Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/salesagility/SuiteCRM.git synced 2025-03-13 04:53:21 +00:00
Dillon-Brown 4ee7a709a0 Remove PHP4 constructors
Signed-off-by: Dillon-Brown <dillon.brown@salesagility.com>
2021-03-26 21:50:24 +00:00

1574 lines
62 KiB
Executable file

* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
class EmailMan extends SugarBean
/** @var string */
public $id;
/** @var string */
public $deleted;
/** @var string */
public $date_created;
/** @var string */
public $date_modified;
/** @var string */
public $module;
/** @var string */
public $module_id;
/** @var string */
public $marketing_id;
/** @var string */
public $campaign_id;
/** @var string */
public $user_id;
/** @var string */
public $list_id;
/** @var string */
public $invalid_email;
/** @var string */
public $from_name;
/** @var string */
public $from_email;
/** @var string */
public $in_queue;
/** @var string */
public $in_queue_date;
/** @var string */
public $template_id;
/** @var string */
public $send_date_time;
/** @var string */
public $table_name = "emailman";
/** @var string */
public $object_name = "EmailMan";
/** @var string */
public $module_dir = "EmailMan";
/** @var string */
public $send_attempts;
/** @var string */
public $related_id;
/** @var string */
public $related_type;
/** @var EmailTemplate $current_emailtemplate */
public $current_emailtemplate;
/** @var bool $related_confirm_opt_in*/
public $related_confirm_opt_in;
/** @var bool $test*/
public $test = false;
/** @var array $notes_array*/
public $notes_array = array();
/** @var array $verified_email_marketing_ids */
public $verified_email_marketing_ids = array();
/** @var bool $new_schema */
public $new_schema = true;
* last opt in warning stored
* @var bool
protected $optInWarn;
* @var string
protected $targetId;
* @return string
public function toString()
return "EmailMan:\nid = $this->id ,user_id= $this->user_id module = $this->module , related_id = $this->related_id , related_type = $this->related_type ,list_id = $this->list_id, send_date_time= $this->send_date_time\n";
// This is used to retrieve related fields from form posts.
public $additional_column_fields = array();
* EmailMan constructor.
public function __construct()
* @param string $order_by
* @param string $where
* @param array $filter
* @param array $params
* @param int $show_deleted
* @param string $join_type
* @param bool $return_array
* @param null $parentbean
* @param bool $singleSelect
* @param bool $ifListForExport
* @return array|string
public function create_new_list_query(
$filter = array(),
$params = array(),
$show_deleted = 0,
$join_type = '',
$return_array = false,
$parentbean = null,
$singleSelect = false,
$ifListForExport = false
) {
$query = array('select' => '', 'from' => '', 'where' => '', 'order_by' => '');
$query['select'] =
. $this->table_name
. '.* , '
. 'campaigns.name as campaign_name, '
. 'email_marketing.name as message_name, '
. '(CASE related_type '
. 'WHEN \'Contacts\' THEN '
. $this->db->concat('contacts', array('first_name', 'last_name'), '&nbsp;')
. ' '
. 'WHEN \'Leads\' THEN '
. $this->db->concat('leads', array('first_name', 'last_name'), '&nbsp;')
. ' '
. 'WHEN \'Accounts\' THEN accounts.name '
. 'WHEN \'Users\' THEN '
. $this->db->concat('users', array('first_name', 'last_name'), '&nbsp;') . ' '
. "WHEN 'Prospects' THEN "
. $this->db->concat('prospects', array('first_name', 'last_name'), '&nbsp;')
. ' '
. 'END) recipient_name';
$query['from'] =
' '
. 'FROM ' . $this->table_name .' '
. 'LEFT JOIN users ON users.id = '
. $this->table_name . '.related_id '
. 'and '
. $this->table_name . '.related_type =\'Users\' '
. 'LEFT JOIN contacts ON contacts.id = '
. $this->table_name .'.related_id '
. 'and '
. $this->table_name .'.related_type =\'Contacts\' '
. 'LEFT JOIN leads ON leads.id = '
. $this->table_name .'.related_id '
. 'and '
. $this->table_name .'.related_type =\'Leads\' '
. 'LEFT JOIN accounts ON accounts.id = '
. $this->table_name . '.related_id and '.$this->table_name.'.related_type =\'Accounts\' '
. 'LEFT JOIN prospects ON prospects.id = '.$this->table_name.'.related_id and '.$this->table_name.'.related_type =\'Prospects\' '
. 'LEFT JOIN prospect_lists ON prospect_lists.id = '.$this->table_name.'.list_id '
. 'LEFT JOIN email_addr_bean_rel ON email_addr_bean_rel.bean_id = '.$this->table_name.'.related_id and '.$this->table_name.'.related_type = email_addr_bean_rel.bean_module and email_addr_bean_rel.primary_address = 1 and email_addr_bean_rel.deleted=0 '
. 'LEFT JOIN campaigns ON campaigns.id = '.$this->table_name.'.campaign_id '
. 'LEFT JOIN email_marketing ON email_marketing.id = '.$this->table_name.'.marketing_id ';
$where_auto = " $this->table_name.deleted=0";
if (!empty($where)) {
$query['where'] = "WHERE $where AND " . $where_auto;
} else {
$query['where'] = "WHERE " . $where_auto;
if (isset($params['group_by'])) {
$query['group_by'] .= " GROUP BY {$params['group_by']}";
$order_by = $this->process_order_by($order_by);
if (!empty($order_by)) {
$query['order_by'] = ' ORDER BY ' . $order_by;
if ($return_array) {
return $query;
return $query['select'] . $query['from'] . $query['where'] . $query['order_by'];
// if
* @param $order_by
* @param $where
* @param array $filter
* @param array $params
* @param int $show_deleted
* @param string $join_type
* @param bool $return_array
* @param null $parentbean
* @param bool $singleSelect
* @return string
public function create_queue_items_query(
$filter = array(),
$params = array(),
$show_deleted = 0,
$join_type = '',
$return_array = false,
$parentbean = null,
$singleSelect = false
) {
if ($return_array) {
return parent::create_new_list_query(
$query =
"SELECT $this->table_name.* , campaigns.name as campaign_name, email_marketing.name as message_name, (CASE related_type WHEN 'Contacts' THEN "
. $this->db->concat('contacts', array('first_name', 'last_name'), '&nbsp;') . " WHEN 'Leads' THEN "
. $this->db->concat('leads', array('first_name', 'last_name'), '&nbsp;') . " WHEN 'Accounts' THEN accounts.name WHEN 'Users' THEN "
. $this->db->concat('users', array('first_name', 'last_name'), '&nbsp;') . " WHEN 'Prospects' THEN "
. $this->db->concat('prospects', array('first_name', 'last_name'), '&nbsp;') . ' '
. "END) recipient_name";
$query .=
' FROM '. $this->table_name
. ' '
. 'LEFT JOIN users ON users.id = '. $this->table_name .'.related_id and '. $this->table_name .'.related_type =\'Users\' '
. 'LEFT JOIN contacts ON contacts.id = '. $this->table_name .'.related_id and '. $this->table_name .'.related_type =\'Contacts\' '
. 'LEFT JOIN leads ON leads.id = '. $this->table_name .'.related_id and '. $this->table_name .'.related_type =\'Leads\' '
. 'LEFT JOIN accounts ON accounts.id = '. $this->table_name .'.related_id and '. $this->table_name .'.related_type =\'Accounts\' '
. 'LEFT JOIN prospects ON prospects.id = '. $this->table_name .'.related_id and '. $this->table_name .'.related_type =\'Prospects\' '
. 'LEFT JOIN prospect_lists ON prospect_lists.id = '. $this->table_name .'.list_id '
. 'LEFT JOIN email_addr_bean_rel ON email_addr_bean_rel.bean_id = '. $this->table_name .'.related_id and '
. $this->table_name
.'.related_type = email_addr_bean_rel.bean_module and email_addr_bean_rel.primary_address = 1 and email_addr_bean_rel.deleted=0 '
. 'LEFT JOIN campaigns ON campaigns.id = '. $this->table_name .'.campaign_id '
. 'LEFT JOIN email_marketing ON email_marketing.id = '. $this->table_name .'.marketing_id ';
//B.F. #37943
if (isset($params['group_by'])) {
$group_by = str_replace("emailman", "em", $params['group_by']);
$query .= "INNER JOIN (select min(id) as id from emailman em GROUP BY $group_by) secondary on {$this->table_name}.id = secondary.id ";
$where_auto = " $this->table_name.deleted=0";
if ($where != "") {
$query .= "WHERE $where AND " . $where_auto;
} else {
$query .= "WHERE " . $where_auto;
$order_by = $this->process_order_by($order_by);
if (!empty($order_by)) {
$query .= ' ORDER BY ' . $order_by;
return $query;
* @param $order_by
* @param $where
* @param int $show_deleted
* @return string
public function create_list_query($order_by, $where, $show_deleted = 0)
$query =
"SELECT $this->table_name.* ,campaigns.name as campaign_name,email_marketing.name as message_name,(CASE related_type WHEN 'Contacts' THEN "
. $this->db->concat('contacts', array('first_name', 'last_name'), '&nbsp;')
. "WHEN 'Leads' THEN "
. $this->db->concat('leads', array('first_name', 'last_name'), '&nbsp;')
. "WHEN 'Accounts' THEN accounts.name WHEN 'Users' THEN "
. $this->db->concat('users', array('first_name', 'last_name'), '&nbsp;')
. "WHEN 'Prospects' THEN "
. $this->db->concat('prospects', array('first_name', 'last_name'), '&nbsp;')
. "END) recipient_name";
$query .= ' FROM '.$this->table_name.' '
. 'LEFT JOIN users ON users.id = '.$this->table_name.'.related_id and '.$this->table_name.'.related_type =\'Users\' '
. 'LEFT JOIN contacts ON contacts.id = '.$this->table_name.'.related_id and '.$this->table_name.'.related_type =\'Contacts\' '
. 'LEFT JOIN leads ON leads.id = '.$this->table_name.'.related_id and '.$this->table_name.'.related_type =\'Leads\' '
. 'LEFT JOIN accounts ON accounts.id = '.$this->table_name.'.related_id and '.$this->table_name.'.related_type =\'Accounts\' '
. 'LEFT JOIN prospects ON prospects.id = '.$this->table_name.'.related_id and '.$this->table_name.'.related_type =\'Prospects\' '
. 'LEFT JOIN prospect_lists ON prospect_lists.id = '.$this->table_name.'.list_id '
. 'LEFT JOIN email_addr_bean_rel ON email_addr_bean_rel.bean_id = '
. $this->table_name.'.related_id and '
. $this->table_name.'.related_type = email_addr_bean_rel.bean_module and email_addr_bean_rel.primary_address = 1 and email_addr_bean_rel.deleted=0 '
. 'LEFT JOIN campaigns ON campaigns.id = '.$this->table_name.'.campaign_id '
. 'LEFT JOIN email_marketing ON email_marketing.id = '.$this->table_name.'.marketing_id';
$where_auto = " $this->table_name.deleted=0";
if ($where != "") {
$query .= "where $where AND " . $where_auto;
} else {
$query .= "where " . $where_auto;
$order_by = $this->process_order_by($order_by);
if (!empty($order_by)) {
$query .= ' ORDER BY ' . $order_by;
return $query;
* @return array
public function get_list_view_data()
global $locale, $current_user;
$temp_array = parent::get_list_view_array();
$related_type = isset($temp_array['RELATED_TYPE']) ? $temp_array['RELATED_TYPE'] : null;
if (!isset($temp_array['RELATED_ID'])) {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('EmailMan List view array has not related id for list view data');
$tempArrayRelatedId = null;
} else {
$tempArrayRelatedId = $temp_array['RELATED_ID'];
$related_id = $tempArrayRelatedId;
$is_person = SugarModule::get($related_type)->moduleImplements('Person');
if ($is_person) {
$query = "SELECT first_name, last_name FROM " . strtolower($related_type) . " WHERE id ='" . $related_id . "'";
} else {
$query = "SELECT name FROM " . strtolower($related_type) . " WHERE id ='" . $related_id . "'";
$result = $this->db->query($query);
$row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result);
if ($row) {
$temp_array['RECIPIENT_NAME'] = $is_person ? $locale->getLocaleFormattedName(
) : $row['name'];
//also store the recipient_email address
$query = "SELECT addr.email_address FROM email_addresses addr,email_addr_bean_rel eb WHERE eb.deleted=0 AND addr.id=eb.email_address_id AND bean_id ='" . $related_id . "' AND primary_address = '1'";
$result = $this->db->query($query);
$row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result);
if ($row) {
$temp_array['RECIPIENT_EMAIL'] = $row['email_address'];
if (!isset($temp_array['RECIPIENT_EMAIL'])) {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('EmailMan List view array has not recipient email for list view data');
$temArrayRecipientEmail = null;
} else {
$temArrayRecipientEmail = $temp_array['RECIPIENT_EMAIL'];
$this->email1 = $temArrayRecipientEmail;
$temp_array['EMAIL1_LINK'] = $current_user->getEmailLink('email1', $this, '', '', 'ListView');
return $temp_array;
* @param $email_address
* @param bool $delete
* @param null $email_id
* @param null $email_type
* @param null $activity_type
* @param null $resend_type
public function set_as_sent(
$delete = true,
$email_id = null,
$email_type = null,
$activity_type = null,
$resend_type = null
) {
global $timedate;
$this->id = (int)$this->id;
if ($delete || $this->send_attempts > 5) {
//create new campaign log record.
$campaign_log = BeanFactory::newBean('CampaignLog');
$campaign_log->campaign_id = $this->campaign_id;
$campaign_log->target_tracker_key = $this->getTargetId();
$campaign_log->target_id = $this->related_id;
$campaign_log->target_type = $this->related_type;
$campaign_log->marketing_id = $this->marketing_id;
// if test suppress duplicate email address checking.
if (!$this->test) {
$campaign_log->more_information = $email_address;
$campaign_log->activity_type = $activity_type;
$campaign_log->activity_date = $timedate->now();
$campaign_log->list_id = $this->list_id;
$campaign_log->related_id = $email_id;
$campaign_log->related_type = $email_type;
$campaign_log->resend_type = $resend_type;
$query = "DELETE FROM emailman WHERE id = $this->id";
} else {
// try to send the email again a day later.
$query = 'UPDATE ' . $this->table_name . " SET in_queue='1', send_attempts='$this->send_attempts', in_queue_date=" . $this->db->now() . " WHERE id = $this->id";
* Function finds the reference email for the campaign. Since a campaign can have multiple email templates
* the reference email has same id as the marketing id.
* this function will create an email if one does not exist. also the function will load these relationships leads, accounts, contacts
* users and targets
* @param varchar marketing_id message id
* @param string $subject email subject
* @param string $body_text Email Body Text
* @param string $body_html Email Body HTML
* @param string $campaign_name Campaign Name
* @param string from_address Email address of the sender, usually email address of the configured inbox.
* @param string sender_id If of the user sending the campaign.
* @param array macro_nv array of name value pair, one row for each replacable macro in email template text.
* @param string from_address_name The from address eg markeing <marketing@sugar.net>
* @return
public function create_ref_email(
) {
global $mod_strings, $timedate;
$upd_ref_email = false;
if ($newmessage or empty($this->ref_email->id)) {
$this->ref_email = BeanFactory::newBean('Emails');
$this->ref_email->retrieve($marketing_id, true, false);
//the reference email should be updated when user swithces from test mode to regular mode,and, for every run in test mode, and is user
//switches back to test mode.
//this is to account for changes to email template.
$upd_ref_email = (!empty($this->ref_email->id) and $this->ref_email->parent_type == 'test' and $this->ref_email->parent_id == 'test');
//following condition is for switching back to test mode.
if (!$upd_ref_email) {
$upd_ref_email = ($this->test and !empty($this->ref_email->id) and empty($this->ref_email->parent_type) and empty($this->ref_email->parent_id));
if (empty($this->ref_email->id) or $upd_ref_email) {
//create email record.
$this->ref_email->id = $marketing_id;
$this->ref_email->date_sent_received = '';
if ($upd_ref_email == false) {
$this->ref_email->new_with_id = true;
$this->ref_email->to_addrs = '';
$this->ref_email->to_addrs_ids = '';
$this->ref_email->to_addrs_names = '';
$this->ref_email->to_addrs_emails = '';
$this->ref_email->type = 'campaign';
$this->ref_email->deleted = '0';
$this->ref_email->name = $campagin_name . ': ' . $subject;
$this->ref_email->description_html = $body_html;
$this->ref_email->description = $body_text;
$this->ref_email->from_addr = $from_address;
$this->ref_email->from_addr_name = $from_address_name;
$this->ref_email->assigned_user_id = $sender_id;
if ($this->test) {
$this->ref_email->parent_type = 'test';
$this->ref_email->parent_id = 'test';
} else {
$this->ref_email->parent_type = '';
$this->ref_email->parent_id = '';
$this->ref_email->date_start = $timedate->nowDate();
$this->ref_email->time_start = $timedate->asUserTime($timedate->getNow(true));
$this->ref_email->status = 'sent';
$retId = $this->ref_email->save();
foreach ((array)$notes as $note) {
if (!is_object($note)) {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('EmailMan create a reference email but given note is not an object. Type of note was: "' . gettype($note) . '"');
} else {
if ($note->object_name == 'Note') {
if (!empty($note->file->temp_file_location) && is_file($note->file->temp_file_location)) {
$file_location = $note->file->temp_file_location;
$filename = $note->file->original_file_name;
$mime_type = $note->file->mime_type;
} else {
$file_location = "upload://{$note->id}";
$filename = $note->id . $note->filename;
$mime_type = $note->file_mime_type;
} elseif ($note->object_name == 'DocumentRevision') { // from Documents
$filename = $note->id . $note->filename;
$file_location = "upload://$filename";
$mime_type = $note->file_mime_type;
$noteAudit = BeanFactory::newBean('Notes');
$noteAudit->parent_id = $retId;
$noteAudit->parent_type = $this->ref_email->module_dir;
if (!isset($note->filename)) {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('EmailMan create ref email error: Note filename is undefined.');
$noteFilename = null;
} else {
$noteFilename = $note->filename ;
$noteAudit->description = "[" . $noteFilename . "] " . $mod_strings['LBL_ATTACHMENT_AUDIT'];
if (!isset($filename)) {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('EmailMan create ref email error: Filename is undefined.');
$filename = null;
$noteAudit->filename = $filename;
if (!isset($mime_type)) {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('EmailMan create ref email error: Mime Type is undefined.');
$mime_type = null;
$noteAudit->file_mime_type = $mime_type;
$noteAudit_id = $noteAudit->save();
if (!isset($note->id)) {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('EmailMan create ref email but Note ID is undefined.');
$noteId = null;
} else {
$noteId = $note->id;
UploadFile::duplicate_file($noteId, $noteAudit_id, $filename);
//load relationships.
if (!empty($this->related_id) && !empty($this->related_type)) {
//save relationships.
switch ($this->related_type) {
case 'Users':
$rel_name = "users";
case 'Prospects':
$rel_name = "prospects";
case 'Contacts':
$rel_name = "contacts";
case 'Leads':
$rel_name = "leads";
case 'Accounts':
$rel_name = "accounts";
//serialize data to be passed into Link2->add() function
$campaignData = serialize($macro_nv);
//required for one email per campaign per marketing message.
array('campaign_data' => $this->db->quote($campaignData))
return $this->ref_email->id;
* The function creates a copy of email send to each target.
* @param $module
* @param $mail
* @return string
public function create_indiv_email($module, $mail)
global $locale, $timedate;
$email = BeanFactory::newBean('Emails');
$email->to_addrs = $module->name . '&lt;' . $module->email1 . '&gt;';
$email->to_addrs_ids = $module->id . ';';
$email->to_addrs_names = $module->name . ';';
$email->to_addrs_emails = $module->email1 . ';';
$email->type = 'archived';
$email->deleted = '0';
if (!isset($this->current_campaign)) {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('EmailMan has not current campaign for create individual email.');
$currentCampaignNameMailSubject = null;
} else {
$currentCampaignNameMailSubject = $this->current_campaign->name . ': ' . $mail->Subject;
$email->name = $currentCampaignNameMailSubject;
if (!isset($mail->ContentType)) {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('EmailMan given an mail for creating individual email but there is not content type.');
$mail->ContentType = null;
if ($mail->ContentType == "text/plain") {
$email->description = $mail->Body;
$email->description_html = null;
} else {
$email->description_html = $mail->Body;
$email->description = $mail->AltBody;
$email->from_addr = $mail->From;
$email->assigned_user_id = $this->user_id;
$email->parent_type = $this->related_type;
$email->parent_id = $this->related_id;
$email->date_start = $timedate->nowDbDate();
$email->time_start = $timedate->asDbTime($timedate->getNow());
$email->status = 'sent';
$retId = $email->save();
foreach ($this->notes_array as $note) {
// create "audit" email without duping off the file to save on disk space
$noteAudit = BeanFactory::newBean('Notes');
$noteAudit->parent_id = $retId;
$noteAudit->parent_type = $email->module_dir;
$noteAudit->description = "[" . $note->filename . "] " . $mod_strings['LBL_ATTACHMENT_AUDIT'];
if (!empty($this->related_id) && !empty($this->related_type)) {
//save relationships.
switch ($this->related_type) {
case 'Users':
$rel_name = "users";
case 'Prospects':
$rel_name = "prospects";
case 'Contacts':
$rel_name = "contacts";
case 'Leads':
$rel_name = "leads";
case 'Accounts':
$rel_name = "accounts";
if (!empty($rel_name)) {
return $email->id;
* Call this function to verify the email_marketing message and email_template configured
* for the campaign. If issues are found a fatal error will be logged but processing will not stop.
* @param $marketing_id
* @return bool Returns true if all campaign parameters are set correctly
public function verify_campaign($marketing_id)
if (!isset($this->verified_email_marketing_ids[$marketing_id])) {
$email_marketing = BeanFactory::newBean('EmailMarketing');
$ret = $email_marketing->retrieve($marketing_id);
if (empty($ret)) {
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Error retrieving marketing message for the email campaign. marketing_id = ' . $marketing_id);
return false;
//verify the email template.
if (empty($email_marketing->template_id)) {
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Error retrieving template for the email campaign. marketing_id = ' . $marketing_id);
return false;
$emailtemplate = BeanFactory::newBean('EmailTemplates');
$ret = $emailtemplate->retrieve($email_marketing->template_id);
if (empty($ret)) {
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Error retrieving template for the email campaign. template_id = ' . $email_marketing->template_id);
return false;
if (empty($emailtemplate->subject) and empty($emailtemplate->body) and empty($emailtemplate->body_html)) {
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Email template is empty. email_template_id=' . $email_marketing->template_id);
return false;
$this->verified_email_marketing_ids[$marketing_id] = 1;
return true;
* @global array $beanList ;
* @global array $beanFiles ;
* @global Configurator|array $sugar_config ;
* @global array $mod_strings ;
* @global Localization $locale ;
* @param SugarPHPMailer $mail
* @param int $save_emails
* @param bool $testmode
* @return bool
public function sendEmail(SugarPHPMailer $mail, $save_emails = 1, $testmode = false)
$this->test = $testmode;
global $beanList;
global $beanFiles;
global $sugar_config;
global $mod_strings;
global $locale;
$OBCharset = $locale->getPrecedentPreference('default_email_charset');
$mod_strings = return_module_language($sugar_config['default_language'], 'EmailMan');
//get tracking entities locations.
if (!isset($this->tracking_url)) {
$admin = BeanFactory::newBean('Administration');
$admin->retrieveSettings('massemailer'); //retrieve all admin settings.
if (isset($admin->settings['massemailer_tracking_entities_location_type']) and $admin->settings['massemailer_tracking_entities_location_type'] == '2' and isset($admin->settings['massemailer_tracking_entities_location'])) {
$this->tracking_url = $admin->settings['massemailer_tracking_entities_location'];
} else {
$this->tracking_url = $sugar_config['site_url'];
//make sure tracking url ends with '/' character
$strLen = strlen($this->tracking_url);
if ($this->tracking_url[$strLen - 1] != '/') {
$this->tracking_url .= '/';
if (!isset($beanList[$this->related_type])) {
return false;
$class = $beanList[$this->related_type];
if (!class_exists($class)) {
$module = new $class();
//check to see if bean has a primary email address
if (!$this->is_primary_email_address($module)) {
//no primary email address designated, do not send out email, create campaign log
//of type send error to denote that this user was not emailed
$this->set_as_sent($module->email1, true, null, null, 'send error');
//create fatal logging for easy review of cause.
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Email Address provided is not Primary Address for email with id ' . $module->email1 . "' Emailman id=$this->id");
return true;
if (!$this->valid_email_address($module->email1)) {
$this->set_as_sent($module->email1, true, null, null, 'invalid email');
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Encountered invalid email address: ' . $module->email1 . " Emailman id=$this->id");
return true;
if ($this->shouldBlockEmail($module)) {
$GLOBALS['log']->warn('Email Address was sent due to not being confirm opt in' . $module->email1);
// block sending campaign email
$this->set_as_sent($module->email1, true, null, null, 'blocked');
return true;
if (
|| (
$module->email_opt_out !== 'on'
&& $module->email_opt_out !== 1
&& $module->email_opt_out !== '1'
&& (
|| ($module->invalid_email !== 'on' && $module->invalid_email !== 1 && $module->invalid_email !== '1')
)) {
// If email address is not opted out or the email is valid
$lower_email_address = strtolower($module->email1);
//test against restricted domains
$at_pos = strrpos($lower_email_address, '@');
if ($at_pos !== false) {
foreach ($this->restricted_domains as $domain => $value) {
$pos = strrpos($lower_email_address, $domain);
if ($pos !== false && $pos > $at_pos) {
$this->set_as_sent($lower_email_address, true, null, null, 'blocked');
return true;
if (isset($this->restricted_addresses[$lower_email_address])) {
$this->set_as_sent($lower_email_address, true, null, null, 'blocked');
return true;
//test for duplicate email address by marketing id.
$dup_query = "select id from campaign_log where more_information='" . $this->db->quote($module->email1) . "' and marketing_id='" . $this->marketing_id . "'";
$dup = $this->db->query($dup_query);
$dup_row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($dup);
if (!empty($dup_row)) {
//we have seen this email address before
$this->set_as_sent($module->email1, true, null, null, 'blocked');
return true;
//fetch email marketing.
if (empty($this->current_emailmarketing) or ! isset($this->current_emailmarketing)) {
$this->current_emailmarketing = BeanFactory::newBean('EmailMarketing');
if (empty($this->current_emailmarketing->id) or $this->current_emailmarketing->id !== $this->marketing_id) {
$this->newmessage = true;
//fetch email template associate with the marketing message.
if (empty($this->current_emailtemplate) or $this->current_emailtemplate->id !== $this->current_emailmarketing->template_id) {
$this->current_emailtemplate = BeanFactory::newBean('EmailTemplates');
if (isset($this->resend_type) && $this->resend_type == 'Reminder') {
} else {
//escape email template contents.
$this->current_emailtemplate->subject = from_html($this->current_emailtemplate->subject);
$this->current_emailtemplate->body_html = from_html($this->current_emailtemplate->body_html);
$this->current_emailtemplate->body = from_html($this->current_emailtemplate->body);
$q = "SELECT * FROM notes WHERE parent_id = '" . $this->current_emailtemplate->id . "' AND deleted = 0";
$r = $this->db->query($q);
// cn: bug 4684 - initialize the notes array, else old data is still around for the next round
$this->notes_array = array();
if (!class_exists('Note')) {
while ($a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r)) {
$noteTemplate = BeanFactory::newBean('Notes');
$this->notes_array[] = $noteTemplate;
// fetch mailbox details..
if (empty($this->current_mailbox)) {
$this->current_mailbox = BeanFactory::newBean('InboundEmail');
if (empty($this->current_mailbox->id) or $this->current_mailbox->id !== $this->current_emailmarketing->inbound_email_id) {
//extract the email address.
$this->mailbox_from_addr = $this->current_mailbox->get_stored_options('from_addr', 'nobody@example.com', null);
// fetch campaign details..
if (empty($this->current_campaign)) {
$this->current_campaign = BeanFactory::newBean('Campaigns');
if (empty($this->current_campaign->id) or $this->current_campaign->id !== $this->current_emailmarketing->campaign_id) {
//load defined tracked_urls
$query_array = $this->current_campaign->tracked_urls->getQuery(true);
$query_array['select'] = "SELECT tracker_name, tracker_key, id, is_optout ";
$result = $this->current_campaign->db->query(implode(' ', $query_array));
$this->has_optout_links = false;
$this->tracker_urls = array();
while (($row = $this->current_campaign->db->fetchByAssoc($result)) != null) {
$this->tracker_urls['{' . $row['tracker_name'] . '}'] = $row;
//has the user defined opt-out links for the campaign.
if ($row['is_optout'] == 1) {
$this->has_optout_links = true;
$mail->Sender = $this->current_emailmarketing->from_addr ? $this->current_emailmarketing->from_addr : $this->mailbox_from_addr;
$mail->From = $this->current_emailmarketing->from_addr ? $this->current_emailmarketing->from_addr : $this->mailbox_from_addr;
$mail->FromName = $locale->translateCharsetMIME(trim($this->current_emailmarketing->from_name), 'UTF-8', $OBCharset);
$mail->AddCustomHeader('X-CampTrackID:' . $this->getTargetId());
//CL - Bug 25256 Check if we have a reply_to_name/reply_to_addr value from the email marketing table. If so use email marketing entry; otherwise current mailbox (inbound email) entry
$replyToName = empty($this->current_emailmarketing->reply_to_name) ? $this->current_mailbox->get_stored_options('reply_to_name', $mail->FromName, null) : $this->current_emailmarketing->reply_to_name;
$replyToAddr = empty($this->current_emailmarketing->reply_to_addr) ? $this->current_mailbox->get_stored_options('reply_to_addr', $mail->From, null) : $this->current_emailmarketing->reply_to_addr;
if (!empty($replyToAddr)) {
$mail->AddReplyTo($replyToAddr, $locale->translateCharsetMIME(trim($replyToName), 'UTF-8', $OBCharset));
//parse and replace bean variables.
$macro_nv = array();
require_once __DIR__ . '/../EmailTemplates/EmailTemplateParser.php';
$template_data = (new EmailTemplateParser(
//add email address to this list.
$macro_nv['sugar_to_email_address'] = $module->email1;
$macro_nv['email_template_id'] = $this->current_emailmarketing->template_id;
//parse and replace urls.
//this is new style of adding tracked urls to a campaign.
$tracker_url_template = $this->tracking_url . 'index.php?entryPoint=campaign_trackerv2&track=%s' . '&identifier=' . $this->getTargetId();
$removeme_url_template = $this->tracking_url . 'index.php?entryPoint=removeme&identifier=' . $this->getTargetId();
$template_data = $this->current_emailtemplate->parse_tracker_urls($template_data, $tracker_url_template, $this->tracker_urls, $removeme_url_template);
$mail->AddAddress($module->email1, $locale->translateCharsetMIME(trim($module->name), 'UTF-8', $OBCharset));
//refetch strings in case they have been changed by creation of email templates or other beans.
$mod_strings = return_module_language($sugar_config['default_language'], 'EmailMan');
if ($this->test) {
$mail->Subject = $mod_strings['LBL_PREPEND_TEST'] . $template_data['subject'];
} else {
$mail->Subject = $template_data['subject'];
//check if this template is meant to be used as "text only"
$text_only = false;
if (isset($this->current_emailtemplate->text_only) && $this->current_emailtemplate->text_only) {
$text_only = true;
//if this template is textonly, then just send text body. Do not add tracker, opt out,
//or perform other processing as it will not show up in text only email
if ($text_only) {
$this->description_html = '';
$mail->Body = $template_data['body'];
} else {
$mail->Body = wordwrap($template_data['body_html'], 900);
//BEGIN:this code will trigger for only campaigns pending before upgrade to 4.2.0.
//will be removed for the next release.
if (!isset($btracker)) {
$btracker = false;
if ($btracker) {
$mail->Body .= "<br /><br /><a href='" . $tracker_url . "'>" . $tracker_text . "</a><br /><br />";
} else {
if (!empty($tracker_url)) {
$mail->Body = str_replace('TRACKER_URL_START', "<a href='" . $tracker_url . "'>", $mail->Body);
$mail->Body = str_replace('TRACKER_URL_END', "</a>", $mail->Body);
$mail->AltBody = str_replace('TRACKER_URL_START', "<a href='" . $tracker_url . "'>", $mail->AltBody);
$mail->AltBody = str_replace('TRACKER_URL_END', "</a>", $mail->AltBody);
//do not add the default remove me link if the campaign has a trackerurl of the opotout link
if ($this->has_optout_links == false) {
$mail->Body .= "<br /><span style='font-size:0.8em'>{$mod_strings['TXT_REMOVE_ME']} <a href='" . $this->tracking_url . "index.php?entryPoint=removeme&identifier={$this->getTargetId()}'>{$mod_strings['TXT_REMOVE_ME_CLICK']}</a></span>";
// cn: bug 11979 - adding single quote to comform with HTML email RFC
$mail->Body .= "<br /><img alt='' height='1' width='1' src='{$this->tracking_url}index.php?entryPoint=image&identifier={$this->getTargetId()}' />";
$mail->AltBody = $template_data['body'];
if ($btracker) {
$mail->AltBody .= "\n" . $tracker_url;
if ($this->has_optout_links == false) {
$mail->AltBody .= "\n\n\n{$mod_strings['TXT_REMOVE_ME_ALT']} " . $this->tracking_url . "index.php?entryPoint=removeme&identifier={$this->getTargetId()}";
// cn: bug 4684, handle attachments in email templates.
$tmp_Subject = $mail->Subject;
$success = $mail->Send();
//Do not save the encoded subject.
$mail->Subject = $tmp_Subject;
if ($success) {
$email_id = null;
if ($save_emails == 1) {
$email_id = $this->create_indiv_email($module, $mail);
} else {
//find/create reference email record. all campaign targets reveiving this message will be linked with this message.
$decodedFromName = mb_decode_mimeheader($this->current_emailmarketing->from_name);
$fromAddressName = "{$decodedFromName} <{$this->mailbox_from_addr}>";
$this->newmessage = false;
if ($success) {
$this->set_as_sent($module->email1, true, $email_id, 'Emails', 'targeted');
} else {
if (!empty($layout_def['parent_id'])) {
if (isset($layout_def['fields'][strtoupper($layout_def['parent_id'])])) {
$parent .= "&parent_id=" . $layout_def['fields'][strtoupper($layout_def['parent_id'])];
if (!empty($layout_def['parent_module'])) {
if (isset($layout_def['fields'][strtoupper($layout_def['parent_module'])])) {
$parent .= "&parent_module=" . $layout_def['fields'][strtoupper($layout_def['parent_module'])];
//log send error. save for next attempt after 24hrs. no campaign log entry will be created.
$this->set_as_sent($module->email1, false, null, null, 'send error');
} else {
$success = false;
if (isset($module->email_opt_out) && ($module->email_opt_out === 'on' || $module->email_opt_out == '1' || $module->email_opt_out == 1)) {
$this->set_as_sent($module->email1, true, null, null, 'blocked');
} else {
if (isset($module->invalid_email) && ($module->invalid_email == 1 || $module->invalid_email == '1')) {
$this->set_as_sent($module->email1, true, null, null, 'invalid email');
} else {
$this->set_as_sent($module->email1, true, null, null, 'send error');
return $success;
* Validates the passed email address.
* Limitations of this algorithm: does not validate email addressess that end with .meuseum
* @param $email_address
* @return bool
public function valid_email_address($email_address)
$email_address = trim($email_address);
if (empty($email_address)) {
return false;
$pattern = '/[A-Z0-9\._%-]+@[A-Z0-9\.-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,}$/i';
$ret = preg_match($pattern, $email_address);
if ($ret === false or $ret == 0) {
return false;
return true;
* This function takes in the given bean and searches for a related email address
* that has been designated as primary. If one is found, true is returned
* If no primary email address is found, then false is returned
* @param SugarBean|Company|Person|Basic $bean
* @return bool
public function is_primary_email_address(SugarBean $bean)
if (!isset($bean->email1)) {
return false;
$email_address = trim($bean->email1);
if (empty($email_address)) {
return false;
//query for this email address rel and see if this is primary address
$primary_qry = "select email_address_id from email_addr_bean_rel where bean_id = '" . $bean->id . "' and email_addr_bean_rel.primary_address=1 and deleted=0";
$res = $bean->db->query($primary_qry);
$prim_row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($res);
//return true if this is primary
if (!empty($prim_row)) {
return true;
return false;
* @param string $order_by
* @param string $where
* @return string
public function create_export_query($order_by, $where)
$custom_join = $this->getCustomJoin(true, true, $where);
$query = "SELECT emailman.*";
$query .= $custom_join['select'];
$query .= " FROM emailman ";
$query .= $custom_join['join'];
$where_auto = "( emailman.deleted IS NULL OR emailman.deleted=0 )";
if ($where != "") {
$query .= "where ($where) AND " . $where_auto;
} else {
$query .= "where " . $where_auto;
$order_by = $this->process_order_by($order_by);
if (!empty($order_by)) {
$query .= ' ORDER BY ' . $order_by;
return $query;
* Actuall deletes the emailman record
* @param int $id
public function mark_deleted($id)
$this->db->query("DELETE FROM {$this->table_name} WHERE id=" . (int)$id);
* @return bool
public function getLastOptInWarn()
$warn = $this->optInWarn;
$this->optInWarn = false;
return $warn;
* @param string $module
* @param string $uid
* @return boolean|string
public function addOptInEmailToEmailQueue($module, $uid)
$ret = false;
$this->optInWarn = false;
$configurator = new Configurator();
if (!$configurator->isConfirmOptInEnabled()) {
return false;
/** @var Person|Company|Basic $relatedBean */
$relatedBean = BeanFactory::getBean($module, $uid);
/** @var EmailAddress $emailAddress */
$emailAddress = BeanFactory::getBean('EmailAddresses');
$beansList = $emailAddress->getBeansByEmailAddress($relatedBean->email1);
$foundBean = null;
/** @var SugarBean|Company|Person $bean */
foreach ($beansList as $bean) {
if ($bean->id === $relatedBean->id) {
$foundBean = $bean;
if ($foundBean !== null) {
$emailAddress->retrieve_by_string_fields(array('email_address' => $foundBean->email1));
$optInStatus = $emailAddress->getOptInStatus();
if (
$optInStatus === SugarEmailAddress::COI_STAT_OPT_IN
|| $optInStatus === SugarEmailAddress::COI_FLAG_OPT_IN_PENDING_EMAIL_NOT_SENT
|| $optInStatus === SugarEmailAddress::COI_FLAG_OPT_IN_PENDING_EMAIL_SENT
|| $optInStatus === SugarEmailAddress::COI_FLAG_OPT_IN_PENDING_EMAIL_FAILED
) {
$this->related_type = $relatedBean->module_dir;
$this->related_id = $relatedBean->id;
$this->related_confirm_opt_in = true;
$ret = $this->save();
} else {
$log = LoggerManager::getLogger();
$log->warn('Email Address is not opt-in:' . $foundBean->email1);
$ret = true;
$this->optInWarn = true;
return $ret;
* @global LoggerManager $log
* @param EmailAddress $emailAddress
* @param string $type related person bean module name
* @param string $id related person bean module id
* @return boolean|null return true on success otherwise false if sending failed, return null if confirm opt in disabled
* @throws Exception email addresses have to having a related bean
public function sendOptInEmail(EmailAddress $emailAddress, $type, $id)
global $log;
$configurator = new Configurator();
if (!$configurator->isConfirmOptInEnabled()) {
return null;
$focus = BeanFactory::getBean($type, $id);
$guid = $emailAddress->id;
if (!$guid) {
if ($focus) {
$address = $emailAddress->getPrimaryAddress($focus, $focus->id);
$guid = $emailAddress->getEmailGUID($address);
} else {
$log->error('Incorrect bean');
return false;
if (!$focus) {
throw new Exception('Email address has not related bean.');
$ret = $this->sendOptInEmailViaMailer($focus, $emailAddress);
return $ret;
* @global LoggerManager $log
* @global array $app_strings
* @param SugarBean|Person|Company $focus
* @param EmailAddress $emailAddress
* @return boolean return true on success otherwise false
protected function sendOptInEmailViaMailer(SugarBean $focus, EmailAddress $emailAddress)
global $log;
global $app_strings;
$configurator = new Configurator();
$sugar_config = $configurator->config;
if (!$configurator->isConfirmOptInEnabled()) {
return false;
$ret = true;
$emailTemplate = BeanFactory::newBean('EmailTemplates');
$confirmOptInTemplateId = $configurator->getConfirmOptInTemplateId();
if (!$confirmOptInTemplateId) {
'Opt In Email Template is not configured.'
. ' Please set up in email settings'
return false;
include_once 'include/SugarPHPMailer.php';
$mailer = new SugarPHPMailer();
$emailObj = BeanFactory::newBean('Emails');
$defaults = $emailObj->getSystemDefaultEmail();
$mailer->From = $defaults['email'];
$mailer->FromName = $defaults['name'];
$mailer->Subject = from_html($emailTemplate->subject);
$mailer->Body = from_html($emailTemplate->body_html);
$mailer->Body_html = from_html($emailTemplate->body_html);
$mailer->AltBody = from_html($emailTemplate->body);
if (is_string($emailAddress->email_address)) {
$emailAddressString = $emailAddress->email_address;
} elseif (is_array($emailAddress->email_address) && is_string($emailAddress->email_address[0]['email_address'])) {
$emailAddressString = $emailAddress->email_address[0]['email_address'];
} else {
$log->fatal('Incorrect Email Address');
return false;
$mailer->addAddress($emailAddressString, $focus->name);
isset($focus->first_name) ? $focus->first_name : ''
isset($focus->last_name) ? $focus->last_name : ''
$emailAddressConfirmOptInToken = $emailAddress->getConfirmOptInTokenGenerateIfNotExists();
$mailer->replace('emailaddress_confirm_opt_in_token', $emailAddressConfirmOptInToken);
* @deprecated since version 7.10.2
$mailer->replace('emailaddress_email_address', $emailAddressConfirmOptInToken);
$mailer->replace('sugarurl', $sugar_config['site_url']);
$timedate = TimeDate::getInstance();
if (!$mailer->send()) {
$emailAddress->confirm_opt_in_fail_date = $timedate->nowDb();
$ret = false;
'Confirm Opt In Email sending failed. Mailer Error Info: '
. $mailer->ErrorInfo
} else {
$emailAddress->confirm_opt_in_sent_date = $timedate->nowDb();
'Confirm Opt In Email sent: '
. $emailAddress->email_address
return $ret;
* @global array|Configurator $sugar_config ;
* @param \Contact|\Account|\Prospect|\SugarBean $bean
* @return bool true === block email from being sent
protected function shouldBlockEmail(SugarBean $bean)
global $sugar_config;
$optInLevel = isset($sugar_config['email_enable_confirm_opt_in']) ? $sugar_config['email_enable_confirm_opt_in'] : '';
// Find email address
$email_address = trim($bean->email1);
if (empty($email_address)) {
return false;
$query = 'SELECT * '
. 'FROM email_addr_bean_rel '
. 'JOIN email_addresses on email_addr_bean_rel.email_address_id = email_addresses.id '
. 'WHERE email_addr_bean_rel.bean_id = \'' . $bean->id . '\' '
. 'AND email_addr_bean_rel.deleted=0 '
. 'AND email_addr_bean_rel.primary_address=1 '
. 'AND email_addresses.email_address LIKE \'' . $bean->db->quote($email_address) . '\'';
$result = $bean->db->query($query);
$row = $bean->db->fetchByAssoc($result);
if (!empty($row)) {
if ((int)$row['opt_out'] === 1) {
return true;
if ((int)$row['invalid_email'] === 1) {
return true;
if (
$optInLevel === SugarEmailAddress::COI_STAT_DISABLED
&& (int)$row['opt_out'] === 0
) {
return false;
if (
$optInLevel === SugarEmailAddress::COI_STAT_OPT_IN
&& false === ($row['confirm_opt_in'] === SugarEmailAddress::COI_STAT_OPT_IN
|| $row['confirm_opt_in'] === SugarEmailAddress::COI_STAT_CONFIRMED_OPT_IN)
) {
return true;
if (
$optInLevel == SugarEmailAddress::COI_STAT_CONFIRMED_OPT_IN
&& $row['confirm_opt_in'] !== SugarEmailAddress::COI_STAT_CONFIRMED_OPT_IN
) {
return true;
return false;
* @return string
public function getTargetId()
return $this->targetId;
* @param string $targetId
public function setTargetId($targetId)
$this->targetId = $targetId;