Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/salesagility/SuiteCRM.git synced 2025-03-14 05:22:49 +00:00
Dillon-Brown 66954ac3af Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/hotfix-7.10.x' into hotfix
# Conflicts:
#	.travis.yml
#	data/SugarBean.php
#	include/MVC/View/SugarView.php
#	include/Smarty/plugins/function.fetch.php
#	include/SugarFields/Fields/File/SugarFieldFile.php
#	include/SugarObjects/templates/person/Person.php
#	include/SugarXHprof/SugarXHprof.php
#	include/SugarXHprof/xhprof_lib/utils/xhprof_runs.php
#	include/nusoap/class.nusoap_base.php
#	include/nusoap/class.soap_transport_http.php
#	include/nusoap/class.soapclient.php
#	include/nusoap/class.wsdl.php
#	include/nusoap/class.wsdlcache.php
#	include/parsecsv.lib.php
#	include/social/get_feed_data.php
#	include/tcpdf/barcodes.php
#	lib/Robo/Plugin/Commands/CodeCoverageCommands.php
#	modules/AOD_Index/Lib/Zend/Search/Lucene/Storage/File.php
#	modules/AOR_Charts/lib/pChart/class/pBarcode128.class.php
#	modules/AOR_Charts/lib/pChart/class/pBarcode39.class.php
#	modules/AOR_Charts/lib/pChart/class/pCache.class.php
#	modules/AOR_Charts/lib/pChart/class/pData.class.php
#	modules/AOR_Charts/lib/pChart/class/pDraw.class.php
#	modules/AOR_Charts/lib/pChart/class/pImage.class.php
#	modules/AOR_Charts/lib/pChart/class/pSpring.class.php
#	modules/AOS_PDF_Templates/templateParser.php
#	modules/AOS_Products/AOS_Products.php
#	modules/AOW_Actions/FormulaCalculator.php
#	modules/AOW_WorkFlow/aow_utils.php
#	modules/Trackers/store/DatabaseStore.php
#	phpcs.xml
#	service/core/REST/SugarRest.php
#	service/example/Rest_Proxy.php
#	suitecrm_version.php
#	tests/SuiteCRM/Test/SuitePHPUnit_Framework_TestCase.php
#	tests/unit/phpunit/data/SugarBeanTest.php
#	tests/unit/phpunit/include/MVC/Controller/SugarControllerTest.php
#	tests/unit/phpunit/include/MVC/SugarApplicationTest.php
#	tests/unit/phpunit/include/MVC/View/SugarViewTest.php
#	tests/unit/phpunit/include/MVC/View/views/view.editTest.php
#	tests/unit/phpunit/include/utils/securityUtilsTest.php
#	tests/unit/phpunit/modules/ACLActions/ACLActionTest.php
#	tests/unit/phpunit/modules/Emails/EmailTest.php
#	tests/unit/phpunit/modules/ProspectLists/ProspectListTest.php
#	tests/unit/phpunit/modules/SchedulersJobs/SchedulersJobTest.php
#	tests/unit/phpunit/modules/UserPreferences/UserPreferenceTest.php
#	themes/SuiteP/css/Dawn/style.css
#	themes/SuiteP/css/Day/style.css
#	themes/SuiteP/css/Dusk/style.css
#	themes/SuiteP/css/Night/style.css
2019-09-20 14:53:13 +01:00

483 lines
20 KiB
Executable file

if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
class Calendar
public $activityList = array("FP_events" => array("showCompleted" => true,"start" => "date_start", "end" => "date_end"),
"Meetings" => array("showCompleted" => true,"start" => "date_start", "end" => "date_end"),
"Calls" => array("showCompleted" => true,"start" => "date_start", "end" => "date_end"),
"Tasks" => array("showCompleted" => true,"start" => "date_due", "end" => "date_due"),
// "ProjectTask" => array("showCompleted" => true,"start" => "date_start", "end" => "date_finish"),
// "Project" => array("showCompleted" => true,"start" => "estimated_start_date", "end" => "estimated_end_date")
public $views = array("agendaDay" => array(),"basicDay" => array(), "basicWeek" => array(), "agendaWeek" => array(),"month" => array(), "sharedMonth" => array(), "sharedWeek" => array());
public $view = 'agendaWeek'; // current view
public $style; // calendar style (basic or advanced)
public $dashlet = false; // if is displayed in dashlet
public $date_time; // current date
public $show_tasks = true;
public $show_calls = true;
public $show_completed = true;
public $enable_repeat = true;
public $time_step = 60; // time step of each slot in minutes
public $acts_arr = array(); // Array of activities objects
public $items = array(); // Array of activities data to be displayed
public $shared_ids = array(); // ids of users for shared view
public $cells_per_day; // entire 24h day count of slots
public $grid_start_ts; // start timestamp of calendar grid
public $day_start_time; // working day start time in format '11:00'
public $day_end_time; // working day end time in format '11:00'
public $scroll_slot; // first slot of working day
public $celcount; // count of slots in a working day
* @var bool $print Whether is print mode.
private $print = false;
* constructor
* @param string $view
* @param array $time_arr
* @param array $views
public function __construct($view = "agendaWeek", $time_arr = array())
global $current_user, $timedate, $current_language;
$this->view = $view;
if (!array_key_exists($this->view, $this->views)) {
$this->view = 'agendaWeek';
$date_arr = array();
if (!empty($_REQUEST['day'])) {
$_REQUEST['day'] = (int)$_REQUEST['day'];
if (!empty($_REQUEST['month'])) {
$_REQUEST['month'] = (int)$_REQUEST['month'];
if (!empty($_REQUEST['day'])) {
$date_arr['day'] = $_REQUEST['day'];
if (!empty($_REQUEST['month'])) {
$date_arr['month'] = $_REQUEST['month'];
if (!empty($_REQUEST['week'])) {
$date_arr['week'] = $_REQUEST['week'];
if (!empty($_REQUEST['mobile'])) {
$date_arr['mobile'] = $_REQUEST['mobile'];
if (!empty($_REQUEST['year'])) {
if ($_REQUEST['year'] > 2037 || $_REQUEST['year'] < 1970) {
$calendarStrings = return_module_language($current_language, 'Calendar');
$date_arr['year'] = $_REQUEST['year'];
if (empty($_REQUEST['day'])) {
$_REQUEST['day'] = "";
if (empty($_REQUEST['week'])) {
$_REQUEST['week'] = "";
if (empty($_REQUEST['month'])) {
$_REQUEST['month'] = "";
if (empty($_REQUEST['year'])) {
$_REQUEST['year'] = "";
if (empty($_REQUEST['mobile'])) {
$_REQUEST['mobile'] = "";
// if date is not set in request use current date
if (empty($date_arr) || !isset($date_arr['year']) || !isset($date_arr['month']) || !isset($date_arr['day'])) {
$today = $timedate->getNow(true);
$date_arr = array(
'year' => $today->year,
'month' => $today->month,
'day' => $today->day,
'mobile' => $today->day,
$current_date_db = $date_arr['year']."-".str_pad($date_arr['month'], 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT)."-".str_pad($date_arr['day'], 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
$this->date_time = $GLOBALS['timedate']->fromString($current_date_db);
$this->show_tasks = $current_user->getPreference('show_tasks');
if (is_null($this->show_tasks)) {
$this->show_tasks = SugarConfig::getInstance()->get('calendar.show_tasks_by_default', true);
$this->show_calls = $current_user->getPreference('show_calls');
if (is_null($this->show_calls)) {
$this->show_calls = SugarConfig::getInstance()->get('calendar.show_calls_by_default', true);
// Show completed Meetings, Calls, Tasks
$this->show_completed = $current_user->getPreference('show_completed');
if (is_null($this->show_completed)) {
$this->show_completed = SugarConfig::getInstance()->get('calendar.show_completed_by_default', true);
$this->enable_repeat = SugarConfig::getInstance()->get('calendar.enable_repeat', true);
if (in_array($this->view, array('month','year'))) {
$this->style = "basic";
} else {
$displayTimeslots = $GLOBALS['current_user']->getPreference('calendar_display_timeslots');
if (is_null($displayTimeslots)) {
$displayTimeslots = SugarConfig::getInstance()->get('calendar.display_timeslots', true);
if (!$displayTimeslots) {
switch ($this->view) {
case "agendaDay":
$this->view = "basicDay";
case "agendaWeek":
$this->view = "basicWeek";
} else {
switch ($this->view) {
case "basicDay":
$this->view = "agendaDay";
case "basicWeek":
$this->view = "agendaWeek";
$this->day_start_time = $current_user->getPreference('day_start_time');
if (is_null($this->day_start_time)) {
$this->day_start_time = SugarConfig::getInstance()->get('calendar.default_day_start', "08:00");
$this->day_end_time = $current_user->getPreference('day_end_time');
if (is_null($this->day_end_time)) {
$this->day_end_time = SugarConfig::getInstance()->get('calendar.default_day_end', "19:00");
if ($this->view == "day") {
$this->time_step = SugarConfig::getInstance()->get('calendar.day_timestep', 15);
} else {
if ($this->view == "week" || $this->view == "shared") {
$this->time_step = SugarConfig::getInstance()->get('calendar.week_timestep', 30);
} else {
if ($this->view == "month") {
$this->time_step = SugarConfig::getInstance()->get('calendar.month_timestep', 60);
} else {
$this->time_step = 60;
$this->cells_per_day = 24 * (60 / $this->time_step);
* Load activities data to array
public function load_activities()
$field_list = CalendarUtils::get_fields();
$i = 0;
foreach ($this->acts_arr as $user_id => $acts) {
if (isset($acts) && empty($acts)) {
$shared_calendar_separate = $GLOBALS['current_user']->getPreference('calendar_display_shared_separate');
if (is_null($shared_calendar_separate)) {
$shared_calendar_separate = SugarConfig::getInstance()->get('calendar.calendar_display_shared_separate', true);
//if no calendar items we add the user to the list.
if ($shared_calendar_separate) {
//$this->items[ $item['user_id'] ][] = $item;
$this->items[ $user_id ][] = array();
} else {
$this->items[ $GLOBALS['current_user']->id ][] = array();
foreach ($acts as $act) {
$item = array();
$item['user_id'] = $user_id;
$item['module_name'] = $act->sugar_bean->module_dir;
$item['type'] = strtolower($act->sugar_bean->object_name);
$item['assigned_user_id'] = $act->sugar_bean->assigned_user_id;
$item['record'] = $act->sugar_bean->id;
$item['name'] = $act->sugar_bean->name . ' ' . $act->sugar_bean->assigned_user_name;
$item['description'] = $act->sugar_bean->description;
if (isset($act->sugar_bean->duration_hours)) {
$item['duration_hours'] = $act->sugar_bean->duration_hours;
$item['duration_minutes'] = $act->sugar_bean->duration_minutes;
$item['detail'] = 0;
$item['edit'] = 0;
if ($act->sugar_bean->ACLAccess('DetailView')) {
$item['detail'] = 1;
if ($act->sugar_bean->ACLAccess('Save')) {
$item['edit'] = 1;
if (empty($act->sugar_bean->id)) {
$item['detail'] = 0;
$item['edit'] = 0;
if (!empty($act->sugar_bean->repeat_parent_id)) {
$item['repeat_parent_id'] = $act->sugar_bean->repeat_parent_id;
if ($item['detail'] == 1) {
if (isset($field_list[$item['module_name']])) {
foreach ($field_list[$item['module_name']] as $field) {
if (!isset($item[$field]) && isset($act->sugar_bean->$field)) {
$item[$field] = $act->sugar_bean->$field;
if (empty($item[$field])) {
$item[$field] = "";
if (!empty($act->sugar_bean->parent_type) && !empty($act->sugar_bean->parent_id)) {
$focus = BeanFactory::getBean($act->sugar_bean->parent_type, $act->sugar_bean->parent_id);
// If the bean wasn't loaded, e.g. insufficient permissions
if (!empty($focus)) {
$item['related_to'] = $focus->name;
if (!isset($item['duration_hours']) || empty($item['duration_hours'])) {
$item['duration_hours'] = 0;
if (!isset($item['duration_minutes']) || empty($item['duration_minutes'])) {
$item['duration_minutes'] = 0;
if (isset($this->activityList[ $act->sugar_bean->module_name ]['start']) && !empty($this->activityList[ $act->sugar_bean->module_name ]['start'])) {
$item = array_merge($item, CalendarUtils::get_time_data($act->sugar_bean, $this->activityList[ $act->sugar_bean->module_name ]['start'], $this->activityList[ $act->sugar_bean->module_name ]['end']));
} else {
$item = array_merge($item, CalendarUtils::get_time_data($act->sugar_bean));
$shared_calendar_separate = $GLOBALS['current_user']->getPreference('calendar_display_shared_separate');
if (is_null($shared_calendar_separate)) {
$shared_calendar_separate = SugarConfig::getInstance()->get('calendar.calendar_display_shared_separate', true);
//if no calendar items we add the user to the list.
if ($shared_calendar_separate) {
$this->items[ $item['user_id'] ][] = $item;
} else {
$this->items[ $GLOBALS['current_user']->id ][] = $item;
* initialize ids of shared users
public function init_shared()
global $current_user;
$user_ids = $current_user->getPreference('shared_ids');
if (!empty($user_ids) && count($user_ids) != 0 && !isset($_REQUEST['shared_ids'])) {
$this->shared_ids = $user_ids;
} else {
if (isset($_REQUEST['shared_ids']) && count($_REQUEST['shared_ids']) > 0) {
$this->shared_ids = $_REQUEST['shared_ids'];
$current_user->setPreference('shared_ids', $_REQUEST['shared_ids']);
} else {
$this->shared_ids = array($current_user->id);
* Calculate timestamp the calendar grid should be started from
protected function calculate_grid_start_ts()
if ($this->view == "agendaWeek" || $this->view == "shared") {
$week_start = CalendarUtils::get_first_day_of_week($this->date_time);
$this->grid_start_ts = $week_start->format('U') + $week_start->getOffset();
} else {
if ($this->view == "month") {
$month_start = $this->date_time->get_day_by_index_this_month(0);
$week_start = CalendarUtils::get_first_day_of_week($month_start);
$this->grid_start_ts = $week_start->format('U') + $week_start->getOffset(); // convert to timestamp, ignore tz
} else {
if ($this->view == "agendaDay") {
$this->grid_start_ts = $this->date_time->format('U') + $this->date_time->getOffset();
* calculate count of timeslots per visible day, calculates day start and day end in minutes
public function calculate_day_range()
list($hour_start, $minute_start) = explode(":", $this->day_start_time);
list($hour_end, $minute_end) = explode(":", $this->day_end_time);
$this->scroll_slot = (int)($hour_start * (60 / $this->time_step) + ($minute_start / $this->time_step));
$this->celcount = (($hour_end * 60 + $minute_end) - ($hour_start * 60 + $minute_start)) / $this->time_step;
* loads array of objects
* @param User $user user object
* @param string $type
public function add_activities($user, $type='sugar')
global $timedate;
$start_date_time = $this->date_time;
if ($this->view == 'agendaWeek'|| $this->view == 'basicWeek' || $this->view == 'sharedWeek') {
$start_date_time = CalendarUtils::get_first_day_of_week($this->date_time);
$end_date_time = $start_date_time->get("+7 days");
} else {
if ($this->view == 'month' || $this->view == "sharedMonth") {
$start_date_time = $this->date_time->get_day_by_index_this_month(0);
$end_date_time = $start_date_time->get("+".$start_date_time->format('t')." days");
$start_date_time = CalendarUtils::get_first_day_of_week($start_date_time);
$end_date_time = CalendarUtils::get_first_day_of_week($end_date_time)->get("+7 days");
} else {
$end_date_time = $this->date_time->get("+1 day");
$start_date_time = $start_date_time->get("-5 days"); // 5 days step back to fetch multi-day activities that
$acts_arr = array();
if ($type == 'vfb') {
$acts_arr = CalendarActivity::get_freebusy_activities($user, $start_date_time, $end_date_time);
} else {
$acts_arr = CalendarActivity::get_activities($this->activityList, $user->id, $this->show_tasks, $start_date_time, $end_date_time, $this->view, $this->show_calls, $this->show_completed);
//$this->acts_arr[$user->id] = $acts_arr;
$this->acts_arr[$user->id] = $acts_arr;
* Get date string of next or previous calendar grid
* @param string $direction next or previous
* @return string
public function get_neighbor_date_str($direction)
if ($direction == "previous") {
$sign = "-";
} else {
$sign = "+";
if ($this->view == 'month' || $this->view == "sharedMonth") {
$day = $this->date_time->get_day_by_index_this_month(0)->get($sign."1 month")->get_day_begin(1);
} else {
if ($this->view == 'agendaWeek' || $this->view == 'sharedWeek' || $this->view == 'basicWeek') {
$day = CalendarUtils::get_first_day_of_week($this->date_time);
$day = $day->get($sign."7 days");
} else {
if ($this->view == 'agendaDay' || $this->view == 'basicDay') {
$day = $this->date_time->get($sign."1 day")->get_day_begin();
} else {
if ($this->view == 'year') {
$day = $this->date_time->get($sign."1 year")->get_day_begin();
} else {
$calendarStrings = return_module_language($GLOBALS['current_language'], 'Calendar');
return $calendarStrings['ERR_NEIGHBOR_DATE'];
return $day->get_date_str();
public function setPrint($print)
$this->print = $print;
public function isPrint()
return $this->print;