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synced 2025-03-13 04:53:21 +00:00
487 lines
18 KiB
Executable file
487 lines
18 KiB
Executable file
* Advanced OpenReports, SugarCRM Reporting.
* @package Advanced OpenReports for SugarCRM
* @copyright SalesAgility Ltd http://www.salesagility.com
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
* along with this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses
* or write to the Free Software Foundation,Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
* Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* @author SalesAgility <info@salesagility.com>
var fieldln = 0;
var fieldln_count = 0;
var report_rel_modules = new Array();
var report_fields = new Array();
var report_module = '';
var FieldLineHandler = {
makeGroupDisplaySelectOptions: function(selectedField, selectedField2) {
var found = false;
var value = $('#group_display').val();
if(selectedField) {
value = this.getFieldNth(selectedField);
var foundValues = [];
$('#group_display').html('<option value="-1">' + SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'LBL_NONE') + '</option>');
$('#fieldLines input[type="text"]').each(function(i,e){
var _value = $(this).attr('id').substr('aor_fields_label'.length);
if($(this).attr('id').substr(0, 'aor_fields_label'.length)=='aor_fields_label' && $('#aor_fields_deleted' + _value).val() != 1) {
$('#group_display').append('<option value="' + _value + '">' + $(this).val() + '</option>');
found = true;
if(found) {
if($.inArray(value, foundValues) != -1) {
else {
else {
var value2 = $('#group_display_1').val();
if(selectedField2) {
if($('#group_display_1').val() == null || $('#group_display_1 option[value="' + $('#group_display_1').val() + '"]').css('display')=='none') {
getFieldNth: function(field) {
var ret = false;
$('input[value="' + field.id + '"]').each(function(i,e){
var id = $(this).attr('id');
if(id.substr(0, 'aor_fields_id'.length)=='aor_fields_id') {
ret = id.substr('aor_fields_id'.length);
return ;
return ret;
function loadFieldLine(field){
var prefix = 'aor_fields_';
var ln = 0;
ln = insertFieldLine();
for(var a in field){
var elem = document.getElementById(prefix + a + ln);
if(elem != null){
if(a === 'field_order'){
}else if(elem.nodeName != 'INPUT' && elem.nodeName != 'SELECT'){
elem.innerHTML = field[a];
}else if(elem.type == 'checkbox'){
elem.checked = field[a] == 1;
} else {
elem.value = field[a];
showFieldOptions(field, ln);
showFieldModuleField(ln, field['field_function'], field['label']);
FieldLineHandler.makeGroupDisplaySelectOptions(parseInt(field.group_display) == 1 ? field : null, parseInt(field.group_display) == 2 ? field : null);
function showFieldOptions(field, ln){
if(field.field_type == "datetime" || field.field_type == "date" || field.field_type == "datetimecombo"){
showElem("aor_fields_format" + ln);
function showFieldCurrentModuleFields(ln, value){
if (typeof value === 'undefined') { value = ''; }
report_module = document.getElementById('report_module').value;
var rel_field = document.getElementById('aor_fields_module_path' + ln).value;
if(report_module != '' && rel_field != ''){
var callback = {
success: function(result) {
var fields = JSON.parse(result.responseText);
document.getElementById('aor_fields_field'+ln).innerHTML = '';
var selector = document.getElementById('aor_fields_field'+ln);
for (var i in fields) {
selector.options[selector.options.length] = new Option(fields[i], i);
if(fields[value] != null ){
document.getElementById('aor_fields_field'+ln).value = value;
if(value == '') showFieldModuleField(ln);
YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest ("GET", "index.php?module=AOR_Reports&action=getModuleFields&aor_module="+report_module+"&view=JSON&rel_field="+rel_field+"&aor_value="+value,callback);
function showFieldModuleField(ln, function_value, label_value){
if (typeof function_value === 'undefined') { function_value = ''; }
if (typeof label_value === 'undefined') { label_value = ''; }
var aor_field = document.getElementById('aor_fields_field'+ln).value;
if(aor_field != ''){
var callback = {
success: function(result) {
document.getElementById('aor_fields_fieldFunction'+ln).innerHTML = result.responseText;
var select_field = document.getElementById('aor_fields_field'+ln);
if(label_value === ''){
document.getElementById('aor_fields_label'+ln).value = select_field.options[select_field.selectedIndex].text;
failure: function(result) {
var aor_field_name = "aor_fields_field_function["+ln+"]";
YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest ("GET", "index.php?module=AOR_Reports&action=getModuleFunctionField&view="+action_sugar_grp1+"&aor_module="+report_module+"&aor_fieldname="+aor_field+"&aor_newfieldname="+aor_field_name+"&aor_value="+function_value,callback);
} else {
function fieldResetLine(ln){
document.getElementById('aor_fields_display'+ln).checked = true;
document.getElementById('aor_fields_link'+ln).checked = false;
document.getElementById('aor_fields_label'+ln).value = '';
document.getElementById('aor_fields_fieldFunction'+ln).innerHTML = '';
document.getElementById('aor_fields_sort_by'+ln).value = '';
document.getElementById('aor_fields_group_by'+ln).checked = false;
function showFieldModuleFieldType(ln, value){
if (typeof value === 'undefined') { value = ''; }
var callback = {
success: function(result) {
document.getElementById('aor_fields_fieldInput'+ln).innerHTML = result.responseText;
failure: function(result) {
document.getElementById('aor_fields_fieldInput'+ln).innerHTML = '';
var aor_field = document.getElementById('aor_fields_field'+ln).value;
var type_value = document.getElementById("aor_fields_value_type["+ln+"]").value;
var aor_field_name = "aor_fields_value["+ln+"]";
YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest ("GET", "index.php?module=AOR_Reports&action=getModuleFieldType&view="+action_sugar_grp1+"&aor_module="+report_module+"&aor_fieldname="+aor_field+"&aor_newfieldname="+aor_field_name+"&aor_value="+value+"&aor_type="+type_value,callback);
* Insert Header
function insertFieldHeader(){
tablehead = document.createElement("thead");
tablehead.id = "fieldLines_head";
var x=tablehead.insertRow(-1);
var a=x.insertCell(0);
var b=x.insertCell(1);
b.innerHTML=SUGAR.language.get('AOR_Fields', 'LBL_MODULE_PATH');
var b1=x.insertCell(2);
b1.innerHTML=SUGAR.language.get('AOR_Fields', 'LBL_FIELD');
var c=x.insertCell(3);
c.innerHTML=SUGAR.language.get('AOR_Fields', 'LBL_DISPLAY');
var d=x.insertCell(4);
d.innerHTML=SUGAR.language.get('AOR_Fields', 'LBL_LINK');
var e=x.insertCell(5);
e.innerHTML=SUGAR.language.get('AOR_Fields', 'LBL_LABEL');
var f=x.insertCell(6);
f.innerHTML=SUGAR.language.get('AOR_Fields', 'LBL_FUNCTION');
var g=x.insertCell(7);
g.innerHTML=SUGAR.language.get('AOR_Fields', 'LBL_SORT');
var h=x.insertCell(8);
h.innerHTML=SUGAR.language.get('AOR_Fields', 'LBL_GROUP');
var i=x.insertCell(9);
i.innerHTML=SUGAR.language.get('AOR_Fields', 'LBL_FORMAT');
var h=x.insertCell(10);
h.innerHTML=SUGAR.language.get('AOR_Fields', 'LBL_TOTAL');
tablebody = document.createElement("tbody");
$('#fieldLines tbody').sortable({
stop: fieldSort,
axis: 'y',
containment: "#fieldLines"
function insertFieldLine(){
if (document.getElementById('fieldLines_head') == null) {
} else {
document.getElementById('fieldLines_head').style.display = '';
tablebody = document.getElementById('fieldLines').getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0];
var x = tablebody.insertRow(-1);
x.id = 'field_line' + fieldln;
var a = x.insertCell(0);
if(action_sugar_grp1 == 'EditView'){
a.innerHTML = "<button type='button' id='aor_fields_delete_line" + fieldln + "' class='button' value='' tabindex='116' onclick='markFieldLineDeleted(" + fieldln + ")'>-</button><br>";
a.innerHTML += "<input type='hidden' name='aor_fields_deleted[" + fieldln + "]' id='aor_fields_deleted" + fieldln + "' value='0'><input type='hidden' name='aor_fields_id[" + fieldln + "]' id='aor_fields_id" + fieldln + "' value=''>";
} else{
a.innerHTML = fieldln +1;
a.innerHTML += "<input type='hidden' name='aor_fields_field_order[" + fieldln + "]' id='aor_fields_field_order" + fieldln + "' value='"+fieldln+"'>"
a.style.width = '5%';
var b = x.insertCell(1);
b.style.width = '12%';
var viewStyle = 'display:none';
if(action_sugar_grp1 == 'EditView'){viewStyle = '';}
b.innerHTML = "<input type='hidden' name='aor_fields_module_path["+ fieldln +"]' id='aor_fields_module_path" + fieldln + "' value=''>";
if(action_sugar_grp1 == 'EditView'){viewStyle = 'display:none';}else{viewStyle = '';}
b.innerHTML += "<span id='aor_fields_module_path_display" + fieldln + "'></span>";
var b1 = x.insertCell(2);
b1.style.width = '12%';
var viewStyle = 'display:none';
if(action_sugar_grp1 == 'EditView'){viewStyle = '';}
b1.innerHTML = "<input type='hidden' name='aor_fields_field["+ fieldln +"]' id='aor_fields_field" + fieldln + "' value=''>";
if(action_sugar_grp1 == 'EditView'){viewStyle = 'display:none';}else{viewStyle = '';}
b1.innerHTML += "<span style='width:178px;' id='aor_fields_field_label" + fieldln + "' ></span>";
var c = x.insertCell(3);
c.innerHTML = "<input name='aor_fields_display["+ fieldln +"]' value='0' type='hidden'>";
c.innerHTML += "<input id='aor_fields_display" + fieldln + "' name='aor_fields_display["+ fieldln +"]' value='1' type='checkbox' CHECKED>";
c.style.width = '5%';
var d = x.insertCell(4);
d.innerHTML = "<input name='aor_fields_link["+ fieldln +"]' value='0' type='hidden'>";
d.innerHTML += "<input id='aor_fields_link" + fieldln + "' name='aor_fields_link["+ fieldln +"]' value='1' type='checkbox'>";
d.style.width = '5%';
var e = x.insertCell(5);
e.innerHTML = "<input name='aor_fields_label["+ fieldln +"]' id='aor_fields_label" + fieldln + "' size='20' maxlength='150' value='' type='text'>";
e.style.width = '12%';
var f = x.insertCell(6);
f.style.width = '10%';
var g=x.insertCell(7);
g.innerHTML = "<select type='text' name='aor_fields_sort_by["+ fieldln +"]' id='aor_fields_sort_by" + fieldln + "'>"+sort_by_values+"</select>";
g.style.width = '10%';
var h=x.insertCell(8);
h.innerHTML = "<input name='aor_fields_group_by["+ fieldln +"]' value='0' type='hidden'>";
h.innerHTML += "<input id='aor_fields_group_by" + fieldln + "' name='aor_fields_group_by["+ fieldln +"]' value='1' type='checkbox'>";
h.style.width = '10%';
var i=x.insertCell(9);
i.innerHTML = "<select type='text' name='aor_fields_format["+ fieldln +"]' id='aor_fields_format" + fieldln + "' style='display:none;'>" + format_values + "</select>";
i.style.width = '10%';
var h=x.insertCell(10);
h.innerHTML = "<select type='text' name='aor_fields_total["+ fieldln +"]' id='aor_fields_total" + fieldln + "'>"+total_values+"</select>";
h.style.width = '10%';
return fieldln -1;
function markFieldLineDeleted(ln)
// collapse line; update deleted value
document.getElementById('field_line' + ln).style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('aor_fields_deleted' + ln).value = '1';
document.getElementById('aor_fields_delete_line' + ln).onclick = '';
if(fieldln_count == 0){
document.getElementById('fieldLines_head').style.display = "none";
// remove fields header if doesn't exists any more field in area
var found = false;
$('#fieldLines tbody').each(function(i,e){
if($(e).css('display') != 'none') {
found = true;
if(!found) {
function clearFieldLines(){
if(document.getElementById('fieldLines') != null){
var cond_rows = document.getElementById('fieldLines').getElementsByTagName('tr');
var cond_row_length = cond_rows.length;
var i;
for (i=0; i < cond_row_length; i++) {
if(document.getElementById('aor_fields_delete_line'+i) != null){
function fieldSort(){
if(document.getElementById('fieldLines') != null){
var cond_rows = document.getElementById('fieldLines').getElementsByTagName('tr');
var cond_row_length = cond_rows.length;
var i;
for (i=0; i < cond_row_length; i++) {
var input = cond_rows[i].getElementsByTagName('input');
var j;
for (j=0; j < input.length; j++) {
if (input[j].id.indexOf('aor_fields_field_order') != -1) {
if($(this).data('value') == input[j].value){
input[j].value = i-1;
var suffix = 'tmp';
var val = $(this).data('value')+'';
if(val && val.indexOf(suffix, val.length - suffix.length) !== -1){
function hideElem(id){
document.getElementById(id).style.display = "none";
document.getElementById(id).value = "";
function showElem(id){
document.getElementById(id).style.display = "";
function date_field_change(field){
if(document.getElementById(field + '[1]').value == 'now'){
hideElem(field + '[2]');
hideElem(field + '[3]');
} else {
showElem(field + '[2]');
showElem(field + '[3]');
function addNodeToFields(node){
if(node.type == "field"){
//do ajax on moudule & name
'module' : 'AOR_Reports',
'action' : 'getVarDefs',
'aor_module' : node.module,
'aor_request' : node.id,
'view' : 'JSON'
//var result = JSON.parse(relData);
'label' : node.name,
'module' : node.module,
'module_path' : node.module_path,
'module_path_display' : node.module_path_display,
'field' : node.id,
'field_label' : node.name,
'field_type' : relData.type
'label' : node.name,
'module' : node.module,
'module_path' : node.module_path,
'module_path_display' : node.module_path_display,
'field' : node.id,
'field_label' : node.name});