mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 12:36:53 +00:00

- Revert "Fixed #7696 - Folder "include/SugarCharts/Jit" missing in 7.11.7 installation" This reverts commit7e21c5806f
. - Revert "Fix travis JIT failure" This reverts commitb7613181a5
. - Revert "Remove JIT" This reverts commitf4764ed617
957 lines
34 KiB
Executable file
957 lines
34 KiB
Executable file
* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2020 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
* Generic chart
* @api
class SugarChart
private $db;
protected $ss;
public $forceHideDataGroupLink = false;
public $data_set = array();
public $display_data = array();
public $chart_properties = array();
public $chart_yAxis = array();
public $group_by = array();
public $super_set = array();
public $colors_list = array();
public $base_url = array();
public $url_params = array();
public $display_labels = array();
public $currency_symbol;
public $thousands_symbol;
public $is_currency;
public $supports_image_export = false;
public $print_html_legend_pdf = false;
public $image_export_type = "";
public function __construct()
$this->db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
$this->ss = new Sugar_Smarty();
$this->chart_yAxis['yMin'] = 0;
$this->chart_yAxis['yMax'] = 0;
if ($GLOBALS['current_user']->getPreference('currency')) {
$currency = BeanFactory::newBean('Currencies');
$this->div = $currency->conversion_rate;
$this->currency_symbol = $currency->symbol;
} else {
$this->currency_symbol = $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['default_currency_symbol'];
$this->div = 1;
$this->is_currency = false;
$this->image_export_type = (extension_loaded('gd') && function_exists('gd_info')) ? "png" : "jpg";
public function getData($query)
$result = $this->db->query($query);
$row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result);
while ($row != null) {
$this->data_set[] = $row;
$row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result);
public function constructBaseURL()
$numParams = 0;
$url = 'index.php?';
foreach ($this->base_url as $param => $value) {
if ($numParams == 0) {
$url .= $param . '=' . $value;
} else {
$url .= '&' .$param . '=' .$value;
return $url;
public function constructURL()
$url = $this->constructBaseURL();
foreach ($this->url_params as $param => $value) {
if ($param == 'assigned_user_id') {
$param = 'assigned_user_id[]';
if (is_array($value)) {
foreach ($value as $multiple) {
$url .= '&' . $param . '=' . urlencode($multiple);
} else {
$url .= '&' . $param . '=' . urlencode($value);
return $url;
public function setData($dataSet)
$this->data_set = $dataSet;
public function setProperties($title, $subtitle, $type, $legend='on', $labels='value', $print='on', $thousands = false)
$this->chart_properties['title'] = $title;
$this->chart_properties['subtitle'] = $subtitle;
$this->chart_properties['type'] = $type;
$this->chart_properties['legend'] = $legend;
$this->chart_properties['labels'] = $labels;
$this->chart_properties['thousands'] = $thousands;
public function setDisplayProperty($property, $value)
$this->chart_properties[$property] = $value;
public function setColors($colors = array())
$this->colors_list = $colors;
* returns the header for the constructed xml file for sugarcharts
* @param nothing
* @return string $header XML header
public function xmlHeader()
$header = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
$header .= "<sugarcharts version=\"1.0\">\n";
return $header;
* returns the footer for the constructed xml file for sugarcharts
* @param nothing
* @return string $footer XML footer
public function xmlFooter()
$footer = "</sugarcharts>";
return $footer;
* returns the properties tag for the constructed xml file for sugarcharts
* @param nothing
* @return string $properties XML properties tag
public function xmlProperties()
// open the properties tag
$properties = $this->tab("<properties>", 1);
// grab the property and value from the chart_properties variable
foreach ($this->chart_properties as $key => $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$properties .= $this->tab("<$key>$value</$key>", 2);
if (!empty($this->colors_list)) {
// open the colors tag
$properties .= $this->tab("<colors>", 2);
foreach ($this->colors_list as $color) {
$properties .= $this->tab("<color>$color</color>", 3);
// close the colors tag
$properties .= $this->tab("</colors>", 2);
// close the properties tag
$properties .= $this->tab("</properties>", 1);
return $properties;
* returns the y-axis values for the chart
* @param nothing
* @return string $yAxis XML yAxis tag
public function xmlYAxis()
$this->chart_yAxis['yStep'] = '100';
$this->chart_yAxis['yLog'] = '1';
$this->chart_yAxis['yMax'] = $this->is_currency ? $this->convertCurrency($this->chart_yAxis['yMax']) : $this->chart_yAxis['yMax'];
$max = $this->chart_yAxis['yMax'];
$exp = ($max == 0) ? 1 : floor(log10($max));
$baseval = $max / pow(10, $exp);
// steps will be 10^n, 2*10^n, 5*10^n (where n >= 0)
if ($baseval > 0 && $baseval <= 1) {
$step = 2 * pow(10, $exp-1);
} else {
if ($baseval > 1 && $baseval <= 3) {
$step = 5 * pow(10, $exp-1);
} else {
if ($baseval > 3 && $baseval <= 6) {
$step = 10 * pow(10, $exp-1);
} else {
if ($baseval > 6 && $baseval <= 10) {
$step = 20 * pow(10, $exp-1);
// edge cases for values less than 10
if ($max == 0 || $step < 1) {
$step = 1;
$this->chart_yAxis['yStep'] = $step;
// to compensate, the yMax should be at least one step above the max value
$this->chart_yAxis['yMax'] += $this->chart_yAxis['yStep'];
$yAxis = $this->tab("<yAxis>", 1);
foreach ($this->chart_yAxis as $key => $value) {
$yAxis .= $this->tabValue((string)($key), $value, 2);
$yAxis .= $this->tab("</yAxis>", 1);
return $yAxis;
* returns the total amount value for the group by field
* @param group by field
* @return int $total total value
public function calculateTotal($group_by)
$total = 0;
for ($i =0; $i < count($this->data_set); $i++) {
if ($this->data_set[$i][$this->group_by[0]] == $group_by) {
$total += $this->data_set[$i]['total'];
return $total;
* returns text with tabs appended before it
* @param string $str input string
* int $depth number of times to tab
* @return string with tabs appended before it
public function tab($str, $depth)
return str_repeat("\t", $depth) . $str . "\n";
* returns text with tabs appended before it
* @param string $str xml tag
* int $tagFormat 2 = open and close tag, 1 = close, 0 = open
* sting $value input string
* int $depth number of times to tab
* @return string with tabs appended before it
public function tabValue($tag, $value, $depth)
return $this->tab("<{$tag}>".htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_QUOTES)."</{$tag}>", $depth);
* returns xml data format
* @param none
* @return string with xml data format
public function processData()
$data = array();
$group_by = $this->group_by[0];
if (isset($this->group_by[1])) {
$drill_down = $this->group_by[1];
$prev_group_by = '';
for ($i =0; $i < count($this->data_set); $i++) {
if ($this->data_set[$i][$group_by] != $prev_group_by) {
$prev_group_by = $this->data_set[$i][$group_by];
$data[$this->data_set[$i][$group_by]] = array();
$data[$this->data_set[$i][$group_by]][] = $this->data_set[$i];
// push new item onto legend items list
if (isset($drill_down)) {
if (!in_array($this->data_set[$i][$drill_down], $this->super_set)) {
$this->super_set[] = $this->data_set[$i][$drill_down];
return $data;
public function processDataGroup($tablevel, $title, $value, $label, $link)
$link = $this->forceHideDataGroupLink ? '' : $link;
$data = $this->tab('<group>', $tablevel);
$data .= $this->tabValue('title', $title, $tablevel+1);
$data .= $this->tabValue('value', $value, $tablevel+1);
$data .= $this->tabValue('label', $label, $tablevel+1);
$data .= $this->tab('<link>' . $link . '</link>', $tablevel+1);
$data .= $this->tab('</group>', $tablevel);
return $data;
public function calculateGroupByTotal($dataset)
$total = 0;
foreach ($dataset as $key => $value) {
$total += $value;
return $total;
public function calculateSingleBarMax($dataset)
$max = 0;
foreach ($dataset as $value) {
if ($value > $max) {
$max = $value;
return $max;
* returns correct yAxis min/max
* @param value to check
* @return yAxis min and max
public function checkYAxis($value)
if ($value < $this->chart_yAxis['yMin']) {
$this->chart_yAxis['yMin'] = $value;
} else {
if ($value > $this->chart_yAxis['yMax']) {
$this->chart_yAxis['yMax'] = $value;
* Convert the amount given to the User's currency.
* TODO make this use the Currency module to convert from dollars and make
* it deprecated.
* @param float $to_convert
* The amount to be converted.
* @return float
* The amount converted in the User's current currency.
* @see Currency::convertFromDollar()
* @see SugarChart::__construct()
public function convertCurrency($to_convert)
global $locale;
$decimals = $locale->getPrecision();
$amount = round($to_convert * $this->div, $decimals);
return $amount;
public function formatNumber($number, $decimals= null, $decimal_point= null, $thousands_sep= null)
global $locale;
if (is_null($decimals)) {
$decimals = $locale->getPrecision();
$seps = get_number_separators();
$thousands_sep = $seps[0];
$decimal_point = $seps[1];
return number_format($number, $decimals, $decimal_point, $thousands_sep);
public function getTotal()
$new_data = $this->processData();
$total = 0;
foreach ($new_data as $groupByKey => $value) {
$total += $this->calculateTotal($groupByKey);
return $total;
public function xmlDataForGroupByChart()
$data = '';
$idcounter = 0;
foreach ($this->data_set as $key => $value) {
$amount = $this->is_currency ? $this->convertCurrency($this->calculateGroupByTotal($value)) : $this->calculateGroupByTotal($value);
$label = $this->is_currency ? ($this->currency_symbol . $this->formatNumber($amount)) : $amount;
$data .= $this->tab('<group>', 2);
if (!empty($this->display_labels[$key])) {
$data .= $this->tabValue('title', $this->display_labels[$key], 3);
$data .= $this->tabValue('id', ++$idcounter, 3);
} else {
$data .= $this->tabValue('title', $key, 3);
$data .= $this->tabValue('value', $amount, 3);
$data .= $this->tabValue('label', $label, 3);
$data .= $this->tab('<link></link>', 3);
$data .= $this->tab('<subgroups>', 3);
foreach ($value as $k => $v) {
$amount = $this->is_currency ? $this->convertCurrency($v) : $v;
$label = $this->is_currency ? ($this->currency_symbol . $this->formatNumber($amount)) : $amount;
$data .= $this->tab('<group>', 4);
$data .= $this->tabValue('title', $k, 5);
$data .= $this->tabValue('value', $amount, 5);
$data .= $this->tabValue('label', $label, 5);
$data .= $this->tab('<link></link>', 5);
$data .= $this->tab('</group>', 4);
$data .= $this->tab('</subgroups>', 3);
$data .= $this->tab('</group>', 2);
return $data;
public function xmlDataForGaugeChart()
$data = '';
$gaugePosition = $this->data_set[0]['num'];
$this->chart_yAxis['yMax'] = $this->chart_properties['gaugeTarget'];
$this->chart_yAxis['yStep'] = 1;
$data .= $this->processDataGroup(2, 'GaugePosition', $gaugePosition, $gaugePosition, '');
if (isset($this->chart_properties['gaugePhases']) && is_array($this->chart_properties['gaugePhases'])) {
$data .= $this->processGauge($gaugePosition, $this->chart_properties['gaugeTarget'], $this->chart_properties['gaugePhases']);
} else {
$data .= $this->processGauge($gaugePosition, $this->chart_properties['gaugeTarget']);
return $data;
public function xmlDataBarChart()
$data = '';
$max = $this->calculateSingleBarMax($this->data_set);
if (isset($this->group_by[0])) {
$group_by = $this->group_by[0];
if (isset($this->group_by[1])) {
$drill_down = $this->group_by[1];
foreach ($this->data_set as $key => $value) {
if ($this->is_currency) {
$value = $this->convertCurrency($value);
$label = $this->currency_symbol;
$label .= $this->formatNumber($value);
$label .= $this->thousands_symbol;
} else {
$label = $value;
$data .= $this->tab('<group>', 2);
$data .= $this->tabValue('title', $key, 3);
$data .= $this->tabValue('value', $value, 3);
$data .= $this->tabValue('label', $label, 3);
if (isset($drill_down) && $drill_down) {
if ($this->group_by[0] == 'm') {
$additional_param = '&date_closed_advanced=' . urlencode($key);
} else {
if ($this->group_by[0] == 'sales_stage') {
$additional_param = '&sales_stage_advanced[]='.urlencode(array_search($key, $GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['sales_stage_dom']));
} else {
$additional_param = "&" . $this->group_by[0] . "=" . urlencode($key);
$url = $this->constructURL() . $additional_param;
$data .= $this->tab('<link>' . $url . '</link>', 3);
$data .= $this->tab('<subgroups>', 3);
$data .= $this->tab('</subgroups>', 3);
$data .= $this->tab('</group>', 2);
return $data;
public function xmlDataGenericChart()
$data = '';
$group_by = $this->group_by[0];
if (isset($this->group_by[1])) {
$drill_down = $this->group_by[1];
$new_data = $this->processData();
foreach ($new_data as $groupByKey => $value) {
$total = $this->calculateTotal($groupByKey);
if ($this->group_by[0] == 'm') {
$additional_param = '&date_closed_advanced=' . urlencode($groupByKey);
} else {
$paramValue = (isset($value[0]['key']) && $value[0]['key'] != '') ? $value[0]['key'] : $groupByKey;
$paramValue = (isset($value[0][$this->group_by[0]."_dom_option"]) && $value[0][$this->group_by[0]."_dom_option"] != '') ? $value[0][$this->group_by[0]."_dom_option"] : $paramValue;
$additional_param = "&" . $this->group_by[0] . "=" . urlencode($paramValue);
$url = $this->constructURL() . $additional_param;
$amount = $this->is_currency ? $this->convertCurrency($total) : $total;
$label = $this->is_currency ? ($this->currency_symbol . $this->formatNumber($amount) . 'K') : $amount;
$data .= $this->tab('<group>', 2);
$data .= $this->tabValue('title', $groupByKey, 3);
$data .= $this->tabValue('value', $amount, 3);
$data .= $this->tabValue('label', $label, 3);
$data .= $this->tab('<link>' . $url . '</link>', 3);
$data .= $this->tab('<subgroups>', 3);
$processed = array();
if (isset($drill_down) && $drill_down != '') {
* Bug 44696 - Ivan D.
* We have to iterate users in order since they are in the super_set for every group.
* This is required to display the correct links for each user in a drill down chart.
foreach ($this->super_set as $superSetKey => $superSetValue) {
$objectInSaleStage = false;
foreach ($value as $internalKey => $internalValue) {
if ($internalValue[$drill_down] == $superSetValue) {
$objectInSaleStage = $value[$internalKey];
if ($objectInSaleStage) {
if (isset($objectInSaleStage[$group_by]) && $objectInSaleStage[$group_by] == $groupByKey) {
if ($drill_down == 'user_name') {
$drill_down_param = '&assigned_user_id[]=' . urlencode($objectInSaleStage['assigned_user_id']);
} else {
if ($drill_down == 'm') {
$drill_down_param = '&date_closed_advanced=' . urlencode($objectInSaleStage[$drill_down]);
} else {
$paramValue = (isset($objectInSaleStage[$drill_down . "_dom_option"]) && $objectInSaleStage[$drill_down . "_dom_option"] != '') ? $objectInSaleStage[$drill_down . "_dom_option"] : $objectInSaleStage[$drill_down];
$drill_down_param = '&' . $drill_down . '=' . urlencode($paramValue);
if ($this->is_currency) {
$sub_amount = $this->formatNumber($this->convertCurrency($objectInSaleStage['total']));
$sub_amount_formatted = $this->currency_symbol . $sub_amount . 'K';
//bug: 38877 - do not format the amount for the value as it breaks the chart
$sub_amount = $this->convertCurrency($objectInSaleStage['total']);
} else {
$sub_amount = $objectInSaleStage['total'];
$sub_amount_formatted = $sub_amount;
$data .= $this->processDataGroup(4, $objectInSaleStage[$drill_down], $sub_amount, $sub_amount_formatted, $url . $drill_down_param);
} else {
$data .= $this->nullGroup($superSetValue, $url);
} else {
$data .= $this->nullGroup($superSetValue, $url);
$data .= $this->tab('</subgroups>', 3);
$data .= $this->tab('</group>', 2);
return $data;
* nullGroup
* This function sets a null group by clause
* @param $sugarSetValue Mixed value
* @param $url String value of URL for the link
private function nullGroup($superSetValue, $url)
return $this->processDataGroup(4, $superSetValue, 'NULL', '', $url);
* returns a name for the XML File
* @param string $file_id - unique id to make part of the file name
public static function getXMLFileName($file_id)
create_cache_directory("xml/".$GLOBALS['current_user']->getUserPrivGuid() . "_{$file_id}.xml");
return sugar_cached("xml/"). $GLOBALS['current_user']->getUserPrivGuid() . "_" . $file_id . ".xml";
public function processXmlData()
$data = '';
if ($this->chart_properties['type'] == 'group by chart') {
$data .= $this->xmlDataForGroupByChart();
} else {
if ($this->chart_properties['type'] == 'bar chart' || $this->chart_properties['type'] == 'horizontal bar chart') {
$data .= $this->xmlDataBarChart();
} else {
$data .= $this->xmlDataGenericChart();
return $data;
public function xmlData()
$data = $this->tab('<data>', 1);
$data .= $this->processXmlData();
$data .= $this->tab('</data>', 1);
return $data;
* function to generate XML and return it
* @param none
* @return string $xmlContents with xml information
public function generateXML($xmlDataName = false)
$xmlContents = $this->xmlHeader();
$xmlContents .= $this->xmlProperties();
$xmlContents .= $this->xmlData();
$xmlContents .= $this->xmlYAxis();
$xmlContents .= $this->xmlFooter();
return $xmlContents;
* function to save XML contents into a file
* @param string $xmlFilename location of the xml file
* string $xmlContents contents of the xml file
* @return string boolean denoting whether save has failed
public function saveXMLFile($xmlFilename, $xmlContents)
global $app_strings;
global $locale;
$xmlContents = chr(255).chr(254).$GLOBALS['locale']->translateCharset($xmlContents, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-16LE');
// Create dir if it doesn't exist
$dir = dirname($xmlFilename);
if (!is_dir($dir)) {
sugar_mkdir($dir, null, true);
// open file
if (!$fh = sugar_fopen($xmlFilename, 'w')) {
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Cannot open file ($xmlFilename)");
// write the contents to the file
if (fwrite($fh, $xmlContents) === false) {
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Cannot write to file ($xmlFilename)");
return false;
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Success, wrote ($xmlContents) to file ($xmlFilename)");
return true;
* generates xml file for Flash charts to use for internationalized instances
* @param string $xmlFile location of the XML file to write to
* @return none
public function generateChartStrings($xmlFile)
global $current_language, $app_list_strings;
$chartStringsXML = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
$chartStringsXML .= "<sugarlanguage version=\"1.0\">\n";
$chartStringsXML .= $this->tab("<charts>", 1);
if (empty($app_list_strings)) {
//set module and application string arrays based upon selected language
$app_list_strings = return_app_list_strings_language($current_language);
// retrieve the strings defined at include/language/en_us.lang.php
foreach ($app_list_strings['chart_strings'] as $tag => $chart_string) {
$chartStringsXML .= $this->tab("<$tag>$chart_string</$tag>", 2);
$chartStringsXML .= $this->tab("</charts>", 1);
$chartStringsXML .= "</sugarlanguage>\n";
$this->saveXMLFile($xmlFile, $chartStringsXML);
* wrapper function to return the html code containing the chart in a div
* @param string $name name of the div
* string $xmlFile location of the XML file
* string $style optional additional styles for the div
* @return string returns the html code through smarty
public function display($name, $xmlFile, $width='320', $height='480', $resize=false)
// generate strings for chart if it does not exist
global $current_language, $theme, $sugar_config,$app_strings;
$this->app_strings = $app_strings;
$this->chartStringsXML = sugar_cached("xml/").'chart_strings.' . $current_language .'.lang.xml';
if (!file_exists($this->chartStringsXML)) {
$templateFile = "";
return $templateFile;
public function getDashletScript($id, $xmlFile="")
$xmlFile = (!$xmlFile) ? $sugar_config['tmp_dir']. $current_user->id . '_' . $this->id . '.xml' : $xmlFile;
$chartStringsXML = $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['tmp_dir'].'chart_strings.' . $current_language .'.lang.xml';
$this->ss->assign('chartName', $id);
$this->ss->assign('chartXMLFile', $xmlFile);
$this->ss->assign('chartStyleCSS', SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getCSSURL('chart.css'));
$this->ss->assign('chartColorsXML', SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImageURL('sugarColors.xml'));
$this->ss->assign('chartLangFile', $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['tmp_dir'].'chart_strings.' . $GLOBALS['current_language'] .'.lang.xml');
$templateFile = "";
return $templateFile;
* This function is used for localize all the characters in the Chart. And it can also sort all the dom_values by the sequence defined in the dom, but this may produce a lot of extra empty data in the xml file, when the chart is sorted by two key cols.
* If the data quantity is large, it maybe a little slow.
* @param array $data_set The data get from database
* string $keycolname1 We will sort by this key first
* bool $translate1 Whether to trabslate the first column
* string $keycolname1 We will sort by this key secondly, and it can be null, then it will only sort by the first column.
* bool $translate1 Whether to trabslate the second column
* bool $ifsort2 Whether to sort by the second column or just translate the second column.
* @return The sorted and translated data.
public function sortData($data_set, $keycolname1=null, $translate1=false, $keycolname2=null, $translate2=false, $ifsort2=false)
//You can set whether the columns need to be translated or sorted. It the column needn't to be translated, the sorting must be done in SQL, this function will not do the sorting.
global $app_list_strings;
$sortby1[] = array();
foreach ($data_set as $row) {
$sortby1[] = $row[$keycolname1];
$sortby1 = array_unique($sortby1);
//The data is from the database, the sorting should be done in the sql. So I will not do the sort here.
if ($translate1) {
$temp_sortby1 = array();
foreach (array_keys($app_list_strings[$keycolname1.'_dom']) as $sortby1_value) {
if (in_array($sortby1_value, $sortby1)) {
$temp_sortby1[] = $sortby1_value;
$sortby1 = $temp_sortby1;
//if(isset($sortby1[0]) && $sortby1[0]=='') unset($sortby1[0]);//the beginning of lead_source_dom is blank.
if (isset($sortby1[0]) && $sortby1[0]==array()) {
}//the beginning of month after search is blank.
if ($ifsort2==false) {
if ($keycolname2!=null) {
$sortby2 = array();
foreach ($data_set as $row) {
$sortby2[] = $row[$keycolname2];
//The data is from the database, the sorting should be done in the sql. So I will not do the sort here.
$sortby2 = array_unique($sortby2);
if ($translate2) {
$temp_sortby2 = array();
foreach (array_keys($app_list_strings[$keycolname2.'_dom']) as $sortby2_value) {
if (in_array($sortby2_value, $sortby2)) {
$temp_sortby2[] = $sortby2_value;
$sortby2 = $temp_sortby2;
foreach ($sortby1 as $sort1) {
foreach ($sortby2 as $sort2) {
if ($ifsort2) {
foreach ($data_set as $key => $value) {
if ($value[$keycolname1] == $sort1 && (!$ifsort2 || $value[$keycolname2]== $sort2)) {
if ($translate1) {
$value[$keycolname1.'_dom_option'] = $value[$keycolname1];
$value[$keycolname1] = $app_list_strings[$keycolname1.'_dom'][$value[$keycolname1]];
if ($translate2) {
$value[$keycolname2.'_dom_option'] = $value[$keycolname2];
$value[$keycolname2] = $app_list_strings[$keycolname2.'_dom'][$value[$keycolname2]];
array_push($data, $value);
if ($ifsort2 && $a==0) {//Add 0 for sorting by the second column, if the first row doesn't have a certain col, it will fill the column with 0.
$val['total'] = 0;
$val['count'] = 0;
if ($translate1) {
$val[$keycolname1] = $app_list_strings[$keycolname1.'_dom'][$sort1];
$val[$keycolname1.'_dom_option'] = $sort1;
} else {
$val[$keycolname1] = $sort1;
if ($translate2) {
$val[$keycolname2] = $app_list_strings[$keycolname2.'_dom'][$sort2];
$val[$keycolname2.'_dom_option'] = $sort2;
} elseif ($keycolname2!=null) {
$val[$keycolname2] = $sort2;
array_push($data, $val);
return $data;
public function getChartResources()
$resources = "";
return $resources;
public function getMySugarChartResources()
$mySugarResources = "";
return $mySugarResources;
* wrapper function to return chart array after any additional processing
* @param array $chartsArray array of chart config items that need processing
* @return array $chartArray after it has been process
public function chartArray($chartsArray)
return $chartsArray;
} // end class def