* @return array
protected function _loadQuickCreateModules()
$QCAvailableModules = array();
$QCModules = array();
if (file_exists('custom/modules/Emails/metadata/qcmodulesdefs.php')) {
foreach ($QCModules as $module) {
$seed = SugarModule::get($module)->loadBean();
if (($seed instanceof SugarBean) && $seed->ACLAccess('edit')) {
$QCAvailableModules[] = $module;
return $QCAvailableModules;
* Given an email link url (eg. index.php?action=Compose&parent_type=Contacts...) break up the
* request components and create a compose package that can be used by the quick compose UI. The
* result is typically passed into the js call SUGAR.quickCompose.init which initalizes the quick compose
* UI.
* @param String $emailLinkUrl
* @return JSON Object containing the composePackage and full link url
public function generateComposePackageForQuickCreateFromComposeUrl($emailLinkUrl, $lazyLoad = false)
$composeData = explode("&", $emailLinkUrl);
$a_composeData = array();
foreach ($composeData as $singleRequest) {
$tmp = explode("=", $singleRequest);
$a_composeData[$tmp[0]] = urldecode($tmp[1]);
return $this->generateComposePackageForQuickCreate($a_composeData, $emailLinkUrl, $lazyLoad);
* @param string $module_name
* @param string $record_id
* @param string $name
* @param string $addr
* @param string $text
* @return string
private function createEmailLink($module_name, $record_id, $name, $addr, $text)
global $current_user;
if ($current_user->getEmailClient() == 'sugar') {
$html =<<<HTML
<a class="email-link" href="mailto:{$addr}"
data-module="{$module_name}" data-record-id="{$record_id}"
data-module-name="{$name}" data-email-address="{$addr}"
} else {
$html =<<<HTML
<a class="email-link" href="mailto:{$addr}">{$text}</a>
return $html;
* @global SugarBean $focus
* @param SugarBean|null $bean
* @param string $emailField
* @param bool $checkAllEmail
* @param string|null $innerText
* @param string|null $composeData
* @return string
* @throws RuntimeException
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
public function populateComposeViewFields(
$bean = null,
$emailField = 'email1',
$checkAllEmail = true,
$innerText = null,
$composeData = null
) {
global $focus;
$myBean = $focus;
$configurator = new Configurator();
$enableConfirmedOptIn = null;
if (isset($configurator->config['email_enable_confirm_opt_in'])) {
$enableConfirmedOptIn = $configurator->config['email_enable_confirm_opt_in'];
} else {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('EmailUI::populateComposeViewFields: $configurator->config[email_enable_confirm_opt_in] is not set');
if (!empty($bean)) {
$myBean = $bean;
} else {
$GLOBALS['log']->warn('EmailUI::populateComposeViewFields - $bean is empty');
$emailLink = $this->createEmailLink(
// focus is set?
if (!is_object($myBean)) {
$GLOBALS['log']->warn('incorrect bean');
} else {
if (is_array($emailField)) {
$emailFields = $emailField;
} else {
$emailFields = array($emailField);
if ($checkAllEmail) {
$i = 1;
$emailField = 'email' . $i;
while (isset($myBean->{$emailField})) {
$emailFields[] = $emailField;
$emailField = 'email' . $i;
$emailFields = array_unique($emailFields);
foreach ($emailFields as $emailField) {
if (!empty($composeData)) {
$emailLink = $this->createEmailLink(
} elseif (is_object($myBean) && (property_exists($myBean, $emailField))) {
$email_tick = $this->getEmailAddressConfirmOptInTick($myBean, $emailField);
$optOut = false;
$invalid = false;
if ($enableConfirmedOptIn === SugarEmailAddress::COI_STAT_DISABLED) {
$emailLink = $this->createEmailLink(
return $emailLink;
if (isset($myBean->emailAddress->addresses)) {
if (
&& isset($myBean->emailAddress->addresses)
) {
$addresses = $myBean->emailAddress->addresses;
foreach ($addresses as $address) {
if ($address['email_address'] === $myBean->{$emailField}) {
if (!empty($myBean->id)) {
if ((int)$address['opt_out'] === 1) {
$optOut = true;
if ((int)$address['invalid_email'] === 1) {
$invalid = true;
if (
$optOut === true
|| $invalid === true
) {
$emailText = '';
if ($this->appendTick) {
$emailText .= $email_tick;
$emailText .= '<span class="email-line-through">';
$emailText .= $myBean->{$emailField};
$emailLink .= '</span>';
$emailLink = $this->createEmailLink(
} else {
$emailText = '';
if ($this->appendTick) {
$emailText .= $email_tick;
$emailText .= $myBean->{$emailField};
$emailLink = $this->createEmailLink(
return $emailLink;
} else {
$GLOBALS['log']->warn(get_class($myBean) . ' does not have email1 field');
return $emailLink;
* @return string
public function createBulkActionEmailLink()
global $app_strings;
$emailLink = '<a class="email-link" href="javascript:void(0);"'
. ' onclick="$(document).openComposeViewModal(this);"'
. ' data-module="" data-record-id="" data-module-name="" data-email-address="">';
$emailLink .= $app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_COMPOSE'];
$emailLink .= '</a>';
return $emailLink;
* @param Basic|Object $myBean
* @param string $emailField
* @throws RuntimeException
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* @return string
private function getEmailAddressConfirmOptInTick($myBean, $emailField)
$log = LoggerManager::getLogger();
$tick = '';
if ($myBean instanceof Basic) {
$emailAddress = $myBean->getEmailAddressFromEmailField($emailField);
if ($emailAddress instanceof SugarEmailAddress) {
$tick = $emailAddress->getOptInStatusTickHTML();
} else {
$log->warn('Trying to get an email field of non-Basic object');
} else {
$log->warn('Trying to get an email field of non-Basic object');
return $tick;
* Generate the composePackage for the quick compose email UI. The package contains
* key/value pairs generated by the Compose.php file which are then set into the
* quick compose email UI (eg. to addr, parent id, parent type, etc)
* @param Array $composeData Associative array read and processed by generateComposeDataPackage.
* @param String $fullLinkUrl A link that contains all pertinant information so the user can be
* directed to the full compose screen if needed
* @param SugarBean $bean Optional - the parent object bean with data
* @return JSON Object containg composePackage and fullLinkUrl
public function generateComposePackageForQuickCreate($composeData, $fullLinkUrl, $lazyLoad = false, $bean = null)
$_REQUEST['forQuickCreate'] = true;
if (!$lazyLoad) {
$composePackage = generateComposeDataPackage($composeData, false, $bean);
} else {
$composePackage = $composeData;
// JSON object is passed into the function defined within the a href onclick event
// which is delimeted by '. Need to escape all single quotes and &, <, >
// but not double quotes since json would escape them
foreach ($composePackage as $key => $singleCompose) {
if (is_string($singleCompose)) {
$composePackage[$key] = str_replace("&nbsp;", " ", (string) from_html($singleCompose));
$quickComposeOptions = array('fullComposeUrl' => $fullLinkUrl, 'composePackage' => $composePackage);
$j_quickComposeOptions = JSON::encode($quickComposeOptions, false, true);
return $j_quickComposeOptions;
* Generate the config data needed for the Full Compose UI and the Quick Compose UI. The set of config data
* returned is the minimum set needed by the quick compose UI.
* @param String $type Drives which tinyMCE options will be included.
* @throws RuntimeException
public function _generateComposeConfigData($type = "email_compose_light")
global $app_list_strings, $current_user, $app_strings, $mod_strings, $current_language, $locale;
//Link drop-downs
$parent_types = $app_list_strings['record_type_display'];
$disabled_parent_types = ACLController::disabledModuleList($parent_types, false, 'list');
foreach ($disabled_parent_types as $disabled_parent_type) {
$linkBeans = json_encode(get_select_options_with_id($parent_types, ''));
//TinyMCE Config
$tiny = new SugarTinyMCE();
$tinyConf = $tiny->getConfig($type);
//Generate Language Packs
$lang = "var app_strings = new Object();\n";
foreach ($app_strings as $k => $v) {
if (strpos((string) $k, 'LBL_EMAIL_') !== false) {
$vJS = json_encode($v);
$lang .= "app_strings.{$k} = {$vJS};\n";
//Get the email mod strings but don't use the global variable as this may be overridden by
//other modules when the quick create is rendered.
$email_mod_strings = return_module_language($current_language, 'Emails');
$modStrings = "var mod_strings = new Object();\n";
foreach ($email_mod_strings as $k => $v) {
$v = str_replace("'", "\'",str_replace("\\'", "'", (string) $v));
$modStrings .= "mod_strings.{$k} = '{$v}';\n";
$lang .= "\n\n{$modStrings}\n";
//Grab the Inboundemail language pack
$ieModStrings = "var ie_mod_strings = new Object();\n";
$ie_mod_strings = return_module_language($current_language, 'InboundEmail');
foreach ($ie_mod_strings as $k => $v) {
$v = str_replace("'", "\'", (string) $v);
$ieModStrings .= "ie_mod_strings.{$k} = '{$v}';\n";
$lang .= "\n\n{$ieModStrings}\n";
$this->smarty->assign('linkBeans', $linkBeans);
$this->smarty->assign('linkBeansOptions', $parent_types);
$this->smarty->assign('tinyMCE', $tinyConf);
$this->smarty->assign('lang', $lang);
$this->smarty->assign('app_strings', $app_strings);
$this->smarty->assign('mod_strings', $email_mod_strings);
$ie1 = BeanFactory::newBean('InboundEmail');
$defsigID = $current_user->getPreference('signature_default');
$defaultSignature = $current_user->getDefaultSignature();
$sigJson = !empty($defaultSignature) ? json_encode(array($defaultSignature['id'] => from_html($defaultSignature['signature_html']))) : "new Object()";
$this->smarty->assign('defaultSignature', $sigJson);
$this->smarty->assign('signatureDefaultId', (isset($defaultSignature['id'])) ? $defaultSignature['id'] : "");
//User Preferences
$this->smarty->assign('userPrefs', json_encode($this->getUserPrefsJS()));
$useRequestedRecord = false;
if (isset($_REQUEST['record']) && $_REQUEST['record'] && $_REQUEST['record'] != $current_user->id) {
$useRequestedRecord = true;
$user = $current_user;
if ($useRequestedRecord) {
$user = $current_user->getRequestedUserRecord();
$defaultSignature = $user->getDefaultSignature();
$sigJson = !empty($defaultSignature) ?
json_encode(array($defaultSignature['id'] => from_html($defaultSignature['signature_html']))) :
'new Object()';
$this->smarty->assign('defaultSignature', $sigJson);
isset($defaultSignature['id']) ? $defaultSignature['id'] : ''
//User Preferences
//Get the users default outbound id
$defaultOutID = $ie1->getUsersDefaultOutboundServerId($user);
$this->smarty->assign('defaultOutID', $defaultOutID);
//Character Set
$charsets = json_encode($locale->getCharsetSelect());
$this->smarty->assign('emailCharsets', $charsets);
//Relateable List of People for address book search
//#20776 jchi
$peopleTables = array(
$filterPeopleTables = array();
global $app_list_strings, $app_strings;
$filterPeopleTables['LBL_DROPDOWN_LIST_ALL'] = $app_strings['LBL_DROPDOWN_LIST_ALL'];
foreach ($peopleTables as $table) {
$module = ucfirst($table);
$class = substr($module, 0, strlen($module) - 1);
$person = new $class();
if (!$person->ACLAccess('list')) {
$filterPeopleTables[$person->table_name] = $app_list_strings['moduleList'][$person->module_dir];
$this->smarty->assign('listOfPersons', get_select_options_with_id($filterPeopleTables, ''));
* Retrieves all relationship metadata for a user's address book
* @return array
public function getContacts()
global $current_user;
$q = "SELECT * FROM address_book WHERE assigned_user_id = '{$current_user->id}' ORDER BY bean DESC";
$r = $this->db->query($q);
$ret = array();
while ($a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r)) {
$ret[$a['bean_id']] = array(
'id' => $a['bean_id'],
'module' => $a['bean'],
return $ret;
* Saves changes to a user's address book
* @param array contacts
* @throws SuiteException
public function setContacts($contacts)
global $current_user;
$oldContacts = $this->getContacts();
foreach ($contacts as $cid => $contact) {
if (!in_array($contact['id'], $oldContacts, true)) {
$contactId = $contact['id'];
$isValidator = new SuiteValidator();
if (!$isValidator->isValidId($contactId)) {
throw new SuiteException('Invalid contact ID: ' . $contactId);
$q = "INSERT INTO address_book (assigned_user_id, bean, bean_id) VALUES ('{$current_user->id}', '{$contact['module']}', '{$contact['id']}')";
$r = $this->db->query($q, true);
* Removes contacts from the user's address book
* @param array ids
* @throws SuiteException
public function removeContacts($ids)
global $current_user;
$concat = '';
foreach ($ids as $id) {
if (!empty($concat)) {
$concat .= ', ';
$isValidator = new SuiteValidator();
if (!$isValidator->isValidId($id)) {
throw new SuiteException('Invalid contact ID' . $id);
$concat .= "'{$id}'";
$q = "DELETE FROM address_book WHERE assigned_user_id = '{$current_user->id}' AND bean_id IN ({$concat})";
$r = $this->db->query($q);
* saves editted Contact info
* @param string $str JSON serialized object
public function saveContactEdit($str)
$json = getJSONobj();
$str = from_html($str);
$obj = $json->decode($str);
$contact = BeanFactory::newBean('Contacts');
$contact->first_name = $obj['contact_first_name'];
$contact->last_name = $obj['contact_last_name'];
// handle email address changes
$addresses = array();
foreach ($obj as $k => $req) {
if (strpos((string) $k, 'emailAddress') !== false) {
$addresses[$k] = $req;
// prefill some REQUEST vars for emailAddress save
$_REQUEST['emailAddressOptOutFlag'] = $obj['optOut'];
$_REQUEST['emailAddressInvalidFlag'] = $obj['invalid'];
$contact->emailAddress->saveEmail($obj['contact_id'], 'Contacts', $addresses, $obj['primary'], '');
* Prepares the Edit Contact mini-form via template assignment
* @param string id ID of contact in question
* @param string module Module in focus
* @return array
public function getEditContact($id, $module)
global $app_strings;
if (!class_exists("Contact")) {
$contact = BeanFactory::newBean('Contacts');
$ret = array();
if ($contact->ACLAccess('edit')) {
$contactMeta = array();
$contactMeta['id'] = $contact->id;
$contactMeta['module'] = $contact->module_dir;
$contactMeta['first_name'] = $contact->first_name;
$contactMeta['last_name'] = $contact->last_name;
$this->smarty->assign("app_strings", $app_strings);
return_module_language(get_current_language(), 'Contacts')
$this->smarty->assign("contact", $contactMeta);
$ea = new SugarEmailAddress();
$newEmail = $ea->getEmailAddressWidgetEditView($id, $module, true);
$this->smarty->assign("emailWidget", $newEmail['html']);
$ret['form'] = $this->smarty->fetch("modules/Emails/templates/editContact.tpl");
$ret['prefillData'] = $newEmail['prefillData'];
} else {
$id = "";
$ret['form'] = $app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_ERROR_NO_ACCESS'];
$ret['prefillData'] = '{}';
$ret['id'] = $id;
$ret['contactName'] = $contact->full_name;
return $ret;
* Retrieves a concatenated list of contacts, those with assigned_user_id = user's id and those in the address_book
* table
* @param array $contacts Array of contact types -> IDs
* @param object $user User in focus
* @return array
public function getUserContacts($contacts, $user = null)
global $current_user;
global $locale;
if (empty($user)) {
$user = $current_user;
$emailAddress = new SugarEmailAddress();
$ret = array();
$union = '';
$modules = array();
foreach ($contacts as $contact) {
if (!isset($modules[$contact['module']])) {
$modules[$contact['module']] = array();
$modules[$contact['module']][] = $contact;
foreach ($modules as $module => $contacts) {
if (!empty($union)) {
$union .= " UNION ALL ";
$table = strtolower($module);
$idsSerial = '';
foreach ($contacts as $contact) {
if (!empty($idsSerial)) {
$idsSerial .= ",";
$idsSerial .= "'{$contact['id']}'";
$union .= "(SELECT id, first_name, last_name, title, '{$module}' module FROM {$table} WHERE id IN({$idsSerial}) AND deleted = 0 )";
if (!empty($union)) {
$union .= " ORDER BY last_name";
$r = $user->db->query($union);
while ($a = $user->db->fetchByAssoc($r)) {
$c = array();
$c['name'] = $locale->getLocaleFormattedName(
$c['id'] = $a['id'];
$c['module'] = $a['module'];
$c['email'] = $emailAddress->getAddressesByGUID($a['id'], $a['module']);
$ret[$a['id']] = $c;
return $ret;
//// EMAIL 2.0 Preferences
* @param bool $useRequestedRecord
* @return array
* @throws RuntimeException
public function getUserPreferencesJS($useRequestedRecord = false)
global $current_user;
$user = $current_user;
if ($useRequestedRecord) {
$user = $current_user->getRequestedUserRecord();
// sort order per mailbox view
$sortSerial = $user->getPreference('folderSortOrder', 'Emails');
$sortArray = array();
if (!empty($sortSerial)) {
$sortArray = sugar_unserialize($sortSerial);
// treeview collapsed/open states
$folderStateSerial = $user->getPreference('folderOpenState', 'Emails');
$folderStates = array();
if (!empty($folderStateSerial)) {
$folderStates = sugar_unserialize($folderStateSerial);
// subscribed accounts
$showFolders = sugar_unserialize(base64_decode($user->getPreference('showFolders', 'Emails')));
// general settings
$emailSettings = $user->getPreference('emailSettings', 'Emails');
if (empty($emailSettings)) {
$emailSettings = array();
$emailSettings['emailCheckInterval'] = -1;
$emailSettings['autoImport'] = '';
$emailSettings['alwaysSaveOutbound'] = '1';
$emailSettings['sendPlainText'] = '';
$emailSettings['defaultOutboundCharset'] = $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['default_email_charset'];
$emailSettings['showNumInList'] = 20;
// focus folder
$focusFolder = $user->getPreference('focusFolder', 'Emails');
$focusFolder = !empty($focusFolder) ? sugar_unserialize($focusFolder) : array();
// unread only flag
$showUnreadOnly = $user->getPreference('showUnreadOnly', 'Emails');
$listViewSort = array(
"sortBy" => 'date',
"sortDirection" => 'DESC',
// signature prefs
$signaturePrepend = $user->getPreference('signature_prepend') ? 'true' : 'false';
$signatureDefault = $user->getPreference('signature_default');
$signatures = array(
'signature_prepend' => $signaturePrepend,
'signature_default' => $signatureDefault
// current_user
$user = array(
'emailAddresses' => $user->emailAddress->getAddressesByGUID($user->id, 'Users'),
'full_name' => from_html($user->full_name),
$userPreferences = array();
$userPreferences['sort'] = $sortArray;
$userPreferences['folderStates'] = $folderStates;
$userPreferences['showFolders'] = $showFolders;
$userPreferences['emailSettings'] = $emailSettings;
$userPreferences['focusFolder'] = $focusFolder;
$userPreferences['showUnreadOnly'] = $showUnreadOnly;
$userPreferences['listViewSort'] = $listViewSort;
$userPreferences['signatures'] = $signatures;
$userPreferences['current_user'] = $user;
return $userPreferences;
public function getUserPrefsJS($useRequestedRecord = false)
return $this->getUserPreferencesJS($useRequestedRecord);
* Creates a new Sugar folder
* @param string $nodeLabel New sugar folder name
* @param string $parentLabel Parent folder name
public function saveNewFolder($nodeLabel, $parentId, $isGroup = 0)
global $current_user;
$this->folder->name = $nodeLabel;
$this->folder->is_group = $isGroup;
$this->folder->parent_folder = ($parentId == 'Home') ? "" : $parentId;
$this->folder->has_child = 0;
$this->folder->created_by = $current_user->id;
$this->folder->modified_by = $current_user->id;
$this->folder->date_modified = $this->folder->date_created = TimeDate::getInstance()->nowDb();
return array(
'action' => 'newFolderSave',
'id' => $this->folder->id,
'name' => $this->folder->name,
'is_group' => $this->folder->is_group,
'is_dynamic' => $this->folder->is_dynamic
* Saves user sort prefernces
public function saveListViewSortOrder($ieId, $focusFolder, $sortBy, $sortDir)
global $current_user;
$sortArray = array();
$sortSerial = $current_user->getPreference('folderSortOrder', 'Emails');
if (!empty($sortSerial)) {
$sortArray = sugar_unserialize($sortSerial);
$sortArray[$ieId][$focusFolder]['current']['sort'] = $sortBy;
$sortArray[$ieId][$focusFolder]['current']['direction'] = $sortDir;
$sortSerial = serialize($sortArray);
$current_user->setPreference('folderSortOrder', $sortSerial, '', 'Emails');
* Stickies folder collapse/open state
public function saveFolderOpenState($focusFolder, $focusFolderOpen)
global $current_user;
$folderStateSerial = $current_user->getPreference('folderOpenState', 'Emails');
$folderStates = array();
if (!empty($folderStateSerial)) {
$folderStates = sugar_unserialize($folderStateSerial);
$folderStates[$focusFolder] = $focusFolderOpen;
$newFolderStateSerial = serialize($folderStates);
$current_user->setPreference('folderOpenState', $newFolderStateSerial, '', 'Emails');
* saves a folder's view state
public function saveListView($ieId, $folder)
global $current_user;
$saveState = array();
$saveState['ieId'] = $ieId;
$saveState['folder'] = $folder;
$saveStateSerial = serialize($saveState);
$current_user->setPreference('focusFolder', $saveStateSerial, '', 'Emails');
* Generates cache folder structure
public function preflightEmailCache($cacheRoot)
// base
if (!file_exists($cacheRoot)) {
// folders
if (!file_exists($cacheRoot . "/folders")) {
// messages
if (!file_exists($cacheRoot . "/messages")) {
// attachments
if (!file_exists($cacheRoot . "/attachments")) {
public function deleteEmailCacheForFolders($cacheRoot)
$filePath = $cacheRoot . "/folders/folders.php";
if (file_exists($filePath)) {
* Identifies subscribed mailboxes and empties the trash
* @param object $ie InboundEmail
public function emptyTrash(&$ie)
global $current_user;
$showFolders = sugar_unserialize(base64_decode($current_user->getPreference('showFolders', 'Emails')));
if (is_array($showFolders)) {
foreach ($showFolders as $ieId) {
if (!empty($ieId)) {
* returns an array of nodes that correspond to IMAP mailboxes.
* @param bool $forceRefresh
* @param User|null $user User
* @return object TreeView object
public function getMailboxNodes($forceRefresh = false, $user = null)
global $sugar_config;
global $current_user;
global $app_strings;
if (!$user) {
$user = $current_user;
$tree = new Tree("frameFolders");
$tree->tree_style = 'include/ytree/TreeView/css/check/tree.css';
$nodes = array();
$ie = BeanFactory::newBean('InboundEmail');
$refreshOffset = $this->cacheTimeouts['folders']; // 5 mins. this will be set via user prefs
$rootNode = new ExtNode($app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_HOME_FOLDER'], $app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_HOME_FOLDER']);
$rootNode->dynamicloadfunction = '';
$rootNode->expanded = true;
$rootNode->dynamic_load = true;
$showFolders = sugar_unserialize(base64_decode($user->getPreference('showFolders', 'Emails')));
if (empty($showFolders)) {
$showFolders = array();
if ($user->hasPersonalEmail()) {
$personals = $ie->retrieveByGroupId($user->id);
foreach ($personals as $k => $personalAccount) {
if (in_array($personalAccount->id, $showFolders)) {
// check for cache value
$cacheRoot = sugar_cached("modules/Emails/{$personalAccount->id}");
if ($this->validCacheFileExists($personalAccount->id, 'folders', "folders.php")) {
$mailboxes = $this->getMailBoxesFromCacheValue($personalAccount);
} else {
$mailboxes = $personalAccount->getMailboxes();
$acctNode = new ExtNode('Home::' . $personalAccount->name, $personalAccount->name);
$acctNode->dynamicloadfunction = '';
$acctNode->expanded = false;
$acctNode->set_property('cls', 'ieFolder');
$acctNode->set_property('ieId', $personalAccount->id);
$acctNode->set_property('protocol', $personalAccount->protocol);
if (array_key_exists('Home::' . $personalAccount->name, $this->folderStates)) {
if ($this->folderStates['Home::' . $personalAccount->name] == 'open') {
$acctNode->expanded = true;
$acctNode->dynamic_load = true;
$nodePath = $acctNode->_properties['id'];
foreach ($mailboxes as $k => $mbox) {
$beans = $ie->retrieveAllByGroupId($user->id, false);
foreach ($beans as $k => $groupAccount) {
if (in_array($groupAccount->id, $showFolders)) {
// check for cache value
$cacheRoot = sugar_cached("modules/Emails/{$groupAccount->id}");
if ($this->validCacheFileExists($groupAccount->id, 'folders', "folders.php")) {
$mailboxes = $this->getMailBoxesFromCacheValue($groupAccount);
} else {
$mailboxes = $groupAccount->getMailBoxesForGroupAccount();
$acctNode = new ExtNode($groupAccount->name, "group.{$groupAccount->name}");
$acctNode->dynamicloadfunction = '';
$acctNode->expanded = false;
$acctNode->set_property('isGroup', 'true');
$acctNode->set_property('ieId', $groupAccount->id);
$acctNode->set_property('protocol', $groupAccount->protocol);
if (array_key_exists('Home::' . $groupAccount->name, $this->folderStates)) {
if ($this->folderStates['Home::' . $groupAccount->name] == 'open') {
$acctNode->expanded = true;
$acctNode->dynamic_load = true;
$nodePath = $rootNode->_properties['id'] . "::" . $acctNode->_properties['id'];
foreach ($mailboxes as $k => $mbox) {
// SugarFolder nodes
/* SugarFolders are built at onload when the UI renders */
return $tree;
public function getMailBoxesFromCacheValue($mailAccount)
$cacheRoot = sugar_cached("modules/Emails/{$mailAccount->id}");
$foldersCache = $this->getCacheValue($mailAccount->id, 'folders', "folders.php", 'foldersCache');
$mailboxes = $foldersCache['mailboxes'];
$mailboxesArray = $mailAccount->generateFlatArrayFromMultiDimArray(
return $mailboxes;
} // fn
* Builds up a TreeView Node object
* @param mixed
* @param mixed
* @param string
* @param string ID of InboundEmail instance
* @param string nodePath Serialized path from root node to current node
* @param bool isGroup
* @param bool forceRefresh
* @return mixed
public function buildTreeNode($key, $label, $mbox, $ieId, $nodePath, $isGroup, $ie)
global $sugar_config;
// get unread counts
$exMbox = explode("::", $nodePath);
$unseen = 0;
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("$key --- $nodePath::$label");
if (count($exMbox) >= 2) {
$mailbox = "";
$exMboxCount = count($exMbox);
for ($i = 2; $i < $exMboxCount; $i++) {
if ($mailbox != "") {
$mailbox .= ".";
$mailbox .= $exMbox[$i];
$mailbox = substr((string) $key, strpos((string) $key, '.'));
$unseen = $this->getUnreadCount($ie, $mailbox);
if ($unseen > 0) {
//$label = " <span id='span{$ie->id}{$ie->mailbox}' style='font-weight:bold'>{$label} (<span id='span{$ie->id}{$ie->mailbox}nums'>{$unseen}</span>)</span>";
$nodePath = $nodePath . "::" . $label;
$node = new ExtNode($nodePath, $label);
$node->dynamicloadfunction = '';
$node->expanded = false;
$node->set_property('labelStyle', "remoteFolder");
if (array_key_exists($nodePath, $this->folderStates)) {
if ($this->folderStates[$nodePath] == 'open') {
$node->expanded = true;
$group = ($isGroup) ? 'true' : 'false';
$node->dynamic_load = true;
//$node->set_property('href', " SUGAR.email2.listView.populateListFrame(YAHOO.namespace('frameFolders').selectednode, '{$ieId}', 'false');");
$node->set_property('isGroup', $group);
$node->set_property('isDynamic', 'false');
$node->set_property('ieId', $ieId);
$node->set_property('mbox', $key);
$node->set_property('unseen', $unseen);
$node->set_property('cls', 'ieFolder');
if (is_array($mbox)) {
foreach ($mbox as $k => $v) {
$node->add_node($this->buildTreeNode("$key.$k", $k, $v, $ieId, $nodePath, $isGroup, $ie));
return $node;
* Totals the unread emails
public function getUnreadCount(&$ie, $mailbox)
global $sugar_config;
$unseen = 0;
// use cache
return $ie->getCacheUnreadCount($mailbox);
* Used exclusively by draft code. Returns Notes and Documents as attachments.
* @param array $ret
* @return array
public function getDraftAttachments($ret)
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
// $ret['uid'] is the draft Email object's GUID
$ret['attachments'] = array();
$q = "SELECT id, filename FROM notes WHERE parent_id = '{$ret['uid']}' AND deleted = 0";
$r = $db->query($q);
while ($a = $db->fetchByAssoc($r)) {
$ret['attachments'][$a['id']] = array(
'id' => $a['id'],
'filename' => $a['filename'],
return $ret;
public function createCopyOfInboundAttachment($ie, $ret, $uid)
global $sugar_config;
$cacheFile = [];
if ($ie->isPop3Protocol()) {
// get the UIDL from database;
$cachedUIDL = md5($uid);
$cache = sugar_cached("modules/Emails/{$ie->id}/messages/{$ie->mailbox}{$cachedUIDL}.php");
} else {
$cache = sugar_cached("modules/Emails/{$ie->id}/messages/{$ie->mailbox}{$uid}.php");
if (file_exists($cache)) {
include($cache); // profides $cacheFile
$metaOut = unserialize($cacheFile['out']);
$meta = $metaOut['meta']['email'];
if (isset($meta['attachments'])) {
$attachmentHtmlData = $meta['attachments'];
$actualAttachmentInfo = array();
$this->parseAttachmentInfo($actualAttachmentInfo, $attachmentHtmlData);
if ((is_countable($actualAttachmentInfo) ? count($actualAttachmentInfo) : 0) > 0) {
foreach ($actualAttachmentInfo as $key => $value) {
$info_vars = array();
parse_str($value, $info_vars);
$fileName = $info_vars['tempName'];
$attachmentid = $info_vars['id'];
$guid = create_guid();
$destination = clean_path("{$this->userCacheDir}/{$guid}");
$attachmentFilePath = sugar_cached("modules/Emails/{$ie->id}/attachments/{$attachmentid}");
copy($attachmentFilePath, $destination);
$ret['attachments'][$guid] = array();
$ret['attachments'][$guid]['id'] = $guid . $fileName;
$ret['attachments'][$guid]['filename'] = $fileName;
} // for
} // if
} // if
} // if
return $ret;
} // fn
public function parseAttachmentInfo(&$actualAttachmentInfo, $attachmentHtmlData)
$downLoadPHP = strpos((string) $attachmentHtmlData, "index.php?entryPoint=download&");
while ($downLoadPHP) {
$attachmentHtmlData = substr((string) $attachmentHtmlData, $downLoadPHP + 30);
$final = strpos($attachmentHtmlData, "\">");
$actualAttachmentInfo[] = substr($attachmentHtmlData, 0, $final);
$attachmentHtmlData = substr($attachmentHtmlData, $final);
$downLoadPHP = strpos($attachmentHtmlData, "index.php?entryPoint=download&");
} // while
* Renders the QuickCreate form from Smarty and returns HTML
* @param array $vars request variable global
* @param object $email Fetched email object
* @param bool $addToAddressBook
* @return array
public function getQuickCreateForm($vars, $email, $addToAddressBookButton = false)
global $app_strings;
global $mod_strings;
global $current_user;
global $beanList;
global $beanFiles;
global $current_language;
//Setup the current module languge
$mod_strings = return_module_language($current_language, $_REQUEST['qc_module']);
$bean = $beanList[$_REQUEST['qc_module']];
$class = $beanFiles[$bean];
$focus = new $bean();
$people = array(
$emailAddress = array();
// people
if (in_array($bean, $people)) {
// lead specific
$focus->lead_source = 'Email';
$focus->lead_source_description = trim($email->name);
$from = (isset($email->from_name) && !empty($email->from_name)) ? $email->from_name : $email->from_addr;
if (isset($_REQUEST['sugarEmail']) && !empty($_REQUEST['sugarEmail'])) {
if ($email->status == "sent") {
$from = (isset($email->to_addrs_names) && !empty($email->to_addrs_names)) ? $email->to_addrs_names : $email->to_addrs;
} else {
$from = (isset($email->from_name) && !empty($email->from_name)) ? $email->from_name : $email->from_addr_name;
$name = explode(" ", trim($from));
$address = trim(array_pop($name));
$address = str_replace(array("<", ">", "&lt;", "&gt;"), "", $address);
$emailAddress[] = array(
'email_address' => $address,
'primary_address' => 1,
'invalid_email' => 0,
'opt_out' => 0,
'reply_to_address' => 1
$focus->email1 = $address;
if (!empty($name)) {
$focus->last_name = trim(array_pop($name));
foreach ($name as $first) {
if (!empty($focus->first_name)) {
$focus->first_name .= " ";
$focus->first_name .= trim($first);
} else {
// bugs, cases, tasks
$focus->name = trim($email->name);
$focus->description = trim(strip_tags($email->description));
$focus->assigned_user_id = $current_user->id;
$EditView = new EditView();
$EditView->ss = new Sugar_Smarty();
//MFH BUG#20283 - checks for custom quickcreate fields
'custom/modules/' . $focus->module_dir . '/metadata/editviewdefs.php',
$EditView->defs['templateMeta']['form']['buttons'] = array(
'email2save' => array(
'id' => 'e2AjaxSave',
'customCode' => '<input type="button" class="button" value=" ' . $app_strings['LBL_SAVE_BUTTON_LABEL']
. ' " onclick="SUGAR.email2.detailView.saveQuickCreate(false);" />'
'email2saveandreply' => array(
'id' => 'e2SaveAndReply',
'customCode' => '<input type="button" class="button" value=" ' . $app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_SAVE_AND_REPLY']
. ' " onclick="SUGAR.email2.detailView.saveQuickCreate(\'reply\');" />'
'email2cancel' => array(
'id' => 'e2cancel',
'customCode' => '<input type="button" class="button" value=" ' . $app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_CANCEL']
. ' " onclick="SUGAR.email2.detailView.quickCreateDialog.hide();" />'
if ($addToAddressBookButton) {
$EditView->defs['templateMeta']['form']['buttons']['email2saveAddToAddressBook'] = array(
'id' => 'e2addToAddressBook',
'customCode' => '<input type="button" class="button" value=" ' . $app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_ADDRESS_BOOK_SAVE_AND_ADD']
. ' " onclick="SUGAR.email2.detailView.saveQuickCreate(true);" />'
//Get the module language for javascript
if (!is_file(sugar_cached('jsLanguage/') . $_REQUEST['qc_module'] . '/' . $GLOBALS['current_language'] . '.js')) {
jsLanguage::createModuleStringsCache($_REQUEST['qc_module'], $GLOBALS['current_language']);
$jsLanguage = getVersionedScript(
$EditView->view = 'EmailQCView';
$EditView->defs['templateMeta']['form']['headerTpl'] = 'include/EditView/header.tpl';
$EditView->defs['templateMeta']['form']['footerTpl'] = 'include/EditView/footer.tpl';
$meta = array();
$meta['html'] = $jsLanguage . $EditView->display(false, true);
$meta['html'] = str_replace(
"src='" . getVersionedPath('include/SugarEmailAddress/SugarEmailAddress.js') . "'",
$meta['emailAddress'] = $emailAddress;
$mod_strings = return_module_language($current_language, 'Emails');
return $meta;
* Renders the Import form from Smarty and returns HTML
* @param array $vars request variable global
* @param object $email Fetched email object
* @param bool $addToAddressBook
* @return array
public function getImportForm($vars, $email, $formName = 'ImportEditView')
$qsd = QuickSearchDefaults::getQuickSearchDefaults();
global $app_strings;
global $current_user;
global $app_list_strings;
$sqs_objects = array(
"{$formName}_parent_name" => $qsd->getQSParent(),
$smarty = new Sugar_Smarty();
$smarty->assign("APP", $app_strings);
$smarty->assign('formName', $formName);
$showAssignTo = false;
if (!isset($vars['showAssignTo']) || $vars['showAssignTo'] == true) {
$showAssignTo = true;
} // if
if ($showAssignTo) {
if (empty($email->assigned_user_id) && empty($email->id)) {
$email->assigned_user_id = $current_user->id;
if (empty($email->assigned_name) && empty($email->id)) {
$email->assigned_user_name = $current_user->user_name;
$sqs_objects["{$formName}_assigned_user_name"] = $qsd->getQSUser();
$smarty->assign("showAssignedTo", $showAssignTo);
$showDelete = false;
if (!isset($vars['showDelete']) || $vars['showDelete'] == true) {
$showDelete = true;
$smarty->assign("showDelete", $showDelete);
$smarty->assign("userId", $email->assigned_user_id);
$smarty->assign("userName", $email->assigned_user_name);
$parent_types = $app_list_strings['record_type_display'];
$smarty->assign('parentOptions', get_select_options_with_id($parent_types, $email->parent_type));
$quicksearch_js = '<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">sqs_objects = ' . json_encode($sqs_objects) . '</script>';
$smarty->assign('SQS', $quicksearch_js);
$meta = array();
$meta['html'] = $smarty->fetch("modules/Emails/templates/importRelate.tpl");
return $meta;
* This function returns the detail view for email in new 2.0 interface
public function getDetailViewForEmail2($emailId)
global $app_strings, $app_list_strings, $mod_strings;
$detailView = null;
$meta = [];
$smarty = new Sugar_Smarty();
$focus = BeanFactory::newBean('Emails');
$detailView->ss = new Sugar_Smarty();
$detailView = new DetailView();
$title = "";
$offset = 0;
if ($focus->type == 'out') {
$title = getClassicModuleTitle('Emails', array($mod_strings['LBL_SENT_MODULE_NAME'], $focus->name), true);
} elseif ($focus->type == 'draft') {
$title = getClassicModuleTitle(
array($mod_strings['LBL_LIST_FORM_DRAFTS_TITLE'], $focus->name),
} elseif ($focus->type == 'inbound') {
$title = getClassicModuleTitle('Emails', array($mod_strings['LBL_INBOUND_TITLE'], $focus->name), true);
$smarty->assign("emailTitle", $title);
$html = trim(from_html($focus->description_html));
if (empty($html)) {
$smarty->assign('SHOW_PLAINTEXT', 'true');
} else {
$smarty->assign('SHOW_PLAINTEXT', 'false');
//if not empty or set to test (from test campaigns)
if (!empty($focus->parent_type) && $focus->parent_type != 'test') {
$smarty->assign('PARENT_MODULE', $focus->parent_type);
$smarty->assign('PARENT_TYPE', $app_list_strings['record_type_display'][$focus->parent_type] . ":");
global $gridline;
$smarty->assign('MOD', $mod_strings);
$smarty->assign('APP', $app_strings);
$smarty->assign('GRIDLINE', $gridline);
$smarty->assign('PRINT_URL', 'index.php?' . $GLOBALS['request_string']);
$smarty->assign('ID', $focus->id);
$smarty->assign('TYPE', $focus->type);
$smarty->assign('PARENT_NAME', $focus->parent_name);
$smarty->assign('PARENT_ID', $focus->parent_id);
$smarty->assign('NAME', $focus->name);
$smarty->assign('ASSIGNED_TO', $focus->assigned_user_name);
$smarty->assign('DATE_MODIFIED', $focus->date_modified);
$smarty->assign('DATE_ENTERED', $focus->date_entered);
$smarty->assign('DATE_START', $focus->date_start);
$smarty->assign('TIME_START', $focus->time_start);
$smarty->assign('FROM', $focus->from_addr);
$smarty->assign('TO', nl2br($focus->to_addrs));
$smarty->assign('CC', nl2br($focus->cc_addrs));
$smarty->assign('BCC', nl2br($focus->bcc_addrs));
$smarty->assign('CREATED_BY', $focus->created_by_name);
$smarty->assign('MODIFIED_BY', $focus->modified_by_name);
$smarty->assign('DATE_SENT_RECEIVED', $focus->date_sent_received);
$smarty->assign('EMAIL_NAME', 'RE: ' . $focus->name);
$smarty->assign("TAG", $focus->listviewACLHelper());
$smarty->assign("SUGAR_VERSION", $GLOBALS['sugar_version']);
$smarty->assign("JS_CUSTOM_VERSION", $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['js_custom_version']);
if (!empty($focus->reply_to_email)) {
$replyTo = "
<td class=\"tabDetailViewDL\"><slot>" . $mod_strings['LBL_REPLY_TO_NAME'] . "</slot></td>
<td colspan=3 class=\"tabDetailViewDF\"><slot>" . $focus->reply_to_addr . "</slot></td>
$smarty->assign("REPLY_TO", $replyTo);
$jsVars = '';
$jsVars .= "var showRaw = '{$mod_strings['LBL_BUTTON_RAW_LABEL']}';";
$jsVars .= "var hideRaw = '{$mod_strings['LBL_BUTTON_RAW_LABEL_HIDE']}';";
$smarty->assign("JS_VARS", $jsVars);
//// NOTES (attachements, etc.)
$note = BeanFactory::newBean('Notes');
$where = "notes.parent_id='{$focus->id}'";
//take in account if this is from campaign and the template id is stored in the macros.
if (isset($macro_values) && isset($macro_values['email_template_id'])) {
$where = "notes.parent_id='{$macro_values['email_template_id']}'";
$notes_list = $note->get_full_list("notes.name", $where, true);
if (!isset($notes_list)) {
$notes_list = array();
$attachments = '';
$notes_listCount = count($notes_list);
for ($i = 0; $i < $notes_listCount; $i++) {
$the_note = $notes_list[$i];
$attachments .= "<a href=\"index.php?entryPoint=download&id={$the_note->id}&type=Notes\">" . $the_note->name . "</a><br />";
$focus->cid2Link($the_note->id, $the_note->file_mime_type);
$smarty->assign('DESCRIPTION', nl2br($focus->description));
$smarty->assign('DESCRIPTION_HTML', from_html($focus->description_html));
$smarty->assign("ATTACHMENTS", $attachments);
$show_subpanels = true;
if ($show_subpanels) {
$subpanel = new SubPanelTiles($focus, 'Emails');
$smarty->assign("SUBPANEL", $subpanel->display());
$meta['html'] = $smarty->fetch("modules/Emails/templates/emailDetailView.tpl");
return $meta;
} // fn
* Sets the "read" flag in the overview cache
public function setReadFlag($ieId, $mbox, $uid)
$this->markEmails('read', $ieId, $mbox, $uid);
* Marks emails with the passed flag type. This will be applied to local
* cache files as well as remote emails.
* @param string $type Flag type
* @param string $ieId
* @param string $folder IMAP folder structure or SugarFolder GUID
* @param string $uids Comma sep list of UIDs or GUIDs
public function markEmails($type, $ieId, $folder, $uids)
global $app_strings;
$uids = $this->_cleanUIDList($uids);
$exUids = explode($app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_DELIMITER'], $uids);
if (strpos($folder, 'sugar::') !== false) {
// dealing with a sugar email object, uids are GUIDs
foreach ($exUids as $id) {
$email = BeanFactory::newBean('Emails');
// Bug 50973 - marking unread in group inbox removes message
if (empty($email->assigned_user_id)) {
switch ($type) {
case "unread":
$email->status = 'unread';
case "read":
$email->status = 'read';
case "deleted":
case "flagged":
$email->flagged = 1;
case "unflagged":
$email->flagged = 0;
// Bug 50973 - reset assigned_user_id field defs
if (empty($email->assigned_user_id)) {
} else {
/* dealing with IMAP email, uids are IMAP uids */
global $ie; // provided by EmailUIAjax.php
if (empty($ie)) {
$ie = BeanFactory::newBean('InboundEmail');
$ie->mailbox = $folder;
// mark cache files
if ($type == 'deleted') {
} else {
$overviews = $ie->getCacheValueForUIDs($ie->mailbox, $exUids);
$manipulated = array();
foreach ($overviews['retArr'] as $k => $overview) {
if (in_array($overview->uid, $exUids)) {
switch ($type) {
case "unread":
$overview->seen = 0;
case "read":
$overview->seen = 1;
case "flagged":
$overview->flagged = 1;
case "unflagged":
$overview->flagged = 0;
$manipulated[] = $overview;
if (!empty($manipulated)) {
$ie->setCacheValue($ie->mailbox, array(), $manipulated);
/* now mark emails on email server */
$ie->markEmails(implode(",", explode($app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_DELIMITER'], $uids)), $type);
} // end not type == deleted
public function doAssignment($distributeMethod, $ieid, $folder, $uids, $users)
global $app_strings;
$users = explode(",", $users);
$emailIds = explode($app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_DELIMITER'], $uids);
$out = "";
if ($folder != 'sugar::Emails') {
$emailIds = array();
$uids = explode($app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_DELIMITER'], $uids);
$ie = BeanFactory::newBean('InboundEmail');
$messageIndex = 1;
// dealing with an inbound email data so we need to import an email and then
foreach ($uids as $uid) {
$ie->mailbox = $folder;
$msgNo = $uid;
if (!$ie->isPop3Protocol()) {
$msgNo = $ie->getImap()->getMessageNo($uid);
} else {
$msgNo = $ie->getCorrectMessageNoForPop3($uid);
if (!empty($msgNo)) {
if ($ie->importOneEmail($msgNo, $uid)) {
$emailIds[] = $ie->email->id;
$ie->mailbox = $folder;
$ie->deleteMessageFromCache(($uids[] = $uid));
} else {
$out = $out . "Message No : " . $messageIndex . " failed. Reason : Message already imported \r\n";
} // for
} // if
if ((is_countable($emailIds) ? count($emailIds) : 0) > 0) {
$this->doDistributionWithMethod($users, $emailIds, $distributeMethod);
} // if
return $out;
} // fn
* get team id and team set id from request
* @return array
public function getTeams()
public function doDistributionWithMethod($users, $emailIds, $distributionMethod)
// we have users and the items to distribute
if ($distributionMethod == 'roundRobin') {
$this->distRoundRobin($users, $emailIds);
} elseif ($distributionMethod == 'leastBusy') {
$this->distLeastBusy($users, $emailIds);
} elseif ($distributionMethod == 'direct') {
if ((is_countable($users) ? count($users) : 0) > 1) {
// only 1 user allowed in direct assignment
$error = 1;
} else {
$user = $users[0];
$this->distDirect($user, $emailIds);
} // else
} // elseif
} // fn
* distributes emails to users on Round Robin basis
* @param $userIds array of users to dist to
* @param $mailIds array of email ids to push on those users
* @return boolean true on success
public function distRoundRobin($userIds, $mailIds)
// check if we have a 'lastRobin'
$lastRobin = $userIds[0];
foreach ($mailIds as $k => $mailId) {
$userIdsKeys = array_flip($userIds); // now keys are values
$thisRobinKey = $userIdsKeys[$lastRobin] + 1;
if (!empty($userIds[$thisRobinKey])) {
$thisRobin = $userIds[$thisRobinKey];
$lastRobin = $userIds[$thisRobinKey];
} else {
$thisRobin = $userIds[0];
$lastRobin = $userIds[0];
$email = BeanFactory::newBean('Emails');
$email->assigned_user_id = $thisRobin;
$email->status = 'unread';
return true;
* distributes emails to users on Least Busy basis
* @param $userIds array of users to dist to
* @param $mailIds array of email ids to push on those users
* @return boolean true on success
public function distLeastBusy($userIds, $mailIds)
foreach ($mailIds as $k => $mailId) {
$email = BeanFactory::newBean('Emails');
foreach ($userIds as $k => $id) {
$r = $this->db->query("SELECT count(*) AS c FROM emails WHERE assigned_user_id = '.$id.' AND status = 'unread'");
$a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r);
$counts[$id] = $a['c'];
asort($counts); // lowest to highest
$countsKeys = array_flip($counts); // keys now the 'count of items'
$leastBusy = array_shift($countsKeys); // user id of lowest item count
$email->assigned_user_id = $leastBusy;
$email->status = 'unread';
return true;
* distributes emails to 1 user
* @param $user users to dist to
* @param $mailIds array of email ids to push
* @return boolean true on success
public function distDirect($user, $mailIds)
foreach ($mailIds as $k => $mailId) {
$email = BeanFactory::newBean('Emails');
$email->assigned_user_id = $user;
$email->status = 'unread';
return true;
* @param array $userIds
* @return array
public function getAssignedEmailsCountForUsers($userIds)
$counts = [];
foreach ($userIds as $id) {
$idQuoted = $this->db->quoted($id);
$r = $this->db->query("SELECT count(*) AS c FROM emails WHERE assigned_user_id = $idQuoted AND status = 'unread'");
$a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r);
$counts[$id] = $a['c'];
return $counts;
public function getLastRobin($ie)
$lastRobin = "";
if ($this->validCacheFileExists($ie->id, 'folders', "robin.cache.php")) {
$lastRobin = $this->getCacheValue($ie->id, 'folders', "robin.cache.php", 'robin');
} // if
return $lastRobin;
} // fn
public function setLastRobin($ie, $lastRobin)
global $sugar_config;
$cacheFolderPath = sugar_cached("modules/Emails/{$ie->id}/folders");
if (!file_exists($cacheFolderPath)) {
$this->writeCacheFile('robin', $lastRobin, $ie->id, 'folders', "robin.cache.php");
} // fn
* returns the metadata defining a single email message for display. Uses cache file if it exists
* @return array
public function getSingleMessage($ie)
global $timedate;
global $app_strings, $mod_strings;
$noCache = true;
$out = [];
$ie->mailbox = $_REQUEST['mbox'];
$filename = $_REQUEST['mbox'] . $_REQUEST['uid'] . ".php";
$md5uidl = "";
if ($ie->isPop3Protocol()) {
$md5uidl = md5($_REQUEST['uid']);
$filename = $_REQUEST['mbox'] . $md5uidl . ".php";
} // if
if (isset($filename) && strpos($filename, "..") !== false) {
die("Directory navigation attack denied.");
if ($this->validCacheFileExists($_REQUEST['ieId'], 'messages', $filename)) {
$out = $this->getCacheValue($_REQUEST['ieId'], 'messages', $filename, 'out');
$noCache = false;
// something fubar'd the cache?
if (empty($out['meta']['email']['name']) && empty($out['meta']['email']['description'])) {
$noCache = true;
} else {
// When sending data from cache, convert date into users preffered format
$dateTimeInGMTFormat = $out['meta']['email']['date_start'];
$out['meta']['email']['date_start'] = $timedate->to_display_date_time($dateTimeInGMTFormat);
} // else
if ($noCache) {
$writeToCacheFile = true;
if ($ie->isPop3Protocol()) {
$status = $ie->setEmailForDisplay($_REQUEST['uid'], true, true, true);
} else {
$status = $ie->setEmailForDisplay($_REQUEST['uid'], false, true, true);
$out = $ie->displayOneEmail($_REQUEST['uid'], $_REQUEST['mbox']);
// modify the out object to store date in GMT format on the local cache file
$dateTimeInUserFormat = $out['meta']['email']['date_start'];
$out['meta']['email']['date_start'] = $timedate->to_db($dateTimeInUserFormat);
if ($status == 'error') {
$writeToCacheFile = false;
if ($writeToCacheFile) {
if ($ie->isPop3Protocol()) {
} else {
} // else
// restore date in the users preferred format to be send on to UI for diaply
$out['meta']['email']['date_start'] = $dateTimeInUserFormat;
} // if
$out['meta']['email']['toaddrs'] = $this->generateExpandableAddrs($out['meta']['email']['toaddrs']);
if (!empty($out['meta']['email']['cc_addrs'])) {
$ccs = $this->generateExpandableAddrs($out['meta']['email']['cc_addrs']);
$out['meta']['cc'] = <<<eoq
<td NOWRAP valign="top" class="displayEmailLabel">
<td class="displayEmailValue">
if (empty($out['meta']['email']['description'])) {
$out['meta']['email']['description'] = $mod_strings['LBL_EMPTY_EMAIL_BODY'];
if ($noCache) {
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("EMAILUI: getSingleMessage() NOT using cache file");
} else {
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("EMAILUI: getSingleMessage() using cache file [ " . $_REQUEST['mbox'] . $_REQUEST['uid'] . ".php ]");
$this->setReadFlag($_REQUEST['ieId'], $_REQUEST['mbox'], $_REQUEST['uid']);
return $out;
* Returns the HTML for a list of emails in a given folder
* @param GUID $ieId GUID to InboundEmail instance
* @param string $mbox Mailbox path name in dot notation
* @param int $folderListCacheOffset Seconds for valid cache file
* @return string HTML render of list.
public function getListEmails($ieId, $mbox, $folderListCacheOffset, $forceRefresh = 'false')
global $sugar_config;
$ie = BeanFactory::newBean('InboundEmail');
$list = $ie->displayFolderContents($mbox, $forceRefresh);
return $list;
* Returns the templatized compose screen. Used by reply, forwards and draft status messages.
* @param object email Email bean in focus
public function displayComposeEmail($email)
global $locale;
global $current_user;
$ea = new SugarEmailAddress();
if (!empty($email)) {
$description = (empty($email->description_html)) ? $email->description : $email->description_html;
$toAddresses = '';
$ccAddresses = '';
//Get the most complete address list availible for this email
$addresses = array('toAddresses' => 'to', 'ccAddresses' => 'cc', 'bccAddresses' => 'bcc');
foreach ($addresses as $var => $type) {
${$var} = "";
foreach (array("{$type}_addrs_names", "{$type}addrs", "{$type}_addrs") as $emailVar) {
if (!empty($email->$emailVar)) {
${$var} = $email->$emailVar;
$ret = array();
$ret['type'] = $email->type;
$ret['name'] = $email->name;
$ret['description'] = $description;
$ret['from'] = (isset($_REQUEST['composeType']) && $_REQUEST['composeType'] == 'forward') ? "" : $email->from_addr;
$ret['to'] = from_html($toAddresses);
$ret['uid'] = $email->id;
$ret['parent_name'] = $email->parent_name;
$ret['parent_type'] = $email->parent_type;
$ret['parent_id'] = $email->parent_id;
if ($email->type == 'draft') {
$ret['cc'] = from_html($ccAddresses);
$ret['bcc'] = $bccAddresses;
// reply all
if (isset($_REQUEST['composeType']) && $_REQUEST['composeType'] == 'replyAll') {
$ret['cc'] = from_html($ccAddresses);
$ret['bcc'] = $bccAddresses;
$userEmails = array();
$userEmailsMeta = $ea->getAddressesByGUID($current_user->id, 'Users');
foreach ($userEmailsMeta as $emailMeta) {
$userEmails[] = from_html(strtolower(trim($emailMeta['email_address'])));
$fromAddr = from_html(strtolower(trim($email->from_addr)));
$userEmails[] = $fromAddr;
$ret['cc'] = from_html($email->cc_addrs);
$toAddresses = from_html($toAddresses);
$to = str_replace($this->addressSeparators, "::", (string) $toAddresses);
$exTo = explode("::", $to);
if (is_array($exTo)) {
foreach ($exTo as $addr) {
$addr = strtolower(trim($addr));
if (!in_array($addr, $userEmails)) {
if (!empty($ret['cc'])) {
$ret['cc'] = $ret['cc'] . ", ";
$ret['cc'] = $ret['cc'] . trim($addr);
} elseif (!empty($exTo)) {
$exTo = trim($exTo);
if (!in_array($exTo, $userEmails)) {
$ret['cc'] = $ret['cc'] . ", " . $exTo;
return $ret;
* Formats email body on reply/forward
* @param object email Email object in focus
* @param string type
* @return object email
public function handleReplyType($email, $type)
global $mod_strings;
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("****At Handle Reply Type: $type");
$header = '';
switch ($type) {
case "reply":
case "replyAll":
$header = $email->getReplyHeader();
if (!preg_match('/^(re:)+/i', (string) $email->name)) {
$email->name = "{$mod_strings['LBL_RE']} {$email->name}";
if ($type == "reply") {
$email->cc_addrs = "";
if (!empty($email->reply_to_addr)) {
$email->from_addr = $email->reply_to_addr;
} // if
} else {
if (!empty($email->reply_to_addr)) {
$email->to_addrs = $email->to_addrs . "," . $email->reply_to_addr;
} // if
} // else
case "forward":
$header = $email->getForwardHeader();
if (!preg_match('/^(fw:)+/i', (string) $email->name)) {
$email->name = "{$mod_strings['LBL_FW']} {$email->name}";
$email->cc_addrs = "";
case "replyCase":
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("EMAILUI: At reply case");
$header = $email->getReplyHeader();
$myCase = BeanFactory::newBean('Cases');
$myCaseMacro = $myCase->getEmailSubjectMacro();
$email->parent_name = $myCase->name;
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("****Case # : {$myCase->case_number} macro: $myCaseMacro");
if (!strpos((string) $email->name, str_replace('%1', $myCase->case_number, (string) $myCaseMacro))) {
$email->name = str_replace('%1', $myCase->case_number, (string) $myCaseMacro) . ' ' . $email->name;
$email->name = "{$mod_strings['LBL_RE']} {$email->name}";
$html = trim($email->description_html);
$plain = trim($email->description);
$desc = (!empty($html)) ? $html : $plain;
$email->description = $header . $email->quoteHtmlEmailForNewEmailUI($desc);
return $email;
* Generates a UNION query to get one list of users, contacts, leads, and
* prospects; used specifically for the addressBook
public function _getPeopleUnionQuery($whereArr, $person)
global $current_user, $app_strings;
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
if (!isset($person) || $person === 'LBL_DROPDOWN_LIST_ALL') {
$peopleTables = array(
} else {
$peopleTables = array($person);
$q = '';
$whereAdd = "";
foreach ($whereArr as $column => $clause) {
if (!empty($whereAdd)) {
$whereAdd .= " AND ";
$clause = $current_user->db->quote($clause);
$whereAdd .= "{$column} LIKE '{$clause}%'";
foreach ($peopleTables as $tableName) {
$module = ucfirst($tableName);
$personBean = BeanFactory::getBean($module);
if ($personBean !== false || !$personBean->ACLAccess('list')) {
} // if
$table = $personBean->getTableName();
$where = "({$table}.deleted = 0 AND eabr.primary_address = 1 AND {$table}.id <> '{$current_user->id}')";
$accessWhere = $personBean->buildAccessWhere('list');
if (!empty($accessWhere)) {
$where .= ' AND '. $accessWhere;
if (!empty($whereAdd)) {
$where .= " AND ({$whereAdd})";
if ($personBean instanceof Company) {
$t = "SELECT {$table}.id, '' first_name, {$table}.name, eabr.primary_address, ea.email_address, '{$module}' module ";
} else {
$t = "SELECT {$table}.id, {$table}.first_name, {$table}.last_name, eabr.primary_address, ea.email_address, '{$module}' module ";
$t .= "FROM {$table} ";
$t .= "JOIN email_addr_bean_rel eabr ON ({$table}.id = eabr.bean_id and eabr.deleted=0) ";
$t .= "JOIN email_addresses ea ON (eabr.email_address_id = ea.id) ";
$t .= " WHERE {$where}";
if (!empty($q)) {
$q .= "\n UNION ALL \n";
$q .= "({$t})";
$countq = "SELECT count(people.id) c from ($q) people";
$q .= "ORDER BY last_name";
return array('query' => $q, 'countQuery' => $countq);
* get emails of related bean for a given bean id
* @param $beanType
* @param $condition array of conditions inclued bean id
* @return array('query' => $q, 'countQuery' => $countq);
public function getRelatedEmail($beanType, $whereArr, $relatedBeanInfoArr = '')
global $beanList, $current_user, $app_strings;
$finalQuery = '';
$searchBeans = null;
if ($beanType === 'LBL_DROPDOWN_LIST_ALL') {
$searchBeans = array(
if ($relatedBeanInfoArr == '' || empty($relatedBeanInfoArr['related_bean_type'])) {
if ($searchBeans != null) {
$q = array();
foreach ($searchBeans as $searchBean) {
$searchq = $this->findEmailFromBeanIds('', $searchBean, $whereArr);
if (!empty($searchq)) {
$q[] = "($searchq)";
if (!empty($q)) {
$finalQuery .= implode("\n UNION ALL \n", $q);
} else {
$finalQuery = $this->findEmailFromBeanIds('', $beanType, $whereArr);
} else {
$class = $beanList[$relatedBeanInfoArr['related_bean_type']];
$focus = new $class();
if ($searchBeans != null) {
$q = array();
foreach ($searchBeans as $searchBean) {
if ($focus->load_relationship($searchBean)) {
$data = $focus->$searchBean->get();
if ((is_countable($data) ? count($data) : 0) != 0) {
$q[] = '(' . $this->findEmailFromBeanIds($data, $searchBean, $whereArr) . ')';
if (!empty($q)) {
$finalQuery .= implode("\n UNION ALL \n", $q);
} else {
if ($focus->load_relationship($beanType)) {
$data = $focus->$beanType->get();
if ((is_countable($data) ? count($data) : 0) != 0) {
$finalQuery = $this->findEmailFromBeanIds($data, $beanType, $whereArr);
$countq = "SELECT count(people.id) c from ($finalQuery) people";
return array('query' => $finalQuery, 'countQuery' => $countq);
public function findEmailFromBeanIds($beanIds, $beanType, $whereArr)
global $current_user;
$t = '';
$q = '';
$whereAdd = "";
$relatedIDs = '';
if ($beanIds != '') {
foreach ($beanIds as $key => $value) {
$beanIds[$key] = '\'' . $value . '\'';
$relatedIDs = implode(',', $beanIds);
$module = ucfirst($beanType);
$personBean = BeanFactory::getBean($module);
if ($personBean !== false && $personBean->ACLAccess('list')) {
if ($personBean instanceof Company) {
if (isset($whereArr['first_name'])) {
$whereArr['name'] = $whereArr['first_name'];
foreach ($whereArr as $column => $clause) {
if (!empty($whereAdd)) {
$whereAdd .= " OR ";
$clause = $current_user->db->quote($clause);
$whereAdd .= "{$column} LIKE '{$clause}%'";
$table = $personBean->getTableName();
if ($relatedIDs !== '') {
$where = "({$table}.deleted = 0 AND eabr.primary_address = 1 AND {$table}.id in ($relatedIDs))";
} else {
$where = "({$table}.deleted = 0 AND eabr.primary_address = 1)";
$accessWhere = $personBean->buildAccessWhere('list');
if (!empty($accessWhere)) {
$where .= ' AND '. $accessWhere;
if (!empty($whereAdd)) {
$where .= " AND ({$whereAdd})";
if ($personBean instanceof Company) {
$t = "SELECT {$table}.id, '' first_name, {$table}.name last_name, eabr.primary_address, ea.email_address, '{$module}' module ";
} else {
$t = "SELECT {$table}.id, {$table}.first_name, {$table}.last_name, eabr.primary_address, ea.email_address, '{$module}' module ";
$t .= "FROM {$table} ";
$t .= "JOIN email_addr_bean_rel eabr ON ({$table}.id = eabr.bean_id and eabr.deleted=0) ";
$t .= "JOIN email_addresses ea ON (eabr.email_address_id = ea.id) ";
$t .= " WHERE {$where}";
} // if
return $t;
* Cleans UID lists
* @param mixed $uids
* @param bool $returnString False will return an array
* @return mixed
public function _cleanUIDList($uids, $returnString = false)
global $app_strings;
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("_cleanUIDList: before - [ {$uids} ]");
if (!is_array($uids)) {
$returnString = true;
$exUids = explode($app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_DELIMITER'], $uids);
$uids = $exUids;
$cleanUids = array();
foreach ($uids as $uid) {
$cleanUids[$uid] = $uid;
if ($returnString) {
$cleanImplode = implode($app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_DELIMITER'], $cleanUids);
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("_cleanUIDList: after - [ {$cleanImplode} ]");
return $cleanImplode;
return $cleanUids;
* Creates Mail folder
* @param object $user User in focus
* @param array $folder_params Array of parameters for folder creation
protected function createFolder($user, $folder_params)
$folder = new SugarFolder();
foreach ($folder_params as $key => $val) {
$folder->$key = $val;
return $folder;
* Creates defaults for the User
* @param object $user User in focus
public function preflightUser(&$user)
global $mod_strings;
$folder_types = array();
$params = array(
// My Emails
"inbound" => array(
'name' => $mod_strings['LNK_MY_INBOX'],
'folder_type' => "inbound",
'has_child' => 1,
'dynamic_query' => $this->generateDynamicFolderQuery("inbound", $user->id),
'is_dynamic' => 1,
'created_by' => $user->id,
'modified_by' => $user->id,
// My Drafts
"draft" => array(
'name' => $mod_strings['LNK_MY_DRAFTS'],
'folder_type' => "draft",
'has_child' => 0,
'dynamic_query' => $this->generateDynamicFolderQuery("draft", $user->id),
'is_dynamic' => 1,
'created_by' => $user->id,
'modified_by' => $user->id,
// Sent Emails
"sent" => array(
'name' => $mod_strings['LNK_SENT_EMAIL_LIST'],
'folder_type' => "sent",
'has_child' => 0,
'dynamic_query' => $this->generateDynamicFolderQuery("sent", $user->id),
'is_dynamic' => 1,
'created_by' => $user->id,
'modified_by' => $user->id,
// Archived Emails
"archived" => array(
'name' => $mod_strings['LBL_LIST_TITLE_MY_ARCHIVES'],
'folder_type' => "archived",
'has_child' => 0,
'dynamic_query' => '',
'is_dynamic' => 1,
'created_by' => $user->id,
'modified_by' => $user->id,
$q = "SELECT * FROM folders f WHERE f.created_by = '{$user->id}' AND f.deleted = 0 AND coalesce(" . $user->db->convert(
) . ",0) > 0";
$r = $user->db->query($q);
while ($row = DBManagerFactory::getInstance()->fetchByAssoc($r)) {
if ($row['folder_type'] == 'inbound') {
$parent_id = $row['id'];
if (!in_array($row['folder_type'], $folder_types)) {
array_push($folder_types, $row['folder_type']);
if (isset($params[$row['folder_type']])) {
foreach ($params as $type => $type_params) {
if ($type == "inbound") {
$folder = $this->createFolder($user, $params[$type]);
$parent_id = $folder->id;
// handle the case where inbound folder was deleted, but other folders exist
if (count($folder_types) != 0) {
// This update query will exclude inbound parent, and any custom created folders.
// For others, it will update their parent_id for the current user.
$q = "UPDATE folders SET parent_folder = '" . $parent_id .
"' WHERE folder_type IN ('draft', 'sent', 'archived') AND created_by = '" . $user->id . "'";
$q = "UPDATE folders SET parent_folder = '" . $parent_id .
"' WHERE folder_type IN ('draft', 'sent', 'archived') AND created_by = '" . $user->id . "'";
$r = $user->db->query($q);
} else {
$params[$type]['parent_folder'] = $parent_id;
$this->createFolder($user, $params[$type]);
* Parses the core dynamic folder query
* @param string $type 'inbound', 'draft', etc.
* @param string $userId
* @return string
public function generateDynamicFolderQuery($type, $userId)
$q = $this->coreDynamicFolderQuery;
$status = $type;
if ($type == "sent") {
$type = "out";
$replacee = array("::TYPE::", "::STATUS::", "::USER_ID::");
$replacer = array($type, $status, $userId);
$ret = str_replace($replacee, $replacer, (string) $q);
if ($type == 'inbound') {
$ret .= " AND status NOT IN ('sent', 'archived', 'draft') AND type NOT IN ('out', 'archived', 'draft')";
} else {
$ret .= " AND status NOT IN ('archived') AND type NOT IN ('archived')";
return $ret;
* Preps the User's cache dir
public function preflightUserCache()
$path = clean_path($this->userCacheDir);
if (!file_exists($this->userCacheDir)) {
$files = findAllFiles($path, array());
foreach ($files as $file) {
public function clearInboundAccountCache($ieId)
global $sugar_config;
$cacheRoot = sugar_cached("modules/Emails/{$ieId}");
$files = findAllFiles($cacheRoot . "/messages/", array());
foreach ($files as $file) {
} // fn
$files = findAllFiles($cacheRoot . "/attachments/", array());
foreach ($files as $file) {
} // for
} // fn
* returns an array of EmailTemplates that the user has access to for the compose email screen
* @return array
public function getEmailTemplatesArray()
global $app_strings;
if (ACLController::checkAccess('EmailTemplates', 'list', true) && ACLController::checkAccess(
) {
$et = BeanFactory::newBean('EmailTemplates');
$etResult = $et->db->query($et->create_new_list_query(
"(email_templates.type IS NULL OR email_templates.type='' OR email_templates.type='email')",
$email_templates_arr = array('' => $app_strings['LBL_NONE']);
while ($etA = $et->db->fetchByAssoc($etResult)) {
$email_templates_arr[$etA['id']] = $etA['name'];
} else {
$email_templates_arr = array('' => $app_strings['LBL_NONE']);
return $email_templates_arr;
public function getFromAccountsArray($ie)
global $current_user;
global $app_strings;
$ieAccountsFull = $ie->retrieveAllByGroupIdWithGroupAccounts($current_user->id);
$ieAccountsFrom = array();
$oe = new OutboundEmail();
$system = $oe->getSystemMailerSettings();
$ret = $current_user->getUsersNameAndEmail();
$ret['name'] = from_html($ret['name']);
$useMyAccountString = true;
if (empty($ret['email'])) {
$systemReturn = $current_user->getSystemDefaultNameAndEmail();
$ret['email'] = $systemReturn['email'];
$ret['name'] = from_html($systemReturn['name']);
$useMyAccountString = false;
} // if
$myAccountString = '';
if ($useMyAccountString) {
$myAccountString = " - {$app_strings['LBL_MY_ACCOUNT']}";
} // if
//Check to make sure that the user has set the associated inbound email account -> outbound account is active.
$showFolders = sugar_unserialize(base64_decode($current_user->getPreference('showFolders', 'Emails')));
$sf = new SugarFolder();
$groupSubs = $sf->getSubscriptions($current_user);
foreach ($ieAccountsFull as $k => $v) {
$personalSelected = (!empty($showFolders) && in_array($v->id, $showFolders));
$allowOutboundGroupUsage = isTrue($v->get_stored_options('allow_outbound_group_usage', false) ?? false);
$groupSelected = (in_array($v->groupfolder_id, $groupSubs) && $allowOutboundGroupUsage);
$selected = ($personalSelected || $groupSelected);
if (!$selected) {
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Inbound Email {$v->name}, not selected and will not be available for selection within compose UI.");
$name = $v->get_stored_options('from_name');
$addr = $v->get_stored_options('from_addr');
if ($name != null && $addr != null) {
$name = from_html($name);
if (!$v->is_personal) {
$ieAccountsFrom[] = array(
"value" => $v->id,
"text" => "{$name} ({$addr}) - {$app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_UPPER_CASE_GROUP']}"
} else {
$ieAccountsFrom[] = array("value" => $v->id, "text" => "{$name} ({$addr})");
} // else
} // if
} // foreach
$userSystemOverride = $oe->getUsersMailerForSystemOverride($current_user->id);
//Substitute in the users system override if its available.
if ($userSystemOverride != null) {
$system = $userSystemOverride;
if (!empty($system->mail_smtpserver)) {
$admin = BeanFactory::newBean('Administration');
$admin->retrieveSettings(); //retrieve all admin settings.
$ieAccountsFrom[] = array(
"value" => $system->id,
"text" =>
"{$ret['name']} ({$ret['email']}){$myAccountString}"
return $ieAccountsFrom;
} // fn
* This function will return all the accounts this user has access to based on the
* match of the emailId passed in as a parameter
* @deprecate 7.9
* @param unknown_type $ie
* @return unknown
public function getFromAllAccountsArray($ie, $ret)
global $current_user;
global $app_strings;
$ret['fromAccounts'] = array();
if (!isset($ret['to']) && !empty($ret['from'])) {
$ret['fromAccounts']['status'] = false;
return $ret;
$ieAccountsFull = $ie->retrieveAllByGroupIdWithGroupAccounts($current_user->id);
$foundInPersonalAccounts = false;
$foundInGroupAccounts = false;
$foundInSystemAccounts = false;
//$toArray = array();
if ($ret['type'] == "draft") {
$toArray = explode(",", $ret['from']);
} else {
$toArray = $ie->email->email2ParseAddressesForAddressesOnly($ret['to']);
} // else
foreach ($ieAccountsFull as $k => $v) {
$storedOptions = sugar_unserialize(base64_decode($v->stored_options));
if (array_search_insensitive($storedOptions['from_addr'], $toArray)) {
if ($v->is_personal) {
$foundInPersonalAccounts = true;
} else {
$foundInGroupAccounts = true;
} // else
} // if
} // foreach
$oe = new OutboundEmail();
$system = $oe->getSystemMailerSettings();
$return = $current_user->getUsersNameAndEmail();
$return['name'] = from_html($return['name']);
$useMyAccountString = true;
if (empty($return['email'])) {
$systemReturn = $current_user->getSystemDefaultNameAndEmail();
$return['email'] = $systemReturn['email'];
$return['name'] = from_html($systemReturn['name']);
$useMyAccountString = false;
} // if
$myAccountString = '';
if ($useMyAccountString) {
$myAccountString = " - {$app_strings['LBL_MY_ACCOUNT']}";
} // if
if (!empty($system->id)) {
$admin = BeanFactory::newBean('Administration');
$admin->retrieveSettings(); //retrieve all admin settings.
if (in_array(trim($return['email']), $toArray)) {
$foundInSystemAccounts = true;
} // if
} // if
if (!$foundInPersonalAccounts && !$foundInGroupAccounts && !$foundInSystemAccounts) {
$ret['fromAccounts']['status'] = false;
return $ret;
} // if
$ieAccountsFrom = array();
foreach ($ieAccountsFull as $k => $v) {
$storedOptions = sugar_unserialize(base64_decode($v->stored_options));
$storedOptionsName = from_html($storedOptions['from_name']);
$selected = false;
if (array_search_insensitive($storedOptions['from_addr'], $toArray)) {
//if ($ret['to'] == $storedOptions['from_addr']) {
$selected = true;
} // if
if ($foundInPersonalAccounts) {
if ($v->is_personal) {
$ieAccountsFrom[] = array(
"value" => $v->id,
"selected" => $selected,
"text" => "{$storedOptionsName} ({$storedOptions['from_addr']})"
} // if
} else {
$ieAccountsFrom[] = array(
"value" => $v->id,
"selected" => $selected,
"text" => "{$storedOptionsName} ({$storedOptions['from_addr']}) - {$app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_UPPER_CASE_GROUP']}"
} // else
} // foreach
if (!empty($system->id)) {
if (!$foundInPersonalAccounts && !$foundInGroupAccounts && $foundInSystemAccounts) {
$ieAccountsFrom[] = array(
"value" => $system->id,
"selected" => true,
"text" =>
"{$return['name']} ({$return['email']}){$myAccountString}"
} else {
$ieAccountsFrom[] = array(
"value" => $system->id,
"text" =>
"{$return['name']} ({$return['email']}){$myAccountString}"
} // else
} // if
$ret['fromAccounts']['status'] = ($foundInPersonalAccounts || $foundInGroupAccounts || $foundInSystemAccounts) ? true : false;
$ret['fromAccounts']['data'] = $ieAccountsFrom;
return $ret;
} // fn
* takes an array and creates XML
* @param array Array to convert
* @param string Name to wrap highest level items in array
* @return string XML
public function arrayToXML($a, $paramName)
if (!is_array($a)) {
return '';
$bad = array("<", ">", "'", '"', "&");
$good = array("&lt;", "&gt;", "&#39;", "&quot;", "&amp;");
$ret = "";
$aCount = count($a);
for ($i = 0; $i < $aCount; $i++) {
$email = $a[$i];
$ret .= "\n<{$paramName}>";
foreach ($email as $k => $v) {
$ret .= "\n\t<{$k}>" . str_replace($bad, $good, (string) $v) . "</{$k}>";
$ret .= "\n</{$paramName}>";
return $ret;
* Re-used option getter for Show Accounts multiselect pane
public function getShowAccountsOptions(&$ie)
global $current_user;
global $app_strings;
global $mod_strings;
$ieAccountsFull = $ie->retrieveAllByGroupId($current_user->id);
$ieAccountsShowOptionsMeta = array();
$showFolders = sugar_unserialize(base64_decode($current_user->getPreference('showFolders', 'Emails')));
$defaultIEAccount = $ie->getUsersDefaultOutboundServerId($current_user);
foreach ($ieAccountsFull as $k => $v) {
$default = $defaultIEAccount == $v->id;
$has_groupfolder = !empty($v->groupfolder_id);
$type = $v->is_personal ? $mod_strings['LBL_MAILBOX_TYPE_PERSONAL'] : $mod_strings['LBL_MAILBOX_TYPE_GROUP'];
$personalSelected = (!empty($showFolders) && in_array($v->id, $showFolders, true));
$allowOutboundGroupUsage = isTrue($v->get_stored_options('allow_outbound_group_usage', false) ?? false);
$selected = $personalSelected || $allowOutboundGroupUsage || is_admin($current_user);
if (!$selected) {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->debug("Inbound Email {$v->name}, not selected and will not be available for selection within compose UI.");
$ieAccountsShowOptionsMeta[] = array(
"id" => $v->id,
"name" => $v->name,
'is_active' => $selected,
'server_url' => $v->server_url,
'is_group' => !$v->is_personal,
'group_id' => $v->group_id,
'is_default' => $default,
'has_groupfolder' => $has_groupfolder,
'type' => $type
//Retrieve the grou folders
$f = new SugarFolder();
$groupFolders = $f->getGroupFoldersForSettings($current_user);
foreach ($groupFolders as $singleGroup) {
//Retrieve the related IE accounts.
$relatedIEAccounts = $ie->retrieveByGroupFolderId($singleGroup['id']);
if ((is_countable($relatedIEAccounts) ? count($relatedIEAccounts) : 0) == 0) {
$server_url = $app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_MULT_GROUP_FOLDER_ACCOUNTS_EMPTY'];
} else {
if ((is_countable($relatedIEAccounts) ? count($relatedIEAccounts) : 0) == 1) {
if ($relatedIEAccounts[0]->status != 'Active' || $relatedIEAccounts[0]->mailbox_type == 'bounce') {
$server_url = $relatedIEAccounts[0]->server_url;
} else {
$server_url = $app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_MULT_GROUP_FOLDER_ACCOUNTS'];
$type = $mod_strings['LBL_MAILBOX_TYPE_GROUP_FOLDER'];
$ieAccountsShowOptionsMeta[] = array(
"id" => $singleGroup['id'],
"name" => $singleGroup['origName'],
'is_active' => $singleGroup['selected'],
'server_url' => $server_url,
'is_group' => true,
'group_id' => $singleGroup['id'],
'is_default' => false,
'has_groupfolder' => true,
'type' => $type
return $ieAccountsShowOptionsMeta;
public function getShowAccountsOptionsForSearch(&$ie)
global $current_user;
global $app_strings;
$ieAccountsFull = $ie->retrieveAllByGroupId($current_user->id);
//$ieAccountsShowOptions = "<option value=''>{$app_strings['LBL_NONE']}</option>\n";
$ieAccountsShowOptionsMeta = array();
$ieAccountsShowOptionsMeta[] = array("value" => "", "text" => $app_strings['LBL_NONE'], 'selected' => '');
$showFolders = sugar_unserialize(base64_decode($current_user->getPreference('showFolders', 'Emails')));
foreach ($ieAccountsFull as $k => $v) {
if (!in_array($v->id, $showFolders)) {
$group = (!$v->is_personal) ? $app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_GROUP'] . "." : "";
$ieAccountsShowOptionsMeta[] = array(
"value" => $v->id,
"text" => $group . $v->name,
'protocol' => $v->protocol
return $ieAccountsShowOptionsMeta;
* Formats a display message on successful async call
* @param string $type Type of message to display
public function displaySuccessMessage($type)
global $app_strings;
switch ($type) {
case "delete":
$message = $app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_DELETE_SUCCESS'];
$message = "NOOP: invalid type";
$this->smarty->assign('app_strings', $app_strings);
$this->smarty->assign('message', $message);
echo $this->smarty->fetch("modules/Emails/templates/successMessage.tpl");
* Validates existence and expiration of a cache file
* @param string $ieId
* @param string $type Type of cache file: folders, messages, etc.
* @param string $file The cachefile name
* @param int refreshOffset Refresh time in secs.
* @return mixed.
public function validCacheFileExists($ieId, $type, $file, $refreshOffset = -1)
global $sugar_config;
if ($refreshOffset == -1) {
$refreshOffset = $this->cacheTimeouts[$type]; // use defaults
$cacheFilePath = sugar_cached("modules/Emails/{$ieId}/{$type}/{$file}");
if (file_exists($cacheFilePath)) {
return true;
return false;
* retrieves the cached value
* @param string $ieId
* @param string $type Type of cache file: folders, messages, etc.
* @param string $file The cachefile name
* @param string $key name of cache value
* @return mixed
public function getCacheValue($ieId, $type, $file, $key)
global $sugar_config;
$cleanIeId = cleanDirName($ieId);
$cleanType = cleanDirName($type);
$cleanFile = cleanFileName($file);
$cacheFilePath = sugar_cached("modules/Emails/{$cleanIeId}/{$cleanType}/{$cleanFile}");
$cacheFile = array();
if (file_exists($cacheFilePath)) {
include($cacheFilePath); // provides $cacheFile
if (isset($cacheFile[$key])) {
$ret = unserialize($cacheFile[$key]);
return $ret;
} else {
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("EMAILUI: cache file not found [ {$cacheFilePath} ] - creating blank cache file");
$this->writeCacheFile('retArr', array(), $ieId, $type, $file);
return null;
* retrieves the cache file last touched time
* @param string $ieId
* @param string $type Type of cache file: folders, messages, etc.
* @param string $file The cachefile name
* @return string
public function getCacheTimestamp($ieId, $type, $file)
global $sugar_config;
$cacheFilePath = sugar_cached("modules/Emails/{$ieId}/{$type}/{$file}");
$cacheFile = array();
if (file_exists($cacheFilePath)) {
include($cacheFilePath); // provides $cacheFile['timestamp']
if (isset($cacheFile['timestamp'])) {
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("EMAILUI: found timestamp [ {$cacheFile['timestamp']} ]");
return $cacheFile['timestamp'];
return '';
* Updates the timestamp for a cache file - usually to mark a "check email"
* process
* @param string $ieId
* @param string $type Type of cache file: folders, messages, etc.
* @param string $file The cachefile name
public function setCacheTimestamp($ieId, $type, $file)
global $sugar_config;
$cacheFilePath = sugar_cached("modules/Emails/{$ieId}/{$type}/{$file}");
$cacheFile = array();
if (file_exists($cacheFilePath)) {
include($cacheFilePath); // provides $cacheFile['timestamp']
if (isset($cacheFile['timestamp'])) {
$cacheFile['timestamp'] = strtotime('now');
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("EMAILUI: setting updated timestamp [ {$cacheFile['timestamp']} ]");
return $this->_writeCacheFile($cacheFile, $cacheFilePath);
* Writes caches to flat file in cache dir.
* @param string $key Key to the main cache entry (not timestamp)
* @param mixed $var Variable to be cached
* @param string $ieId I-E focus ID
* @param string $type Folder in cache
* @param string $file Cache file name
public function writeCacheFile($key, $var, $ieId, $type, $file)
global $sugar_config;
$cleanIeId = cleanDirName($ieId);
$cleanType = cleanDirName($type);
$cleanFile = cleanFileName($file);
$the_file = sugar_cached("modules/Emails/{$cleanIeId}/{$cleanType}/{$cleanFile}");
$timestamp = strtotime('now');
$array = array();
$array['timestamp'] = $timestamp;
$array[$key] = serialize($var); // serialized since varexport_helper() can't handle PHP objects
return $this->_writeCacheFile($array, $the_file);
* Performs the actual file write. Abstracted from writeCacheFile() for
* flexibility
* @param array $array The array to write to the cache
* @param string $file Full path (relative) with cache file name
* @return bool
public function _writeCacheFile($array, $file)
global $sugar_config;
$arrayString = var_export_helper($array);
$date = date("r");
$the_string = <<<eoq
<?php // created: {$date}
\$cacheFile = {$arrayString};
if ($fh = @sugar_fopen($file, "w")) {
fwrite($fh, $the_string);
return true;
} else {
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("EMAILUI: Could not write cache file [ {$file} ]");
return false;
* Generate JSON encoded data to be consumed by yui datatable.
* @param array $data
* @param string $resultsParam The resultsList name
* @return string
public function jsonOuput($data, $resultsParam, $count = 0, $fromCache = true, $unread = -1)
global $app_strings;
$count = ($count > 0) ? $count : 0;
$cached = ($fromCache) ? 1 : 0;
if ($data['mbox'] == 'undefined' || empty($data['mbox'])) {
$data['mbox'] = $app_strings['LBL_NONE'];
$jsonOut = array(
'TotalCount' => $count,
'FromCache' => $cached,
'UnreadCount' => $unread,
$resultsParam => $data['out']
return json_encode($jsonOut);
* generates XML output from an array
* @param array
* @param string master list Item
* @return string
public function xmlOutput($a, $paramName, $count = 0, $fromCache = true, $unread = -1)
global $app_strings;
$count = ($count > 0) ? $count : 0;
if (isset($a['fromCache'])) {
$cached = ($a['fromCache'] == 1) ? 1 : 0;
} else {
$cached = ($fromCache) ? 1 : 0;
if ($a['mbox'] == 'undefined' || empty($a['mbox'])) {
$a['mbox'] = $app_strings['LBL_NONE'];
$xml = $this->arrayToXML($a['out'], $paramName);
$ret = <<<eoq
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FromCache> {$cached} </FromCache>
return $ret;
* Generate to/cc addresses string in email detailview.
* @param string $str
* @param string $target values: to, cc
* @param int $defaultNum
* @return string $str
public function generateExpandableAddrs($str)
global $mod_strings;
$tempStr = $str . ',';
$tempStr = html_entity_decode($tempStr);
$tempStr = $this->unifyEmailString($tempStr);
$defaultNum = 2;
$pattern = '/@.*,/U';
preg_match_all($pattern, $tempStr, $matchs);
$totalCount = is_countable($matchs[0]) ? count($matchs[0]) : 0;
if (!empty($matchs[0]) && $totalCount > $defaultNum) {
$position = strpos($tempStr, (string) $matchs[0][$defaultNum]);
$hiddenCount = $totalCount - $defaultNum;
$frontStr = substr($tempStr, 0, $position);
$backStr = substr($tempStr, $position, -1);
$str = htmlentities($frontStr) . '<a class="utilsLink" onclick="SUGAR.email2.detailView.displayAllAddrs(this);">...[' . $mod_strings['LBL_EMAIL_DETAIL_VIEW_SHOW'] . $hiddenCount . $mod_strings['LBL_EMAIL_DETAIL_VIEW_MORE'] . ']</a><span style="display: none;">' . htmlentities($backStr) . '</span>';
return $str;
* Unify the separator as ,
* @param String $str email address string
* @return String converted string
public function unifyEmailString($str)
$new = [];
preg_match_all('/@.*;/U', $str, $matches);
if (!empty($matches[0])) {
foreach ($matches[0] as $key => $value) {
$new[] = str_replace(";", ",", (string) $value);
return str_replace($matches[0], $new, $str);
return $str;
} // end class def