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// version: 2015-11-02
* o--------------------------------------------------------------------------------o
* | This file is part of the RGraph package - you can learn more at: |
* | |
* | http://www.rgraph.net |
* | |
* | RGraph is dual licensed under the Open Source GPL (General Public License) |
* | v2.0 license and a commercial license which means that you're not bound by |
* | the terms of the GPL. The commercial license is just <20>99 (GBP) and you can |
* | read about it here: |
* | http://www.rgraph.net/license |
* o--------------------------------------------------------------------------------o
RGraph = window.RGraph || {isRGraph: true};
// Module pattern
(function (win, doc, undefined)
var RG = RGraph,
ua = navigator.userAgent,
ma = Math;
* Initialise the various objects
RG.Highlight = {};
RG.Registry = {};
RG.Registry.store = [];
RG.Registry.store['chart.event.handlers'] = [];
RG.Registry.store['__rgraph_event_listeners__'] = []; // Used in the new system for tooltips
RG.Background = {};
RG.background = {};
RG.objects = [];
RG.Resizing = {};
RG.events = [];
RG.cursor = [];
RG.Effects = RG.Effects || {};
RG.cache = [];
RG.ObjectRegistry = {};
RG.ObjectRegistry.objects = {};
RG.ObjectRegistry.objects.byUID = [];
RG.ObjectRegistry.objects.byCanvasID = [];
* Some "constants". The ua variable is navigator.userAgent (definedabove)
RG.PI = ma.PI;
RG.ISFF = ua.indexOf('Firefox') != -1;
RG.ISOPERA = ua.indexOf('Opera') != -1;
RG.ISCHROME = ua.indexOf('Chrome') != -1;
RG.ISSAFARI = ua.indexOf('Safari') != -1 && !RG.ISCHROME;
RG.ISWEBKIT = ua.indexOf('WebKit') != -1;
RG.ISIE = ua.indexOf('Trident') > 0 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') > 0;
RG.ISIE6 = ua.indexOf('MSIE 6') > 0;
RG.ISIE7 = ua.indexOf('MSIE 7') > 0;
RG.ISIE8 = ua.indexOf('MSIE 8') > 0;
RG.ISIE9 = ua.indexOf('MSIE 9') > 0;
RG.ISIE10 = ua.indexOf('MSIE 10') > 0;
RG.ISOLD = RGraph.ISIE6 || RGraph.ISIE7 || RGraph.ISIE8; // MUST be here
RG.ISIE11UP = ua.indexOf('MSIE') == -1 && ua.indexOf('Trident') > 0;
* Returns five values which are used as a nice scale
* @param max int The maximum value of the graph
* @param obj object The graph object
* @return array An appropriate scale
RG.getScale = function (max, obj)
* Special case for 0
if (max == 0) {
return ['0.2', '0.4', '0.6', '0.8', '1.0'];
var original_max = max;
* Manually do decimals
if (max <= 1) {
if (max > 0.5) {
return [0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8, Number(1).toFixed(1)];
} else if (max >= 0.1) {
return obj.Get('chart.scale.round') ? [0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1] : [0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5];
} else {
var tmp = max;
var exp = 0;
while (tmp < 1.01) {
exp += 1;
tmp *= 10;
var ret = ['2e-' + exp, '4e-' + exp, '6e-' + exp, '8e-' + exp, '10e-' + exp];
if (max <= ('5e-' + exp)) {
ret = ['1e-' + exp, '2e-' + exp, '3e-' + exp, '4e-' + exp, '5e-' + exp];
return ret;
// Take off any decimals
if (String(max).indexOf('.') > 0) {
max = String(max).replace(/\.\d+$/, '');
var interval = ma.pow(10, Number(String(Number(max)).length - 1));
var topValue = interval;
while (topValue < max) {
topValue += (interval / 2);
// Handles cases where the max is (for example) 50.5
if (Number(original_max) > Number(topValue)) {
topValue += (interval / 2);
// Custom if the max is greater than 5 and less than 10
if (max < 10) {
topValue = (Number(original_max) <= 5 ? 5 : 10);
* Added 02/11/2010 to create "nicer" scales
if (obj && typeof(obj.Get('chart.scale.round')) == 'boolean' && obj.Get('chart.scale.round')) {
topValue = 10 * interval;
return [topValue * 0.2, topValue * 0.4, topValue * 0.6, topValue * 0.8, topValue];
* Returns an appropriate scale. The return value is actualy an object consisting of:
* scale.max
* scale.min
* scale.scale
* @param obj object The graph object
* @param prop object An object consisting of configuration properties
* @return object An object containg scale information
RG.getScale2 = function (obj, opt)
var ca = obj.canvas,
co = obj.context,
prop = obj.properties,
numlabels = typeof opt['ylabels.count'] == 'number' ? opt['ylabels.count'] : 5,
units_pre = typeof opt['units.pre'] == 'string' ? opt['units.pre'] : '',
units_post = typeof opt['units.post'] == 'string' ? opt['units.post'] : '',
max = Number(opt['max']),
min = typeof opt['min'] == 'number' ? opt['min'] : 0,
strict = opt['strict'],
decimals = Number(opt['scale.decimals']), // Sometimes the default is null
point = opt['scale.point'], // Default is a string in all chart libraries so no need to cast it
thousand = opt['scale.thousand'], // Default is a string in all chart libraries so no need to cast it
original_max = max,
round = opt['scale.round'],
scale = {'max':1,'labels':[]}
* Special case for 0
* ** Must be first **
if (!max) {
var max = 1;
var scale = {max:1,min:0,labels:[]};
for (var i=0; i<numlabels; ++i) {
var label = ((((max - min) / numlabels) + min) * (i + 1)).toFixed(decimals);
scale.labels.push(units_pre + label + units_post);
* Manually do decimals
} else if (max <= 1 && !strict) {
if (max > 0.5) {
max = 1;
min = min;
scale.min = min;
for (var i=0; i<numlabels; ++i) {
var label = ((((max - min) / numlabels) * (i + 1)) + min).toFixed(decimals);
scale.labels.push(units_pre + label + units_post);
} else if (max >= 0.1) {
max = 0.5;
min = min;
scale = {'max': 0.5, 'min':min,'labels':[]}
for (var i=0; i<numlabels; ++i) {
var label = ((((max - min) / numlabels) + min) * (i + 1)).toFixed(decimals);
scale.labels.push(units_pre + label + units_post);
} else {
scale = {'min':min,'labels':[]}
var max_str = String(max);
if (max_str.indexOf('e') > 0) {
var numdecimals = ma.abs(max_str.substring(max_str.indexOf('e') + 1));
} else {
var numdecimals = String(max).length - 2;
var max = 1 / ma.pow(10,numdecimals - 1);
for (var i=0; i<numlabels; ++i) {
var label = ((((max - min) / numlabels) + min) * (i + 1));
label = label.toExponential();
label = label.split(/e/);
label[0] = ma.round(label[0]);
label = label.join('e');
//This makes the top scale value of the format 10e-2 instead of 1e-1
tmp = scale.labels[scale.labels.length - 1].split(/e/);
tmp[0] += 0;
tmp[1] = Number(tmp[1]) - 1;
tmp = tmp[0] + 'e' + tmp[1];
scale.labels[scale.labels.length - 1] = tmp;
// Add the units
for (var i=0; i<scale.labels.length ; ++i) {
scale.labels[i] = units_pre + scale.labels[i] + units_post;
scale.max = Number(max);
} else if (!strict) {
* Now comes the scale handling for integer values
// This accomodates decimals by rounding the max up to the next integer
max = ma.ceil(max);
var interval = ma.pow(10, ma.max(1, Number(String(Number(max) - Number(min)).length - 1)) );
var topValue = interval;
while (topValue < max) {
topValue += (interval / 2);
// Handles cases where the max is (for example) 50.5
if (Number(original_max) > Number(topValue)) {
topValue += (interval / 2);
// Custom if the max is greater than 5 and less than 10
if (max <= 10) {
topValue = (Number(original_max) <= 5 ? 5 : 10);
// Added 02/11/2010 to create "nicer" scales
if (obj && typeof(round) == 'boolean' && round) {
topValue = 10 * interval;
scale.max = topValue;
// Now generate the scale. Temporarily set the objects chart.scale.decimal and chart.scale.point to those
//that we've been given as the number_format functuion looks at those instead of using argumrnts.
var tmp_point = prop['chart.scale.point'];
var tmp_thousand = prop['chart.scale.thousand'];
obj.Set('chart.scale.thousand', thousand);
obj.Set('chart.scale.point', point);
for (var i=0; i<numlabels; ++i) {
scale.labels.push( RG.number_format(obj, ((((i+1) / numlabels) * (topValue - min)) + min).toFixed(decimals), units_pre, units_post) );
obj.Set('chart.scale.thousand', tmp_thousand);
obj.Set('chart.scale.point', tmp_point);
} else if (typeof(max) == 'number' && strict) {
* ymax is set and also strict
for (var i=0; i<numlabels; ++i) {
scale.labels.push( RG.number_format(obj, ((((i+1) / numlabels) * (max - min)) + min).toFixed(decimals), units_pre, units_post) );
// ???
scale.max = max;
scale.units_pre = units_pre;
scale.units_post = units_post;
scale.point = point;
scale.decimals = decimals;
scale.thousand = thousand;
scale.numlabels = numlabels;
scale.round = Boolean(round);
scale.min = min;
return scale;
* Makes a clone of an object
* @param obj val The object to clone
RG.arrayClone =
RG.array_clone = function (obj)
if(obj === null || typeof obj !== 'object') {
return obj;
var temp = [];
for (var i=0,len=obj.length;i<len; ++i) {
if (typeof obj[i] === 'number') {
temp[i] = (function (arg) {return Number(arg);})(obj[i]);
} else if (typeof obj[i] === 'string') {
temp[i] = (function (arg) {return String(arg);})(obj[i]);
} else if (typeof obj[i] === 'function') {
temp[i] = obj[i];
} else {
temp[i] = RG.array_clone(obj[i]);
return temp;
* Returns the maximum numeric value which is in an array
* @param array arr The array (can also be a number, in which case it's returned as-is)
* @param int Whether to ignore signs (ie negative/positive)
* @return int The maximum value in the array
RG.arrayMax =
RG.array_max = function (arr)
var max = null,
ma = Math
if (typeof arr === 'number') {
return arr;
if (RG.isNull(arr)) {
return 0;
for (var i=0,len=arr.length; i<len; ++i) {
if (typeof arr[i] === 'number') {
var val = arguments[1] ? ma.abs(arr[i]) : arr[i];
if (typeof max === 'number') {
max = ma.max(max, val);
} else {
max = val;
return max;
* Returns the minimum numeric value which is in an array
* @param array arr The array (can also be a number, in which case it's returned as-is)
* @param int Whether to ignore signs (ie negative/positive)
* @return int The minimum value in the array
RG.arrayMin = function (arr)
var max = null,
ma = Math;
if (typeof arr === 'number') {
return arr;
if (RG.isNull(arr)) {
return 0;
for (var i=0,len=arr.length; i<len; ++i) {
if (typeof arr[i] === 'number') {
var val = arguments[1] ? ma.abs(arr[i]) : arr[i];
if (typeof min === 'number') {
min = ma.min(min, val);
} else {
min = val;
return min;
* Returns the maximum value which is in an array
* @param array arr The array
* @param int len The length to pad the array to
* @param mixed The value to use to pad the array (optional)
RG.arrayPad =
RG.array_pad = function (arr, len)
if (arr.length < len) {
var val = arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : null;
for (var i=arr.length; i<len; i+=1) {
arr[i] = val;
return arr;
* An array sum function
* @param array arr The array to calculate the total of
* @return int The summed total of the arrays elements
RG.arraySum =
RG.array_sum = function (arr)
// Allow integers
if (typeof arr === 'number') {
return arr;
// Account for null
if (RG.is_null(arr)) {
return 0;
var i, sum, len = arr.length;
return sum;
* Takes any number of arguments and adds them to one big linear array
* which is then returned
* @param ... mixed The data to linearise. You can strings, booleans, numbers or arrays
RG.arrayLinearize =
RG.array_linearize = function ()
var arr = [],
args = arguments
for (var i=0,len=args.length; i<len; ++i) {
if (typeof args[i] === 'object' && args[i]) {
for (var j=0,len2=args[i].length; j<len2; ++j) {
var sub = RG.array_linearize(args[i][j]);
for (var k=0,len3=sub.length; k<len3; ++k) {
} else {
return arr;
* Takes one off the front of the given array and returns the new array.
* @param array arr The array from which to take one off the front of array
* @return array The new array
RG.arrayShift =
RG.array_shift = function(arr)
var ret = [];
for(var i=1,len=arr.length; i<len; ++i) {
return ret;
* Reverses the order of an array
* @param array arr The array to reverse
RG.arrayReverse =
RG.array_reverse = function (arr)
var newarr=[];
for(var i=arr.length - 1; i>=0; i-=1) {
return newarr;
* Clears the canvas by setting the width. You can specify a colour if you wish.
* @param object canvas The canvas to clear
* @param mixed Usually a color string to use to clear the canvas
* with - could also be a gradient object
RG.clear =
RG.Clear = function (ca)
var obj = ca.__object__,
co = ca.getContext('2d'),
color = arguments[1] || (obj && obj.get('clearto'))
if (!ca) {
RG.FireCustomEvent(obj, 'onbeforeclear');
if (RG.ISIE8 && !color) {
color = 'white';
* Can now clear the canvas back to fully transparent
if (!color || (color && color === 'rgba(0,0,0,0)' || color === 'transparent')) {
co.clearRect(0,0,ca.width, ca.height);
// Reset the globalCompositeOperation
co.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over';
} else {
co.fillStyle = color;
if (RG.ISIE8) {
} else {
co.fillRect(-10,-10,ca.width + 20,ca.height + 20);
//if (RG.ClearAnnotations) {
* This removes any background image that may be present
if (RG.Registry.Get('chart.background.image.' + ca.id)) {
var img = RG.Registry.Get('chart.background.image.' + ca.id);
img.style.position = 'absolute';
img.style.left = '-10000px';
img.style.top = '-10000px';
* This hides the tooltip that is showing IF it has the same canvas ID as
* that which is being cleared
if (RG.Registry.Get('chart.tooltip') && obj.get('chart.tooltips.nohideonclear') !== true) {
// Hide all DOM text by positioning it outside the canvas
//for (i in RG.cache) {
// if (typeof i === 'string' && i.indexOf('-text-') > 0) {
// RG.cache[i].style.left = '-100px';
// RG.cache[i].style.top = '-100px';
// }
* Set the cursor to default
ca.style.cursor = 'default';
RG.FireCustomEvent(obj, 'onclear');
* Draws the title of the graph
* @param object canvas The canvas object
* @param string text The title to write
* @param integer gutter The size of the gutter
* @param integer The center X point (optional - if not given it will be generated from the canvas width)
* @param integer Size of the text. If not given it will be 14
* @param object An optional object which has canvas and context properties to use instead of those on
* the obj argument (so as to enable caching)
RG.drawTitle =
RG.DrawTitle = function (obj, text, gutterTop)
var ca = canvas = obj.canvas,
co = context = obj.context,
prop = obj.properties,
gutterLeft = prop['chart.gutter.left'],
gutterRight = prop['chart.gutter.right'],
gutterTop = gutterTop,
gutterBottom = prop['chart.gutter.bottom'],
size = arguments[4] ? arguments[4] : 12,
bold = prop['chart.title.bold'],
centerx = (arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : ((ca.width - gutterLeft - gutterRight) / 2) + gutterLeft),
keypos = prop['chart.key.position'],
vpos = prop['chart.title.vpos'],
hpos = prop['chart.title.hpos'],
bgcolor = prop['chart.title.background'],
x = prop['chart.title.x'],
y = prop['chart.title.y'],
halign = 'center',
valign = 'center'
// Account for 3D effect by faking the key position
if (obj.type == 'bar' && prop['chart.variant'] == '3d') {
keypos = 'gutter';
co.fillStyle = prop['chart.text.color'] ? prop['chart.text.color'] : 'black';
* Vertically center the text if the key is not present
if (keypos && keypos != 'gutter') {
var valign = 'center';
} else if (!keypos) {
var valign = 'center';
} else {
var valign = 'bottom';
// if chart.title.vpos is a number, use that
if (typeof prop['chart.title.vpos'] === 'number') {
vpos = prop['chart.title.vpos'] * gutterTop;
if (prop['chart.xaxispos'] === 'top') {
vpos = prop['chart.title.vpos'] * gutterBottom + gutterTop + (ca.height - gutterTop - gutterBottom);
} else {
vpos = gutterTop - size - 5;
if (prop['chart.xaxispos'] === 'top') {
vpos = ca.height - gutterBottom + size + 5;
// if chart.title.hpos is a number, use that. It's multiplied with the (entire) canvas width
if (typeof hpos === 'number') {
centerx = hpos * ca.width;
* Now the chart.title.x and chart.title.y settings override (is set) the above
if (typeof x === 'number') centerx = x;
if (typeof y === 'number') vpos = y;
* Horizontal alignment can now (Jan 2013) be specified
if (typeof prop['chart.title.halign'] === 'string') {
halign = prop['chart.title.halign'];
* Vertical alignment can now (Jan 2013) be specified
if (typeof prop['chart.title.valign'] === 'string') {
valign = prop['chart.title.valign'];
// Set the colour
if (typeof prop['chart.title.color'] !== null) {
var oldColor = co.fillStyle
var newColor = prop['chart.title.color'];
co.fillStyle = newColor ? newColor : 'black';
* Default font is Arial
var font = prop['chart.text.font'];
* Override the default font with chart.title.font
if (typeof prop['chart.title.font'] === 'string') {
font = prop['chart.title.font'];
* Draw the title
RG.Text2(co, {
'bounding':bgcolor != null,
// Reset the fill colour
co.fillStyle = oldColor;
* Gets the mouse X/Y coordinates relative to the canvas
* @param object e The event object. As such this method should be used in an event listener.
RG.getMouseXY = function(e)
var el = e.target;
var ca = el;
var caStyle = ca.style;
var offsetX = 0;
var offsetY = 0;
var x;
var y;
var ISFIXED = (ca.style.position == 'fixed');
var borderLeft = parseInt(caStyle.borderLeftWidth) || 0;
var borderTop = parseInt(caStyle.borderTopWidth) || 0;
var paddingLeft = parseInt(caStyle.paddingLeft) || 0
var paddingTop = parseInt(caStyle.paddingTop) || 0
var additionalX = borderLeft + paddingLeft;
var additionalY = borderTop + paddingTop;
if (typeof e.offsetX === 'number' && typeof e.offsetY === 'number') {
if (ISFIXED) {
x = e.offsetX;
y = e.offsetY;
} else if (RG.ISWEBKIT) {
x = e.offsetX - paddingLeft - borderLeft;
y = e.offsetY - paddingTop - borderTop;
} else if (RG.ISIE) {
x = e.offsetX - paddingLeft;
y = e.offsetY - paddingTop;
} else {
x = e.offsetX;
y = e.offsetY;
} else {
if (!RG.ISIE && !RG.ISOPERA) {
x = e.offsetX - borderLeft - paddingLeft;
y = e.offsetY - borderTop - paddingTop;
} else if (RG.ISIE) {
x = e. offsetX - paddingLeft;
y = e.offsetY - paddingTop;
} else {
x = e.offsetX;
y = e.offsetY;
} else {
if (typeof el.offsetParent !== 'undefined') {
do {
offsetX += el.offsetLeft;
offsetY += el.offsetTop;
} while ((el = el.offsetParent));
x = e.pageX - offsetX - additionalX;
y = e.pageY - offsetY - additionalY;
x -= (2 * (parseInt(document.body.style.borderLeftWidth) || 0));
y -= (2 * (parseInt(document.body.style.borderTopWidth) || 0));
//x += (parseInt(caStyle.borderLeftWidth) || 0);
//y += (parseInt(caStyle.borderTopWidth) || 0);
// We return a javascript array with x and y defined
return [x, y];
* This function returns a two element array of the canvas x/y position in
* relation to the page
* @param object canvas
RG.getCanvasXY = function (canvas)
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
var el = canvas; // !!!
do {
x += el.offsetLeft;
y += el.offsetTop;
if (el.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'table' && (RG.ISCHROME || RG.ISSAFARI)) {
x += parseInt(el.border) || 0;
y += parseInt(el.border) || 0;
el = el.offsetParent;
} while (el && el.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'body');
var paddingLeft = canvas.style.paddingLeft ? parseInt(canvas.style.paddingLeft) : 0;
var paddingTop = canvas.style.paddingTop ? parseInt(canvas.style.paddingTop) : 0;
var borderLeft = canvas.style.borderLeftWidth ? parseInt(canvas.style.borderLeftWidth) : 0;
var borderTop = canvas.style.borderTopWidth ? parseInt(canvas.style.borderTopWidth) : 0;
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') > 0) {
x += parseInt(document.body.style.borderLeftWidth) || 0;
y += parseInt(document.body.style.borderTopWidth) || 0;
return [x + paddingLeft + borderLeft, y + paddingTop + borderTop];
* This function determines whther a canvas is fixed (CSS positioning) or not. If not it returns
* false. If it is then the element that is fixed is returned (it may be a parent of the canvas).
* @return Either false or the fixed positioned element
RG.isFixed = function (canvas)
var obj = canvas;
var i = 0;
while (obj && obj.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'body' && i < 99) {
if (obj.style.position == 'fixed') {
return obj;
obj = obj.offsetParent;
return false;
* Registers a graph object (used when the canvas is redrawn)
* @param object obj The object to be registered
RG.register =
RG.Register = function (obj)
// Checking this property ensures the object is only registered once
if (!obj.Get('chart.noregister')) {
// As of 21st/1/2012 the object registry is now used
obj.Set('chart.noregister', true);
* Causes all registered objects to be redrawn
* @param string An optional color to use to clear the canvas
RG.redraw =
RG.Redraw = function ()
var objectRegistry = RGraph.ObjectRegistry.objects.byCanvasID;
// Get all of the canvas tags on the page
var tags = document.getElementsByTagName('canvas');
for (var i=0,len=tags.length; i<len; ++i) {
if (tags[i].__object__ && tags[i].__object__.isRGraph) {
// Only clear the canvas if it's not Trace'ing - this applies to the Line/Scatter Trace effects
if (!tags[i].noclear) {
RGraph.clear(tags[i], arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : null);
// Go through the object registry and redraw *all* of the canvas'es that have been registered
for (var i=0,len=objectRegistry.length; i<len; ++i) {
if (objectRegistry[i]) {
var id = objectRegistry[i][0];
* Causes all registered objects ON THE GIVEN CANVAS to be redrawn
* @param canvas object The canvas object to redraw
* @param bool Optional boolean which defaults to true and determines whether to clear the canvas
RG.redrawCanvas =
RG.RedrawCanvas = function (ca)
var objects = RG.ObjectRegistry.getObjectsByCanvasID(ca.id);
* First clear the canvas
if (!arguments[1] || (typeof arguments[1] === 'boolean' && !arguments[1] == false) ) {
var color = arguments[2] || ca.__object__.get('clearto') || 'transparent';
RG.clear(ca, color);
* Now redraw all the charts associated with that canvas
for (var i=0,len=objects.length; i<len; ++i) {
if (objects[i]) {
if (objects[i] && objects[i].isRGraph) { // Is it an RGraph object ??
* This function draws the background for the bar chart, line chart and scatter chart.
* @param object obj The graph object
RG.Background.draw =
RG.background.draw =
RG.background.Draw = function (obj)
var func = function (obj, canvas, context)
var ca = canvas,
co = context,
prop = obj.properties,
height = 0,
gutterLeft = obj.gutterLeft,
gutterRight = obj.gutterRight,
gutterTop = obj.gutterTop,
gutterBottom = obj.gutterBottom,
variant = prop['chart.variant']
co.fillStyle = prop['chart.text.color'];
// If it's a bar and 3D variant, translate
if (variant == '3d') {
co.translate(prop['chart.variant.threed.offsetx'], -1 * prop['chart.variant.threed.offsety']);
// X axis title
if (typeof prop['chart.title.xaxis'] === 'string' && prop['chart.title.xaxis'].length) {
var size = prop['chart.text.size'] + 2;
var font = prop['chart.text.font'];
var bold = prop['chart.title.xaxis.bold'];
if (typeof(prop['chart.title.xaxis.size']) == 'number') {
size = prop['chart.title.xaxis.size'];
if (typeof(prop['chart.title.xaxis.font']) == 'string') {
font = prop['chart.title.xaxis.font'];
var hpos = ((ca.width - gutterLeft - gutterRight) / 2) + gutterLeft;
var vpos = ca.height - gutterBottom + 25;
if (typeof prop['chart.title.xaxis.pos'] === 'number') {
vpos = ca.height - (gutterBottom * prop['chart.title.xaxis.pos']);
// Specifically specified X/Y positions
if (typeof prop['chart.title.xaxis.x'] === 'number') {
hpos = prop['chart.title.xaxis.x'];
if (typeof prop['chart.title.xaxis.y'] === 'number') {
vpos = prop['chart.title.xaxis.y'];
RG.Text2(co, {
'tag': 'title xaxis'
// Y axis title
if (typeof(prop['chart.title.yaxis']) == 'string' && prop['chart.title.yaxis'].length) {
var size = prop['chart.text.size'] + 2;
var font = prop['chart.text.font'];
var angle = 270;
var bold = prop['chart.title.yaxis.bold'];
var color = prop['chart.title.yaxis.color'];
if (typeof(prop['chart.title.yaxis.pos']) == 'number') {
var yaxis_title_pos = prop['chart.title.yaxis.pos'] * gutterLeft;
} else {
var yaxis_title_pos = ((gutterLeft - 25) / gutterLeft) * gutterLeft;
if (typeof prop['chart.title.yaxis.size'] === 'number') {
size = prop['chart.title.yaxis.size'];
if (typeof prop['chart.title.yaxis.font'] === 'string') {
font = prop['chart.title.yaxis.font'];
if ( prop['chart.title.yaxis.align'] == 'right'
|| prop['chart.title.yaxis.position'] == 'right'
|| (obj.type === 'hbar' && prop['chart.yaxispos'] === 'right' && typeof prop['chart.title.yaxis.align'] === 'undefined' && typeof prop['chart.title.yaxis.position'] === 'undefined')
) {
angle = 90;
yaxis_title_pos = prop['chart.title.yaxis.pos'] ? (ca.width - gutterRight) + (prop['chart.title.yaxis.pos'] * gutterRight) :
ca.width - gutterRight + prop['chart.text.size'] + 5;
} else {
yaxis_title_pos = yaxis_title_pos;
var y = ((ca.height - gutterTop - gutterBottom) / 2) + gutterTop;
// Specifically specified X/Y positions
if (typeof prop['chart.title.yaxis.x'] === 'number') {
yaxis_title_pos = prop['chart.title.yaxis.x'];
if (typeof prop['chart.title.yaxis.y'] === 'number') {
y = prop['chart.title.yaxis.y'];
co.fillStyle = color;
RG.text2(co, {
'tag':'title yaxis'
* If the background color is spec ified - draw that. It's a rectangle that fills the
* entire area within the gutters
var bgcolor = prop['chart.background.color'];
if (bgcolor) {
co.fillStyle = bgcolor;
co.fillRect(gutterLeft + 0.5, gutterTop + 0.5, ca.width - gutterLeft - gutterRight, ca.height - gutterTop - gutterBottom);
* Draw horizontal background bars
var numbars = (prop['chart.ylabels.count'] || 5);
var barHeight = (ca.height - gutterBottom - gutterTop) / numbars;
co.fillStyle = prop['chart.background.barcolor1'];
co.strokeStyle = co.fillStyle;
height = (ca.height - gutterBottom);
for (var i=0; i<numbars; i+=2) {
(i * barHeight) + gutterTop,
ca.width - gutterLeft - gutterRight,
co.fillStyle = prop['chart.background.barcolor2'];
co.strokeStyle = co.fillStyle;
for (var i=1; i<numbars; i+=2) {
(i * barHeight) + gutterTop,
ca.width - gutterLeft - gutterRight,
// Draw the background grid
if (prop['chart.background.grid']) {
// If autofit is specified, use the .numhlines and .numvlines along with the width to work
// out the hsize and vsize
if (prop['chart.background.grid.autofit']) {
* Align the grid to the tickmarks
if (prop['chart.background.grid.autofit.align']) {
// Align the horizontal lines
if (obj.type === 'hbar') {
obj.set('chart.background.grid.autofit.numhlines', obj.data.length);
// Align the vertical lines for the line
if (obj.type === 'line') {
if (typeof prop['chart.background.grid.autofit.numvlines'] === 'number') {
// Nada
} else if (prop['chart.labels'] && prop['chart.labels'].length) {
obj.Set('chart.background.grid.autofit.numvlines', prop['chart.labels'].length - 1);
} else {
obj.Set('chart.background.grid.autofit.numvlines', obj.data[0].length - 1);
} else if (obj.type === 'waterfall') {
obj.data.length + (prop['chart.total'] ? 1 : 0)
// Align the vertical lines for the bar, Scatter
} else if ( (
obj.type === 'bar' ||
obj.type === 'scatter'
&& (
(prop['chart.labels'] && prop['chart.labels'].length)
|| obj.type === 'bar'
) {
var len = (prop['chart.labels'] && prop['chart.labels'].length) || obj.data.length;
backgroundGridAutofitNumvlines: len
// Gantt
} else if (obj.type === 'gantt') {
if (typeof obj.get('chart.background.grid.autofit.numvlines') === 'number') {
// Nothing to do here
} else {
obj.set('chart.background.grid.autofit.numvlines', prop['chart.xmax']);
obj.set('chart.background.grid.autofit.numhlines', obj.data.length);
// HBar
} else if (obj.type === 'hbar' && RG.isNull(prop['chart.background.grid.autofit.numhlines']) ) {
obj.set('chart.background.grid.autofit.numhlines', obj.data.length);
var vsize = ((ca.width - gutterLeft - gutterRight)) / prop['chart.background.grid.autofit.numvlines'];
var hsize = (ca.height - gutterTop - gutterBottom) / prop['chart.background.grid.autofit.numhlines'];
obj.Set('chart.background.grid.vsize', vsize);
obj.Set('chart.background.grid.hsize', hsize);
co.lineWidth = prop['chart.background.grid.width'] ? prop['chart.background.grid.width'] : 1;
co.strokeStyle = prop['chart.background.grid.color'];
// Dashed background grid
if (prop['chart.background.grid.dashed'] && typeof co.setLineDash == 'function') {
// Dotted background grid
if (prop['chart.background.grid.dotted'] && typeof co.setLineDash == 'function') {
// Draw the horizontal lines
if (prop['chart.background.grid.hlines']) {
height = (ca.height - gutterBottom)
var hsize = prop['chart.background.grid.hsize'];
for (y=gutterTop; y<=height; y+=hsize) {
context.moveTo(gutterLeft, ma.round(y));
context.lineTo(ca.width - gutterRight, ma.round(y));
if (prop['chart.background.grid.vlines']) {
// Draw the vertical lines
var width = (ca.width - gutterRight)
var vsize = prop['chart.background.grid.vsize'];
for (x=gutterLeft; x<=width; x+=vsize) {
co.moveTo(ma.round(x), gutterTop);
co.lineTo(ma.round(x), ca.height - gutterBottom);
if (prop['chart.background.grid.border']) {
// Make sure a rectangle, the same colour as the grid goes around the graph
co.strokeStyle = prop['chart.background.grid.color'];
co.strokeRect(ma.round(gutterLeft), ma.round(gutterTop), ca.width - gutterLeft - gutterRight, ca.height - gutterTop - gutterBottom);
// Necessary to ensure the gris drawn before continuing
// If it's a bar and 3D variant, translate
if (variant == '3d') {
// Reset the line dash
if (typeof co.setLineDash == 'function') {
// Draw the title if one is set
if ( typeof(prop['chart.title']) == 'string') {
if (obj.type == 'gantt') {
gutterTop -= 10;
// Because of caching the obj variablee cannot be used here
{context: co, canvas: ca, properties: prop},
prop['chart.title.size'] ? prop['chart.title.size'] : prop['chart.text.size'] + 2,
{canvas: ca, context: co}
// Now a cached draw in newer browsers
RG.ISOLD ? func(obj, obj.canvas, obj.context) : RG.cachedDraw(obj, obj.uid + '_background', func);
* Formats a number with thousand separators so it's easier to read
* @param integer obj The chart object
* @param integer num The number to format
* @param string The (optional) string to prepend to the string
* @param string The (optional) string to append to the string
* @return string The formatted number
RG.numberFormat =
RG.number_format = function (obj, num)
var ca = obj.canvas;
var co = obj.context;
var prop = obj.properties;
var i;
var prepend = arguments[2] ? String(arguments[2]) : '';
var append = arguments[3] ? String(arguments[3]) : '';
var output = '';
var decimal = '';
var decimal_separator = typeof prop['chart.scale.point'] == 'string' ? prop['chart.scale.point'] : '.';
var thousand_separator = typeof prop['chart.scale.thousand'] == 'string' ? prop['chart.scale.thousand'] : ',';
RegExp.$1 = '';
var i,j;
if (typeof prop['chart.scale.formatter'] === 'function') {
return prop['chart.scale.formatter'](obj, num);
// Ignore the preformatted version of "1e-2"
if (String(num).indexOf('e') > 0) {
return String(prepend + String(num) + append);
// We need then number as a string
num = String(num);
// Take off the decimal part - we re-append it later
if (num.indexOf('.') > 0) {
var tmp = num;
num = num.replace(/\.(.*)/, ''); // The front part of the number
decimal = tmp.replace(/(.*)\.(.*)/, '$2'); // The decimal part of the number
// Thousand separator
//var separator = arguments[1] ? String(arguments[1]) : ',';
var separator = thousand_separator;
* Work backwards adding the thousand separators
var foundPoint;
for (i=(num.length - 1),j=0; i>=0; j++,i--) {
var character = num.charAt(i);
if ( j % 3 == 0 && j != 0) {
output += separator;
* Build the output
output += character;
* Now need to reverse the string
var rev = output;
output = '';
for (i=(rev.length - 1); i>=0; i--) {
output += rev.charAt(i);
// Tidy up
//output = output.replace(/^-,/, '-');
if (output.indexOf('-' + prop['chart.scale.thousand']) == 0) {
output = '-' + output.substr(('-' + prop['chart.scale.thousand']).length);
// Reappend the decimal
if (decimal.length) {
output = output + decimal_separator + decimal;
decimal = '';
RegExp.$1 = '';
// Minor bugette
if (output.charAt(0) == '-') {
output = output.replace(/-/, '');
prepend = '-' + prepend;
return prepend + output + append;
* Draws horizontal coloured bars on something like the bar, line or scatter
RG.drawBars =
RG.DrawBars = function (obj)
var prop = obj.properties;
var co = obj.context;
var ca = obj.canvas;
var hbars = prop['chart.background.hbars'];
if (hbars === null) {
* Draws a horizontal bar
for (i=0,len=hbars.length; i<len; ++i) {
var start = hbars[i][0];
var length = hbars[i][1];
var color = hbars[i][2];
// Perform some bounds checking
if(RG.is_null(start))start = obj.scale2.max
if (start > obj.scale2.max) start = obj.scale2.max;
if (RG.is_null(length)) length = obj.scale2.max - start;
if (start + length > obj.scale2.max) length = obj.scale2.max - start;
if (start + length < (-1 * obj.scale2.max) ) length = (-1 * obj.scale2.max) - start;
if (prop['chart.xaxispos'] == 'center' && start == obj.scale2.max && length < (obj.scale2.max * -2)) {
length = obj.scale2.max * -2;
* Draw the bar
var x = prop['chart.gutter.left'];
var y = obj.getYCoord(start);
var w = ca.width - prop['chart.gutter.left'] - prop['chart.gutter.right'];
var h = obj.getYCoord(start + length) - y;
// Accommodate Opera :-/
if (RG.ISOPERA != -1 && prop['chart.xaxispos'] == 'center' && h < 0) {
h *= -1;
y = y - h;
* Account for X axis at the top
if (prop['chart.xaxispos'] == 'top') {
y = ca.height - y;
h *= -1;
co.fillStyle = color;
co.fillRect(x, y, w, h);
// If the X axis is at the bottom, and a negative max is given, warn the user
if (obj.Get('chart.xaxispos') == 'bottom' && (hbars[i][0] < 0 || (hbars[i][1] + hbars[i][1] < 0)) ) {
alert('[' + obj.type.toUpperCase() + ' (ID: ' + obj.id + ') BACKGROUND HBARS] You have a negative value in one of your background hbars values, whilst the X axis is in the center');
var ystart = (obj.grapharea - (((hbars[i][0] - obj.scale2.min) / (obj.scale2.max - obj.scale2.min)) * obj.grapharea));
//var height = (Math.min(hbars[i][1], obj.max - hbars[i][0]) / (obj.scale2.max - obj.scale2.min)) * obj.grapharea;
var height = obj.getYCoord(hbars[i][0]) - obj.getYCoord(hbars[i][1]);
// Account for the X axis being in the center
if (obj.Get('chart.xaxispos') == 'center') {
ystart /= 2;
//height /= 2;
ystart += obj.Get('chart.gutter.top')
var x = obj.Get('chart.gutter.left');
var y = ystart - height;
var w = obj.canvas.width - obj.Get('chart.gutter.left') - obj.Get('chart.gutter.right');
var h = height;
// Accommodate Opera :-/
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Opera') != -1 && obj.Get('chart.xaxispos') == 'center' && h < 0) {
h *= -1;
y = y - h;
* Account for X axis at the top
//if (obj.Get('chart.xaxispos') == 'top') {
// y = obj.canvas.height - y;
// h *= -1;
//obj.context.fillStyle = hbars[i][2];
//obj.context.fillRect(x, y, w, h);
* Draws in-graph labels.
* @param object obj The graph object
RG.drawInGraphLabels =
RG.DrawInGraphLabels = function (obj)
var ca = obj.canvas;
var co = obj.context;
var prop = obj.properties;
var labels = prop['chart.labels.ingraph'];
var labels_processed = [];
// Defaults
var fgcolor = 'black';
var bgcolor = 'white';
var direction = 1;
if (!labels) {
* Preprocess the labels array. Numbers are expanded
for (var i=0,len=labels.length; i<len; i+=1) {
if (typeof labels[i] === 'number') {
for (var j=0; j<labels[i]; ++j) {
} else if (typeof labels[i] === 'string' || typeof labels[i] === 'object') {
} else {
* Turn off any shadow
if (labels_processed && labels_processed.length > 0) {
for (var i=0,len=labels_processed.length; i<len; i+=1) {
if (labels_processed[i]) {
var coords = obj.coords[i];
if (coords && coords.length > 0) {
var x = (obj.type == 'bar' ? coords[0] + (coords[2] / 2) : coords[0]);
var y = (obj.type == 'bar' ? coords[1] + (coords[3] / 2) : coords[1]);
var length = typeof labels_processed[i][4] === 'number' ? labels_processed[i][4] : 25;
co.fillStyle = 'black';
co.strokeStyle = 'black';
if (obj.type === 'bar') {
* X axis at the top
if (obj.Get('chart.xaxispos') == 'top') {
length *= -1;
if (prop['chart.variant'] == 'dot') {
co.moveTo(ma.round(x), obj.coords[i][1] - 5);
co.lineTo(ma.round(x), obj.coords[i][1] - 5 - length);
var text_x = ma.round(x);
var text_y = obj.coords[i][1] - 5 - length;
} else if (prop['chart.variant'] == 'arrow') {
co.moveTo(ma.round(x), obj.coords[i][1] - 5);
co.lineTo(ma.round(x), obj.coords[i][1] - 5 - length);
var text_x = ma.round(x);
var text_y = obj.coords[i][1] - 5 - length;
} else {
co.arc(ma.round(x), y, 2.5, 0, 6.28, 0);
co.moveTo(ma.round(x), y);
co.lineTo(ma.round(x), y - length);
var text_x = ma.round(x);
var text_y = y - length;
} else if (obj.type == 'line') {
if (
typeof labels_processed[i] == 'object' &&
typeof labels_processed[i][3] == 'number' &&
labels_processed[i][3] == -1
) {
co.moveTo(ma.round(x), y + 5);
co.lineTo(ma.round(x), y + 5 + length);
// This draws the arrow
co.moveTo(ma.round(x), y + 5);
co.lineTo(ma.round(x) - 3, y + 10);
co.lineTo(ma.round(x) + 3, y + 10);
var text_x = x;
var text_y = y + 5 + length;
} else {
var text_x = x;
var text_y = y - 5 - length;
co.moveTo(ma.round(x), y - 5);
co.lineTo(ma.round(x), y - 5 - length);
// This draws the arrow
co.moveTo(ma.round(x), y - 5);
co.lineTo(ma.round(x) - 3, y - 10);
co.lineTo(ma.round(x) + 3, y - 10);
// Taken out on the 10th Nov 2010 - unnecessary
//var width = context.measureText(labels[i]).width;
// Fore ground color
co.fillStyle = (typeof labels_processed[i] === 'object' && typeof labels_processed[i][1] === 'string') ? labels_processed[i][1] : 'black';
'text': (typeof labels_processed[i] === 'object' && typeof labels_processed[i][0] === 'string') ? labels_processed[i][0] : labels_processed[i],
'valign': 'bottom',
'bounding.fill': (typeof labels_processed[i] === 'object' && typeof labels_processed[i][2] === 'string') ? labels_processed[i][2] : 'white',
'tag':'labels ingraph'
* This function "fills in" key missing properties that various implementations lack
* @param object e The event object
RG.fixEventObject =
RG.FixEventObject = function (e)
if (RG.ISOLD) {
var e = event;
e.pageX = (event.clientX + doc.body.scrollLeft);
e.pageY = (event.clientY + doc.body.scrollTop);
e.target = event.srcElement;
if (!doc.body.scrollTop && doc.documentElement.scrollTop) {
e.pageX += parseInt(doc.documentElement.scrollLeft);
e.pageY += parseInt(doc.documentElement.scrollTop);
// Any browser that doesn't implement stopPropagation() (MSIE)
if (!e.stopPropagation) {
e.stopPropagation = function () {window.event.cancelBubble = true;}
return e;
* Thisz function hides the crosshairs coordinates
RG.hideCrosshairCoords =
RG.HideCrosshairCoords = function ()
var div = RG.Registry.Get('chart.coordinates.coords.div');
if ( div
&& div.style.opacity == 1
&& div.__object__.Get('chart.crosshairs.coords.fadeout')
) {
var style = RG.Registry.Get('chart.coordinates.coords.div').style;
setTimeout(function() {style.opacity = 0.9;}, 25);
setTimeout(function() {style.opacity = 0.8;}, 50);
setTimeout(function() {style.opacity = 0.7;}, 75);
setTimeout(function() {style.opacity = 0.6;}, 100);
setTimeout(function() {style.opacity = 0.5;}, 125);
setTimeout(function() {style.opacity = 0.4;}, 150);
setTimeout(function() {style.opacity = 0.3;}, 175);
setTimeout(function() {style.opacity = 0.2;}, 200);
setTimeout(function() {style.opacity = 0.1;}, 225);
setTimeout(function() {style.opacity = 0;}, 250);
setTimeout(function() {style.display = 'none';}, 275);
* Draws the3D axes/background
* @param object obj The chart object
RG.draw3DAxes =
RG.Draw3DAxes = function (obj)
var prop = obj.properties;
var co = obj.context;
var ca = obj.canvas;
var gutterLeft = obj.gutterLeft,
gutterRight = obj.gutterRight,
gutterTop = obj.gutterTop,
gutterBottom = obj.gutterBottom,
xaxispos = prop['chart.xaxispos'],
graphArea = ca.height - gutterTop - gutterBottom,
halfGraphArea = graphArea / 2,
offsetx = prop['chart.variant.threed.offsetx'],
offsety = prop['chart.variant.threed.offsety']
if (!prop['chart.noaxes'] && !prop['chart.noyaxis']) {
RG.path(co, [
// Y axis
'm', gutterLeft,gutterTop,
'l',gutterLeft + offsetx,gutterTop - offsety,
'l',gutterLeft + offsetx,ca.height - gutterBottom - offsety,
'l',gutterLeft,ca.height - gutterBottom
// X axis
if (xaxispos === 'center') {
RG.path(co, [
'm',gutterLeft,gutterTop + halfGraphArea,
'l',gutterLeft + offsetx,gutterTop + halfGraphArea - offsety,
'l',ca.width - gutterRight + offsetx,gutterTop + halfGraphArea - offsety,
'l',ca.width - gutterRight,gutterTop + halfGraphArea,
} else {
RG.path(co, [
'm',gutterLeft,ca.height - gutterBottom,
'l',gutterLeft + offsetx,ca.height - gutterBottom - offsety,
'l',ca.width - gutterRight + offsetx,ca.height - gutterBottom - offsety,
'l',ca.width - gutterRight,ca.height - gutterBottom,
* Draws a rectangle with curvy corners
* @param co object The context
* @param x number The X coordinate (top left of the square)
* @param y number The Y coordinate (top left of the square)
* @param w number The width of the rectangle
* @param h number The height of the rectangle
* @param number The radius of the curved corners
* @param boolean Whether the top left corner is curvy
* @param boolean Whether the top right corner is curvy
* @param boolean Whether the bottom right corner is curvy
* @param boolean Whether the bottom left corner is curvy
RG.strokedCurvyRect = function (co, x, y, w, h)
// The corner radius
var r = arguments[5] ? arguments[5] : 3;
// The corners
var corner_tl = (arguments[6] || arguments[6] == null) ? true : false;
var corner_tr = (arguments[7] || arguments[7] == null) ? true : false;
var corner_br = (arguments[8] || arguments[8] == null) ? true : false;
var corner_bl = (arguments[9] || arguments[9] == null) ? true : false;
// Top left side
co.moveTo(x + (corner_tl ? r : 0), y);
co.lineTo(x + w - (corner_tr ? r : 0), y);
// Top right corner
if (corner_tr) {
co.arc(x + w - r, y + r, r, RG.PI + RG.HALFPI, RG.TWOPI, false);
// Top right side
co.lineTo(x + w, y + h - (corner_br ? r : 0) );
// Bottom right corner
if (corner_br) {
co.arc(x + w - r, y - r + h, r, RG.TWOPI, RG.HALFPI, false);
// Bottom right side
co.lineTo(x + (corner_bl ? r : 0), y + h);
// Bottom left corner
if (corner_bl) {
co.arc(x + r, y - r + h, r, RG.HALFPI, RG.PI, false);
// Bottom left side
co.lineTo(x, y + (corner_tl ? r : 0) );
// Top left corner
if (corner_tl) {
co.arc(x + r, y + r, r, RG.PI, RG.PI + RG.HALFPI, false);
* Draws a filled rectangle with curvy corners
* @param context object The context
* @param x number The X coordinate (top left of the square)
* @param y number The Y coordinate (top left of the square)
* @param w number The width of the rectangle
* @param h number The height of the rectangle
* @param number The radius of the curved corners
* @param boolean Whether the top left corner is curvy
* @param boolean Whether the top right corner is curvy
* @param boolean Whether the bottom right corner is curvy
* @param boolean Whether the bottom left corner is curvy
RG.filledCurvyRect = function (co, x, y, w, h)
// The corner radius
var r = arguments[5] ? arguments[5] : 3;
// The corners
var corner_tl = (arguments[6] || arguments[6] == null) ? true : false;
var corner_tr = (arguments[7] || arguments[7] == null) ? true : false;
var corner_br = (arguments[8] || arguments[8] == null) ? true : false;
var corner_bl = (arguments[9] || arguments[9] == null) ? true : false;
// First draw the corners
// Top left corner
if (corner_tl) {
co.moveTo(x + r, y + r);
co.arc(x + r, y + r, r, RG.PI, RG.PI + RG.HALFPI, false);
} else {
co.fillRect(x, y, r, r);
// Top right corner
if (corner_tr) {
co.moveTo(x + w - r, y + r);
co.arc(x + w - r, y + r, r, RG.PI + RG.HALFPI, 0, false);
} else {
co.moveTo(x + w - r, y);
co.fillRect(x + w - r, y, r, r);
// Bottom right corner
if (corner_br) {
co.moveTo(x + w - r, y + h - r);
co.arc(x + w - r, y - r + h, r, 0, RG.HALFPI, false);
} else {
co.moveTo(x + w - r, y + h - r);
co.fillRect(x + w - r, y + h - r, r, r);
// Bottom left corner
if (corner_bl) {
co.moveTo(x + r, y + h - r);
co.arc(x + r, y - r + h, r, RG.HALFPI, RG.PI, false);
} else {
co.moveTo(x, y + h - r);
co.fillRect(x, y + h - r, r, r);
// Now fill it in
co.fillRect(x + r, y, w - r - r, h);
co.fillRect(x, y + r, r + 1, h - r - r);
co.fillRect(x + w - r - 1, y + r, r + 1, h - r - r);
* Hides the zoomed canvas
RG.hideZoomedCanvas =
RG.HideZoomedCanvas = function ()
var interval = 10;
var frames = 15;
if (typeof RG.zoom_image === 'object') {
var obj = RG.zoom_image.obj;
var prop = obj.properties;
} else {
if (prop['chart.zoom.fade.out']) {
for (var i=frames,j=1; i>=0; --i, ++j) {
if (typeof RG.zoom_image === 'object') {
setTimeout("RGraph.zoom_image.style.opacity = " + String(i / 10), j * interval);
if (typeof RG.zoom_background === 'object') {
setTimeout("RGraph.zoom_background.style.opacity = " + String(i / frames), j * interval);
if (typeof RG.zoom_image === 'object') {
setTimeout("RGraph.zoom_image.style.display = 'none'", prop['chart.zoom.fade.out'] ? (frames * interval) + 10 : 0);
if (typeof RG.zoom_background === 'object') {
setTimeout("RGraph.zoom_background.style.display = 'none'", prop['chart.zoom.fade.out'] ? (frames * interval) + 10 : 0);
* Adds an event handler
* @param object obj The graph object
* @param string event The name of the event, eg ontooltip
* @param object func The callback function
RG.addCustomEventListener =
RG.AddCustomEventListener = function (obj, name, func)
var RG = RGraph;
if (typeof RG.events[obj.uid] === 'undefined') {
RG.events[obj.uid] = [];
RG.events[obj.uid].push([obj, name, func]);
return RG.events[obj.uid].length - 1;
* Used to fire one of the RGraph custom events
* @param object obj The graph object that fires the event
* @param string event The name of the event to fire
RG.fireCustomEvent =
RG.FireCustomEvent = function (obj, name)
if (obj && obj.isRGraph) {
// New style of adding custom events
if (obj[name]) {
var uid = obj.uid;
if ( typeof uid === 'string'
&& typeof RG.events === 'object'
&& typeof RG.events[uid] === 'object'
&& RG.events[uid].length > 0) {
for(var j=0; j<RG.events[uid].length; ++j) {
if (RG.events[uid][j] && RG.events[uid][j][1] == name) {
* Clears all the custom event listeners that have been registered
* @param string Limits the clearing to this object ID
RGraph.removeAllCustomEventListeners =
RGraph.RemoveAllCustomEventListeners = function ()
var id = arguments[0];
if (id && RG.events[id]) {
RG.events[id] = [];
} else {
RG.events = [];
* Clears a particular custom event listener
* @param object obj The graph object
* @param number i This is the index that is return by .AddCustomEventListener()
RG.removeCustomEventListener =
RG.RemoveCustomEventListener = function (obj, i)
if ( typeof RG.events === 'object'
&& typeof RG.events[obj.id] === 'object'
&& typeof RG.events[obj.id][i] === 'object') {
RG.events[obj.id][i] = null;
* This draws the background
* @param object obj The graph object
RG.drawBackgroundImage =
RG.DrawBackgroundImage = function (obj)
var prop = obj.properties;
var ca = obj.canvas;
var co = obj.context;
if (typeof prop['chart.background.image'] === 'string') {
if (typeof ca.__rgraph_background_image__ === 'undefined') {
var img = new Image();
img.__object__ = obj;
img.__canvas__ = ca;
img.__context__ = co;
img.src = obj.Get('chart.background.image');
ca.__rgraph_background_image__ = img;
} else {
img = ca.__rgraph_background_image__;
// When the image has loaded - redraw the canvas
img.onload = function ()
obj.__rgraph_background_image_loaded__ = true;
var gutterLeft = obj.gutterLeft;
var gutterRight = obj.gutterRight;
var gutterTop = obj.gutterTop;
var gutterBottom = obj.gutterBottom;
var stretch = prop['chart.background.image.stretch'];
var align = prop['chart.background.image.align'];
// Handle chart.background.image.align
if (typeof align === 'string') {
if (align.indexOf('right') != -1) {
var x = ca.width - (prop['chart.background.image.w'] || img.width) - gutterRight;
} else {
var x = gutterLeft;
if (align.indexOf('bottom') != -1) {
var y = ca.height - (prop['chart.background.image.h'] || img.height) - gutterBottom;
} else {
var y = gutterTop;
} else {
var x = gutterLeft || 25;
var y = gutterTop || 25;
// X/Y coords take precedence over the align
var x = typeof prop['chart.background.image.x'] === 'number' ? prop['chart.background.image.x'] : x;
var y = typeof prop['chart.background.image.y'] === 'number' ? prop['chart.background.image.y'] : y;
var w = stretch ? ca.width - gutterLeft - gutterRight : img.width;
var h = stretch ? ca.height - gutterTop - gutterBottom : img.height;
* You can now specify the width and height of the image
if (typeof prop['chart.background.image.w'] === 'number') w = prop['chart.background.image.w'];
if (typeof prop['chart.background.image.h'] === 'number') h = prop['chart.background.image.h'];
var oldAlpha = co.globalAlpha;
co.globalAlpha = prop['chart.background.image.alpha'];
co.drawImage(img,x,y,w, h);
co.globalAlpha = oldAlpha;
* This function determines wshether an object has tooltips or not
* @param object obj The chart object
RG.hasTooltips = function (obj)
var prop = obj.properties;
if (typeof prop['chart.tooltips'] == 'object' && prop['chart.tooltips']) {
for (var i=0,len=prop['chart.tooltips'].length; i<len; ++i) {
if (!RG.is_null(obj.Get('chart.tooltips')[i])) {
return true;
} else if (typeof prop['chart.tooltips'] === 'function') {
return true;
return false;
* This function creates a (G)UID which can be used to identify objects.
* @return string (g)uid The (G)UID
RG.createUID =
RG.CreateUID = function ()
return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c)
var r = ma.random()*16|0, v = c == 'x' ? r : (r&0x3|0x8);
return v.toString(16);
* This is the new object registry, used to facilitate multiple objects per canvas.
* @param object obj The object to register
RG.ObjectRegistry.add =
RG.ObjectRegistry.Add = function (obj)
var uid = obj.uid;
var id = obj.canvas.id;
* Index the objects by UID
RG.ObjectRegistry.objects.byUID.push([uid, obj]);
* Index the objects by the canvas that they're drawn on
RG.ObjectRegistry.objects.byCanvasID.push([id, obj]);
* Remove an object from the object registry
* @param object obj The object to remove.
RG.ObjectRegistry.remove =
RG.ObjectRegistry.Remove = function (obj)
var id = obj.id;
var uid = obj.uid;
for (var i=0; i<RG.ObjectRegistry.objects.byUID.length; ++i) {
if (RG.ObjectRegistry.objects.byUID[i] && RG.ObjectRegistry.objects.byUID[i][1].uid == uid) {
RG.ObjectRegistry.objects.byUID[i] = null;
for (var i=0; i<RG.ObjectRegistry.objects.byCanvasID.length; ++i) {
if ( RG.ObjectRegistry.objects.byCanvasID[i]
&& RG.ObjectRegistry.objects.byCanvasID[i][1]
&& RG.ObjectRegistry.objects.byCanvasID[i][1].uid == uid) {
RG.ObjectRegistry.objects.byCanvasID[i] = null;
* Removes all objects from the ObjectRegistry. If either the ID of a canvas is supplied,
* or the canvas itself, then only objects pertaining to that canvas are cleared.
* @param mixed Either a canvas object (as returned by document.getElementById()
* or the ID of a canvas (ie a string)
RG.ObjectRegistry.clear =
RG.ObjectRegistry.Clear = function ()
// If an ID is supplied restrict the learing to that
if (arguments[0]) {
var id = (typeof arguments[0] === 'object' ? arguments[0].id : arguments[0]);
var objects = RG.ObjectRegistry.getObjectsByCanvasID(id);
for (var i=0,len=objects.length; i<len; ++i) {
} else {
RG.ObjectRegistry.objects = {};
RG.ObjectRegistry.objects.byUID = [];
RG.ObjectRegistry.objects.byCanvasID = [];
* Lists all objects in the ObjectRegistry
* @param boolean ret Whether to return the list or alert() it
RGraph.ObjectRegistry.list =
RGraph.ObjectRegistry.List = function ()
var list = [];
for (var i=0,len=RG.ObjectRegistry.objects.byUID.length; i<len; ++i) {
if (RG.ObjectRegistry.objects.byUID[i]) {
if (arguments[0]) {
return list;
} else {
* Clears the ObjectRegistry of objects that are of a certain given type
* @param type string The type to clear
RG.ObjectRegistry.clearByType =
RG.ObjectRegistry.ClearByType = function (type)
var objects = RG.ObjectRegistry.objects.byUID;
for (var i=0,len=objects.length; i<len; ++i) {
if (objects[i]) {
var uid = objects[i][0];
var obj = objects[i][1];
if (obj && obj.type == type) {
* This function provides an easy way to go through all of the objects that are held in the
* Registry
* @param func function This function is run for every object. Its passed the object as an argument
* @param string type Optionally, you can pass a type of object to look for
RG.ObjectRegistry.iterate =
RG.ObjectRegistry.Iterate = function (func)
var objects = RGraph.ObjectRegistry.objects.byUID;
for (var i=0,len=objects.length; i<len; ++i) {
if (typeof arguments[1] === 'string') {
var types = arguments[1].split(/,/);
for (var j=0,len2=types.length; j<len2; ++j) {
if (types[j] == objects[i][1].type) {
} else {
* Retrieves all objects for a given canvas id
* @patarm id string The canvas ID to get objects for.
RG.ObjectRegistry.getObjectsByCanvasID = function (id)
var store = RG.ObjectRegistry.objects.byCanvasID;
var ret = [];
// Loop through all of the objects and return the appropriate ones
for (var i=0,len=store.length; i<len; ++i) {
if (store[i] && store[i][0] == id ) {
return ret;
* Retrieves the relevant object based on the X/Y position.
* @param object e The event object
* @return object The applicable (if any) object
RG.ObjectRegistry.getFirstObjectByXY =
RG.ObjectRegistry.getObjectByXY = function (e)
var canvas = e.target;
var ret = null;
var objects = RG.ObjectRegistry.getObjectsByCanvasID(canvas.id);
for (var i=(objects.length - 1); i>=0; --i) {
var obj = objects[i].getObjectByXY(e);
if (obj) {
return obj;
* Retrieves the relevant objects based on the X/Y position.
* NOTE This function returns an array of objects
* @param object e The event object
* @return An array of pertinent objects. Note the there may be only one object
RG.ObjectRegistry.getObjectsByXY = function (e)
var canvas = e.target;
var ret = [];
var objects = RG.ObjectRegistry.getObjectsByCanvasID(canvas.id);
// Retrieve objects "front to back"
for (var i=(objects.length - 1); i>=0; --i) {
var obj = objects[i].getObjectByXY(e);
if (obj) {
return ret;
* Retrieves the object with the corresponding UID
* @param string uid The UID to get the relevant object for
RG.ObjectRegistry.getObjectByUID = function (uid)
var objects = RG.ObjectRegistry.objects.byUID;
for (var i=0,len=objects.length; i<len; ++i) {
if (objects[i] && objects[i][1].uid == uid) {
return objects[i][1];
* Brings a chart to the front of the ObjectRegistry by
* removing it and then readding it at the end and then
* redrawing the canvas
* @param object obj The object to bring to the front
* @param boolean redraw Whether to redraw the canvas after the
* object has been moved
RG.ObjectRegistry.bringToFront = function (obj)
var redraw = typeof arguments[1] === 'undefined' ? true : arguments[1];
if (redraw) {
* Retrieves the objects that are the given type
* @param mixed canvas The canvas to check. It can either be the canvas object itself or just the ID
* @param string type The type to look for
* @return array An array of one or more objects
RG.ObjectRegistry.getObjectsByType = function (type)
var objects = RG.ObjectRegistry.objects.byUID;
var ret = [];
for (var i=0,len=objects.length; i<len; ++i) {
if (objects[i] && objects[i][1] && objects[i][1].type && objects[i][1].type && objects[i][1].type == type) {
return ret;
* Retrieves the FIRST object that matches the given type
* @param string type The type of object to look for
* @return object The FIRST object that matches the given type
RG.ObjectRegistry.getFirstObjectByType = function (type)
var objects = RG.ObjectRegistry.objects.byUID;
for (var i=0,len=objects.length; i<len; ++i) {
if (objects[i] && objects[i][1] && objects[i][1].type == type) {
return objects[i][1];
return null;
* This takes centerx, centery, x and y coordinates and returns the
* appropriate angle relative to the canvas angle system. Remember
* that the canvas angle system starts at the EAST axis
* @param number cx The centerx coordinate
* @param number cy The centery coordinate
* @param number x The X coordinate (eg the mouseX if coming from a click)
* @param number y The Y coordinate (eg the mouseY if coming from a click)
* @return number The relevant angle (measured in in RADIANS)
RG.getAngleByXY = function (cx, cy, x, y)
var angle = ma.atan((y - cy) / (x - cx));
angle = ma.abs(angle)
if (x >= cx && y >= cy) {
angle += RG.TWOPI;
} else if (x >= cx && y < cy) {
angle = (RG.HALFPI - angle) + (RG.PI + RG.HALFPI);
} else if (x < cx && y < cy) {
angle += RG.PI;
} else {
angle = RG.PI - angle;
* Upper and lower limit checking
if (angle > RG.TWOPI) {
angle -= RG.TWOPI;
return angle;
* This function returns the distance between two points. In effect the
* radius of an imaginary circle that is centered on x1 and y1. The name
* of this function is derived from the word "Hypoteneuse", which in
* trigonmetry is the longest side of a triangle
* @param number x1 The original X coordinate
* @param number y1 The original Y coordinate
* @param number x2 The target X coordinate
* @param number y2 The target Y coordinate
RG.getHypLength = function (x1, y1, x2, y2)
var ret = ma.sqrt(((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1)) + ((y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1)));
return ret;
* This function gets the end point (X/Y coordinates) of a given radius.
* You pass it the center X/Y and the radius and this function will return
* the endpoint X/Y coordinates.
* @param number cx The center X coord
* @param number cy The center Y coord
* @param number r The lrngth of the radius
RG.getRadiusEndPoint = function (cx, cy, angle, radius)
var x = cx + (ma.cos(angle) * radius);
var y = cy + (ma.sin(angle) * radius);
return [x, y];
* This installs all of the event listeners
* @param object obj The chart object
RG.installEventListeners =
RG.InstallEventListeners = function (obj)
var prop = obj.properties;
* Don't attempt to install event listeners for older versions of MSIE
if (RG.ISOLD) {
* If this function exists, then the dynamic file has been included.
if (RG.installCanvasClickListener) {
} else if ( RG.hasTooltips(obj)
|| prop['chart.adjustable']
|| prop['chart.annotatable']
|| prop['chart.contextmenu']
|| prop['chart.resizable']
|| prop['chart.key.interactive']
|| prop['chart.events.click']
|| prop['chart.events.mousemove']
|| typeof obj.onclick === 'function'
|| typeof obj.onmousemove === 'function'
) {
alert('[RGRAPH] You appear to have used dynamic features but not included the file: RGraph.common.dynamic.js');
* Loosly mimicks the PHP function print_r();
RG.pr = function (obj)
var indent = (arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : ' ');
var str = '';
var counter = typeof arguments[3] == 'number' ? arguments[3] : 0;
if (counter >= 5) {
return '';
switch (typeof obj) {
case 'string': str += obj + ' (' + (typeof obj) + ', ' + obj.length + ')'; break;
case 'number': str += obj + ' (' + (typeof obj) + ')'; break;
case 'boolean': str += obj + ' (' + (typeof obj) + ')'; break;
case 'function': str += 'function () {}'; break;
case 'undefined': str += 'undefined'; break;
case 'null': str += 'null'; break;
case 'object':
// In case of null
if (RGraph.is_null(obj)) {
str += indent + 'null\n';
} else {
str += indent + 'Object {' + '\n'
for (j in obj) {
str += indent + ' ' + j + ' => ' + RGraph.pr(obj[j], true, indent + ' ', counter + 1) + '\n';
str += indent + '}';
str += 'Unknown type: ' + typeof obj + '';
* Finished, now either return if we're in a recursed call, or alert()
* if we're not.
if (!arguments[1]) {
return str;
* Produces a dashed line
* @param object co The 2D context
* @param number x1 The start X coordinate
* @param number y1 The start Y coordinate
* @param number x2 The end X coordinate
* @param number y2 The end Y coordinate
RG.dashedLine =
RG.DashedLine = function(co, x1, y1, x2, y2)
* This is the size of the dashes
var size = 5;
* The optional fifth argument can be the size of the dashes
if (typeof arguments[5] === 'number') {
size = arguments[5];
var dx = x2 - x1;
var dy = y2 - y1;
var num = ma.floor(ma.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)) / size);
var xLen = dx / num;
var yLen = dy / num;
var count = 0;
do {
(count % 2 == 0 && count > 0) ? co.lineTo(x1, y1) : co.moveTo(x1, y1);
x1 += xLen;
y1 += yLen;
} while(count++ <= num);
* Makes an AJAX call. It calls the given callback (a function) when ready
* @param string url The URL to retrieve
* @param function callback A function that is called when the response is ready, there's an example below
* called "myCallback".
RG.AJAX = function (url, callback)
// Mozilla, Safari, ...
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
var httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
} else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
var httpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function ()
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
this.__user_callback__ = callback;
httpRequest.open('GET', url, true);
* Makes an AJAX POST request. It calls the given callback (a function) when ready
* @param string url The URL to retrieve
* @param object data The POST data
* @param function callback A function that is called when the response is ready, there's an example below
* called "myCallback".
RG.AJAX.POST = function (url, data, callback)
// Used when building the POST string
var crumbs = [];
// Mozilla, Safari, ...
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
var httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
} else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
var httpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function ()
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
this.__user_callback__ = callback;
httpRequest.open('POST', url, true);
for (i in data) {
if (typeof i == 'string') {
crumbs.push(i + '=' + encodeURIComponent(data[i]));
* Uses the above function but calls the call back passing a number as its argument
* @param url string The URL to fetch
* @param callback function Your callback function (which is passed the number as an argument)
RG.AJAX.getNumber = function (url, callback)
RG.AJAX(url, function ()
var num = parseFloat(this.responseText);
* Uses the above function but calls the call back passing a string as its argument
* @param url string The URL to fetch
* @param callback function Your callback function (which is passed the string as an argument)
RG.AJAX.getString = function (url, callback)
RG.AJAX(url, function ()
var str = String(this.responseText);
* Uses the above function but calls the call back passing JSON (ie a JavaScript object ) as its argument
* @param url string The URL to fetch
* @param callback function Your callback function (which is passed the JSON object as an argument)
RG.AJAX.getJSON = function (url, callback)
RG.AJAX(url, function ()
var json = eval('(' + this.responseText + ')');
* Uses the above RGraph.AJAX function but calls the call back passing an array as its argument.
* Useful if you're retrieving CSV data
* @param url string The URL to fetch
* @param callback function Your callback function (which is passed the CSV/array as an argument)
RG.AJAX.getCSV = function (url, callback)
var separator = arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : ',';
RG.AJAX(url, function ()
var regexp = new RegExp(separator);
var arr = this.responseText.split(regexp);
// Convert the strings to numbers
for (var i=0,len=arr.length;i<len;++i) {
arr[i] = parseFloat(arr[i]);
* Rotates the canvas
* @param object canvas The canvas to rotate
* @param int x The X coordinate about which to rotate the canvas
* @param int y The Y coordinate about which to rotate the canvas
* @param int angle The angle(in RADIANS) to rotate the canvas by
RG.rotateCanvas =
RG.RotateCanvas = function (ca, x, y, angle)
var co = ca.getContext('2d');
co.translate(x, y);
co.translate(0 - x, 0 - y);
* Measures text by creating a DIV in the document and adding the relevant text to it.
* Then checking the .offsetWidth and .offsetHeight.
* @param string text The text to measure
* @param bool bold Whether the text is bold or not
* @param string font The font to use
* @param size number The size of the text (in pts)
* @return array A two element array of the width and height of the text
RG.measureText =
RG.MeasureText = function (text, bold, font, size)
// Add the sizes to the cache as adding DOM elements is costly and causes slow downs
if (typeof RGraph.measuretext_cache === 'undefined') {
RGraph.measuretext_cache = [];
var str = text + ':' + bold + ':' + font + ':' + size;
if (typeof RGraph.measuretext_cache == 'object' && RGraph.measuretext_cache[str]) {
return RGraph.measuretext_cache[str];
if (!RGraph.measuretext_cache['text-div']) {
var div = document.createElement('DIV');
div.style.position = 'absolute';
div.style.top = '-100px';
div.style.left = '-100px';
// Now store the newly created DIV
RGraph.measuretext_cache['text-div'] = div;
} else if (RGraph.measuretext_cache['text-div']) {
var div = RGraph.measuretext_cache['text-div'];
div.innerHTML = text.replace(/\r\n/g, '<br />');
div.style.fontFamily = font;
div.style.fontWeight = bold ? 'bold' : 'normal';
div.style.fontSize = (size || 12) + 'pt';
var size = [div.offsetWidth, div.offsetHeight];
RGraph.measuretext_cache[str] = size;
return size;
/* New text function. Accepts two arguments:
* o obj - The chart object
* o opt - An object/hash/map of properties. This can consist of:
* x The X coordinate (REQUIRED)
* y The Y coordinate (REQUIRED)
* text The text to show (REQUIRED)
* font The font to use
* size The size of the text (in pt)
* italic Whether the text should be italic or not
* bold Whether the text shouldd be bold or not
* marker Whether to show a marker that indicates the X/Y coordinates
* valign The vertical alignment
* halign The horizontal alignment
* bounding Whether to draw a bounding box for the text
* boundingStroke The strokeStyle of the bounding box
* boundingFill The fillStyle of the bounding box
RG.text2 =
RG.Text2 = function (obj, opt)
* An RGraph object can be given, or a string or the 2D rendering context
* The coords are placed on the obj.coordsText variable ONLY if it's an RGraph object. The function
* still returns the cooords though in all cases.
if (obj && obj.isRGraph) {
var obj = obj;
var co = obj.context;
var ca = obj.canvas;
} else if (typeof obj == 'string') {
var ca = document.getElementById(obj);
var co = ca.getContext('2d');
var obj = ca.__object__;
} else if (typeof obj.getContext === 'function') {
var ca = obj;
var co = ca.getContext('2d');
var obj = ca.__object__;
} else if (obj.toString().indexOf('CanvasRenderingContext2D') != -1 || RGraph.ISIE8 && obj.moveTo) {
var co = obj;
var ca = obj.canvas;
var obj = ca.__object__;
// IE7/8
} else if (RG.ISOLD && obj.fillText) {
var co = obj;
var ca = obj.canvas;
var obj = ca.__object__;
var x = opt.x;
var y = opt.y;
var originalX = x;
var originalY = y;
var text = opt.text;
var text_multiline = typeof text === 'string' ? text.split(/\r?\n/g) : '';
var numlines = text_multiline.length;
var font = opt.font ? opt.font : 'Arial';
var size = opt.size ? opt.size : 10;
var size_pixels = size * 1.5;
var bold = opt.bold;
var italic = opt.italic;
var halign = opt.halign ? opt.halign : 'left';
var valign = opt.valign ? opt.valign : 'bottom';
var tag = typeof opt.tag == 'string' && opt.tag.length > 0 ? opt.tag : '';
var marker = opt.marker;
var angle = opt.angle || 0;
* Changed the name of boundingFill/boundingStroke - this allows you to still use those names
if (typeof opt.boundingFill === 'string') opt['bounding.fill'] = opt.boundingFill;
if (typeof opt.boundingStroke === 'string') opt['bounding.stroke'] = opt.boundingStroke;
var bounding = opt.bounding;
var bounding_stroke = opt['bounding.stroke'] ? opt['bounding.stroke'] : 'black';
var bounding_fill = opt['bounding.fill'] ? opt['bounding.fill'] : 'rgba(255,255,255,0.7)';
var bounding_shadow = opt['bounding.shadow'];
var bounding_shadow_color = opt['bounding.shadow.color'] || '#ccc';
var bounding_shadow_blur = opt['bounding.shadow.blur'] || 3;
var bounding_shadow_offsetx = opt['bounding.shadow.offsetx'] || 3;
var bounding_shadow_offsety = opt['bounding.shadow.offsety'] || 3;
var bounding_linewidth = opt['bounding.linewidth'] || 1;
* Initialize the return value to an empty object
var ret = {};
// Color
if (typeof opt.color === 'string') {
var orig_fillstyle = co.fillStyle;
co.fillStyle = opt.color;
* The text arg must be a string or a number
if (typeof text == 'number') {
text = String(text);
if (typeof text !== 'string') {
* This facilitates vertical text
if (angle != 0) {
co.translate(x, y);
co.rotate((ma.PI / 180) * angle)
x = 0;
y = 0;
* Set the font
co.font = (opt.italic ? 'italic ' : '') + (opt.bold ? 'bold ' : '') + size + 'pt ' + font;
* Measure the width/height. This must be done AFTER the font has been set
var width=0;
for (var i=0; i<numlines; ++i) {
width = ma.max(width, co.measureText(text_multiline[i]).width);
var height = size_pixels * numlines;
* Accommodate old MSIE 7/8
//if (document.all && RGraph.ISOLD) {
//y += 2;
* If marker is specified draw a marker at the X/Y coordinates
if (opt.marker) {
var marker_size = 10;
var strokestyle = co.strokeStyle;
co.strokeStyle = 'red';
co.moveTo(x, y - marker_size);
co.lineTo(x, y + marker_size);
co.moveTo(x - marker_size, y);
co.lineTo(x + marker_size, y);
co.strokeStyle = strokestyle;
* Set the horizontal alignment
if (halign == 'center') {
co.textAlign = 'center';
var boundingX = x - 2 - (width / 2);
} else if (halign == 'right') {
co.textAlign = 'right';
var boundingX = x - 2 - width;
} else {
co.textAlign = 'left';
var boundingX = x - 2;
* Set the vertical alignment
if (valign == 'center') {
co.textBaseline = 'middle';
// Move the text slightly
y -= 1;
y -= ((numlines - 1) / 2) * size_pixels;
var boundingY = y - (size_pixels / 2) - 2;
} else if (valign == 'top') {
co.textBaseline = 'top';
var boundingY = y - 2;
} else {
co.textBaseline = 'bottom';
// Move the Y coord if multiline text
if (numlines > 1) {
y -= ((numlines - 1) * size_pixels);
var boundingY = y - size_pixels - 2;
var boundingW = width + 4;
var boundingH = height + 4;
* Draw a bounding box if required
if (bounding) {
var pre_bounding_linewidth = co.lineWidth;
var pre_bounding_strokestyle = co.strokeStyle;
var pre_bounding_fillstyle = co.fillStyle;
var pre_bounding_shadowcolor = co.shadowColor;
var pre_bounding_shadowblur = co.shadowBlur;
var pre_bounding_shadowoffsetx = co.shadowOffsetX;
var pre_bounding_shadowoffsety = co.shadowOffsetY;
co.lineWidth = bounding_linewidth;
co.strokeStyle = bounding_stroke;
co.fillStyle = bounding_fill;
if (bounding_shadow) {
co.shadowColor = bounding_shadow_color;
co.shadowBlur = bounding_shadow_blur;
co.shadowOffsetX = bounding_shadow_offsetx;
co.shadowOffsetY = bounding_shadow_offsety;
//obj.context.strokeRect(boundingX, boundingY, width + 6, (size_pixels * numlines) + 4);
//obj.context.fillRect(boundingX, boundingY, width + 6, (size_pixels * numlines) + 4);
co.strokeRect(boundingX, boundingY, boundingW, boundingH);
co.fillRect(boundingX, boundingY, boundingW, boundingH);
// Reset the linewidth,colors and shadow to it's original setting
co.lineWidth = pre_bounding_linewidth;
co.strokeStyle = pre_bounding_strokestyle;
co.fillStyle = pre_bounding_fillstyle;
co.shadowColor = pre_bounding_shadowcolor
co.shadowBlur = pre_bounding_shadowblur
co.shadowOffsetX = pre_bounding_shadowoffsetx
co.shadowOffsetY = pre_bounding_shadowoffsety
* Draw the text
if (numlines > 1) {
for (var i=0; i<numlines; ++i) {
co.fillText(text_multiline[i], x, y + (size_pixels * i));
} else {
co.fillText(text, x + 0.5, y + 0.5);
* If the text is at 90 degrees restore() the canvas - getting rid of the rotation
* and the translate that we did
if (angle != 0) {
if (angle == 90) {
if (halign == 'left') {
if (valign == 'bottom') {boundingX = originalX - 2; boundingY = originalY - 2; boundingW = height + 4; boundingH = width + 4;}
if (valign == 'center') {boundingX = originalX - (height / 2) - 2; boundingY = originalY - 2; boundingW = height + 4; boundingH = width + 4;}
if (valign == 'top') {boundingX = originalX - height - 2; boundingY = originalY - 2; boundingW = height + 4; boundingH = width + 4;}
} else if (halign == 'center') {
if (valign == 'bottom') {boundingX = originalX - 2; boundingY = originalY - (width / 2) - 2; boundingW = height + 4; boundingH = width + 4;}
if (valign == 'center') {boundingX = originalX - (height / 2) - 2; boundingY = originalY - (width / 2) - 2; boundingW = height + 4; boundingH = width + 4;}
if (valign == 'top') {boundingX = originalX - height - 2; boundingY = originalY - (width / 2) - 2; boundingW = height + 4; boundingH = width + 4;}
} else if (halign == 'right') {
if (valign == 'bottom') {boundingX = originalX - 2; boundingY = originalY - width - 2; boundingW = height + 4; boundingH = width + 4;}
if (valign == 'center') {boundingX = originalX - (height / 2) - 2; boundingY = originalY - width - 2; boundingW = height + 4; boundingH = width + 4;}
if (valign == 'top') {boundingX = originalX - height - 2; boundingY = originalY - width - 2; boundingW = height + 4; boundingH = width + 4;}
} else if (angle == 180) {
if (halign == 'left') {
if (valign == 'bottom') {boundingX = originalX - width - 2; boundingY = originalY - 2; boundingW = width + 4; boundingH = height + 4;}
if (valign == 'center') {boundingX = originalX - width - 2; boundingY = originalY - (height / 2) - 2; boundingW = width + 4; boundingH = height + 4;}
if (valign == 'top') {boundingX = originalX - width - 2; boundingY = originalY - height - 2; boundingW = width + 4; boundingH = height + 4;}
} else if (halign == 'center') {
if (valign == 'bottom') {boundingX = originalX - (width / 2) - 2; boundingY = originalY - 2; boundingW = width + 4; boundingH = height + 4;}
if (valign == 'center') {boundingX = originalX - (width / 2) - 2; boundingY = originalY - (height / 2) - 2; boundingW = width + 4; boundingH = height + 4;}
if (valign == 'top') {boundingX = originalX - (width / 2) - 2; boundingY = originalY - height - 2; boundingW = width + 4; boundingH = height + 4;}
} else if (halign == 'right') {
if (valign == 'bottom') {boundingX = originalX - 2; boundingY = originalY - 2; boundingW = width + 4; boundingH = height + 4;}
if (valign == 'center') {boundingX = originalX - 2; boundingY = originalY - (height / 2) - 2; boundingW = width + 4; boundingH = height + 4;}
if (valign == 'top') {boundingX = originalX - 2; boundingY = originalY - height - 2; boundingW = width + 4; boundingH = height + 4;}
} else if (angle == 270) {
if (halign == 'left') {
if (valign == 'bottom') {boundingX = originalX - height - 2; boundingY = originalY - width - 2; boundingW = height + 4; boundingH = width + 4;}
if (valign == 'center') {boundingX = originalX - (height / 2) - 4; boundingY = originalY - width - 2; boundingW = height + 4; boundingH = width + 4;}
if (valign == 'top') {boundingX = originalX - 2; boundingY = originalY - width - 2; boundingW = height + 4; boundingH = width + 4;}
} else if (halign == 'center') {
if (valign == 'bottom') {boundingX = originalX - height - 2; boundingY = originalY - (width/2) - 2; boundingW = height + 4; boundingH = width + 4;}
if (valign == 'center') {boundingX = originalX - (height/2) - 4; boundingY = originalY - (width/2) - 2; boundingW = height + 4; boundingH = width + 4;}
if (valign == 'top') {boundingX = originalX - 2; boundingY = originalY - (width/2) - 2; boundingW = height + 4; boundingH = width + 4;}
} else if (halign == 'right') {
if (valign == 'bottom') {boundingX = originalX - height - 2; boundingY = originalY - 2; boundingW = height + 4; boundingH = width + 4;}
if (valign == 'center') {boundingX = originalX - (height/2) - 2; boundingY = originalY - 2; boundingW = height + 4; boundingH = width + 4;}
if (valign == 'top') {boundingX = originalX - 2; boundingY = originalY - 2; boundingW = height + 4; boundingH = width + 4;}
* Reset the text alignment so that text rendered after this text function is not affected
co.textBaseline = 'alphabetic';
co.textAlign = 'left';
* Fill the ret variable with details of the text
ret.x = boundingX;
ret.y = boundingY;
ret.width = boundingW;
ret.height = boundingH
ret.object = obj;
ret.text = text;
ret.tag = tag;
* Save and then return the details of the text (but oly
* if it's an RGraph object that was given)
if (obj && obj.isRGraph && obj.coordsText) {
// Restore the original fillstyle
if (typeof orig_fillstyle === 'string') {
co.fillStyle = orig_fillstyle;
return ret;
* Takes a sequential index abd returns the group/index variation of it. Eg if you have a
* sequential index from a grouped bar chart this function can be used to convert that into
* an appropriate group/index combination
* @param nindex number The sequential index
* @param data array The original data (which is grouped)
* @return The group/index information
RG.sequentialIndexToGrouped = function (index, data)
var group = 0;
var grouped_index = 0;
while (--index >= 0) {
if (RG.is_null(data[group])) {
grouped_index = 0;
// Allow for numbers as well as arrays in the dataset
if (typeof data[group] == 'number') {
grouped_index = 0;
if (grouped_index >= data[group].length) {
grouped_index = 0;
return [group, grouped_index];
* This function highlights a rectangle
* @param object obj The chart object
* @param number shape The coordinates of the rect to highlight
RG.Highlight.rect =
RG.Highlight.Rect = function (obj, shape)
var ca = obj.canvas;
var co = obj.context;
var prop = obj.properties;
if (prop['chart.tooltips.highlight']) {
// Safari seems to need this
co.lineWidth = 1;
* Draw a rectangle on the canvas to highlight the appropriate area
co.strokeStyle = prop['chart.highlight.stroke'];
co.fillStyle = prop['chart.highlight.fill'];
* This function highlights a point
* @param object obj The chart object
* @param number shape The coordinates of the rect to highlight
RG.Highlight.point =
RG.Highlight.Point = function (obj, shape)
var prop = obj.properties;
var ca = obj.canvas;
var co = obj.context;
if (prop['chart.tooltips.highlight']) {
* Draw a rectangle on the canvas to highlight the appropriate area
co.strokeStyle = prop['chart.highlight.stroke'];
co.fillStyle = prop['chart.highlight.fill'];
var radius = prop['chart.highlight.point.radius'] || 2;
co.arc(shape['x'],shape['y'],radius, 0, RG.TWOPI, 0);
* This is the same as Date.parse - though a little more flexible.
* @param string str The date string to parse
* @return Returns the same thing as Date.parse
RG.parseDate = function (str)
str = RG.trim(str);
// Allow for: now (just the word "now")
if (str === 'now') {
str = (new Date()).toString();
// Allow for: 2013-11-22 12:12:12 or 2013/11/22 12:12:12
if (str.match(/^(\d\d\d\d)(-|\/)(\d\d)(-|\/)(\d\d)( |T)(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)$/)) {
str = RegExp.$1 + '-' + RegExp.$3 + '-' + RegExp.$5 + 'T' + RegExp.$7 + ':' + RegExp.$8 + ':' + RegExp.$9;
// Allow for: 2013-11-22
if (str.match(/^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d$/)) {
str = str.replace(/-/g, '/');
// Allow for: 12:09:44 (time only using todays date)
if (str.match(/^\d\d:\d\d:\d\d$/)) {
var dateObj = new Date();
var date = dateObj.getDate();
var month = dateObj.getMonth() + 1;
var year = dateObj.getFullYear();
// Pad the date/month with a zero if it's not two characters
if (String(month).length === 1) month = '0' + month;
if (String(date).length === 1) date = '0' + date;
str = (year + '/' + month + '/' + date) + ' ' + str;
return Date.parse(str);
* Reset all of the color values to their original values
* @param object
RG.resetColorsToOriginalValues = function (obj)
if (obj.original_colors) {
// Reset the colors to their original values
for (var j in obj.original_colors) {
if (typeof j === 'string' && j.substr(0,6) === 'chart.') {
obj.properties[j] = RG.arrayClone(obj.original_colors[j]);
* If the function is present on the object to reset specific colors - use that
if (typeof obj.resetColorsToOriginalValues === 'function') {
// Reset the colorsParsed flag so that they're parsed for gradients again
obj.colorsParsed = false;
* This function is a short-cut for the canvas path syntax (which can be rather verbose)
* @param mixed obj This can either be the 2D context or an RGraph object
* @param array path The path details
RG.path =
RG.Path = function (obj, path)
* Allow either the RGraph object or the context to be used as the first argument
if (obj.isRGraph && typeof obj.type === 'string') {
var co = obj.context;
} else {
var co = obj;
obj = obj.canvas.__object__;
* If the Path information has been passed as a string - split it up
if (typeof path == 'string') {
path = path.split(/ +/);
* Go through the path information
for (var i=0,len=path.length; i<len; i+=1) {
var op = path[i];
// 100,100,50,0,Math.PI * 1.5, false
switch (op) {
case 'b':co.beginPath();break;
case 'c':co.closePath();break;
case 'm':co.moveTo(parseFloat(path[i+1]),parseFloat(path[i+2]));i+=2;break;
case 'l':co.lineTo(parseFloat(path[i+1]),parseFloat(path[i+2]));i+=2;break;
case 's':if(path[i+1])co.strokeStyle=obj.parseSingleColorForGradient(path[i+1]);co.stroke();i++;break;
case 'f':if(path[i+1]){co.fillStyle = obj.parseSingleColorForGradient(path[i+1]);}co.fill();i++;break;
case 'qc':co.quadraticCurveTo(parseFloat(path[i+1]),parseFloat(path[i+2]),parseFloat(path[i+3]),parseFloat(path[i+4]));i+=4;break;
case 'bc':co.bezierCurveTo(parseFloat(path[i+1]),parseFloat(path[i+2]),parseFloat(path[i+3]),parseFloat(path[i+4]),parseFloat(path[i+5]),parseFloat(path[i+6]));i+=6;break;
case 'r':co.rect(parseFloat(path[i+1]),parseFloat(path[i+2]),parseFloat(path[i+3]),parseFloat(path[i+4]));i+=4;break;
case 'a':co.arc(parseFloat(path[i+1]),parseFloat(path[i+2]),parseFloat(path[i+3]),parseFloat(path[i+4]),parseFloat(path[i+5]),path[i+6]==='true'||path[i+6]===true?true:false);i+=6;break;
case 'at':co.arcTo(parseFloat(path[i+1]),parseFloat(path[i+2]),parseFloat(path[i+3]),parseFloat(path[i+4]),parseFloat(path[i+5]));i+=5;break;
case 'lw':co.lineWidth=parseFloat(path[i+1]);i++;break;
case 'lj':co.lineJoin=path[i+1];i++;break;
case 'lc':co.lineCap=path[i+1];i++;break;
case 'sc':co.shadowColor=path[i+1];i++;break;
case 'sb':co.shadowBlur=parseFloat(path[i+1]);i++;break;
case 'sx':co.shadowOffsetX=parseFloat(path[i+1]);i++;break;
case 'sy':co.shadowOffsetY=parseFloat(path[i+1]);i++;break;
case 'fu':(path[i+1])(obj);i++;break;
case 'fs':co.fillStyle=obj.parseSingleColorForGradient(path[i+1]);i++;break;
case 'ss':co.strokeStyle=obj.parseSingleColorForGradient(path[i+1]);i++;break;
case 'fr':co.fillRect(parseFloat(path[i+1]),parseFloat(path[i+2]),parseFloat(path[i+3]),parseFloat(path[i+4]));i+=4;break;
case 'sr':co.strokeRect(parseFloat(path[i+1]),parseFloat(path[i+2]),parseFloat(path[i+3]),parseFloat(path[i+4]));i+=4;break;
case 'cl':co.clip();break;
case 'ct':co.save();co.beginPath();RG.path(co, path[i+1]);co.clip();i++;break;
case 'sa':co.save();break;
case 'rs':co.restore();break;
* Creates a Linear gradient
* @param object obj The chart object
* @param number x1 The start X coordinate
* @param number x2 The end X coordinate
* @param number y1 The start Y coordinate
* @param number y2 The end Y coordinate
* @param string color1 The start color
* @param string color2 The end color
RG.linearGradient =
RG.LinearGradient = function (obj, x1, y1, x2, y2, color1, color2)
var gradient = obj.context.createLinearGradient(x1, y1, x2, y2);
var numColors=arguments.length-5;
for (var i=5; i<arguments.length; ++i) {
var color = arguments[i];
var stop = (i - 5) / (numColors - 1);
gradient.addColorStop(stop, color);
return gradient;
* Creates a Radial gradient
* @param object obj The chart object
* @param number x1 The start X coordinate
* @param number x2 The end X coordinate
* @param number y1 The start Y coordinate
* @param number y2 The end Y coordinate
* @param string color1 The start color
* @param string color2 The end color
RG.radialGradient =
RG.RadialGradient = function(obj, x1, y1, r1, x2, y2, r2, color1, color2)
var gradient = obj.context.createRadialGradient(x1, y1, r1, x2, y2, r2);
var numColors = arguments.length-7;
for(var i=7; i<arguments.length; ++i) {
var color = arguments[i];
var stop = (i-7) / (numColors-1);
gradient.addColorStop(stop, color);
return gradient;
* Adds an event listener to RGraphs internal array so that RGraph can track them.
* This DOESN'T add the event listener to the canvas/window.
* 5/1/14 TODO Used in the tooltips file, but is it necessary any more?
RG.addEventListener =
RG.AddEventListener = function (id, e, func)
var type = arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : 'unknown';
* Clears event listeners that have been installed by RGraph
* @param string id The ID of the canvas to clear event listeners for - or 'window' to clear
* the event listeners attached to the window
RG.clearEventListeners =
RG.ClearEventListeners = function(id)
if (id && id == 'window') {
window.removeEventListener('mousedown', window.__rgraph_mousedown_event_listener_installed__, false);
window.removeEventListener('mouseup', window.__rgraph_mouseup_event_listener_installed__, false);
} else {
var canvas = document.getElementById(id);
canvas.removeEventListener('mouseup', canvas.__rgraph_mouseup_event_listener_installed__, false);
canvas.removeEventListener('mousemove', canvas.__rgraph_mousemove_event_listener_installed__, false);
canvas.removeEventListener('mousedown', canvas.__rgraph_mousedown_event_listener_installed__, false);
canvas.removeEventListener('click', canvas.__rgraph_click_event_listener_installed__, false);
* Hides the annotating palette. It's here because it can be called
* from code other than the annotating code.
RG.hidePalette =
RG.HidePalette = function ()
var div = RG.Registry.get('palette');
if(typeof div == 'object' && div) {
div.style.visibility = 'hidden';
div.style.display = 'none';
RG.Registry.set('palette', null);
* Generates a random number between the minimum and maximum
* @param number min The minimum value
* @param number max The maximum value
* @param number OPTIONAL Number of decimal places
RG.random = function (min, max)
var dp = arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 0;
var r = ma.random();
return Number((((max - min) * r) + min).toFixed(dp));
RG.random.array = function (num, min, max)
var arr = [];
for(var i=0; i<num; i+=1) {
return arr;
* Turns off shadow by setting blur to zero, the offsets to zero and the color to transparent black.
* @param object obj The chart object
RG.noShadow =
RG.NoShadow = function (obj)
var co = obj.context;
co.shadowColor = 'rgba(0,0,0,0)';
co.shadowBlur = 0;
co.shadowOffsetX = 0;
co.shadowOffsetY = 0;
* Sets the various shadow properties
* @param object obj The chart object
* @param string color The color of the shadow
* @param number offsetx The offsetX value for the shadow
* @param number offsety The offsetY value for the shadow
* @param number blur The blurring value for the shadow
RG.setShadow =
RG.SetShadow = function (obj, color, offsetx, offsety, blur)
var co = obj.context;
co.shadowColor = color;
co.shadowOffsetX = offsetx;
co.shadowOffsetY = offsety;
co.shadowBlur = blur;
* Sets an object in the RGraph registry
* @param string name The name of the value to set
RG.Registry.set =
RG.Registry.Set = function (name, value)
// Convert uppercase letters to dot+lower case letter
name = name.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function (str)
return '.' + String(RegExp.$1).toLowerCase();
// Ensure there is the chart. prefix
if (name.substr(0,6) !== 'chart.') {
name = 'chart.' + name;
RG.Registry.store[name] = value;
return value;
* Gets an object from the RGraph registry
* @param string name The name of the value to fetch
RG.Registry.get =
RG.Registry.Get = function (name)
// Convert uppercase letters to dot+lower case letter
name = name.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function (str)
return '.' + String(RegExp.$1).toLowerCase();
// Ensure there is the chart. prefix
if (name.substr(0,6) !== 'chart.') {
name = 'chart.' + name;
return RG.Registry.store[name];
* Converts the given number of degrees to radians. Angles in canvas are measured in radians
* @param number deg The value to convert
RG.degrees2Radians = function (deg)
return deg * (RG.PI / 180);
* Generates logs for... ...log charts
* @param number n The number to generate the log for
* @param number base The base to use
RG.log = function (n,base)
return ma.log(n) / (base ? ma.log(base) : 1);
* Determines if the given object is an array or not
* @param mixed obj The variable to test
RG.isArray =
RG.is_array = function (obj)
if (obj && obj.constructor) {
var pos = obj.constructor.toString().indexOf('Array');
} else {
return false;
return obj != null &&
typeof pos === 'number' &&
pos > 0 &&
pos < 20;
* Removes white-space from the start aqnd end of a string
* @param string str The string to trim
RG.trim = function (str)
return RG.ltrim(RG.rtrim(str));
* Trims the white-space from the start of a string
* @param string str The string to trim
RG.ltrim = function (str)
return str.replace(/^(\s|\0)+/, '');
* Trims the white-space off of the end of a string
* @param string str The string to trim
RG.rtrim = function (str)
return str.replace(/(\s|\0)+$/, '');
* Returns true/false as to whether the given variable is null or not
* @param mixed arg The argument to check
RG.isNull =
RG.is_null = function (arg)
if (arg == null || typeof arg === 'object' && !arg) {
return true;
return false;
* This function facilitates a very limited way of making your charts
* whilst letting the rest of page continue - using the setTimeout function
* @param function func The function to run that creates the chart
RG.async =
RG.Async = function (func)
return setTimeout(func, arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 1);
* Resets (more than just clears) the canvas and clears any pertinent objects
* from the ObjectRegistry
* @param object ca The canvas object (as returned by document.getElementById() ).
RG.reset =
RG.Reset = function (ca)
ca.width = ca.width;
ca.__rgraph_aa_translated__ = false;
// Clear any text objects that are in the cache
//var len = (ca.id + '-text-').length;
//for (i in RG.cache) {
// var value = RG.cache[i];
// if (i.substr(0, len) === (ca.id + '-text-') && typeof value === 'object' && value) {
// RG.cache[i].parentNode.removeChild(RG.cache[i]);
// RG.cache[i] = null;
// }
RG.att = function (ca)
* This function is due to be removed.
* @param string id The ID of what can be either the canvas tag or a DIV tag
RG.getCanvasTag = function (id)
id = typeof id === 'object' ? id.id : id;
var canvas = doc.getElementById(id);
return [id, canvas];
* A wrapper function that encapsulate requestAnimationFrame
* @param function func The animation function
RG.Effects.updateCanvas =
RG.Effects.UpdateCanvas = function (func)
win.requestAnimationFrame = win.requestAnimationFrame
|| win.webkitRequestAnimationFrame
|| win.msRequestAnimationFrame
|| win.mozRequestAnimationFrame
|| (function (func){setTimeout(func, 16.666);});
* This function returns an easing multiplier for effects so they eas out towards the
* end of the effect.
* @param number frames The total number of frames
* @param number frame The frame number
RG.Effects.getEasingMultiplier = function (frames, frame)
return ma.pow(ma.sin((frame / frames) * RG.HALFPI), 3);
* This function converts an array of strings to an array of numbers. Its used by the meter/gauge
* style charts so that if you want you can pass in a string. It supports various formats:
* '45.2'
* '-45.2'
* ['45.2']
* ['-45.2']
* '45.2,45.2,45.2' // A CSV style string
* @param number frames The string or array to parse
RG.stringsToNumbers = function (str)
// An optional separator to use intead of a comma
var sep = arguments[1] || ',';
// If it's already a number just return it
if (typeof str === 'number') {
return str;
if (typeof str === 'string') {
if (str.indexOf(sep) != -1) {
str = str.split(sep);
} else {
str = parseFloat(str);
if (typeof str === 'object') {
for (var i=0,len=str.length; i<len; i+=1) {
str[i] = parseFloat(str[i]);
return str;
* Drawing cache function. This function creates an off-screen canvas and draws [wwhatever] to it
* and then subsequent calls use that instead of repeatedly drawing the same thing.
* @param object obj The graph object
* @param string id An ID string used to identify the relevant entry in the cache
* @param function func The drawing function. This will be called to do the draw.
RG.cachedDraw = function (obj, id, func)
//If the cache entry xists - just copy it across to the main canvas
if (!RG.cache[id]) {
RG.cache[id] = {};
RG.cache[id].object = obj;
RG.cache[id].canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
RG.cache[id].canvas.setAttribute('width', obj.canvas.width);
RG.cache[id].canvas.setAttribute('height', obj.canvas.height);
RG.cache[id].canvas.setAttribute('id', 'background_cached_canvas' + obj.canvas.id);
//Add MSIE support
if (typeof G_vmlCanvasManager === 'object' && G_vmlCanvasManager.initElement) {
RG.cache[id].context = RG.cache[id].canvas.getContext('2d');
// Antialiasing on the cache canvas
// Call the function
func(obj, RG.cache[id].canvas, RG.cache[id].context);
// Now copy the contents of the cached canvas over to the main one.
// The coordinates are -0.5 because of the anti-aliasing effect in
// use on the main canvas
* The function that runs through the supplied configuration and
* converts it to the RGraph stylee.
* @param object conf The config
* @param object The settings for the object
RG.parseObjectStyleConfig = function (obj, config)
* The recursion function
var recurse = function (obj, config, name, settings)
var i;
for (key in config) {
// Allow for functions in the configuration. Run them immediately
if (key.match(/^exec[0-9]*$/)) {
config[key](obj, settings);
var isObject = false; // Default value
var isArray = false; // Default value
var value = config[key];
// Change caps to dots. Eg textSize => text.size
while(key.match(/([A-Z])/)) {
key = key.replace(/([A-Z])/, '.' + RegExp.$1.toLowerCase());
if (!RG.isNull(value) && value.constructor) {
isObject = value.constructor.toString().indexOf('Object') > 0;
isArray = value.constructor.toString().indexOf('Array') > 0;
if (isObject && !isArray) {
recurse(obj, config[key], name + '.' + key, settings);
} else if (key === 'self') {
settings[name] = value;
} else {
settings[name + '.' + key] = value;
return settings;
* Go through the settings that we've been given
var settings = recurse(obj, config, 'chart', {});
* Go through the settings and set them on the object
for (key in settings) {
if (typeof key === 'string') {
obj.set(key, settings[key]);
* This function is a short-cut for the canvas path syntax (which can be rather
* verbose). You can read a description of it (which details all of the
* various options) on the RGraph blog (www.rgraph.net/blog). The function is
* added to the CanvasRenderingContext2D object so it becomes a context function.
* So you can use it like these examples show:
* 1. RG.pa2(context, 'b r 0 0 50 50 f red');
* 2. RG.pa2(context, 'b a 50 50 50 0 3.14 false f red');
* 3. RG.pa2(context, 'b m 5 100 bc 5 0 100 0 100 100 s red');
* 4. RG.pa2(context, 'b m 5 100 at 50 0 95 100 50 s red');
* 5. RG.pa2(context, 'sa b r 0 0 50 50 c b r 5 5 590 240 f red rs');
* 6. RG.pa2(context, 'ld [2,6] ldo 4 b r 5 5 590 240 f red');
* 7. RG.pa2(context, 'ga 0.25 b r 5 5 590 240 f red');
* @param array p The path details
RG.path2 = function (co, p)
if (typeof p === 'string') {
// Clear leading and trailing whitespace
p = p.trim();
// Allow for % placeholder substitution
if (p.indexOf('%') !== -1) {
p = p.split(/%/);
for (var i=1; i<p.length; i+=1) {
p[i] = arguments[i+1].toString() + ' ' + p[i];
p = p.join(' ');
// Split up the path
p = p.split(/ +/);
// Collapse args that are in single or double quotes
p = collapseQuoted(p);
// Go through the path information
for (var i=0,len=p.length; i<len; i+=1) {
switch (p[i]) {
case 'b':co.beginPath();break;
case 'c':co.closePath();break;
case 'm':co.moveTo(parseFloat(p[i+1]),parseFloat(p[i+2]));i+=2;break;
case 'l':co.lineTo(parseFloat(p[i+1]),parseFloat(p[i+2]));i+=2;break;
case 's':if(p[i+1])co.strokeStyle=p[i+1];co.stroke();i++;break;
case 'f':if(p[i+1]){co.fillStyle=p[i+1];}co.fill();i++;break;
case 'qc':co.quadraticCurveTo(parseFloat(p[i+1]),parseFloat(p[i+2]),parseFloat(p[i+3]),parseFloat(p[i+4]));i+=4;break;
case 'bc':co.bezierCurveTo(parseFloat(p[i+1]),parseFloat(p[i+2]),parseFloat(p[i+3]),parseFloat(p[i+4]),parseFloat(p[i+5]),parseFloat(p[i+6]));i+=6;break;
case 'r':co.rect(parseFloat(p[i+1]),parseFloat(p[i+2]),parseFloat(p[i+3]),parseFloat(p[i+4]));i+=4;break;
case 'a':co.arc(parseFloat(p[i+1]),parseFloat(p[i+2]),parseFloat(p[i+3]),parseFloat(p[i+4]),parseFloat(p[i+5]),p[i+6]==='true'||p[i+6]===true||p[i+6]===1||p[i+6]==='1'?true:false);i+=6;break;
case 'at':co.arcTo(parseFloat(p[i+1]),parseFloat(p[i+2]),parseFloat(p[i+3]),parseFloat(p[i+4]),parseFloat(p[i+5]));i+=5;break;
case 'lw':co.lineWidth=parseFloat(p[i+1]);i++;break;
case 'e':co.ellipse(parseFloat(p[i+1]),parseFloat(p[i+2]),parseFloat(p[i+3]),parseFloat(p[i+4]),parseFloat(p[i+5]),parseFloat(p[i+6]),parseFloat(p[i+7]),p[i+8] === 'true' ? true : false);i+=8;break;
case 'lj':co.lineJoin=p[i+1];i++;break;
case 'lc':co.lineCap=p[i+1];i++;break;
case 'sc':co.shadowColor=p[i+1];i++;break;
case 'sb':co.shadowBlur=parseFloat(p[i+1]);i++;break;
case 'sx':co.shadowOffsetX=parseFloat(p[i+1]);i++;break;
case 'sy':co.shadowOffsetY=parseFloat(p[i+1]);i++;break;
case 'fs':co.fillStyle=p[i+1];i++;break;
case 'ss':co.strokeStyle=p[i+1];i++;break;
case 'fr':co.fillRect(parseFloat(p[i+1]),parseFloat(p[i+2]),parseFloat(p[i+3]),parseFloat(p[i+4]));i+=4;break;
case 'sr':co.strokeRect(parseFloat(p[i+1]),parseFloat(p[i+2]),parseFloat(p[i+3]),parseFloat(p[i+4]));i+=4;break;
case 'cl':co.clip();break;
case 'sa':co.save();break;
case 'rs':co.restore();break;
case 'tr':co.translate(parseFloat(p[i+1]),parseFloat(p[i+2]));i+=2;break;
case 'sl':co.scale(parseFloat(p[i+1]), parseFloat(p[i+2]));i+=2;break;
case 'ro':co.rotate(parseFloat(p[i+1]));i++;break;
case 'tf':co.transform(parseFloat(p[i+1]),parseFloat(p[i+2]),parseFloat(p[i+3]),parseFloat(p[i+4]),parseFloat(p[i+5]),parseFloat(p[i+6]));i+=6;break;
case 'stf':co.setTransform(parseFloat(p[i+1]),parseFloat(p[i+2]),parseFloat(p[i+3]),parseFloat(p[i+4]),parseFloat(p[i+5]),parseFloat(p[i+6]));i+=6;break;
case 'cr':co.clearRect(parseFloat(p[i+1]),parseFloat(p[i+2]),parseFloat(p[i+3]),parseFloat(p[i+4]));i+=4;break;
case 'ld':var parts = p[i+1].split(/,/);for (var j=0;j<parts.length; j++){parts[j] = parts[j].replace(/^\[/, '');parts[j] = parts[j].replace(/\]$/, '');}co.setLineDash(parts);i+=1;break;
case 'ldo':co.lineDashOffset=p[i+1];i++;break;
case 'fo':co.font=p[i+1];i++;break;
case 'ft':co.fillText(p[i+1], parseFloat(p[i+2]), parseFloat(p[i+3]));i+=3;break;
case 'st':co.strokeText(p[i+1], parseFloat(p[i+2]), parseFloat(p[i+3]));i+=3;break;
case 'ta':co.textAlign=p[i+1];i++;break;
case 'tbl':co.textBaseline=p[i+1];i++;break;
case 'ga':co.globalAlpha=parseFloat(p[i+1]);i++;break;
case 'gco':co.globalCompositeOperation=p[i+1];i++;break;
// Empty option - ignore it
case '':break;
// Unknown option
default: alert('[ERROR] Unknown option: ' + p[i]);
// This function looks for quoted args and collapses them
function collapseQuoted (arr)
var buffer = '', quote, index,out = [],quotes = ['"', "'"];
for (var j=0; j<quotes.length; j+=1) {
for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i+=1) {
// Start and close quotes in the same part
if (arr[i].match('/^' + quotes[j] + '/') && arr[i].match('/' + quotes[j] + '$/')) {
arr[i] = arr[i].substr(1, arr[i].length - 2);
// Start quoted part
if (buffer.length === 0 && arr[i].indexOf(quotes[j]) !== -1) {
buffer = arr[i].substr(arr[i].indexOf(quotes[j]) + 1, arr[i].length);
quote = quotes[j];
index = i;
// End quoted part
} else if (quote && arr[i].indexOf(quote) !== -1) {
buffer = buffer + ' ' + arr[i].substr(0, arr[i].length - 1);
arr[index] = buffer;
arr[i] = '';
quote = '';
buffer = '';
// Add to quoted part
} else if (quote) {
buffer += ' ' + arr[i];
arr[i] = '';
// Trim the array down
for (i=0; i<arr.length; i+=1) {
if (arr[i].length) {
return out;
// Wraps the canvas in a DIV to allow DOM text to be used
RG.wrap = function () {};
// End module pattern
})(window, document);
* Uses the alert() function to show the structure of the given variable
* @param mixed v The variable to print/alert the structure of
window.$p = function (v)
RGraph.pr(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[3]);
* A shorthand for the default alert() function
window.$a = function (v)
* Short-hand for console.log
* @param mixed v The variable to log to the console
window.$cl = function (v)
return console.log(v);