mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 21:48:00 +00:00

Count bracket is closed after relational operator it must be typo mistake done years ago before PHP 8.0 count() use to yield a warning but after PHP 8.0 count() will throw TypeError if countable types parameter is not passed, in this case Boolean value was feeding to count so it was throwing TypeError in PHP 8.0+
667 lines
29 KiB
Executable file
667 lines
29 KiB
Executable file
if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
* Data set for ListView
* @api
class ListViewData
public $additionalDetails = true;
public $listviewName = null;
public $additionalDetailsAllow = null;
public $additionalDetailsAjax = true; // leave this true when using filter fields
public $additionalDetailsFieldToAdd = 'NAME'; // where the span will be attached to
public $base_url = null;
public $seed;
* If you want overwrite the query for the count of the listview set this to your query
* otherwise leave it empty and it will use SugarBean::create_list_count_query
public $count_query = '';
* Constructor sets the limitName to look up the limit in $sugar_config
* @return ListViewData
public function __construct()
$this->limitName = 'list_max_entries_per_page';
$this->db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance('listviews');
* checks the request for the order by and if that is not set then it checks the session for it
* @return array containing the keys orderBy => field being ordered off of and sortOrder => the sort order of that field
public function getOrderBy($orderBy = '', $direction = '')
if (!empty($orderBy) || !empty($_REQUEST[$this->var_order_by])) {
if (!empty($_REQUEST[$this->var_order_by])) {
$orderBy = $_REQUEST[$this->var_order_by];
if (!empty($_REQUEST['lvso']) && (empty($_SESSION['lvd']['last_ob']) || strcmp($orderBy, $_SESSION['lvd']['last_ob']) == 0)) {
$direction = $_REQUEST['lvso'];
$_SESSION[$this->var_order_by] = array('orderBy'=>$orderBy, 'direction'=> $direction);
$_SESSION['lvd']['last_ob'] = $orderBy;
} else {
$userPreferenceOrder = $GLOBALS['current_user']->getPreference('listviewOrder', $this->var_name);
if (!empty($_SESSION[$this->var_order_by])) {
$orderBy = $_SESSION[$this->var_order_by]['orderBy'];
$direction = $_SESSION[$this->var_order_by]['direction'];
} elseif (!empty($userPreferenceOrder)) {
$orderBy = $userPreferenceOrder['orderBy'];
$direction = $userPreferenceOrder['sortOrder'];
} else {
$orderBy = 'date_entered';
$direction = 'DESC';
if (!empty($direction)) {
if (strtolower($direction) == "desc") {
$direction = 'DESC';
} else {
$direction = 'ASC';
return array('orderBy' => $orderBy, 'sortOrder' => $direction);
* gets the reverse of the sort order for use on links to reverse a sort order from what is currently used
* @param STRING (ASC or DESC) $current_order
* @return STRING (ASC or DESC)
public function getReverseSortOrder($current_order)
return (strcmp(strtolower($current_order), 'asc') == 0)?'DESC':'ASC';
* gets the limit of how many rows to show per page
* @return INT (the limit)
public function getLimit()
return $GLOBALS['sugar_config'][$this->limitName];
* returns the current offset
* @return INT (current offset)
public function getOffset()
return (!empty($_REQUEST[$this->var_offset])) ? $_REQUEST[$this->var_offset] : 0;
* generates the base url without
* any files in the block variables will not be part of the url
* @return Array (the base url as an array)
protected function getBaseQuery()
global $beanList;
$blockVariables = array('mass', 'uid', 'massupdate', 'delete', 'merge', 'selectCount',$this->var_order_by, $this->var_offset, 'lvso', 'sortOrder', 'orderBy', 'request_data', 'current_query_by_page');
foreach ($beanList as $bean) {
$blockVariables[] = 'Home2_'.strtoupper($bean).'_ORDER_BY';
$blockVariables[] = 'Home2_CASE_ORDER_BY';
// Added mostly for the unit test runners, which may not have these superglobals defined
$params = array_merge($_POST, $_GET);
$params = array_diff_key($params, array_flip($blockVariables));
return $params;
* based off of a base name it sets base, offset, and order by variable names to retrieve them from requests and sessions
* @param unknown_type $baseName
public function setVariableName($baseName, $where, $listviewName = null, $id = null)
global $timedate;
if (!isset($_REQUEST['module'])) {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('Undefined index: module');
$module = (!empty($listviewName)) ? $listviewName: (isset($_REQUEST['module']) ? $_REQUEST['module'] : null);
$this->var_name = $module .'2_'. strtoupper($baseName) . ($id?'_'.$id:'');
$this->var_order_by = $this->var_name .'_ORDER_BY';
$this->var_offset = $this->var_name . '_offset';
$timestamp = sugar_microtime();
$this->stamp = $timestamp;
$_SESSION[$module .'2_QUERY_QUERY'] = $where;
$_SESSION[strtoupper($baseName) . "_FROM_LIST_VIEW"] = $timestamp;
$_SESSION[strtoupper($baseName) . "_DETAIL_NAV_HISTORY"] = false;
public function getTotalCount($main_query)
if (!empty($this->count_query)) {
$count_query = $this->count_query;
} else {
$count_query = $this->seed->create_list_count_query($main_query);
$result = $this->db->query($count_query);
if ($row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result)) {
return $row['c'];
return 0;
* takes in a seed and creates the list view query based off of that seed
* if the $limit value is set to -1 then it will use the default limit and offset values
* it will return an array with two key values
* 1. 'data'=> this is an array of row data
* 2. 'pageData'=> this is an array containg three values
* a.'ordering'=> array('orderBy'=> the field being ordered by , 'sortOrder'=> 'ASC' or 'DESC')
* b.'urls'=>array('baseURL'=>url used to generate other urls ,
* 'orderBy'=> the base url for order by
* //the following may not be set (so check empty to see if they are set)
* 'nextPage'=> the url for the next group of results,
* 'prevPage'=> the url for the prev group of results,
* 'startPage'=> the url for the start of the group,
* 'endPage'=> the url for the last set of results in the group
* c.'offsets'=>array(
* 'current'=>current offset
* 'next'=> next group offset
* 'prev'=> prev group offset
* 'end'=> the offset of the last group
* 'total'=> the total count (only accurate if totalCounted = true otherwise it is either the total count if less than the limit or the total count + 1 )
* 'totalCounted'=> if a count query was used to get the total count
* @param SugarBean $seed
* @param string $where
* @param int:0 $offset
* @param int:-1 $limit
* @param string[]:array() $filter_fields
* @param array:array() $params
* Potential $params are
$params['distinct'] = use distinct key word
$params['include_custom_fields'] = (on by default)
$params['custom_XXXX'] = append custom statements to query
* @param string:'id' $id_field
* @return array('data'=> row data, 'pageData' => page data information, 'query' => original query string)
public function getListViewData($seed, $where, $offset=-1, $limit = -1, $filter_fields=array(), $params=array(), $id_field = 'id', $singleSelect=true, $id = null)
global $current_user;
require_once 'include/SearchForm/SearchForm2.php';
$this->seed =& $seed;
$totalCounted = empty($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['disable_count_query']);
if (empty($_REQUEST['action']) || $_REQUEST['action'] != 'Popup') {
$_SESSION['MAILMERGE_MODULE'] = $seed->module_dir;
$this->setVariableName($seed->object_name, $where, $this->listviewName, $id);
$this->seed->id = '[SELECT_ID_LIST]';
// if $params tell us to override all ordering
if (!empty($params['overrideOrder']) && !empty($params['orderBy'])) {
$order = $this->getOrderBy(strtolower($params['orderBy']), (empty($params['sortOrder']) ? '' : $params['sortOrder'])); // retreive from $_REQUEST
} else {
$order = $this->getOrderBy(); // retreive from $_REQUEST
// still empty? try to use settings passed in $param
if (empty($order['orderBy']) && !empty($params['orderBy'])) {
$order['orderBy'] = $params['orderBy'];
$order['sortOrder'] = (empty($params['sortOrder']) ? '' : $params['sortOrder']);
//rrs - bug: 21788. Do not use Order by stmts with fields that are not in the query.
// Bug 22740 - Tweak this check to strip off the table name off the order by parameter.
// Samir Gandhi : Do not remove the report_cache.date_modified condition as the report list view is broken
$orderby = $order['orderBy'];
if (strpos($order['orderBy'], '.') && ($order['orderBy'] != "report_cache.date_modified")) {
$orderby = substr($order['orderBy'], strpos($order['orderBy'], '.')+1);
if ($orderby != 'date_entered' && !in_array($orderby, array_keys($filter_fields))) {
$order['orderBy'] = '';
$order['sortOrder'] = '';
if (empty($order['orderBy'])) {
$orderBy = '';
} else {
$orderBy = $order['orderBy'] . ' ' . $order['sortOrder'];
//wdong, Bug 25476, fix the sorting problem of Oracle.
if (isset($params['custom_order_by_override']['ori_code']) && $order['orderBy'] == $params['custom_order_by_override']['ori_code']) {
$orderBy = $params['custom_order_by_override']['custom_code'] . ' ' . $order['sortOrder'];
if (empty($params['skipOrderSave'])) { // don't save preferences if told so
$current_user->setPreference('listviewOrder', $order, 0, $this->var_name); // save preference
// If $params tells us to override for the special last_name, first_name sorting
if (!empty($params['overrideLastNameOrder']) && $order['orderBy'] == 'last_name') {
$orderBy = 'last_name '.$order['sortOrder'].', first_name '.$order['sortOrder'];
$ret_array = $seed->create_new_list_query($orderBy, $where, $filter_fields, $params, 0, '', true, $seed, $singleSelect);
$ret_array['inner_join'] = '';
if (!empty($this->seed->listview_inner_join)) {
$ret_array['inner_join'] = ' ' . implode(' ', $this->seed->listview_inner_join) . ' ';
if (!is_array($params)) {
$params = array();
if (!isset($params['custom_select'])) {
$params['custom_select'] = '';
if (!isset($params['custom_from'])) {
$params['custom_from'] = '';
if (!isset($params['custom_where'])) {
$params['custom_where'] = '';
if (!isset($params['custom_order_by'])) {
$params['custom_order_by'] = '';
$main_query = $ret_array['select'] . $params['custom_select'] . $ret_array['from'] . $params['custom_from'] . $ret_array['inner_join']. $ret_array['where'] . $params['custom_where'] . $ret_array['order_by'] . $params['custom_order_by'];
//C.L. - Fix for 23461
if (empty($_REQUEST['action']) || $_REQUEST['action'] != 'Popup') {
$_SESSION['export_where'] = $ret_array['where'];
if ($limit < -1) {
$result = $this->db->query($main_query);
} else {
if ($limit == -1) {
$limit = $this->getLimit();
$dyn_offset = $this->getOffset();
if ($dyn_offset > 0 || !is_int($dyn_offset)) {
$offset = $dyn_offset;
if (strcmp($offset, 'end') == 0) {
$totalCount = $this->getTotalCount($main_query);
$offset = (floor(($totalCount -1) / $limit)) * $limit;
if ($this->seed->ACLAccess('ListView')) {
$result = $this->db->limitQuery($main_query, $offset, $limit + 1);
} else {
$result = array();
$data = array();
$temp = clone $seed;
$rows = array();
$count = 0;
$idIndex = array();
$id_list = '';
while (($row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result)) != null) {
if ($count < $limit) {
$id_list .= ',\''.$row[$id_field].'\'';
$idIndex[$row[$id_field]][] = count($rows);
$rows[] = $seed->convertRow($row);
if (!empty($id_list)) {
$id_list = '('.substr($id_list, 1).')';
SugarVCR::store($this->seed->module_dir, $main_query);
if ($count != 0) {
if (!empty($ret_array['secondary_select'])) {
$secondary_query = $ret_array['secondary_select'] . $ret_array['secondary_from'] . ' WHERE '.$this->seed->table_name.'.id IN ' .$id_list;
if (isset($ret_array['order_by'])) {
$secondary_query .= ' ' . $ret_array['order_by'];
$secondary_result = $this->db->query($secondary_query);
$ref_id_count = array();
while ($row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($secondary_result)) {
$ref_id_count[$row['ref_id']][] = true;
foreach ($row as $name=>$value) {
//add it to every row with the given id
foreach ($idIndex[$row['ref_id']] as $index) {
$rows_keys = array_keys($rows);
foreach ($rows_keys as $key) {
$rows[$key]['secondary_select_count'] = count($ref_id_count[$rows[$key]['ref_id']]);
// retrieve parent names
if (!empty($filter_fields['parent_name']) && !empty($filter_fields['parent_id']) && !empty($filter_fields['parent_type'])) {
foreach ($idIndex as $id => $rowIndex) {
if (!isset($post_retrieve[$rows[$rowIndex[0]]['parent_type']])) {
$post_retrieve[$rows[$rowIndex[0]]['parent_type']] = array();
if (!empty($rows[$rowIndex[0]]['parent_id'])) {
$post_retrieve[$rows[$rowIndex[0]]['parent_type']][] = array('child_id' => $id , 'parent_id'=> $rows[$rowIndex[0]]['parent_id'], 'parent_type' => $rows[$rowIndex[0]]['parent_type'], 'type' => 'parent');
if (isset($post_retrieve)) {
$parent_fields = $seed->retrieve_parent_fields($post_retrieve);
foreach ($parent_fields as $child_id => $parent_data) {
//add it to every row with the given id
foreach ($idIndex[$child_id] as $index) {
$rows[$index]['parent_name']= $parent_data['parent_name'];
$pageData = array();
while ($row = current($rows)) {
$temp = clone $seed;
$dataIndex = count($data);
if (empty($this->seed->assigned_user_id) && !empty($temp->assigned_user_id)) {
$this->seed->assigned_user_id = $temp->assigned_user_id;
if ($idIndex[$row[$id_field]][0] == $dataIndex) {
$pageData['tag'][$dataIndex] = $temp->listviewACLHelper();
} else {
$pageData['tag'][$dataIndex] = $pageData['tag'][$idIndex[$row[$id_field]][0]];
$data[$dataIndex] = $temp->get_list_view_data($filter_fields);
$detailViewAccess = $temp->ACLAccess('DetailView');
$editViewAccess = $temp->ACLAccess('EditView');
$pageData['rowAccess'][$dataIndex] = array('view' => $detailViewAccess, 'edit' => $editViewAccess);
$additionalDetailsAllow = $this->additionalDetails && $detailViewAccess && (file_exists(
'modules/' . $temp->module_dir . '/metadata/additionalDetails.php'
) || file_exists('custom/modules/' . $temp->module_dir . '/metadata/additionalDetails.php'));
$additionalDetailsEdit = $editViewAccess;
if ($additionalDetailsAllow) {
if ($this->additionalDetailsAjax) {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('Undefined data index ID for list view data.');
$ar = $this->getAdditionalDetailsAjax(isset($data[$dataIndex]['ID']) ? $data[$dataIndex]['ID'] : null);
} else {
$additionalDetailsFile = 'modules/' . $this->seed->module_dir . '/metadata/additionalDetails.php';
if (file_exists('custom/modules/' . $this->seed->module_dir . '/metadata/additionalDetails.php')) {
$additionalDetailsFile = 'custom/modules/' . $this->seed->module_dir . '/metadata/additionalDetails.php';
$ar = $this->getAdditionalDetails(
(empty($this->additionalDetailsFunction) ? 'additionalDetails' : $this->additionalDetailsFunction) . $this->seed->object_name,
$pageData['additionalDetails'][$dataIndex] = $ar['string'];
$pageData['additionalDetails']['fieldToAddTo'] = $ar['fieldToAddTo'];
$nextOffset = -1;
$prevOffset = -1;
$endOffset = -1;
if ($count > $limit) {
$nextOffset = $offset + $limit;
if ($offset > 0) {
$prevOffset = $offset - $limit;
if ($prevOffset < 0) {
$prevOffset = 0;
$totalCount = $count + $offset;
if ($count >= $limit && $totalCounted) {
$totalCount = $this->getTotalCount($main_query);
SugarVCR::recordIDs($this->seed->module_dir, array_keys($idIndex), $offset, $totalCount);
$module_names = array(
'Prospects' => 'Targets'
$endOffset = (floor(($totalCount - 1) / $limit)) * $limit;
$pageData['ordering'] = $order;
$pageData['ordering']['sortOrder'] = $this->getReverseSortOrder($pageData['ordering']['sortOrder']);
//get url parameters as an array
$pageData['queries'] = $this->generateQueries($pageData['ordering']['sortOrder'], $offset, $prevOffset, $nextOffset, $endOffset, $totalCounted);
//join url parameters from array to a string
$pageData['urls'] = $this->generateURLS($pageData['queries']);
$pageData['offsets'] = array( 'current'=>$offset, 'next'=>$nextOffset, 'prev'=>$prevOffset, 'end'=>$endOffset, 'total'=>$totalCount, 'totalCounted'=>$totalCounted);
$pageData['bean'] = array('objectName' => $seed->object_name, 'moduleDir' => $seed->module_dir, 'moduleName' => strtr($seed->module_dir, $module_names));
$pageData['stamp'] = $this->stamp;
$pageData['access'] = array('view' => $this->seed->ACLAccess('DetailView'), 'edit' => $this->seed->ACLAccess('EditView'));
$pageData['idIndex'] = $idIndex;
if (!$this->seed->ACLAccess('ListView')) {
$pageData['error'] = 'ACL restricted access';
$queryString = '';
if (isset($_REQUEST["searchFormTab"]) && $_REQUEST["searchFormTab"] == "advanced_search" ||
isset($_REQUEST["type_basic"]) && (count($_REQUEST["type_basic"]) > 1 || $_REQUEST["type_basic"][0] != "") ||
isset($_REQUEST["module"]) && $_REQUEST["module"] == "MergeRecords") {
$queryString = "-advanced_search";
} else {
if (isset($_REQUEST["searchFormTab"]) && $_REQUEST["searchFormTab"] == "basic_search") {
if ($seed->module_dir == "Reports") {
$searchMetaData = SearchFormReports::retrieveReportsSearchDefs();
} else {
$searchMetaData = SearchForm::retrieveSearchDefs($seed->module_dir);
$basicSearchFields = array();
if (isset($searchMetaData['searchdefs']) && isset($searchMetaData['searchdefs'][$seed->module_dir]['layout']['basic_search'])) {
$basicSearchFields = $searchMetaData['searchdefs'][$seed->module_dir]['layout']['basic_search'];
foreach ($basicSearchFields as $basicSearchField) {
$field_name = (is_array($basicSearchField) && isset($basicSearchField['name'])) ? $basicSearchField['name'] : $basicSearchField;
$field_name .= "_basic";
if (isset($_REQUEST[$field_name]) && (!is_array($basicSearchField) || !isset($basicSearchField['type']) || $basicSearchField['type'] == 'text' || $basicSearchField['type'] == 'name')) {
// Ensure the encoding is UTF-8
$queryString = htmlentities($_REQUEST[$field_name], null, 'UTF-8');
return array('data'=>$data , 'pageData'=>$pageData, 'query' => $queryString);
* generates urls as a string for use by the display layer
* @param array $queries
* @return array of urls orderBy and baseURL are always returned the others are only returned according to values passed in.
protected function generateURLS($queries)
foreach ($queries as $name => $value) {
$queries[$name] = 'index.php?' . http_build_query($value);
$this->base_url = $queries['baseURL'];
return $queries;
* generates queries for use by the display layer
* @param int $sortOrder
* @param int $offset
* @param int $prevOffset
* @param int $nextOffset
* @param int $endOffset
* @param int $totalCounted
* @return array of queries orderBy and baseURL are always returned the others are only returned according to values passed in.
protected function generateQueries($sortOrder, $offset, $prevOffset, $nextOffset, $endOffset, $totalCounted)
$queries = array();
$queries['baseURL'] = $this->getBaseQuery();
$queries['baseURL']['lvso'] = $sortOrder;
$queries['orderBy'] = $queries['baseURL'];
$queries['orderBy'][$this->var_order_by] = '';
if ($nextOffset > -1) {
$queries['nextPage'] = $queries['baseURL'];
$queries['nextPage'][$this->var_offset] = $nextOffset;
if ($offset > 0) {
$queries['startPage'] = $queries['baseURL'];
$queries['startPage'][$this->var_offset] = 0;
if ($prevOffset > -1) {
$queries['prevPage'] = $queries['baseURL'];
$queries['prevPage'][$this->var_offset] = $prevOffset;
if ($totalCounted) {
$queries['endPage'] = $queries['baseURL'];
$queries['endPage'][$this->var_offset] = $endOffset;
} else {
$queries['endPage'] = $queries['baseURL'];
$queries['endPage'][$this->var_offset] = 'end';
return $queries;
* generates the additional details span to be retrieved via ajax
* @param GUID id id of the record
* @return array string to attach to field
public function getAdditionalDetailsAjax($id)
global $app_strings;
$jscalendarImage ='<span class="suitepicon suitepicon-action-info" title="'.$app_strings['LBL_ADDITIONAL_DETAILS'].'"></span>';
$extra = "<span id='adspan_" . $id . "' "
. "onclick=\"lvg_dtails('$id')\" "
. " style='position: relative;'><!--not_in_theme!-->$jscalendarImage</span>";
return array('fieldToAddTo' => $this->additionalDetailsFieldToAdd, 'string' => $extra);
* generates the additional details values
* @param array $fields
* @param callable $adFunction
* @param array $editAccess
* @return array string to attach to field
public function getAdditionalDetails($fields, $adFunction, $editAccess)
global $app_strings;
global $mod_strings;
$results = $adFunction($fields);
$results['string'] = str_replace(array("'", "'"), '\'', $results['string']); // no xss!
if (trim($results['string']) == '') {
$results['string'] = $app_strings['LBL_NONE'];
$close = false;
$extra = "<img alt='{$app_strings['LBL_INFOINLINE']}' style='padding: 0px 5px 0px 2px' border='0' onclick=\"SUGAR.util.getStaticAdditionalDetails(this,'";
$extra .= str_replace(array("\rn", "\r", "\n"), array('','','<br />'), $results['string']) ;
$extra .= "','<div style=\'float:left\'>{$app_strings['LBL_ADDITIONAL_DETAILS']}</div><div style=\'float: right\'>";
if ($editAccess && !empty($results['editLink'])) {
$extra .= "<a title=\'{$app_strings['LBL_EDIT_BUTTON']}\' href={$results['editLink']}><span class=\'suitepicon suitepicon-action-edit\'></span></a>";
$close = true;
$close = (!empty($results['viewLink'])) ? true : $close;
$extra .= (!empty($results['viewLink']) ? "<a title=\'{$app_strings['LBL_VIEW_BUTTON']}\' href={$results['viewLink']}> <span class=\'suitepicon suitepicon-action-view-record\'></span></a>" : '');
if ($close == true) {
$closeVal = "true";
$extra .= "<a title=\'{$app_strings['LBL_ADDITIONAL_DETAILS_CLOSE_TITLE']}\' href=\'javascript: SUGAR.util.closeStaticAdditionalDetails();\'> <span class=\'suitepicon suitepicon-action-clear\'></span></a>";
} else {
$closeVal = "false";
$extra .= "',".$closeVal.")\"' class='info suitepicon suiteicon-action-info'>";
return array('fieldToAddTo' => $results['fieldToAddTo'], 'string' => $extra);