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Executable file

* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
class Meeting extends SugarBean
// Stored fields
public $id;
public $date_entered;
public $date_modified;
public $assigned_user_id;
public $modified_user_id;
public $created_by;
public $created_by_name;
public $modified_by_name;
public $description;
public $name;
public $location;
public $status;
public $type;
public $date_start;
public $time_start;
public $date_end;
public $duration_hours;
public $duration_minutes;
public $time_meridiem;
public $parent_type;
public $parent_type_options;
public $parent_id;
public $field_name_map;
public $contact_id;
public $user_id;
public $meeting_id;
public $reminder_time;
public $reminder_checked;
public $email_reminder_time;
public $email_reminder_checked;
public $email_reminder_sent;
public $required;
public $accept_status;
public $parent_name;
public $contact_name;
public $contact_phone;
public $contact_email;
public $account_id;
public $opportunity_id;
public $case_id;
public $assigned_user_name;
public $outlook_id;
public $sequence;
public $syncing = false;
public $recurring_source;
public $update_vcal = true;
public $contacts_arr;
public $users_arr;
public $meetings_arr;
// when assoc w/ a user/contact:
public $minutes_value_default = 15;
public $minutes_values = array('0'=>'00','15'=>'15','30'=>'30','45'=>'45');
public $table_name = "meetings";
public $rel_users_table = "meetings_users";
public $rel_contacts_table = "meetings_contacts";
public $rel_leads_table = "meetings_leads";
public $module_dir = "Meetings";
public $object_name = "Meeting";
public $importable = true;
// This is used to retrieve related fields from form posts.
public $additional_column_fields = array('assigned_user_name', 'assigned_user_id', 'contact_id', 'user_id', 'contact_name', 'accept_status');
public $relationship_fields = array('account_id'=>'accounts','opportunity_id'=>'opportunity','case_id'=>'case',
'assigned_user_id'=>'users','contact_id'=>'contacts', 'user_id'=>'users', 'meeting_id'=>'meetings');
// so you can run get_users() twice and run query only once
public $cached_get_users = null;
public $new_schema = true;
public $date_changed = false;
protected static $remindersInSaving = false;
* sole constructor
public function __construct()
foreach ($this->field_defs as $field) {
$this->field_name_map[$field['name']] = $field;
// $this->fill_in_additional_detail_fields();
if (!empty($GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['duration_intervals'])) {
$this->minutes_values = $GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['duration_intervals'];
* Disable edit if meeting is recurring and source is not Sugar. It should be edited only from Outlook.
* @param $view string
* @param $is_owner bool
public function ACLAccess($view, $is_owner='not_set', $in_group='not_set')
// don't check if meeting is being synced from Outlook
if ($this->syncing == false) {
$view = strtolower($view);
switch ($view) {
case 'edit':
case 'save':
case 'editview':
case 'delete':
if (!empty($this->recurring_source) && $this->recurring_source != "Sugar") {
return false;
return parent::ACLAccess($view, $is_owner, $in_group);
* Stub for integration
* @return bool
public function hasIntegratedMeeting()
return false;
// save date_end by calculating user input
// this is for calendar
public function save($check_notify = false)
global $timedate;
global $current_user;
global $disable_date_format;
if (isset($this->date_start)) {
$td = $timedate->fromDb($this->date_start);
if (!$td) {
$this->date_start = $timedate->to_db($this->date_start);
$td = $timedate->fromDb($this->date_start);
if ($td) {
if (isset($this->duration_hours) && $this->duration_hours != '') {
$td->modify("+{$this->duration_hours} hours");
if (isset($this->duration_minutes) && $this->duration_minutes != '') {
$td->modify("+{$this->duration_minutes} mins");
$this->date_end = $td->asDb();
$check_notify =(!empty($_REQUEST['send_invites']) && $_REQUEST['send_invites'] == '1') ? true : false;
if (empty($_REQUEST['send_invites'])) {
if (!empty($this->id)) {
$old_record = BeanFactory::newBean('Meetings');
$old_assigned_user_id = $old_record->assigned_user_id;
if ((empty($this->id) && isset($_REQUEST['assigned_user_id']) && !empty($_REQUEST['assigned_user_id']) && $GLOBALS['current_user']->id != $_REQUEST['assigned_user_id']) || (isset($old_assigned_user_id) && !empty($old_assigned_user_id) && isset($_REQUEST['assigned_user_id']) && !empty($_REQUEST['assigned_user_id']) && $old_assigned_user_id != $_REQUEST['assigned_user_id'])) {
$this->special_notification = true;
$check_notify = true;
if (isset($_REQUEST['assigned_user_name'])) {
$this->new_assigned_user_name = $_REQUEST['assigned_user_name'];
/*nsingh 7/3/08 commenting out as bug #20814 is invalid
if($current_user->getPreference('reminder_time')!= -1 && isset($_POST['reminder_checked']) && isset($_POST['reminder_time']) && $_POST['reminder_checked']==0 && $_POST['reminder_time']==-1){
$this->reminder_checked = '1';
$this->reminder_time = $current_user->getPreference('reminder_time');
// prevent a mass mailing for recurring meetings created in Calendar module
if (empty($this->id) && !empty($_REQUEST['module']) && $_REQUEST['module'] == "Calendar" && !empty($_REQUEST['repeat_type']) && !empty($this->repeat_parent_id)) {
$check_notify = false;
if (empty($this->status)) {
$this->status = $this->getDefaultStatus();
// Do any external API saving
// Clear out the old external API stuff if we have changed types
if (isset($this->fetched_row) && !is_bool($this->fetched_row) && $this->fetched_row['type'] != $this->type) {
$this->join_url = '';
$this->host_url = '';
$this->external_id = '';
$this->creator = '';
if (!empty($this->type) && $this->type != 'Sugar') {
$api = ExternalAPIFactory::loadAPI($this->type);
if (empty($this->type)) {
$this->type = 'Sugar';
if (isset($api) && is_a($api, 'WebMeeting') && empty($this->in_relationship_update)) {
// Make sure the API initialized and it supports Web Meetings
// Also make suer we have an ID, the external site needs something to reference
if (!isset($this->id) || empty($this->id)) {
$this->id = create_guid();
$this->new_with_id = true;
$response = $api->scheduleMeeting($this);
if ($response['success'] == true) {
// Need to send out notifications
if ($api->canInvite) {
$notifyList = $this->get_notification_recipients();
foreach ($notifyList as $person) {
$api->inviteAttendee($this, $person, $check_notify);
} else {
// Generic Message Provides no value to End User - Log the issue with message detail and continue
// SugarApplication::appendErrorMessage($GLOBALS['app_strings']['ERR_EXTERNAL_API_SAVE_FAIL']);
$GLOBALS['log']->warn('ERR_EXTERNAL_API_SAVE_FAIL' . ": " . $this->type . " - " . $response['errorMessage']);
$return_id = parent::save($check_notify);
if ($this->update_vcal) {
if (isset($_REQUEST['reminders_data']) && !self::$remindersInSaving || isset($_REQUEST['reminders_data']) && empty($this->saving_reminders_data)) {
self::$remindersInSaving = true;
$this->saving_reminders_data = true;
$reminderData = json_encode(
$this->removeUnInvitedFromReminders(json_decode(html_entity_decode($_REQUEST['reminders_data']), true))
Reminder::saveRemindersDataJson('Meetings', $return_id, $reminderData);
self::$remindersInSaving = false;
$this->saving_reminders_data = false;
return $return_id;
* @param array $reminders
* @return array
public function removeUnInvitedFromReminders($reminders)
$reminderData = $reminders;
$uninvited = array();
foreach ($reminders as $r => $reminder) {
foreach ($reminder['invitees'] as $i => $invitee) {
switch ($invitee['module']) {
case "Users":
if (in_array($invitee['module_id'], $this->users_arr) === false) {
// add to uninvited
$uninvited[] = $reminderData[$r]['invitees'][$i];
// remove user
case "Contacts":
if (in_array($invitee['module_id'], $this->contacts_arr) === false) {
// add to uninvited
$uninvited[] = $reminderData[$r]['invitees'][$i];
// remove contact
case "Leads":
if (in_array($invitee['module_id'], $this->leads_arr) === false) {
// add to uninvited
$uninvited[] = $reminderData[$r]['invitees'][$i];
// remove lead
return $reminderData;
// this is for calendar
public function mark_deleted($id)
CalendarUtils::correctRecurrences($this, $id);
global $current_user;
if ($this->update_vcal) {
public function get_summary_text()
return (string)$this->name;
public function create_export_query($order_by, $where, $relate_link_join='')
$custom_join = $this->getCustomJoin(true, true, $where);
$custom_join['join'] .= $relate_link_join;
$contact_required = stristr($where, "contacts");
if ($contact_required) {
$query = "SELECT meetings.*, contacts.first_name, contacts.last_name, contacts.assigned_user_id contact_name_owner, users.user_name as assigned_user_name ";
$query .= $custom_join['select'];
$query .= " FROM contacts, meetings, meetings_contacts ";
$where_auto = " meetings_contacts.contact_id = contacts.id AND meetings_contacts.meeting_id = meetings.id AND meetings.deleted=0 AND contacts.deleted=0";
} else {
$query = 'SELECT meetings.*, users.user_name as assigned_user_name ';
$query .= $custom_join['select'];
$query .= ' FROM meetings ';
$where_auto = "meetings.deleted=0";
$query .= " LEFT JOIN users ON meetings.assigned_user_id=users.id ";
$query .= $custom_join['join'];
if ($where != "") {
$query .= " where $where AND ".$where_auto;
} else {
$query .= " where ".$where_auto;
$order_by = $this->process_order_by($order_by);
if (!empty($order_by)) {
$query .= ' ORDER BY ' . $order_by;
return $query;
public function fill_in_additional_detail_fields()
global $locale;
// Fill in the assigned_user_name
$this->assigned_user_name = get_assigned_user_name($this->assigned_user_id);
if (!empty($this->contact_id)) {
$query = "SELECT first_name, last_name FROM contacts ";
$query .= "WHERE id='$this->contact_id' AND deleted=0";
$result = $this->db->limitQuery($query, 0, 1, true, " Error filling in additional detail fields: ");
// Get the contact name.
$row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result);
$GLOBALS['log']->info("additional call fields $query");
if ($row != null) {
$this->contact_name = $locale->getLocaleFormattedName($row['first_name'], $row['last_name'], '', '');
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Call($this->id): contact_name = $this->contact_name");
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Call($this->id): contact_id = $this->contact_id");
$this->created_by_name = get_assigned_user_name($this->created_by);
$this->modified_by_name = get_assigned_user_name($this->modified_user_id);
if (!isset($this->time_hour_start)) {
$this->time_start_hour = (int)substr($this->time_start, 0, 2);
} //if-else
if (isset($this->time_minute_start)) {
$time_start_minutes = $this->time_minute_start;
} else {
$time_start_minutes = substr($this->time_start, 3, 5);
if ($time_start_minutes > 0 && $time_start_minutes < 15) {
$time_start_minutes = "15";
} elseif ($time_start_minutes > 15 && $time_start_minutes < 30) {
$time_start_minutes = "30";
} elseif ($time_start_minutes > 30 && $time_start_minutes < 45) {
$time_start_minutes = "45";
} elseif ($time_start_minutes > 45) {
$this->time_start_hour += 1;
$time_start_minutes = "00";
} //if-else
} //if-else
if (isset($this->time_hour_start)) {
$time_start_hour = $this->time_hour_start;
} else {
$time_start_hour = (int)substr($this->time_start, 0, 2);
global $timedate;
$this->time_meridiem = $timedate->AMPMMenu('', $this->time_start, 'onchange="SugarWidgetScheduler.update_time();"');
$hours_arr = array();
$num_of_hours = 13;
$start_at = 1;
if (empty($time_meridiem)) {
$num_of_hours = 24;
$start_at = 0;
} //if
for ($i = $start_at; $i < $num_of_hours; $i ++) {
$i = $i."";
if (strlen($i) == 1) {
$i = "0".$i;
$hours_arr[$i] = $i;
} //for
if (!isset($this->duration_minutes)) {
$this->duration_minutes = $this->minutes_value_default;
//setting default date and time
if (is_null($this->date_start)) {
$this->date_start = $timedate->now();
if (is_null($this->time_start)) {
$this->time_start = $timedate->to_display_time(TimeDate::getInstance()->nowDb(), true);
if (is_null($this->duration_hours)) {
$this->duration_hours = "0";
if (is_null($this->duration_minutes)) {
$this->duration_minutes = "1";
if (empty($this->id) && !empty($_REQUEST['date_start'])) {
$this->date_start = $_REQUEST['date_start'];
if (!empty($this->date_start)) {
$td = SugarDateTime::createFromFormat($GLOBALS['timedate']->get_date_time_format(), $this->date_start);
if (!empty($td)) {
if (!empty($this->duration_hours) && $this->duration_hours != '') {
$td = $td->modify("+{$this->duration_hours} hours");
if (!empty($this->duration_minutes) && $this->duration_minutes != '') {
$td = $td->modify("+{$this->duration_minutes} mins");
$this->date_end = $td->format($GLOBALS['timedate']->get_date_time_format());
} else {
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Meeting::save: Bad date {$this->date_start} for format ".$GLOBALS['timedate']->get_date_time_format());
global $app_list_strings;
$parent_types = $app_list_strings['record_type_display'];
$disabled_parent_types = ACLController::disabledModuleList($parent_types, false, 'list');
foreach ($disabled_parent_types as $disabled_parent_type) {
if ($disabled_parent_type != $this->parent_type) {
$this->parent_type_options = get_select_options_with_id($parent_types, $this->parent_type);
if (empty($this->reminder_time)) {
$this->reminder_time = -1;
if (empty($this->id)) {
$reminder_t = $GLOBALS['current_user']->getPreference('reminder_time');
if (isset($reminder_t)) {
$this->reminder_time = $reminder_t;
$this->reminder_checked = $this->reminder_time == -1 ? false : true;
if (empty($this->email_reminder_time)) {
$this->email_reminder_time = -1;
if (empty($this->id)) {
$reminder_t = $GLOBALS['current_user']->getPreference('email_reminder_time');
if (isset($reminder_t)) {
$this->email_reminder_time = $reminder_t;
$this->email_reminder_checked = $this->email_reminder_time == -1 ? false : true;
if (isset($_REQUEST['parent_type']) && empty($this->parent_type)) {
$this->parent_type = $_REQUEST['parent_type'];
} elseif (is_null($this->parent_type)) {
$this->parent_type = $app_list_strings['record_type_default_key'];
public function get_list_view_data()
$meeting_fields = $this->get_list_view_array();
global $app_list_strings, $focus, $action, $currentModule;
if (isset($this->parent_type)) {
$meeting_fields['PARENT_MODULE'] = $this->parent_type;
if ($this->status == "Planned") {
//cn: added this if() to deal with sequential Closes in Meetings. this is a hack to a hack(formbase.php->handleRedirect)
if (empty($action)) {
$action = "index";
$setCompleteUrl = "<b><a id='{$this->id}' class='list-view-data-icon' title='".translate('LBL_CLOSEINLINE')."' onclick='SUGAR.util.closeActivityPanel.show(\"{$this->module_dir}\",\"{$this->id}\",\"Held\",\"listview\",\"1\");'>";
if ($this->ACLAccess('edit')) {
$meeting_fields['SET_COMPLETE'] = $setCompleteUrl . "<span class='suitepicon suitepicon-action-clear'></span></a></b>";
} else {
$meeting_fields['SET_COMPLETE'] = '';
global $timedate;
$today = $timedate->nowDb();
$nextday = $timedate->asDbDate($timedate->getNow()->get("+1 day"));
if (!isset($meeting_fields['DATE_START'])) {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('Meeting get list view data: Undefined index: DATE_START');
$meetingFieldsDateStart = null;
} else {
$meetingFieldsDateStart = $meeting_fields['DATE_START'];
$mergeTime = $meetingFieldsDateStart; //$timedate->merge_date_time($meeting_fields['DATE_START'], $meeting_fields['TIME_START']);
$date_db = $timedate->to_db($mergeTime);
if ($date_db < $today) {
if ($meeting_fields['STATUS']=='Held' || $meeting_fields['STATUS']=='Not Held') {
$meeting_fields['DATE_START']= "<font>".$meeting_fields['DATE_START']."</font>";
} else {
$meeting_fields['DATE_START']= "<font class='overdueTask'>".$meetingFieldsDateStart."</font>";
} elseif ($date_db < $nextday) {
$meeting_fields['DATE_START'] = "<font class='todaysTask'>".$meetingFieldsDateStart."</font>";
} else {
$meeting_fields['DATE_START'] = "<font class='futureTask'>".$meetingFieldsDateStart."</font>";
// make sure we grab the localized version of the contact name, if a contact is provided
if (!empty($this->contact_id)) {
$contact_temp = BeanFactory::getBean("Contacts", $this->contact_id);
if (!empty($contact_temp)) {
// Make first name, last name, salutation and title of Contacts respect field level ACLs
$this->contact_name = $contact_temp->full_name;
$meeting_fields['CONTACT_ID'] = $this->contact_id;
$meeting_fields['CONTACT_NAME'] = $this->contact_name;
$meeting_fields['PARENT_NAME'] = $this->parent_name;
$meeting_fields['REMINDER_CHECKED'] = $this->reminder_time==-1 ? false : true;
$meeting_fields['EMAIL_REMINDER_CHECKED'] = $this->email_reminder_time==-1 ? false : true;
return $meeting_fields;
public function set_notification_body($xtpl, &$meeting)
global $sugar_config;
global $app_list_strings;
global $current_user;
global $timedate;
if (!isset($meeting->current_notify_user->object_name)) {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('Meeting set_notification_body: Trying to get property of non-object ($meetingCurrentNotifyUserObjectName)');
$meetingCurrentNotifyUserObjectName = null;
} else {
$meetingCurrentNotifyUserObjectName = $meeting->current_notify_user->object_name;
// cn: bug 9494 - passing a contact breaks this call
$notifyUser = ($meetingCurrentNotifyUserObjectName == 'User') ?
$meeting->current_notify_user :
// cn: bug 8078 - fixed call to $timedate
if (!isset($meeting->id)) {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('Meeting set_notification_body: Trying to get property of non-object ($meetingId)');
$meetingId = null;
} else {
$meetingId = $meeting->id;
if (!isset($meeting->current_notify_user->id)) {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('Meeting set_notification_body: Trying to get property of non-object ($meetingCurrentNotifyUserId)');
$meetingCurrentNotifyUserId = null;
} else {
$meetingCurrentNotifyUserId = $meeting->current_notify_user->id;
if (!is_object($meeting->current_notify_user)) {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('Meeting try to set notification body but the current notify user is not an object');
if (is_object($meeting->current_notify_user) && strtolower(get_class($meeting->current_notify_user)) == 'contact') {
$xtpl->assign("ACCEPT_URL", $sugar_config['site_url'].
} elseif (is_object($meeting->current_notify_user) && strtolower(get_class($meeting->current_notify_user)) == 'lead') {
$xtpl->assign("ACCEPT_URL", $sugar_config['site_url'].
} else {
$xtpl->assign("ACCEPT_URL", $sugar_config['site_url'].
if (!isset($meeting->current_notify_user->new_assigned_user_name)) {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('Meeting set_notification_body: Trying to get property of non-object ($meetingCurrentNotifyUserNewAssingnedUserName)');
$meetingCurrentNotifyUserNewAssingnedUserName = null;
} else {
$meetingCurrentNotifyUserNewAssingnedUserName = $meeting->current_notify_user->new_assigned_user_name;
$xtpl->assign("MEETING_TO", $meetingCurrentNotifyUserNewAssingnedUserName);
$xtpl->assign("MEETING_SUBJECT", trim($meeting->name));
$xtpl->assign("MEETING_STATUS", (isset($meeting->status)? $app_list_strings['meeting_status_dom'][$meeting->status]:""));
$typekey = strtolower($meeting->type);
if (isset($meeting->type)) {
if (!empty($app_list_strings['eapm_list'][$typekey])) {
$typestring = $app_list_strings['eapm_list'][$typekey];
} else {
$typestring = $app_list_strings['meeting_type_dom'][$meeting->type];
$xtpl->assign("MEETING_TYPE", isset($meeting->type)? $typestring:"");
$startdate = $timedate->fromDb($meeting->date_start);
$xtpl->assign("MEETING_STARTDATE", $timedate->asUser($startdate, $notifyUser)." ".TimeDate::userTimezoneSuffix($startdate, $notifyUser));
$enddate = $timedate->fromDb($meeting->date_end);
$xtpl->assign("MEETING_ENDDATE", $timedate->asUser($enddate, $notifyUser)." ".TimeDate::userTimezoneSuffix($enddate, $notifyUser));
$xtpl->assign("MEETING_HOURS", $meeting->duration_hours);
$xtpl->assign("MEETING_MINUTES", $meeting->duration_minutes);
$xtpl->assign("MEETING_DESCRIPTION", nl2br($meeting->description));
$xtpl->assign("MEETING_LOCATION", $meeting->location);
if (!empty($meeting->join_url)) {
$xtpl->assign('MEETING_URL', $meeting->join_url);
return $xtpl;
* Redefine method to attach ics file to notification email
public function create_notification_email($notify_user)
// reset acceptance status for non organizer if date is changed
if (($notify_user->id != $GLOBALS['current_user']->id) && $this->date_changed) {
$this->set_accept_status($notify_user, 'none');
$notify_mail = parent::create_notification_email($notify_user);
$path = SugarConfig::getInstance()->get('upload_dir', 'upload/') . $this->id;
$content = vCal::get_ical_event($this, $GLOBALS['current_user']);
if (is_dir($path)) {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('file_put_contents(' . $path . '): failed to open stream: Is a directory ');
} else {
if (file_put_contents($path, $content)) {
$notify_mail->AddAttachment($path, 'meeting.ics', 'base64', 'text/calendar');
return $notify_mail;
* Redefine method to remove ics after email is sent
* @return boolean success/failed
public function send_assignment_notifications($notify_user, $admin)
parent::send_assignment_notifications($notify_user, $admin);
$path = SugarConfig::getInstance()->get('upload_dir', 'upload/') . $this->id;
if (is_dir($path)) {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('Meeting send_assignment_notifications: unlink(' . $path . '): Is a directory');
return false;
return unlink($path);
public function get_meeting_users()
$template = BeanFactory::newBean('Users');
// First, get the list of IDs.
$query = "SELECT meetings_users.required, meetings_users.accept_status, meetings_users.user_id from meetings_users where meetings_users.meeting_id='$this->id' AND meetings_users.deleted=0";
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Finding linked records $this->object_name: ".$query);
$result = $this->db->query($query, true);
$list = array();
while ($row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result)) {
$template = BeanFactory::newBean('Users'); // PHP 5 will retrieve by reference, always over-writing the "old" one
$record = $template->retrieve($row['user_id']);
$template->required = $row['required'];
$template->accept_status = $row['accept_status'];
if ($record != null) {
// this copies the object into the array
$list[] = $template;
return $list;
public function get_invite_meetings(&$user)
$template = $this;
// First, get the list of IDs.
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Finding linked records $this->object_name: ");
$query = "SELECT meetings_users.required, meetings_users.accept_status, meetings_users.meeting_id from meetings_users where meetings_users.user_id='$user->id' AND( meetings_users.accept_status IS NULL OR meetings_users.accept_status='none') AND meetings_users.deleted=0";
$result = $this->db->query($query, true);
$list = array();
while ($row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result)) {
$record = $template->retrieve($row['meeting_id']);
$template->required = $row['required'];
$template->accept_status = $row['accept_status'];
if ($record != null) {
// this copies the object into the array
$list[] = $template;
return $list;
public function set_accept_status(&$user, $status)
if ($user->object_name == 'User') {
$relate_values = array('user_id'=>$user->id,'meeting_id'=>$this->id);
$data_values = array('accept_status'=>$status);
$this->set_relationship($this->rel_users_table, $relate_values, true, true, $data_values);
global $current_user;
if ($this->update_vcal) {
} elseif ($user->object_name == 'Contact') {
$relate_values = array('contact_id'=>$user->id,'meeting_id'=>$this->id);
$data_values = array('accept_status'=>$status);
$this->set_relationship($this->rel_contacts_table, $relate_values, true, true, $data_values);
} elseif ($user->object_name == 'Lead') {
$relate_values = array('lead_id'=>$user->id,'meeting_id'=>$this->id);
$data_values = array('accept_status'=>$status);
$this->set_relationship($this->rel_leads_table, $relate_values, true, true, $data_values);
public function get_notification_recipients()
if ($this->special_notification) {
return parent::get_notification_recipients();
$list = array();
if (!is_array($this->contacts_arr)) {
$this->contacts_arr = array();
if (!is_array($this->users_arr)) {
$this->users_arr = array();
if (!isset($this->leads_arr) || !is_array($this->leads_arr)) {
$this->leads_arr = array();
foreach ($this->users_arr as $user_id) {
$notify_user = BeanFactory::newBean('Users');
$notify_user->new_assigned_user_name = $notify_user->full_name;
$GLOBALS['log']->info("Notifications: recipient is $notify_user->new_assigned_user_name");
$list[$notify_user->id] = $notify_user;
foreach ($this->contacts_arr as $contact_id) {
$notify_user = BeanFactory::newBean('Contacts');
$notify_user->new_assigned_user_name = $notify_user->full_name;
$GLOBALS['log']->info("Notifications: recipient is $notify_user->new_assigned_user_name");
$list[$notify_user->id] = $notify_user;
foreach ($this->leads_arr as $lead_id) {
$notify_user = BeanFactory::newBean('Leads');
$notify_user->new_assigned_user_name = $notify_user->full_name;
$GLOBALS['log']->info("Notifications: recipient is $notify_user->new_assigned_user_name");
$list[$notify_user->id] = $notify_user;
global $sugar_config;
if (isset($sugar_config['disable_notify_current_user']) && $sugar_config['disable_notify_current_user']) {
global $current_user;
if (isset($list[$current_user->id])) {
return $list;
public function bean_implements($interface)
switch ($interface) {
case 'ACL':return true;
return false;
public function listviewACLHelper()
$array_assign = parent::listviewACLHelper();
$is_owner = false;
$in_group = false; //SECURITY GROUPS
if (!empty($this->parent_name)) {
if (!empty($this->parent_name_owner)) {
global $current_user;
$is_owner = $current_user->id == $this->parent_name_owner;
//parent_name_owner not being set for whatever reason so we need to figure this out
elseif (!empty($this->parent_type) && !empty($this->parent_id)) {
global $current_user;
$parent_bean = BeanFactory::getBean($this->parent_type, $this->parent_id);
if ($parent_bean !== false) {
$is_owner = $current_user->id == $parent_bean->assigned_user_id;
$in_group = SecurityGroup::groupHasAccess($this->parent_type, $this->parent_id, 'view');
if(!ACLController::moduleSupportsACL($this->parent_type) || ACLController::checkAccess($this->parent_type, 'view', $is_owner)) {
if (!ACLController::moduleSupportsACL($this->parent_type) || ACLController::checkAccess($this->parent_type, 'view', $is_owner, 'module', $in_group)) {
$array_assign['PARENT'] = 'a';
} else {
$array_assign['PARENT'] = 'span';
$is_owner = false;
$in_group = false; //SECURITY GROUPS
if (!empty($this->contact_name)) {
if (!empty($this->contact_name_owner)) {
global $current_user;
$is_owner = $current_user->id == $this->contact_name_owner;
//contact_name_owner not being set for whatever reason so we need to figure this out
else {
global $current_user;
$parent_bean = BeanFactory::getBean('Contacts', $this->contact_id);
if ($parent_bean !== false) {
$is_owner = $current_user->id == $parent_bean->assigned_user_id;
$in_group = SecurityGroup::groupHasAccess('Contacts', $this->contact_id, 'view');
if(ACLController::checkAccess('Contacts', 'view', $is_owner)) {
if (ACLController::checkAccess('Contacts', 'view', $is_owner, 'module', $in_group)) {
$array_assign['CONTACT'] = 'a';
} else {
$array_assign['CONTACT'] = 'span';
return $array_assign;
public function save_relationship_changes($is_update, $exclude = array())
if (empty($this->in_workflow)) {
if (empty($this->in_import)) {//if a meeting is being imported then contact_id should not be excluded
//if the global soap_server_object variable is not empty (as in from a soap/OPI call), then process the assigned_user_id relationship, otherwise
//add assigned_user_id to exclude list and let the logic from MeetingFormBase determine whether assigned user id gets added to the relationship
if (!empty($GLOBALS['soap_server_object'])) {
$exclude = array('contact_id', 'user_id');
} else {
$exclude = array('contact_id', 'user_id','assigned_user_id');
} else {
$exclude = array('user_id');
parent::save_relationship_changes($is_update, $exclude);
* @see SugarBean::afterImportSave()
public function afterImportSave()
if ($this->parent_type === 'Contacts') {
} elseif ($this->parent_type === 'Leads') {
public function getDefaultStatus()
$def = $this->field_defs['status'];
if (isset($def['default'])) {
return $def['default'];
$app = return_app_list_strings_language($GLOBALS['current_language']);
if (isset($def['options']) && isset($app[$def['options']])) {
$keys = array_keys($app[$def['options']]);
return $keys[0];
return '';
} // end class def
// External API integration, for the dropdown list of what external API's are available
//TODO: do we really need focus, name and view params for this function
function getMeetingsExternalApiDropDown($focus = null, $name = null, $value = null, $view = null)
global $dictionary, $app_list_strings;
$cacheKeyName = 'meetings_type_drop_down';
$apiList = sugar_cache_retrieve($cacheKeyName);
if ($apiList === null) {
$apiList = ExternalAPIFactory::getModuleDropDown('Meetings');
$apiList = array_merge(array('Sugar'=>$GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['eapm_list']['Sugar']), $apiList);
sugar_cache_put($cacheKeyName, $apiList);
if (!empty($value) && empty($apiList[$value])) {
$apiList[$value] = $value;
//bug 46294: adding list of options to dropdown list (if it is not the default list)
if (!isset($dictionary['Meeting'])) {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('Meeting getMeetingsExternalApiDropDown: Undefined index: Meeting ($dictionaryMeeting)');
$dictionaryMeeting = null;
} else {
$dictionaryMeeting = $dictionary['Meeting'];
// Protect against null.
if (
|| is_null($dictionaryMeeting['fields'])
|| is_null($dictionaryMeeting['fields']['type'])
|| $dictionaryMeeting['fields']['type']['options'] != "eapm_list"
) {
$apiList = array_merge(getMeetingTypeOptions($dictionary, $app_list_strings), $apiList);
return $apiList;
* Meeting Type Options Array for dropdown list
* @param array $dictionary - getting type name
* @param array $app_list_strings - getting type options
* @return array Meeting Type Options Array for dropdown list
function getMeetingTypeOptions($dictionary, $app_list_strings)
$result = array();
// getting name of meeting type to fill dropdown list by its values
if (isset($dictionary['Meeting']['fields']['type']['options'])) {
$typeName = $dictionary['Meeting']['fields']['type']['options'];
if (!empty($app_list_strings[$typeName])) {
$typeList = $app_list_strings[$typeName];
foreach ($typeList as $key => $value) {
$result[$value] = $value;
return $result;