Fork 0
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2023-08-22 17:26:36 +01:00

653 lines
24 KiB
Executable file

if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
class Project extends SugarBean
// database table columns
public $id;
public $date_entered;
public $date_modified;
public $assigned_user_id;
public $modified_user_id;
public $created_by;
public $name;
public $description;
public $deleted;
// related information
public $assigned_user_name;
public $modified_by_name;
public $created_by_name;
public $account_id;
public $contact_id;
public $opportunity_id;
public $email_id;
public $estimated_start_date;
public $team_id;
// calculated information
public $total_estimated_effort;
public $total_actual_effort;
public $object_name = 'Project';
public $module_dir = 'Project';
public $new_schema = true;
public $table_name = 'project';
public $importable = true;
// This is used to retrieve related fields from form posts.
public $additional_column_fields = array(
public $relationship_fields = array(
'account_id' => 'accounts',
'email_id' => 'emails',
public function __construct()
* overriding the base class function to do a join with users table
public function fill_in_additional_detail_fields()
$this->assigned_user_name = get_assigned_user_name($this->assigned_user_id);
//$this->total_estimated_effort = $this->_get_total_estimated_effort($this->id);
//$this->total_actual_effort = $this->_get_total_actual_effort($this->id);
public function fill_in_additional_list_fields()
$this->assigned_user_name = get_assigned_user_name($this->assigned_user_id);
//$this->total_estimated_effort = $this->_get_total_estimated_effort($this->id);
//$this->total_actual_effort = $this->_get_total_actual_effort($this->id);
* Save changes that have been made to a relationship.
* @param $is_update true if this save is an update.
public function save_relationship_changes($is_update, $exclude=array())
parent::save_relationship_changes($is_update, $exclude);
$new_rel_id = false;
$new_rel_link = false;
//this allows us to dynamically relate modules without adding it to the relationship_fields array
if (!empty($_REQUEST['relate_id']) && !in_array($_REQUEST['relate_to'], $exclude) && $_REQUEST['relate_id'] != $this->id) {
$new_rel_id = $_REQUEST['relate_id'];
$new_rel_relname = $_REQUEST['relate_to'];
if (!empty($this->in_workflow) && !empty($this->not_use_rel_in_req)) {
$new_rel_id = $this->new_rel_id;
$new_rel_relname = $this->new_rel_relname;
$new_rel_link = $new_rel_relname;
//Try to find the link in this bean based on the relationship
foreach ($this->field_defs as $key => $def) {
if (isset($def['type']) && $def['type'] == 'link'
&& isset($def['relationship']) && $def['relationship'] == $new_rel_relname) {
$new_rel_link = $key;
if ($new_rel_link == 'contacts') {
$accountId = $this->db->getOne('SELECT account_id FROM accounts_contacts WHERE contact_id=' . $this->db->quoted($new_rel_id));
if ($accountId !== false) {
if ($this->load_relationship('accounts')) {
public function _get_total_estimated_effort($project_id)
$return_value = '';
$query = 'SELECT SUM('.$this->db->convert('estimated_effort', "IFNULL", 0).') total_estimated_effort';
$query.= ' FROM project_task';
$query.= " WHERE parent_id='{$project_id}' AND deleted=0";
$result = $this->db->query($query, true, " Error filling in additional detail fields: ");
$row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result);
if ($row != null) {
$return_value = $row['total_estimated_effort'];
return $return_value;
public function _get_total_actual_effort($project_id)
$return_value = '';
$query = 'SELECT SUM('.$this->db->convert('actual_effort', "IFNULL", 0).') total_actual_effort';
$query.= ' FROM project_task';
$query.= " WHERE parent_id='{$project_id}' AND deleted=0";
$result = $this->db->query($query, true, " Error filling in additional detail fields: ");
$row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result);
if ($row != null) {
$return_value = $row['total_actual_effort'];
return $return_value;
public function get_summary_text()
return $this->name;
public function build_generic_where_clause($the_query_string)
$where_clauses = array();
$the_query_string = DBManagerFactory::getInstance()->quote($the_query_string);
array_push($where_clauses, "project.name LIKE '%$the_query_string%'");
$the_where = '';
foreach ($where_clauses as $clause) {
if ($the_where != '') {
$the_where .= " OR ";
$the_where .= $clause;
return $the_where;
public function get_list_view_data()
$field_list = $this->get_list_view_array();
$field_list['USER_NAME'] = empty($this->user_name) ? '' : $this->user_name;
$field_list['ASSIGNED_USER_NAME'] = $this->assigned_user_name;
return $field_list;
public function bean_implements($interface)
switch ($interface) {
case 'ACL':return true;
return false;
public function create_export_query($order_by, $where, $relate_link_join='')
$custom_join = $this->getCustomJoin(true, true, $where);
$custom_join['join'] .= $relate_link_join;
$query = "SELECT
users.user_name as assigned_user_name ";
$query .= $custom_join['select'];
$query .= " FROM project ";
$query .= $custom_join['join'];
$query .= " LEFT JOIN users
ON project.assigned_user_id=users.id ";
$where_auto = " project.deleted=0 ";
if ($where != "") {
$query .= "where ($where) AND ".$where_auto;
} else {
$query .= "where ".$where_auto;
if (!empty($order_by)) {
//check to see if order by variable already has table name by looking for dot "."
$table_defined_already = strpos((string) $order_by, ".");
if ($table_defined_already === false) {
//table not defined yet, define accounts to avoid "ambigous column" SQL error
$query .= " ORDER BY $order_by";
} else {
//table already defined, just add it to end of query
$query .= " ORDER BY $order_by";
return $query;
public function getAllProjectTasks()
$projectTasks = array();
$query = "SELECT * FROM project_task WHERE project_id = '" . $this->id. "' AND deleted = 0 ORDER BY project_task_id";
$result = $this->db->query($query, true, "Error retrieving project tasks");
$row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result);
while ($row != null) {
$projectTaskBean = BeanFactory::newBean('ProjectTask');
$projectTaskBean->id = $row['id'];
array_push($projectTasks, $projectTaskBean);
$row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result);
return $projectTasks;
public function getDefaultStatus()
$def = $this->field_defs['status'];
if (isset($def['default'])) {
return $def['default'];
$app = return_app_list_strings_language($GLOBALS['current_language']);
if (isset($def['options']) && isset($app[$def['options']])) {
$keys = array_keys($app[$def['options']]);
return $keys[0];
return '';
public function save($check_notify = false)
global $current_user;
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
$focus = $this;
//--- check if project template is same or changed.
$new_template_id = property_exists($focus, 'am_projecttemplates_project_1am_projecttemplates_ida') ?
$focus->am_projecttemplates_project_1am_projecttemplates_ida : null;
$current_template_id = "";
$project_template = $focus->get_linked_beans('am_projecttemplates_project_1', 'AM_ProjectTemplates');
foreach ($project_template as $ptemplate) {
$current_template_id = $ptemplate->id;
// $focus->retrieve($this->id);
if ((isset($_POST['isSaveFromDetailView']) && $_POST['isSaveFromDetailView'] == 'true') ||
(isset($_POST['is_ajax_call']) && !empty($_POST['is_ajax_call']) && !empty($focus->id) ||
(isset($_POST['return_action']) && $_POST['return_action'] == 'SubPanelViewer') && !empty($focus->id))||
!isset($_POST['user_invitees']) // we need to check that user_invitees exists before processing, it is ok to be empty
) {
parent::save($check_notify) ; //$focus->save(true);
$return_id = $focus->id;
} else {
if (!empty($_POST['user_invitees'])) {
$userInvitees = explode(',', trim($_POST['user_invitees'], ','));
} else {
$userInvitees = array();
if (!empty($_POST['contact_invitees'])) {
$contactInvitees = explode(',', trim($_POST['contact_invitees'], ','));
} else {
$contactInvitees = array();
$deleteUsers = array();
$existingUsers = array();
$deleteContacts = array();
$existingContacts = array();
if (!empty($this->id)) {
// Calculate which users to flag as deleted and which to add
// Get all users for the project
$users = $focus->get_linked_beans('project_users_1', 'User');
foreach ($users as $a) {
if (!in_array($a->id, $userInvitees)) {
$deleteUsers[$a->id] = $a->id;
} else {
$existingUsers[$a->id] = $a->id;
if (count($deleteUsers) > 0) {
$sql = '';
foreach ($deleteUsers as $u) {
$sql .= ",'" . $u . "'";
$sql = substr($sql, 1);
// We could run a delete SQL statement here, but will just mark as deleted instead
$sql = "UPDATE project_users_1_c set deleted = 1 where project_users_1users_idb in ($sql) AND project_users_1project_ida = '". $focus->id . "'";
echo $sql;
// Get all contacts for the project
$contacts = $focus->get_linked_beans('project_contacts_1', 'Contact');
foreach ($contacts as $a) {
if (!in_array($a->id, $contactInvitees)) {
$deleteContacts[$a->id] = $a->id;
} else {
$existingContacts[$a->id] = $a->id;
if (count($deleteContacts) > 0) {
$sql = '';
foreach ($deleteContacts as $u) {
$sql .= ",'" . $u . "'";
$sql = substr($sql, 1);
// We could run a delete SQL statement here, but will just mark as deleted instead
$sql = "UPDATE project_contacts_1_c set deleted = 1 where project_contacts_1contacts_idb in ($sql) AND project_contacts_1project_ida = '". $focus->id . "'";
echo $sql;
$return_id = parent::save($check_notify);
// Process users
$focus->get_linked_beans('project_users_1', 'User');
foreach ($userInvitees as $user_id) {
if (empty($user_id) || isset($existingUsers[$user_id]) || isset($deleteUsers[$user_id])) {
// Process contacts
$focus->get_linked_beans('project_contacts_1', 'Contact');
foreach ($contactInvitees as $contact_id) {
if (empty($contact_id) || isset($existingContacts[$contact_id]) || isset($deleteContacts[$contact_id])) {
// Code Block to handle the template selection at project edit.
if ($current_template_id != $new_template_id) {
$project_start = $focus->estimated_start_date;
//Get project start date
if ($project_start!='') {
$dateformat = $current_user->getPreference('datef');
$startdate = DateTime::createFromFormat($dateformat, $project_start);
if ($startdate == false) {
$startdate = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $project_start);
$start = $startdate->format('Y-m-d');
$duration_unit = 'Days';
//Get the project template
$template = BeanFactory::newBean('AM_ProjectTemplates');
$override_business_hours = (int)$template->override_business_hours;
//------ build business hours array
$dateformat = $current_user->getPreference('datef');
$days = array("Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday");
$businessHours = BeanFactory::getBean("AOBH_BusinessHours");
$bhours = array();
foreach ($days as $day) {
$bh = $businessHours->getBusinessHoursForDay($day);
if ($bh) {
$bh = $bh[0];
if ($bh->open) {
$open_h = $bh ? $bh->opening_hours : 9;
$close_h = $bh ? $bh->closing_hours : 17;
$start_time = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $start);
$start_time = $start_time->modify('+'.$open_h.' Hours');
$end_time = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $start);
$end_time = $end_time->modify('+'.$close_h.' Hours');
$hours = ($end_time->getTimestamp() - $start_time->getTimestamp())/(60*60);
if ($hours < 0) {
$hours = 0 - $hours ;
$bhours[$day] = $hours;
} else {
$bhours[$day] = 0;
//default business hours array
if ($override_business_hours != 1 || empty($bhours)) {
$bhours = array('Monday' => 8,'Tuesday' => 8,'Wednesday' => 8, 'Thursday' => 8, 'Friday' => 8, 'Saturday' => 0, 'Sunday' => 0);
//copy all resources from template to project
$template_users = $template->get_linked_beans('am_projecttemplates_users_1', 'User');
$template_contacts = $template->get_linked_beans('am_projecttemplates_contacts_1', 'Contact');
foreach ($template_users as $user) {
foreach ($template_contacts as $contact) {
//Get related project template tasks. Using sql query so that the results can be ordered.
$get_tasks_sql = "SELECT * FROM am_tasktemplates
IN (
SELECT am_tasktemplates_am_projecttemplatesam_tasktemplates_idb
FROM am_tasktemplates_am_projecttemplates_c
WHERE am_tasktemplates_am_projecttemplatesam_projecttemplates_ida = '".$new_template_id."'
AND deleted =0
AND deleted =0
ORDER BY am_tasktemplates.order_number ASC";
$tasks = $db->query($get_tasks_sql);
//Create new project tasks from the template tasks
while ($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($tasks)) {
$project_task = BeanFactory::newBean('ProjectTask');
$project_task->name = $row['name'];
$project_task->status = $row['status'];
$project_task->priority = strtolower($row['priority']);
$project_task->percent_complete = $row['percent_complete'];
$project_task->predecessors = $row['predecessors'];
$project_task->milestone_flag = $row['milestone_flag'];
$project_task->relationship_type = $row['relationship_type'];
$project_task->task_number = $row['task_number'];
$project_task->order_number = $row['order_number'];
$project_task->estimated_effort = $row['estimated_effort'];
$project_task->utilization = $row['utilization'];
$project_task->assigned_user_id = $row['assigned_user_id'];
$project_task->description = $row['description'];
$project_task->duration = $row['duration'];
$project_task->duration_unit = $duration_unit;
$project_task->project_task_id = $count;
//Flag to prevent after save logichook running when project_tasks are created (see custom/modules/ProjectTask/updateProject.php)
$project_task->set_project_end_date = 0;
//code block to calculate end date based on user's business hours
$duration = $project_task->duration;
$enddate = $startdate;
$d = 0;
while ($duration > $d) {
$day = $enddate->format('l');
if ($bhours[$day] != 0) {
$d += 1;
$enddate = $enddate->modify('+1 Days');
$enddate = $enddate->modify('-1 Days');//readjust it back to remove 1 additional day added
$enddate_array = [];
if ($count == '1') {
$project_task->date_start = $start;
$end = $enddate->format('Y-m-d');
$project_task->date_finish = $end;
//add one day to let the next task start on next day of it's finish.
$enddate_array[$count] = $enddate->modify('+1 Days')->format('Y-m-d');
} else {
$start_date = $count - 1;
$startdate = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $enddate_array[$start_date]);
$start = $startdate->format('Y-m-d');
$project_task->date_start = $start;
$end = $enddate->format('Y-m-d');
$project_task->date_finish = $end;
$startdate = $enddate;
//add one day to let the next task start on next day of it's finish.
$enddate_array[$count] = $enddate->modify('+1 Days')->format('Y-m-d');
$enddate = $end;
//link tasks to the newly created project
//Add assinged users from each task to the project resourses subpanel
/// End Template Selection handling
return $return_id;