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439 lines
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439 lines
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Executable file
if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
class LeadFormBase extends PersonFormBase
public $moduleName = 'Leads';
public $objectName = 'Lead';
* getDuplicateQuery
* This function returns the SQL String used for initial duplicate Leads check
* @see checkForDuplicates (method), ContactFormBase.php, LeadFormBase.php, ProspectFormBase.php
* @param $focus sugarbean
* @param $prefix String value of prefix that may be present in $_POST variables
* @return SQL String of the query that should be used for the initial duplicate lookup check
public function getDuplicateQuery($focus, $prefix='')
$query = "SELECT id, first_name, last_name, account_name, title FROM leads ";
// Bug #46427 : Records from other Teams shown on Potential Duplicate Contacts screen during Lead Conversion
// add team security
$query .= " WHERE deleted != 1 AND (status <> 'Converted' OR status IS NULL) AND ";
$dbManager = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
//Use the first and last name from the $_POST to filter. If only last name supplied use that
if (isset($_POST[$prefix.'first_name']) && strlen((string) $_POST[$prefix.'first_name']) != 0 && isset($_POST[$prefix.'last_name']) && strlen((string) $_POST[$prefix.'last_name']) != 0) {
$firstName = $dbManager->quote($_POST[$prefix.'first_name' ?? '']);
$lastName = $dbManager->quote($_POST[$prefix.'last_name' ?? '']);
$query .= " (first_name='". $firstName . "' AND last_name = '". $lastName ."')";
} else {
$lastName = $dbManager->quote($_POST[$prefix.'last_name' ?? '']);
$query .= " last_name = '". $lastName ."'";
return $query;
public function getWideFormBody($prefix, $mod='', $formname='')
if (!ACLController::checkAccess('Leads', 'edit', true)) {
return '';
global $mod_strings;
$temp_strings = $mod_strings;
if (!empty($mod)) {
global $current_language;
$mod_strings = return_module_language($current_language, $mod);
global $app_strings;
global $current_user;
global $app_list_strings;
$primary_address_country_options = get_select_options_with_id($app_list_strings['countries_dom'], '');
$lbl_required_symbol = $app_strings['LBL_REQUIRED_SYMBOL'];
$lbl_first_name = $mod_strings['LBL_FIRST_NAME'];
$lbl_last_name = $mod_strings['LBL_LAST_NAME'];
$lbl_phone = $mod_strings['LBL_OFFICE_PHONE'];
$lbl_address = $mod_strings['LBL_PRIMARY_ADDRESS'];
$user_id = $current_user->id;
$lbl_email_address = $mod_strings['LBL_EMAIL_ADDRESS'];
$form = <<<EOQ
<input type="hidden" name="{$prefix}record" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="{$prefix}status" value="New">
<input type="hidden" name="{$prefix}assigned_user_id" value='{$user_id}'>
<table class='evenListRow' border='0' width='100%'><tr><td nowrap cospan='1'>$lbl_first_name<br><input name="{$prefix}first_name" type="text" value=""></td><td colspan='1'><FONT class="required">$lbl_required_symbol</FONT> $lbl_last_name<br><input name='{$prefix}last_name' type="text" value=""></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan='4'><hr></td></tr>
<tr><td nowrap colspan='1'>{$mod_strings['LBL_TITLE']}<br><input name='{$prefix}title' type="text" value=""></td><td nowrap colspan='1'>{$mod_strings['LBL_DEPARTMENT']}<br><input name='{$prefix}department' type="text" value=""></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan='4'><hr></td></tr>
<tr><td nowrap colspan='4'>$lbl_address<br><input type='text' name='{$prefix}primary_address_street' size='80'></td></tr>
<tr><td> {$mod_strings['LBL_CITY']}<BR><input name='{$prefix}primary_address_city' maxlength='100' value=''></td><td>{$mod_strings['LBL_STATE']}<BR><input name='{$prefix}primary_address_state' maxlength='100' value=''></td><td>{$mod_strings['LBL_POSTAL_CODE']}<BR><input name='{$prefix}primary_address_postalcode' maxlength='100' value=''></td><td>{$mod_strings['LBL_COUNTRY']}<BR><select name='{$prefix}primary_address_country' size='1'>{$primary_address_country_options}</select></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan='4'><hr></td></tr>
<tr><td nowrap >$lbl_phone<br><input name='{$prefix}phone_work' type="text" value=""></td><td nowrap >{$mod_strings['LBL_MOBILE_PHONE']}<br><input name='{$prefix}phone_mobile' type="text" value=""></td><td nowrap >{$mod_strings['LBL_FAX_PHONE']}<br><input name='{$prefix}phone_fax' type="text" value=""></td><td nowrap >{$mod_strings['LBL_HOME_PHONE']}<br><input name='{$prefix}phone_home' type="text" value=""></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan='4'><hr></td></tr>
<tr><td nowrap colspan='1'>$lbl_email_address<br><input name='{$prefix}email1' type="text" value=""></td><td nowrap colspan='1'>{$mod_strings['LBL_OTHER_EMAIL_ADDRESS']}<br><input name='{$prefix}email2' type="text" value=""></td></tr>
<tr><td nowrap colspan='4'>{$mod_strings['LBL_DESCRIPTION']}<br><textarea cols='80' rows='4' name='{$prefix}description' ></textarea></td></tr></table>
$javascript = new javascript();
$javascript->addField('email1', 'false', $prefix);
$javascript->addField('email2', 'false', $prefix);
$form .=$javascript->getScript();
$mod_strings = $temp_strings;
return $form;
public function getFormBody($prefix, $mod='', $formname='')
if (!ACLController::checkAccess('Leads', 'edit', true)) {
return '';
global $mod_strings;
$temp_strings = $mod_strings;
if (!empty($mod)) {
global $current_language;
$mod_strings = return_module_language($current_language, $mod);
global $app_strings;
global $current_user;
$lbl_required_symbol = $app_strings['LBL_REQUIRED_SYMBOL'];
$lbl_first_name = $mod_strings['LBL_FIRST_NAME'];
$lbl_last_name = $mod_strings['LBL_LAST_NAME'];
$lbl_phone = $mod_strings['LBL_PHONE'];
$user_id = $current_user->id;
$lbl_email_address = $mod_strings['LBL_EMAIL_ADDRESS'];
$form = <<<EOQ
<input type="hidden" name="{$prefix}record" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="{$prefix}email2" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="{$prefix}status" value="New">
<input type="hidden" name="{$prefix}assigned_user_id" value='{$user_id}'>
<p> $lbl_first_name<br>
<input name="{$prefix}first_name" type="text" value=""><br>
$lbl_last_name <span class="required">$lbl_required_symbol</span><br>
<input name='{$prefix}last_name' type="text" value=""><br>
<input name='{$prefix}phone_work' type="text" value=""><br>
<input name='{$prefix}email1' type="text" value=""></p>
$javascript = new javascript();
$javascript->addField('email1', 'false', $prefix);
$javascript->addField('email2', 'false', $prefix);
$form .=$javascript->getScript();
$mod_strings = $temp_strings;
return $form;
public function getForm($prefix, $mod='Leads')
if (!ACLController::checkAccess('Leads', 'edit', true)) {
return '';
if (!empty($mod)) {
global $current_language;
$mod_strings = return_module_language($current_language, $mod);
} else {
global $mod_strings;
global $app_strings;
$lbl_save_button_title = $app_strings['LBL_SAVE_BUTTON_TITLE'];
$lbl_save_button_key = $app_strings['LBL_SAVE_BUTTON_KEY'];
$lbl_save_button_label = $app_strings['LBL_SAVE_BUTTON_LABEL'];
$the_form = get_left_form_header($mod_strings['LBL_NEW_FORM_TITLE']);
$the_form .= <<<EOQ
<form name="{$prefix}LeadSave" onSubmit="return check_form('{$prefix}LeadSave')" method="POST" action="index.php">
<input type="hidden" name="{$prefix}module" value="Leads">
<input type="hidden" name="{$prefix}action" value="Save">
$the_form .= $this->getFormBody($prefix, $mod, "{$prefix}LeadSave");
$the_form .= <<<EOQ
<p><input title="$lbl_save_button_title" accessKey="$lbl_save_button_key" class="button" type="submit" name="{$prefix}button" value=" $lbl_save_button_label " ></p>
$the_form .= get_left_form_footer();
$the_form .= get_validate_record_js();
return $the_form;
* Starting from a Lead bean, searches for an account_id to match the given account_name.
* This relationship is handled loosely, to allow for Leads to refer to non-existent accounts.
* Makes changes to the bean, but does not Save it. Will clear an existing account_id,
* if there isn't one (and only one) to match the account_name.
* Returns the new account_id, if one is assigned.
* @param $leadBean
* @return string
public static function handleLeadAccountName($leadBean)
if (isset($leadBean->account_name)) {
$account_query =
"SELECT id FROM accounts WHERE deleted != 1 AND name = '" .
$leadBean->db->quote(trim($leadBean->account_name)) .
$account_results = $leadBean->db->query($account_query);
$row = $leadBean->db->fetchByAssoc($account_results);
if (!isset($leadBean->account_id) || $leadBean->account_id === '') {
// If id is empty, and we can find one, and only one, matching account, we fill it
if ($account_results->num_rows === 1) {
$leadBean->account_id = $row['id'];
} else {
if (isset($leadBean->fetched_row['account_name']) &&
strcmp($leadBean->account_name, $leadBean->fetched_row['account_name']) !== 0) {
// if account_name is being changed in this edit, update the id whether it was present before or not,
// or bank it if there were zero (or more than one) account_name matches
$leadBean->account_id = (($account_results->num_rows === 1) ? $row['id'] : '');
return $leadBean->account_id;
public function handleSave($prefix, $redirect=true, $useRequired=false, $do_save=true, $exist_lead=null)
if (empty($exist_lead)) {
$focus = BeanFactory::newBean('Leads');
} else {
$focus = $exist_lead;
if ($useRequired && !checkRequired($prefix, array_keys($focus->required_fields))) {
return null;
$focus = populateFromPost($prefix, $focus);
if (!$focus->ACLAccess('Save')) {
//Check for duplicate Leads
if (empty($_POST['record']) && empty($_POST['dup_checked'])) {
$duplicateLeads = $this->checkForDuplicates($prefix);
if (isset($duplicateLeads)) {
//Set the redirect location to call the ShowDuplicates action. This will map to view.showduplicates.php
$get = '';
if (isset($_POST['inbound_email_id']) && !empty($_POST['inbound_email_id'])) {
$get .= '&inbound_email_id='.$_POST['inbound_email_id'];
if (isset($_POST['relate_to']) && !empty($_POST['relate_to'])) {
$get .= '&Leadsrelate_to='.$_POST['relate_to'];
if (isset($_POST['relate_id']) && !empty($_POST['relate_id'])) {
$get .= '&Leadsrelate_id='.$_POST['relate_id'];
//add all of the post fields to redirect get string
foreach ($focus->column_fields as $field) {
if (!empty($focus->$field) && !is_object($focus->$field)) {
$get .= "&Leads$field=".urlencode($focus->$field);
foreach ($focus->additional_column_fields as $field) {
if (!empty($focus->$field)) {
$get .= "&Leads$field=".urlencode($focus->$field);
if ($focus->hasCustomFields()) {
foreach ($focus->field_defs as $name=>$field) {
if (!empty($field['source']) && $field['source'] == 'custom_fields') {
$get .= "&Leads$name=". (!empty($focus->$name) ? urlencode($focus->$name) : '');
$emailAddress = new SugarEmailAddress();
$get .= $emailAddress->getFormBaseURL($focus);
//create list of suspected duplicate lead ids in redirect get string
foreach ($duplicateLeads as $lead) {
$get .= "&duplicate[$i]=".$lead['id'];
//add return_module, return_action, and return_id to redirect get string
$get .= "&return_module=";
if (!empty($_POST['return_module'])) {
$get .= $_POST['return_module'];
} else {
$get .= "Leads";
//add return_module, return_action, and return_id to redirect get string
$urlData = array('return_module' => 'Leads', 'return_action' => '');
foreach (array('return_module', 'return_action', 'return_id', 'popup', 'create', 'start') as $var) {
if (!empty($_POST[$var])) {
$urlData[$var] = $_POST[$var];
$get .= "&".http_build_query($urlData);
if (!empty($_POST['is_ajax_call']) && $_POST['is_ajax_call'] == '1') {
$json = getJSONobj();
echo $json->encode(array('status' => 'dupe', 'get' => $location));
} else {
if (!empty($_REQUEST['ajax_load'])) {
echo "<script>SUGAR.ajaxUI.loadContent('index.php?$location');</script>";
} else {
if (!empty($_POST['to_pdf'])) {
$location .= '&to_pdf='.urlencode($_POST['to_pdf']);
header("Location: index.php?$location");
return null;
if (!isset($_POST[$prefix.'email_opt_out'])) {
$focus->email_opt_out = 0;
if (!isset($_POST[$prefix.'do_not_call'])) {
$focus->do_not_call = 0;
if ($do_save) {
if (!empty($GLOBALS['check_notify'])) {
} else {
$return_id = $focus->id;
if (isset($_POST[$prefix.'prospect_id']) && !empty($_POST[$prefix.'prospect_id'])) {
// Set to keep email in target
$prospect->in_workflow = true;
//if prospect id exists, make sure we are coming from prospect detail
if (strtolower($_POST['return_module']) =='prospects' && strtolower($_POST['return_action']) == 'detailview') {
//create campaing_log entry
if (isset($focus->campaign_id) && $focus->campaign_id != null) {
campaign_log_lead_entry($focus->campaign_id, $prospect, $focus, 'lead');
if (isset($_REQUEST['inbound_email_id']) && !empty($_REQUEST['inbound_email_id'])) {
if (!isset($current_user)) {
global $current_user;
// fake this case like it's already saved.
$email = BeanFactory::newBean('Emails');
$email->parent_type = 'Leads';
$email->parent_id = $focus->id;
$email->assigned_user_id = $current_user->id;
$email->status = 'read';
header("Location: index.php?&module=Emails&action=EditView&type=out&inbound_email_id=".urlencode($_REQUEST['inbound_email_id'])."&parent_id=".$email->parent_id."&parent_type=".$email->parent_type.'&start='.urlencode($_REQUEST['start']));
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Saved record with id of ".$return_id);
if ($redirect) {
handleRedirect($return_id, 'Leads');
} else {
return $focus;