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902 lines
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Executable file
* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
// module directory
// open the layout_definitions file.
* Subpanel implementation
* @api
class aSubPanel
public $name ;
public $_instance_properties ;
public $mod_strings ;
public $panel_definition ;
public $sub_subpanels ;
public $parent_bean ;
* Can we display this subpanel?
* This is set after it loads the def's for the subpanel. If there are no beans to display in the collection
* we don't want to display this as it will just throw errors.
* @var bool
public $canDisplay = true;
//module's table name and column fields.
public $table_name ;
public $db_fields ;
public $bean_name ;
public $template_instance ;
public $search_query;
public $base_collection_list = array();
public function __construct(
$reload = false,
$original_only = false,
$search_query = '',
$collections = array()
) {
if (isset($instance_properties['collection_list'])) {
$this->base_collection_list = $instance_properties['collection_list'];
if (!empty($collections) && isset($instance_properties['collection_list' ])) {
foreach ($instance_properties['collection_list' ] as $cname => $value) {
if (!in_array($value['module'], $collections)) {
$this->_instance_properties = $instance_properties ;
$this->search_query = '';
if ((!isset($instance_properties['type']) || $instance_properties['type'] != 'collection')) {
if (isset($this->_instance_properties['module'])) {
$this->search_query = $this->buildSearchQuery($this->_instance_properties['module']);
$this->name = $name ;
$this->parent_bean = $parent_bean ;
//set language
global $current_language ;
if (! isset($parent_bean->mbvardefs)) {
$mod_strings = return_module_language($current_language, $parent_bean->module_dir) ;
$this->mod_strings = $mod_strings ;
if ($this->isCollection()) {
$this->canDisplay = $this->load_sub_subpanels() ; //load sub-panel definition.
} else {
if (!isset($this->_instance_properties [ 'module' ])) {
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Undefined index: module');
$instancePropertiesModule = null;
} else {
$instancePropertiesModule = $this->_instance_properties [ 'module' ];
if (!isset($this->_instance_properties [ 'subpanel_name' ])) {
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Invalid or missing SubPanelDefinition property: subpanel_name');
$def_path = null;
} else {
$subPanelName = $this->_instance_properties ['subpanel_name'];
$def_path = 'modules/' . $this->_instance_properties [ 'module' ] . '/metadata/subpanels/' . $subPanelName . '.php' ;
$orig_exists = is_file($def_path);
$loaded = false;
if ($orig_exists) {
$loaded = true;
if (is_file("custom/$def_path") && (!$original_only || !$orig_exists)) {
$loaded = true;
if (! $original_only && isset($this->_instance_properties [ 'override_subpanel_name' ]) && file_exists('custom/modules/' . $this->_instance_properties [ 'module' ] . '/metadata/subpanels/' . $this->_instance_properties [ 'override_subpanel_name' ] . '.php')) {
$custom_def_path = 'custom/modules/' . $this->_instance_properties [ 'module' ] . '/metadata/subpanels/' . $this->_instance_properties [ 'override_subpanel_name' ] . '.php' ;
require($custom_def_path) ;
$loaded = true;
if (!$loaded) {
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Failed to load original or custom subpanel data for $name in $def_path");
$this->canDisplay = false;
// load module info from the module's bean file
// check that the loaded subpanel definition includes a $subpanel_layout section - some, such as
// projecttasks/default do not...
$this->panel_definition = array();
if (isset($subpanel_layout) && is_array($subpanel_layout)) {
* @return string
public function buildSearchQuery($module)
$seed = BeanFactory::getBean($module);
if ($seed) {
$_REQUEST['searchFormTab'] = 'basic_search';
$searchForm = new SubPanelSearchForm($seed, $module, $this);
$searchMetaData = $searchForm->retrieveSearchDefs($module);
$where_clauses = $searchForm->generateSearchWhere(true, $seed->module_dir);
$GLOBALS['log']->info("Subpanel Where Clause: $this->search_query");
if (count($where_clauses) > 0) {
return '(' . implode(' ) AND ( ', $where_clauses) . ')';
return '';
* is the sub panel default hidden?
* @return bool
public function isDefaultHidden()
if (isset($this->_instance_properties['default_hidden']) && $this->_instance_properties['default_hidden'] == true) {
return true;
return false;
public function distinct_query()
if (isset($this->_instance_properties [ 'get_distinct_data' ])) {
return !empty($this->_instance_properties['get_distinct_data']) ? true : false;
return false ;
//return the translated header value.
public function get_title()
if (empty($this->mod_strings [ $this->_instance_properties [ 'title_key' ] ])) {
return translate($this->_instance_properties [ 'title_key' ], $this->_instance_properties [ 'module' ]) ;
return $this->mod_strings [ $this->_instance_properties [ 'title_key' ] ] ;
//return the definition of buttons. looks for buttons in 2 locations.
public function get_buttons()
$buttons = array( ) ;
if (isset($this->_instance_properties [ 'top_buttons' ])) {
//this will happen only in the case of sub-panels with multiple sources(activities).
$buttons = $this->_instance_properties [ 'top_buttons' ] ;
} else {
$buttons = $this->panel_definition [ 'top_buttons' ] ;
// permissions. hide SubPanelTopComposeEmailButton from activities if email module is disabled.
//only email is being tested because other submodules in activites/history such as notes, tasks, meetings
// and calls cannot be disabled.
//as of today these are the only 2 sub-panels that use the union clause.
$mod_name = $this->get_module_name() ;
if ($mod_name == 'Activities' || $mod_name == 'History') {
global $modListHeader ;
global $modules_exempt_from_availability_check ;
if (isset($modListHeader) && (! (array_key_exists('Emails', $modListHeader) || array_key_exists('Emails', $modules_exempt_from_availability_check)))) {
foreach ($buttons as $key => $button) {
foreach ($button as $property => $value) {
if ($value === 'SubPanelTopComposeEmailButton' || $value === 'SubPanelTopArchiveEmailButton') {
//remove this button from the array.
unset($buttons [ $key ]) ;
return $buttons ;
* Load the Sub-Panel objects if it can from the metadata files.
* call this function for sub-panels that have unions.
* @return bool True by default if the subpanel was loaded. Will return false if none in the collection are
* allowed by the current user.
public function load_sub_subpanels()
global $modListHeader ;
// added a check for security of tabs to see if an user has access to them
// this prevents passing an "unseen" tab to the query string and pulling up its contents
if (! isset($modListHeader)) {
global $current_user ;
if (isset($current_user)) {
$modListHeader = query_module_access_list($current_user) ;
//by default all the activities modules are exempt, so hiding them won't affect their appearance unless the 'activity' subpanel itself is hidden.
//add email to the list temporarily so it is not affected in activities subpanel
global $modules_exempt_from_availability_check ;
$modules_exempt_from_availability_check['Emails'] = 'Emails';
$listFieldMap = array();
if (empty($this->sub_subpanels)) {
$panels = $this->get_inst_prop_value('collection_list') ;
if (null === $panels) {
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Incorrect or missing SubPanelDefinition property: collection_list');
$panels = array();
foreach ($panels as $panel => $properties) {
if (array_key_exists($properties [ 'module' ], $modListHeader) || array_key_exists($properties [ 'module' ], $modules_exempt_from_availability_check)) {
$this->sub_subpanels [ $panel ] = new aSubPanel($panel, $properties, $this->parent_bean, false, false, $this->search_query, $this->base_collection_list) ;
// if it's empty just dump out as there is nothing to process.
if (empty($this->sub_subpanels)) {
return false;
}//Sync displayed list fields across the subpanels
$display_fields = $this->getDisplayFieldsFromCollection($this->sub_subpanels);
$query_fields = array();
foreach ($this->sub_subpanels as $key => $subpanel) {
$list_fields = $subpanel->get_list_fields();
$listFieldMap[$key] = array();
$index = 0;
foreach ($list_fields as $field => $def) {
if (isset($def['vname']) && isset($def['width'])) {
if (!empty($def['alias'])) {
$listFieldMap[$key][$def['alias']] = $field;
} else {
$listFieldMap[$key][$field] = $field;
if (!isset($display_fields[$def['vname']])) {
if (count($display_fields) > $index) {
//Try to insert the new field in an order that makes sense
$start = array_slice($display_fields, 0, $index);
$end = array_slice($display_fields, $index);
$display_fields = array_merge(
array($def['vname'] => array('name' => $field, 'vname' => $def['vname'], 'width' => $def['width'] )),
} else {
$display_fields[$def['vname']] = array(
'name' => empty($def['alias']) ? $field : $def['alias'],
'vname' => $def['vname'],
'width' => $def['width'],
} else {
$query_fields[$field] = $def;
foreach ($this->sub_subpanels as $key => $subpanel) {
$list_fields = array();
foreach ($display_fields as $vname => $def) {
$field = $def['name'];
$list_key = isset($listFieldMap[$key][$field]) ? $listFieldMap[$key][$field] : $field;
if (isset($subpanel->panel_definition['list_fields'][$field])) {
$list_fields[$field] = $subpanel->panel_definition['list_fields'][$field];
} else {
if ($list_key != $field && isset($subpanel->panel_definition['list_fields'][$list_key])) {
$list_fields[$list_key] = $subpanel->panel_definition['list_fields'][$list_key];
} else {
$list_fields[$field] = $display_fields[$vname];
foreach ($query_fields as $field => $def) {
if (isset($subpanel->panel_definition['list_fields'][$field])) {
$list_fields[$field] = $subpanel->panel_definition['list_fields'][$field];
} else {
$list_fields[$field] = $def;
$subpanel->panel_definition['list_fields'] = $list_fields;
return true;
protected function getDisplayFieldsFromCollection($sub_subpanels)
$display_fields = array();
foreach ($sub_subpanels as $key => $subpanel) {
$list_fields = $subpanel->get_list_fields();
$index = 0;
foreach ($list_fields as $field => $def) {
if (isset($def['vname']) && isset($def['width'])) {
if (!isset($display_fields[$def['vname']])) {
if (count($display_fields) > $index) {
//Try to insert the new field in an order that makes sense
$start = array_slice($display_fields, 0, $index);
$end = array_slice($display_fields, $index);
$display_fields = array_merge(
array($def['vname'] => array('name' => $field, 'vname' => $def['vname'], 'width' => $def['width'] )),
} else {
$display_fields[$def['vname']] = array(
'name' => $field,
'vname' => $def['vname'],
'width' => $def['width'],
return $display_fields;
public function isDatasourceFunction()
$subpanelData = $this->get_inst_prop_value('get_subpanel_data') ?? '';
if (strpos($subpanelData, 'function') === false) {
return false ;
return true ;
* Test to see if the sub panels defs contain a collection
* @return bool
public function isCollection()
return ($this->get_inst_prop_value('type') == 'collection');
//get value of a property defined at the panel instance level.
public function get_inst_prop_value($name)
return isset($this->_instance_properties[$name]) ? $this->_instance_properties [ $name ] : null;
//get value of a property defined at the panel definition level.
public function get_def_prop_value($name)
if (isset($this->panel_definition [ $name ])) {
return $this->panel_definition [ $name ] ;
} else {
return null ;
//if datasource is of the type function then return the function name
//else return the value as is.
public function get_function_parameters()
$parameters = array( ) ;
if ($this->isDatasourceFunction()) {
$parameters = $this->get_inst_prop_value('function_parameters') ;
return $parameters ;
public function get_data_source_name($check_set_subpanel_data = false)
$prop_value = null ;
if ($check_set_subpanel_data) {
$prop_value = $this->get_inst_prop_value('set_subpanel_data') ;
if (! empty($prop_value)) {
return $prop_value ;
} else {
//fall back to default behavior.
if ($this->isDatasourceFunction()) {
return (substr_replace($this->get_inst_prop_value('get_subpanel_data'), '', 0, 9)) ;
} else {
return $this->get_inst_prop_value('get_subpanel_data') ;
//returns the where clause for the query.
public function get_where()
if ($this->get_def_prop_value('where') != '' && $this->search_query != '') {
return $this->get_def_prop_value('where').' AND '.$this->search_query;
} else {
if ($this->search_query != '') {
return $this->search_query;
return $this->get_def_prop_value('where') ;
public function is_fill_in_additional_fields()
// do both. inst_prop returns values from metadata/subpaneldefs.php and def_prop returns from subpanel/default.php
$temp = $this->get_inst_prop_value('fill_in_additional_fields') || $this->get_def_prop_value('fill_in_additional_fields') ;
return $temp ;
public function get_list_fields()
if (isset($this->panel_definition [ 'list_fields' ])) {
return $this->panel_definition [ 'list_fields' ] ;
} else {
return array( ) ;
public function get_module_name()
return $this->get_inst_prop_value('module') ;
public function get_name()
return $this->name ;
//load subpanel module's table name and column fields.
public function load_module_info()
global $beanList ;
global $beanFiles ;
$module_name = $this->get_module_name() ;
if (! empty($module_name)) {
$bean_name = $beanList [ $this->get_module_name() ] ;
$this->bean_name = $bean_name ;
include_once($beanFiles [ $bean_name ]) ;
$this->template_instance = new $bean_name() ;
$this->template_instance->force_load_details = true ;
$this->table_name = $this->template_instance->table_name ;
//this function is to be used only with sub-panels that are based
//on collections.
public function get_header_panel_def()
if (! empty($this->sub_subpanels)) {
if (! empty($this->_instance_properties [ 'header_definition_from_subpanel' ]) && ! empty($this->sub_subpanels [ $this->_instance_properties [ 'header_definition_from_subpanel' ] ])) {
return $this->sub_subpanels [ $this->_instance_properties [ 'header_definition_from_subpanel' ] ] ;
} else {
$display_fields = array();
//If we are not pulling from a specific subpanel, create a list of all list fields and use that.
foreach ($this->sub_subpanels as $subpanel) {
$list_fields = $subpanel->get_list_fields();
foreach ($list_fields as $field => $def) {
reset($this->sub_subpanels) ;
return current($this->sub_subpanels) ;
return null ;
* Returns an array of current properties of the class.
* It will simply give the class name for instances of classes.
public function _to_array()
return array( '_instance_properties' => $this->_instance_properties , 'db_fields' => $this->db_fields , 'mod_strings' => $this->mod_strings , 'name' => $this->name , 'panel_definition' => $this->panel_definition , 'parent_bean' => get_class($this->parent_bean) , 'sub_subpanels' => $this->sub_subpanels , 'table_name' => $this->table_name , 'template_instance' => get_class($this->template_instance) ) ;
* Sets definition of the subpanel
* @param array $definition
protected function set_panel_definition(array $definition)
$this->panel_definition = $definition;
class SubPanelDefinitions
public $_focus ;
public $_visible_tabs_array ;
public $panels ;
public $layout_defs ;
* Enter description here...
* @param SugarBean $focus - this is the bean you want to get the data from
* @param string $layout_def_key - if you wish to use a layout_def defined in the default metadata/subpaneldefs.php
* that is not keyed off of $bean->module_dir pass in the key here
* @param array $layout_def_override - if you wish to override the default loaded layout defs you pass them in here.
* @return SubPanelDefinitions
public function __construct($focus, $layout_def_key = '', $layout_def_override = '')
$this->_focus = $focus ;
if (! empty($layout_def_override)) {
$this->layout_defs = $layout_def_override ;
} else {
$this->open_layout_defs(false, $layout_def_key) ;
* This function returns an ordered list of all "tabs", actually subpanels, for this module
* The source list is obtained from the subpanel layout contained in the layout_defs for this module,
* found either in the modules metadata/subpaneldefs.php file, or in the modules custom/.../Ext/Layoutdefs/layoutdefs.ext.php file
* and filtered through an ACL check.
* Note that the keys for the resulting array of tabs are in practice the name of the underlying source relationship for the subpanel
* So for example, the key for a custom module's subpanel with Accounts might be 'one_one_accounts', as generated by the Studio Relationship Editor
* Although OOB module subpanels have keys such as 'accounts', which might on the face of it appear to be a reference to the related module, in fact 'accounts' is still the relationship name
* @param boolean Optional - include the subpanel title label in the return array (false)
* @return array All tabs that pass an ACL check
public function get_available_tabs($FromGetModuleSubpanels = false)
global $modListHeader ;
global $modules_exempt_from_availability_check ;
if (isset($this->_visible_tabs_array)) {
return $this->_visible_tabs_array ;
if (empty($modListHeader)) {
$modListHeader = query_module_access_list($GLOBALS['current_user']);
$this->_visible_tabs_array = array( ) ; // bug 16820 - make sure this is an array for the later ksort
if (isset($this->layout_defs [ 'subpanel_setup' ])) { // bug 17434 - belts-and-braces - check that we have some subpanels first
//retrieve list of hidden subpanels
$hidden_panels = $this->get_hidden_subpanels();
//activities is a special use case in that if it is hidden,
//then the history tab should be hidden too.
if (!empty($hidden_panels) && is_array($hidden_panels) && in_array('activities', $hidden_panels)) {
//add history to list hidden_panels
$hidden_panels['history'] = 'history';
foreach ($this->layout_defs [ 'subpanel_setup' ] as $key => $values_array) {
//exclude if this subpanel is hidden from admin screens
$module = $key;
if (isset($values_array['module'])) {
$module = strtolower($values_array['module']);
if ($hidden_panels && is_array($hidden_panels) && (in_array($module, $hidden_panels) || array_key_exists($module, $hidden_panels))) {
//this panel is hidden, skip it
// make sure the module attribute is set, else none of this works...
if (!isset($values_array [ 'module' ])) {
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("SubPanelDefinitions->get_available_tabs(): no module defined in subpaneldefs for '$key' =>" . var_export($values_array, true) . " - ingoring subpanel defintion") ;
//check permissions.
$exempt = array_key_exists($values_array [ 'module' ], $modules_exempt_from_availability_check) ;
$ok = $exempt || ((! ACLController::moduleSupportsACL($values_array [ 'module' ]) || ACLController::checkAccess($values_array [ 'module' ], 'list', true))) ;
$GLOBALS [ 'log' ]->debug("SubPanelDefinitions->get_available_tabs(): " . $key . "= " . ($exempt ? "exempt " : "not exempt " .($ok ? " ACL OK" : ""))) ;
if ($ok) {
while (! empty($this->_visible_tabs_array [ $values_array [ 'order' ] ])) {
$values_array [ 'order' ] ++ ;
$this->_visible_tabs_array [ $values_array ['order'] ] = ($FromGetModuleSubpanels) ? array($key=>$values_array['title_key']) : $key ;
ksort($this->_visible_tabs_array) ;
return $this->_visible_tabs_array ;
* Load the definition of the a sub-panel.
* Also the sub-panel is added to an array of sub-panels.
* use of reload has been deprecated, since the subpanel is initialized every time.
* @param string $name The name of the sub-panel to reload
* @param boolean $reload Reload the sub-panel (unused)
* @param boolean $original_only Only load the original sub-panel and no custom ones
* @return boolean|aSubPanel Returns aSubPanel object or boolean false if one is not found or it can't be
* displayed due to ACL reasons.
public function load_subpanel($name, $reload = false, $original_only = false, $search_query = '', $collections = array())
$panelName = strtolower($name);
if (!array_key_exists($panelName, $this->layout_defs ['subpanel_setup'])) {
"Trying to load subpanel without definition: %s in module %s",
return false;
if (!is_dir('modules/' . $this->layout_defs ['subpanel_setup'][$panelName] ['module'])) {
return false;
$subpanel = new aSubPanel(
$this->layout_defs ['subpanel_setup'] [$panelName],
// only return the subpanel object if we can display it.
if ($subpanel->canDisplay == true) {
return $subpanel;
// by default return false so we don't show anything if it's not required.
return false;
* Load the layout def file and associate the definition with a variable in the file.
public function open_layout_defs($reload = false, $layout_def_key = '', $original_only = false)
$layout_defs [ $this->_focus->module_dir ] = array( ) ;
$layout_defs [ $layout_def_key ] = array( ) ;
if (empty($this->layout_defs) || $reload || (! empty($layout_def_key) && ! isset($layout_defs [ $layout_def_key ]))) {
if (file_exists(get_custom_file_if_exists('modules/' . $this->_focus->module_dir . '/metadata/subpaneldefs.php'))) {
require get_custom_file_if_exists('modules/' . $this->_focus->module_dir . '/metadata/subpaneldefs.php');
if (! $original_only && file_exists('custom/modules/' . $this->_focus->module_dir . '/Ext/Layoutdefs/layoutdefs.ext.php')) {
require('custom/modules/' . $this->_focus->module_dir . '/Ext/Layoutdefs/layoutdefs.ext.php') ;
if (! empty($layout_def_key)) {
$this->layout_defs = $layout_defs [ $layout_def_key ] ;
} else {
$this->layout_defs = $layout_defs [ $this->_focus->module_dir ] ;
* Removes a tab from the list of loaded tabs.
* Returns true if successful, false otherwise.
* Hint: Used by Campaign's DetailView.
public function exclude_tab($tab_name)
$result = false ;
//unset layout definition
if (! empty($this->layout_defs [ 'subpanel_setup' ] [ $tab_name ])) {
unset($this->layout_defs [ 'subpanel_setup' ] [ $tab_name ]) ;
//unset instance from _visible_tab_array
if (! empty($this->_visible_tabs_array)) {
$key = array_search($tab_name, $this->_visible_tabs_array) ;
if ($key !== false) {
unset($this->_visible_tabs_array [ $key ]) ;
return $result ;
* return all available subpanels that belong to the list of tab modules. You can optionally return all
* available subpanels, and also optionally group by module (prepends the key with the bean class name).
public function get_all_subpanels($return_tab_modules_only = true, $group_by_module = false)
global $moduleList, $beanFiles, $beanList, $module;
//use tab controller function to get module list with named keys
$tabController = new TabController();
$modules_to_check = $tabController->get_key_array($moduleList);
//change case to match subpanel processing later on
$modules_to_check = array_change_key_case($modules_to_check);
// Append on the CampaignLog module, because that is where the subpanels point, not directly to Campaigns
$modules_to_check['campaignlog'] = "CampaignLog";
$spd = '';
$spd_arr = array();
//iterate through modules and build subpanel array
foreach ($modules_to_check as $mod_name) {
//skip if module name is not in bean list, otherwise get the bean class name
if (!isset($beanList[$mod_name])) {
$class = $beanList[$mod_name];
//skip if class name is not in file list, otherwise require the bean file and create new class
if (!isset($beanFiles[$class]) || !file_exists($beanFiles[$class])) {
//retrieve subpanels for this bean
$bean_class = new $class();
//create new subpanel definition instance and get list of tabs
$spd = new SubPanelDefinitions($bean_class) ;
$sub_tabs = $spd->get_available_tabs();
//add each subpanel to array of total subpanles
foreach ($sub_tabs as $panel_key) {
$panel_key = strtolower($panel_key);
$panel_module = $panel_key;
if (isset($spd->layout_defs['subpanel_setup'][$panel_key]['module'])) {
$panel_module = strtolower($spd->layout_defs['subpanel_setup'][$panel_key]['module']);
//if module_only flag is set, only if it is also in module array
if ($return_tab_modules_only && !array_key_exists($panel_module, $modules_to_check)) {
$panel_key_name = $panel_module;
//group_by_key_name is set to true, then array will hold an entry for each
//subpanel, with the module name prepended in the key
if ($group_by_module) {
$panel_key_name = $class.'_'.$panel_key_name;
//add panel name to subpanel array
$spd_arr[$panel_key_name] = $panel_module;
return $spd_arr;
* save array of hidden panels to mysettings category in config table
public function set_hidden_subpanels($panels)
$administration = BeanFactory::newBean('Administration');
$serialized = base64_encode(serialize($panels));
$administration->saveSetting('MySettings', 'hide_subpanels', $serialized);
* retrieve hidden subpanels
public function get_hidden_subpanels()
global $moduleList;
//create variable as static to minimize queries
static $hidden_subpanels = null;
// if the static value is not already cached, then retrieve it.
if (empty($hidden_subpanels)) {
//create Administration object and retrieve any settings for panels
$administration = BeanFactory::newBean('Administration');
if (isset($administration->settings) && isset($administration->settings['MySettings_hide_subpanels'])) {
$hidden_subpanels = $administration->settings['MySettings_hide_subpanels'];
$hidden_subpanels = trim($hidden_subpanels);
//make sure serialized string is not empty
if (!empty($hidden_subpanels)) {
//decode and unserialize to retrieve the array
$hidden_subpanels = base64_decode($hidden_subpanels);
$hidden_subpanels = unserialize($hidden_subpanels);
//Ensure modules saved in the preferences exist.
//get user preference
//unserialize and add to array if not empty
$pref_hidden = array();
foreach ($pref_hidden as $id => $pref_hidden_panel) {
$hidden_subpanels[] = $pref_hidden_panel;
} else {
//no settings found, return empty
return $hidden_subpanels;
} else { //no settings found, return empty
return $hidden_subpanels;
return $hidden_subpanels;