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use SuiteCRM\Test\SuitePHPUnitFrameworkTestCase;
class BugTest extends SuitePHPUnitFrameworkTestCase
protected function setUp(): void
global $current_user;
$current_user = BeanFactory::newBean('Users');
public function testBug(): void
// Execute the constructor and check for the Object type and attributes
$bug = BeanFactory::newBean('Bugs');
self::assertInstanceOf('Bug', $bug);
self::assertInstanceOf('SugarBean', $bug);
self::assertEquals('Bugs', $bug->module_dir);
self::assertEquals('Bug', $bug->object_name);
self::assertEquals('bugs', $bug->table_name);
self::assertEquals('accounts_bugs', $bug->rel_account_table);
self::assertEquals('contacts_bugs', $bug->rel_contact_table);
self::assertEquals('cases_bugs', $bug->rel_case_table);
self::assertEquals(true, $bug->new_schema);
public function testget_summary_text(): void
$bug = BeanFactory::newBean('Bugs');
//test without setting name
self::assertEquals(null, $bug->get_summary_text());
//test with name set//test with name set
$bug->name = 'test';
self::assertEquals('test', $bug->get_summary_text());
public function testcreate_list_query(): void
self::markTestIncomplete('#Warning: Strings contain different line endings!');
$bug = BeanFactory::newBean('Bugs');
//test with empty string params
$expected = "SELECT \n bugs.*\n\n ,users.user_name as assigned_user_name, releases.id release_id, releases.name release_name FROM bugs LEFT JOIN releases ON bugs.found_in_release=releases.id\n LEFT JOIN users\n ON bugs.assigned_user_id=users.id where bugs.deleted=0 ORDER BY bugs.name";
$actual = $bug->create_list_query('', '');
self::assertSame($expected, $actual);
//test with valid string params
$expected = "SELECT \n bugs.*\n\n ,users.user_name as assigned_user_name, releases.id release_id, releases.name release_name FROM bugs LEFT JOIN releases ON bugs.found_in_release=releases.id\n LEFT JOIN users\n ON bugs.assigned_user_id=users.id where bugs.name=\"\" AND bugs.deleted=0 ORDER BY releases.id";
$actual = $bug->create_list_query('releases.id', 'bugs.name=""');
self::assertSame($expected, $actual);
public function testcreate_export_query(): void
self::markTestIncomplete('#Warning: Strings contain different line endings!');
$bug = BeanFactory::newBean('Bugs');
//test with empty string params
$expected = "SELECT\n bugs.*,\n r1.name found_in_release_name,\n r2.name fixed_in_release_name,\n users.user_name assigned_user_name FROM bugs LEFT JOIN releases r1 ON bugs.found_in_release = r1.id\n LEFT JOIN releases r2 ON bugs.fixed_in_release = r2.id\n LEFT JOIN users\n ON bugs.assigned_user_id=users.id where bugs.deleted=0\n ORDER BY bugs.bug_number";
$actual = $bug->create_export_query('', '');
self::assertSame($expected, $actual);
//test with valid string params
$expected = "SELECT\n bugs.*,\n r1.name found_in_release_name,\n r2.name fixed_in_release_name,\n users.user_name assigned_user_name FROM bugs LEFT JOIN releases r1 ON bugs.found_in_release = r1.id\n LEFT JOIN releases r2 ON bugs.fixed_in_release = r2.id\n LEFT JOIN users\n ON bugs.assigned_user_id=users.id where bugs.name=\"\" AND bugs.deleted=0\n ORDER BY releases.id";
$actual = $bug->create_export_query('releases.id', 'bugs.name=""');
self::assertSame($expected, $actual);
public function testfill_in_additional_list_fields(): void
$bug = BeanFactory::newBean('Bugs');
// Execute the method and test that it works and doesn't throw an exception.
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
self::fail($e->getMessage() . "\nTrace:\n" . $e->getTraceAsString());
public function testfill_in_additional_detail_fields(): void
$bug = BeanFactory::newBean('Bugs');
$bug->assigned_user_id = 1;
$bug->created_by = 1;
$bug->modified_user_id = 1;
//test with attributes preset and verify attributes are set accordingly
self::assertEquals('Administrator', $bug->assigned_user_name);
self::assertEquals('Administrator', $bug->created_by_name);
self::assertEquals('Administrator', $bug->modified_by_name);
public function testset_release(): void
$bug = BeanFactory::newBean('Bugs');
$bug->found_in_release = '1';
self::assertEquals('', $bug->release_name);
public function testset_fixed_in_release(): void
$bug = BeanFactory::newBean('Bugs');
$bug->found_in_release = '1';
self::assertEquals('', $bug->fixed_in_release_name);
public function testget_list_view_data(): void
$bug = BeanFactory::newBean('Bugs');
//execute the method and verify that it retunrs expected results
$expected = array(
'DELETED' => 0,
'NAME' => '<em>blank</em>',
'PRIORITY' => '',
'STATUS' => '',
'TYPE' => '',
'RELEASE' => null,
'BUG_NUMBER' => null,
'ENCODED_NAME' => null,
$actual = $bug->get_list_view_data();
self::assertSame($expected, $actual);
public function testbuild_generic_where_clause(): void
$bug = BeanFactory::newBean('Bugs');
//execute with blank parameters
$expected = "bugs.name like '%'";
$actual = $bug->build_generic_where_clause('');
self::assertSame($expected, $actual);
//execute with numeric parameter
$expected = "bugs.name like '1%' or bugs.bug_number like '1%'";
$actual = $bug->build_generic_where_clause(1);
self::assertSame($expected, $actual);
public function testset_notification_body(): void
$bug = BeanFactory::newBean('Bugs');
$bug->name = 'test';
$bug->type = 'Defect';
$bug->priority = 'Urgent';
$bug->status = 'New';
$bug->resolution = 'Accepted';
$bug->bug_number = '1';
//test with attributes preset and verify template variables are set accordingly
$result = $bug->set_notification_body(new Sugar_Smarty(), $bug);
self::assertEquals($bug->name, $result->_tpl_vars['BUG_SUBJECT']);
self::assertEquals($bug->type, $result->_tpl_vars['BUG_TYPE']);
self::assertEquals($bug->priority, $result->_tpl_vars['BUG_PRIORITY']);
self::assertEquals($bug->status, $result->_tpl_vars['BUG_STATUS']);
self::assertEquals($bug->resolution, $result->_tpl_vars['BUG_RESOLUTION']);
self::assertEquals($bug->bug_number, $result->_tpl_vars['BUG_BUG_NUMBER']);
public function testbean_implements(): void
$bug = BeanFactory::newBean('Bugs');
self::assertEquals(false, $bug->bean_implements('')); //test with blank value
self::assertEquals(false, $bug->bean_implements('test')); //test with invalid value
self::assertEquals(true, $bug->bean_implements('ACL')); //test with valid value
public function testsave(): void
$bug = BeanFactory::newBean('Bugs');
$bug->name = 'test';
$bug->bug_number = '1';
$bug->type = 'Defect';
$bug->priority = 'Urgent';
$bug->status = 'New';
$bug->resolution = 'Accepted';
//test for record ID to verify that record is saved
self::assertEquals(36, strlen($bug->id));
//mark the record as deleted and verify that this record cannot be retrieved anymore.
$result = $bug->retrieve($bug->id);
self::assertEquals(null, $result);
public function testgetReleaseDropDown(): void
$result = getReleaseDropDown();
//execute the method and verify it returns an array