mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 12:36:53 +00:00

- File: '... /modules/Schedulers/EditView.php' - Replaced 1 occurrence(s) of 'new Scheduler()' - Replaced 1 occurrence(s) of 'new Email()' - File: '... /modules/Schedulers/Scheduler.php' - Replaced 13 occurrence(s) of 'new Scheduler()' - Replaced 2 occurrence(s) of 'new SchedulersJob()' - Replaced 1 occurrence(s) of 'new User()' - File: '... /modules/Schedulers/Save.php' - Replaced 1 occurrence(s) of 'new Scheduler()' - File: '... /modules/SurveyResponses/Dashlets/SurveyResponsesDashlet/SurveyResponsesDashlet.php' - Replaced 1 occurrence(s) of 'new SurveyResponses()' - File: '... /modules/SurveyResponses/SurveyResponses.php' - Replaced 1 occurrence(s) of 'new EmailTemplate()' - Replaced 1 occurrence(s) of 'new Email()' - Replaced 1 occurrence(s) of 'new Administration()' - File: '... /modules/jjwg_Maps/Dashlets/jjwg_MapsDashlet/jjwg_MapsDashlet.php' - Replaced 1 occurrence(s) of 'new jjwg_Maps()' - File: '... /modules/jjwg_Maps/controller.php' - Replaced 1 occurrence(s) of 'new jjwg_Maps()' - File: '... /modules/jjwg_Maps/jjwg_Maps.php' - Replaced 3 occurrence(s) of 'new Administration()' - File: '... /modules/ModuleBuilder/MB/MBPackage.php' - Replaced 1 occurrence(s) of 'new FieldsMetaData()' - File: '... /modules/AOS_Invoices/Dashlets/AOS_InvoicesDashlet/AOS_InvoicesDashlet.php' - Replaced 1 occurrence(s) of 'new AOS_Invoices()'
355 lines
13 KiB
Executable file
355 lines
13 KiB
Executable file
if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
* Description:
global $current_user;
if (!is_admin($current_user)) {
sugar_die("Unauthorized access to administration.");
$header_text = '';
global $mod_strings;
global $app_list_strings;
global $app_strings;
global $current_user;
global $timedate;
$email = BeanFactory::newBean('Emails');
/* Start standard EditView setup logic */
$mod_strings = return_module_language($current_language, 'Schedulers');
$focus = BeanFactory::newBean('Schedulers');
if (isset($_REQUEST['record'])) {
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("In Scheduler edit view, about to retrieve record: ".$_REQUEST['record']);
$result = $focus->retrieve($_REQUEST['record']);
if ($result == null) {
if (isset($_REQUEST['isDuplicate']) && $_REQUEST['isDuplicate'] == 'true') {
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("isDuplicate found - duplicating record of id: ".$focus->id);
$focus->id = "";
$params = array();
$params[] = "<a href='index.php?module=Schedulers&action=index'>{$mod_strings['LBL_MODULE_TITLE']}</a>";
if (empty($focus->id)) {
$params[] = $GLOBALS['app_strings']['LBL_CREATE_BUTTON_LABEL'];
} else {
$params[] = "<a href='index.php?module=Schedulers&action=DetailView&record={$focus->id}'>{$focus->name}</a>";
$params[] = $GLOBALS['app_strings']['LBL_EDIT_BUTTON_LABEL'];
echo getClassicModuleTitle("Schedulers", $params, true);
$GLOBALS['log']->info("Scheduler Edit View");
/* End standard EditView setup logic */
// javascript calls
$javascript = new javascript();
$javascript->addFieldGeneric('mins', 'alpha', 'Mins', true, $prefix='');
$javascript->addFieldGeneric('day_of_month', 'alpha', 'Days of Month', true, $prefix='');
$javascript->addFieldGeneric('months', 'alpha', 'Months', true, $prefix='');
$javascript->addFieldGeneric('day_of_week', 'alpha', 'Days of Week', true, $prefix='');
$javascript->addFieldGeneric('date_start', 'date', 'Start Date', true, $prefix='');
//$javascript->addFieldDateBeforeAllowBlank('date_start', 'date', 'Date End', 'false', $prefix='', 'date_end', 'true'); // cn: disabled because it does not handle user-pref date format
$javascript->addToValidateBinaryDependency('time_hour_from', 'alpha', 'Active From (hr) must be set with Active To (hr) ', 'false', $prefix='', 'time_hour_to');
$javascript->addToValidateBinaryDependency('time_minute_from', 'alpha', 'Active From (min) must be set with Active To (min) ', 'false', $prefix='', 'time_minute_to');
//($field, $type,$displayName, $required, $prefix='',$compareTo)
// split the date/time of start/end
$dtStart = $focus->date_time_start;
$dtEnd = $focus->date_time_end;
if (!empty($dtStart)) {
$exStart = explode(" ", $dtStart);
$date_start = $exStart[0];
$time_start = $exStart[1];
} else {
$prefDate = $current_user->getUserDateTimePreferences();
$date_start = $timedate->asUserDate($timedate->fromString('2005-01-01'));
$time_start = '';
if (!empty($dtEnd) && $dtEnd != '2020-12-31 23:59') {
$exEnd = explode(" ", $dtEnd);
$date_end = $exEnd[0];
$time_end = $exEnd[1];
} else {
$date_end = '';
$time_end = '';
// setup calendar dropdowns
$time_format = $timedate->get_user_time_format();
$time_meridiem_start = $timedate->AMPMMenu('time_start_', $time_start, '');
$time_meridiem_end = $timedate->AMPMMenu('time_end_', $time_end, '');
$time_meridiem_from = $timedate->AMPMMenu('time_from_', $focus->time_from, '');
$time_meridiem_to = $timedate->AMPMMenu('time_to_', $focus->time_to, '');
$time_start_hour = (int)substr($time_start, 0, 2);
$time_start_minutes = substr($time_start, 3, 5);
$time_end_hour = (int)substr($time_end, 0, 2);
$time_end_minutes = substr($time_end, 3, 5);
$time_from_hour = (int)substr($focus->time_from, 0, 2);
$time_from_min = substr($focus->time_from, 3, 5);
$time_to_hour = (int)substr($focus->time_to, 0, 2);
$time_to_min = substr($focus->time_to, 3, 5);
$hours_arr = array();
$mins_arr = array();
$num_of_hours = 13;
$start_at = 1;
// setup function drop down
if (is_array($job_strings) && !empty($job_strings)) {
$job_function = "<option value=''>--</option>";
foreach ($job_strings as $k => $function) {
$job_function .= "<option value='function::".$function."'";
if ($focus->job === "function::".$function) {
$job_function .= " SELECTED ";
$job_function .= ">".$mod_strings['LBL_'.strtoupper($function)]."</option>";
if (empty($time_meridiem_start)) {
$num_of_hours = 24;
$start_at = 0;
for ($i = $start_at; $i < $num_of_hours; $i ++) {
$i = $i."";
if (strlen($i) == 1) {
$i = "0".$i;
$hours_arr[$i] = $i;
for ($j=0; $j<60; $j++) {
$mins_arr[$j] = str_pad($j, 2, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT);
// make two more array with "nulls"
$hours_arr_unreq = $hours_arr;
$mins_arr_unreq = $mins_arr;
$hours_arr_unreq[''] = '--';
$mins_arr_unreq[''] = '--';
// explode crontab notation
if (!empty($focus->job_interval)) {
$exInterval = explode("::", $focus->job_interval);
} else {
$exInterval = array('*','*','*','*','*');
$xtpl = new XTemplate('modules/Schedulers/EditView.html');
// Days of the week
$xtpl->assign('USE_ADV_BOOL', 'false');
$xtDays = array(1 => 'MON',
2 => 'TUE',
3 => 'WED',
4 => 'THU',
5 => 'FRI',
6 => 'SAT',
0 => 'SUN');
if ($exInterval[4] == '*') {
$xtpl->assign('ALL', "CHECKED");
$xtpl->assign('MON', "CHECKED");
$xtpl->assign('TUE', "CHECKED");
$xtpl->assign('WED', "CHECKED");
$xtpl->assign('THU', "CHECKED");
$xtpl->assign('FRI', "CHECKED");
$xtpl->assign('SAT', "CHECKED");
$xtpl->assign('SUN', "CHECKED");
} elseif (strpos($exInterval[4], ',')) {
$daysRun = array();
$exDays = explode(',', trim($exInterval[4]));
foreach ($exDays as $k => $days) {
if (strpos($days, '-')) {
$exDaysRange = explode('-', $days);
for ($i=$exDaysRange[0]; $i<=$exDaysRange[1]; $i++) {
$xtpl->assign($xtDays[$days], "CHECKED");
} else {
$xtpl->assign($xtDays[$days], "CHECKED");
} elseif (strpos($exInterval[4], '-')) {
$exDaysRange = explode('-', $exInterval[4]);
for ($i=$exDaysRange[0]; $i<=$exDaysRange[1]; $i++) {
$xtpl->assign($xtDays[$i], "CHECKED");
} else {
$xtpl->assign($xtDays[$exInterval[4]], "CHECKED");
// Hours
for ($i=1; $i<=30; $i++) {
$ints[$i] = $i;
$use_adv = false;
if ($exInterval[0] == '*' && $exInterval[1] == '*') {
$xtpl->assign('BASIC_INTERVAL', get_select_options_with_id($ints, '1'));
$xtpl->assign('BASIC_PERIOD', get_select_options_with_id($app_list_strings['scheduler_period_dom'], 'min'));
// hours
} elseif (strpos($exInterval[1], '*/') !== false && $exInterval[0] == '0') {
// we have a "BASIC" type of hour setting
$exHours = explode('/', $exInterval[1]);
$xtpl->assign('BASIC_INTERVAL', get_select_options_with_id($ints, $exHours[1]));
$xtpl->assign('BASIC_PERIOD', get_select_options_with_id($app_list_strings['scheduler_period_dom'], 'hour'));
// Minutes
} elseif (strpos($exInterval[0], '*/') !== false && $exInterval[1] == '*') {
// we have a "BASIC" type of min setting
$exMins = explode('/', $exInterval[0]);
$xtpl->assign('BASIC_INTERVAL', get_select_options_with_id($ints, $exMins[1]));
$xtpl->assign('BASIC_PERIOD', get_select_options_with_id($app_list_strings['scheduler_period_dom'], 'min'));
// we've got an advanced time setting
} else {
$xtpl->assign('BASIC_PERIOD', get_select_options_with_id($app_list_strings['scheduler_period_dom'], 'hour'));
$xtpl->assign('BASIC_INTERVAL', get_select_options_with_id($ints, 10));
$xtpl->assign('ONLY_ADV', 'DISABLED');
$xtpl->assign('USE_ADV_BOOL', 'true');
$use_adv = true;
// calendar assignments
$xtpl->assign('DATE_START', $date_start);
$xtpl->assign('TIME_START', $time_start);
$xtpl->assign('DATE_END', $date_end);
$xtpl->assign('TIME_END', $time_end);
$xtpl->assign('TIME_START_HOUR_OPTIONS', get_select_options_with_id($hours_arr, $time_start_hour));
$xtpl->assign('TIME_START_MINUTE_OPTIONS', get_select_options_with_id($mins_arr, $time_start_minutes));
$xtpl->assign('TIME_END_HOUR_OPTIONS', get_select_options_with_id($hours_arr_unreq, $time_end_hour));
$xtpl->assign('TIME_END_MINUTE_OPTIONS', get_select_options_with_id($mins_arr_unreq, $time_end_minutes));
$xtpl->assign('TIME_TO_HOUR_OPTIONS', get_select_options_with_id($hours_arr_unreq, $time_to_hour));
$xtpl->assign('TIME_TO_MIN_OPTIONS', get_select_options_with_id($mins_arr_unreq, $time_to_min));
$xtpl->assign('TIME_FROM_HOUR_OPTIONS', get_select_options_with_id($hours_arr_unreq, $time_from_hour));
$xtpl->assign('TIME_FROM_MIN_OPTIONS', get_select_options_with_id($mins_arr_unreq, $time_from_min));
$xtpl->assign('TIME_MERIDIEM_START', $time_meridiem_start);
$xtpl->assign('TIME_MERIDIEM_END', $time_meridiem_end);
$xtpl->assign('TIME_MERIDIEM_FROM', $time_meridiem_from);
$xtpl->assign('TIME_MERIDIEM_TO', $time_meridiem_to);
if (preg_match('/\d([^\d])\d/', $time_format, $match)) {
$xtpl->assign('TIME_SEPARATOR', $match[1]);
} else {
$xtpl->assign('TIME_SEPARATOR', ':');
$xtpl->assign('TIME_FORMAT', '('.$time_format.')');
$xtpl->assign('USER_DATEFORMAT', '('.$timedate->get_user_date_format().')');
$xtpl->assign('CALENDAR_DATEFORMAT', $timedate->get_cal_date_format());
// standard assigns
$xtpl->assign('MOD', $mod_strings);
$xtpl->assign('APP', $app_strings);
$xtpl->assign('THEME', (string)SugarThemeRegistry::current());
$xtpl->assign('GRIDLINE', $gridline);
if ($use_adv) {
$javascript->script .= 'toggleAdv();';
$xtpl->assign('JAVASCRIPT', get_set_focus_js().$javascript->getScript());
} else {
$xtpl->assign('JAVASCRIPT', get_set_focus_js().$javascript->getScript());
$xtpl->assign('RETURN_MODULE', 'Schedulers');
$xtpl->assign('RETURN_ID', $focus->id);
$xtpl->assign('RETURN_ACTION', 'DetailView');
// module specific
$xtpl->assign('ID', $focus->id);
$xtpl->assign('NAME', $focus->name);
if ($focus->catch_up == 1) {
$xtpl->assign('CATCH_UP_CHECKED', 'CHECKED');
// job
if (strstr($focus->job, 'url::')) {
$job_url = str_replace('url::', '', $focus->job);
} else {
$job_url = 'http://';
$xtpl->assign('JOB_FUNCTION', $job_function);
$xtpl->assign('JOB_URL', $job_url);
$xtpl->assign('JOB_INTERVAL', $focus->job_interval);
$xtpl->assign('TIME_FROM', $focus->time_from);
$xtpl->assign('TIME_TO', $focus->time_to);
$xtpl->assign('STATUS_OPTIONS', get_select_options_with_id($app_list_strings['scheduler_status_dom'], $focus->status));
$xtpl->assign('MINS', $exInterval[0]);
$xtpl->assign('HOURS', $exInterval[1]);
$xtpl->assign('DAY_OF_MONTH', $exInterval[2]);
$xtpl->assign('MONTHS', $exInterval[3]);
$xtpl->assign('DAY_OF_WEEK', $exInterval[4]);
$xtpl->assign('ROLLOVER', $email->rolloverStyle);
$xtpl->assign('SERVER_TIMEZONE', date("T"));
$xtpl->assign('SERVER_OFFSET', date("O"));