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480 lines
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480 lines
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Executable file
if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
* Subpanel tiles
* @api
class SubPanelTiles
public $id;
public $module;
public $focus;
public $start_on_field;
public $layout_manager;
public $layout_def_key;
public $show_tabs = false;
* @var \SuiteCRM\SubPanel\SubPanelRowCounter
protected $rowCounter;
public $subpanel_definitions;
public $hidden_tabs=array(); //consumer of this class can array of tabs that should be hidden. the tab name
//should be the array.
public function __construct(&$focus, $layout_def_key='', $layout_def_override = '')
$this->focus = $focus;
$this->id = $focus->id;
$this->module = $focus->module_dir;
$this->layout_def_key = $layout_def_key;
$this->subpanel_definitions=new SubPanelDefinitions($focus, $layout_def_key, $layout_def_override);
$this->rowCounter = new \SuiteCRM\SubPanel\SubPanelRowCounter($focus);
* Return the current selected or requested subpanel tab
* @return string The identifier for the selected subpanel tab (e.g., 'Other')
public function getSelectedGroup()
global $current_user;
if (isset($_REQUEST['subpanelTabs'])) {
$_SESSION['subpanelTabs'] = $_REQUEST['subpanelTabs'];
// include/tabConfig.php in turn includes the customized file at custom/include/tabConfig.php
require 'include/tabConfig.php';
$subpanelTabsPref = $current_user->getPreference('subpanel_tabs');
if (!isset($subpanelTabsPref)) {
$subpanelTabsPref = $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['default_subpanel_tabs'];
if (!empty($GLOBALS['tabStructure']) && (!empty($_SESSION['subpanelTabs']) || !empty($sugar_config['subpanelTabs']) || !empty($subpanelTabsPref))) {
// Determine selected group
if (!empty($_REQUEST['subpanel'])) {
$selected_group = $_REQUEST['subpanel'];
} elseif (!empty($_COOKIE[$this->module.'_sp_tab'])) {
$selected_group = $_COOKIE[$this->module.'_sp_tab'];
} elseif (!empty($_SESSION['parentTab']) && !empty($GLOBALS['tabStructure'][$_SESSION['parentTab']]) && in_array($this->module, $GLOBALS['tabStructure'][$_SESSION['parentTab']]['modules'])) {
$selected_group = $_SESSION['parentTab'];
} else {
$selected_group = '';
foreach ($GLOBALS['tabStructure'] as $mainTab => $group) {
if (in_array($this->module, $group['modules'])) {
$selected_group = $mainTab;
if (!$selected_group) {
$selected_group = 'All';
} else {
$selected_group = '';
return $selected_group;
* Determine which subpanels should be shown within the selected tab group (e.g., 'Other');
* @param boolean $showTabs True if we should call the code to render each visible tab
* @param string $selectedGroup The requested tab group
* @return array Visible tabs
public function getTabs($showTabs = true, $selectedGroup='')
global $current_user;
//get all the "tabs" - this actually means all the subpanels available for display within a tab
$tabs = $this->subpanel_definitions->get_available_tabs();
if (!empty($selectedGroup)) {
// Bug #44344 : Custom relationships under same module only show once in subpanel tabs
// use object property instead new object to have ability run unit test (can override subpanel_definitions)
$objSubPanelTilesTabs = new SubPanelTilesTabs($this->focus);
$tabs = $objSubPanelTilesTabs->getTabs($tabs, $showTabs, $selectedGroup);
return $tabs;
} else {
// see if user current user has custom subpanel layout
$objSubPanelTilesTabs = new SubPanelTilesTabs($this->focus);
$tabs = $objSubPanelTilesTabs->applyUserCustomLayoutToTabs($tabs);
/* Check if the preference is set now,
* because there's no point in executing this code if
* we aren't going to render anything.
$subpanelLinksPref = $current_user->getPreference('subpanel_links');
if (!isset($subpanelLinksPref)) {
$subpanelLinksPref = $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['default_subpanel_links'];
if ($showTabs && $subpanelLinksPref) {
$sugarTab = new SugarTab();
$displayTabs = array();
foreach ($tabs as $tab) {
$displayTabs []= array('key'=>$tab, 'label'=>translate($this->subpanel_definitions->layout_defs['subpanel_setup'][$tab]['title_key']));
$sugarTab->setup(array(), array(), $displayTabs);
return $tabs;
public function display($showContainer = true, $forceTabless = false)
global $layout_edit_mode, $sugar_version, $sugar_config, $current_user, $app_strings, $modListHeader;
if (isset($layout_edit_mode) && $layout_edit_mode) {
$template = new Sugar_Smarty();
$template_header = "";
$template_body = "";
$template_footer = "";
$tabs = array();
$tabs_properties = array();
$tab_names = array();
$module_sub_panels = [];
$default_div_display = 'inline';
if (!empty($sugar_config['hide_subpanels_on_login'])) {
if (!isset($_SESSION['visited_details'][$this->focus->module_dir])) {
SugarApplication::setCookie($this->focus->module_dir . '_divs', '', 0, null, null, isSSL(), true);
unset($_COOKIE[$this->focus->module_dir . '_divs']);
$_SESSION['visited_details'][$this->focus->module_dir] = true;
$default_div_display = 'none';
$div_cookies = get_sub_cookies($this->focus->module_dir . '_divs');
if (empty($_REQUEST['subpanels'])) {
$selected_group = $forceTabless?'':$this->getSelectedGroup();
$usersLayout = $current_user->getPreference('subpanelLayout', $this->focus->module_dir);
// we need to use some intelligence here when restoring the user's layout, as new modules with new subpanels might have been installed since the user's layout was recorded
// this means that we can't just restore the old layout verbatim as the new subpanels would then go walkabout
// so we need to do a merge while attempting as best we can to preserve the sense of the specified order
// this is complicated by the different ordering schemes used in the two sources for the panels: the user's layout uses an ordinal layout, the panels from getTabs have an explicit ordering driven by the 'order' parameter
// it's not clear how to best reconcile these two schemes; so we punt on it, and add all new panels to the end of the user's layout. At least this will give them a clue that something has changed...
// we also now check for tabs that have been removed since the user saved their preferences.
$tabs = $this->getTabs($showContainer, $selected_group) ;
if (!empty($usersLayout)) {
$availableTabs = $tabs ;
$tabs = array_intersect($usersLayout, $availableTabs) ; // remove any tabs that have been removed since the user's layout was saved
foreach (array_diff($availableTabs, $usersLayout) as $tab) {
$tabs [] = $tab;
} else {
$tabs = explode(',', $_REQUEST['subpanels']);
// Display the group header. this section is executed only if the tabbed interface is being used.
$current_key = '';
if (! empty($this->show_tabs)) {
$tab_panel = new SugarWidgetTabs($tabs, $current_key, 'showSubPanel');
$template_header .= get_form_header('Related', '', false);
$template_header .= $tab_panel->display();
if (empty($GLOBALS['relationships'])) {
if (!class_exists('Relationship')) {
$rel= BeanFactory::newBean('Relationships');
foreach ($tabs as $t => $tab) {
// load meta definition of the sub-panel.
$thisPanel = $this->subpanel_definitions->load_subpanel($tab);
if ($thisPanel === false) {
// this if-block will try to skip over ophaned subpanels. Studio/MB are being delete unloaded modules completely.
// this check will ignore subpanels that are collections (activities, history, etc)
if (!isset($thisPanel->_instance_properties['collection_list']) and isset($thisPanel->_instance_properties['get_subpanel_data'])) {
// ignore when data source is a function
if (!isset($this->focus->field_defs[$thisPanel->_instance_properties['get_subpanel_data']])) {
if (stripos($thisPanel->_instance_properties['get_subpanel_data'], 'function:') === false) {
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Bad subpanel definition, it has incorrect value for get_subpanel_data property " .$tab);
} else {
if (isset($this->focus->field_defs[$thisPanel->_instance_properties['get_subpanel_data']]['relationship'])) {
if (empty($rel_name) or !isset($GLOBALS['relationships'][$rel_name])) {
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Missing relationship definition " .$rel_name. ". skipping " .$tab ." subpanel");
if ($thisPanel->isCollection()) {
// collect names of sub-panels that may contain items of each module
$collection_list = $thisPanel->get_inst_prop_value('collection_list');
if (is_array($collection_list)) {
foreach ($collection_list as $data) {
if (!empty($data['module'])) {
$module_sub_panels[$data['module']][$tab] = true;
} else {
$module = $thisPanel->get_module_name();
if (!empty($module)) {
$module_sub_panels[$module][$tab] = true;
$div_display = $default_div_display;
if (isset($thisPanel->_instance_properties['collapsed'])
&& $thisPanel->_instance_properties['collapsed']) {
$div_display = 'none';
if (!empty($sugar_config['hide_subpanels']) || $thisPanel->isDefaultHidden()) {
$div_display = 'none';
$cookie_name = $this->module . '_' . $tab . '_v';
if (isset($div_cookies[$cookie_name])) {
$div_display = $div_cookies[$cookie_name] === 'false' ? 'none' : '';
if ($div_display == 'none') {
$opp_display = 'inline';
$tabs_properties[$t]['expanded_subpanels'] = false;
} else {
$opp_display = 'none';
$tabs_properties[$t]['expanded_subpanels'] = true;
if (!empty($this->layout_def_key)) {
$layout_def_key = $this->layout_def_key;
} else {
$layout_def_key = '';
if (empty($this->show_tabs)) {
/// Legacy Support for subpanels
$show_icon_html = SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImage('advanced_search', 'border="0" align="absmiddle"', null, null, '.gif', translate('LBL_SHOW'));
$hide_icon_html = SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImage('basic_search', 'border="0" align="absmiddle"', null, null, '.gif', translate('LBL_HIDE'));
$tabs_properties[$t]['show_icon_html'] = $show_icon_html;
$tabs_properties[$t]['hide_icon_html'] = $hide_icon_html;
$max_min = "<a name=\"$tab\"> </a><span id=\"show_link_".$tab."\" style=\"display: $opp_display\"><a href='#' class='utilsLink' onclick=\"current_child_field = '".$tab."';showSubPanel('".$tab."',null,true,'".$layout_def_key."');document.getElementById('show_link_".$tab."').style.display='none';document.getElementById('hide_link_".$tab."').style.display='';return false;\">"
. "" . $show_icon_html . "</a></span>";
$max_min .= "<span id=\"hide_link_".$tab."\" style=\"display: $div_display\"><a href='#' class='utilsLink' onclick=\"hideSubPanel('".$tab."');document.getElementById('hide_link_".$tab."').style.display='none';document.getElementById('show_link_".$tab."').style.display='';return false;\">"
. "" . $hide_icon_html . "</a></span>";
$tabs_properties[$t]['title'] = $thisPanel->get_title();
$tabs_properties[$t]['module_name'] = $thisPanel->get_module_name();
$tabs_properties[$t]['get_form_header'] = get_form_header($thisPanel->get_title(), $max_min, false, false);
$tabs_properties[$t]['cookie_name'] = $cookie_name;
$tabs_properties[$t]['div_display'] = $div_display;
$tabs_properties[$t]['opp_display'] = $opp_display;
$tabs_properties[$t]['subpanel_body'] = '';
$tabs_properties[$t]['buttons'] = '';
// We only preload this subpanel's contents if it's expanded
if ($tabs_properties[$t]['expanded_subpanels']) {
// Get Subpanel
$subpanel_object = new SubPanel($this->module, $_REQUEST['record'], $tab, $thisPanel, $layout_def_key);
$arr = array();
// TODO: Remove x-template:
$tabs_properties[$t]['subpanel_body'] = $subpanel_object->ProcessSubPanelListView(
// Get subpanel buttons
$tabs_properties[$t]['buttons'] = $this->get_buttons($thisPanel, $subpanel_object->subpanel_query);
} elseif ($current_user->getPreference('count_collapsed_subpanels')) {
$subPanelDef = $this->subpanel_definitions->layout_defs['subpanel_setup'][$tab];
$count = (int)$this->rowCounter->getSubPanelRowCount($subPanelDef);
$extraClass = '';
if ($count === 0) {
$countStr = $count.'';
} elseif ($count > 0) {
$countStr = $count.'';
$tabs_properties[$t]['collapsed_override'] = 1;
} else {
$countStr = '...';
$extraClass = ' incomplete';
$tabs_properties[$t]['title'] .= ' (<span class="subPanelCountHint' . $extraClass . '" data-subpanel="' . $tab . '" data-module="' . $layout_def_key . '" data-record="' . $_REQUEST['record'] . '">' . $countStr . '</span>)';
array_push($tab_names, $tab);
$tab_names = '["' . implode('","', $tab_names) . '"]';
if (!isset($module_sub_panels)) {
$module_sub_panels = [];
$module_sub_panels = array_map('array_keys', $module_sub_panels);
$module_sub_panels = json_encode($module_sub_panels);
$template->assign('layout_def_key', $this->layout_def_key);
$template->assign('show_subpanel_tabs', $this->show_tabs);
$template->assign('subpanel_tabs', $tabs);
$template->assign('subpanel_tabs_properties', $tabs_properties);
$template->assign('module_sub_panels', $module_sub_panels);
$template->assign('sugar_config', $sugar_config);
$template->assign('REQUEST', $_REQUEST);
$template->assign('GLOBALS', $GLOBALS);
$template->assign('selected_group', $selected_group);
$template->assign('tab_names', $tab_names);
$template->assign('module_sub_panels', $module_sub_panels);
$template->assign('module', $this->module);
$template->assign('APP', $app_strings);
$template_body = $template->fetch('include/SubPanel/tpls/SubPanelTiles.tpl');
return $template_header . $template_body . $template_footer;
public function getLayoutManager()
if ($this->layout_manager == null) {
$this->layout_manager = new LayoutManager();
return $this->layout_manager;
* @param aSubPanel $thisPanel
* @param $panel_query
* @return string
public function get_buttons($thisPanel, $panel_query=null)
$subpanel_def = $thisPanel->get_buttons();
$layout_manager = $this->getLayoutManager();
//for action button at the top of each subpanel
// bug#51275: smarty widget to help provide the action menu functionality as it is currently sprinkled throughout the app with html
$buttons = array();
$widget_contents = '';
foreach ($subpanel_def as $widget_data) {
$widget_data['action'] = $_REQUEST['action'];
$widget_data['module'] = $thisPanel->get_inst_prop_value('module');
$widget_data['focus'] = $this->focus;
$widget_data['subpanel_definition'] = $thisPanel;
$widget_contents .= '<td class="buttons">' . "\n";
if (empty($widget_data['widget_class'])) {
$buttons[] = "widget_class not defined for top subpanel buttons";
} else {
$button = $layout_manager->widgetDisplay($widget_data);
if ($button) {
$buttons[] = $button;
$widget_contents = smarty_function_sugar_action_menu(
'buttons' => $buttons,
'class' => 'clickMenu fancymenu',
'flat' => $thisPanel->get_inst_prop_value('flat')
return $widget_contents;
* @param string $html_text
* @param aSubPanel $thisPanel
* @return string
public function getCheckbox($html_text, $thisPanel)
$template = new Sugar_Smarty();
if ($thisPanel->get_inst_prop_value('select_link_top')) {
$html_text .= $template->fetch('include/SubPanel/tpls/SubPanelCheckbox.tpl');
return $html_text;