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2023-07-18 15:53:47 +01:00

912 lines
37 KiB
Executable file

* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
define('MB_TEMPLATES', 'include/SugarObjects/templates') ;
define('MB_IMPLEMENTS', 'include/SugarObjects/implements') ;
require_once('modules/ModuleBuilder/MB/MBVardefs.php') ;
require_once('modules/ModuleBuilder/MB/MBRelationship.php') ;
require_once('modules/ModuleBuilder/MB/MBLanguage.php') ;
class MBModule
public $name = '' ;
public $config = array(
'assignable' => 1 , 'security_groups' => 1, 'acl' => 1 , 'has_tab' => 1 , 'studio' => 1 , 'audit' => 1 ) ;
public $mbpublicdefs ;
public $errors = array( ) ;
public $path = '' ;
public $implementable = array(
'has_tab' => 'Navigation Tab' ) ;
public $always_implement = array( 'assignable' => 'Assignable', 'security_groups' => 'Security Groups' , 'acl' => 'Access Controls' , 'studio' => 'Studio Support' , 'audit' => 'Audit Table' ) ;
public $iTemplate = array(
'assignable', 'security_groups' ) ;
public $config_md5 = null ;
public function __construct($name, $path, $package, $package_key)
global $mod_strings;
$this->config [ 'templates' ] = array( 'basic' => 1 ) ;
$this->name = MBModule::getDBName($name) ;
$this->key_name = $package_key . '_' . $name ;
$this->package = $package ;
$this->package_key = $package_key ;
$this->package_path = $path ;
$this->implementable = array(
'has_tab' => !empty($mod_strings[ 'LBL_NAV_TAB' ]) ? $mod_strings[ 'LBL_NAV_TAB' ] : false) ;
$this->path = $this->getModuleDir() ;
// $this->mbrelationship = new MBRelationship($this->name, $this->path, $this->key_name);
$this->relationships = new UndeployedRelationships($this->path) ;
$this->mbvardefs = new MBVardefs($this->name, $this->path, $this->key_name) ;
$this->load() ;
public function getDBName($name)
return preg_replace("/[^\w]+/", "_", (string) $name) ;
public function getModuleName()
return $this->name;
public function getPackageName()
return $this->package;
* @return UndeployedRelationships
public function getRelationships()
return $this->relationships;
* Loads the module based on the module name
public function load()
if (file_exists($this->path . '/config.php')) {
include($this->path . '/config.php') ;
$this->config = $config ;
$label = (! empty($this->config [ 'label' ])) ? $this->config [ 'label' ] : $this->name ;
$this->mblanguage = new MBLanguage($this->name, $this->path, $label, $this->key_name) ;
foreach ($this->iTemplate as $temp) {
if (! empty($this->config [ $temp ])) {
$this->mbvardefs->iTemplates [ $temp ] = 1 ;
$this->mblanguage->iTemplates [ $temp ] = $temp ;
$this->mbvardefs->templates = $this->config [ 'templates' ] ;
$this->mblanguage->templates = $this->config [ 'templates' ] ;
$this->mbvardefs->load() ;
$this->mblanguage->load() ;
public function addTemplate($template)
$this->config [ 'templates' ] [ $template ] = 1 ;
public function getModuleDir()
return $this->package_path . '/modules/' . $this->name ;
public function removeTemplate($template)
unset($this->config [ 'templates' ] [ $template ]) ;
public function getVardefs($by_group = false)
$this->mbvardefs->updateVardefs($by_group) ;
return $this->mbvardefs->getVardefs() ;
public function addField($vardef)
$this->mbvardefs->addFieldVardef($vardef) ;
public function addFieldObject($field)
$vardef = $field->get_field_def() ;
$existingVardefs = $this->mbvardefs->getVardefs() ;
//Merge with the existing vardef if it already exists
if (!empty($existingVardefs['fields'][$vardef['name']])) {
$vardef = array_merge($existingVardefs['fields'][$vardef['name']], $vardef);
if (! empty($vardef [ 'source' ]) && $vardef [ 'source' ] == 'custom_fields') {
unset($vardef [ 'source' ]) ;
$this->addField($vardef) ;
public function deleteField($name)
$this->mbvardefs->deleteField($name) ;
public function fieldExists($name = '', $type = '')
$vardefs = $this->getVardefs();
if (! empty($vardefs)) {
if (empty($type) && empty($name)) {
return false ;
} else {
if (empty($type)) {
return ! empty($vardefs [ 'fields' ] [ $name ]) ;
} else {
if (empty($name)) {
foreach ($vardefs [ 'fields' ] as $def) {
if ($def [ 'type' ] == $type) {
return true ;
return false ;
} else {
return (! empty($vardefs [ 'fields' ] [ $name ]) && ($vardefs [ 'fields' ] [ $name ] [ 'type' ] == $type)) ;
} else {
return false ;
public function getModStrings($language = 'en_us')
return $this->mblanguage->getModStrings($language) ;
public function setModStrings($language, $mod_strings= array())
// set $language = 'en_us' as default
if (!$language) {
$language = 'en_us';
$language .= '.lang.php';
$this->mblanguage->strings [$language] = $mod_strings;
public function setLabel($language, $key, $value= null)
// set $language = 'en_us' as default
if (!$language) {
$language = 'en_us';
$language .= '.lang.php' ;
$this->mblanguage->strings [ $language ] [ $key ] = $value ;
//Ensure this key exists in all languages
foreach ($this->mblanguage->strings as $lang => $values) {
if (empty($values[$key])) {
$this->mblanguage->strings[$lang][$key] = $value;
public function deleteLabel($language, $key= null)
// set $language = 'en_us' as default
if (!$language) {
$language = 'en_us';
foreach ($this->mblanguage->strings as $lang => $values) {
if (!empty($values[$key])) {
* Required for an MB module to work with Dynamic fields
public function addLabel($displayLabel)
$this->setLabel('en_us', $this->getDBName($displayLabel, false), translate($displayLabel));
public function getLabel($language, $key= null)
// set $language = 'en_us' as default
if (!$language) {
$language = 'en_us';
$language .= '.lang.php' ;
if (empty($this->mblanguage->strings [ $language ] [ $key ])) {
return '' ;
return $this->mblanguage->strings [ $language ] [ $key ] ;
public function getAppListStrings($language = 'en_us')
return $this->mblanguage->getAppListStrings($language) ;
public function setAppListStrings($language, $app_list_strings= array())
// set $language = 'en_us' as default
if (!$language) {
$language = 'en_us';
$language .= '.lang.php' ;
$this->mblanguage->appListStrings [ $language ] = $app_list_strings ;
public function setDropDown($language, $key = null, $value= null)
// set $language = 'en_us' as default
if (!$language) {
$language = 'en_us';
$language .= '.lang.php' ;
$this->mblanguage->appListStrings [ $language ] [ $key ] = $value ;
public function deleteDropDown($language, $key= null)
// set $language = 'en_us' as default
if (!$language) {
$language = 'en_us';
$language .= '.lang.php' ;
unset($this->mblanguage->appListStrings [ $language ] [ $key ]) ;
public function save()
$this->path = $this->getModuleDir() ;
if (mkdir_recursive($this->path)) {
$this->setConfigMD5() ;
$old_config_md5 = $this->config_md5 ;
$this->saveConfig() ;
$this->getVardefs() ;
$this->mbvardefs->save($this->key_name) ;
// $this->mbrelationship->save ( $this->key_name ) ;
$this->relationships->save() ;
$this->copyMetaData() ;
$this->copyDashlet() ;
$this->copyViews() ;
if (0 != strcmp($old_config_md5, $this->config_md5)) {
$this->mblanguage->reload() ;
$this->mblanguage->label = $this->config [ 'label' ] ;
//pass in the key_name incase it has changed mblanguage will check if it is different and handle it accordingly
$this->mblanguage->save($this->key_name) ;
if (! file_exists($this->package_path . "/icons/icon_" . ucfirst($this->key_name) . ".gif")) {
$this->createIcon() ;
$this->errors = array_merge($this->errors, $this->mbvardefs->errors) ;
public function copyDashlet()
$templates = array_reverse($this->config [ 'templates' ], true) ;
foreach ($templates as $template => $a) {
if (file_exists(MB_TEMPLATES . '/' . $template . '/Dashlets/Dashlet')) {
$this->copyMetaRecursive(MB_TEMPLATES . '/' . $template . '/Dashlets/Dashlet', $this->path . '/Dashlets/' . $this->key_name . 'Dashlet/') ;
public function copyViews()
$templates = array_reverse($this->config [ 'templates' ], true) ;
foreach ($templates as $template => $a) {
if (file_exists(MB_TEMPLATES . '/' . $template . '/views')) {
$this->copyMetaRecursive(MB_TEMPLATES . '/' . $template . '/views', $this->path . '/views/') ;
public function copyCustomFiles($from, $to)
$d = dir($from) ;
while ($filename = $d->read()) {
if (substr($filename, 0, 1) == '.') {
continue ;
if ($filename != 'metadata' && $filename != 'Dashlets' && $filename != 'relationships' && $filename != 'language' && $filename != 'config.php' && $filename != 'relationships.php' && $filename != 'vardefs.php') {
copy_recursive("$from/$filename", "$to/$filename") ;
public function copyMetaData()
$templates = array_reverse($this->config [ 'templates' ], true) ;
foreach ($templates as $template => $a) {
if (file_exists(MB_TEMPLATES . '/' . $template . '/metadata')) {
$this->copyMetaRecursive(MB_TEMPLATES . '/' . $template . '/metadata', $this->path . '/metadata/') ;
public function copyMetaRecursive($from, $to, $overwrite = false)
if (! file_exists($from)) {
return ;
if (is_dir($from)) {
$findArray = array( '<module_name>' , '<_module_name>' , '<MODULE_NAME>' , '<object_name>' , '<_object_name>' , '<OBJECT_NAME>' );
$replaceArray = array( $this->key_name , strtolower($this->key_name) , strtoupper($this->key_name) ,
$this->key_name , strtolower($this->key_name) , strtoupper($this->key_name) );
mkdir_recursive($to) ;
$d = dir($from) ;
while ($e = $d->read()) {
if (substr($e, 0, 1) == '.') {
continue ;
$nfrom = $from . '/' . $e ;
$nto = $to . '/' . str_replace('m-n-', $this->key_name, $e) ;
if (is_dir($nfrom)) {
$this->copyMetaRecursive($nfrom, $nto, $overwrite) ;
} else {
if ($overwrite || ! file_exists($nto)) {
$contents = file_get_contents($nfrom) ;
$contents = str_replace($findArray, $replaceArray, $contents) ;
sugar_file_put_contents($nto, $contents) ;
public function saveConfig()
$header = file_get_contents('modules/ModuleBuilder/MB/header.php') ;
if (! write_array_to_file('config', $this->config, $this->path . '/config.php', 'w', $header)) {
$this->errors [] = 'Could not save config to ' . $this->path . '/config.php' ;
$this->setConfigMD5() ;
public function setConfigMD5()
if (file_exists($this->path . '/config.php')) {
$this->config_md5 = md5(base64_encode(serialize($this->config))) ;
public function build($basepath)
global $app_list_strings;
$path = $basepath . '/modules/' . $this->key_name ;
if (mkdir_recursive($path)) {
$this->createClasses($path) ;
$this->copyCustomFiles($this->path, $path) ;
$this->copyMetaRecursive($this->path . '/metadata/', $path . '/metadata/', true) ;
$this->path . '/Dashlets/' . $this->key_name . 'Dashlet/',
$path . '/Dashlets/' . $this->key_name . 'Dashlet/',
) ;
$app_list_strings['moduleList'][$this->key_name] = $this->mblanguage->label;
$this->relationships->build($basepath) ;
$this->mblanguage->build($path) ;
public function createClasses($path)
$class = array( ) ;
$class [ 'name' ] = $this->key_name ;
$class [ 'table_name' ] = strtolower($class [ 'name' ]) ;
$class [ 'extends' ] = 'Basic' ;
$class [ 'requires' ] [] = MB_TEMPLATES . '/basic/Basic.php' ;
$class [ 'requires' ] = array( ) ;
$class [ 'audited' ] = (! empty($this->config [ 'audit' ])) ? 'true' : 'false' ;
$class [ 'acl' ] = ! empty($this->config [ 'acl' ]) ;
$class [ 'templates' ] = "'basic'" ;
foreach ($this->iTemplate as $template) {
if (! empty($this->config [ $template ])) {
$class [ 'templates' ] .= ",'$template'" ;
foreach ($this->config [ 'templates' ] as $template => $a) {
if ($template == 'basic') {
continue ;
$class [ 'templates' ] .= ",'$template'" ;
$class [ 'extends' ] = ucFirst($template) ;
$class [ 'requires' ] [] = MB_TEMPLATES . '/' . $template . '/' . ucfirst($template) . '.php' ;
$class [ 'importable' ] = $this->config [ 'importable' ] ;
$class [ 'inline_edit' ] = isset($this->config [ 'inline_edit' ]) ? $this->config [ 'inline_edit' ] : null;
$this->mbvardefs->updateVardefs() ;
$class [ 'fields' ] = $this->mbvardefs->vardefs [ 'fields' ] ;
$class [ 'fields_string' ] = var_export_helper($this->mbvardefs->vardef [ 'fields' ]) ;
$relationship = array( ) ;
$class [ 'relationships' ] = var_export_helper($this->mbvardefs->vardef [ 'relationships' ]) ;
$smarty = new Sugar_Smarty() ;
$smarty->left_delimiter = '{{' ;
$smarty->right_delimiter = '}}' ;
$smarty->assign('class', $class) ;
if (! file_exists($path . '/' . $class [ 'name' ] . '.php')) {
$path . '/' . $class ['name'] . '.php',
//write vardefs
$path . '/vardefs.php',
if (! file_exists($path . '/metadata')) {
mkdir_recursive($path . '/metadata') ;
if (! empty($this->config [ 'studio' ])) {
$path . '/metadata/studio.php',
} else {
if (file_exists($path . '/metadata/studio.php')) {
unlink($path . '/metadata/studio.php') ;
public function createMenu($path)
$smarty = new Sugar_Smarty() ;
$smarty->assign('moduleName', $this->key_name) ;
$smarty->assign('showvCard', array_key_exists('person', $this->config[ 'templates' ])) ;
$smarty->assign('showimport', $this->config['importable']);
//write sugar generated class
$path . '/' . 'Menu.php',
public function addInstallDefs(&$installDefs)
$name = $this->key_name ;
$installDefs [ 'copy' ] [] = array( 'from' => '<basepath>/SugarModules/modules/' . $name , 'to' => 'modules/' . $name ) ;
$installDefs [ 'beans' ] [] = array( 'module' => $name , 'class' => $name , 'path' => 'modules/' . $name . '/' . $name . '.php' , 'tab' => $this->config [ 'has_tab' ] ) ;
$this->relationships->addInstallDefs($installDefs) ;
public function getNodes()
$lSubs = array( ) ;
$psubs = $this->getProvidedSubpanels() ;
foreach ($psubs as $sub) {
$subLabel = $sub ;
if ($subLabel == 'default') {
$subLabel = $GLOBALS [ 'mod_strings' ] [ 'LBL_DEFAULT' ] ;
$lSubs [] = array( 'name' => $subLabel , 'type' => 'list' , 'action' => 'module=ModuleBuilder&MB=true&action=editLayout&view=ListView&view_module=' . $this->name . '&view_package=' . $this->package . '&subpanel=' . $sub . '&subpanelLabel=' . $subLabel . '&local=1' ) ;
$searchSubs = array( ) ;
$searchSubs [] = array( 'name' => translate('LBL_BASIC_SEARCH') , 'type' => 'list' , 'action' => "module=ModuleBuilder&MB=true&action=editLayout&view=basic_search&view_module={$this->name}&view_package={$this->package}" ) ;
$searchSubs [] = array( 'name' => translate('LBL_ADVANCED_SEARCH') , 'type' => 'list' , 'action' => 'module=ModuleBuilder&MB=true&action=editLayout&view=advanced_search&view_module=' . $this->name . '&view_package=' . $this->package ) ;
$dashlets = array( );
$dashlets [] = array('name' => translate('LBL_DASHLETLISTVIEW') , 'type' => 'dashlet' , 'action' => 'module=ModuleBuilder&MB=true&action=editLayout&view=dashlet&view_module=' . $this->name . '&view_package=' . $this->package );
$dashlets [] = array('name' => translate('LBL_DASHLETSEARCHVIEW') , 'type' => 'dashletsearch' , 'action' => 'module=ModuleBuilder&MB=true&action=editLayout&view=dashletsearch&view_module=' . $this->name . '&view_package=' . $this->package );
$popups = array( );
$popups [] = array('name' => translate('LBL_POPUPLISTVIEW') , 'type' => 'popuplistview' , 'action' => 'module=ModuleBuilder&action=editLayout&view=popuplist&view_module=' . $this->name . '&view_package=' . $this->package );
$popups [] = array('name' => translate('LBL_POPUPSEARCH') , 'type' => 'popupsearch' , 'action' => 'module=ModuleBuilder&action=editLayout&view=popupsearch&view_module=' . $this->name . '&view_package=' . $this->package );
$layouts = array(
array( 'name' => translate('LBL_EDITVIEW') , 'type' => 'edit' , 'action' => 'module=ModuleBuilder&MB=true&action=editLayout&view='.MB_EDITVIEW.'&view_module=' . $this->name . '&view_package=' . $this->package ) ,
array( 'name' => translate('LBL_DETAILVIEW') , 'type' => 'detail' , 'action' => 'module=ModuleBuilder&MB=true&action=editLayout&view='.MB_DETAILVIEW.'&view_module=' . $this->name . '&view_package=' . $this->package ) ,
array( 'name' => translate('LBL_LISTVIEW') , 'type' => 'list' , 'action' => 'module=ModuleBuilder&MB=true&action=editLayout&view='.MB_LISTVIEW.'&view_module=' . $this->name . '&view_package=' . $this->package ) ,
array( 'name' => translate('LBL_QUICKCREATE') , 'type' => MB_QUICKCREATE, 'action' => 'module=ModuleBuilder&MB=true&action=editLayout&view='.MB_QUICKCREATE.'&view_module=' . $this->name . '&view_package=' . $this->package ) ,
array( 'name' => translate('LBL_DASHLET') , 'type' => 'Folder', 'children' => $dashlets, 'action' => 'module=ModuleBuilder&MB=true&action=wizard&view=dashlet&view_module=' . $this->name . '&view_package=' . $this->package ),
array( 'name' => translate('LBL_POPUP') , 'type' => 'Folder', 'children' => $popups, 'action' => 'module=ModuleBuilder&MB=true&action=wizard&view=popup&view_module=' . $this->name . '&view_package=' . $this->package ),
array( 'name' => translate('LBL_SEARCH_FORMS') , 'action' => 'module=ModuleBuilder&MB=true&action=wizard&view=search&view_module=' . $this->name . '&view_package=' . $this->package , 'type' => 'folder' , 'children' => $searchSubs )
) ;
$children = array(
array( 'name' => translate('LBL_FIELDS') , 'action' => 'module=ModuleBuilder&action=modulefields&view_module=' . $this->name . '&view_package=' . $this->package ) ,
array( 'name' => translate('LBL_LABELS') , 'action' => 'module=ModuleBuilder&action=modulelabels&view_module=' . $this->name . '&view_package=' . $this->package ) ,
array( 'name' => translate('LBL_RELATIONSHIPS') , 'action' => 'module=ModuleBuilder&action=relationships&view_module=' . $this->name . '&view_package=' . $this->package ) ,
array( 'name' => translate('LBL_LAYOUTS') , 'type' => 'Folder' , 'action' => "module=ModuleBuilder&action=wizard&view_module={$this->name}&view_package={$this->package}&MB=1" , 'children' => $layouts ) ,
) ;
if (count($lSubs) > 0) {
$children [] = array( 'name' => translate('LBL_AVAILABLE_SUBPANELS') , 'type' => 'folder' , 'children' => $lSubs ) ;
$nodes = array( 'name' => $this->name , 'children' => $children , 'action' => 'module=ModuleBuilder&action=module&view_module=' . $this->name . '&view_package=' . $this->package ) ;
return $nodes ;
public function getProvidedSubpanels()
$this->providedSubpanels = array() ;
$subpanelDir = $this->getModuleDir() . '/metadata/subpanels/' ;
if (file_exists($subpanelDir)) {
$f = dir($subpanelDir) ;
require_once 'modules/ModuleBuilder/parsers/relationships/AbstractRelationships.php' ;
while ($g = $f->read()) {
// sanity check to confirm that this is a usable subpanel...
if (substr($g, 0, 1) != '.' && AbstractRelationships::validSubpanel($subpanelDir . $g)) {
$subname = str_replace('.php', '', $g) ;
$this->providedSubpanels [ $subname ] = $subname ;
return $this->providedSubpanels;
public static function getTypes()
$types = array( ) ;
$d = dir(MB_TEMPLATES) ;
while ($e = $d->read()) {
if (substr($e, 0, 1) != '.') {
$types [ $e ] = $e ;
return $types ;
public function rename($new_name)
$old = $this->getModuleDir() ;
$old_name = $this->key_name;
$this->name = $new_name ;
$this->key_name = $this->package_key . '_' . $this->name ;
$new = $this->getModuleDir() ;
if (file_exists($new)) {
return false ;
$renamed = rename($old, $new) ;
if ($renamed) {
$this->renameMetaData($new, $old_name) ;
$this->renameLanguageFiles($new) ;
return $renamed ;
public function renameLanguageFiles($new_dir, $duplicate = false)
$this->mblanguage->name = $this->name ;
$this->mblanguage->path = $new_dir ;
$this->mblanguage->generateAppStrings() ;
$this->mblanguage->save($this->key_name, $duplicate, true) ;
* Rename module name in metadata
* @param string $new_dir
* @param string $old_name
public function renameMetaData($new_dir, $old_name)
$GLOBALS [ 'log' ]->debug('MBModule.php->renameMetaData: new_dir=' . $new_dir) ;
if (! file_exists($new_dir)) {
return ;
$dir = dir($new_dir) ;
while ($e = $dir->read()) {
if (substr($e, 0, 1) != '.') {
if (is_dir($new_dir . '/' . $e)) {
$this->renameMetaData($new_dir . '/' . $e, $old_name) ;
if (is_file($new_dir . '/' . $e)) {
$contents = file_get_contents($new_dir . '/' . $e) ;
$search_array = array(
'/(\$module_name[ ]*=[ ]*\').*(\'[ ]*;)/',
'/(\$_module_name[ ]*=[ ]*\').*(\'[ ]*;)/',
'/(\$MODULE_NAME[ ]*=[ ]*\').*(\'[ ]*;)/',
'/(\$object_name[ ]*=[ ]*\').*(\'[ ]*;)/',
'/(\$_object_name[ ]*=[ ]*\').*(\'[ ]*;)/',
'/(\$OBJECT_NAME[ ]*=[ ]*\').*(\'[ ]*;)/'
$replace_array = array(
'$1' . $this->key_name . '$2',
'$1' . strtolower($this->key_name) . '$2',
'$1' . strtoupper($this->key_name) . '$2',
'$1' . $this->key_name . '$2',
'$1' . strtolower($this->key_name) . '$2',
'$1' . strtoupper($this->key_name) . '$2',
$contents = preg_replace($search_array, $replace_array, $contents);
$search_array = array(
$replace_array = array(
$this->key_name . '_',
$this->key_name . 'Dashlet'
$contents = str_replace($search_array, $replace_array, $contents);
if ("relationships.php" == $e) {
//bug 39598 Relationship Name Is Not Updated If Module Name Is Changed In Module Builder
$contents = str_replace("'{$old_name}'", "'{$this->key_name}'", $contents) ;
sugar_file_put_contents($new_dir . '/' . $e, $contents) ;
public function copy($new_name)
$old = $this->getModuleDir() ;
$count = 0 ;
$old_name = $this->key_name;
$this->name = $new_name ;
$this->key_name = $this->package_key . '_' . $this->name ;
$new = $this->getModuleDir() ;
while (file_exists($new)) {
$count ++ ;
$this->name = $new_name . $count ;
$this->key_name = $this->package_key . '_' . $this->name ;
$new = $this->getModuleDir() ;
$new = $this->getModuleDir() ;
$copied = copy_recursive($old, $new) ;
if ($copied) {
$this->renameMetaData($new, $old_name) ;
$this->renameLanguageFiles($new, true) ;
return $copied ;
public function delete()
return rmdir_recursive($this->getModuleDir()) ;
public function populateFromPost()
foreach ($this->implementable as $key => $value) {
$this->config [ $key ] = ! empty($_REQUEST [ $key ]) ;
foreach ($this->always_implement as $key => $value) {
$this->config [ $key ] = true ;
if (! empty($_REQUEST [ 'type' ])) {
$this->addTemplate($_REQUEST [ 'type' ]) ;
if (! empty($_REQUEST [ 'label' ])) {
$this->config [ 'label' ] = $_REQUEST [ 'label' ] ;
$this->config [ 'importable' ] = ! empty($_REQUEST[ 'importable' ]) ;
public function getAvailibleSubpanelDef($panelName)
$filepath = $this->getModuleDir() . "/metadata/subpanels/{$panelName}.php" ;
if (file_exists($filepath)) {
$subpanel_layout = [];
include($filepath) ;
return $subpanel_layout ;
return array( ) ;
public function saveAvailibleSubpanelDef($panelName, $layout)
$dir = $this->getModuleDir() . "/metadata/subpanels" ;
$filepath = "$dir/{$panelName}.php" ;
if (mkdir_recursive($dir)) {
// preserve any $module_name entry if one exists
if (file_exists($filepath)) {
include($filepath) ;
$module_name = (isset($module_name)) ? $module_name : $this->key_name ;
$layout = "<?php\n" . '$module_name=\'' . $module_name . "';\n" . '$subpanel_layout = ' . var_export_helper($layout) . ";" ;
$GLOBALS [ 'log' ]->debug("About to save this file to $filepath") ;
$GLOBALS [ 'log' ]->debug($layout) ;
sugar_file_put_contents($filepath, $layout) ;
public function getLocalSubpanelDef($panelName)
public function createIcon()
$icondir = $this->package_path . "/icons";
mkdir_recursive($icondir . "/sub_panel/modules");
mkdir_recursive($icondir . "/sidebar/modules");
$template = "";
foreach ($this->config ['templates'] as $temp => $val) {
$template = $temp;
// GIF Version
copy("include/SugarObjects/templates/$template/icons/$template.gif", "$icondir/icon_" . ucfirst($this->key_name) . ".gif");
copy("include/SugarObjects/templates/$template/icons/$template.gif", "$icondir/" . $this->key_name . ".gif");
// SVG Version
if (file_exists("include/SugarObjects/templates/$template/icons/$template.svg")) {
copy("include/SugarObjects/templates/$template/icons/$template.svg", "$icondir/" . $this->key_name . ".svg");
// GIF Version
if (file_exists("include/SugarObjects/templates/$template/icons/Create$template.gif")) {
copy("include/SugarObjects/templates/$template/icons/Create$template.gif", "$icondir/Create" . $this->key_name . ".gif");
// SVG Version
if (file_exists("include/SugarObjects/templates/$template/icons/Create$template.svg")) {
copy("include/SugarObjects/templates/$template/icons/Create$template.svg", "$icondir/Create" . $this->key_name . ".svg");
// GIF Version
if (file_exists("include/SugarObjects/templates/$template/icons/{$template}_32.gif")) {
copy("include/SugarObjects/templates/$template/icons/{$template}_32.gif", "$icondir/icon_" . $this->key_name . "_32.gif");
// SVG Version
if (file_exists("include/SugarObjects/templates/$template/icons/{$template}_32.svg")) {
copy("include/SugarObjects/templates/$template/icons/{$template}_32.svg", "$icondir/icon_" . $this->key_name . "_32.svg");
// SuiteP Support
if (file_exists("include/SugarObjects/templates/$template/icons/sidebar/modules/{$template}.svg")) {
copy("include/SugarObjects/templates/$template/icons/sidebar/modules/{$template}.svg", "$icondir/sidebar/modules/" . $this->key_name . ".svg");
if (file_exists("include/SugarObjects/templates/$template/icons/sub_panel/{$template}.svg")) {
copy("include/SugarObjects/templates/$template/icons/sub_panel/{$template}.svg", "$icondir/sub_panel/" . $this->key_name . ".svg");
if (file_exists("include/SugarObjects/templates/$template/icons/sub_panel/modules/{$template}.svg")) {
copy("include/SugarObjects/templates/$template/icons/sub_panel/modules/{$template}.svg", "$icondir/sub_panel/modules/" . $this->key_name . ".svg");
public function removeFieldFromLayouts($fieldName)
// hardcoded list of types for now, as also hardcoded in a different form in getNodes
// TODO: replace by similar mechanism to StudioModule to determine the list of available views for this module
$views = array( 'editview' , 'detailview' , 'listview' , 'basic_search' , 'advanced_search' , 'dashlet' , 'popuplist');
foreach ($views as $type) {
$parser = ParserFactory::getParser($type, $this->name, $this->package) ;
if ($parser->removeField($fieldName)) {
$parser->handleSave(false) ;
} // don't populate from $_REQUEST, just save as is...
//Remove the fields in subpanel
$psubs = $this->getProvidedSubpanels() ;
foreach ($psubs as $sub) {
$parser = ParserFactory::getParser(MB_LISTVIEW, $this->name, $this->package, $sub) ;
if ($parser->removeField($fieldName)) {
$parser->handleSave(false) ;
* Returns an array of fields defs with all the link fields for this module.
* @return array
public function getLinkFields()
$list = $this->relationships->getRelationshipList();
$field_defs = array();
foreach ($list as $name) {
$rel = $this->relationships->get($name);
$relFields = $rel->buildVardefs();
$relDef = $rel->getDefinition();
$relLabels = $rel->getLabels();
$relatedModule = $this->key_name == $relDef['rhs_module'] ? $relDef['lhs_module'] : $relDef['rhs_module'];
if (!empty($relFields[$this->key_name])) {
//Massage the result of getVardefs to look like field_defs
foreach ($relFields[$this->key_name] as $def) {
$def['module'] = $relatedModule;
$def['translated_label'] = empty($relLabels[$this->key_name][$def['vname']]) ?
$name : $relLabels[$this->key_name][$def['vname']];
$field_defs[$def['name']] = $def;
return $field_defs;
* Returns a TemplateField object by name
* Returns a TemplateField object by name or null if field not exists. If type not set use text type as default
* @param string $name
* @return TemplateField|null
public function getField($name)
$field = null;
$varDefs = $this->getVardefs();
if (isset($varDefs['fields'][$name])) {
$fieldVarDefs = $varDefs['fields'][$name];
if (!isset($fieldVarDefs['type'])) {
$fieldVarDefs['type'] = 'varchar';
$field = get_widget($fieldVarDefs['type']);
foreach ($fieldVarDefs as $key => $opt) {
$field->$key = $opt;
return $field;