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2601 lines
109 KiB
Executable file

if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
* ModuleInstaller - takes an installation package from files in the custom/Extension/X directories, and moves them into custom/X to install them.
* If a directory has multiple files they are concatenated together.
* Relevant directories (X) are Layoutdefs, Vardefs, Include (bean stuff), Language, TableDictionary (relationships)
* Installation steps that involve more than just copying files:
* 1. installing custom fields - calls bean->custom_fields->addField
* 2. installing relationships - calls createTableParams to build the relationship table, and createRelationshipMeta to add the relationship to the relationship table
* 3. rebuilding the relationships - at almost the last step in install(), calls modules/Administration/RebuildRelationship.php
* 4. repair indices - uses "modules/Administration/RepairIndex.php";
define('DISABLED_PATH', 'Disabled');
require_once 'include/SugarCache/SugarCache.php';
class ModuleInstaller
public $modules = array();
public $silent = false;
public $base_dir = '';
public $modulesInPackage = array();
public $disabled_path = DISABLED_PATH;
public $id_name;
public function __construct()
$this->ms = new ModuleScanner();
$this->modules = get_module_dir_list();
$this->db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
$this->extensions = $extensions;
* ModuleInstaller->install includes the manifest.php from the base directory it has been given. If it has been asked to do an upgrade it checks to see if there is
* an upgrade_manifest defined in the manifest; if not it errors. It then adds the bean into the custom/Extension/application/Ext/Include/<module>.php - sets beanList, beanFiles
* and moduleList - and then calls ModuleInstaller->merge_files('Ext/Include', 'modules.ext.php', '', true) to merge the individual module files into a combined file
* /custom/Extension/application/Ext/Include/modules.ext.php (which now contains a list of all $beanList, $beanFiles and $moduleList for all extension modules) -
* this file modules.ext.php is included at the end of modules.php.
* Finally it runs over a list of defined tasks; then install_beans, then install_custom_fields, then clear the Vardefs, run a RepairAndClear, then finally call rebuild_relationships.
public function install($base_dir, $is_upgrade = false, $previous_version = '')
if (defined('TEMPLATE_URL')) {
|| !empty($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['moduleInstaller']['packageScan'])) {
if ($this->ms->hasIssues()) {
// workaround for bug 45812 - refresh vardefs cache before unpacking to avoid partial vardefs in cache
global $beanList;
foreach ($this->modules as $module_name) {
if (!empty($beanList[$module_name])) {
$objectName = BeanFactory::getObjectName($module_name);
VardefManager::loadVardef($module_name, $objectName);
global $app_strings, $mod_strings;
$this->base_dir = $base_dir;
$total_steps = 5; //minimum number of steps with no tasks
$current_step = 0;
$tasks = array(
$total_steps += count($tasks);
if (file_exists($this->base_dir . '/manifest.php')) {
if (!$this->silent) {
display_progress_bar('install', $current_step, $total_steps);
echo '<div id ="displayLoglink" ><a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById(\'displayLog\').style.display=\'\'">'
.$app_strings['LBL_DISPLAY_LOG'].'</a> </div><div id="displayLog" style="display:none">';
include($this->base_dir . '/manifest.php');
if ($is_upgrade && !empty($previous_version)) {
//check if the upgrade path exists
if (!empty($upgrade_manifest)) {
if (!empty($upgrade_manifest['upgrade_paths'])) {
if (!empty($upgrade_manifest['upgrade_paths'][$previous_version])) {
$installdefs = $upgrade_manifest['upgrade_paths'][$previous_version];
} else {
$errors[] = 'No Upgrade Path Found in manifest.';
$this->id_name = $installdefs['id'];
$this->installdefs = $installdefs;
if (!$this->silent) {
update_progress_bar('install', $current_step, $total_steps);
foreach ($tasks as $task) {
if (!$this->silent) {
update_progress_bar('install', $current_step, $total_steps);
if (!$this->silent) {
update_progress_bar('install', $total_steps, $total_steps);
if (isset($installdefs['custom_fields'])) {
if (!$this->silent) {
update_progress_bar('install', $current_step, $total_steps);
echo '</div>';
if (!$this->silent) {
update_progress_bar('install', $current_step, $total_steps);
echo '</div>';
$selectedActions = array(
global $beanList, $beanFiles, $moduleList;
if (file_exists('custom/application/Ext/Include/modules.ext.php')) {
$rac = new RepairAndClear();
$rac->repairAndClearAll($selectedActions, $this->installed_modules, true, false);
UpdateSystemTabs('Add', $this->tab_modules);
//Clear out all the langauge cache files.
$cache_key = 'app_list_strings.'.$GLOBALS['current_language'];
//clear the unified_search_module.php file
$this->log('<br><b>' . translate('LBL_MI_COMPLETE') . '</b>');
} else {
die("No \$installdefs Defined In $this->base_dir/manifest.php");
public function install_user_prefs($module, $hide_from_user=false)
UserPreference::updateAllUserPrefs('display_tabs', $module, '', true, !$hide_from_user);
UserPreference::updateAllUserPrefs('hide_tabs', $module, '', true, $hide_from_user);
UserPreference::updateAllUserPrefs('remove_tabs', $module, '', true, $hide_from_user);
public function uninstall_user_prefs($module)
UserPreference::updateAllUserPrefs('display_tabs', $module, '', true, true);
UserPreference::updateAllUserPrefs('hide_tabs', $module, '', true, true);
UserPreference::updateAllUserPrefs('remove_tabs', $module, '', true, true);
public function pre_execute()
require_once($this->base_dir . '/manifest.php');
if (isset($this->installdefs['pre_execute']) && is_array($this->installdefs['pre_execute'])) {
foreach ($this->installdefs['pre_execute'] as $includefile) {
require_once(str_replace('<basepath>', $this->base_dir, $includefile));
public function post_execute()
require_once($this->base_dir . '/manifest.php');
if (isset($this->installdefs['post_execute']) && is_array($this->installdefs['post_execute'])) {
foreach ($this->installdefs['post_execute'] as $includefile) {
require_once(str_replace('<basepath>', $this->base_dir, $includefile));
public function pre_uninstall()
require_once($this->base_dir . '/manifest.php');
if (isset($this->installdefs['pre_uninstall']) && is_array($this->installdefs['pre_uninstall'])) {
foreach ($this->installdefs['pre_uninstall'] as $includefile) {
require_once(str_replace('<basepath>', $this->base_dir, $includefile));
public function post_uninstall()
require_once($this->base_dir . '/manifest.php');
if (isset($this->installdefs['post_uninstall']) && is_array($this->installdefs['post_uninstall'])) {
foreach ($this->installdefs['post_uninstall'] as $includefile) {
require_once(str_replace('<basepath>', $this->base_dir, $includefile));
* ModuleInstaller->install_copy gets the copy section of installdefs in the manifest and calls copy_path to copy each path (file or directory) to its final location
* (specified as from and to in the manifest), replacing <basepath> by the base_dir value passed in to install.
public function install_copy()
if (isset($this->installdefs['copy'])) {
/* BEGIN - RESTORE POINT - by MR. MILK August 31, 2005 02:22:11 PM */
$backup_path = clean_path(remove_file_extension(urldecode($_REQUEST['install_file']))."-restore");
/* END - RESTORE POINT - by MR. MILK August 31, 2005 02:22:18 PM */
foreach ($this->installdefs['copy'] as $cp) {
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Copying ..." . $cp['from']. " to " .$cp['to']);
/* BEGIN - RESTORE POINT - by MR. MILK August 31, 2005 02:22:11 PM */
//$this->copy_path($cp['from'], $cp['to']);
$this->copy_path($cp['from'], $cp['to'], $backup_path);
/* END - RESTORE POINT - by MR. MILK August 31, 2005 02:22:18 PM */
//here we should get the module list again as we could have copied something to the modules dir
$this->modules = get_module_dir_list();
public function uninstall_copy()
if (!empty($this->installdefs['copy'])) {
foreach ($this->installdefs['copy'] as $cp) {
$cp['to'] = clean_path(str_replace('<basepath>', $this->base_dir, $cp['to']));
$cp['from'] = clean_path(str_replace('<basepath>', $this->base_dir, $cp['from']));
$GLOBALS['log']->debug('Unlink ' . $cp['to']);
/* BEGIN - RESTORE POINT - by MR. MILK August 31, 2005 02:22:11 PM */
$backup_path = clean_path(remove_file_extension(urldecode(hashToFile($_REQUEST['install_file'])))."-restore/".$cp['to']);
$this->uninstall_new_files($cp, $backup_path);
$this->copy_path($backup_path, $cp['to'], $backup_path, true);
/* END - RESTORE POINT - by MR. MILK August 31, 2005 02:22:18 PM */
$backup_path = clean_path(remove_file_extension(urldecode(hashToFile($_REQUEST['install_file'])))."-restore");
if (file_exists($backup_path)) {
* Removes any files that were added by the loaded module. If the files already existed prior to install
* it will be handled by copy_path with the uninstall parameter.
public function uninstall_new_files($cp, $backup_path)
$zip_files = $this->dir_get_files($cp['from'], $cp['from']);
$backup_files = $this->dir_get_files($backup_path, $backup_path);
foreach ($zip_files as $k=>$v) {
//if it's not a backup then it is probably a new file but we'll check that it is not in the md5.files first
if (!isset($backup_files[$k])) {
$to = $cp['to'] . $k;
//if it's not a sugar file then we remove it otherwise we can't restor it
if (!$this->ms->sugarFileExists($to)) {
$GLOBALS['log']->debug('ModuleInstaller[uninstall_new_file] deleting file ' . $to);
if (file_exists($to)) {
} else {
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal('ModuleInstaller[uninstall_new_file] Could not remove file ' . $to . ' as no backup file was found to restore to');
//lets check if the directory is empty if it is we will delete it as well
$files_remaining = $this->dir_file_count($cp['to']);
if (file_exists($cp['to']) && $files_remaining == 0) {
$GLOBALS['log']->debug('ModuleInstaller[uninstall_new_file] deleting directory ' . $cp['to']);
* Get directory where module's extensions go
* @param string $module Module name
public function getExtDir($module)
if ($module == 'application') {
return "custom/Extension/application/Ext";
} else {
return "custom/Extension/modules/$module/Ext";
* Install file(s) into Ext/ part
* @param string $section Name of the install file section
* @param string $extname Name in Ext directory
* @param string $module This extension belongs to a specific module
public function installExt($section, $extname, $module = '')
if (isset($this->installdefs[$section])) {
$this->log(sprintf(translate("LBL_MI_IN_EXT"), $section));
foreach ($this->installdefs[$section] as $item) {
if (isset($item['from'])) {
$from = str_replace('<basepath>', $this->base_dir, $item['from']);
} else {
$from = '';
if (!empty($module)) {
$item['to_module'] = $module;
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Installing section $section from $from for " .$item['to_module']);
if ($item['to_module'] == 'application') {
$path = "custom/Extension/application/Ext/$extname";
} else {
$path = "custom/Extension/modules/{$item['to_module']}/Ext/$extname";
if (!file_exists($path)) {
mkdir_recursive($path, true);
if (isset($item["name"])) {
$target = $item["name"];
} else {
if (!empty($from)) {
$target = basename($from, ".php");
} else {
$target = $this->id_name;
if (!empty($from)) {
copy_recursive($from, "$path/$target.php");
* Uninstall file(s) into Ext/ part
* @param string $section Name of the install file section
* @param string $extname Name in Ext directory
* @param string $module This extension belongs to a specific module
public function uninstallExt($section, $extname, $module = '')
if (isset($this->installdefs[$section])) {
$this->log(sprintf(translate("LBL_MI_UN_EXT"), $section));
foreach ($this->installdefs[$section] as $item) {
if (isset($item['from'])) {
$from = str_replace('<basepath>', $this->base_dir, $item['from']);
} else {
$from = '';
if (!empty($module)) {
$item['to_module'] = $module;
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Uninstalling section $section from $from for " .$item['to_module']);
if ($item['to_module'] == 'application') {
$path = "custom/Extension/application/Ext/$extname";
} else {
$path = "custom/Extension/modules/{$item['to_module']}/Ext/$extname";
if (isset($item["name"])) {
$target = $item["name"];
} else {
if (!empty($from)) {
$target = basename($from, ".php");
} else {
$target = $this->id_name;
$disabled_path = $path.'/'.DISABLED_PATH;
if (file_exists("$path/$target.php")) {
} else {
if (file_exists("$disabled_path/$target.php")) {
} else {
if (!empty($from) && file_exists($path . '/'. basename($from))) {
rmdir_recursive($path . '/'. basename($from));
} else {
if (!empty($from) && file_exists($disabled_path . '/'. basename($from))) {
rmdir_recursive($disabled_path . '/'. basename($from));
* Rebuild generic extension
* @param string $ext Extension directory
* @param string $filename Target filename
public function rebuildExt($ext, $filename)
$this->log(translate('LBL_MI_REBUILDING') . " $ext...");
$this->merge_files("Ext/$ext", $filename);
* Disable generic extension
* @param string $section Install file section name
* @param string $extname Extension directory
* @param string $module This extension belongs to a specific module
public function disableExt($section, $extname, $module = '')
if (isset($this->installdefs[$section])) {
foreach ($this->installdefs[$section] as $item) {
if (isset($item['from'])) {
$from = str_replace('<basepath>', $this->base_dir, $item['from']);
} else {
$from = '';
if (!empty($module)) {
$item['to_module'] = $module;
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Disabling $extname ... from $from for " .$item['to_module']);
if ($item['to_module'] == 'application') {
$path = "custom/Extension/application/Ext/$extname";
} else {
$path = "custom/Extension/modules/{$item['to_module']}/Ext/$extname";
if (isset($item["name"])) {
$target = $item["name"];
} else {
if (!empty($from)) {
$target = basename($from, ".php");
} else {
$target = $this->id_name;
$disabled_path = $path.'/'.DISABLED_PATH;
if (file_exists("$path/$target.php")) {
mkdir_recursive($disabled_path, true);
rename("$path/$target.php", "$disabled_path/$target.php");
} else {
if (!empty($from) && file_exists($path . '/'. basename($from))) {
mkdir_recursive($disabled_path, true);
rename($path . '/'. basename($from), $disabled_path.'/'. basename($from));
* Enable generic extension
* @param string $section Install file section name
* @param string $extname Extension directory
* @param string $module This extension belongs to a specific module
public function enableExt($section, $extname, $module = '')
if (isset($this->installdefs[$section])) {
foreach ($this->installdefs[$section] as $item) {
if (isset($item['from'])) {
$from = str_replace('<basepath>', $this->base_dir, $item['from']);
} else {
$from = '';
if (!empty($module)) {
$item['to_module'] = $module;
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Enabling $extname ... from $from for " .$item['to_module']);
if ($item['to_module'] == 'application') {
$path = "custom/Extension/application/Ext/$extname";
} else {
$path = "custom/Extension/modules/{$item['to_module']}/Ext/$extname";
if (isset($item["name"])) {
$target = $item["name"];
} else {
if (!empty($from)) {
$target = basename($from, ".php");
} else {
$target = $this->id_name;
if (!file_exists($path)) {
mkdir_recursive($path, true);
$disabled_path = $path.'/'.DISABLED_PATH;
if (file_exists("$disabled_path/$target.php")) {
rename("$disabled_path/$target.php", "$path/$target.php");
if (!empty($from) && file_exists($disabled_path . '/'. basename($from))) {
rename($disabled_path.'/'. basename($from), $path . '/'. basename($from));
* Method removes module from global search configurations
* return bool
public function uninstall_global_search()
if (empty($this->installdefs['beans'])) {
return true;
if (is_file('custom/modules/unified_search_modules_display.php') == false) {
return true;
$user = BeanFactory::newBean('Users');
$users = get_user_array();
$unified_search_modules_display = array();
foreach ($this->installdefs['beans'] as $beanDefs) {
if (array_key_exists($beanDefs['module'], $unified_search_modules_display) == false) {
foreach ($users as $userId => $userName) {
if (empty($userId)) {
$prefs = $user->getPreference('globalSearch', 'search');
if (array_key_exists($beanDefs['module'], $prefs) == false) {
$user->setPreference('globalSearch', $prefs, 0, 'search');
if (write_array_to_file("unified_search_modules_display", $unified_search_modules_display, 'custom/modules/unified_search_modules_display.php') == false) {
global $app_strings;
$msg = string_format($app_strings['ERR_FILE_WRITE'], array('custom/modules/unified_search_modules_display.php'));
throw new Exception($msg);
return false;
return true;
* Method enables module in global search configurations by disabled_module_visible key
* return bool
public function enable_global_search()
if (empty($this->installdefs['beans'])) {
return true;
if (is_file('custom/modules/unified_search_modules_display.php') == false) {
return true;
$unified_search_modules_display = array();
foreach ($this->installdefs['beans'] as $beanDefs) {
if (array_key_exists($beanDefs['module'], $unified_search_modules_display) == false) {
if (isset($unified_search_modules_display[$beanDefs['module']]['disabled_module_visible']) == false) {
$unified_search_modules_display[$beanDefs['module']]['visible'] = $unified_search_modules_display[$beanDefs['module']]['disabled_module_visible'];
if (write_array_to_file("unified_search_modules_display", $unified_search_modules_display, 'custom/modules/unified_search_modules_display.php') == false) {
global $app_strings;
$msg = string_format($app_strings['ERR_FILE_WRITE'], array('custom/modules/unified_search_modules_display.php'));
throw new Exception($msg);
return false;
return true;
* Method disables module in global search configurations by disabled_module_visible key
* return bool
public function disable_global_search()
if (empty($this->installdefs['beans'])) {
return true;
if (is_file('custom/modules/unified_search_modules_display.php') == false) {
return true;
$unified_search_modules_display = array();
foreach ($this->installdefs['beans'] as $beanDefs) {
if (array_key_exists($beanDefs['module'], $unified_search_modules_display) == false) {
if (isset($unified_search_modules_display[$beanDefs['module']]['visible']) == false) {
$unified_search_modules_display[$beanDefs['module']]['disabled_module_visible'] = $unified_search_modules_display[$beanDefs['module']]['visible'];
$unified_search_modules_display[$beanDefs['module']]['visible'] = false;
if (write_array_to_file("unified_search_modules_display", $unified_search_modules_display, 'custom/modules/unified_search_modules_display.php') == false) {
global $app_strings;
$msg = string_format($app_strings['ERR_FILE_WRITE'], array('custom/modules/unified_search_modules_display.php'));
throw new Exception($msg);
return false;
return true;
public function install_extensions()
foreach ($this->extensions as $extname => $ext) {
$install = "install_$extname";
if (method_exists($this, $install)) {
// non-standard function
} else {
if (!empty($ext["section"])) {
$module = isset($ext['module'])?$ext['module']:'';
$this->installExt($ext["section"], $ext["extdir"], $module);
public function uninstall_extensions()
foreach ($this->extensions as $extname => $ext) {
$func = "uninstall_$extname";
if (method_exists($this, $func)) {
// non-standard function
} else {
if (!empty($ext["section"])) {
$module = isset($ext['module'])?$ext['module']:'';
$this->uninstallExt($ext["section"], $ext["extdir"], $module);
public function rebuild_extensions()
foreach ($this->extensions as $extname => $ext) {
$func = "rebuild_$extname";
if (method_exists($this, $func)) {
// non-standard function
} else {
$this->rebuildExt($ext["extdir"], $ext["file"]);
public function disable_extensions()
foreach ($this->extensions as $extname => $ext) {
$func = "disable_$extname";
if (method_exists($this, $func)) {
// non-standard install
} else {
if (!empty($ext["section"])) {
$module = isset($ext['module'])?$ext['module']:'';
$this->disableExt($ext["section"], $ext["extdir"], $module);
public function enable_extensions()
foreach ($this->extensions as $extname => $ext) {
$func = "enable_$extname";
if (method_exists($this, $func)) {
// non-standard install
} else {
if (!empty($ext["section"])) {
$module = isset($ext['module'])?$ext['module']:'';
$this->enableExt($ext["section"], $ext["extdir"], $module);
public function install_dashlets()
if (isset($this->installdefs['dashlets'])) {
foreach ($this->installdefs['dashlets'] as $cp) {
$this->log(translate('LBL_MI_IN_DASHLETS') . $cp['name']);
$cp['from'] = str_replace('<basepath>', $this->base_dir, $cp['from']);
$path = 'custom/modules/Home/Dashlets/' . $cp['name'] . '/';
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Installing Dashlet " . $cp['name'] . "..." . $cp['from']);
if (!file_exists($path)) {
mkdir_recursive($path, true);
copy_recursive($cp['from'], $path);
public function uninstall_dashlets()
if (isset($this->installdefs['dashlets'])) {
foreach ($this->installdefs['dashlets'] as $cp) {
$this->log(translate('LBL_MI_UN_DASHLETS') . $cp['name']);
$path = 'custom/modules/Home/Dashlets/' . $cp['name'];
$GLOBALS['log']->debug('Unlink ' .$path);
if (file_exists($path)) {
public function install_images()
if (isset($this->installdefs['image_dir'])) {
$this->copy_path($this->installdefs['image_dir'], 'custom/themes');
public function install_dcactions()
if (isset($this->installdefs['dcaction'])) {
foreach ($this->installdefs['dcaction'] as $action) {
$action['from'] = str_replace('<basepath>', $this->base_dir, $action['from']);
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Installing DCActions ..." . $action['from']);
$path = 'custom/Extension/application/Ext/DashletContainer/Containers';
if (!file_exists($path)) {
mkdir_recursive($path, true);
copy_recursive($action['from'], $path . '/'. $this->id_name . '.php');
public function uninstall_dcactions()
if (isset($this->installdefs['dcaction'])) {
foreach ($this->installdefs['dcaction'] as $action) {
$action['from'] = str_replace('<basepath>', $this->base_dir, $action['from']);
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Uninstalling DCActions ..." . $action['from']);
$path = 'custom/Extension/application/Ext/DashletContainer/Containers';
if (is_file($path . '/'. $this->id_name . '.php')) {
rmdir_recursive($path . '/'. $this->id_name . '.php');
} else {
if (is_file($path . '/'. DISABLED_PATH . '/'. $this->id_name . '.php')) {
rmdir_recursive($path . '/'. DISABLED_PATH . '/'. $this->id_name . '.php');
public function install_connectors()
if (isset($this->installdefs['connectors'])) {
foreach ($this->installdefs['connectors'] as $cp) {
$this->log(translate('LBL_MI_IN_CONNECTORS') . $cp['name']);
$dir = str_replace('_', '/', $cp['name']);
$cp['connector'] = str_replace('<basepath>', $this->base_dir, $cp['connector']);
$source_path = 'custom/modules/Connectors/connectors/sources/' . $dir. '/';
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Installing Connector " . $cp['name'] . "..." . $cp['connector']);
if (!file_exists($source_path)) {
mkdir_recursive($source_path, true);
copy_recursive($cp['connector'], $source_path);
//Install optional formatter code if it is specified
if (!empty($cp['formatter'])) {
$cp['formatter'] = str_replace('<basepath>', $this->base_dir, $cp['formatter']);
$formatter_path = 'custom/modules/Connectors/connectors/formatters/' . $dir. '/';
if (!file_exists($formatter_path)) {
mkdir_recursive($formatter_path, true);
copy_recursive($cp['formatter'], $formatter_path);
public function uninstall_connectors()
if (isset($this->installdefs['connectors'])) {
foreach ($this->installdefs['connectors'] as $cp) {
$this->log(translate('LBL_MI_UN_CONNECTORS') . $cp['name']);
$dir = str_replace('_', '/', $cp['name']);
$source_path = 'custom/modules/Connectors/connectors/sources/' . $dir;
$formatter_path = 'custom/modules/Connectors/connectors/formatters/' . $dir;
$GLOBALS['log']->debug('Unlink ' .$source_path);
public function install_vardef($from, $to_module)
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Installing Vardefs ..." . $from . " for " .$to_module);
$path = 'custom/Extension/modules/' . $to_module. '/Ext/Vardefs';
if ($to_module == 'application') {
$path ='custom/Extension/' . $to_module. '/Ext/Vardefs';
if (!file_exists($path)) {
mkdir_recursive($path, true);
copy_recursive($from, $path.'/'. basename($from));
public function install_layoutdef($from, $to_module)
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Installing Layout Defs ..." . $from . " for " .$to_module);
$path = 'custom/Extension/modules/' . $to_module. '/Ext/Layoutdefs';
if ($to_module == 'application') {
$path ='custom/Extension/' . $to_module. '/Ext/Layoutdefs';
if (!file_exists($path)) {
mkdir_recursive($path, true);
copy_recursive($from, $path.'/'. basename($from));
// Non-standard - needs special rebuild call
public function install_languages()
if (isset($this->installdefs['language'])) {
$modules = [];
$languages = [];
foreach ($this->installdefs['language'] as $packs) {
$languages[$packs['language']] = $packs['language'];
$packs['from'] = str_replace('<basepath>', $this->base_dir, $packs['from']);
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Installing Language Pack ..." . $packs['from'] . " for " .$packs['to_module']);
$path = $this->getInstallLanguagesPath($packs);
if (!file_exists(dirname($path))) {
mkdir_recursive(dirname($path), true);
copy_recursive($packs['from'], $path);
$this->rebuild_languages($languages, $modules);
* Function return path to file where store label
* @param $packs
* @return string
protected function getInstallLanguagesPath($packs)
$path = 'custom/Extension/modules/' . $packs['to_module']. '/Ext/Language';
if ($packs['to_module'] == 'application') {
$path ='custom/Extension/' . $packs['to_module']. '/Ext/Language';
$path .= '/'.$packs['language'].'.'. $this->id_name . '.php';
return $path;
// Non-standard, needs special rebuild
public function uninstall_languages()
if (isset($this->installdefs['language'])) {
$modules = [];
$languages = [];
foreach ($this->installdefs['language'] as $packs) {
$languages[$packs['language']] = $packs['language'];
$packs['from'] = str_replace('<basepath>', $this->base_dir, $packs['from']);
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Uninstalling Language Pack ..." . $packs['from'] . " for " .$packs['to_module']);
$path = 'custom/Extension/modules/' . $packs['to_module']. '/Ext/Language';
if ($packs['to_module'] == 'application') {
$path ='custom/Extension/' . $packs['to_module']. '/Ext/Language';
if (is_file($path.'/'.$packs['language'].'.'. $this->id_name . '.php')) {
rmdir_recursive($path.'/'.$packs['language'].'.'. $this->id_name . '.php');
} else {
if (is_file($path.'/'.DISABLED_PATH.'/'.$packs['language'].'.'. $this->id_name . '.php')) {
rmdir_recursive($path.'/'.DISABLED_PATH.'/'.$packs['language'].'.'. $this->id_name . '.php');
$this->rebuild_languages($languages, $modules);
// Non-standard, needs special rebuild
public function disable_languages()
if (isset($this->installdefs['language'])) {
$languages = $modules = array();
foreach ($this->installdefs['language'] as $item) {
$from = str_replace('<basepath>', $this->base_dir, $item['from']);
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Disabling Language {$item['language']}... from $from for " .$item['to_module']);
$languages[$item['language']] = $item['language'];
if ($item['to_module'] == 'application') {
$path = "custom/Extension/application/Ext/Language";
} else {
$path = "custom/Extension/modules/{$item['to_module']}/Ext/Language";
if (isset($item["name"])) {
$target = $item["name"];
} else {
$target = $this->id_name;
$target = "{$item['language']}.$target";
$disabled_path = $path.'/'.DISABLED_PATH;
if (file_exists("$path/$target.php")) {
mkdir_recursive($disabled_path, true);
rename("$path/$target.php", "$disabled_path/$target.php");
} else {
if (file_exists($path . '/'. basename($from))) {
mkdir_recursive($disabled_path, true);
rename($path . '/'. basename($from), $disabled_path.'/'. basename($from));
$this->rebuild_languages($languages, $modules);
// Non-standard, needs special rebuild
public function enable_languages()
if (isset($this->installdefs['language'])) {
$modules = [];
$languages = [];
foreach ($this->installdefs['language'] as $item) {
$from = str_replace('<basepath>', $this->base_dir, $item['from']);
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Enabling Language {$item['language']}... from $from for " .$item['to_module']);
$languages[$item['language']] = $item['language'];
if (!empty($module)) {
$item['to_module'] = $module;
if ($item['to_module'] == 'application') {
$path = "custom/Extension/application/Ext/Language";
} else {
$path = "custom/Extension/modules/{$item['to_module']}/Ext/Language";
if (isset($item["name"])) {
$target = $item["name"];
} else {
$target = $this->id_name;
$target = "{$item['language']}.$target";
if (!file_exists($path)) {
mkdir_recursive($path, true);
$disabled_path = $path.'/'.DISABLED_PATH;
if (file_exists("$disabled_path/$target.php")) {
rename("$disabled_path/$target.php", "$path/$target.php");
if (file_exists($disabled_path . '/'. basename($from))) {
rename($disabled_path.'/'. basename($from), $path . '/'. basename($from));
$this->rebuild_languages($languages, $modules);
// Functions for adding and removing logic hooks from uploaded files
// Since one class/file can be used by multiple logic hooks, I'm not going to touch the file labeled in the logic_hook entry
/* The module hook definition should look like this:
$installdefs = array(
... blah blah ...
'logic_hooks' => array(
array('module' => 'Accounts',
'hook' => 'after_save',
'order' => 99,
'description' => 'Account sample logic hook',
'file' => 'modules/Sample/sample_account_logic_hook_file.php',
'class' => 'SampleLogicClass',
'function' => 'accountAfterSave',
... blah blah ...
public function enable_manifest_logichooks()
if (empty($this->installdefs['logic_hooks']) || !is_array($this->installdefs['logic_hooks'])) {
foreach ($this->installdefs['logic_hooks'] as $hook) {
check_logic_hook_file($hook['module'], $hook['hook'], array($hook['order'], $hook['description'], $hook['file'], $hook['class'], $hook['function']));
public function disable_manifest_logichooks()
if (empty($this->installdefs['logic_hooks']) || !is_array($this->installdefs['logic_hooks'])) {
foreach ($this->installdefs['logic_hooks'] as $hook) {
remove_logic_hook($hook['module'], $hook['hook'], array($hook['order'], $hook['description'], $hook['file'], $hook['class'], $hook['function']));
* Check labels inside label files and remove them
* @param $basePath - path to files with labels
* @param array $labelDefinitions - format like output from AbstractRelationship buildLabels()
public function uninstallLabels($basePath, $labelDefinitions)
foreach ($labelDefinitions as $definition) {
$filename = $basePath . "{$definition['module']}.php";
if (!file_exists($filename)) {
$uninstalLabes = $this->getLabelsToUninstall($labelDefinitions);
$this->uninstallLabel($uninstalLabes, $definition, $filename);
* Check labels inside label file and remove them
* @param $uninstalLabes
* @param $definition
* @param $filename
protected function uninstallLabel($uninstalLabes, $definition, $filename)
$app_list_strings = array();
$mod_strings = array();
$stringsName = $definition['module'] == 'application' ? 'app_list_strings' : 'mod_strings';
if ('app_list_strings' == $stringsName) {
$strings = $app_list_strings;
} else {
$strings = $mod_strings;
foreach ($uninstalLabes as $label) {
if (isset($strings[$label])) {
if (count($strings)) {
$this->saveContentToFile($filename, $stringsName, $strings);
} else {
* Save labels that not need be uninstalled at this case
* @param $filename
* @param $stringsName
* @param $strings
protected function saveContentToFile($filename, $stringsName, $strings)
$fileContent = "<?php\n//THIS FILE IS AUTO GENERATED, DO NOT MODIFY\n";
foreach ($strings as $key => $val) {
$fileContent .= override_value_to_string_recursive2($stringsName, $key, $val);
sugar_file_put_contents($filename, $fileContent);
* Uninstall extend labels
* @param $labelDefinitions
public function uninstallExtLabels($labelDefinitions)
foreach ($labelDefinitions as $definition) {
if (!isset($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['languages']) || !is_array($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['languages'])) {
foreach (array_keys($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['languages']) as $language) {
$pathDef = array(
'language' => $language,
'to_module' => $definition['module']
$path = $this->getInstallLanguagesPath($pathDef);
if (file_exists($path)) {
* Returns the names of the label(key 'system_label') from a multi-dimensional array $labelDefinitions
* @param $labelDefinitions
* @return array of labels
protected function getLabelsToUninstall($labelDefinitions)
$labels = array();
foreach ($labelDefinitions as $definition) {
$labels[] = $definition['system_label'];
return $labels;
/* BEGIN - RESTORE POINT - by MR. MILK August 31, 2005 02:22:18 PM */
public function copy_path($from, $to, $backup_path='', $uninstall=false)
//function copy_path($from, $to){
/* END - RESTORE POINT - by MR. MILK August 31, 2005 02:22:18 PM */
$to = str_replace('<basepath>', $this->base_dir, $to);
if (!$uninstall) {
$from = str_replace('<basepath>', $this->base_dir, $from);
$GLOBALS['log']->debug('Copy ' . $from);
} else {
$from = str_replace('<basepath>', $backup_path, $from);
//$GLOBALS['log']->debug('Restore ' . $from);
$from = clean_path($from);
$to = clean_path($to);
$dir = dirname($to);
//there are cases where if we need to create a directory in the root directory
if ($dir == '.' && is_dir($from)) {
$dir = $to;
if (!is_dir($dir)) {
mkdir_recursive($dir, true);
/* BEGIN - RESTORE POINT - by MR. MILK August 31, 2005 02:22:18 PM */
if (empty($backup_path)) {
/* END - RESTORE POINT - by MR. MILK August 31, 2005 02:22:18 PM */
if (!copy_recursive($from, $to)) {
die('Failed to copy ' . $from. ' ' . $to);
/* BEGIN - RESTORE POINT - by MR. MILK August 31, 2005 02:22:18 PM */
} elseif (!$this->copy_recursive_with_backup($from, $to, $backup_path, $uninstall)) {
die('Failed to copy ' . $from. ' to ' . $to);
/* END - RESTORE POINT - by MR. MILK August 31, 2005 02:22:18 PM */
public function install_custom_fields($fields)
global $beanList, $beanFiles;
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$installed = false;
if (isset($beanList[ $field['module']])) {
$class = $beanList[ $field['module']];
if (!isset($field['ext4'])) {
$field['ext4'] = '';
if (!isset($field['mass_update'])) {
$field['mass_update'] = 0;
if (!isset($field['duplicate_merge'])) {
$field['duplicate_merge'] = 0;
if (!isset($field['help'])) {
$field['help'] = '';
//Merge contents of the sugar field extension if we copied one over
if (file_exists("custom/Extension/modules/{$field['module']}/Ext/Vardefs/sugarfield_{$field['name']}.php")) {
$dictionary = array();
$obj = BeanFactory::getObjectName($field['module']);
if (!empty($dictionary[$obj]['fields'][$field['name']])) {
$field = array_merge($dictionary[$obj]['fields'][$field['name']], $field);
if (file_exists($beanFiles[$class])) {
$mod = new $class();
$installed = true;
$fieldObject = get_widget($field['type']);
$mod->custom_fields->use_existing_labels = true;
if (!$installed) {
$GLOBALS['log']->debug('Could not install custom field ' . $field['name'] . ' for module ' . $field['module'] . ': Module does not exist');
public function uninstall_custom_fields($fields)
global $beanList, $beanFiles;
$dyField = new DynamicField();
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$class = $beanList[ $field['module']];
if (file_exists($beanFiles[$class])) {
$mod = new $class();
$dyField->bean = $mod;
$dyField->module = $field['module'];
* ModuleInstaller->install_relationships calls install_relationship for every file included in the module package that defines a relationship, and then
* writes a custom/Extension/application/Ext/TableDictionary/$module.php file containing an include_once for every relationship metadata file passed to install_relationship.
* Next it calls install_vardef and install_layoutdef. Finally, it rebuilds the vardefs and layoutdefs (by calling merge_files as usual), and then calls merge_files to merge
* everything in 'Ext/TableDictionary/' into 'tabledictionary.ext.php'
public function install_relationships()
if (isset($this->installdefs [ 'relationships' ])) {
$this->log(translate('LBL_MI_IN_RELATIONSHIPS')) ;
$str = "<?php \n //WARNING: The contents of this file are auto-generated\n" ;
$save_table_dictionary = false ;
if (! file_exists("custom/Extension/application/Ext/TableDictionary")) {
mkdir_recursive("custom/Extension/application/Ext/TableDictionary", true) ;
foreach ($this->installdefs [ 'relationships' ] as $key => $relationship) {
$filename = basename($relationship [ 'meta_data' ]) ;
$this->copy_path($relationship [ 'meta_data' ], 'custom/metadata/' . $filename) ;
$this->install_relationship('custom/metadata/' . $filename) ;
$save_table_dictionary = true ;
if (! empty($relationship [ 'module_vardefs' ])) {
$relationship [ 'module_vardefs' ] = str_replace('<basepath>', $this->base_dir, $relationship [ 'module_vardefs' ]) ;
$this->install_vardef($relationship [ 'module_vardefs' ], $relationship [ 'module' ]) ;
if (! empty($relationship [ 'module_layoutdefs' ])) {
$relationship [ 'module_layoutdefs' ] = str_replace('<basepath>', $this->base_dir, $relationship [ 'module_layoutdefs' ]) ;
$this->install_layoutdef($relationship [ 'module_layoutdefs' ], $relationship [ 'module' ]) ;
$relName = strpos($filename, "MetaData") !== false ? substr($filename, 0, strlen($filename) - 12) : $filename;
$str . "include('custom/metadata/$filename');\n\n?>"
$this->rebuild_vardefs() ;
$this->rebuild_layoutdefs() ;
if ($save_table_dictionary) {
$this->rebuild_tabledictionary() ;
* Install_relationship obtains a set of relationship definitions from the filename passed in as a parameter.
* For each definition it calls db->createTableParams to build the relationships table if it does not exist,
* and SugarBean::createRelationshipMeta to add the relationship into the 'relationships' table.
public function install_relationship($file)
$_REQUEST['moduleInstaller'] = true;
if (!file_exists($file)) {
$GLOBALS['log']->debug('File does not exists : '.$file);
$rel_dictionary = $dictionary;
foreach ($rel_dictionary as $rel_name => $rel_data) {
$table = ''; // table is actually optional
// check if we have a table definition - not all relationships require a join table
if (isset($rel_data[ 'table' ])) {
$table = $rel_data[ 'table' ];
if (!$this->db->tableExists($table)) {
$this->db->createTableParams($table, $rel_data[ 'fields' ], $rel_data[ 'indices' ]);
if (!$this->silent) {
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Processing relationship meta for ". $rel_name."...");
SugarBean::createRelationshipMeta($rel_name, $this->db, $table, $rel_dictionary, '');
if (!$this->silent) {
public function install_layoutfields()
if (!empty($this->installdefs [ 'layoutfields' ])) {
foreach ($this->installdefs [ 'layoutfields' ] as $fieldSet) {
if (!empty($fieldSet['additional_fields'])) {
public function uninstall_layoutfields()
if (!empty($this->installdefs [ 'layoutfields' ])) {
foreach ($this->installdefs [ 'layoutfields' ] as $fieldSet) {
if (!empty($fieldSet['additional_fields'])) {
public function uninstall_relationship($file, $rel_dictionary = null)
if ($rel_dictionary == null) {
if (!file_exists($file)) {
$GLOBALS['log']->debug('File does not exists : '.$file);
$rel_dictionary = $dictionary;
foreach ($rel_dictionary as $rel_name => $rel_data) {
if (!empty($rel_data['table'])) {
$table = $rel_data['table'];
} else {
$table = ' One-to-Many ';
if ($this->db->tableExists($table) && isset($GLOBALS['mi_remove_tables']) && $GLOBALS['mi_remove_tables']) {
SugarBean::removeRelationshipMeta($rel_name, $this->db, $table, $rel_dictionary, '');
if (!$this->silent) {
$this->log(translate('LBL_MI_UN_RELATIONSHIPS_DROP') . $table);
//Delete Layout defs
// check to see if we have any vardef or layoutdef entries to remove - must have a relationship['module'] parameter if we do
if (!isset($rel_data[ 'module' ])) {
$mods = array(
} else {
$mods = array($rel_data[ 'module' ]);
$filename = "$rel_name.php";
foreach ($mods as $mod) {
if ($mod != 'application') {
$basepath = "custom/Extension/modules/$mod/Ext/";
} else {
$basepath = "custom/Extension/application/Ext/";
foreach (array($filename , "custom" . $filename, $rel_name ."_". $mod. ".php") as $fn) {
//remove any vardefs
$path = $basepath . "Vardefs/$fn" ;
if (file_exists($path)) {
//remove any layoutdefs
$path = $basepath . "Layoutdefs/$fn" ;
if (file_exists($path)) {
$path = $basepath . "WirelessLayoutdefs/$fn";
if (file_exists($path)) {
$relationships_path = 'custom/Extension/modules/relationships/';
$relationships_dirs = array(
foreach ($relationships_dirs as $relationship_dir) {
$realtionship_file_path = $relationships_path . $relationship_dir . "/{$rel_name}_{$mod}.php";
if (file_exists($realtionship_file_path)) {
if (file_exists($relationships_path . "relationships/{$rel_name}MetaData.php")) {
rmdir_recursive($relationships_path . "relationships/{$rel_name}MetaData.php");
foreach (array($filename , "custom" . $filename, $rel_name ."_". $mod. ".php") as $fn) {
// remove the table dictionary extension
if (file_exists("custom/Extension/application/Ext/TableDictionary/$fn")) {
if (file_exists("custom/metadata/{$rel_name}MetaData.php")) {
public function uninstall_relationships($include_studio_relationships = false)
$relationships = array();
//Find and remove studio created relationships.
global $beanList, $beanFiles, $dictionary;
//Load up the custom relationship definitions.
if (file_exists('custom/application/Ext/TableDictionary/tabledictionary.ext.php')) {
//Find all the relatioships/relate fields involving this module.
$rels_to_remove = array();
foreach ($beanList as $mod => $bean) {
//Some modules like cases have a bean name that doesn't match the object name
$bean = BeanFactory::getObjectName($mod);
VardefManager::loadVardef($mod, $bean);
//We can skip modules that are in this package as they will be removed anyhow
if (!in_array($mod, $this->modulesInPackage) && !empty($dictionary[$bean]) && !empty($dictionary[$bean]['fields'])) {
$field_defs = $dictionary[$bean]['fields'];
foreach ($field_defs as $field => $def) {
//Weed out most fields first
if (isset($def['type'])) {
//Custom relationships created in the relationship editor
if ($def['type'] == "link" && !empty($def['relationship']) && !empty($dictionary[$def['relationship']])) {
$rel_name = $def['relationship'];
$rel_def = $dictionary[$rel_name]['relationships'][$rel_name];
//Check against mods to be removed.
foreach ($this->modulesInPackage as $removed_mod) {
if ($rel_def['lhs_module'] == $removed_mod || $rel_def['rhs_module'] == $removed_mod) {
$dictionary[$rel_name]['from_studio'] = true;
$relationships[$rel_name] = $dictionary[$rel_name];
//Custom "relate" fields created in studio also need to be removed
if ($def['type'] == 'relate' && isset($def['module'])) {
foreach ($this->modulesInPackage as $removed_mod) {
if ($def['module'] == $removed_mod) {
require_once 'modules/ModuleBuilder/Module/StudioModule.php' ;
$studioMod = new StudioModule($mod);
if (isset($def['custom_module'])) {
require_once('modules/DynamicFields/DynamicField.php') ;
require_once($beanFiles [ $bean ]) ;
$seed = new $bean() ;
$df = new DynamicField($mod) ;
$df->setup($seed) ;
//Need to load the entire field_meta_data for some field types
$field_obj = $df->getFieldWidget($mod, $field);
$field_obj->delete($df) ;
$this->uninstall_relationship(null, $relationships);
if (isset($this->installdefs['relationships'])) {
$relationships = $this->installdefs['relationships'];
foreach ($relationships as $relationship) {
// remove the metadata entry
$filename = basename($relationship['meta_data']);
$pathname = (file_exists("custom/metadata/$filename")) ? "custom/metadata/$filename" : "metadata/$filename" ;
if (isset($GLOBALS['mi_remove_tables']) && $GLOBALS['mi_remove_tables']) {
if (file_exists($pathname)) {
if (file_exists("custom/Extension/application/Ext/TableDictionary/{$this->id_name}.php")) {
public function uninstall($base_dir)
if (defined('TEMPLATE_URL')) {
global $app_strings;
$total_steps = 5; //min steps with no tasks
$current_step = 0;
$this->base_dir = $base_dir;
$tasks = array(
$total_steps += count($tasks); //now the real number of steps
if (file_exists($this->base_dir . '/manifest.php')) {
if (!$this->silent) {
display_progress_bar('install', $current_step, $total_steps);
echo '<div id ="displayLoglink" ><a href="#" onclick="toggleDisplay(\'displayLog\')">'.$app_strings['LBL_DISPLAY_LOG'].'</a> </div><div id="displayLog" style="display:none">';
global $moduleList;
include($this->base_dir . '/manifest.php');
$this->installdefs = $installdefs;
$this->id_name = $this->installdefs['id'];
$installed_modules = array();
if (isset($this->installdefs['beans'])) {
foreach ($this->installdefs['beans'] as $bean) {
$installed_modules[] = $bean['module'];
$this->modulesInPackage = $installed_modules;
if (!$this->silent) {
update_progress_bar('install', $total_steps, $total_steps);
if (!$this->silent) {
update_progress_bar('install', $current_step, $total_steps);
foreach ($tasks as $task) {
if (!$this->silent) {
update_progress_bar('install', $current_step, $total_steps);
if (isset($installdefs['custom_fields']) && (isset($GLOBALS['mi_remove_tables']) && $GLOBALS['mi_remove_tables'])) {
if (!$this->silent) {
update_progress_bar('install', $current_step, $total_steps);
echo '</div>';
//since we are passing $silent = true to rebuildAll() in that method it will set $this->silent = true, so
//we need to save the setting to set it back after rebuildAll() completes.
$silentBak = $this->silent;
$this->silent = $silentBak;
//#27877, If the request from MB redeploy a custom module , we will not remove the ACL actions for this package.
if (!isset($_REQUEST['action']) || $_REQUEST['action']!='DeployPackage') {
if (!$this->silent) {
update_progress_bar('install', $current_step, $total_steps);
echo '</div>';
UpdateSystemTabs('Restore', $installed_modules);
//clear the unified_search_module.php file
$this->log('<br><b>' . translate('LBL_MI_COMPLETE') . '</b>');
if (!$this->silent) {
update_progress_bar('install', $total_steps, $total_steps);
} else {
die("No manifest.php Defined In $this->base_dir/manifest.php");
public function rebuild_languages($languages = array(), $modules="")
foreach ($languages as $language=>$value) {
$this->log(translate('LBL_MI_REBUILDING') . " Language...$language");
$this->merge_files('Ext/Language', $language.'.lang.ext.php', $language);
if ($modules!="") {
foreach ($modules as $module) {
LanguageManager::clearLanguageCache($module, $language);
public function rebuild_vardefs()
$this->rebuildExt("Vardefs", 'vardefs.ext.php');
public function rebuild_dashletcontainers()
$this->log(translate('LBL_MI_REBUILDING') . " DC Actions...");
$this->merge_files('Ext/DashletContainer/Containers', 'dcactions.ext.php');
public function rebuild_tabledictionary()
$this->rebuildExt("TableDictionary", 'tabledictionary.ext.php');
public function rebuild_relationships()
if (!$this->silent) {
echo translate('LBL_MI_REBUILDING') . ' Relationships';
$_REQUEST['silent'] = true;
global $beanFiles;
public function remove_acl_actions()
global $beanFiles, $beanList, $current_user;
* Wrapper call to modules/Administration/RepairIndex.php
public function repair_indices()
global $current_user,$beanFiles,$dictionary;
$_REQUEST['silent'] = true; // local var flagging echo'd output in repair script
$_REQUEST['mode'] = 'execute'; // flag to just go ahead and run the script
* Rebuilds the extension files found in custom/Extension
* @param boolean $silent
public function rebuild_all($silent=false)
if (defined('TEMPLATE_URL')) {
global $sugar_config;
//Check for new module extensions
* ModuleInstaller->merge_files runs over the list of all modules already installed in /modules. For each $module it reads the contents of every file in
* custom/Extension/modules/$module/<path> (_override files last) and concatenates them to custom/modules/$module/<path>/<file>.
* Then it does the same thing in custom/Extension/application/<path>, concatenating those files and copying the result to custom/application/<path>/<file>
public function merge_files($path, $name, $filter = '', $application = false)
if (!$application) {
$GLOBALS['log']->debug(get_class($this)."->merge_files() : merging module files in custom/Extension/modules/<module>/$path to custom/modules/<module>/$path$name");
foreach ($this->modules as $module) {
//$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Merging Files for: ".$module);
//$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Merging Files for path: ".$path);
$extension = "<?php \n //WARNING: The contents of this file are auto-generated\n";
$extpath = "modules/$module/$path";
$module_install = 'custom/Extension/'.$extpath;
$shouldSave = false;
if (is_dir($module_install)) {
$dir = dir($module_install);
$shouldSave = true;
$override = array();
while ($entry = $dir->read()) {
if ((empty($filter) || substr_count($entry, $filter) > 0) && is_file($module_install.'/'.$entry)
&& $entry != '.' && $entry != '..' && strtolower(substr($entry, -4)) == ".php") {
if (substr($entry, 0, 9) == '_override') {
$override[] = $entry;
} else {
$file = file_get_contents($module_install . '/' . $entry);
$GLOBALS['log']->debug(get_class($this)."->merge_files(): found {$module_install}{$entry}") ;
$extension .= "\n". str_replace(array('<?php', '?>', '<?PHP', '<?'), array('','', '' ,''), $file);
foreach ($override as $entry) {
$file = file_get_contents($module_install . '/' . $entry);
$extension .= "\n". str_replace(array('<?php', '?>', '<?PHP', '<?'), array('','', '' ,''), $file);
$extension .= "\n?>";
if ($shouldSave) {
if (!file_exists("custom/$extpath")) {
mkdir_recursive("custom/$extpath", true);
sugar_file_put_contents("custom/$extpath/$name", $extension);
} else {
if (file_exists("custom/$extpath/$name")) {
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Merging application files for $name in $path");
//Now the application stuff
$extension = "<?php \n //WARNING: The contents of this file are auto-generated\n";
$extpath = "application/$path";
$module_install = 'custom/Extension/'.$extpath;
$shouldSave = false;
if (is_dir($module_install)) {
$dir = dir($module_install);
while ($entry = $dir->read()) {
$shouldSave = true;
if ((empty($filter) || substr_count($entry, $filter) > 0) && is_file($module_install.'/'.$entry)
&& $entry != '.' && $entry != '..' && strtolower(substr($entry, -4)) == ".php") {
$file = file_get_contents($module_install . '/' . $entry);
$extension .= "\n". str_replace(array('<?php', '?>', '<?PHP', '<?'), array('','', '' ,''), $file);
$extension .= "\n?>";
if ($shouldSave) {
if (!file_exists("custom/$extpath")) {
mkdir_recursive("custom/$extpath", true);
sugar_file_put_contents("custom/$extpath/$name", $extension);
} else {
if (file_exists("custom/$extpath/$name")) {
public function install_modules()
$this->installed_modules = array();
$this->tab_modules = array();
if (isset($this->installdefs['beans'])) {
$str = "<?php \n //WARNING: The contents of this file are auto-generated\n";
foreach ($this->installdefs['beans'] as $bean) {
if (!empty($bean['module']) && !empty($bean['class']) && !empty($bean['path'])) {
$module = $bean['module'];
$class = $bean['class'];
$path = $bean['path'];
$str .= "\$beanList['$module'] = '$class';\n";
$str .= "\$beanFiles['$class'] = '$path';\n";
if ($bean['tab']) {
$str .= "\$moduleList[] = '$module';\n";
$this->install_user_prefs($module, empty($bean['hide_by_default']));
$this->tab_modules[] = $module;
} else {
$str .= "\$modules_exempt_from_availability_check['$module'] = '$module';\n";
$str .= "\$report_include_modules['$module'] = '$module';\n";
$str .= "\$modInvisList[] = '$module';\n";
$this->installed_modules[] = $module;
} else {
$errors[] = 'Bean array not well defined.';
$str.= "\n?>";
if (!file_exists("custom/Extension/application/Ext/Include")) {
mkdir_recursive("custom/Extension/application/Ext/Include", true);
sugar_file_put_contents("custom/Extension/application/Ext/Include/{$this->id_name}.php", $str);
* ModuleInstaller->install_beans runs through the list of beans given, instantiates each bean, calls bean->create_tables, and then calls SugarBean::createRelationshipMeta for the
* bean/module.
public function install_beans($beans)
foreach ($beans as $bean) {
$this->log(translate('LBL_MI_IN_BEAN') . " $bean");
if (isset($beanList[$bean])) {
$class = $beanList[$bean];
if (file_exists($beanFiles[$class])) {
$mod = new $class();
if (is_subclass_of($mod, 'SugarBean') && $mod->disable_vardefs == false) {
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Creating Tables Bean : $bean");
SugarBean::createRelationshipMeta($mod->getObjectName(), $mod->db, $mod->table_name, array(), $mod->module_dir);
} else {
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("File Does Not Exist:" . $beanFiles[$class]);
public function uninstall_beans($beans)
foreach ($beans as $bean) {
$this->log(translate('LBL_MI_UN_BEAN') . " $bean");
if (isset($beanList[$bean])) {
$class = $beanList[$bean];
if (file_exists($beanFiles[$class])) {
$mod = new $class();
if (is_subclass_of($mod, 'SugarBean')) {
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Drop Tables : $bean");
if (isset($GLOBALS['mi_remove_tables']) && $GLOBALS['mi_remove_tables']) {
} else {
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("File Does Not Exist:" . $beanFiles[$class]);
* Remove any customizations made within Studio while the module was installed.
public function uninstall_customizations($beans)
foreach ($beans as $bean) {
$dirs = array(
'custom/modules/' . $bean,
'custom/Extension/modules/' . $bean,
'custom/working/modules/' . $bean
foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
if (is_dir($dir)) {
public function log($str)
$GLOBALS['log']->debug('ModuleInstaller:'. $str);
if (!$this->silent) {
echo $str . '<br>';
/* BEGIN - RESTORE POINT - by MR. MILK August 31, 2005 02:15:18 PM */
public function copy_recursive_with_backup($source, $dest, $backup_path, $uninstall=false)
if (is_file($source)) {
if ($uninstall) {
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Restoring ... " . $source. " to " .$dest);
if (copy($source, $dest)) {
if (is_writable($dest)) {
sugar_touch($dest, filemtime($source));
if ((new SplFileInfo($dest))->getExtension() == 'php') {
} else {
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Can't restore file: " . $source);
return true;
} else {
if (file_exists($dest)) {
$rest = clean_path($backup_path."/$dest");
if (!is_dir(dirname($rest))) {
mkdir_recursive(dirname($rest), true);
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Backup ... " . $dest. " to " .$rest);
if (copy($dest, $rest)) {
if (is_writable($rest)) {
sugar_touch($rest, filemtime($dest));
if ((new SplFileInfo($rest))->getExtension() == 'php') {
} else {
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Can't backup file: " . $dest);
$result = copy($source, $dest);
if ((new SplFileInfo($dest))->getExtension() == 'php') {
return $result;
} elseif (!is_dir($source)) {
if ($uninstall) {
if (is_file($dest)) {
} else {
//don't do anything we already cleaned up the files using uninstall_new_files
return true;
} else {
return false;
if (!is_dir($dest) && !$uninstall) {
$status = true;
$d = dir($source);
while ($f = $d->read()) {
if ($f == "." || $f == "..") {
$status &= $this->copy_recursive_with_backup("$source/$f", "$dest/$f", $backup_path, $uninstall);
private function dir_get_files($path, $base_path)
$files = array();
if (!is_dir($path)) {
return $files;
$d = dir($path);
while ($e = $d->read()) {
//ignore invisible files . .. ._MACOSX
if (substr($e, 0, 1) == '.') {
if (is_file($path . '/' . $e)) {
$files[str_replace($base_path, '', $path . '/' . $e)] = str_replace($base_path, '', $path . '/' . $e);
if (is_dir($path . '/' . $e)) {
$files = array_merge($files, $this->dir_get_files($path . '/' . $e, $base_path));
return $files;
private function dir_file_count($path)
//if its a file then it has at least 1 file in the directory
if (is_file($path)) {
return 1;
if (!is_dir($path)) {
return 0;
$d = dir($path);
$count = 0;
while ($e = $d->read()) {
//ignore invisible files . .. ._MACOSX
if (substr($e, 0, 1) == '.') {
if (is_file($path . '/' . $e)) {
if (is_dir($path . '/' . $e)) {
$count += $this->dir_file_count($path . '/' . $e);
return $count;
/* END - RESTORE POINT - by MR. MILK August 31, 2005 02:15:34 PM */
* Static function which allows a module developer to abort their progress, pass in an array of errors and
* redirect back to the main module loader page
* @param errors an array of error messages which will be displayed on the
* main module loader page once it is loaded.
public function abort($errors = array())
//set the errors onto the session so we can display them one the moduler loader page loads
echo '<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" content="0;url=index.php?module=Administration&action=UpgradeWizard&view=module">';
//header('Location: index.php?module=Administration&action=UpgradeWizard&view=module');
* Return the set of errors stored in the SESSION
* @return an array of errors
public static function getErrors()
return $errors;
} else {
return null;
* Add any fields to the DetailView and EditView of the appropriate modules
* Only add into deployed modules, as addFieldsToUndeployedLayouts has done this already for undeployed modules (and the admin might have edited the layouts already)
* @param array $layoutAdditions An array of module => fieldname
* return null
public function addFieldsToLayout($layoutAdditions)
require_once 'modules/ModuleBuilder/parsers/views/GridLayoutMetaDataParser.php' ;
// these modules either lack editviews/detailviews or use custom mechanisms for the editview/detailview.
// In either case, we don't want to attempt to add a relate field to them
// would be better if GridLayoutMetaDataParser could handle this gracefully, so we don't have to maintain this list here
$invalidModules = array( 'emails' , 'kbdocuments' ) ;
foreach ($layoutAdditions as $deployedModuleName => $fieldName) {
if (! in_array(strtolower($deployedModuleName), $invalidModules)) {
foreach (array( MB_EDITVIEW , MB_DETAILVIEW ) as $view) {
$GLOBALS [ 'log' ]->debug(get_class($this) . ": adding $fieldName to $view layout for module $deployedModuleName") ;
$parser = new GridLayoutMetaDataParser($view, $deployedModuleName) ;
$parser->addField(array( 'name' => $fieldName )) ;
$parser->handleSave(false) ;
public function removeFieldsFromLayout($layoutAdditions)
require_once 'modules/ModuleBuilder/parsers/views/GridLayoutMetaDataParser.php' ;
// these modules either lack editviews/detailviews or use custom mechanisms for the editview/detailview.
// In either case, we don't want to attempt to add a relate field to them
// would be better if GridLayoutMetaDataParser could handle this gracefully, so we don't have to maintain this list here
$invalidModules = array( 'emails' , 'kbdocuments' ) ;
foreach ($layoutAdditions as $deployedModuleName => $fieldName) {
if (! in_array(strtolower($deployedModuleName), $invalidModules)) {
foreach (array( MB_EDITVIEW , MB_DETAILVIEW ) as $view) {
$GLOBALS [ 'log' ]->debug(get_class($this) . ": adding $fieldName to $view layout for module $deployedModuleName") ;
$parser = new GridLayoutMetaDataParser($view, $deployedModuleName) ;
$parser->removeField($fieldName) ;
$parser->handleSave(false) ;
public function enable($base_dir, $is_upgrade = false, $previous_version = '')
global $app_strings;
$this->base_dir = $base_dir;
$total_steps = 3; //minimum number of steps with no tasks
$current_step = 0;
$tasks = array(
$total_steps += count($tasks);
if (file_exists($this->base_dir . '/manifest.php')) {
if (!$this->silent) {
display_progress_bar('install', $current_step, $total_steps);
echo '<div id ="displayLoglink" ><a href="#" onclick="toggleDisplay(\'displayLog\')">'.$app_strings['LBL_DISPLAY_LOG'].'</a> </div><div id="displayLog" style="display:none">';
require_once($this->base_dir . '/manifest.php');
if ($is_upgrade && !empty($previous_version)) {
//check if the upgrade path exists
if (!empty($upgrade_manifest)) {
if (!empty($upgrade_manifest['upgrade_paths'])) {
if (!empty($upgrade_manifest['upgrade_paths'][$previous_version])) {
$installdefs = $upgrade_manifest['upgrade_paths'][$previous_version];
} else {
$errors[] = 'No Upgrade Path Found in manifest.';
$this->id_name = $installdefs['id'];
$this->installdefs = $installdefs;
$installed_modules = array();
if (isset($installdefs['beans'])) {
foreach ($this->installdefs['beans'] as $bean) {
$installed_modules[] = $bean['module'];
if (!$this->silent) {
update_progress_bar('install', $current_step, $total_steps);
foreach ($tasks as $task) {
if (!$this->silent) {
update_progress_bar('install', $current_step, $total_steps);
if (!$this->silent) {
update_progress_bar('install', $current_step, $total_steps);
echo '</div>';
UpdateSystemTabs('Add', $installed_modules);
} else {
die("No \$installdefs Defined In $this->base_dir/manifest.php");
public function disable($base_dir)
global $app_strings;
$total_steps = 3; //min steps with no tasks
$current_step = 0;
$this->base_dir = $base_dir;
$tasks = array(
$total_steps += count($tasks); //now the real number of steps
if (file_exists($this->base_dir . '/manifest.php')) {
if (!$this->silent) {
display_progress_bar('install', $current_step, $total_steps);
echo '<div id ="displayLoglink" ><a href="#" onclick="toggleDisplay(\'displayLog\')">'.$app_strings['LBL_DISPLAY_LOG'].'</a> </div><div id="displayLog" style="display:none">';
require_once($this->base_dir . '/manifest.php');
$this->installdefs = $installdefs;
$this->id_name = $this->installdefs['id'];
$installed_modules = array();
if (isset($this->installdefs['beans'])) {
foreach ($this->installdefs['beans'] as $bean) {
$installed_modules[] = $bean['module'];
if (!$this->silent) {
update_progress_bar('install', $current_step, $total_steps);
foreach ($tasks as $task) {
if (!$this->silent) {
update_progress_bar('install', $current_step, $total_steps);
if (!$this->silent) {
update_progress_bar('install', $current_step, $total_steps);
echo '</div>';
UpdateSystemTabs('Restore', $installed_modules);
} else {
die("No manifest.php Defined In $this->base_dir/manifest.php");
public function enable_vardef($to_module)
$this->enableExt("vardefs", "Vardefs", $to_module);
public function enable_layoutdef($to_module)
$this->enableExt("layoutdefs", "Layoutdefs", $to_module);
public function enable_relationships()
if (isset($this->installdefs['relationships'])) {
$str = "<?php \n //WARNING: The contents of this file are auto-generated\n";
$save_table_dictionary = false;
foreach ($this->installdefs['relationships'] as $relationship) {
$filename =basename($relationship['meta_data']);
$save_table_dictionary = true;
$str .= "include_once('metadata/$filename');\n";
if (empty($relationship['module'])) {
if (!empty($relationship['module_vardefs'])) {
if (!empty($relationship['module_layoutdefs'])) {
if ($save_table_dictionary) {
if (!file_exists("custom/Extension/application/Ext/TableDictionary")) {
mkdir_recursive("custom/Extension/application/Ext/TableDictionary", true);
if (file_exists("custom/Extension/application/Ext/TableDictionary/".DISABLED_PATH."/$this->id_name.php")) {
rename("custom/Extension/application/Ext/TableDictionary/".DISABLED_PATH."/$this->id_name.php", "custom/Extension/application/Ext/TableDictionary/$this->id_name.php");
public function disable_relationships($action = 'disable')
if (isset($this->installdefs['relationships'])) {
foreach ($this->installdefs['relationships'] as $relationship) {
$filename = basename($relationship['meta_data']);
$relName = substr($filename, -12) == "MetaData.php" ? substr($filename, 0, strlen($filename) - 12) : "";
if (empty($relationship['module']) && empty($relName)) {
//remove the vardefs
if (empty($relName)) {
$path = 'custom/Extension/modules/' . $relationship['module']. '/Ext/Vardefs';
if (!empty($relationship['module']) && $relationship['module'] == 'application') {
$path ='custom/Extension/' . $relationship['module']. '/Ext/Vardefs';
if (!empty($relationship['module_vardefs']) && file_exists($path . '/'. $this->id_name . '.php')) {
mkdir_recursive($path . '/'.DISABLED_PATH, true);
rename($path . '/'. $this->id_name . '.php', $path . '/'.DISABLED_PATH.'/'. $this->id_name . '.php');
//remove the layoutdefs
if (!empty($relationship['module'])) {
$path = 'custom/Extension/modules/' . $relationship['module']. '/Ext/Layoutdefs';
if ($relationship['module'] == 'application') {
$path ='custom/Extension/' . $relationship['module']. '/Ext/Layoutdefs';
if (!empty($relationship['module_layoutdefs']) && file_exists($path . '/'. $this->id_name . '.php')) {
mkdir_recursive($path . '/'.DISABLED_PATH, true);
rename($path . '/'. $this->id_name . '.php', $path . '/'.DISABLED_PATH.'/'. $this->id_name . '.php');
if (file_exists("custom/Extension/application/Ext/TableDictionary/$this->id_name.php")) {
mkdir_recursive("custom/Extension/application/Ext/TableDictionary/".DISABLED_PATH, true);
rename("custom/Extension/application/Ext/TableDictionary/$this->id_name.php", "custom/Extension/application/Ext/TableDictionary/".DISABLED_PATH."/$this->id_name.php");
public function enable_dashlets()
if (isset($this->installdefs['dashlets'])) {
foreach ($this->installdefs['dashlets'] as $cp) {
$cp['from'] = str_replace('<basepath>', $this->base_dir, $cp['from']);
$path = 'custom/modules/Home/Dashlets/' . $cp['name'] . '/';
$disabled_path = 'custom/modules/Home/'.DISABLED_PATH.'Dashlets/' . $cp['name'];
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Enabling Dashlet " . $cp['name'] . "..." . $cp['from']);
if (file_exists($disabled_path)) {
rename($disabled_path, $path);
public function disable_dashlets()
if (isset($this->installdefs['dashlets'])) {
foreach ($this->installdefs['dashlets'] as $cp) {
$path = 'custom/modules/Home/Dashlets/' . $cp['name'];
$disabled_path = 'custom/modules/Home/'.DISABLED_PATH.'Dashlets/' . $cp['name'];
$GLOBALS['log']->debug('Disabling ' .$path);
if (file_exists($path)) {
mkdir_recursive('custom/modules/Home/'.DISABLED_PATH.'Dashlets/', true);
rename($path, $disabled_path);
public function enable_copy()
//copy files back onto file system. first perform md5 check to determine if anything has been modified
//here we should just go through the files in the -restore directory and copy those back
if (isset($GLOBALS['mi_overwrite_files']) && $GLOBALS['mi_overwrite_files']) {
if (!empty($this->installdefs['copy'])) {
foreach ($this->installdefs['copy'] as $cp) {
$cp['to'] = clean_path(str_replace('<basepath>', $this->base_dir, $cp['to']));
$backup_path = clean_path(remove_file_extension(urldecode(hashToFile($_REQUEST['install_file'])))."-restore/".$cp['to']);
//check if this file exists in the -restore directory
if (file_exists($backup_path)) {
//since the file exists, then we want do an md5 of the install version and the file system version
//if(is_file($backup_path) && md5_file($backup_path) == md5_file($cp['to'])){
//since the files are the same then we can safely move back from the -restore
//directory into the file system
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("ENABLE COPY:: FROM: ".$cp['from']. " TO: ".$cp['to']);
$this->copy_path($cp['from'], $cp['to']);
//since they are not equal then we need to prompt the user
public function disable_copy()
//when we disable we want to copy the -restore files back into the file system
//but we should check the version in the module install against the version on the file system
//if they match then we can copy the file back, but otherwise we should ask the user.
// $GLOBALS['log']->debug('ModuleInstaller.php->disable_copy()');
if (isset($GLOBALS['mi_overwrite_files']) && $GLOBALS['mi_overwrite_files']) {
// $GLOBALS['log']->debug('ModuleInstaller.php->disable_copy():mi_overwrite_files=true');
if (!empty($this->installdefs['copy'])) {
// $GLOBALS['log']->debug('ModuleInstaller.php->disable_copy(): installdefs not empty');
foreach ($this->installdefs['copy'] as $cp) {
$cp['to'] = clean_path(str_replace('<basepath>', $this->base_dir, $cp['to']));
$backup_path = clean_path(remove_file_extension(urldecode(hashToFile($_REQUEST['install_file'])))."-restore/".$cp['to']); // bug 16966 tyoung - replaced missing assignment to $backup_path
//check if this file exists in the -restore directory
// $GLOBALS['log']->debug("ModuleInstaller.php->disable_copy(): backup_path=".$backup_path);
if (file_exists($backup_path)) {
//since the file exists, then we want do an md5 of the install version and the file system version
$from = str_replace('<basepath>', $this->base_dir, $cp['from']);
//if(is_file($from) && md5_file($from) == md5_file($cp['to'])){
//since the files are the same then we can safely move back from the -restore
//directory into the file system
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("DISABLE COPY:: FROM: ".$backup_path. " TO: ".$cp['to']);
$this->copy_path($backup_path, $cp['to']);
//since they are not equal then we need to prompt the user
public function reset_opcodes()
/* Bug 39354 - added function_exists check. Not optimal fix, but safe nonetheless.
* This is for the upgrade to 6.1 from pre 6.1, since the utils files haven't been updated to 6.1 when this is called,
* but this file has been updated to 6.1
if (function_exists('sugar_clean_opcodes')) {
* BC implementation to provide specific calls to extensions
public function __call($name, $args)
$nameparts = explode('_', $name);
// name is something_something
if (count($nameparts) == 2 && isset($this->extensions[$nameparts[1]])) {
$ext = $this->extensions[$nameparts[1]];
switch ($nameparts[0]) {
case 'enable':
return $this->enableExt($ext['section'], $ext['extdir']);
case 'disable':
return $this->disableExt($ext['section'], $ext['extdir']);
case 'install':
return $this->installExt($ext['section'], $ext['extdir']);
case 'uninstall':
return $this->uninstallExt($ext['section'], $ext['extdir']);
case 'rebuild':
return $this->rebuildExt($ext['extdir'], $ext['file']);
sugar_die("Unknown method ModuleInstaller::$name called");
function UpdateSystemTabs($action, $installed_modules)
$controller = new TabController();
$isSystemTabsInDB = $controller->is_system_tabs_in_db();
if ($isSystemTabsInDB && !empty($installed_modules)) {
global $moduleList;
switch ($action) {
case 'Restore':
$currentTabs = $controller->get_system_tabs();
foreach ($installed_modules as $module) {
if (in_array($module, $currentTabs)) {
case 'Add':
$currentTabs = $controller->get_system_tabs();
foreach ($installed_modules as $module) {
if (!in_array($module, $currentTabs)) {
$currentTabs[$module] = $module;
// no break