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393 lines
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Executable file
if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
require_once 'modules/ModuleBuilder/parsers/relationships/AbstractRelationships.php' ;
require_once 'modules/ModuleBuilder/parsers/relationships/RelationshipsInterface.php' ;
require_once 'modules/ModuleBuilder/parsers/relationships/RelationshipFactory.php' ;
class UndeployedRelationships extends AbstractRelationships implements RelationshipsInterface
public $packageKey;
public $installDefs;
protected $basepath ; // Base directory for the lhs_module
protected $packageName ;
private $activitiesToAdd ; // if we need to add in the composite Activities and History subpanels to the module during the build
* Constructor
* Automatically loads in any saved relationships
* @param string $path The pathname of the base module directory
public function __construct($path)
$this->basepath = $path ;
// pull the module and package names out of the path
$this->moduleName = basename((string) $path, "/") ; // just in case there are any trailing /
$this->packageName = basename(dirname((string) $path, 2)) ; // simpler than explode :)
require_once 'modules/ModuleBuilder/MB/ModuleBuilder.php' ;
$mb = new ModuleBuilder() ;
$this->packageKey = $mb->getPackageKey($this->packageName) ;
$this->load() ;
* Find all modules, deployed and undeployed, that can participate in a relationship
* @return array Array of [$module][$subpanel]
public static function findRelatableModules($includeActivitiesSubmodules = true)
// first find all deployed modules that we might participate in a relationship
$relatableModules = parent::findRelatableModules($includeActivitiesSubmodules) ;
// now add in the undeployed modules - those in custom/modulebuilder
// note that if a module exists in both deployed and undeployed forms, the subpanels from the undeployed form are used...
require_once 'modules/ModuleBuilder/MB/ModuleBuilder.php' ;
$mb = new ModuleBuilder() ;
$mb->getPackages() ;
foreach ($mb->getPackageList() as $packageName) {
$package = $mb->packages [ $packageName ] ;
foreach ($package->modules as $module) {
$relatableModules [ $package->key . "_" . $module->name ] = $module->getProvidedSubpanels() ;
return $relatableModules ;
* Add a relationship to the set
* For undeployed relationships we always make the fields in the relationship visible in the layouts now, rather than waiting until build time, so
* that the admin may move them around or otherwise edit them before the module is deployed
* @param AbstractRelationship $relationship The relationship to add
public function add($relationship)
parent::add($relationship) ;
$this->addFieldsToUndeployedLayouts($relationship) ; // must come after parent::add as we need the relationship_name in the relationships getFieldsToLayouts() which is called by addFieldsToUndeployedLayouts()
* Delete a relationship by name
* In future, if we need to actually track deleted relationships then just call $relationship->delete() instead
* @param string $relationshipName The unique name for this relationship, as returned by $relationship->getName()
public function delete($relationshipName)
if ($relationship = $this->get($relationshipName)) {
$this->removeFieldsFromUndeployedLayouts($relationship) ;
unset($this->relationships [ $relationshipName ]) ;
* Load the saved relationship definitions for this module
public function load()
$this->relationships = parent::_load($this->basepath) ;
* Save this modules relationship definitions out to a working file
public function save()
parent::_save($this->relationships, $this->basepath) ;
* Update pre-5.1 relationships to the 5.1 relationship definition
* @param array definition The 5.0 relationship definition
* @return array The definition updated to 5.1 format
protected function _updateRelationshipDefinition($definition)
if (isset($definition [ 'relate' ])) {
$newDefinition = array( ) ;
foreach (array( 'relate' => 'rhs_module' , 'rsub' => 'rhs_subpanel' , 'msub' => 'lhs_subpanel' , 'label' => 'label' ) as $oldParameter => $newParameter) {
if (isset($definition [ $oldParameter ])) {
$definition [ $newParameter ] = $definition [ $oldParameter ] ;
unset($definition [ $oldParameter ]) ;
$definition [ 'lhs_module' ] = "{$this->packageKey}_{$this->moduleName}" ;
// finally update the relationship name
unset($definition [ 'name' ]) ; // clear the oldstyle name
return $definition ;
* Implementation of getAllRelationships() for Undeployed modules
* The set of all relevant relationships for undeployed modules is the superset of that for deployed modules and all of the relationships known to ModuleBuilder
* @return array Set of all relevant relationships
protected function getAllRelationships()
// start with the set of relationships known to this module plus those already deployed
$allRelationships = array_merge($this->relationships, parent::getDeployedRelationships()) ;
// add in the relationships known to ModuleBuilder
require_once 'modules/ModuleBuilder/MB/ModuleBuilder.php' ;
$mb = new ModuleBuilder() ;
$mb->getPackages() ;
foreach ($mb->getPackageList() as $packageName) {
$package = $mb->packages [ $packageName ] ;
foreach ($package->modules as $module) {
foreach ($module->relationships->getRelationshipList() as $relationshipName) {
$relationship = $module->relationships->get($relationshipName) ;
$allRelationships [ $relationship->getName() ] = $relationship->getDefinition() ;
return $allRelationships ;
* As of SugarCRM 5.1 the subpanel code and the widgets have difficulty handling multiple subpanels or relate fields from the same module
* Until this is fixed, we new relationships which will trigger this problem must be flagged as "relationship_only" and built without a UI component
* This function is called from the view when constructing a new relationship
* @param AbstractRelationship $relationship The relationship to be enforced
public function enforceRelationshipOnly($relationship)
// if we already have a relationship between this lhs_module and this rhs_module then set RelationshipOnly flag
foreach ($this->relationships as $rel) {
if ($rel->lhs_module == $relationship->lhs_module && $rel->rhs_module == $relationship->rhs_module) {
$rel->setRelationship_only() ;
break ;
* Translate the set of relationship objects into files that the Module Loader can work with
* @param $basepath string Pathname of the directory to contain the build
public function build($basepath = null, $installDefPrefix = null, $relationships = null)
// first expand out any reference to Activities to its submodules
// we do this here rather than in the subcomponents of the build as most of those subcomponents make use of elements of the definition, such
// as the relationship name, that must be unique
// the only special case is the subpanel for Activities, which is a composite, and is applied only once for all the submodules - this is handled in saveSubpanelDefinitions() for Undeployed modules
$relationships = array( ) ;
$this->activitiesToAdd = false ;
foreach ($this->relationships as $relationshipName => $relationship) {
$definition = $relationship->getDefinition() ;
// activities will always appear on the rhs only - lhs will be always be this module in MB
if (strtolower($definition [ 'rhs_module' ]) == 'activities') {
$this->activitiesToAdd = true ;
$relationshipName = $definition [ 'relationship_name' ] ;
foreach (self::$activities as $activitiesSubModuleLower => $activitiesSubModuleName) {
$definition [ 'rhs_module' ] = $activitiesSubModuleName ;
$definition [ 'for_activities' ] = true ;
$definition [ 'relationship_name' ] = $relationshipName . '_' . $activitiesSubModuleLower ;
$relationships [ $definition [ 'relationship_name' ] ] = RelationshipFactory::newRelationship($definition) ;
} else {
$relationships [ $definition [ 'relationship_name' ] ] = $relationship ;
require_once 'modules/ModuleBuilder/MB/ModuleBuilder.php' ;
$mb = new ModuleBuilder() ;
$module = $mb->getPackageModule($this->packageName, $this->moduleName) ;
if ($this->activitiesToAdd) {
$appStrings = $module->getAppListStrings() ;
foreach (getTypeDisplayList() as $typeDisplay) {
$appStrings[$typeDisplay][$module->key_name] = $module->getlabel('en_us', 'LBL_MODULE_TITLE') ;
$module->setAppListStrings('en_us', $appStrings) ;
$module->save() ;
} else {
$appStrings = $module->getAppListStrings() ;
foreach (getTypeDisplayList() as $typeDisplay) {
if (isset($appStrings[$typeDisplay][$module->key_name])) {
$module->setAppListStrings('en_us', $appStrings) ;
$module->save() ;
// use an installDefPrefix of <basepath>/SugarModules for compatibility with the rest of ModuleBuilder
$this->installDefs = parent::build($basepath, "<basepath>/SugarModules", $relationships) ;
* Add the installDefs for this relationship to the definitions in the parameter
* Required by MBModule
* @param reference installDef Reference to the set of installDefs to which this relationship's installDefs should be added
public function addInstallDefs(&$installDef)
foreach ($this->installDefs as $name => $def) {
if (! empty($def)) {
foreach ($def as $val) {
$installDef [ $name ] [] = $val ;
private function addFieldsToUndeployedLayouts($relationship)
return $this->updateUndeployedLayout($relationship, true) ;
private function removeFieldsFromUndeployedLayouts($relationship)
return $this->updateUndeployedLayout($relationship, false) ;
* @param AbstractRelationship $relationship
* @return void
private function removeAppLangStrings($relationship)
$def = $relationship->getDefinition();
if (strtolower($def [ 'rhs_module' ]) == 'activities' && !empty($_REQUEST [ 'view_package' ]) && !empty($_REQUEST [ 'view_module' ])) {
$mb = new ModuleBuilder() ;
$module = $mb->getPackageModule($_REQUEST [ 'view_package' ], $_REQUEST [ 'view_module' ]) ;
$appStrings = $module->getAppListStrings() ;
foreach (getTypeDisplayList() as $key) {
if (isset($appStrings[$key][ $module->key_name ])) {
unset($appStrings[$key][ $module->key_name ]);
$module->setAppListStrings('en_us', $appStrings) ;
$module->save() ;
* Add any relate fields to the DetailView and EditView of the appropriate module immediately (don't wait for a build)
* @param AbstractRelationship $relationship The relationship whose fields we are to add or remove
* @param boolean $actionAdd True if we are to add; false if to remove
* return null
private function updateUndeployedLayout($relationship, $actionAdd = true)
// many-to-many relationships don't have fields so if we have a many-to-many we can just skip this...
if ($relationship->getType() == MB_MANYTOMANY) {
return false ;
$successful = true ;
$layoutAdditions = $relationship->buildFieldsToLayouts() ;
require_once 'modules/ModuleBuilder/parsers/views/GridLayoutMetaDataParser.php' ;
foreach ($layoutAdditions as $deployedModuleName => $fieldName) {
foreach (array( MB_EDITVIEW , MB_DETAILVIEW ) as $view) {
$parsedName = AbstractRelationships::parseDeployedModuleName($deployedModuleName) ;
if (isset($parsedName [ 'packageName' ])) {
$GLOBALS [ 'log' ]->debug(get_class($this) . ": " . (($actionAdd) ? "adding" : "removing") . " $fieldName on $view layout for undeployed module {$parsedName [ 'moduleName' ]} in package {$parsedName [ 'packageName' ]}") ;
$parser = new GridLayoutMetaDataParser($view, $parsedName [ 'moduleName' ], $parsedName [ 'packageName' ]) ;
if (($actionAdd) ? $parser->addField(array( 'name' => $fieldName )) : $parser->removeField($fieldName)) {
$parser->handleSave(false) ;
} else {
$GLOBALS [ 'log' ]->debug(get_class($this) . ": couldn't " . (($actionAdd) ? "add" : "remove") . " $fieldName on $view layout for undeployed module $deployedModuleName") ;
$successful = false ;
return $successful ;
* Add any fields to the DetailView and EditView of the appropriate modules
* Only add into deployed modules, as addFieldsToUndeployedLayouts has done this already for undeployed modules (and the admin might have edited the layouts already)
* @param string $basepath Basepath location for this module (not used)
* @param string $relationshipName Name of this relationship (for uniqueness)
* @param array $layoutAdditions An array of module => fieldname
* return null
protected function saveFieldsToLayouts($basepath, $dummy, $relationshipName, $layoutAdditions)
require_once 'modules/ModuleBuilder/parsers/views/GridLayoutMetaDataParser.php' ;
// these modules either lack editviews/detailviews or use custom mechanisms for the editview/detailview. In either case, we don't want to attempt to add a relate field to them
// would be better if GridLayoutMetaDataParser could handle this gracefully, so we don't have to maintain this list here
$invalidModules = array( 'emails' , 'kbdocuments' ) ;
$fieldsToAdd = array();
foreach ($layoutAdditions as $deployedModuleName => $fieldName) {
if (! in_array(strtolower($deployedModuleName), $invalidModules)) {
foreach (array( MB_EDITVIEW , MB_DETAILVIEW ) as $view) {
$GLOBALS [ 'log' ]->debug(get_class($this) . ": adding $fieldName to $view layout for module $deployedModuleName") ;
$parsedName = self::parseDeployedModuleName($deployedModuleName) ;
if (! isset($parsedName [ 'packageName' ])) {
$fieldsToAdd [$parsedName [ 'moduleName' ]] = $fieldName;
//Bug 22348: We should add in the field for custom modules not in this package, if they have been deployed.
else {
if ($parsedName [ 'packageName' ] != $this->packageName
&& isset($GLOBALS [ 'beanList' ] [ $deployedModuleName ])) {
$fieldsToAdd [$deployedModuleName] = $fieldName;
return array(array('additional_fields' => $fieldsToAdd));