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2023-07-18 15:53:09 +01:00

323 lines
16 KiB
Executable file

if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
require_once 'modules/ModuleBuilder/parsers/constants.php' ;
require_once('include/SubPanel/SubPanel.php') ;
class ViewListView extends SugarView
* @see SugarView::_getModuleTitleParams()
protected function _getModuleTitleParams($browserTitle = false)
global $mod_strings;
return array(
translate('LBL_MODULE_NAME', 'Administration'),
* Pseudo-constructor to enable subclasses to call a parent's constructor without knowing the parent in PHP4
public function __construct()
$this->editModule = $_REQUEST [ 'view_module' ] ;
$this->editLayout = $_REQUEST [ 'view' ] ;
$this->subpanel = (! empty($_REQUEST [ 'subpanel' ])) ? $_REQUEST [ 'subpanel' ] : false ;
$this->subpanelLabel = (! empty($_REQUEST [ 'subpanelLabel' ])) ? $_REQUEST [ 'subpanelLabel' ] : false ;
$this->fromModuleBuilder = ! empty($_REQUEST [ 'view_package' ]) ;
if (! $this->fromModuleBuilder) {
$moduleNames = array_change_key_case($GLOBALS['app_list_strings'] [ 'moduleList' ]) ;
$this->translatedEditModule = $moduleNames [ strtolower($this->editModule) ] ;
// DO NOT REMOVE - overrides parent ViewEdit preDisplay() which attempts to load a bean for a non-existent module
public function preDisplay()
public function display($preview = false)
$packageName = (! empty($_REQUEST [ 'view_package' ])) ? $_REQUEST [ 'view_package' ] : null ;
$subpanelName = (! empty($_REQUEST [ 'subpanel' ])) ? $_REQUEST [ 'subpanel' ] : null ;
require_once 'modules/ModuleBuilder/parsers/ParserFactory.php' ;
$parser = ParserFactory::getParser($this->editLayout, $this->editModule, $packageName, $subpanelName) ;
$smarty = $this->constructSmarty($parser) ;
if ($preview) {
echo $smarty->fetch("modules/ModuleBuilder/tpls/Preview/listView.tpl") ;
} else {
$ajax = $this->constructAjax() ;
$ajax->addSection('center', $this->translatedViewType, $smarty->fetch("modules/ModuleBuilder/tpls/listView.tpl")) ;
echo $ajax->getJavascript() ;
public function constructAjax()
require_once('modules/ModuleBuilder/MB/AjaxCompose.php') ;
$ajax = new AjaxCompose() ;
$layoutLabel = 'LBL_LAYOUTS' ;
$layoutView = 'layouts' ;
$labels = array(
) ;
$translatedViewType = '' ;
if (isset($labels [ strtolower($this->editLayout) ])) {
$translatedViewType = translate($labels [ strtolower($this->editLayout) ], 'ModuleBuilder') ;
$this->translatedViewType = $translatedViewType;
if ($this->fromModuleBuilder) {
$ajax->addCrumb(translate('LBL_MODULEBUILDER', 'ModuleBuilder'), 'ModuleBuilder.main("mb")') ;
$ajax->addCrumb($_REQUEST [ 'view_package' ], 'ModuleBuilder.getContent("module=ModuleBuilder&action=package&package=' . $_REQUEST [ 'view_package' ] . '")') ;
$ajax->addCrumb($this->editModule, 'ModuleBuilder.getContent("module=ModuleBuilder&action=module&view_package=' . $_REQUEST [ 'view_package' ] . '&view_module=' . $_REQUEST [ 'view_module' ] . '")') ;
if ($this->subpanel != "") {
$ajax->addCrumb(translate('LBL_AVAILABLE_SUBPANELS', 'ModuleBuilder'), '') ;
if ($this->subpanelLabel) {
$subpanelLabel = $this->subpanelLabel;
// If the subpanel title has changed, use that for the label instead
if (!empty($_REQUEST['subpanel_title']) && $_REQUEST['subpanelLabel'] != $_REQUEST['subpanel_title']) {
$subpanelLabel = $_REQUEST['subpanel_title'];
$ajax->addCrumb($subpanelLabel, '');
$this->translatedViewType = $subpanelLabel . "&nbsp;" . translate("LBL_SUBPANEL", "ModuleBuilder");
} else {
$ajax->addCrumb($this->subpanel, '') ;
$this->translatedViewType = translate("LBL_SUBPANEL", "ModuleBuilder");
} else {
$ajax->addCrumb(translate($layoutLabel, 'ModuleBuilder'), 'ModuleBuilder.getContent("module=ModuleBuilder&MB=true&action=wizard&view_module=' . $_REQUEST [ 'view_module' ] . '&view_package=' . $_REQUEST [ 'view_package' ] . '")') ;
$ajax->addCrumb($translatedViewType, '') ;
} else {
$ajax->addCrumb(translate('LBL_STUDIO', 'ModuleBuilder'), 'ModuleBuilder.getContent("module=ModuleBuilder&action=wizard")') ;
$ajax->addCrumb($this->translatedEditModule, 'ModuleBuilder.getContent("module=ModuleBuilder&action=wizard&view_module=' . $this->editModule . '")') ;
if ($this->subpanel) {
$ajax->addCrumb(translate('LBL_SUBPANELS', 'ModuleBuilder'), 'ModuleBuilder.getContent("module=ModuleBuilder&action=wizard&view=subpanels&view_module=' . $this->editModule . '")') ;
if ($this->subpanelLabel) {
$subpanelLabel = $this->subpanelLabel;
// If the subpanel title has changed, use that for the label instead
if (!empty($_REQUEST['subpanel_title']) && $_REQUEST['subpanelLabel'] != $_REQUEST['subpanel_title']) {
$subpanelLabel = $_REQUEST['subpanel_title'];
$ajax->addCrumb($subpanelLabel, '');
$this->translatedViewType = $subpanelLabel . "&nbsp;" . translate("LBL_SUBPANEL", "ModuleBuilder");
} else {
$ajax->addCrumb($this->subpanel, '') ;
$this->translatedViewType = translate("LBL_SUBPANEL", "ModuleBuilder");
} else {
$ajax->addCrumb(translate($layoutLabel, 'ModuleBuilder'), 'ModuleBuilder.getContent("module=ModuleBuilder&action=wizard&view='.$layoutView.'&view_module=' . $this->editModule . '")') ;
$ajax->addCrumb($translatedViewType, '') ;
return $ajax ;
public function constructSmarty($parser)
global $mod_strings;
$smarty = new Sugar_Smarty() ;
$smarty->assign('translate', true) ;
$smarty->assign('language', $parser->getLanguage()) ;
$smarty->assign('view', $this->editLayout) ;
$smarty->assign('module', "ModuleBuilder") ;
$smarty->assign('field_defs', $parser->getFieldDefs()) ;
$smarty->assign('action', 'listViewSave') ;
$smarty->assign('view_module', $this->editModule) ;
if (!empty($this->subpanel)) {
$smarty->assign('subpanel', $this->subpanel) ;
$smarty->assign('subpanelLabel', $this->subpanelLabel) ;
if (!$this->fromModuleBuilder) {
$subList = SubPanel::getModuleSubpanels($this->editModule);
$subRef = $subList[strtolower($this->subpanel)];
$subTitleKey = !empty($subRef) ? $subRef : "LBL_" . strtoupper($this->subpanel) . "_SUBPANEL_TITLE";
$subTitle = !empty($subRef) ? translate($subTitleKey, $this->editModule) : UCfirst($this->subpanel);
$smarty->assign('subpanel_label', $subTitleKey) ;
$smarty->assign('subpanel_title', $subTitle) ;
$helpName = $this->subpanel ? 'subPanelEditor' : 'listViewEditor';
$smarty->assign('helpName', $helpName) ;
$smarty->assign('helpDefault', 'modify') ;
$smarty->assign('title', $this->_constructTitle()) ;
$groups = array( ) ;
foreach ($parser->columns as $column => $function) {
// update this so that each field has a properties set
// properties are name, value, title (optional)
$groups [ $GLOBALS [ 'mod_strings' ] [ $column ] ] = $parser->$function() ; // call the parser functions to populate the list view columns, by default 'default', 'available' and 'hidden'
foreach ($groups as $groupKey => $group) {
foreach ($group as $fieldKey => $field) {
if (isset($field [ 'width' ])) {
if (substr((string) $field [ 'width' ], - 1, 1) == '%') {
$groups [ $groupKey ] [ $fieldKey ] [ 'width' ] = substr((string) $field [ 'width' ], 0, strlen((string) $field [ 'width' ]) - 1) ;
$smarty->assign('groups', $groups) ;
$smarty->assign('from_mb', $this->fromModuleBuilder);
global $image_path;
$imageSave = SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImage('studio_save', '', null, null, '.gif', $mod_strings['LBL_BTN_SAVE']) ;
// $imageHelp = SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImage('help') ;
$history = $parser->getHistory() ;
$histaction = "ModuleBuilder.history.browse(\"{$this->editModule}\", \"{$this->editLayout}\")" ;
if ($this->subpanel) {
$histaction = "ModuleBuilder.history.browse(\"{$this->editModule}\", \"{$this->editLayout}\", \"{$this->subpanel}\")" ;
$restoreAction = "onclick='ModuleBuilder.history.revert(\"{$this->editModule}\", \"{$this->editLayout}\", \"{$history->getLast()}\", \"\")'";
if ($this->subpanel) {
$restoreAction = "onclick='ModuleBuilder.history.revert(\"{$this->editModule}\", \"{$this->editLayout}\", \"{$history->getLast()}\", \"{$this->subpanel}\")'";
$buttons = array( ) ;
$buttons [] = array( 'id' =>'savebtn', 'name' => 'savebtn' , 'image' => $imageSave , 'text' => (! $this->fromModuleBuilder)?$GLOBALS [ 'mod_strings' ] [ 'LBL_BTN_SAVEPUBLISH' ]: $GLOBALS [ 'mod_strings' ] [ 'LBL_BTN_SAVE' ], 'actionScript' => "onclick='studiotabs.generateGroupForm(\"edittabs\");if (countListFields()==0) ModuleBuilder.layoutValidation.popup() ; else ModuleBuilder.handleSave(\"edittabs\" )'" ) ;
$buttons [] = array( 'id' => 'spacer' , 'width' => '50px' ) ;
$buttons [] = array( 'id' =>'historyBtn', 'name' => 'historyBtn' , 'text' => translate('LBL_HISTORY') , 'actionScript' => "onclick='$histaction'" ) ;
$buttons [] = array( 'id' => 'historyDefault' , 'name' => 'historyDefault', 'text' => translate('LBL_RESTORE_DEFAULT') , 'actionScript' => $restoreAction ) ;
$smarty->assign('buttons', $this->_buildImageButtons($buttons)) ;
$editImage = SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImage('edit_inline', '', null, null, '.gif', $mod_strings['LBL_EDIT']) ;
$smarty->assign('editImage', $editImage) ;
$deleteImage = SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImage('delete_inline', '', null, null, '.gif', $mod_strings['LBL_MB_DELETE']) ;
$smarty->assign('deleteImage', $deleteImage) ;
$smarty->assign('MOD', $GLOBALS [ 'mod_strings' ]) ;
if ($this->fromModuleBuilder) {
$smarty->assign('MB', true) ;
$smarty->assign('view_package', $_REQUEST [ 'view_package' ]) ;
$mb = new ModuleBuilder() ;
$module = & $mb->getPackageModule($_REQUEST [ 'view_package' ], $this->editModule) ;
$smarty->assign('current_mod_strings', $module->getModStrings());
if ($this->subpanel) {
if (isset($_REQUEST [ 'local' ])) {
$smarty->assign('local', '1') ;
$smarty->assign("subpanel", $this->subpanel) ;
} else {
$smarty->assign('description', $GLOBALS [ 'mod_strings' ] [ 'LBL_LISTVIEW_DESCRIPTION' ]) ;
} else {
if ($this->subpanel) {
$smarty->assign("subpanel", (string)$this->subpanel) ;
} else {
$smarty->assign('description', $GLOBALS [ 'mod_strings' ] [ 'LBL_LISTVIEW_DESCRIPTION' ]) ;
return $smarty ;
public function _constructTitle()
global $app_list_strings ;
if ($this->fromModuleBuilder) {
$title = $this->editModule ;
if ($this->subpanel != "") {
$title .= ":$this->subpanel" ;
} else {
$title = ($this->subpanel) ? ':' . $this->subpanel : $app_list_strings [ 'moduleList' ] [ $this->editModule ] ;
return $GLOBALS [ 'mod_strings' ] [ 'LBL_LISTVIEW_EDIT' ] . ':&nbsp;' . $title ;
public function _buildImageButtons($buttons, $horizontal = true)
$text = '<table cellspacing=2><tr>' ;
foreach ($buttons as $button) {
if (empty($button['id'])) {
$button['id'] = $button['name'];
if (! $horizontal) {
$text .= '</tr><tr>' ;
if ($button['id'] == "spacer") {
$text .= "<td style='width:{$button['width']}'> </td>";
if (! empty($button [ 'plain' ])) {
$text .= <<<EOQ
<td><input name={$button['name']} id={$button['id']} class="button" type="button" valign='center' {$button['actionScript']}
} else {
$text .= <<<EOQ
<td><input name={$button['name']} id={$button['id']} class="button" type="button" valign='center' style='cursor:default' {$button['actionScript']}
$text .= "value=\"{$button['text']}\"/></td>" ;
$text .= '</tr></table>' ;
return $text ;