Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/salesagility/SuiteCRM.git synced 2025-03-12 12:36:53 +00:00
2023-08-22 17:26:35 +01:00

540 lines
21 KiB
Executable file

* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
* along with this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses
* or write to the Free Software Foundation,Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
* Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* @copyright Andrew Mclaughlan 2014
* @author Andrew Mclaughlan <andrew@mclaughlan.info>
if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
class ProjectController extends SugarController
//Loads the gantt view
public function action_view_GanttChart()
$this->view = 'GanttChart';
public function action_generate_chart()
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
$project = BeanFactory::newBean('Project');
//Get project tasks
$Task = BeanFactory::getBean('ProjectTask');
$tasks = $Task->get_full_list("order_number", "project_task.project_id = '".$project->id."'");
//Get the start and end date of the project in database format
$query = "SELECT min(date_start) FROM project_task WHERE project_id = '{$project->id}'";
$start_date = $db->getOne($query);
$query = "SELECT max(date_finish) FROM project_task WHERE project_id = '{$project->id}'";
$end_date = $db->getOne($query);
$duration = $this->count_days($start_date, $end_date);
if ($duration < 30) {
$query = "SELECT max(date_finish) + INTERVAL " . (30 - $duration) . " DAY FROM project_task WHERE project_id = '{$project->id}'";
$end_date = $db->getOne($query);
} ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
//Get the height if the #gantt div and add 18px
var size = $('#gantt').height() +18;
//Call jquery splitter function
outline: true
//Set height of gantt wrapping divs to make sure it shows
$('#project').css('height', size+'px');
$('.splitter-bar').css('height', size+'px');
<div id="project">
<div id="left_pane">
<?php new ProjectTable($tasks); ?>
<div id="right_pane">
<div id="gantt">
<?php new Gantt($start_date, $end_date, $tasks); ?>
<div id="arrow_divs" style=""></div>
//Create new project task
public function action_update_GanttChart()
global $current_user;
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
$task_name = $_POST['task_name'];
$project_id = $_POST['project_id'];
$override_business_hours = (int)$_POST['override_business_hours'];
$task_id = $_POST['task_id'] ?? '';
$predecessor = $_POST['predecessor'];
$rel_type = $_POST['rel_type'];
$resource = $_POST['resource'];
$percent = $_POST['percent'];
$note = $_POST['note'];
$actual_duration = $_POST['actual_duration'];
$milestone_flag = '';
if ($_POST['milestone'] == 'Milestone') {
$milestone_flag = '1';
} else {
if ($_POST['milestone'] == 'Task') {
$milestone_flag = '0';
$dateformat = $current_user->getPreference('datef');
$startdate = DateTime::createFromFormat($dateformat, $_POST['start']);
$start = $startdate->format('Y-m-d');
//Take 1 off duration so that task displays in correct number of table cells in gantt chart.
$duration = $_POST['duration'] -1;
$duration_unit = $_POST['unit'];
//Compensate for resulting negative number when a 0 duration is passed in above
if ($duration < 0) {
$duration = 0;
//------ build business hours array
$days = array("Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday");
$businessHours = BeanFactory::getBean("AOBH_BusinessHours");
$bhours = array();
foreach ($days as $day) {
$bh = $businessHours->getBusinessHoursForDay($day);
if ($bh) {
$bh = $bh[0];
if ($bh->open_status) {
$open_h = $bh ? $bh->opening_hours : 9;
$close_h = $bh ? $bh->closing_hours : 17;
$start_time = DateTime::createFromFormat($dateformat, $_POST['start']);
$start_time = $start_time->modify('+'.$open_h.' Hours');
$end_time = DateTime::createFromFormat($dateformat, $_POST['start']);
$end_time = $end_time->modify('+'.$close_h.' Hours');
$hours = ($end_time->getTimestamp() - $start_time->getTimestamp())/(60*60);
if ($hours < 0) {
$hours = 0 - $hours ;
//$hours = $bh->diffBusinessHours($start_time, $end_time);
$bhours[$day] = $hours;
} else {
$bhours[$day] = 0;
//default business hours array
if ($override_business_hours != 1 || empty($bhours)) {
$bhours = array('Monday' => 8,'Tuesday' => 8,'Wednesday' => 8, 'Thursday' => 8, 'Friday' => 8, 'Saturday' => 0, 'Sunday' => 0);
//code block to calculate end date based on user's business hours
$enddate = $startdate;
$h = 0;
$d = 0;
if ($duration_unit == 'Hours') {
while ($duration > $h) {
$day = $enddate->format('l');
$h += $bhours[$day];
$enddate = $enddate->modify('+1 Days');
$enddate = $enddate->format('Y-m-d');
} else {
while ($duration >= $d) {
$day = $enddate->format('l');
if ($bhours[$day] != 0) {
$d += 1;
$enddate = $enddate->modify('+1 Days');
$enddate = $enddate->modify('-1 Days');//readjust it back to remove 1 additional day added
$enddate = $enddate->format('Y-m-d');
if ($percent > 0) {
$status = 'In Progress';
} else {
$status = 'Not Started';
//count tasks
$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM project_task WHERE project_id = '{$project_id}' AND deleted = '0'";
$count = $db->getOne($query);
$tid = $count+1;
if ($this->IsNullOrEmptyString($task_id)) {
$this->create_task($task_name, $start, $enddate, $project_id, $milestone_flag, $status, $tid, $predecessor, $rel_type, $duration, $duration_unit, $resource, $percent, $note, $actual_duration, $tid);
} else {
$this->update_task($task_id, $task_name, $start, $enddate, $project_id, $milestone_flag, $status, $predecessor, $rel_type, $duration, $duration_unit, $resource, $percent, $note, $actual_duration);
//mark project task as deleted
public function action_delete_task()
$id = $_POST['task_id'];
$task = BeanFactory::newBean('ProjectTask');
$task->deleted = '1';
//Returns new task start date including any lag via ajax call
public function action_get_end_date()
global $timeDate;
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
$timeDate = new TimeDate();
$id = $_POST['task_id'];
$lag = $_POST['lag'];
//Get the end date of the projectTask in raw database format
$query = "SELECT date_finish FROM project_task WHERE id = '{$id}'";
$end_date = $db->getOne($query);
//Add 1 day onto end date for first day of new task
$start_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($end_date. ' + 1 days'));
//Add lag onto start date
$start_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($start_date. ' + '.$lag.' days'));
echo $timeDate->to_display_date($start_date, true);
//updates the order of the tasks
public function action_update_order()
//convert quotes in json string back to normal
$jArray = htmlspecialchars_decode((string) $_POST['orderArray']);
//create object/array from json data
$orderArray = json_decode($jArray, true);
foreach ($orderArray as $id => $order_number) {
$task = BeanFactory::newBean('ProjectTask');
$task->order_number = $order_number;
//returns tasks for predecessor in the add task pop-up form
public function action_get_predecessors()
global $mod_strings;
$project = BeanFactory::newBean('Project');
//Get project tasks
$Task = BeanFactory::getBean('ProjectTask');
$tasks = $Task->get_full_list("order_number", "project_task.project_id = '".$project->id."'");
echo '<option rel="0" value="0">'.$mod_strings['LBL_PROJECT_PREDECESSOR_NONE'].'</option>';
foreach ($tasks as $task) {
echo '<option rel="'.$task->id.'" value="'.$task->project_task_id.'">'.$task->name.'</opion>';
public function create_task($name, $start, $end, $project_id, $milestone_flag, $status, $project_task_id, $predecessors, $rel_type, $duration, $duration_unit, $resource, $percent_complete, $description, $actual_duration, $order_number)
$task = BeanFactory::newBean('ProjectTask');
$task->name = $name;
$task->date_start = $start;
$task->date_finish = $end;
$task->project_id = $project_id;
$task->milestone_flag = $milestone_flag;
$task->status = $status;
$task->project_task_id = $project_task_id;
$task->predecessors = $predecessors;
$task->relationship_type = $rel_type;
$task->duration = $duration + 1; //+1 to make duration appear correct in project table
$task->duration_unit = $duration_unit;
$task->assigned_user_id = $resource;
$task->percent_complete = $percent_complete;
$task->description = $description;
$task->actual_duration = $actual_duration;
$task->order_number = $order_number;
public function update_task($id, $name, $start, $end, $project_id, $milestone_flag, $status, $predecessors, $rel_type, $duration, $duration_unit, $resource, $percent_complete, $description, $actual_duration)
$task = BeanFactory::newBean('ProjectTask');
$task->name = $name;
$task->date_start = $start;
$task->date_finish = $end;
$task->project_id = $project_id;
$task->milestone_flag = $milestone_flag;
$task->status = $status;
// $task->parent_task_id = $parent_task_id;
$task->predecessors = $predecessors;
$task->relationship_type = $rel_type;
$task->duration = $duration + 1; //+1 to make duration appear correct in project table
$task->duration_unit = $duration_unit;
$task->assigned_user_id = $resource;
$task->percent_complete = $percent_complete;
$task->actual_duration = $actual_duration;
$task->description = $description;
/*********************************** Resource chart functions **************************************/
//Loads the resource chart view
public function action_ResourceList()
$this->view = 'ResourceList';
//Updates the resource chart based on specified dates and users
public function action_update_chart()
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
//Get specified dates and users
$start = $_POST['start'];
//$end = $_POST['end'];
$projects = explode(',', $db->quote($_POST['projects']));
$users = explode(',', $db->quote($_POST['users']));
$contacts = explode(',', $db->quote($_POST['contacts']));
$month = is_numeric($_POST['month']) ? $_POST['month'] : '1' ;
$flag = $_POST['flag'];
$chart_type = $db->quote($_POST['chart_type']);
//$type = $_POST['type'];
$start = new DateTime($start);
if ($month == '-1') {
$start->modify($month.' month');
$start->modify('+2 week');
} elseif ($month == '1') {
$start->modify($month.' month');
$start->modify('+1 week');
if ($flag == '0') {
$start->sub(new DateInterval('P1W'));
$first_day = $start->modify('this week');
$start = $start->format('Y-m-d');
$end = $first_day->add(new DateInterval('P66D'));
if ($chart_type == "monthly") {
$end = $first_day->add(new DateInterval('P365D'));
} elseif ($chart_type == "quarterly") {
$end = $first_day->add(new DateInterval('P1460D'));
$end->modify('this week');
$end->add(new DateInterval('P1D'));
$end = $end->format('Y-m-d');
$project_where = "";
$project_user_where = "";
$project_contact_where = "";
if (count($projects) > 1 || $projects[0] != '') {
$project_where = " AND project_id IN( '" . implode("','", $projects) . "' )";
$project_user_where = " AND project_users_1project_ida IN( '" . implode("','", $projects) . "' )";
$project_contact_where = " AND project_contacts_1project_ida IN( '" . implode("','", $projects) . "' )";
$user_where = "";
if (count($users) > 1 || $users[0] != '') {
$user_where = " AND project_users_1users_idb IN( '" . implode("','", $users) . "' )";
$contacts_where = "";
if (count($contacts) > 1 || $contacts[0] != '') {
$contacts_where = " AND project_contacts_1contacts_idb IN( '" . implode("','", $contacts) . "' )";
//Get the users data from the database
$users_resource_query = "SELECT distinct project_users_1users_idb as id, first_name, last_name, 'project_users_1_c' AS type
FROM project_users_1_c
JOIN users ON users.id = project_users_1users_idb
WHERE project_users_1_c.deleted =0 " . $user_where . $project_user_where ;
$contacts_resource_query = "SELECT distinct project_contacts_1contacts_idb AS id, first_name, last_name, 'project_contacts_1_c' AS type
FROM project_contacts_1_c
JOIN contacts ON contacts.id = project_contacts_1contacts_idb
WHERE project_contacts_1_c.deleted =0 " . $contacts_where . $project_contact_where;
if ($users[0] != 'none' && $contacts[0] != 'none') {
$resource_query = $users_resource_query . ' UNION ' . $contacts_resource_query;
} elseif ($users[0] == 'none') {
$resource_query = $contacts_resource_query;
} elseif ($contacts[0] == 'none') {
$resource_query = $users_resource_query ;
} else {
$resource_query = "SELECT '0' as id, ' ' as first_name, ' ' as last_name, 'project_users_1_c' AS type";
$resources = $db->query($resource_query);
//create array to hold the users
$resource_list = array();
//Loop through users
while ($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($resources)) { //get each users associated project tasks
$Task = BeanFactory::getBean('ProjectTask');
$tasks = $Task->get_full_list("date_start", "project_task.assigned_user_id = '".$row['id']."' AND (project_task.project_id is not null AND project_task.project_id <> '') " . $project_where);
//put users tasks in an array
$taskarr = array();
$t = 0;
$skipped = 0;
if (!is_null($tasks)) {
foreach ($tasks as $task) {
if ($this->count_days($start, $task->date_start) == -1 && $this->count_days($start, $task->date_finish) == -1) {
} else {
$taskarr[$t]['id'] = $task->id;
$taskarr[$t]['name'] = $task->name;
$taskarr[$t]['status'] = $task->status;
$taskarr[$t]['% cpl'] = $task->percent_complete;
$taskarr[$t]['start_day'] = $this->count_days($start, $task->date_start);//Works out how many days into the chart the task starts
$taskarr[$t]['duration'] = $task->duration;//how many days long is the task
$taskarr[$t]['end_day'] = $this->count_days($start, $task->date_finish);//Works out how many days from start of the chart the task end day is.
$taskarr[$t]['start_date'] = $task->date_start;
$taskarr[$t]['end_date'] = $task->date_finish;
$taskarr[$t]['project_id'] = $task->project_id;//parent projects id
//get the project name (don't think this is really necessary)
$project = BeanFactory::newBean('Project');
$taskarr[$t]['project_name'] = $project->name;//parent projects id
$t ++;
$row['task_count'] = $t;//the number of tasks for the user
$row['tasks'] = $taskarr;//add users tasks to main user array
//convert user array to an array of user objects
$resource_list[] = (object)$row;
//Generate the resource chart by passing in the start date, end date and the array of user objects
new chart($start, $end, $projects, $users, $contacts, $resource_list, $chart_type);
/* echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';*/
//Get tasks for resource chart tooltips
public function action_Tooltips()
global $mod_strings;
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
$start_date = $db->quote($_REQUEST['start_date']);
$end_date = $db->quote($_REQUEST['end_date']);
$resource_id = $db->quote($_REQUEST['resource_id']);
$projects = explode(",", $db->quote($_REQUEST['projects']));
$project_where = "";
if (count($projects) > 1 || $projects[0] != '') {
$project_where = " AND project_id IN( '" . implode("','", $projects) . "' )";
$Task = BeanFactory::getBean('ProjectTask');
$tasks = $Task->get_full_list("date_start", "project_task.assigned_user_id = '".$resource_id."' AND ( ( project_task.date_start BETWEEN '".$start_date."' AND '".$end_date."' ) OR ( project_task.date_finish BETWEEN '".$start_date."' AND '".$end_date."' ) OR ( '".$start_date."' BETWEEN project_task.date_start AND project_task.date_finish ) OR ( '".$end_date."' BETWEEN project_task.date_start AND project_task.date_finish ) ) AND (project_id is not null AND project_id <> '') " . $project_where);
echo '<table class="qtip_table">';
echo '<tr><th>'.$mod_strings['LBL_TOOLTIP_PROJECT_NAME'].'</th><th>'.$mod_strings['LBL_TOOLTIP_TASK_NAME'].'</th><th>'.$mod_strings['LBL_TOOLTIP_TASK_DURATION'].'</th></tr>';
if (is_array($tasks)) {
foreach ($tasks as $task) {
echo '<tr><td><a target="_blank" href="index.php?module=Project&action=DetailView&record='.$task->project_id.'">'.$task->project_name.'</a></td><td>'.$task->name.'</td><td>'.$task->duration.' '.$task->duration_unit.'</td></tr>';
echo '</table>';
/*********************************** Utility functions **************************************/
//Returns the total number of days between two dates
public function count_days($start_date, $end_date)
$d1 = new DateTime($start_date);
$d2 = new DateTime($end_date);
//If the task's end date is before chart's start date return -1 to make sure task starts on first day of the chart
if ($d2 < $d1) {
return -1;
$difference = $d1->diff($d2);
return $difference->days;
// Function for basic field validation (present and neither empty nor only white space
public function IsNullOrEmptyString($question)
return (!isset($question) || trim($question)==='');