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* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
* Reminder class
class Reminder extends Basic
const UPGRADE_VERSION = '7.4.3';
public $name;
public $new_schema = true;
public $module_dir = 'Reminders';
public $object_name = 'Reminder';
public $table_name = 'reminders';
public $tracker_visibility = false;
public $importable = false;
public $disable_row_level_security = true;
* @var int
public $date_willexecute;
public $popup;
public $email;
public $email_sent = false;
public $timer_popup;
public $timer_email;
public $related_event_module;
public $related_event_module_id;
public $popup_viewed;
private static $remindersData = array();
private static $remindersInSaving = false;
// ---- save and load remainders on EditViews
* Save multiple reminders data from clients Meetings/Calls EditView.
* Call this static function in save action.
* @param string $eventModule Event Bean module name (e.g. Meetings, Calls)
* @param string $eventModuleId Event Bean GUID
* @param string $remindersDataJson Remainders data as Json string from POST data.
* @throws Exception throw an Exception if json format is invalid.
public static function saveRemindersDataJson($eventModule, $eventModuleId, $remindersDataJson)
if(!self::$remindersInSaving) {
self::$remindersInSaving = true;
$reminderData = json_decode($remindersDataJson);
if (!json_last_error()) {
Reminder::saveRemindersData($eventModule, $eventModuleId, $reminderData);
} else {
throw new Exception(json_last_error_msg());
self::$remindersInSaving = false;
private static function saveRemindersData($eventModule, $eventModuleId, $remindersData)
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
$savedReminderIds = array();
foreach ($remindersData as $reminderData) {
if (isset($_POST['isDuplicate']) && $_POST['isDuplicate']) {
$reminderData->id = '';
$reminderBean = BeanFactory::getBean('Reminders', $reminderData->id);
$reminderBean->popup = $reminderData->popup;
$reminderBean->email = $reminderData->email;
$reminderBean->timer_popup = $reminderData->timer_popup;
$reminderBean->timer_email = $reminderData->timer_email;
$reminderBean->related_event_module = $eventModule;
$reminderBean->related_event_module_id = $eventModuleId;
//nullify date_willexecute (NULL) so it can be updated on next fetch run
$reminderBean->date_willexecute = null;
// Delete related alerts
$url = Reminder::makeAlertURL(
$db->query("UPDATE alerts SET deleted = 1 WHERE url_redirect = '$url'");
// And delete cached Reminders/Alerts
$savedReminderIds[] = $reminderBean->id;
$reminderId = $reminderBean->id;
Reminder_Invitee::saveRemindersInviteesData($reminderId, $reminderData->invitees);
$reminders = BeanFactory::getBean('Reminders')->get_full_list("", "reminders.related_event_module = '$eventModule' AND reminders.related_event_module_id = '$eventModuleId'");
if ($reminders) {
foreach ($reminders as $reminder) {
if (!in_array($reminder->id, $savedReminderIds)) {
* Load multiple reminders JSON data for related Event module EditViews.
* Call this function in module display function.
* @param string $eventModule Related event module name (Meetings/Calls)
* @param string $eventModuleId Related event GUID
* @return string JSON string contains the remainders
* @throws Exception
public static function loadRemindersDataJson($eventModule, $eventModuleId, $isDuplicate = false)
$remindersData = self::loadRemindersData($eventModule, $eventModuleId, $isDuplicate);
$remindersDataJson = json_encode($remindersData);
if (!$remindersDataJson && json_last_error()) {
throw new Exception(json_last_error_msg());
return $remindersDataJson;
* Load multiple reminders data for related Event module EditViews.
* Call this function in module display function.
* @param string $eventModule Related event module name (Meetings/Calls)
* @param string $eventModuleId Related event GUID
* @return array contains the remainders
* @throws Exception
public static function loadRemindersData($eventModule, $eventModuleId, $isDuplicate = false)
if (!isset(self::$remindersData[$eventModule][$eventModuleId]) || !$eventModuleId || $isDuplicate) {
$ret = array();
$reminders = BeanFactory::getBean('Reminders')->get_full_list("reminders.date_entered", "reminders.related_event_module = '$eventModule' AND reminders.related_event_module_id = '$eventModuleId'");
if ($reminders) {
foreach ($reminders as $reminder) {
$ret[] = array(
'id' => $isDuplicate ? null : $reminder->id,
'popup' => $reminder->popup,
'email' => $reminder->email,
'timer_popup' => $reminder->timer_popup,
'timer_email' => $reminder->timer_email,
'invitees' => Reminder_Invitee::loadRemindersInviteesData($reminder->id, $isDuplicate),
self::$remindersData[$eventModule][$eventModuleId] = $ret;
return self::$remindersData[$eventModule][$eventModuleId];
// ---- sending email reminders
* Sending multiple email reminders.
* Call in EmainReminder and use original EmailRemainder class for sending.
* @param EmailReminder $emailReminder Caller EmailReminder
* @param Administration $admin Administration module for EmailRemainder->sendReminders() function
* @param boolean $checkDecline (optional) Send email if user accept status is not decline. Default is TRUE.
public static function sendEmailReminders(EmailReminder $emailReminder, Administration $admin, $checkDecline = true)
if ($reminders = self::getUnsentEmailReminders()) {
foreach ($reminders as $reminderId => $reminder) {
$recipients = self::getEmailReminderInviteesRecipients($reminderId, $checkDecline);
$eventBean = BeanFactory::getBean($reminder->related_event_module, $reminder->related_event_module_id);
if ($eventBean && $emailReminder->sendReminders($eventBean, $admin, $recipients)) {
$reminder->email_sent = 1;
private static function getEmailReminderInviteesRecipients($reminderId, $checkDecline = true)
$emails = array();
$reminder = BeanFactory::getBean('Reminders', $reminderId);
$eventModule = $reminder->related_event_module;
$eventModuleId = $reminder->related_event_module_id;
$event = BeanFactory::getBean($eventModule, $eventModuleId);
if ($event && (!isset($event->status) || $event->status != 'Held')) {
$invitees = BeanFactory::getBean('Reminders_Invitees')->get_full_list('', "reminders_invitees.reminder_id = '$reminderId'");
foreach ($invitees as $invitee) {
$inviteeModule = $invitee->related_invitee_module;
$inviteeModuleId = $invitee->related_invitee_module_id;
$personBean = BeanFactory::getBean($inviteeModule, $inviteeModuleId);
// The original email reminders check the accept_status field in related users/leads/contacts etc. and filtered these users who not decline this event.
if ($checkDecline && !self::isDecline($event, $personBean)) {
if (!empty($personBean->email1)) {
$arr = array(
'type' => $inviteeModule,
'name' => $personBean->full_name,
'email' => $personBean->email1,
$emails[] = $arr;
return $emails;
private static function getUnsentEmailReminders()
global $timedate;
$reminders = array();
$reminderBeans = BeanFactory::getBean('Reminders')->get_full_list('', "reminders.email = 1 AND reminders.email_sent = 0");
if (!empty($reminderBeans)) {
foreach ($reminderBeans as $reminderBean) {
$eventBean = BeanFactory::getBean($reminderBean->related_event_module, $reminderBean->related_event_module_id);
if ($eventBean) {
$remind_ts = $timedate->fromUser($eventBean->date_start)->modify("-{$reminderBean->timer_email} seconds")->ts;
$now_ts = $timedate->getNow()->ts;
if ($now_ts >= $remind_ts) {
$reminders[$reminderBean->id] = $reminderBean;
} else {
return $reminders;
// ---- popup and alert reminders
* Show a popup and/or desktop notification alert for related users with related Event information.
* Call in jsAlerts class and use original jsAlerts for show notifications.
* @global ??? $current_user
* @global ??? $timedate
* @global ??? $app_list_strings
* @global ??? $db
* @global ??? $sugar_config
* @global ??? $app_strings
* @param jsAlerts $alert caller jsAlerts object
* @param boolean $checkDecline (optional) Send email if user accept status is not decline. Default is TRUE.
* @return ???
public static function addNotifications(jsAlerts $alert, $checkDecline = true)
global $current_user, $timedate, $app_list_strings, $db, $sugar_config, $app_strings;
if (empty($current_user->id)) {
// Create separate variable to hold timedate value
// These timedates need to be in the user time zone as the
// datetime returned by the Bean below is in the user time zone
$alertDateTimeNow = $timedate->getNow(true)->asDb(false);
// cn: get a boundary limiter
$dateTimeMax = $timedate->getNow(true)->modify("+{$app_list_strings['reminder_max_time']} seconds")->asDb(false);
$dateTimeNow = $timedate->getNow(true)->asDb(false);
// Original jsAlert used to a meeting integration.
$meetingIntegration = null;
if (isset($sugar_config['meeting_integration']) && !empty($sugar_config['meeting_integration'])) {
if (!class_exists($sugar_config['meeting_integration'])) {
$meetingIntegration = new $sugar_config['meeting_integration']();
$dateTimeNowStamp = strtotime(self::unQuoteTime($dateTimeNow));
$dateTimeMaxStamp = strtotime(self::unQuoteTime($dateTimeMax));
$popupReminders = BeanFactory::getBean('Reminders')->get_full_list(
"reminders.popup = 1 AND (reminders.date_willexecute = -1 OR reminders.date_willexecute BETWEEN "
. $dateTimeNowStamp . " AND " . $dateTimeMaxStamp . ")"
if ($popupReminders) {
$i_runs = 0;
foreach ($popupReminders as $popupReminder) {
$relatedEvent = BeanFactory::getBean(
$dateTime = DateTime::createFromFormat($timedate->get_date_time_format(), $relatedEvent->date_start);
$relatedEventStart = $dateTime ? $dateTime->getTimestamp() : $dateTime;
/** UPDATE REMINDER EXECUTION TIME ************************************************************* */
if (
$i_runs < 1000 &&
isset($popupReminder->fetched_row['date_willexecute']) &&
$popupReminder->fetched_row['date_willexecute'] == -1
) {
//we have column to save data
if (!$relatedEventStart) {
$popupReminder->date_willexecute = -2;
} else {
$popupReminder->date_willexecute = $relatedEventStart;
/** UPDATE REMINDER EXECUTION TIME END ******************************************************* */
if (!$relatedEvent) {
if (isset($relatedEvent->status) && $relatedEvent->status !== 'Planned') {
if ($relatedEventStart
&& ($relatedEventStart <= $dateTimeNowStamp || $relatedEventStart >= $dateTimeMaxStamp)) {
if ($checkDecline
&& self::isDecline($relatedEvent, BeanFactory::getBean('Users', $current_user->id))) {
// The original popup/alert reminders check the accept_status field in related users/leads/contacts etc. and filtered these users who not decline this event.
$invitees = BeanFactory::getBean('Reminders_Invitees')->get_full_list(
"reminders_invitees.reminder_id = '{$popupReminder->id}' AND reminders_invitees.related_invitee_module_id = '{$current_user->id}'"
if (!$invitees) {
$relatedEventStart -= $popupReminder->timer_popup;
$url = Reminder::makeAlertURL(
$instructions = $app_strings['MSG_JS_ALERT_MTG_REMINDER_MEETING_MSG'];
if ($popupReminder->related_event_module == 'Meetings') {
if (!empty($meetingIntegration) && $meetingIntegration->isIntegratedMeeting($popupReminder->related_event_module_id)) {
$url = $meetingIntegration->miUrlGetJsAlert((array)$popupReminder);
$instructions = $meetingIntegration->miGetJsAlertInstructions();
$meetingName = from_html(isset($relatedEvent->name) ? $relatedEvent->name : $app_strings['MSG_JS_ALERT_MTG_REMINDER_NO_EVENT_NAME']);
$desc1 = from_html(isset($relatedEvent->description) ? $relatedEvent->description : $app_strings['MSG_JS_ALERT_MTG_REMINDER_NO_DESCRIPTION']);
$location = from_html(isset($relatedEvent->location) ? $relatedEvent->location : $app_strings['MSG_JS_ALERT_MTG_REMINDER_NO_LOCATION']);
$relatedToMeeting = $alert->getRelatedName($popupReminder->related_event_module, $popupReminder->related_event_module_id);
$description = empty($desc1) ? '' : $app_strings['MSG_JS_ALERT_MTG_REMINDER_AGENDA'] . $desc1 . "\n";
$description = $description . "\n" . $app_strings['MSG_JS_ALERT_MTG_REMINDER_STATUS'] . (isset($relatedEvent->status) ? $relatedEvent->status : '') . "\n" . $app_strings['MSG_JS_ALERT_MTG_REMINDER_RELATED_TO'] . $relatedToMeeting;
if (isset($relatedEvent->date_start)) {
$time_dbFromConvert = $db->fromConvert($relatedEvent->date_start, 'datetime');
$time = $timedate->to_display_date_time($time_dbFromConvert);
if (!$time) {
$time = $relatedEvent->date_start;
if (!$time) {
$time = $app_strings['MSG_JS_ALERT_MTG_REMINDER_NO_START_DATE'];
} else {
$time = $app_strings['MSG_JS_ALERT_MTG_REMINDER_NO_START_DATE'];
// standard functionality
$app_strings['MSG_JS_ALERT_MTG_REMINDER_TIME'] . $time,
$app_strings['MSG_JS_ALERT_MTG_REMINDER_LOC'] . $location .
$description .
$relatedEventStart - strtotime($alertDateTimeNow),
* @param string $module
* @param string $record_id
* @return string
public static function makeAlertURL($module, $record_id)
return 'index.php?action=DetailView&module=' . $module . '&record=' . $record_id;
private static function unQuoteTime($timestr)
$ret = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($timestr); $i++) {
if ($timestr[$i] != "'") {
$ret .= $timestr[$i];
return $ret;
// --- test for accept status decline is?
private static function isDecline(SugarBean $event, SugarBean $person)
return self::testEventPersonAcceptStatus($event, $person, 'decline');
private static function testEventPersonAcceptStatus(SugarBean $event, SugarBean $person, $acceptStatus = 'decline')
if ($acceptStats = self::getEventPersonAcceptStatus($event, $person)) {
$acceptStatusLower = strtolower($acceptStatus);
foreach ((array)$acceptStats as $acceptStat) {
if (strtolower($acceptStat) == $acceptStatusLower) {
return true;
return false;
private static function getEventPersonAcceptStatus(SugarBean $event, SugarBean $person)
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
$rel_person_table_Key = "rel_{$person->table_name}_table";
$rel_person_table_Value = "{$event->table_name}_{$person->table_name}";
if (isset($event->$rel_person_table_Key) && $event->$rel_person_table_Key == $rel_person_table_Value) {
$query = self::getEventPersonQuery($event, $person);
$re = $db->query($query);
$ret = array();
while ($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($re)) {
if (!isset($row['accept_status'])) {
return null;
$ret[] = $row['accept_status'];
return $ret;
return null;
private function upgradeEventPersonQuery(SugarBean $event, $person_table)
$eventIdField = strtolower($event->object_name) . '_id';
$query = "
SELECT * FROM {$event->table_name}_{$person_table}
{$eventIdField} = '{$event->id}' AND
deleted = 0
return $query;
private static function getEventPersonQuery(SugarBean $event, SugarBean $person)
$eventIdField = array_search($event->table_name, $event->relationship_fields);
if (!$eventIdField) {
$eventIdField = strtolower($event->object_name . '_id');
$personIdField = strtolower($person->object_name) . '_id';
$query = "
SELECT * FROM {$event->table_name}_{$person->table_name}
{$eventIdField} = '{$event->id}' AND
{$personIdField} = '{$person->id}' AND
deleted = 0
return $query;
// --- user preferences as default values in reminders
* Default values for Reminders from User Preferences
* @return string JSON encoded default values
* @throws Exception on json_encode error
public static function loadRemindersDefaultValuesDataJson()
$ret = json_encode(self::loadRemindersDefaultValuesData());
if (!$ret && json_last_error()) {
throw new Exception(json_last_error_msg());
return $ret;
* Default values for Reminders from User Preferences
* @param User $user
* @return array default values
public static function loadRemindersDefaultValuesData($user = null)
global $current_user;
$user = $current_user;
$preferencePopupReminderTime = $user->getPreference('reminder_time');
$preferenceEmailReminderTime = $user->getPreference('email_reminder_time');
$preferencePopupReminderChecked = $user->getPreference('reminder_checked');
$preferenceEmailReminderChecked = $user->getPreference('email_reminder_checked');
return array(
'popup' => $preferencePopupReminderChecked,
'email' => $preferenceEmailReminderChecked,
'timer_popup' => $preferencePopupReminderTime,
'timer_email' => $preferenceEmailReminderTime,
// --- upgrade
* Reminders upgrade, old reminders migrate to multiple-reminders.
* @throws Exception unknown event type or any error
public static function upgrade()
private static function upgradeRestoreReminders()
if ($reminders = BeanFactory::getBean('Reminders')->get_full_list('', 'reminders.deleted = 1')) {
foreach ($reminders as $reminder) {
$reminder->deleted = 0;
if ($reminderInvitees = BeanFactory::getBean('Reminders_Invitees')->get_full_list('', 'reminders_invitees.deleted = 1')) {
foreach ($reminderInvitees as $invitee) {
$invitee->deleted = 0;
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
$q = "UPDATE reminders SET deleted = 0";
$q = "UPDATE reminders_invitees SET deleted = 0";
private static function upgradeUserPreferences()
$users = User::getActiveUsers();
foreach ($users as $user_id => $user_name) {
$user = BeanFactory::newBean('Users');
$preferencePopupReminderTime = $user->getPreference('reminder_time');
$preferenceEmailReminderTime = $user->getPreference('email_reminder_time');
$preferencePopupReminderChecked = $preferencePopupReminderTime > -1;
$preferenceEmailReminderChecked = $preferenceEmailReminderTime > -1;
$user->setPreference('reminder_checked', $preferencePopupReminderChecked);
$user->setPreference('email_reminder_checked', $preferenceEmailReminderChecked);
* @param string $eventModule 'Calls' or 'Meetings'
private static function upgradeEventReminders($eventModule)
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
$eventBean = BeanFactory::getBean($eventModule);
$events = $eventBean->get_full_list('', "{$eventBean->table_name}.date_start > {$db->convert('', 'today')} AND ({$eventBean->table_name}.reminder_time != -1 OR ({$eventBean->table_name}.email_reminder_time != -1 AND {$eventBean->table_name}.email_reminder_sent != 1))");
if ($events) {
foreach ($events as $event) {
$oldReminderPopupChecked = false;
$oldReminderPopupTimer = null;
if ($event->reminder_time != -1) {
$oldReminderPopupChecked = true;
$oldReminderPopupTimer = $event->reminder_time;
$oldReminderEmailChecked = false;
$oldReminderEmailTimer = null;
if ($event->email_reminder_time != -1) {
$oldReminderEmailChecked = true;
$oldReminderEmailTimer = $event->email_reminder_time;
$oldReminderEmailSent = $event->email_reminder_sent;
if (($oldInvitees = self::getOldEventInvitees($event)) && ($event->reminder_time != -1 || ($event->email_reminder_time != -1 && $event->email_reminder_sent != 1))) {
private static function getOldEventInvitees(SugarBean $event)
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
$ret = array();
$persons = array('users', 'contacts', 'leads');
foreach ($persons as $person) {
$query = self::upgradeEventPersonQuery($event, $person);
$re = $db->query($query);
while ($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($re)) {
$ret[] = $row;
return $ret;
* @param string $eventModule 'Calls' or 'Meetings'
* @param string $eventModuleId
* @param bool $oldReminderPopupChecked
* @param int $oldReminderPopupTimer
* @param bool $oldReminderEmailChecked
* @param int $oldReminderEmailTimer
* @param array $oldInvitees
private static function migrateReminder($eventModule, $eventModuleId, $oldReminderPopupChecked, $oldReminderPopupTimer, $oldReminderEmailChecked, $oldReminderEmailTimer, $oldReminderEmailSent, $oldInvitees)
$reminder = BeanFactory::getBean('Reminders');
$reminder->popup = $oldReminderPopupChecked;
$reminder->email = $oldReminderEmailChecked;
$reminder->email_sent = $oldReminderEmailSent;
$reminder->timer_popup = $oldReminderPopupTimer;
$reminder->timer_email = $oldReminderEmailTimer;
$reminder->related_event_module = $eventModule;
$reminder->related_event_module_id = $eventModuleId;
$reminderId = $reminder->id;
self::migrateReminderInvitees($reminderId, $oldInvitees);
self::removeOldReminder($eventModule, $eventModuleId);
private static function migrateReminderInvitees($reminderId, $invitees)
$ret = array();
foreach ((array)$invitees as $invitee) {
$newInvitee = BeanFactory::getBean('Reminders_Invitees');
$newInvitee->reminder_id = $reminderId;
$newInvitee->related_invitee_module = self::getRelatedInviteeModuleFromInviteeArray($invitee);
$newInvitee->related_invitee_module_id = self::getRelatedInviteeModuleIdFromInviteeArray($invitee);
return $ret;
private static function getRelatedInviteeModuleFromInviteeArray($invitee)
if (array_key_exists('user_id', $invitee)) {
return 'Users';
if (array_key_exists('lead_id', $invitee)) {
return 'Leads';
if (array_key_exists('contact_id', $invitee)) {
return 'Contacts';
// TODO:!!!!
throw new Exception('Unknown invitee module type');
//return null;
private static function getRelatedInviteeModuleIdFromInviteeArray($invitee)
if (array_key_exists('user_id', $invitee)) {
return $invitee['user_id'];
if (array_key_exists('lead_id', $invitee)) {
return $invitee['lead_id'];
if (array_key_exists('contact_id', $invitee)) {
return $invitee['contact_id'];
// TODO:!!!!
throw new Exception('Unknown invitee type');
//return null;
* @param string $eventModule 'Calls' or 'Meetings'
* @param string $eventModuleId
private static function removeOldReminder($eventModule, $eventModuleId)
$event = BeanFactory::getBean($eventModule, $eventModuleId);
$event->reminder_time = -1;
$event->email_reminder_time = -1;
$event->email_reminder_sent = 0;
// --- reminders list on detail views
* Return a list of related reminders for specified event (Calls/Meetings). Call it from DetailViews.
* @param SugarBean $event a Call or Meeting Bean
* @return mixed|string|void output of list (html)
* @throws Exception on json error in Remainders
public static function getRemindersListView(SugarBean $event)
global $mod_strings, $app_list_strings;
$tpl = new Sugar_Smarty();
$tpl->assign('MOD', $mod_strings);
$tpl->assign('reminder_time_options', $app_list_strings['reminder_time_options']);
$tpl->assign('remindersData', Reminder::loadRemindersData($event->module_name, $event->id));
$tpl->assign('remindersDataJson', Reminder::loadRemindersDataJson($event->module_name, $event->id));
$tpl->assign('remindersDefaultValuesDataJson', Reminder::loadRemindersDefaultValuesDataJson());
$tpl->assign('remindersDisabled', json_encode(true));
return $tpl->fetch('modules/Reminders/tpls/reminders.tpl');
* @todo implenent it
public static function getRemindersListInlineEditView(SugarBean $event)
// TODO: getEditFieldHTML() function in InlineEditing.php:218 doesn't pass the Bean ID to this custom inline edit view function but we have to know which Bean are in the focus to editing.
if (!$event->id) {
throw new Exception("No GUID for edit.");