Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/salesagility/SuiteCRM.git synced 2025-02-10 08:22:29 +00:00
Dillon-Brown 4ee7a709a0 Remove PHP4 constructors
Signed-off-by: Dillon-Brown <dillon.brown@salesagility.com>
2021-03-26 21:50:24 +00:00

529 lines
22 KiB
Executable file

* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
class SavedSearch extends SugarBean
public $db;
public $field_name_map;
// Stored fields
public $id;
public $date_entered;
public $date_modified;
public $assigned_user_id;
public $assigned_user_name;
public $modified_by_name;
public $name;
public $description;
public $content;
public $search_module;
public $object_name = 'SavedSearch';
public $table_name = 'saved_search';
public $module_dir = 'SavedSearch';
public $field_defs = array();
public $field_defs_map = array();
public $columns;
public function __construct($columns = array(), $orderBy = null, $sortOrder = 'DESC')
$this->columns = $columns;
$this->orderBy = $orderBy;
$this->sortOrder = $sortOrder;
foreach ($this->field_defs as $field) {
$this->field_name_map[$field['name']] = $field;
// Saved Search Form
public function getForm($module, $inline = true, $orderBySelectOnly = false)
global $current_user, $currentModule, $current_language, $app_strings;
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
$json = getJSONobj();
$saved_search_mod_strings = return_module_language($current_language, 'SavedSearch');
$query = 'SELECT id, name FROM saved_search
deleted = \'0\' AND
assigned_user_id = \'' . $current_user->id . '\' AND
search_module = \'' . $module . '\'
ORDER BY name';
$result = $db->query($query, true, "Error filling in saved search list: ");
$savedSearchArray['_none'] = $app_strings['LBL_NONE'];
while ($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($result, -1, false)) {
$savedSearchArray[$row['id']] = htmlspecialchars($row['name'], ENT_QUOTES);
$sugarSmarty = new Sugar_Smarty();
$sugarSmarty->assign('SEARCH_MODULE', $module);
$sugarSmarty->assign('MOD', $saved_search_mod_strings);
$sugarSmarty->assign('DELETE', $app_strings['LBL_DELETE_BUTTON_LABEL']);
$sugarSmarty->assign('UPDATE', $app_strings['LBL_UPDATE']);
$sugarSmarty->assign('SAVE', $app_strings['LBL_SAVE_BUTTON_LABEL']);
$chooser = $this->getTemplateGroupChooser($module);
$sugarSmarty->assign('columnChooser', $chooser->display());
$sugarSmarty->assign('selectedOrderBy', $this->orderBy);
if (empty($this->sortOrder)) {
$this->sortOrder = 'ASC';
$sugarSmarty->assign('selectedSortOrder', $this->sortOrder);
$lastSavedView = (empty($_SESSION['LastSavedView'][$module]) ? '' : $_SESSION['LastSavedView'][$module]);
$sugarSmarty->assign('columnsMeta', $json->encode($this->columns));
$sugarSmarty->assign('lastSavedView', $lastSavedView);
$sugarSmarty->assign('SAVED_SEARCHES_OPTIONS', get_select_options_with_id($savedSearchArray, $lastSavedView));
$json = getJSONobj();
$sugarSmarty->assign('orderBySelectOnly', $orderBySelectOnly);
return $sugarSmarty->fetch('modules/SavedSearch/SavedSearchForm.tpl');
public function getTemplateGroupChooser($module)
global $app_strings;
// Column Chooser
$chooser = new TemplateGroupChooser();
$chooser->args['id'] = 'edit_tabs';
$chooser->args['left_size'] = 7;
$chooser->args['right_size'] = 7;
$chooser->args['values_array'][0] = array();
$chooser->args['values_array'][1] = array();
if (isset($_REQUEST['saved_search_select']) && $_REQUEST['saved_search_select'] != '_none') {
if ((!empty($_REQUEST['displayColumns']) && $_REQUEST['displayColumns'] != 'undefined') || (isset($this->contents['displayColumns']) && $this->contents['displayColumns'] != 'undefined')) {
// columns to display
if (!empty($_REQUEST['displayColumns']) && $_REQUEST['displayColumns'] != 'undefined') {
$temp_displayColumns = $_REQUEST['displayColumns'];
} else {
$temp_displayColumns = $this->contents['displayColumns'];
foreach (explode('|', $temp_displayColumns) as $num => $name) {
if (!isset($this->columns[$name])) {
// Ignore any column that is not on the list.
$chooser->args['values_array'][0][$name] = trim(translate($this->columns[$name]['label'], $module), ':');
// columns not displayed
foreach (array_diff(array_keys($this->columns), array_values(explode('|', $temp_displayColumns))) as $num => $name) {
$chooser->args['values_array'][1][$name] = trim(translate($this->columns[$name]['label'], $module), ':');
} else {
foreach ($this->columns as $name => $val) {
if (!isset($val['label'])) {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn("SavedSearch getTemplateGroupChooser: Illegal string offset 'label'");
$valLabel = null;
} else {
$valLabel = $val['label'];
if (!empty($val['default']) && $val['default']) {
$chooser->args['values_array'][0][$name] = trim(translate($valLabel, $module), ':');
} else {
$chooser->args['values_array'][1][$name] = trim(translate($valLabel, $module), ':');
if (!empty($_REQUEST['sortOrder'])) {
$this->sortOrder = $_REQUEST['sortOrder'];
if (!empty($_REQUEST['orderBy'])) {
$this->orderBy = $_REQUEST['orderBy'];
$chooser->args['left_name'] = 'display_tabs';
$chooser->args['right_name'] = 'hide_tabs';
$chooser->args['alt_tip'] = $app_strings['LBL_SORT'];
$chooser->args['left_label'] = $app_strings['LBL_DISPLAY_COLUMNS'];
$chooser->args['right_label'] = $app_strings['LBL_HIDE_COLUMNS'];
$chooser->args['title'] = '';
$this->lastTemplateGroupChooser = $chooser;
return $chooser;
public function getSelect($module, &$savedSearchData = null)
global $current_user, $currentModule, $current_lang, $app_strings;
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
$saved_search_mod_strings = return_module_language($current_lang, 'SavedSearch');
$query = 'SELECT id, name FROM saved_search
deleted = \'0\' AND
assigned_user_id = \'' . $current_user->id . '\' AND
search_module = \'' . $module . '\'
ORDER BY name';
$result = $db->query($query, true, "Error filling in saved search list: ");
$savedSearchArray['_none'] = $app_strings['LBL_NONE'];
$savedSearchData['hasOptions'] = false;
while ($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($result, -1, false)) {
$savedSearchData['hasOptions'] = true;
$savedSearchData['options'][$row['id']] = $savedSearchArray[$row['id']] = htmlspecialchars($row['name'], ENT_QUOTES);
$sugarSmarty = new Sugar_Smarty();
$sugarSmarty->assign('SEARCH_MODULE', $module);
$sugarSmarty->assign('MOD', $saved_search_mod_strings);
if (!empty($_SESSION['LastSavedView'][$module]) && (($_REQUEST['action'] == 'ListView') || ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'index'))) {
$selectedSearch = $_SESSION['LastSavedView'][$module];
} else {
$selectedSearch = '';
$savedSearchData['selected'] = $selectedSearch;
$sugarSmarty->assign('SAVED_SEARCHES_OPTIONS', get_select_options_with_id($savedSearchArray, $selectedSearch));
$savedSearchData['module'] = $module;
return $sugarSmarty->fetch('modules/SavedSearch/SavedSearchSelects.tpl');
public function returnSavedSearch($id, $searchFormTab = 'advanced_search', $showDiv = 'no')
global $current_user, $currentModule;
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
$header = 'Location: index.php?action=index&module=';
$saved_search_name = '';
$header .= $this->contents['search_module'];
if (empty($_SESSION['LastSavedView'])) {
$_SESSION['LastSavedView'] = array();
$_SESSION['LastSavedView'][$this->contents['search_module']] = $id;
$saved_search_id = $id;
$saved_search_name = $this->name;
$thisContentsSearchFormTab = null;
if (isset($this->contents['searchFormTab'])) {
$thisContentsSearchFormTab = $this->contents['searchFormTab'];
} else {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('SavedSearch contents search form tab is not set');
$search_form_tab = $thisContentsSearchFormTab;
$thisContentsQuery = null;
if (isset($this->contents['query'])) {
$thisContentsQuery = $this->contents['query'];
} else {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('SavedSearch contents query is not set');
$query = $thisContentsQuery;
$orderBy = empty($this->contents['orderBy']) ? 'name' : $this->contents['orderBy'];
//Reduce the params to avoid the problems caused by URL max length in IE.
$thisContentsSortOrder = null;
if (isset($this->contents['sortOrder'])) {
$thisContentsSortOrder = $this->contents['sortOrder'];
} else {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('SavedSearch contents short order is not set');
$header .
'&saved_search_select=' . $saved_search_id .
'&saved_search_select_name=' . $saved_search_name .
'&orderBy=' . $orderBy .
'&sortOrder=' . $thisContentsSortOrder .
'&query=' . $query .
'&searchFormTab=' . $search_form_tab .
'&showSSDIV=' . $showDiv
public function returnSavedSearchContents($id)
global $current_user, $currentModule;
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
$query = 'SELECT id, name, contents, search_module FROM saved_search
id = \'' . $id . '\'';
$result = $db->query($query, true, "Error filling in saved search list: ");
$header = 'Location: index.php?action=index&module=';
$contents = '';
$saved_search_name = '';
while ($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($result, false)) {
$header .= $row['search_module'];
if (empty($_SESSION['LastSavedView'])) {
$_SESSION['LastSavedView'] = array();
$_SESSION['LastSavedView'][$row['search_module']] = $row['id'];
$contents = unserialize(base64_decode($row['contents']));
$saved_search_id = $row['id'];
$saved_search_name = $row['name'];
return $contents;
public function handleDelete($id)
$requestSearchModule = null;
if (isset($_REQUEST['search_module'])) {
$requestSearchModule = $_REQUEST['search_module'];
} else {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('SavedSearch::handleDelete() - Requested search module is not set');
SugarApplication::headerRedirect("Location: index.php?action=index&module={$requestSearchModule}&advanced={$_REQUEST['advanced']}&query=true&clear_query=true");
public function handleSave($prefix, $redirect = true, $useRequired = false, $id = null, $searchModuleBean = null)
global $current_user, $timedate;
$focus = BeanFactory::newBean('SavedSearch');
if ($id) {
if ($useRequired && !checkRequired($prefix, array_keys($focus->required_fields))) {
return null;
$ignored_inputs = array('PHPSESSID', 'module', 'action', 'saved_search_name', 'saved_search_select', 'advanced', 'Calls_divs', 'ACLRoles_divs');
$contents = $_REQUEST;
if (!isset($contents['saved_search_name'])) {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('SavedSearch::handleSave() - saved_search_name is not set');
if (isset($contents['saved_search_name']) && $contents['saved_search_name']) {
$focus->name = $contents['saved_search_name'];
$focus->search_module = $contents['search_module'];
foreach ($contents as $input => $value) {
if (in_array($input, $ignored_inputs)) {
//Filter date fields to ensure it is saved to DB format, but also avoid empty values
if (!empty($value) && preg_match('/^(start_range_|end_range_|range_)?(.*?)(_advanced|_basic)$/', $input, $match)) {
$field = $match[2];
if (isset($searchModuleBean->field_defs[$field]['type']) && empty($searchModuleBean->field_defs[$field]['disable_num_format'])) {
$type = $searchModuleBean->field_defs[$field]['type'];
//Avoid macro values for the date types
if (($type == 'date' || $type == 'datetime' || $type == 'datetimecombo') && !preg_match('/^\[.*?\]$/', $value)) {
$db_format = $timedate->to_db_date($value, false);
$contents[$input] = $db_format;
} else {
if ($type == 'int' || $type == 'currency' || $type == 'decimal' || $type == 'float') {
if (preg_match('/[^\d]/', $value)) {
$contents[$input] = unformat_number($value);
//Flag this value as having been unformatted
$contents[$input . '_unformatted_number'] = true;
//If the type is of currency and there was a currency symbol (non-digit), save the symbol
if ($type == 'currency' && preg_match('/^([^\d])/', $value, $match)) {
$contents[$input . '_currency_symbol'] = $match[1];
} else {
//unset any flags
if (isset($contents[$input . '_unformatted_number'])) {
unset($contents[$input . '_unformatted_number']);
if (isset($contents[$input . '_currency_symbol'])) {
unset($contents[$input . '_currency_symbol']);
$contents['advanced'] = true;
$focus->contents = base64_encode(serialize($contents));
$focus->assigned_user_id = $current_user->id;
$focus->new_schema = true;
$saved_search_id = $focus->save();
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Saved record with id of " . $focus->id);
$orderBy = empty($contents['orderBy']) ? 'name' : $contents['orderBy'];
$contentsSortOrder = null;
if (isset($contents['sortOrder'])) {
$contentsSortOrder = $contents['sortOrder'];
} else {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('SavedSearch::handleSave() - contents sort order is not set');
$requestQuery = null;
if (isset($_REQUEST['query'])) {
$requestQuery = $_REQUEST['query'];
} else {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('SavedSearch::handleSave() - request query is not set');
$requestSearchFormTab = null;
if (isset($_REQUEST['searchFormTab'])) {
$requestSearchFormTab = $_REQUEST['searchFormTab'];
} else {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('SavedSearch::handleSave() - request search form tab is not set');
$contentsShowSSDIV = null;
if (isset($contents['showSSDIV'])) {
$contentsShowSSDIV = $contents['showSSDIV'];
} else {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('SavedSearch::handleSave() - contents showSSDIV is not set');
$search_query =
"&orderBy=" . $orderBy .
"&sortOrder=" . $contentsSortOrder .
"&query=" . $requestQuery .
"&searchFormTab=" . $requestSearchFormTab .
'&showSSDIV=' . $contentsShowSSDIV;
if ($redirect) {
$this->handleRedirect($focus->search_module, $search_query, $saved_search_id, 'true');
public function handleRedirect($return_module, $search_query, $saved_search_id, $advanced = 'false')
$_SESSION['LastSavedView'][$return_module] = $saved_search_id;
$return_action = 'index';
$ajaxLoad = empty($_REQUEST['ajax_load']) ? "" : "&ajax_load=" . $_REQUEST['ajax_load'];
//Reduce the params to avoid the problems caused by URL max length in IE ( the reduced params can be get from saved search according to saved_search_id).
SugarApplication::headerRedirect("Location: index.php?action=$return_action&module=$return_module&saved_search_select={$saved_search_id}{$search_query}&advanced={$advanced}$ajaxLoad");
public function fill_in_additional_list_fields()
global $app_list_strings;
// Fill in the assigned_user_name
$this->search_module = $app_list_strings['moduleList'][$this->contents['search_module']];
$this->assigned_user_name = get_assigned_user_name($this->assigned_user_id);
public function retrieveSavedSearch($id)
$this->contents = unserialize(base64_decode($this->contents));
public function populateRequest()
global $timedate;
if (isset($this->contents['search_module'])) {
$searchModuleBean = loadBean($this->contents['search_module']);
foreach ($this->contents as $key => $val) {
if ($key != 'advanced' && $key != 'module' && !strpos($key, '_ORDER_BY') && $key != 'lvso') {
if (isset($searchModuleBean) && !empty($val) && preg_match('/^(start_range_|end_range_|range_)?(.*?)(_advanced|_basic)$/', $key, $match)) {
$field = $match[2];
if (isset($searchModuleBean->field_defs[$field]['type']) && empty($searchModuleBean->field_defs[$field]['disable_num_format'])) {
$type = $searchModuleBean->field_defs[$field]['type'];
//Avoid macro values for the date types
if (($type == 'date' || $type == 'datetime' || $type == 'datetimecombo') && preg_match('/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/', $val) && !preg_match('/^\[.*?\]$/', $val)) {
$val = $timedate->to_display_date($val, false);
} else {
if (($type == 'int' || $type == 'currency' || $type == 'decimal' || $type == 'float') && isset($this->contents[$key . '_unformatted_number']) && preg_match('/^\d+$/', $val)) {
$val = format_number($val);
if ($type == 'currency' && isset($this->contents[$key . '_currency_symbol'])) {
$val = $this->contents[$key . '_currency_symbol'] . $val;
$_REQUEST[$key] = $val;
$_GET[$key] = $val;