Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/salesagility/SuiteCRM.git synced 2025-03-12 12:36:53 +00:00
2021-10-28 11:50:24 +01:00

440 lines
16 KiB
Executable file

* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2021 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
use SuiteCRM\PDF\Exceptions\PDFException;
use SuiteCRM\PDF\PDFWrapper;
if (!isset($_REQUEST['uid']) || empty($_REQUEST['uid']) || !isset($_REQUEST['templateID']) || empty($_REQUEST['templateID'])) {
die('Error retrieving record. This record may be deleted or you may not be authorized to view it.');
global $mod_strings, $sugar_config;
$bean = BeanFactory::getBean($_REQUEST['module'], $_REQUEST['uid']);
if (!$bean) {
sugar_die("Invalid Record");
$task = $_REQUEST['task'];
$variableName = strtolower($bean->module_dir);
$lineItemsGroups = array();
$lineItems = array();
$sql = "SELECT pg.id, pg.product_id, pg.group_id FROM aos_products_quotes pg LEFT JOIN aos_line_item_groups lig ON pg.group_id = lig.id WHERE pg.parent_type = '" . $bean->object_name . "' AND pg.parent_id = '" . $bean->id . "' AND pg.deleted = 0 ORDER BY lig.number ASC, pg.number ASC";
$res = $bean->db->query($sql);
while ($row = $bean->db->fetchByAssoc($res)) {
$lineItemsGroups[$row['group_id']][$row['id']] = $row['product_id'];
$lineItems[$row['id']] = $row['product_id'];
$template = BeanFactory::newBean('AOS_PDF_Templates');
$object_arr = array();
$object_arr[$bean->module_dir] = $bean->id;
//backward compatibility
$object_arr['Accounts'] = $bean->billing_account_id;
$object_arr['Contacts'] = $bean->billing_contact_id;
$object_arr['Users'] = $bean->assigned_user_id;
$object_arr['Currencies'] = $bean->currency_id;
$search = array('/<script[^>]*?>.*?<\/script>/si', // Strip out javascript
'/<[\/\!]*?[^<>]*?>/si', // Strip out HTML tags
'/([\r\n])[\s]+/', // Strip out white space
'/&(quot|#34);/i', // Replace HTML entities
$replace = array('',
' ',
$header = preg_replace($search, $replace, $template->pdfheader);
$footer = preg_replace($search, $replace, $template->pdffooter);
$text = preg_replace($search, $replace, $template->description);
$text = str_replace("<p><pagebreak /></p>", "<pagebreak />", $text);
$text = preg_replace_callback(
function ($matches) {
return date($matches[1]);
$text = str_replace("\$aos_quotes", "\$" . $variableName, $text);
$text = str_replace("\$aos_invoices", "\$" . $variableName, $text);
$text = str_replace("\$total_amt", "\$" . $variableName . "_total_amt", $text);
$text = str_replace("\$discount_amount", "\$" . $variableName . "_discount_amount", $text);
$text = str_replace("\$subtotal_amount", "\$" . $variableName . "_subtotal_amount", $text);
$text = str_replace("\$tax_amount", "\$" . $variableName . "_tax_amount", $text);
$text = str_replace("\$shipping_amount", "\$" . $variableName . "_shipping_amount", $text);
$text = str_replace("\$total_amount", "\$" . $variableName . "_total_amount", $text);
$text = populate_group_lines($text, $lineItemsGroups, $lineItems);
$converted = templateParser::parse_template($text, $object_arr);
$header = templateParser::parse_template($header, $object_arr);
$footer = templateParser::parse_template($footer, $object_arr);
$printable = str_replace("\n", "<br />", $converted);
if ($task === 'pdf' || $task === 'emailpdf') {
$file_name = $mod_strings['LBL_PDF_NAME'] . "_" . str_replace(" ", "_", $bean->name) . ".pdf";
try {
$pdf = PDFWrapper::getPDFEngine();
'mode' => 'en',
'page_size' => $template->page_size,
'font' => 'DejaVuSansCondensed',
'margin_left' => $template->margin_left,
'margin_right' => $template->margin_right,
'margin_top' => $template->margin_top,
'margin_bottom' => $template->margin_bottom,
'margin_header' => $template->margin_header,
'margin_footer' => $template->margin_footer,
'orientation' => $template->orientation
if ($task === 'pdf') {
$pdf->outputPDF($file_name, "D");
} else {
$fp = fopen($sugar_config['upload_dir'] . 'attachfile.pdf', 'wb');
$pdf->outputPDF($sugar_config['upload_dir'] . 'attachfile.pdf', 'F');
$sendEmail = new sendEmail();
$sendEmail->send_email($bean, $bean->module_dir, '', $file_name, true);
} catch (PDFException $e) {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('PDFException: ' . $e->getMessage());
} elseif ($task == 'email') {
$sendEmail = new sendEmail();
$sendEmail->send_email($bean, $bean->module_dir, $printable, '', false);
function populate_group_lines($text, $lineItemsGroups, $lineItems, $element = 'table')
$firstValue = '';
$firstNum = 0;
$lastValue = '';
$lastNum = 0;
$startElement = '<' . $element;
$endElement = '</' . $element . '>';
$groups = BeanFactory::newBean('AOS_Line_Item_Groups');
foreach ($groups->field_defs as $name => $arr) {
if (!((isset($arr['dbType']) && strtolower($arr['dbType']) == 'id') || $arr['type'] == 'id' || $arr['type'] == 'link')) {
$curNum = strpos($text, '$aos_line_item_groups_' . $name);
if ($curNum) {
if ($curNum < $firstNum || $firstNum == 0) {
$firstValue = '$aos_line_item_groups_' . $name;
$firstNum = $curNum;
if ($curNum > $lastNum) {
$lastValue = '$aos_line_item_groups_' . $name;
$lastNum = $curNum;
if ($firstValue !== '' && $lastValue !== '') {
//Converting Text
$parts = explode($firstValue, $text);
$text = $parts[0];
$parts = explode($lastValue, $parts[1]);
if ($lastValue == $firstValue) {
$groupPart = $firstValue . $parts[0];
} else {
$groupPart = $firstValue . $parts[0] . $lastValue;
if (count($lineItemsGroups) != 0) {
//Read line start <tr> value
$tcount = strrpos($text, $startElement);
$lsValue = substr($text, $tcount);
$tcount = strpos($lsValue, ">") + 1;
$lsValue = substr($lsValue, 0, $tcount);
//Read line end values
$tcount = strpos($parts[1], $endElement) + strlen($endElement);
$leValue = substr($parts[1], 0, $tcount);
//Converting Line Items
$obb = array();
$tdTemp = explode($lsValue, $text);
$groupPart = $lsValue . $tdTemp[count($tdTemp) - 1] . $groupPart . $leValue;
$text = $tdTemp[0];
foreach ($lineItemsGroups as $group_id => $lineItemsArray) {
$groupPartTemp = populate_product_lines($groupPart, $lineItemsArray);
$groupPartTemp = populate_service_lines($groupPartTemp, $lineItemsArray);
$obb['AOS_Line_Item_Groups'] = $group_id;
$text .= templateParser::parse_template($groupPartTemp, $obb);
$text .= '<br />';
$tcount = strpos($parts[1], $endElement) + strlen($endElement);
$parts[1] = substr($parts[1], $tcount);
} else {
$tcount = strrpos($text, $startElement);
$text = substr($text, 0, $tcount);
$tcount = strpos($parts[1], $endElement) + strlen($endElement);
$parts[1] = substr($parts[1], $tcount);
$text .= $parts[1];
} else {
$text = populate_product_lines($text, $lineItems);
$text = populate_service_lines($text, $lineItems);
return $text;
function populate_product_lines($text, $lineItems, $element = 'tr')
$firstValue = '';
$firstNum = 0;
$lastValue = '';
$lastNum = 0;
$startElement = '<' . $element;
$endElement = '</' . $element . '>';
//Find first and last valid line values
$product_quote = BeanFactory::newBean('AOS_Products_Quotes');
foreach ($product_quote->field_defs as $name => $arr) {
if (!((isset($arr['dbType']) && strtolower($arr['dbType']) == 'id') || $arr['type'] == 'id' || $arr['type'] == 'link')) {
$curNum = strpos($text, '$aos_products_quotes_' . $name);
if ($curNum) {
if ($curNum < $firstNum || $firstNum == 0) {
$firstValue = '$aos_products_quotes_' . $name;
$firstNum = $curNum;
if ($curNum > $lastNum) {
$lastValue = '$aos_products_quotes_' . $name;
$lastNum = $curNum;
$product = BeanFactory::newBean('AOS_Products');
foreach ($product->field_defs as $name => $arr) {
if (!((isset($arr['dbType']) && strtolower($arr['dbType']) == 'id') || $arr['type'] == 'id' || $arr['type'] == 'link')) {
$curNum = strpos($text, '$aos_products_' . $name);
if ($curNum) {
if ($curNum < $firstNum || $firstNum == 0) {
$firstValue = '$aos_products_' . $name;
$firstNum = $curNum;
if ($curNum > $lastNum) {
$lastValue = '$aos_products_' . $name;
$lastNum = $curNum;
if ($firstValue !== '' && $lastValue !== '') {
//Converting Text
$tparts = explode($firstValue, $text);
$temp = $tparts[0];
//check if there is only one line item
if ($firstNum == $lastNum) {
$linePart = $firstValue;
} else {
$tparts = explode($lastValue, $tparts[1]);
$linePart = $firstValue . $tparts[0] . $lastValue;
$tcount = strrpos($temp, $startElement);
$lsValue = substr($temp, $tcount);
$tcount = strpos($lsValue, ">") + 1;
$lsValue = substr($lsValue, 0, $tcount);
//Read line end values
$tcount = strpos($tparts[1], $endElement) + strlen($endElement);
$leValue = substr($tparts[1], 0, $tcount);
$tdTemp = explode($lsValue, $temp);
$linePart = $lsValue . $tdTemp[count($tdTemp) - 1] . $linePart . $leValue;
$parts = explode($linePart, $text);
$text = $parts[0];
//Converting Line Items
if (count($lineItems) != 0) {
foreach ($lineItems as $id => $productId) {
if ($productId != null && $productId != '0') {
$obb['AOS_Products_Quotes'] = $id;
$obb['AOS_Products'] = $productId;
$text .= templateParser::parse_template($linePart, $obb);
for ($i = 1; $i < count($parts); $i++) {
$text .= $parts[$i];
return $text;
function populate_service_lines($text, $lineItems, $element = 'tr')
$firstValue = '';
$firstNum = 0;
$lastValue = '';
$lastNum = 0;
$startElement = '<' . $element;
$endElement = '</' . $element . '>';
$text = str_replace("\$aos_services_quotes_service", "\$aos_services_quotes_product", $text);
//Find first and last valid line values
$product_quote = BeanFactory::newBean('AOS_Products_Quotes');
foreach ($product_quote->field_defs as $name => $arr) {
if (!((isset($arr['dbType']) && strtolower($arr['dbType']) == 'id') || $arr['type'] == 'id' || $arr['type'] == 'link')) {
$curNum = strpos($text, '$aos_services_quotes_' . $name);
if ($curNum) {
if ($curNum < $firstNum || $firstNum == 0) {
$firstValue = '$aos_products_quotes_' . $name;
$firstNum = $curNum;
if ($curNum > $lastNum) {
$lastValue = '$aos_products_quotes_' . $name;
$lastNum = $curNum;
if ($firstValue !== '' && $lastValue !== '') {
$text = str_replace("\$aos_products", "\$aos_null", $text);
$text = str_replace("\$aos_services", "\$aos_products", $text);
//Converting Text
$tparts = explode($firstValue, $text);
$temp = $tparts[0];
//check if there is only one line item
if ($firstNum == $lastNum) {
$linePart = $firstValue;
} else {
$tparts = explode($lastValue, $tparts[1]);
$linePart = $firstValue . $tparts[0] . $lastValue;
$tcount = strrpos($temp, $startElement);
$lsValue = substr($temp, $tcount);
$tcount = strpos($lsValue, ">") + 1;
$lsValue = substr($lsValue, 0, $tcount);
//Read line end values
$tcount = strpos($tparts[1], $endElement) + strlen($endElement);
$leValue = substr($tparts[1], 0, $tcount);
$tdTemp = explode($lsValue, $temp);
$linePart = $lsValue . $tdTemp[count($tdTemp) - 1] . $linePart . $leValue;
$parts = explode($linePart, $text);
$text = $parts[0];
//Converting Line Items
if (count($lineItems) != 0) {
foreach ($lineItems as $id => $productId) {
if ($productId == null || $productId == '0') {
$obb['AOS_Products_Quotes'] = $id;
$text .= templateParser::parse_template($linePart, $obb);
for ($i = 1; $i < count($parts); $i++) {
$text .= $parts[$i];
return $text;