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507 lines
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Executable file
* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
abstract class DashletGenericChart extends Dashlet
public $layoutManager;
public $currentSearchFields;
* The title of the dashlet
* @var string
public $title;
public $noDataMessage = "No Results";
* @see Dashlet::$isConfigurable
public $isConfigurable = true;
* @see Dashlet::$isRefreshable
public $isRefreshable = true;
* location of smarty template file for configuring
* @var string
protected $_configureTpl = 'include/Dashlets/DashletGenericChartConfigure.tpl';
* Bean file used in this Dashlet
* @var object
private $_seedBean;
* Module used in this Dashlet
* @var string
protected $_seedName;
* Array of fields and thier defintions that we are searching on
* @var array
protected $_searchFields;
* smarty object for the generic configuration template
* @var object
private $_configureSS;
* Constructor
* @param int $id
* @param mixed[]|null $options
public function __construct(
array $options = null
) {
$dashletData = [];
if (isset($options)) {
foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
$this->$key = $value;
// load searchfields
$classname = get_class($this);
if (is_file("modules/Charts/Dashlets/$classname/$classname.data.php")) {
$this->_searchFields = $dashletData[$classname]['searchFields'];
// load language files
$this->loadLanguage($classname, 'modules/Charts/Dashlets/');
if (empty($options['title'])) {
$this->title = $this->dashletStrings['LBL_TITLE'];
if (isset($options['autoRefresh'])) {
$this->autoRefresh = $options['autoRefresh'];
$this->layoutManager = new LayoutManager();
$this->layoutManager->setAttribute('context', 'Report');
// fake a reporter object here just to pass along the db type used in many widgets.
// this should be taken out when sugarwidgets change
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
$temp = (object) array('db' => &$db, 'report_def_str' => '');
$this->layoutManager->setAttributePtr('reporter', $temp);
* @see Dashlet::setRefreshIcon()
public function setRefreshIcon()
$additionalTitle = '';
if ($this->isRefreshable) {
$additionalTitle .= '<a href="#" onclick="SUGAR.mySugar.retrieveDashlet(\''
. $this->id
. '\',\'predefined_chart\'); return false;"><!--not_in_theme!-->'
. SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImage(
'border="0" align="absmiddle" title="'. translate('LBL_DASHLET_REFRESH', 'Home') . '"',
translate('LBL_DASHLET_REFRESH', 'Home')
. '</a>';
return $additionalTitle;
* Displays the javascript for the dashlet
* @return string javascript to use with this dashlet
public function displayScript()
$sugarChart = SugarChartFactory::getInstance();
if ($sugarChart) {
return $sugarChart->getDashletScript($this->id);
} else {
return null;
* Gets the smarty object for the config window. Designed to allow lazy loading the object
* when it's needed.
protected function getConfigureSmartyInstance()
if (!($this->_configureSS instanceof Sugar_Smarty)) {
$this->_configureSS = new Sugar_Smarty();
return $this->_configureSS;
* Saves the chart config options
* Filter the $_REQUEST and only save only the needed options
* @param array $req
* @return array
public function saveOptions(
) {
global $timedate;
$options = array();
foreach ($req as $name => $value) {
if (!is_array($value)) {
$req[$name] = trim($value);
foreach ($this->_searchFields as $name => $params) {
$widgetDef = $params;
if (isset($this->getSeedBean()->field_defs[$name])) {
$widgetDef = $this->getSeedBean()->field_defs[$name];
if ($widgetDef['type'] == 'date') { // special case date types
$options[$widgetDef['name']] = $timedate->swap_formats($req['type_'.$widgetDef['name']], $timedate->get_date_format(), $timedate->dbDayFormat);
} elseif ($widgetDef['type'] == 'time') { // special case time types
$options[$widgetDef['name']] = $timedate->swap_formats($req['type_'.$widgetDef['name']], $timedate->get_time_format(), $timedate->dbTimeFormat);
} elseif ($widgetDef['type'] == 'datepicker') { // special case datepicker types
$options[$widgetDef['name']] = $timedate->swap_formats($req[$widgetDef['name']], $timedate->get_date_format(), $timedate->dbDayFormat);
} elseif (!empty($req[$widgetDef['name']])) {
$options[$widgetDef['name']] = $req[$widgetDef['name']];
if (!empty($req['dashletTitle'])) {
$options['title'] = htmlentities(html_entity_decode($req['dashletTitle']));
$options['autoRefresh'] = empty($req['autoRefresh']) ? '0' : $req['autoRefresh'];
return $options;
* Handles displaying the chart dashlet configuration popup window
* @return string HTML to return to the browser
public function displayOptions()
$currentSearchFields = array();
if (is_array($this->_searchFields)) {
foreach ($this->_searchFields as $name=>$params) {
if (!empty($name)) {
$name = strtolower($name);
$currentSearchFields[$name] = array();
$widgetDef = $params;
if (isset($this->getSeedBean()->field_defs[$name])) {
$widgetDef = $this->getSeedBean()->field_defs[$name];
if ($widgetDef['type'] == 'enum' || $widgetDef['type'] == 'singleenum') {
$widgetDef['remove_blank'] = true;
} // remove the blank option for the dropdown
if (empty($widgetDef['input_name0'])) {
$widgetDef['input_name0'] = empty($this->$name) ? '' : $this->$name;
$currentSearchFields[$name]['label'] = translate($widgetDef['vname'], $this->getSeedBean()->module_dir);
if ($currentSearchFields[$name]['label'] == $widgetDef['vname']) {
$currentSearchFields[$name]['label'] = translate($widgetDef['vname'], 'Charts');
$currentSearchFields[$name]['input'] = $this->layoutManager->widgetDisplayInput($widgetDef, true, (empty($this->$name) ? '' : $this->$name));
} else { // ability to create spacers in input fields
$currentSearchFields['blank' + $count]['label'] = '';
$currentSearchFields['blank' + $count]['input'] = '';
$this->currentSearchFields = $currentSearchFields;
$this->getConfigureSmartyInstance()->assign('title', translate('LBL_TITLE', 'Charts'));
$this->getConfigureSmartyInstance()->assign('save', $GLOBALS['app_strings']['LBL_SAVE_BUTTON_LABEL']);
$this->getConfigureSmartyInstance()->assign('clear', $GLOBALS['app_strings']['LBL_CLEAR_BUTTON_LABEL']);
$this->getConfigureSmartyInstance()->assign('id', $this->id);
$this->getConfigureSmartyInstance()->assign('searchFields', $this->currentSearchFields);
$this->getConfigureSmartyInstance()->assign('dashletTitle', $this->title);
$this->getConfigureSmartyInstance()->assign('dashletType', 'predefined_chart');
$this->getConfigureSmartyInstance()->assign('module', $_REQUEST['module']);
$this->getConfigureSmartyInstance()->assign('showClearButton', $this->isConfigPanelClearShown);
if ($this->isAutoRefreshable()) {
$this->getConfigureSmartyInstance()->assign('isRefreshable', true);
$this->getConfigureSmartyInstance()->assign('autoRefresh', $GLOBALS['app_strings']['LBL_DASHLET_CONFIGURE_AUTOREFRESH']);
$this->getConfigureSmartyInstance()->assign('autoRefreshOptions', $this->getAutoRefreshOptions());
$this->getConfigureSmartyInstance()->assign('autoRefreshSelect', $this->autoRefresh);
return parent::displayOptions() . $this->getConfigureSmartyInstance()->fetch($this->_configureTpl);
* Returns the DashletGenericChart::_seedBean object. Designed to allow lazy loading the object
* when it's needed.
* @return object
protected function getSeedBean()
if (!($this->_seedBean instanceof SugarBean)) {
$this->_seedBean = SugarModule::get($this->_seedName)->loadBean();
return $this->_seedBean;
* Returns the built query read to feed into SugarChart::getData()
* @return string SQL query
protected function constructQuery()
return '';
* Returns the array of group by parameters for SugarChart::$group_by
* @return string SQL query
protected function constructGroupBy()
return array();
* Displays the Dashlet, must call process() prior to calling this
* @return string HTML that displays Dashlet
public function display()
return parent::display() . $this->processAutoRefresh();
* Processes and displays the auto refresh code for the dashlet
* @param int $dashletOffset
* @return string HTML code
protected function processAutoRefresh($dashletOffset = 0)
global $sugar_config;
if (empty($dashletOffset)) {
$dashletOffset = 0;
$module = $_REQUEST['module'];
if (isset($_REQUEST[$module.'2_'.strtoupper($this->getSeedBean()->object_name).'_offset'])) {
$dashletOffset = $_REQUEST[$module.'2_'.strtoupper($this->getSeedBean()->object_name).'_offset'];
if (!$this->isRefreshable) {
return '';
if (!empty($sugar_config['dashlet_auto_refresh_min']) && $sugar_config['dashlet_auto_refresh_min'] == -1) {
return '';
$autoRefreshSS = new Sugar_Smarty();
$autoRefreshSS->assign('dashletOffset', $dashletOffset);
$autoRefreshSS->assign('dashletId', $this->id);
$autoRefreshSS->assign('strippedDashletId', str_replace("-", "", $this->id)); //javascript doesn't like "-" in function names
$autoRefreshSS->assign('dashletRefreshInterval', $this->getAutoRefresh());
$autoRefreshSS->assign('url', "predefined_chart");
$tpl = 'include/Dashlets/DashletGenericAutoRefresh.tpl';
if ($_REQUEST['action'] == "DynamicAction") {
$tpl = 'include/Dashlets/DashletGenericAutoRefreshDynamic.tpl';
return $autoRefreshSS->fetch($tpl);
//Added as the rgraph charts do not use SugarCharts and this is where this method was previously
public function getChartData($query)
global $app_list_strings, $db;
$dataSet = array();
$result = $db->query($query);
$row = $db->fetchByAssoc($result);
while ($row != null) {
$dataSet[] = $row;
$row = $db->fetchByAssoc($result);
return $dataSet;
PG copied verbatim from SugarChart as there is no longer the dependency on this from RGraph charts
This function is used for localize all the characters in the Chart. And it can also sort all the dom_values by the sequence defined in the dom, but this may produce a lot of extra empty data in the xml file, when the chart is sorted by two key cols.
If the data quantity is large, it maybe a little slow.
* @param array $data_set The data get from database
string $keycolname1 We will sort by this key first
bool $translate1 Whether to trabslate the first column
string $keycolname1 We will sort by this key secondly, and it can be null, then it will only sort by the first column.
bool $translate1 Whether to trabslate the second column
bool $ifsort2 Whether to sort by the second column or just translate the second column.
* @return The sorted and translated data.
public function sortData($data_set, $keycolname1=null, $translate1=false, $keycolname2=null, $translate2=false, $ifsort2=false)
$sortby1 = [];
//You can set whether the columns need to be translated or sorted. It the column needn't to be translated, the sorting must be done in SQL, this function will not do the sorting.
global $app_list_strings;
$sortby1[] = array();
foreach ($data_set as $row) {
$sortby1[] = $row[$keycolname1];
$sortby1 = array_unique($sortby1);
//The data is from the database, the sorting should be done in the sql. So I will not do the sort here.
if ($translate1) {
$temp_sortby1 = array();
foreach (array_keys($app_list_strings[$keycolname1.'_dom']) as $sortby1_value) {
if (in_array($sortby1_value, $sortby1)) {
$temp_sortby1[] = $sortby1_value;
$sortby1 = $temp_sortby1;
//if(isset($sortby1[0]) && $sortby1[0]=='') unset($sortby1[0]);//the beginning of lead_source_dom is blank.
if (isset($sortby1[0]) && $sortby1[0]==array()) {
}//the beginning of month after search is blank.
if ($ifsort2==false) {
if ($keycolname2!=null) {
$sortby2 = array();
foreach ($data_set as $row) {
$sortby2[] = $row[$keycolname2];
//The data is from the database, the sorting should be done in the sql. So I will not do the sort here.
$sortby2 = array_unique($sortby2);
if ($translate2) {
$temp_sortby2 = array();
foreach (array_keys($app_list_strings[$keycolname2.'_dom']) as $sortby2_value) {
if (in_array($sortby2_value, $sortby2)) {
$temp_sortby2[] = $sortby2_value;
$sortby2 = $temp_sortby2;
foreach ($sortby1 as $sort1) {
foreach ($sortby2 as $sort2) {
if ($ifsort2) {
foreach ($data_set as $key => $value) {
if ($value[$keycolname1] == $sort1 && (!$ifsort2 || $value[$keycolname2]== $sort2)) {
if ($translate1) {
$value[$keycolname1.'_dom_option'] = $value[$keycolname1];
$value[$keycolname1] = $app_list_strings[$keycolname1.'_dom'][$value[$keycolname1]];
if ($translate2) {
$value[$keycolname2.'_dom_option'] = $value[$keycolname2];
$value[$keycolname2] = $app_list_strings[$keycolname2.'_dom'][$value[$keycolname2]];
array_push($data, $value);
if ($ifsort2 && $a==0) {//Add 0 for sorting by the second column, if the first row doesn't have a certain col, it will fill the column with 0.
$val['total'] = 0;
$val['count'] = 0;
if ($translate1) {
$val[$keycolname1] = $app_list_strings[$keycolname1.'_dom'][$sort1];
$val[$keycolname1.'_dom_option'] = $sort1;
} else {
$val[$keycolname1] = $sort1;
if ($translate2) {
$val[$keycolname2] = $app_list_strings[$keycolname2.'_dom'][$sort2];
$val[$keycolname2.'_dom_option'] = $sort2;
} elseif ($keycolname2!=null) {
$val[$keycolname2] = $sort2;
array_push($data, $val);
return $data;