mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 12:36:53 +00:00

# Conflicts: # README.md # composer.lock # data/BeanFactory.php # files.md5 # modules/AOD_Index/AOD_Index.php # modules/AOR_Conditions/conditionLines.php # modules/AOW_Conditions/conditionLines.php # modules/Activities/SetAcceptStatus.php # modules/Administration/views/view.backups.php # modules/Calendar/controller.php # modules/Campaigns/WizardCampaignSave.php # modules/Contacts/AcceptDecline.php # modules/Emails/Compose.php # modules/Opportunities/OpportunityFormBase.php # modules/Project/chart.php # modules/SavedSearch/index.php # service/v3_1/SugarWebServiceUtilv3_1.php # soap/SoapPortalHelper.php # suitecrm_version.php # tests/unit/phpunit/data/SugarBeanTest.php # tests/unit/phpunit/include/SugarFolders/SugarFolderTest.php # tests/unit/phpunit/modules/AOS_Products/AOS_ProductsTest.php # themes/SuiteP/css/Dawn/style.css # themes/SuiteP/css/Day/style.css # themes/SuiteP/css/Dusk/style.css # themes/SuiteP/css/Night/style.css
286 lines
14 KiB
Executable file
286 lines
14 KiB
Executable file
if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
global $mod_strings;
global $app_strings;
global $app_list_strings;
global $sugar_version, $sugar_config;
$focus = BeanFactory::newBean('Campaigns');
$detailView = new DetailView();
$offset = 0;
if (isset($_REQUEST['offset']) or isset($_REQUEST['record'])) {
$result = $detailView->processSugarBean("CAMPAIGN", $focus, $offset);
if ($result == null) {
} else {
$header_URL = "Location: index.php?module=Accounts&action=index";
// if campaign type is set to newsletter, then include newsletter detail view..
// ..else default to legacy detail view
// include ('modules/Campaigns/NewsLetterTrackDetailView.php');
if (isset($focus->campaign_type) && $focus->campaign_type == "NewsLetter") {
echo getClassicModuleTitle($mod_strings['LBL_MODULE_NAME'], array($mod_strings['LBL_NEWSLETTER'],$focus->name), true);
} else {
echo getClassicModuleTitle($mod_strings['LBL_MODULE_NAME'], array($mod_strings['LBL_MODULE_NAME'],$focus->name), true);
$GLOBALS['log']->info("Campaign detail view");
$smarty = new Sugar_Smarty();
$smarty->assign("MOD", $mod_strings);
$smarty->assign("APP", $app_strings);
$smarty->assign("GRIDLINE", $gridline);
$smarty->assign("PRINT_URL", "index.php?".$GLOBALS['request_string']);
$smarty->assign("ID", $focus->id);
$smarty->assign("ASSIGNED_TO", $focus->assigned_user_name);
$smarty->assign("STATUS", $app_list_strings['campaign_status_dom'][$focus->status]);
$smarty->assign("NAME", $focus->name);
$smarty->assign("TYPE", $app_list_strings['campaign_type_dom'][$focus->campaign_type]);
$smarty->assign("START_DATE", $focus->start_date);
$smarty->assign("END_DATE", $focus->end_date);
$smarty->assign("BUDGET", $focus->budget);
$smarty->assign("ACTUAL_COST", $focus->actual_cost);
$smarty->assign("EXPECTED_COST", $focus->expected_cost);
$smarty->assign("EXPECTED_REVENUE", $focus->expected_revenue);
$smarty->assign("OBJECTIVE", nl2br($focus->objective));
$smarty->assign("CONTENT", nl2br($focus->content));
$smarty->assign("DATE_MODIFIED", $focus->date_modified);
$smarty->assign("DATE_ENTERED", $focus->date_entered);
$smarty->assign("CREATED_BY", $focus->created_by_name);
$smarty->assign("MODIFIED_BY", $focus->modified_by_name);
$smarty->assign("TRACKER_URL", $sugar_config['site_url'] . '/campaign_tracker.php?track=' . $focus->tracker_key);
$smarty->assign("TRACKER_COUNT", (int)$focus->tracker_count);
$smarty->assign("TRACKER_TEXT", $focus->tracker_text);
$smarty->assign("REFER_URL", $focus->refer_url);
if (isset($focus->campaign_type) && $focus->campaign_type == "Email" || $focus->campaign_type == "NewsLetter") {
$smarty->assign("TRACK_DELETE_BUTTON", "<input title=\"{$mod_strings['LBL_TRACK_DELETE_BUTTON_TITLE']}\" class=\"button\" onclick=\"this.form.module.value='Campaigns'; this.form.action.value='Delete';this.form.return_module.value='Campaigns'; this.form.return_action.value='TrackDetailView';this.form.mode.value='Test';return confirm('{$mod_strings['LBL_TRACK_DELETE_CONFIRM']}');\" type=\"submit\" name=\"button\" value=\" {$mod_strings['LBL_TRACK_DELETE_BUTTON_LABEL']} \">");
$currency = BeanFactory::newBean('Currencies');
if (isset($focus->currency_id) && !empty($focus->currency_id)) {
if ($currency->deleted != 1) {
$smarty->assign("CURRENCY", $currency->iso4217 .' '.$currency->symbol);
} else {
$smarty->assign("CURRENCY", $currency->getDefaultISO4217() .' '.$currency->getDefaultCurrencySymbol());
} else {
$smarty->assign("CURRENCY", $currency->getDefaultISO4217() .' '.$currency->getDefaultCurrencySymbol());
global $current_user;
if (is_admin($current_user) && $_REQUEST['module'] != 'DynamicLayout' && !empty($_SESSION['editinplace'])) {
$smarty->assign("ADMIN_EDIT", "<a href='index.php?action=index&module=DynamicLayout&from_action=".$_REQUEST['action'] ."&from_module=".$_REQUEST['module'] ."&record=".$_REQUEST['record']. "'>".SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImage("EditLayout", "border='0' align='bottom'", null, null, '.gif', $mod_strings['LBL_EDIT_LAYOUT'])."</a>");
global $xtpl;
$xtpl = $smarty;
$detailView->processListNavigation($xtpl, "CAMPAIGN", $offset, $focus->is_AuditEnabled());
// adding custom fields:
//if this is a newsletter, we need to build dropdown
$selected_marketing_id = '';
if (isset($focus->campaign_type)) {
//we need to build the dropdown of related marketing values
$options_str = "<select onchange= \"this.form.module.value='Campaigns';this.form.action.value='TrackDetailView'; submit()\" name='mkt_id'>";
$latest_marketing_id = '';
if (isset($_REQUEST['mkt_id'])) {
$selected_marketing_id = $_REQUEST['mkt_id'];
$options_str .= '<option value="all">'.$app_strings["LBL_CAMPAIGN_NONE"].'</option>';
//query for all email marketing records related to this campaign
$latest_marketing_query = "select id, name, date_modified from email_marketing where campaign_id = '$focus->id' order by date_modified desc";
//build string with value(s) retrieved
$result =$focus->db->query($latest_marketing_query);
if ($row = $focus->db->fetchByAssoc($result)) {
//first, populated the latest marketing id variable, as this
// variable will be used to build chart and subpanels
if ($focus->campaign_type == 'NewsLetter') {
$latest_marketing_id = $row['id'];
//fill in first option value
$options_str .= '<option value="'. $row['id'] .'"';
// if the marketing id is same as selected marketing id, set this option to render as "selected"
if (!empty($selected_marketing_id) && $selected_marketing_id == $row['id']) {
$options_str .=' selected>'. $row['name'] .'</option>';
// if the marketing id is empty then set this first option to render as "selected"
} elseif (empty($selected_marketing_id) && $focus->campaign_type == 'NewsLetter') {
$options_str .=' selected>'. $row['name'] .'</option>';
// if the marketing is not empty, but not same as selected marketing id, then..
//.. do not set this option to render as "selected"
} else {
$options_str .='>'. $row['name'] .'</option>';
//process rest of records, if they exist
while ($row = $focus->db->fetchByAssoc($result)) {
//add to list of option values
$options_str .= '<option value="'. $row['id'] .'"';
//if the marketing id is same as selected marketing id, then set this option to render as "selected"
if (!empty($selected_marketing_id) && $selected_marketing_id == $row['id']) {
$options_str .=' selected>'. $row['name'] .'</option>';
} else {
$options_str .=' >'. $row['name'] .'</option>';
$options_str .="</select>";
//populate the dropdown
$smarty->assign("FILTER_LABEL", $mod_strings['LBL_FILTER_CHART_BY']);
$smarty->assign("MKT_DROP_DOWN", $options_str);
//add chart
$seps = array("-", "/");
$dates = array(date($GLOBALS['timedate']->dbDayFormat), $GLOBALS['timedate']->dbDayFormat);
$dateFileNameSafe = str_replace($seps, "_", $dates);
$cache_file_name = $current_user->getUserPrivGuid()."_campaign_response_by_activity_type_".$dateFileNameSafe[0]."_".$dateFileNameSafe[1].".xml";
$cache_file_name_roi = $current_user->getUserPrivGuid()."_campaign_response_by_roi_".$dateFileNameSafe[0]."_".$dateFileNameSafe[1].".xml";
$chart= new campaign_charts();
//if marketing id has been selected, then set "latest_marketing_id" to the selected value
//latest marketing id will be passed in to filter the charts and subpanels
if (!empty($selected_marketing_id)) {
$latest_marketing_id = $selected_marketing_id;
if (empty($latest_marketing_id) || $latest_marketing_id === 'all') {
$smarty->assign("MY_CHART", $chart->campaign_response_by_activity_type($app_list_strings['campainglog_activity_type_dom'], $app_list_strings['campainglog_target_type_dom'], $focus->id, sugar_cached("xml/$cache_file_name"), true));
} else {
$smarty->assign("MY_CHART", $chart->campaign_response_by_activity_type($app_list_strings['campainglog_activity_type_dom'], $app_list_strings['campainglog_target_type_dom'], $focus->id, sugar_cached("xml/$cache_file_name"), true, $latest_marketing_id));
//end chart
//custom chart code
$sugarChart = SugarChartFactory::getInstance();
if ($sugarChart) {
$resources = $sugarChart->getChartResources();
$smarty->assign('chartResources', $resources);
echo $smarty->fetch('modules/Campaigns/TrackDetailView.tpl');
$subpanel = new SubPanelTiles($focus, 'Campaigns');
//if latest marketing id is empty, or if it is set to 'all'', then do no filtering, otherwise filter..
//.. out the chart and subpanels by marketing id
if (empty($latest_marketing_id) || $latest_marketing_id === 'all') {
//do nothing, no filtering is needed
} else {
// assign selected marketing ID back to request in order to let ListView use it as a part of subpanel base URL
$_GET['mkt_id'] = $latest_marketing_id;
//get array of layout defs
$layoutDefsArr= $subpanel->subpanel_definitions->layout_defs;
//iterate through layout defs for processing of subpanels. If a marketing Id is specified, then we need to...
//.. filter the subpanels by it so they match the chart rendered in code above.
foreach ($layoutDefsArr as $subpanels_name => $subpanels) {
//process each subpanel definition
foreach ($subpanels as $subpane_key => $subpane) {
//see if "function_parameters" key exists in subpanel properties array
if (isset($subpane['function_parameters'])) {
//if a function_parameters property key exists, then process further
$functionParamsArr = $subpane['function_parameters'];//$panelProperty;
//Check the array of function parameters and see if
//one exists for market value id.
if (isset($functionParamsArr['EMAIL_MARKETING_ID_VALUE'])) {
//We found the property, lets fill in the marketing id value...
//.. into the subpanel object, using the keys of the array that..
//.. we used to get to thi property
$subpanel->subpanel_definitions->layout_defs[$subpanels_name][$subpane_key]['function_parameters']['EMAIL_MARKETING_ID_VALUE'] = $latest_marketing_id;
}//end if (isset($subpane['function_parameters'])){
}//end foreach($subpanels as $subpane_key => $subpane){
}//end else
$deletedCampaignLogLeadsCount = $focus->getDeletedCampaignLogLeadsCount();
if ($deletedCampaignLogLeadsCount > 0) {
$subpanel->subpanel_definitions->layout_defs['subpanel_setup']['lead']['top_buttons'][] = array(
'widget_class' => 'SubPanelTopMessage',
'message' => string_format($mod_strings['LBL_LEADS_DELETED_SINCE_CREATED'], array($deletedCampaignLogLeadsCount)),
if (!empty($alltabs)) {
foreach ($alltabs as $name) {
if ($name == 'prospectlists' || $name=='emailmarketing' || $name == 'tracked_urls') {
echo $subpanel->display();