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* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
* Localization manager
* @api
class Localization
public $availableCharsets = array(
'BIG-5', //Taiwan and Hong Kong
/*'CP866' // ms-dos Cyrillic */
/*'CP949' //Microsoft Korean */
'CP1251', //MS Cyrillic
'CP1252', //MS Western European & US
'EUC-CN', //Simplified Chinese GB2312
'EUC-JP', //Unix Japanese
'EUC-KR', //Korean
'EUC-TW', //Taiwanese
'ISO-2022-JP', //Japanese
'ISO-2022-KR', //Korean
'ISO-8859-1', //Western European and US
'ISO-8859-2', //Central and Eastern European
'ISO-8859-3', //Latin 3
'ISO-8859-4', //Latin 4
'ISO-8859-5', //Cyrillic
'ISO-8859-6', //Arabic
'ISO-8859-7', //Greek
'ISO-8859-8', //Hebrew
'ISO-8859-9', //Latin 5
'ISO-8859-10', //Latin 6
'ISO-8859-13', //Latin 7
'ISO-8859-14', //Latin 8
'ISO-8859-15', //Latin 9
'KOI8-R', //Cyrillic Russian
'KOI8-U', //Cyrillic Ukranian
'SJIS', //MS Japanese
'UTF-8', //UTF-8
'UTF-16LE', //UTF-16LE
public $localeNameFormat;
public $localeNameFormatDefault;
public $default_export_charset = 'UTF-8';
public $default_email_charset = 'UTF-8';
public $currencies = array(); // array loaded with current currencies
public $invalidNameFormatUpgradeFilename = 'upgradeInvalidLocaleNameFormat.php';
/* Charset mappings for iconv */
public $iconvCharsetMap = array(
'KS_C_5601-1987' => 'CP949',
'ISO-8859-8-I' => 'ISO-8859-8'
* sole constructor
public function __construct()
global $sugar_config;
$this->localeNameFormatDefault = empty($sugar_config['locale_name_format_default']) ? 's f l' : $sugar_config['default_name_format'];
* returns an array of Sugar Config defaults that are determined by locale settings
* @return array
public function getLocaleConfigDefaults()
$coreDefaults = array(
'datef' => 'm/d/Y',
'timef' => 'H:i',
'default_currency_significant_digits' => 2,
'default_currency_symbol' => '$',
'default_export_charset' => $this->default_export_charset,
'default_locale_name_format' => 's f l',
'name_formats' => array(
's f l' => 's f l',
'f l' => 'f l',
's l' => 's l',
'l, s f' => 'l, s f',
'l, f' => 'l, f',
's l, f' => 's l, f',
'l s f' => 'l s f',
'l f s' => 'l f s'
'default_number_grouping_seperator' => ',',
'default_decimal_seperator' => '.',
'export_delimiter' => ',',
'default_email_charset' => $this->default_email_charset,
return $coreDefaults;
* abstraction of precedence
* @param string prefName Name of preference to retrieve based on overrides
* @param object user User in focus, default null (current_user)
* @return string pref Most significant preference
public function getPrecedentPreference($prefName, $user = null, $sugarConfigPrefName = '')
global $current_user;
global $sugar_config;
$userPref = '';
$coreDefaults = $this->getLocaleConfigDefaults();
$pref = isset($coreDefaults[$prefName]) ? $coreDefaults[$prefName] : ''; // defaults, even before config.php
if ($user != null) {
$userPref = $user->getPreference($prefName);
} elseif (!empty($current_user)) {
$userPref = $current_user->getPreference($prefName);
// Bug 39171 - If we are asking for default_email_charset, check in emailSettings['defaultOutboundCharset'] as well
if ($prefName == 'default_email_charset') {
if ($user != null) {
$emailSettings = $user->getPreference('emailSettings', 'Emails');
} elseif (!empty($current_user)) {
$emailSettings = $current_user->getPreference('emailSettings', 'Emails');
if (isset($emailSettings['defaultOutboundCharset'])) {
$userPref = $emailSettings['defaultOutboundCharset'];
// set fallback defaults defined in this class
if (isset($this->$prefName)) {
$pref = $this->$prefName;
//rrs: 33086 - give the ability to pass in the preference name as stored in $sugar_config.
if (!empty($sugarConfigPrefName)) {
$prefName = $sugarConfigPrefName;
// cn: 9549 empty() call on a value of 0 (0 significant digits) resulted in a false-positive. changing to "isset()"
$pref = (!isset($sugar_config[$prefName]) || (empty($sugar_config[$prefName]) && $sugar_config[$prefName] !== '0')) ? $pref : $sugar_config[$prefName];
$pref = (empty($userPref) && $userPref !== '0') ? $pref : $userPref;
return $pref;
* wrapper for whatever currency system we implement
public function loadCurrencies()
// doing it dirty here
global $db;
global $sugar_config;
if (empty($db)) {
return array();
$load = sugar_cache_retrieve('currency_list');
if (!is_array($load)) {
// load default from config.php
$this->currencies['-99'] = array(
'name' => $sugar_config['default_currency_name'],
'symbol' => $sugar_config['default_currency_symbol'],
'conversion_rate' => 1
$q = "SELECT id, name, symbol, conversion_rate FROM currencies WHERE status = 'Active' and deleted = 0";
$r = $db->query($q);
while ($a = $db->fetchByAssoc($r)) {
$load = array();
$load['name'] = $a['name'];
$load['symbol'] = $a['symbol'];
$load['conversion_rate'] = $a['conversion_rate'];
$this->currencies[$a['id']] = $load;
sugar_cache_put('currency_list', $this->currencies);
} else {
$this->currencies = $load;
* getter for currencies array
* @return array $this->currencies returns array( id => array(name => X, etc
public function getCurrencies()
return $this->currencies;
* retrieves default OOTB currencies for sugar_config and installer.
* @return array ret Array of default currencies keyed by ISO4217 code
public function getDefaultCurrencies()
$ret = array(
'AUD' => array(
'name' => 'Australian Dollars',
'iso4217' => 'AUD',
'symbol' => '$'
'BRL' => array(
'name' => 'Brazilian Reais',
'iso4217' => 'BRL',
'symbol' => 'R$'
'GBP' => array(
'name' => 'British Pounds',
'iso4217' => 'GBP',
'symbol' => '£'
'CAD' => array(
'name' => 'Canadian Dollars',
'iso4217' => 'CAD',
'symbol' => '$'
'CNY' => array(
'name' => 'Chinese Yuan',
'iso4217' => 'CNY',
'symbol' => '¥'
'EUR' => array(
'name' => 'Euro',
'iso4217' => 'EUR',
'symbol' => '€'
'HKD' => array(
'name' => 'Hong Kong Dollars',
'iso4217' => 'HKD',
'symbol' => '$'
'INR' => array(
'name' => 'Indian Rupees',
'iso4217' => 'INR',
'symbol' => '₨'
'KRW' => array(
'name' => 'Korean Won',
'iso4217' => 'KRW',
'symbol' => '₩'
'YEN' => array(
'name' => 'Japanese Yen',
'iso4217' => 'JPY',
'symbol' => '¥'
'MXN' => array(
'name' => 'Mexican Pesos',
'iso4217' => 'MXN',
'symbol' => '$'
'SGD' => array(
'name' => 'Singaporean Dollars',
'iso4217' => 'SGD',
'symbol' => '$'
'CHF' => array(
'name' => 'Swiss Franc',
'iso4217' => 'CHF',
'symbol' => 'SFr.'
'THB' => array(
'name' => 'Thai Baht',
'iso4217' => 'THB',
'symbol' => '฿'
'USD' => array(
'name' => 'US Dollars',
'iso4217' => 'USD',
'symbol' => '$'
return $ret;
* returns a mod|app_strings array in the target charset
* @param array strings $mod_string, et.al.
* @param string charset Target charset
* @return array Translated string pack
public function translateStringPack($strings, $charset)
// handle recursive
foreach ($strings as $k => $v) {
if (is_array($v)) {
$strings[$k] = $this->translateStringPack($v, $charset);
} else {
$strings[$k] = $this->translateCharset($v, 'UTF-8', $charset);
return $strings;
* translates the passed variable for email sending (export)
* @param mixed the var (array or string) to translate
* @return mixed the translated variable
public function translateForEmail($var)
if (is_array($var)) {
foreach ($var as $k => $v) {
$var[$k] = $this->translateForEmail($v);
return $var;
} elseif (!empty($var)) {
return $this->translateCharset($var, 'UTF-8', $this->getOutboundEmailCharset());
* prepares a bean for export by translating any text fields into the export
* character set
* @param bean object A SugarBean
* @return bean object The bean with translated strings
public function prepBeanForExport($bean)
foreach ($bean->field_defs as $k => $field) {
if (is_string($bean->$k)) {
// $bean->$k = $this->translateCharset($bean->$k, 'UTF-8', $this->getExportCharset());
} else {
$bean->$k = '';
return $bean;
* translates a character set from one encoding to another encoding
* @param string string the string to be translated
* @param string fromCharset the charset the string is currently in
* @param string toCharset the charset to translate into (defaults to UTF-8)
* @param bool forceIconv force using the iconv library instead of mb_string
* @return string the translated string
public function translateCharset($string, $fromCharset, $toCharset = 'UTF-8', $forceIconv = false)
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Localization: translating [{$string}] from {$fromCharset} into {$toCharset}");
// Bug #35413 Function has to use iconv if $fromCharset is not in mb_list_encodings
$isMb = function_exists('mb_convert_encoding') && !$forceIconv;
$isIconv = function_exists('iconv');
if ($isMb == true) {
$fromCharset = strtoupper($fromCharset);
$listEncodings = mb_list_encodings();
$isFound = false;
foreach ($listEncodings as $encoding) {
if (strtoupper($encoding) == $fromCharset) {
$isFound = true;
$isMb = $isFound;
if ($isMb) {
return mb_convert_encoding($string, $toCharset, $fromCharset);
} elseif ($isIconv) {
$newFromCharset = $fromCharset;
if (isset($this->iconvCharsetMap[$fromCharset])) {
$newFromCharset = $this->iconvCharsetMap[$fromCharset];
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Localization: iconv using charset {$newFromCharset} instead of {$fromCharset}");
$newToCharset = $toCharset;
if (isset($this->iconvCharsetMap[$toCharset])) {
$newToCharset = $this->iconvCharsetMap[$toCharset];
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Localization: iconv using charset {$newToCharset} instead of {$toCharset}");
return iconv($newFromCharset, $newToCharset, $string);
return $string;
* Prefixes the input with a BOM.
* @param string $string The string to add a BOM to
* @param string $fromCharset The charset of the input string
* @return string The input string including a BOM
* @throws UnexpectedValueException in case the encoding isn't supported
public function addBOM($string, $fromCharset)
$charset = $this->normalizeCharset($fromCharset);
if ($charset === 'utf8') {
return "\xef\xbb\xbf" . $string;
} else if ($charset === 'utf16le') {
return "\xff\xfe" . $string;
} else if ($charset === 'utf16be') {
return "\xfe\xff" . $string;
throw new UnexpectedValueException('Encoding not supported: ' . $fromCharset);
* translates a character set from one to another, and the into MIME-header friendly format
public function translateCharsetMIME($string, $fromCharset, $toCharset = 'UTF-8', $encoding = "Q")
$previousEncoding = mb_internal_encoding();
$result = mb_encode_mimeheader($string, $toCharset, $encoding);
return $result;
public function normalizeCharset($charset)
$charset = strtolower(preg_replace("/[\-\_]*/", "", $charset));
return $charset;
* returns an array of charsets with keys for available translations; appropriate for get_select_options_with_id()
public function getCharsetSelect()
//jc:12293 - the "labels" or "human-readable" representations of the various charsets
//should be translatable
$translated = array();
foreach ($this->availableCharsets as $key) {
//$translated[$key] = translate($value);
$translated[$key] = translate($key);
return $translated;
* returns the charset preferred in descending order: User, Sugar Config, DEFAULT
* @param string charset to override ALL, pass a valid charset here
* @return string charset the chosen character set
public function getExportCharset($charset = '', $user = null)
$charset = $this->getPrecedentPreference('default_export_charset', $user);
return $charset;
* returns the charset preferred in descending order: User, Sugar Config, DEFAULT
* @return string charset the chosen character set
public function getOutboundEmailCharset($user = null)
$charset = $this->getPrecedentPreference('default_email_charset', $user);
return $charset;
public function getDecimalSeparator($user = null)
// Bug50887 this is purposefully misspelled as ..._separator to match the way it's defined throughout the app.
$dec = $this->getPrecedentPreference('default_decimal_seperator', $user);
return $dec;
public function getNumberGroupingSeparator($user = null)
$sep = $this->getPrecedentPreference('default_number_grouping_seperator', $user);
return $sep;
public function getPrecision($user = null)
$precision = $this->getPrecedentPreference('default_currency_significant_digits', $user);
return $precision;
public function getCurrencySymbol($user = null)
$dec = $this->getPrecedentPreference('default_currency_symbol', $user);
return $dec;
* returns a number formatted by user preference or system default
* @param string number Number to be formatted and returned
* @param string currencySymbol Currency symbol if override is necessary
* @param bool is_currency Flag to also return the currency symbol
* @return string Formatted number
public function getLocaleFormattedNumber($number, $currencySymbol = '', $is_currency = true, $user = null)
$fnum = $number;
$majorDigits = '';
$minorDigits = '';
$dec = $this->getDecimalSeparator($user);
$thou = $this->getNumberGroupingSeparator($user);
$precision = $this->getPrecision($user);
$symbol = empty($currencySymbol) ? $this->getCurrencySymbol($user) : $currencySymbol;
$exNum = explode($dec, $number);
// handle grouping
if (is_array($exNum) && count($exNum) > 0) {
if (strlen($exNum[0]) > 3) {
$offset = strlen($exNum[0]) % 3;
if ($offset > 0) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $offset; $i++) {
$majorDigits .= $exNum[0][$i];
$tic = 0;
for ($i = $offset; $i < strlen($exNum[0]); $i++) {
if ($tic % 3 == 0 && $i != 0) {
$majorDigits .= $thou; // add separator
$majorDigits .= $exNum[0][$i];
} else {
$majorDigits = $exNum[0]; // no formatting needed
$fnum = $majorDigits;
// handle decimals
if ($precision > 0) { // we toss the minor digits otherwise
if (is_array($exNum) && isset($exNum[1])) { }
if ($is_currency) {
$fnum = $symbol . $fnum;
return $fnum;
* returns Javascript to format numbers and currency for ***DISPLAY***
public function getNumberJs()
$out = <<<JAVASCRIPT
var exampleDigits = '123456789.000000';
// round parameter can be negative for decimal, precision has to be postive
function formatNumber(n, sep, dec, precision) {
var majorDigits;
var minorDigits;
var formattedMajor = '';
var formattedMinor = '';
var nArray = n.split('.');
majorDigits = nArray[0];
if (nArray.length < 2) {
minorDigits = 0;
} else {
minorDigits = nArray[1];
// handle grouping
if (sep.length > 0) {
var strlength = majorDigits.length;
if (strlength > 3) {
var offset = strlength % 3; // find how many to lead off by
for (j = 0; j < offset; j++) {
formattedMajor += majorDigits[j];
tic = 0;
for (i = offset; i < strlength; i++) {
if (tic % 3 == 0 && i != 0)
formattedMajor += sep;
formattedMajor += majorDigits.substr(i,1);
} else {
formattedMajor = majorDigits; // no grouping marker
// handle decimal precision
if (precision > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < precision; i++) {
if (minorDigits[i] != undefined) {
formattedMinor += minorDigits[i];
} else {
formattedMinor += '0';
} else {
// we're just returning the major digits, no decimal marker
dec = ''; // just in case
return formattedMajor + dec + formattedMinor;
function setSigDigits() {
var sym = document.getElementById('symbol').value;
var thou = document.getElementById('default_number_grouping_seperator').value;
var dec = document.getElementById('default_decimal_seperator').value;
var precision = document.getElementById('sigDigits').value;
//umber(n, num_grp_sep, dec_sep, round, precision)
var newNumber = sym + formatNumber(exampleDigits, thou, dec, precision, precision);
document.getElementById('sigDigitsExample').value = newNumber;
return $out;
* get's the Name format macro string, preferring $current_user
* @return string format Name Format macro for locale
public function getLocaleFormatMacro($user = null)
$returnFormat = $this->getPrecedentPreference('default_locale_name_format', $user);
return $returnFormat;
* returns formatted name according to $current_user's locale settings
* @param string firstName
* @param string lastName
* @param string salutation
* @param string title
* @param string format If a particular format is desired, then pass this optional parameter as a simple string.
* sfl is "Salutation FirstName LastName", "l, f s" is "LastName[comma][space]FirstName[space]Salutation"
* @param object user object
* @param bool returnEmptyStringIfEmpty true if we should return back an empty string rather than a single space
* when the formatted name would be blank
* @return string formattedName
public function getLocaleFormattedName($firstName, $lastName, $salutationKey = '', $title = '', $format = "", $user = null, $returnEmptyStringIfEmpty = false)
global $current_user;
global $app_list_strings;
if ($user == null) {
$user = $current_user;
$salutation = $salutationKey;
if (!empty($salutationKey) && !empty($app_list_strings['salutation_dom'][$salutationKey])) {
$salutation = (!empty($app_list_strings['salutation_dom'][$salutationKey]) ? $app_list_strings['salutation_dom'][$salutationKey] : $salutationKey);
//check to see if passed in variables are set, if so, then populate array with value,
//if not, then populate array with blank ''
$names = array();
$names['f'] = (empty($firstName) && $firstName != 0) ? '' : $firstName;
$names['l'] = (empty($lastName) && $lastName != 0) ? '' : $lastName;
$names['s'] = (empty($salutation) && $salutation != 0) ? '' : $salutation;
$names['t'] = (empty($title) && $title != 0) ? '' : $title;
//Bug: 39936 - if all of the inputs are empty, then don't try to format the name.
$allEmpty = true;
foreach ($names as $key => $val) {
if (!empty($val)) {
$allEmpty = false;
if ($allEmpty) {
return $returnEmptyStringIfEmpty ? '' : ' ';
//end Bug: 39936
if (empty($format)) {
$this->localeNameFormat = $this->getLocaleFormatMacro($user);
} else {
$this->localeNameFormat = $format;
// parse localeNameFormat
$formattedName = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($this->localeNameFormat); $i++) {
$formattedName .= array_key_exists($this->localeNameFormat[$i], $names) ? $names[$this->localeNameFormat[$i]] : $this->localeNameFormat[$i];
$formattedName = trim($formattedName);
if (strlen($formattedName) == 0) {
return $returnEmptyStringIfEmpty ? '' : ' ';
if (strpos($formattedName, ',', strlen($formattedName) - 1)) { // remove trailing commas
$formattedName = substr($formattedName, 0, strlen($formattedName) - 1);
return trim($formattedName);
* outputs some simple Javascript to show a preview of Name format in "My Account" and "Admin->Localization"
* @param string first First Name, use app_strings default if not specified
* @param string last Last Name, use app_strings default if not specified
* @param string salutation Saluation, use app_strings default if not specified
* @return string some Javascript
public function getNameJs($first = '', $last = '', $salutation = '', $title = '')
global $app_strings;
$salutation = !empty($salutation) ? $salutation : $app_strings['LBL_LOCALE_NAME_EXAMPLE_SALUTATION'];
$first = !empty($first) ? $first : $app_strings['LBL_LOCALE_NAME_EXAMPLE_FIRST'];
$last = !empty($last) ? $last : $app_strings['LBL_LOCALE_NAME_EXAMPLE_LAST'];
$title = !empty($title) ? $title : $app_strings['LBL_LOCALE_NAME_EXAMPLE_TITLE'];
$ret = <<<JAVASCRIPT
function setPreview() {
format = document.getElementById('default_locale_name_format').value;
field = document.getElementById('nameTarget');
stuff = new Object();
stuff['s'] = '{$salutation}';
stuff['f'] = '{$first}';
stuff['l'] = '{$last}';
stuff['t'] = '{$title}';
var name = '';
for (i = 0; i < format.length; i++) {
if (stuff[format.substr(i,1)] != undefined) {
name += stuff[format.substr(i,1)];
} else {
name += format.substr(i,1);
field.value = name;
return $ret;
* Checks to see that the characters in $name_format are allowed: s, f, l, space/tab or punctuation
* @param $name_format
* @return bool
public function isAllowedNameFormat($name_format)
// will result in a match as soon as a disallowed char is hit in $name_format
$match = preg_match('/[^sfl[:punct:][:^alnum:]\s]/', $name_format);
if ($match !== false && $match === 0) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks to see if there was an invalid Name Format encountered during the upgrade
* @return bool true if there was an invalid name, false if all went well.
public function invalidLocaleNameFormatUpgrade()
return file_exists($this->invalidNameFormatUpgradeFilename);
* Creates the file that is created when there is an invalid name format during an upgrade
public function createInvalidLocaleNameFormatUpgradeNotice()
$fh = fopen($this->invalidNameFormatUpgradeFilename, 'wb');
* Removes the file that is created when there is an invalid name format during an upgrade
public function removeInvalidLocaleNameFormatUpgradeNotice()
if ($this->invalidLocaleNameFormatUpgrade()) {
* Creates dropdown items that have localized example names while filtering out invalid formats
* @param array un-prettied dropdown list
* @return array array of dropdown options
public function getUsableLocaleNameOptions($options)
global $app_strings;
$examples = array(
'f' => $app_strings['LBL_LOCALE_NAME_EXAMPLE_FIRST'],
'l' => $app_strings['LBL_LOCALE_NAME_EXAMPLE_LAST']
$newOpts = array();
foreach ($options as $key => $val) {
if ($this->isAllowedNameFormat($key) && $this->isAllowedNameFormat($val)) {
$newVal = '';
$pieces = str_split($val);
foreach ($pieces as $piece) {
if (isset($examples[$piece])) {
$newVal .= $examples[$piece];
} else {
$newVal .= $piece;
$newOpts[$key] = $newVal;
return $newOpts;
* Attempts to detect the charset used in the string
* @param $str string
* @param $strict bool default false (use strict encoding?)
* @return string
public function detectCharset($str, $strict = false)
if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) {
return mb_detect_encoding($str, 'ASCII,JIS,UTF-8,EUC-JP,SJIS,ISO-8859-1', $strict);
return false;