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use SuiteCRM\Test\SuitePHPUnitFrameworkTestCase;
class SecurityGroupTest extends SuitePHPUnitFrameworkTestCase
protected function setUp(): void
global $current_user;
$current_user = BeanFactory::newBean('Users');
public function testSecurityGroup(): void
// Execute the constructor and check for the Object type and attributes
$securityGroup = BeanFactory::newBean('SecurityGroups');
self::assertInstanceOf('SecurityGroup', $securityGroup);
self::assertInstanceOf('Basic', $securityGroup);
self::assertInstanceOf('SugarBean', $securityGroup);
self::assertEquals('securitygroups', $securityGroup->table_name);
self::assertEquals('SecurityGroups', $securityGroup->module_dir);
self::assertEquals('SecurityGroup', $securityGroup->object_name);
public function testgetGroupWhere(): void
$securityGroup = BeanFactory::newBean('SecurityGroups');
//test with securitygroups module
$expected = " securitygroups.id in (
select secg.id from securitygroups secg
inner join securitygroups_users secu on secg.id = secu.securitygroup_id and secu.deleted = 0
and secu.user_id = '1'
where secg.deleted = 0
$actual = $securityGroup::getGroupWhere('securitygroups', 'SecurityGroups', 1);
self::assertSame($expected, $actual);
//test with //test with securitygroups module module
$table_name = 'users';
$module = 'Users';
$user_id = 1;
$expected = " EXISTS (SELECT 1
FROM securitygroups secg
INNER JOIN securitygroups_users secu
ON secg.id = secu.securitygroup_id
AND secu.deleted = 0
AND secu.user_id = '$user_id'
INNER JOIN securitygroups_records secr
ON secg.id = secr.securitygroup_id
AND secr.deleted = 0
AND secr.module = '$module'
WHERE secr.record_id = ".$table_name.".id
AND secg.deleted = 0) ";
$actual = $securityGroup::getGroupWhere($table_name, $module, $user_id);
self::assertSame($expected, $actual);
public function testgetGroupUsersWhere(): void
$securityGroup = BeanFactory::newBean('SecurityGroups');
$expected = " users.id in (
select sec.user_id from securitygroups_users sec
inner join securitygroups_users secu on sec.securitygroup_id = secu.securitygroup_id and secu.deleted = 0
and secu.user_id = '1'
where sec.deleted = 0
$actual = $securityGroup::getGroupUsersWhere(1);
self::assertSame($expected, $actual);
public function testgetGroupJoin(): void
$securityGroup = BeanFactory::newBean('SecurityGroups');
//test with securitygroups module
$expected = " LEFT JOIN (select distinct secg.id from securitygroups secg
inner join securitygroups_users secu on secg.id = secu.securitygroup_id and secu.deleted = 0
and secu.user_id = '1'
where secg.deleted = 0
) securitygroup_join on securitygroup_join.id = securitygroups.id ";
$actual = $securityGroup::getGroupJoin('securitygroups', 'SecurityGroups', 1);
self::assertSame($expected, $actual);
//test with //test with securitygroups module
$expected = " LEFT JOIN (select distinct secr.record_id as id from securitygroups secg
inner join securitygroups_users secu on secg.id = secu.securitygroup_id and secu.deleted = 0
and secu.user_id = '1'
inner join securitygroups_records secr on secg.id = secr.securitygroup_id and secr.deleted = 0
and secr.module = 'Users'
where secg.deleted = 0
) securitygroup_join on securitygroup_join.id = users.id ";
$actual = $securityGroup::getGroupJoin('users', 'Users', 1);
self::assertSame($expected, $actual);
public function testgetGroupUsersJoin(): void
$securityGroup = BeanFactory::newBean('SecurityGroups');
$expected = " LEFT JOIN (
select distinct sec.user_id as id from securitygroups_users sec
inner join securitygroups_users secu on sec.securitygroup_id = secu.securitygroup_id and secu.deleted = 0
and secu.user_id = '1'
where sec.deleted = 0
) securitygroup_join on securitygroup_join.id = users.id ";
$actual = $securityGroup::getGroupUsersJoin(1);
self::assertSame($expected, $actual);
public function testgroupHasAccess(): void
//test for listview
$result = SecurityGroup::groupHasAccess('', '[SELECT_ID_LIST]');
self::assertEquals(true, $result);
//test with invalid values
$result = SecurityGroup::groupHasAccess('', '');
self::assertEquals(false, $result);
//test with valid values
$result = SecurityGroup::groupHasAccess('Users', '1');
self::assertEquals(false, $result);
public function testinherit(): void
$account = BeanFactory::newBean('Accounts');
$account->id = 1;
$_REQUEST['subpanel_field_name'] = 'id';
// Execute the method and test that it works and doesn't throw an exception.
try {
SecurityGroup::inherit($account, false);
} catch (Exception $e) {
self::fail($e->getMessage() . "\nTrace:\n" . $e->getTraceAsString());
public function testassign_default_groups(): void
$account = BeanFactory::newBean('Accounts');
$account->id = 1;
// Execute the method and test that it works and doesn't throw an exception.
try {
SecurityGroup::assign_default_groups($account, false);
} catch (Exception $e) {
self::fail($e->getMessage() . "\nTrace:\n" . $e->getTraceAsString());
public function testinherit_creator(): void
$account = BeanFactory::newBean('Accounts');
$account->id = 1;
// Execute the method and test that it works and doesn't throw an exception.
try {
SecurityGroup::inherit_creator($account, false);
} catch (Exception $e) {
self::fail($e->getMessage() . "\nTrace:\n" . $e->getTraceAsString());
public function testinherit_assigned(): void
$account = BeanFactory::newBean('Accounts');
$account->id = 1;
$account->assigned_user_id = 1;
// Execute the method and test that it works and doesn't throw an exception.
try {
SecurityGroup::inherit_assigned($account, false);
} catch (Exception $e) {
self::fail($e->getMessage() . "\nTrace:\n" . $e->getTraceAsString());
public function testinherit_parent(): void
$account = BeanFactory::newBean('Accounts');
$account->id = 1;
// Execute the method and test that it works and doesn't throw an exception.
try {
SecurityGroup::inherit_parent($account, false);
} catch (Exception $e) {
self::fail($e->getMessage() . "\nTrace:\n" . $e->getTraceAsString());
public function testinherit_parentQuery(): void
$account = BeanFactory::newBean('Accounts');
$account->id = 1;
// Execute the method and test that it works and doesn't throw an exception.
try {
SecurityGroup::inherit_parentQuery($account, 'Accounts', 1, 1, $account->module_dir);
} catch (Exception $e) {
self::fail($e->getMessage() . "\nTrace:\n" . $e->getTraceAsString());
public function testinheritOne(): void
$result = BeanFactory::newBean('SecurityGroups')::inheritOne(1, 1, 'Accounts');
self::assertEquals(false, $result);
public function testgetMembershipCount(): void
$result = BeanFactory::newBean('SecurityGroups')::getMembershipCount('1');
self::assertEquals(0, $result);
public function testSaveAndRetrieveAndRemoveDefaultGroups(): void
// Unset and reconnect Db to resolve mysqli fetch exception
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
$securityGroup = BeanFactory::newBean('SecurityGroups');
//create a security group first
$securityGroup->name = 'test';
//execute saveDefaultGroup method
$securityGroup::saveDefaultGroup($securityGroup->id, 'test_module');
//execute retrieveDefaultGroups method
$result = $securityGroup::retrieveDefaultGroups();
//verify that default group is created
self::assertGreaterThan(0, count($result));
//execute removeDefaultGroup method for each default group
foreach ($result as $key => $value) {
//retrieve back and verify that default securith groups are deleted
$result = $securityGroup::retrieveDefaultGroups();
self::assertCount(0, $result);
//delete the security group as well for cleanup
public function testgetSecurityModules(): void
$securityGroup = BeanFactory::newBean('SecurityGroups');
$expected = array(
'Spots' => 'Spots',
'OutboundEmailAccounts' => 'OutboundEmailAccounts',
'SurveyQuestionOptions' => 'SurveyQuestionOptions',
'SurveyQuestionResponses' => 'SurveyQuestionResponses',
'SurveyQuestions' => 'SurveyQuestions',
'SurveyResponses' => 'SurveyResponses',
'Surveys' => 'Surveys',
$actual = $securityGroup::getSecurityModules();
$actualKeys = array_keys($actual);
self::assertSame($expected, $actualKeys);
public function testgetLinkName(): void
// Unset and reconnect Db to resolve mysqli fetch exceptions
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
$securityGroup = BeanFactory::newBean('SecurityGroups');
$result = $securityGroup::getLinkName('Accounts', 'Contacts');
self::assertEquals('contacts', $result);
$result = $securityGroup::getLinkName('SecurityGroups', 'ACLRoles');
self::assertEquals('aclroles', $result);
public function testaddGroupToRecord(): void
// unset and reconnect Db to resolve mysqli fetch exeception
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
$securityGroup = BeanFactory::newBean('SecurityGroups');
// Execute the method and test that it works and doesn't throw an exception.
try {
$securityGroup->addGroupToRecord('Accounts', 1, 1);
} catch (Exception $e) {
self::fail($e->getMessage() . "\nTrace:\n" . $e->getTraceAsString());
public function testremoveGroupFromRecord(): void
//unset and reconnect Db to resolve mysqli fetch exeception
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
$securityGroup = BeanFactory::newBean('SecurityGroups');
// Execute the method and test that it works and doesn't throw an exception.
try {
$securityGroup::removeGroupFromRecord('Accounts', 1, 1);
} catch (Exception $e) {
self::fail($e->getMessage() . "\nTrace:\n" . $e->getTraceAsString());
public function testgetUserSecurityGroups(): void
//unset and reconnect Db to resolve mysqli fetch exeception
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
$result = BeanFactory::newBean('SecurityGroups')::getUserSecurityGroups('1');
public function testgetAllSecurityGroups(): void
//unset and reconnect Db to resolve mysqli fetch exeception
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
$result = BeanFactory::newBean('SecurityGroups')::getAllSecurityGroups();
public function testgetMembers(): void
//unset and reconnect Db to resolve mysqli fetch exeception
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
$result = BeanFactory::newBean('SecurityGroups')->getMembers();
public function testgetPrimaryGroupID(): void
//unset and reconnect Db to resolve mysqli fetch exeception
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
$result = BeanFactory::newBean('SecurityGroups')::getPrimaryGroupID();
self::assertEquals(null, $result);