Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/salesagility/SuiteCRM.git synced 2025-03-12 12:36:53 +00:00
2024-10-31 08:06:51 +00:00

1541 lines
77 KiB
Executable file

* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
class SearchForm
public $seed = null;
public $module = '';
public $action = 'index';
public $searchdefs = array();
public $listViewDefs = array();
public $lv;
public $th;
public $tpl;
public $view = 'SearchForm';
public $displayView = 'basic_search';
public $formData;
public $fieldDefs;
public $customFieldDefs;
public $tabs;
public $parsedView = 'basic';
//may remove
public $searchFields;
public $displaySavedSearch = true;
//show the advanced tab
public $showAdvanced = true;
//show the basic tab
public $showBasic = true;
//array of custom tab to show declare in searchdefs (no custom tab if false)
public $showCustom = false;
// nb of tab to show
public $nbTabs = 0;
// hide saved searches drop and down near the search button
public $showSavedSearchesOptions = true;
public $displayType = 'searchView';
* @var array
protected $options;
* Store the Saved Search Data for listview
* @var null
private $savedSearchData = null;
public function __construct($seed, $module, $action = 'index', $options = array())
$this->th = new TemplateHandler();
$this->seed = $seed;
$this->module = $module;
$this->action = $action;
$this->tabs = array(array('title' => $GLOBALS['app_strings']['LNK_BASIC_FILTER'],
'link' => $module . '|basic_search',
'key' => $module . '|basic_search',
'name' => 'basic',
'displayDiv' => ''),
array('title' => $GLOBALS['app_strings']['LNK_ADVANCED_FILTER'],
'link' => $module . '|advanced_search',
'key' => $module . '|advanced_search',
'name' => 'advanced',
'displayDiv' => 'display:none'),
$this->searchColumns = array();
* getter for saved search data
* (listview use for saved search chooser)
* @return mixed
public function getSavedSearchData()
return $this->savedSearchData;
public function setup($searchdefs, $searchFields = array(), $tpl = 'SubpanelSearchFormGeneric.tpl', $displayView = 'basic_search', $listViewDefs = array())
$this->searchdefs = isset($searchdefs[$this->module]) ? $searchdefs[$this->module] : null;
$this->tpl = $tpl;
//used by advanced search
$this->listViewDefs = $listViewDefs;
$this->displayView = $displayView;
$this->view = $this->view . '_' . $displayView;
$tokens = explode('_', $this->displayView);
$this->searchFields = isset($searchFields[$this->module]) ? $searchFields[$this->module] : null;
$this->parsedView = $tokens[0];
if ($this->displayView != 'saved_views') {
// Setup the tab array.
$this->tabs = array();
if ($this->showBasic) {
$this->tabs[] = array('title' => $GLOBALS['app_strings']['LNK_BASIC_FILTER'],
'link' => $this->module . '|basic_search',
'key' => $this->module . '|basic_search',
'name' => 'basic',
'displayDiv' => '');
if ($this->showAdvanced) {
$this->tabs[] = array('title' => $GLOBALS['app_strings']['LNK_ADVANCED_FILTER'],
'link' => $this->module . '|advanced_search',
'key' => $this->module . '|advanced_search',
'name' => 'advanced',
'displayDiv' => 'display:none');
if (isset($this->showCustom) && is_array($this->showCustom)) {
foreach ($this->showCustom as $v) {
$this->tabs[] = array('title' => $GLOBALS['app_strings']["LNK_" . strtoupper($v)],
'link' => $this->module . '|' . $v,
'key' => $this->module . '|' . $v,
'name' => str_replace('_search', '', $v),
'displayDiv' => 'display:none',);
public function display($header = true)
global $theme, $timedate, $current_user, $sugar_config;
$header_txt = '';
$footer_txt = '';
$return_txt = '';
// it's an argument
// set search form layout option to show only the results list order by field option only
// TODO: bring it from user preferences or config
$orderBySelectOnly = true;
$this->th->ss->assign('module', $this->module);
$this->th->ss->assign('action', $this->action);
$this->th->ss->assign('displayView', $this->displayView);
$this->th->ss->assign('viewTab', $this->getViewTab());
$storeQuery = new StoreQuery();
$storeQuery->addToQuery('searchFormTab', $this->displayView);
$this->th->ss->assign('APP', $GLOBALS['app_strings']);
//Show the tabs only if there is more than one
if ($this->nbTabs > 1) {
$this->th->ss->assign('TABS', $this->_displayTabs($this->module . '|' . $this->displayView));
((isset($this->searchdefs['templateMeta']['maxColumns']) ? $this->searchdefs['templateMeta']['maxColumns'] : 2) * 2) - 1
$this->th->ss->assign('fields', $this->fieldDefs);
$this->th->ss->assign('customFields', $this->customFieldDefs);
$this->th->ss->assign('formData', $this->formData);
$time_format = $timedate->get_user_time_format();
$this->th->ss->assign('TIME_FORMAT', $time_format);
$this->th->ss->assign('USER_DATEFORMAT', $timedate->get_user_date_format());
$this->th->ss->assign('CALENDAR_FDOW', $current_user->get_first_day_of_week());
$date_format = $timedate->get_cal_date_format();
$time_separator = ":";
if (preg_match('/\d+([^\d])\d+([^\d]*)/s', $time_format, $match)) {
$time_separator = $match[1];
// Create Smarty variables for the Calendar picker widget
$t23 = strpos($time_format, '23') !== false ? '%H' : '%I';
if (!isset($match[2]) || $match[2] == '') {
$this->th->ss->assign('CALENDAR_FORMAT', $date_format . ' ' . $t23 . $time_separator . "%M");
} else {
$pm = $match[2] == "pm" ? "%P" : "%p";
$this->th->ss->assign('CALENDAR_FORMAT', $date_format . ' ' . $t23 . $time_separator . "%M" . $pm);
$this->th->ss->assign('TIME_SEPARATOR', $time_separator);
//Show and hide the good tab form
foreach ($this->tabs as $tabkey => $viewtab) {
$viewName = str_replace(array($this->module . '|', '_search'), '', $viewtab['key']);
if (strpos($this->view, $viewName) !== false) {
$this->tabs[$tabkey]['displayDiv'] = '';
//if this is advanced tab, use form with saved search sub form built in
if ($viewName == 'advanced') {
$this->tpl = 'SearchFormGenericAdvanced.tpl';
if ($this->action == 'ListView') {
$this->th->ss->assign('DISPLAY_SEARCH_HELP', true);
$this->th->ss->assign('DISPLAY_SAVED_SEARCH', $this->displaySavedSearch);
$this->th->ss->assign('SAVED_SEARCH', $this->displaySavedSearch($orderBySelectOnly));
//this determines whether the saved search subform should be rendered open or not
if (isset($_REQUEST['showSSDIV']) && $_REQUEST['showSSDIV'] == 'yes') {
$this->th->ss->assign('SHOWSSDIV', 'yes');
$this->th->ss->assign('DISPLAYSS', '');
} else {
$this->th->ss->assign('SHOWSSDIV', 'no');
$this->th->ss->assign('DISPLAYSS', 'display:none');
} else {
$this->tabs[$tabkey]['displayDiv'] = 'display:none';
$this->th->ss->assign('TAB_ARRAY', $this->tabs);
$totalWidth = 0;
if (isset($this->searchdefs['templateMeta']['widths'])
&& isset($this->searchdefs['templateMeta']['maxColumns'])
) {
$totalWidth = ($this->searchdefs['templateMeta']['widths']['label'] +
$this->searchdefs['templateMeta']['widths']['field']) *
// redo the widths in case they are too big
if ($totalWidth > 100) {
$resize = 100 / $totalWidth;
$this->searchdefs['templateMeta']['widths']['label'] =
$this->searchdefs['templateMeta']['widths']['label'] * $resize;
$this->searchdefs['templateMeta']['widths']['field'] =
$this->searchdefs['templateMeta']['widths']['field'] * $resize;
if (is_null($this->searchdefs)) {
$this->th->ss->assign('templateMeta', null);
$this->th->ss->assign('HAS_ADVANCED_SEARCH', false);
} else {
$this->th->ss->assign('templateMeta', $this->searchdefs['templateMeta']);
$this->th->ss->assign('HAS_ADVANCED_SEARCH', !empty($this->searchdefs['layout']['advanced_search']));
$this->th->ss->assign('displayType', $this->displayType);
// return the form of the shown tab only
if ($this->showSavedSearchesOptions) {
$this->th->ss->assign('SAVED_SEARCHES_OPTIONS', $this->displaySavedSearchSelect());
$this->th->ss->assign('savedSearchData', $this->getSavedSearchData());
if ($this->module == 'Documents') {
$this->th->ss->assign('DOCUMENTS_MODULE', true);
if (isset($_REQUEST['columnsFilter']) && $_REQUEST['columnsFilter']) {
return '<pre id="responseData">' . json_encode($this->getColumnsFilterData()) . '</pre>';
$this->th->ss->assign('searchInfoJson', $this->getSearchInfoJson());
$searchFormInPopup = !in_array($this->module, isset($sugar_config['enable_legacy_search']) ? $sugar_config['enable_legacy_search'] : array());
$this->th->ss->assign('searchFormInPopup', $searchFormInPopup);
if (isset($this->th)) {
$moduleDir = null;
if (isset($this->seed->module_dir)) {
$moduleDir = $this->seed->module_dir;
} else {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('Trying to get property of non-object (module_dir)');
$return_txt = $this->th->displayTemplate($moduleDir, 'SearchForm_' . $this->parsedView, $this->locateFile($this->tpl));
} else {
$return_txt = null;
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('Trying to get property of non-object for return_txt from th');
if ($header) {
$this->th->ss->assign('return_txt', $return_txt);
$moduleDir = null;
if (isset($this->seed->module_dir)) {
$moduleDir = $this->seed->module_dir;
} else {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('Trying to get property of non-object (module_dir)');
$header_txt = $this->th->displayTemplate($moduleDir, 'SearchFormHeader', $this->locateFile('header.tpl'));
//pass in info to render the select dropdown below the form
$moduleDir = null;
if (isset($this->seed->module_dir)) {
$moduleDir = $this->seed->module_dir;
} else {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('Trying to get property of non-object (module_dir)');
$footer_txt = $this->th->displayTemplate($moduleDir, 'SearchFormFooter', $this->locateFile('footer.tpl'));
$return_txt = $header_txt . $footer_txt;
return $return_txt;
private function getViewTab()
$ret = 'basic';
if (preg_match('/^(basic|advanced)_search$/', $this->displayView, $matches)) {
$ret = $matches[1];
return $ret;
* All user defined search parameters
* @return array search parameters
private function getSearchInfo()
global $app_strings, $mod_strings;
$data = array();
$fields = array_merge($this->fieldDefs, (array)$this->customFieldDefs);
if (!is_array($this->searchFields)) {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('search fields is not an array');
$fields = array_merge($fields, (array)$this->searchFields);
foreach ($fields as $name => $defs) {
if (preg_match('/(.*)_basic$/', $name, $match)) {
if (isset($fields[$match[1]]['value']) && $fields[$match[1]]['value'] && (!isset($defs['value']) || !$defs['value'])) {
$fields[$name] = array_merge((array)$fields[$name], (array)$fields[$match[1]]);
if (preg_match('/(.*)_advanced$/', $name, $match)) {
if (isset($fields[$match[1]]['value']) && $fields[$match[1]]['value'] && (!isset($defs['value']) || !$defs['value'])) {
$fields[$name] = array_merge((array)$fields[$name], (array)$fields[$match[1]]);
if (!is_array($this->searchFields)) {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('search fields is not an array');
$searchFieldsKeys = array_keys((array)$this->searchFields);
foreach ($fields as $name => $defs) {
$searchTypeKey = false;
if (preg_match('/(.*)_basic$/', $name, $match)) {
$searchTypeKey = $match[1];
if (preg_match('/(.*)_advanced$/', $name, $match)) {
$searchTypeKey = $match[1];
if (in_array($name, $searchFieldsKeys) || ($searchTypeKey && in_array($searchTypeKey, $searchFieldsKeys))) {
$vname = isset($defs['vname']) ? $defs['vname'] : null;
$label = isset($defs['label']) ? $defs['label'] : null;
$value = isset($defs['value']) ? $defs['value'] : null;
if (($vname || $label) && $value) {
$type = isset($defs['type']) ? $defs['type'] : null;
if (isset($app_strings[$vname ? $vname : $label])) {
$labelText = $app_strings[$vname ? $vname : $label];
} elseif (isset($mod_strings[$vname ? $vname : $label])) {
$labelText = $mod_strings[$vname ? $vname : $label];
} else {
$labelText = $vname ? $vname : $label;
if (!preg_match('/\:\s*/', $labelText)) {
$labelText .= ':';
if (is_array($value)) {
$values = array();
foreach ($value as $key) {
if (isset($defs['options'][$key]) && $defs['options'][$key]) {
$values[$key] = $defs['options'][$key];
} else {
if (in_array($key, $value)) {
try {
$values[$key] = $this->findFieldOptionValue($fields, $key);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$values[$key] = $key;
} elseif (isset($value[$key])) {
$values[$key] = $value[$key];
} else {
$values[$key] = '?';
$value = implode(', ', $values);
$data[$labelText] = $type == 'bool' ? '&#10004' : $value;
return $data;
* Find search value in fields options by ID
* @param $fields field definitions
* @param $key key or ID of value
* @return mixed value for key
* @throws Exception value not found
private function findFieldOptionValue($fields, $key)
foreach ($fields as $fkey => $fvalue) {
if (isset($fvalue['options']) && is_array($fvalue['options'])) {
foreach ($fvalue['options'] as $okey => $ovalue) {
if ($okey == $key) {
return $ovalue;
throw new Exception('Find Field Option Value: Not found');
* All user defined search parameters in a JSON encoded string
* @return string search parameters
private function getSearchInfoJson()
return json_encode($this->getSearchInfo());
* @return mixed Columns Filter info
private function getColumnsFilterData()
if (!isset($this->lastTemplateGroupChooser)) {
return $this->lastTemplateGroupChooser;
* Set options
* @param array $options
* @return SearchForm2
public function setOptions($options = null)
$defaults = array(
'locator_class' => 'FileLocator',
'locator_class_params' => array(
'custom/modules/' . $this->module . '/tpls/SearchForm',
'modules/' . $this->module . '/tpls/SearchForm',
$this->options = empty($options) ? $defaults : $options;
return $this;
* Get Options
* @return array
public function getOptions()
return $this->options;
* Locate a file in the custom or stock folders. Look in the custom folders first.
* @param string $file The file we are looking for
* @return bool|string If the file is found return the path, False if not
protected function locateFile($file)
$paths = isset($this->options['locator_class_params']) ? $this->options['locator_class_params'][0] : array();
foreach ($paths as $path) {
if (is_file($path . '/' . $file)) {
return $path . '/' . $file;
return false;
public function displaySavedSearch($orderBySelectOnly = false)
$orderBy = !empty($this->lv->data['pageData']['ordering']['orderBy']) ? $this->lv->data['pageData']['ordering']['orderBy'] : null;
$sortOrder = !empty($this->lv->data['pageData']['ordering']['sortOrder']) ? $this->lv->data['pageData']['ordering']['sortOrder'] : 'DESC';
$savedSearch = new SavedSearch($this->listViewDefs[$this->module], $orderBy, $sortOrder);
$ret = $savedSearch->getForm($this->module, false, $orderBySelectOnly);
$this->lastTemplateGroupChooser = $savedSearch->lastTemplateGroupChooser;
return $ret;
public function displaySavedSearchSelect()
if (!isset($this->listViewDefs[$this->module])) {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('Undefined index (displaySavedSearchSelect)');
$listViewDefsModule = null;
} else {
$listViewDefsModule = $this->listViewDefs[$this->module];
$orderBy = null;
if (isset($this->lv->data['pageData']['ordering']['orderBy'])) {
$orderBy = $this->lv->data['pageData']['ordering']['orderBy'];
} else {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('Trying to get property of non-object: list view data "order by" is not defined');
$sortOrder = null;
if (isset($this->lv->data['pageData']['ordering']['sortOrder'])) {
$sortOrder = $this->lv->data['pageData']['ordering']['sortOrder'];
} else {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('Trying to get property of non-object: list view data "sort order" is not defined');
$savedSearch = new SavedSearch($listViewDefsModule, $orderBy, $sortOrder);
$savedSearchSelect = $savedSearch->getSelect($this->module, $savedSearchData);
$this->savedSearchData = $savedSearchData;
return $savedSearchSelect;
* displays the tabs (top of the search form)
* @param string $currentKey key in $this->tabs to show as the current tab
* @return string html
public function _displayTabs($currentKey)
if (isset($_REQUEST['saved_search_select']) && $_REQUEST['saved_search_select'] != '_none') {
$saved_search = loadBean('SavedSearch');
$str = '<script>';
if (!empty($_REQUEST['displayColumns'])) {
$str .= 'SUGAR.savedViews.displayColumns = "' . $_REQUEST['displayColumns'] . '";';
} elseif (isset($saved_search->contents['displayColumns']) && !empty($saved_search->contents['displayColumns'])) {
$str .= 'SUGAR.savedViews.displayColumns = "' . $saved_search->contents['displayColumns'] . '";';
if (!empty($_REQUEST['hideTabs'])) {
$str .= 'SUGAR.savedViews.hideTabs = "' . $_REQUEST['hideTabs'] . '";';
} elseif (isset($saved_search->contents['hideTabs']) && !empty($saved_search->contents['hideTabs'])) {
$str .= 'SUGAR.savedViews.hideTabs = "' . $saved_search->contents['hideTabs'] . '";';
if (!empty($_REQUEST['orderBy'])) {
$str .= 'SUGAR.savedViews.selectedOrderBy = "' . $_REQUEST['orderBy'] . '";';
} elseif (isset($saved_search->contents['orderBy']) && !empty($saved_search->contents['orderBy'])) {
$str .= 'SUGAR.savedViews.selectedOrderBy = "' . $saved_search->contents['orderBy'] . '";';
if (!empty($_REQUEST['sortOrder'])) {
$str .= 'SUGAR.savedViews.selectedSortOrder = "' . $_REQUEST['sortOrder'] . '";';
} elseif (isset($saved_search->contents['sortOrder']) && !empty($saved_search->contents['sortOrder'])) {
$str .= 'SUGAR.savedViews.selectedSortOrder = "' . $saved_search->contents['sortOrder'] . '";';
$str .= '</script>';
return $str;
* Generate the data
public function _build_field_defs()
$this->formData = array();
$this->fieldDefs = array();
if (!is_null($this->searchdefs) && !is_null($this->searchdefs['layout']) && !is_null($this->searchdefs['layout'][$this->displayView])) {
foreach ((array)$this->searchdefs['layout'][$this->displayView] as $data) {
if (is_array($data)) {
//Fields may be listed but disabled so that when they are enabled, they have the correct custom display data.
if (isset($data['enabled']) && $data['enabled'] == false) {
$data['name'] = $data['name'] . '_' . $this->parsedView;
$this->formData[] = array('field' => $data);
$this->fieldDefs[$data['name']] = $data;
} else {
$this->formData[] = array('field' => array('name' => $data . '_' . $this->parsedView));
if ($this->seed) {
// hack to make the employee status field for the Users/Employees module display correctly
if ($this->seed->object_name == 'Employee' || $this->seed->object_name == 'User') {
$this->seed->field_defs['employee_status']['type'] = 'enum';
$this->seed->field_defs['employee_status']['massupdate'] = true;
$this->seed->field_defs['employee_status']['options'] = 'employee_status_dom';
foreach ($this->seed->toArray() as $name => $value) {
$fvName = $name . '_' . $this->parsedView;
if (!empty($this->fieldDefs[$fvName])) {
$this->fieldDefs[$fvName] = array_merge($this->seed->field_defs[$name], $this->fieldDefs[$fvName]);
} else {
$this->fieldDefs[$fvName] = $this->seed->field_defs[$name];
$this->fieldDefs[$fvName]['name'] = (isset($this->fieldDefs[$fvName]['name']) ? $this->fieldDefs[$fvName]['name'] : null) . '_' . $this->parsedView;
if (isset($this->fieldDefs[$fvName]['type']) && $this->fieldDefs[$fvName]['type'] == 'relate') {
if (isset($this->fieldDefs[$fvName]['id_name'])) {
$this->fieldDefs[$fvName]['id_name'] .= '_' . $this->parsedView;
if (isset($this->fieldDefs[$fvName]['options']) && isset($GLOBALS['app_list_strings'][$this->fieldDefs[$fvName]['options']])) {
// fill in enums
$this->fieldDefs[$fvName]['options'] = $GLOBALS['app_list_strings'][$this->fieldDefs[$fvName]['options']];
//Hack to add blanks for parent types on search views
//53131 - add blank option for SearchField options with def 'options_add_blank' set to true
if ($this->fieldDefs[$fvName]['type'] == "parent_type" || $this->fieldDefs[$fvName]['type'] == "parent" || (isset($this->searchFields[$name]['options_add_blank']) && $this->searchFields[$name]['options_add_blank'])) {
if (!array_key_exists('', $this->fieldDefs[$fvName]['options'])) {
$this->fieldDefs[$fvName]['options'] =
array('' => '') + $this->fieldDefs[$fvName]['options'];
if (isset($this->fieldDefs[$fvName]['function'])) {
$this->fieldDefs[$fvName]['type'] = 'multienum';
if (is_array($this->fieldDefs[$fvName]['function'])) {
$this->fieldDefs[$fvName]['function']['preserveFunctionValue'] = true;
$function = $this->fieldDefs[$fvName]['function'];
if (is_array($function) && isset($function['name'])) {
$function_name = $this->fieldDefs[$fvName]['function']['name'];
} else {
$function_name = $this->fieldDefs[$fvName]['function'];
if (!empty($this->fieldDefs[$fvName]['function']['include'])) {
if (!empty($this->fieldDefs[$fvName]['function']['returns']) && $this->fieldDefs[$fvName]['function']['returns'] == 'html') {
$value = call_user_func($function_name, $this->seed, $name, $value, $this->view);
$this->fieldDefs[$fvName]['value'] = $value;
} else {
if (!isset($function['params']) || !is_array($function['params'])) {
$this->fieldDefs[$fvName]['options'] = call_user_func($function_name, $this->seed, $name, $value, $this->view);
} else {
$this->fieldDefs[$fvName]['options'] = call_user_func_array($function_name, $function['params']);
if (isset($this->fieldDefs[$name]['type']) && $this->fieldDefs[$fvName]['type'] == 'function'
&& isset($this->fieldDefs[$fvName]['function_name'])
) {
$value = $this->callFunction($this->fieldDefs[$fvName]);
$this->fieldDefs[$fvName]['value'] = $value;
$this->fieldDefs[$name]['value'] = $value;
if ((!empty($_REQUEST[$fvName]) || (isset($_REQUEST[$fvName]) && $_REQUEST[$fvName] == '0'))
&& empty($this->fieldDefs[$fvName]['function']['preserveFunctionValue'])
) {
$value = $_REQUEST[$fvName];
$this->fieldDefs[$fvName]['value'] = $value;
} //foreach
* Populate the searchFields from an array
* @param array $array array to search through
* @param string $switchVar variable to use in switch statement
* @param bool $addAllBeanFields true to process at all bean fields
public function populateFromArray(&$array, $switchVar = null, $addAllBeanFields = true)
if ((!empty($array['searchFormTab']) || !empty($switchVar)) && !empty($this->searchFields)) {
$arrayKeys = array_keys($array);
$searchFieldsKeys = array_keys($this->searchFields);
if (empty($switchVar)) {
$switchVar = $array['searchFormTab'];
//name of the search tab
$SearchName = str_replace('_search', '', $switchVar);
if ($switchVar == 'saved_views') {
foreach ($this->searchFields as $name => $params) {
foreach ($this->tabs as $tabName) {
if (!empty($array[$name . '_' . $tabName['name']])) {
$this->searchFields[$name]['value'] = $array[$name . '_' . $tabName['name']];
if (empty($this->fieldDefs[$name . '_' . $tabName['name']]['value'])) {
$this->fieldDefs[$name . '_' . $tabName['name']]['value'] = $array[$name . '_' . $tabName['name']];
if ($addAllBeanFields) {
foreach ($this->seed->field_name_map as $key => $params) {
if (!in_array($key, $searchFieldsKeys)) {
foreach ($this->tabs->name as $tabName) {
if (in_array($key . '_' . $tabName['name'], $arrayKeys)) {
$this->searchFields[$key] = array('query_type' => 'default',
'value' => $array[$key . '_' . $tabName['name']]);
} else {
$fromMergeRecords = isset($array['merge_module']);
foreach ($this->searchFields as $name => $params) {
$long_name = $name . '_' . $SearchName;
/*nsingh 21648: Add additional check for bool values=0. empty() considers 0 to be empty Only repopulates if value is 0 or 1:( */
if (isset($array[$long_name]) && ($array[$long_name] !== '' || (isset($this->fieldDefs[$long_name]['type']) && $this->fieldDefs[$long_name]['type'] == 'bool' && ($array[$long_name] == '0' || $array[$long_name] == '1')))) {
$this->searchFields[$name]['value'] = $array[$long_name];
if (empty($this->fieldDefs[$long_name]['value'])) {
$this->fieldDefs[$long_name]['value'] = $array[$long_name];
} else {
if (!empty($array[$name]) && !$fromMergeRecords) { // basic
$this->searchFields[$name]['value'] = $array[$name];
if (empty($this->fieldDefs[$long_name]['value'])) {
$this->fieldDefs[$long_name]['value'] = $array[$name];
if (!empty($params['enable_range_search']) && isset($this->searchFields[$name]['value'])) {
if (preg_match('/^range_(.*?)$/', $long_name, $match) && isset($array[$match[1] . '_range_choice'])) {
$this->searchFields[$name]['operator'] = $array[$match[1] . '_range_choice'];
if (!empty($params['is_date_field']) && isset($this->searchFields[$name]['value'])) {
global $timedate;
// FG - bug 45287 - to db conversion is ok, but don't adjust timezone (not now), otherwise you'll jump to the day before (if at GMT-xx)
$date_value = $timedate->to_db_date($this->searchFields[$name]['value'], false);
$this->searchFields[$name]['value'] = $date_value == '' ? $this->searchFields[$name]['value'] : $date_value;
if ((empty($array['massupdate']) || $array['massupdate'] == 'false') && $addAllBeanFields) {
foreach ($this->seed->field_name_map as $key => $params) {
if ($key != 'assigned_user_name' && $key != 'modified_by_name') {
$long_name = $key . '_' . $SearchName;
if (in_array($key . '_' . $SearchName, $arrayKeys) && !in_array($key, $searchFieldsKeys)) {
$this->searchFields[$key] = array('query_type' => 'default', 'value' => $array[$long_name]);
if (!empty($params['type']) && $params['type'] == 'parent'
&& !empty($params['type_name']) && !empty($this->searchFields[$key]['value'])
) {
$sfh = new SugarFieldHandler();
$sf = $sfh::getSugarField('Parent');
$this->searchFields[$params['type_name']] = array('query_type' => 'default',
'value' => $sf->getSearchInput($params['type_name'], $array));
if (empty($this->fieldDefs[$long_name]['value'])) {
$this->fieldDefs[$long_name]['value'] = $array[$long_name];
if (is_array($this->searchFields)) {
foreach ($this->searchFields as $fieldName => $field) {
if (!empty($field['value']) && is_string($field['value'])) {
$this->searchFields[$fieldName]['value'] = trim($field['value']);
* Populate the searchFields from $_REQUEST
* @param string $switchVar variable to use in switch statement
* @param bool $addAllBeanFields true to process at all bean fields
public function populateFromRequest($switchVar = null, $addAllBeanFields = true)
$this->populateFromArray($_REQUEST, $switchVar, $addAllBeanFields);
* Parse date expression and return WHERE clause
* @param string $operator Date expression operator
* @param string DB field name
* @param string DB field type
protected function parseDateExpression($operator, $db_field, $field_type = '')
if ($field_type == "date") {
$type = "date";
$adjForTZ = false;
} else {
$type = "datetime";
$adjForTZ = true;
$dates = TimeDate::getInstance()->parseDateRange($operator, null, $adjForTZ);
if (empty($dates)) {
return '';
$start = $this->seed->db->convert($this->seed->db->quoted($dates[0]->asDb()), $type);
$end = $this->seed->db->convert($this->seed->db->quoted($dates[1]->asDb()), $type);
return "($db_field >= $start AND $db_field <= $end)";
* generateSearchWhere
* This function serves as the central piece of SearchForm2.php
* It is responsible for creating the WHERE clause for a given search operation
* @param bool $add_custom_fields boolean indicating whether or not custom fields should be added
* @param string $module Module to search against
* @return string the SQL WHERE clause based on the arguments supplied in SearchForm2 instance
public function generateSearchWhere($add_custom_fields = false, $module = '')
global $timedate;
$db = $this->seed->db;
$this->searchColumns = array();
$values = $this->searchFields;
$where_clauses = array();
$like_char = '%';
$table_name = $this->seed->object_name;
//rrs check for team_id
foreach ((array)$this->searchFields as $field => $parms) {
$customField = false;
// Jenny - Bug 7462: We need a type check here to avoid database errors
// when searching for numeric fields. This is a temporary fix until we have
// a generic search form validation mechanism.
$type = (!empty($this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['type'])) ? $this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['type'] : '';
//If range search is enabled for the field, we first check if this is the starting range
if (!empty($parms['enable_range_search']) && empty($type)) {
if (preg_match('/^start_range_(.*?)$/', $field, $match)) {
$real_field = $match[1];
$start_field = 'start_range_' . $real_field;
$end_field = 'end_range_' . $real_field;
if (isset($this->searchFields[$start_field]['value']) && isset($this->searchFields[$end_field]['value'])) {
$this->searchFields[$real_field]['value'] = $this->searchFields[$start_field]['value'] . '<>' . $this->searchFields[$end_field]['value'];
$this->searchFields[$real_field]['operator'] = 'between';
$parms['value'] = $this->searchFields[$real_field]['value'];
$parms['operator'] = 'between';
$field_type = isset($this->seed->field_name_map[$real_field]['type']) ? $this->seed->field_name_map[$real_field]['type'] : '';
if ($field_type == 'datetimecombo' || $field_type == 'datetime') {
$type = $field_type;
$field = $real_field;
} else {
//if both start and end ranges have not been defined, skip this filter.
} else {
if (preg_match('/^range_(.*?)$/', $field, $match) && isset($this->searchFields[$field]['value'])) {
$real_field = $match[1];
//Special case for datetime and datetimecombo fields. By setting the type here we allow an actual between search
if (in_array($parms['operator'], array('=', 'between', "not_equal", 'less_than', 'greater_than', 'less_than_equals', 'greater_than_equals'))) {
$field_type = isset($this->seed->field_name_map[$real_field]['type']) ? $this->seed->field_name_map[$real_field]['type'] : '';
if (strtolower($field_type) == 'readonly' && isset($this->seed->field_name_map[$real_field]['dbType'])) {
$field_type = $this->seed->field_name_map[$real_field]['dbType'];
if ($field_type == 'datetimecombo' || $field_type == 'datetime' || $field_type == 'int') {
$type = $field_type;
$this->searchFields[$real_field]['value'] = $this->searchFields[$field]['value'];
$this->searchFields[$real_field]['operator'] = $this->searchFields[$field]['operator'];
$params['value'] = $db->quote($this->searchFields[$field]['value']);
$params['operator'] = $this->searchFields[$field]['operator'];
$field = $real_field;
} else {
//Skip this range search field, it is the end field THIS IS NEEDED or the end range date will break the query
//Test to mark whether or not the field is a custom field
if (!empty($this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['source'])
&& ($this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['source'] == 'custom_fields' ||
//Non-db custom fields, such as custom relates
($this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['source'] == 'non-db'
&& (!empty($this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['custom_module']) ||
) {
$customField = true;
if ($type == 'int' && isset($parms['value']) && !empty($parms['value'])) {
$intField = SugarFieldHandler::getSugarField('int');
$newVal = $intField->getSearchWhereValue($parms['value']);
$parms['value'] = $newVal;
} elseif ($type == 'html' && $customField) {
if (isset($parms['value']) && $parms['value'] != "") {
$operator = $db->isNumericType($type) ? '=' : 'like';
if (!empty($parms['operator'])) {
$operator = strtolower($parms['operator']);
if (is_array($parms['value'])) {
$field_value = '';
// always construct the where clause for multiselects using the 'like' form to handle combinations of multiple $vals and multiple $parms
if (!empty($this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['isMultiSelect']) && $this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['isMultiSelect']) {
// construct the query for multenums
// use the 'like' query as both custom and OOB multienums are implemented with types that cannot be used with an 'in'
$operator = 'custom_enum';
// Relationshipfields get their field name directly from the field name map,
// this alias-name is automatically replaced by the join table and rname through sugarbean::create_new_list_query
if (isset($this->seed->field_name_map[$field]) &&
isset($this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['source']) &&
$this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['source'] == 'non-db'
) {
$db_field = $this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['name'];
} else {
$table_name = $this->seed->table_name;
if ($customField) {
$table_name .= "_cstm";
$db_field = $table_name . "." . $field;
foreach ($parms['value'] as $val) {
if ($val != ' ' and $val != '') {
$qVal = $db->quote($val);
if (!empty($field_value)) {
$field_value .= ' or ';
$field_value .= "$db_field like '%^$qVal^%'";
} else {
$field_value .= '(' . $db_field . ' IS NULL or ' . $db_field . "='^^' or " . $db_field . "='')";
} else {
$operator = $operator != 'subquery' ? 'in' : $operator;
foreach ($parms['value'] as $val) {
if ($val != ' ' && $val != '') {
if (!empty($field_value)) {
$field_value .= ',';
if ($operator == 'subquery') {
$field_value .= $val;
} else {
$field_value .= $db->quoteType($type, $val);
// Bug 41209: adding a new operator "isnull" here
// to handle the case when blank is selected from dropdown.
// In that case, $val is empty.
// When $val is empty, we need to use "IS NULL",
// as "in (null)" won't work
else {
if ($operator == 'in') {
$operator = 'isnull';
} else {
$field_value = $db->quote($parms['value']);
//set db_fields array.
if (!isset($parms['db_field'])) {
$parms['db_field'] = array($field);
//This if-else block handles the shortcut checkbox selections for "My Items" and "Closed Only"
if (!empty($parms['my_items'])) {
if ($parms['value'] == false) {
} else {
//my items is checked.
global $current_user;
$field_value = $db->quote($current_user->id);
$operator = '=';
} elseif (!empty($parms['closed_values']) && is_array($parms['closed_values'])) {
if ($parms['value'] == false) {
} else {
$field_value = '';
foreach ($parms['closed_values'] as $closed_value) {
$field_value .= "," . $db->quoted($closed_value);
$field_value = substr($field_value, 1);
} elseif (!empty($parms['checked_only']) && $parms['value'] == false) {
$where = '';
$itr = 0;
if ($field_value != '' || $operator == 'isnull') {
$this->searchColumns [strtoupper($field)] = $field;
foreach ($parms['db_field'] as $db_field) {
if (strstr($db_field, '.') === false) {
//Try to get the table for relate fields from link defs
if ($type == 'relate' && !empty($this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['link'])
&& !empty($this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['rname'])
) {
$link = $this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['link'];
if (($this->seed->load_relationship($link))) {
//Martin fix #27494
$db_field = $this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['name'];
} else {
//Best Guess for table name
$db_field = strtolower($link['module']) . '.' . $db_field;
} else {
if ($type == 'parent') {
if (!empty($this->searchFields['parent_type'])) {
$parentType = $this->searchFields['parent_type'];
$rel_module = $parentType['value'];
global $beanFiles, $beanList;
if (!empty($beanFiles[$beanList[$rel_module]])) {
$rel_seed = new $beanList[$rel_module]();
$db_field = 'parent_' . $rel_module . '_' . $rel_seed->table_name . '.name';
} // Relate fields in custom modules and custom relate fields
else {
if ($type == 'relate' && $customField && !empty($this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['module'])) {
$db_field = !empty($this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['name']) ? $this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['name'] : 'name';
} else {
if (!$customField) {
if (!empty($this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['db_concat_fields'])) {
$db_field = $db->concat($this->seed->table_name, $this->seed->field_name_map[$db_field]['db_concat_fields']);
// Relationship fields get the name directly from the field_name_map
else {
if (!(isset($this->seed->field_name_map[$db_field]) && isset($this->seed->field_name_map[$db_field]['source']) && $this->seed->field_name_map[$db_field]['source'] == 'non-db')) {
$db_field = $this->seed->table_name . "." . $db_field;
} else {
if (!empty($this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['db_concat_fields'])) {
$db_field = $db->concat($this->seed->table_name . "_cstm.", $this->seed->field_name_map[$db_field]['db_concat_fields']);
} else {
$db_field = $this->seed->table_name . "_cstm." . $db_field;
if ($type == 'date') {
// The regular expression check is to circumvent special case YYYY-MM
$operator = '=';
if (preg_match('/^\d{4}.\d{1,2}$/', $field_value) != 0) { // preg_match returns number of matches
$db_field = $this->seed->db->convert($db_field, "date_format", array("%Y-%m"));
} else {
$field_value = $timedate->to_db_date($field_value, false);
$db_field = $this->seed->db->convert($db_field, "date_format", array("%Y-%m-%d"));
if ($type == 'datetime' || $type == 'datetimecombo') {
try {
if ($operator == '=' || $operator == 'between') {
// FG - bug45287 - If User asked for a range, takes edges from it.
$placeholderPos = strpos($field_value, "<>");
if ($placeholderPos !== false && $placeholderPos > 0) {
$datesLimit = explode("<>", $field_value);
$dateStart = $timedate->getDayStartEndGMT($datesLimit[0]);
$dateEnd = $timedate->getDayStartEndGMT($datesLimit[1]);
$dates = $dateStart;
$dates['end'] = $dateEnd['end'];
$dates['enddate'] = $dateEnd['enddate'];
$dates['endtime'] = $dateEnd['endtime'];
} else {
$dates = $timedate->getDayStartEndGMT($field_value);
// FG - bug45287 - Note "start" and "end" are the correct interval at GMT timezone
$field_value = array($dates["start"], $dates["end"]);
$operator = 'between';
} else {
if ($operator == 'not_equal') {
$dates = $timedate->getDayStartEndGMT($field_value);
$field_value = array($dates["start"], $dates["end"]);
$operator = 'date_not_equal';
} else {
if ($operator == 'greater_than') {
$dates = $timedate->getDayStartEndGMT($field_value);
$field_value = $dates["end"];
} else {
if ($operator == 'less_than') {
$dates = $timedate->getDayStartEndGMT($field_value);
$field_value = $dates["start"];
} else {
if ($operator == 'greater_than_equals') {
$dates = $timedate->getDayStartEndGMT($field_value);
$field_value = $dates["start"];
} else {
if ($operator == 'less_than_equals') {
$dates = $timedate->getDayStartEndGMT($field_value);
$field_value = $dates["end"];
} catch (Exception $timeException) {
//In the event that a date value is given that cannot be correctly processed by getDayStartEndGMT method,
//just skip searching on this field and continue. This may occur if user switches locale date formats
//in another browser screen, but re-runs a search with the previous format on another screen
if ($type == 'decimal' || $type == 'float' || $type == 'currency' || (!empty($parms['enable_range_search']) && empty($parms['is_date_field']))) {
//we need to handle formatting either a single value or 2 values in case the 'between' search option is set
//start by splitting the string if the between operator exists
$fieldARR = explode('<>', $field_value);
//set the first pass through boolean
$values = array();
foreach ($fieldARR as $fv) {
//reset the field value, it will be rebuild in the foreach loop below
$tmpfield_value = unformat_number($fv);
if ($type == 'currency' && stripos($field, '_usdollar') !== false) {
// It's a US Dollar field, we need to do some conversions from the user's local currency
$currency_id = $GLOBALS['current_user']->getPreference('currency');
if (empty($currency_id)) {
$currency_id = -99;
if ($currency_id != -99) {
$currency = BeanFactory::newBean('Currencies');
$tmpfield_value = $currency->convertToDollar($tmpfield_value);
$values[] = $tmpfield_value;
$field_value = implode('<>', $values);
if (!empty($parms['enable_range_search']) && $parms['operator'] == '=' && $type != 'int') {
// Databases can't really search for floating point numbers, because they can't be accurately described in binary,
// So we have to fuzz out the math a little bit
$field_value = array(($field_value - 0.01), ($field_value + 0.01));
$operator = 'between';
if ($db->supports("case_sensitive") && isset($parms['query_type']) && $parms['query_type'] == 'case_insensitive') {
$db_field = 'upper(' . $db_field . ")";
$field_value = strtoupper($field_value);
if (!empty($where)) {
$where .= " OR ";
//Here we make a last attempt to determine the field type if possible
if (empty($type) && isset($parms['db_field']) && isset($parms['db_field'][0]) && isset($this->seed->field_defs[$parms['db_field'][0]]['type'])) {
$type = $this->seed->field_defs[$parms['db_field'][0]]['type'];
switch (strtolower($operator)) {
case 'subquery':
$in = 'IN';
if (isset($parms['subquery_in_clause'])) {
if (!is_array($parms['subquery_in_clause'])) {
$in = $parms['subquery_in_clause'];
} elseif (isset($parms['subquery_in_clause'][$field_value])) {
$in = $parms['subquery_in_clause'][$field_value];
$sq = $parms['subquery'];
if (is_array($sq)) {
$and_or = ' AND ';
if (isset($sq['OR'])) {
$and_or = ' OR ';
$first = true;
foreach ($sq as $q) {
if (empty($q) || strlen($q) < 2) {
if (!$first) {
$where .= $and_or;
$where .= " {$db_field} $in ({$q} " . $this->seed->db->quoted($field_value . '%') . ") ";
$first = false;
} elseif (!empty($parms['query_type']) && $parms['query_type'] == 'format') {
$stringFormatParams = array(0 => $field_value, 1 => $GLOBALS['current_user']->id);
$where .= "{$db_field} $in (" . string_format($parms['subquery'], $stringFormatParams) . ")";
} else {
//Bug#37087: Re-write our sub-query to it is executed first and contents stored in a derived table to avoid mysql executing the query
//outside in. Additional details: http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=9021
$selectCol = ' * ';
//use the select column in the subquery if it exists
if (!empty($parms['subquery'])) {
$selectCol = $this->getSelectCol($parms['subquery']);
$where .= "{$db_field} $in (select $selectCol from ({$parms['subquery']} " . $this->seed->db->quoted($field_value . '%') . ") {$field}_derived)";
case 'like':
if ($type == 'bool' && $field_value == 0) {
// Bug 43452 - FG - Added parenthesis surrounding the OR (without them the WHERE clause would be broken)
$where .= "( " . $db_field . " = '0' OR " . $db_field . " IS NULL )";
} else {
// check to see if this is coming from unified search or not
$UnifiedSearch = !empty($parms['force_unifiedsearch']);
if (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'UnifiedSearch') {
$UnifiedSearch = true;
// If it is a unified search and if the search contains more then 1 word (contains space)
// and if it's the last element from db_field (so we do the concat only once, not for every db_field element)
// we concat the db_field array() (both original, and in reverse order) and search for the whole string in it
if ($UnifiedSearch && strpos($field_value, ' ') !== false && strpos($db_field, $parms['db_field'][count($parms['db_field']) - 1]) !== false) {
// Get the table name used for concat
$concat_table = explode('.', $db_field);
$concat_table = $concat_table[0];
// Get the fields for concatenating
$concat_fields = $parms['db_field'];
// If db_fields (e.g. contacts.first_name) contain table name, need to remove it
for ($i = 0; $i < count($concat_fields); $i++) {
if (strpos($concat_fields[$i], $concat_table) !== false) {
$concat_fields[$i] = substr($concat_fields[$i], strlen($concat_table) + 1);
// Concat the fields and search for the value
$where .= $this->seed->db->concat($concat_table, $concat_fields) . " LIKE " . $this->seed->db->quoted(sql_like_string($field_value, $like_char));
$where .= ' OR ' . $this->seed->db->concat($concat_table, array_reverse($concat_fields)) . " LIKE " . $this->seed->db->quoted(sql_like_string($field_value, $like_char));
} else {
//Check if this is a first_name, last_name search
if (isset($this->seed->field_name_map) && isset($this->seed->field_name_map[$db_field])) {
$vardefEntry = $this->seed->field_name_map[$db_field];
if (!empty($vardefEntry['db_concat_fields']) && in_array('first_name', $vardefEntry['db_concat_fields']) && in_array('last_name', $vardefEntry['db_concat_fields'])) {
if (!empty($GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['salutation_dom']) && is_array($GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['salutation_dom'])) {
foreach ($GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['salutation_dom'] as $salutation) {
if (!empty($salutation) && strpos($field_value, $salutation) === 0) {
$field_value = trim(substr($field_value, strlen($salutation)));
//field is not last name or this is not from global unified search, so do normal where clause
$where .= $db_field . " like " . $this->seed->db->quoted(sql_like_string($field_value, $like_char));
case 'not in':
$where .= $db_field . ' not in (' . $field_value . ')';
case 'in':
$where .= $db_field . ' in (' . $field_value . ')';
case '=':
if ($type == 'bool' && $field_value == 0) {
$where .= "($db_field = 0 OR $db_field IS NULL)";
} else {
$where .= $db_field . " = " . $db->quoteType($type, $field_value);
// tyoung bug 15971 - need to add these special cases into the $where query
case 'custom_enum':
$where .= $field_value;
case 'between':
if (!is_array($field_value)) {
$field_value = explode('<>', $field_value);
$field_value[0] = $db->quoteType($type, $field_value[0]);
$field_value[1] = $db->quoteType($type, $field_value[1]);
$where .= "($db_field >= {$field_value[0]} AND $db_field <= {$field_value[1]})";
case 'date_not_equal':
if (!is_array($field_value)) {
$field_value = explode('<>', $field_value);
$field_value[0] = $db->quoteType($type, $field_value[0]);
$field_value[1] = $db->quoteType($type, $field_value[1]);
$where .= "($db_field IS NULL OR $db_field < {$field_value[0]} OR $db_field > {$field_value[1]})";
case 'innerjoin':
$this->seed->listview_inner_join[] = $parms['innerjoin'] . " '" . $parms['value'] . "%')";
case 'not_equal':
$field_value = $db->quoteType($type, $field_value);
$where .= "($db_field IS NULL OR $db_field != $field_value)";
case 'greater_than':
$field_value = $db->quoteType($type, $field_value);
$where .= "$db_field > $field_value";
case 'greater_than_equals':
$field_value = $db->quoteType($type, $field_value);
$where .= "$db_field >= $field_value";
case 'less_than':
$field_value = $db->quoteType($type, $field_value);
$where .= "$db_field < $field_value";
case 'less_than_equals':
$field_value = $db->quoteType($type, $field_value);
$where .= "$db_field <= $field_value";
case 'next_7_days':
case 'last_7_days':
case 'last_month':
case 'this_month':
case 'next_month':
case 'last_30_days':
case 'next_30_days':
case 'this_year':
case 'last_year':
case 'next_year':
if (!empty($field) && !empty($this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['type'])) {
$where .= $this->parseDateExpression(strtolower($operator), $db_field, $this->seed->field_name_map[$field]['type']);
} else {
$where .= $this->parseDateExpression(strtolower($operator), $db_field);
case 'isnull':
$where .= "($db_field IS NULL OR $db_field = '')";
if ($field_value != '') {
$where .= ' OR ' . $db_field . " in (" . $field_value . ')';
if (!empty($where)) {
if ($itr > 1) {
array_push($where_clauses, '( ' . $where . ' )');
} else {
array_push($where_clauses, $where);
return $where_clauses;
* isEmptyDropdownField
* This function checks to see if a blank dropdown field was supplied. This scenario will occur where
* a dropdown select is in single selection mode
* @param $value Mixed dropdown value
private function isEmptyDropdownField($name = '', $value = array())
$result = is_array($value) && isset($value[0]) && $value[0] == '';
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Found empty value for {$name} dropdown search key");
return $result;
* Return the search defs for a particular module.
* @static
* @param $module
public static function retrieveSearchDefs($module)
$searchdefs = array();
$searchFields = array();
if (file_exists('custom/modules/' . $module . '/metadata/metafiles.php')) {
require('custom/modules/' . $module . '/metadata/metafiles.php');
} elseif (file_exists('modules/' . $module . '/metadata/metafiles.php')) {
require('modules/' . $module . '/metadata/metafiles.php');
if (file_exists('custom/modules/' . $module . '/metadata/searchdefs.php')) {
require('custom/modules/' . $module . '/metadata/searchdefs.php');
} elseif (!empty($metafiles[$module]['searchdefs'])) {
} elseif (file_exists('modules/' . $module . '/metadata/searchdefs.php')) {
require('modules/' . $module . '/metadata/searchdefs.php');
if (!empty($metafiles[$module]['searchfields'])) {
} elseif (file_exists('modules/' . $module . '/metadata/SearchFields.php')) {
require('modules/' . $module . '/metadata/SearchFields.php');
if (file_exists('custom/modules/' . $module . '/metadata/SearchFields.php')) {
require('custom/modules/' . $module . '/metadata/SearchFields.php');
return array('searchdefs' => $searchdefs, 'searchFields' => $searchFields);
* this function will take the subquery string and return the columns to be used in the select of the derived table
* @param string $subquery the subquery string to parse through
* @return string the retrieved column list
protected function getSelectCol($subquery)
$selectCol = '';
if (empty($subquery)) {
return $selectCol;
$subquery = strtolower($subquery);
//grab the values between the select and from
$select = stripos($subquery, 'select');
$from = stripos($subquery, 'from');
if ($select !== false && $from !== false && $select + 6 < $from) {
$selectCol = substr($subquery, $select + 6, $from - $select - 6);
//remove table names if they exist
$columns = explode(',', $selectCol);
$i = 0;
foreach ($columns as $column) {
$dot = strpos($column, '.');
if ($dot > 0) {
$columns[$i] = substr($column, $dot + 1);
$selectCol = implode(',', $columns);
return $selectCol;