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Dillon-Brown 4ee7a709a0 Remove PHP4 constructors
Signed-off-by: Dillon-Brown <dillon.brown@salesagility.com>
2021-03-26 21:50:24 +00:00

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* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
require_once 'include/SugarObjects/templates/basic/Basic.php';
class Person extends Basic
public $photo;
public $first_name;
public $last_name;
public $full_name;
public $salutation;
public $title;
public $email1;
public $phone_fax;
public $phone_work;
public $phone_other;
public $lawful_basis;
public $date_reviewed;
public $lawful_basis_source;
* @var bool controls whether or not to invoke the getLocalFormattedName method with title and salutation
public $createLocaleFormattedName = true;
* @var Link2
public $email_addresses;
* @var SugarEmailAddress
public $emailAddress;
* Person constructor.
public function __construct()
$this->emailAddress = new SugarEmailAddress();
* need to override to have a name field created for this class
* @see parent::retrieve()
* @param int $id
* @param bool $encode
* @param bool $deleted
* @return SugarBean
public function retrieve($id = -1, $encode = true, $deleted = true)
$ret_val = parent::retrieve($id, $encode, $deleted);
return $ret_val;
* Populate email address fields here instead of retrieve() so that they are properly available for logic hooks
* @see parent::fill_in_relationship_fields()
public function fill_in_relationship_fields()
* This function helps generate the name and full_name member field variables from the salutation, title,
* first_name and last_name fields. It takes into account the locale format settings as well as ACL settings if
* supported.
public function _create_proper_name_field()
global $locale, $app_list_strings;
// Bug# 46125 - make first name, last name, salutation and title of Contacts respect field level ACLs
$salutation = '';
// first name has at least read access
$firstName = $this->first_name;
// last name has at least read access
$lastName = $this->last_name;
// salutation has at least read access
if (isset($this->field_defs['salutation']['options']) &&
isset($app_list_strings[$this->field_defs['salutation']['options']]) &&
) {
$salutation = $app_list_strings[$this->field_defs['salutation']['options']][$this->salutation];
} // if
// last name has at least read access
$title = $this->title;
// Corner Case:
// Both first name and last name cannot be empty, at least one must be shown
// In that case, we can ignore field level ACL and just display last name...
// In the ACL field level access settings, last_name cannot be set to "none"
if (empty($firstName) && empty($lastName)) {
$full_name = $locale->getLocaleFormattedName('', $lastName, $salutation, $title);
} else {
if ($this->createLocaleFormattedName) {
$full_name = $locale->getLocaleFormattedName($firstName, $lastName, $salutation, $title);
} else {
$full_name = $locale->getLocaleFormattedName($firstName, $lastName);
$this->name = $full_name;
$this->full_name = $full_name; //used by campaigns
* @see parent::save()
public function save($check_notify = false)
// If we are saving due to relationship changes, don't bother trying to update the emails
if (!empty($GLOBALS['resavingRelatedBeans'])) {
return $this->id;
$ori_in_workflow = empty($this->in_workflow) ? false : true;
if (empty($this->id)) {
$this->id = create_guid();
$this->new_with_id = true;
// bug #39188 - store emails state before workflow make any changes
$this->emailAddress->stash($this->id, $this->module_dir);
$override_email = array();
if (!empty($this->email1_set_in_workflow)) {
$override_email['emailAddress0'] = $this->email1_set_in_workflow;
if (!empty($this->email2_set_in_workflow)) {
$override_email['emailAddress1'] = $this->email2_set_in_workflow;
if (!isset($this->in_workflow)) {
$this->in_workflow = false;
if ($ori_in_workflow === false || !empty($override_email)) {
isset($_REQUEST['shouldSaveOptInFlag']) && $_REQUEST['shouldSaveOptInFlag'] ? true : null
return $this->id;
* @see parent::get_summary_text()
public function get_summary_text()
return $this->name;
* @see parent::get_list_view_data()
public function get_list_view_data()
global $current_user;
$temp_array = $this->get_list_view_array();
$temp_array['NAME'] = $this->name;
$temp_array['ENCODED_NAME'] = $this->full_name;
$temp_array['FULL_NAME'] = $this->full_name;
$temp_array['EMAIL1'] = $this->emailAddress->getPrimaryAddress($this);
$this->email1 = $temp_array['EMAIL1'];
$temp_array['EMAIL1_LINK'] = $current_user->getEmailLink('email1', $this, '', '', 'ListView');
return $temp_array;
* @see SugarBean::populateRelatedBean()
public function populateRelatedBean(
SugarBean $newBean
) {
if ($newBean instanceof Company) {
$newBean->phone_fax = $this->phone_fax;
$newBean->phone_office = $this->phone_work;
$newBean->phone_alternate = $this->phone_other;
$newBean->email1 = $this->email1;
$newBean->billing_address_street = $this->primary_address_street;
$newBean->billing_address_city = $this->primary_address_city;
$newBean->billing_address_state = $this->primary_address_state;
$newBean->billing_address_postalcode = $this->primary_address_postalcode;
$newBean->billing_address_country = $this->primary_address_country;
$newBean->shipping_address_street = $this->alt_address_street;
$newBean->shipping_address_city = $this->alt_address_city;
$newBean->shipping_address_state = $this->alt_address_state;
$newBean->shipping_address_postalcode = $this->alt_address_postalcode;
$newBean->shipping_address_country = $this->alt_address_country;
* Default export query for Person based modules
* used to pick all mails (primary and non-primary)
* @see SugarBean::create_export_query()
public function create_export_query($order_by, $where, $relate_link_join = '')
$custom_join = $this->custom_fields->getJOIN(true, true, $where);
// For easier code reading, reused plenty of time
$table = $this->table_name;
if ($custom_join) {
$custom_join['join'] .= $relate_link_join;
$query = "SELECT
email_addresses.email_address email_address,
'' email_addresses_non_primary, " .
// email_addresses_non_primary needed for get_field_order_mapping()
'users.user_name as assigned_user_name ';
if ($custom_join) {
$query .= $custom_join['select'];
$query .= " FROM $table ";
$query .= "LEFT JOIN users
ON $table.assigned_user_id=users.id ";
//Join email address table too.
$query .= " LEFT JOIN email_addr_bean_rel on $table.id = email_addr_bean_rel.bean_id and email_addr_bean_rel.bean_module = '" .
$this->module_dir .
"' and email_addr_bean_rel.deleted = 0 and email_addr_bean_rel.primary_address = 1";
$query .= ' LEFT JOIN email_addresses on email_addresses.id = email_addr_bean_rel.email_address_id ';
if ($custom_join) {
$query .= $custom_join['join'];
$where_auto = " $table.deleted=0 ";
if (!empty($where)) {
$query .= "WHERE ($where) AND " . $where_auto;
} else {
$query .= 'WHERE ' . $where_auto;
$order_by = $this->process_order_by($order_by);
if (!empty($order_by)) {
$query .= ' ORDER BY ' . $order_by;
return $query;
* Set Lawful Basis
* @param string $basis
* @param string $source
* @return int
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
public function setLawfulBasis($basis, $source)
global $app_list_strings,$timedate;
* This function will update the lawful basis, source and date of the change.
* Will take the parameters of email id and possible the module?
if (!is_string($basis)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('basis must be a string');
if (!array_key_exists($basis, $app_list_strings['lawful_basis_dom'])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('invalid lawful basis');
if (!is_string($source)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('source for lawful basis must be a string');
if (!array_key_exists($source, $app_list_strings['lawful_basis_source_dom'])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('invalid lawful basis source');
//Set lawful basis, lawful basis source and date reviewed
$this->lawful_basis = '^'.$basis.'^';
$this->lawful_basis_source = $source;
$date = TimeDate::getInstance()->nowDb();
$date_test = $timedate->to_display_date($date, false);
$this->date_reviewed = $date_test;
return (bool)$this->save();