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Executable file

* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
class SugarEmailAddress extends SugarBean
// Opt In Flags (for Ticks)
// Opt In Status
const COI_STAT_DISABLED = 'not-opt-in';
const COI_STAT_OPT_IN = 'opt-in';
const COI_STAT_CONFIRMED_OPT_IN = 'confirmed-opt-in';
/** @var boolean $tracker_visibility */
public $tracker_visibility = false;
* @var string $table_name
public $table_name = 'email_addresses';
* @var string $module_name
public $module_name = "EmailAddresses";
/** @var string $module_dir */
public $module_dir = 'EmailAddresses';
/** @var string $object_name */
public $object_name = 'EmailAddress';
* bug 40068, According to rules in page 6 of http://www.apps.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3696.html#sec-3,
* allowed special characters ! # $ % & ' * + - / = ? ^ _ ` . { | } ~ in local part
* @var string $regex
public $regex = "/^(?:['\.\-\+&#!\$\*=\?\^_`\{\}~\/\w]+)@(?:(?:\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})|\w+(?:[\.-]*\w+)*(?:\.[\w-]{2,})+)\$/";
/** @var bool $disable_custom_fields */
public $disable_custom_fields = true;
* @var DBManager
public $db;
* @var Sugar_Smarty $smarty
public $smarty;
/** @var EmailAddress[] $addresses email addresses*/
public $addresses = array();
* @var string $view
public $view = '';
* @var
private $stateBeforeWorkflow;
* @var string $email_address
public $email_address;
* @var string $email_address_caps
public $email_address_caps;
public static $count = 0;
* @var int
public $index;
* @see SugarEmailAddress::COI_STAT_DISABLED
* @see SugarEmailAddress::COI_STAT_OPT_IN
* @see SugarEmailAddress::COI_STAT_CONFIRMED_OPT_IN
* @var string $confirm_opt_in
public $confirm_opt_in = '';
* @var int|bool $opt_out
public $opt_out;
* @var int|bool $invalid_email
public $invalid_email;
* @var TimeDate $confirm_opt_in_date
public $confirm_opt_in_date;
* @var TimeDate $confirm_opt_in_sent_date
public $confirm_opt_in_sent_date;
* @var TimeDate $confirm_opt_in_fail_date
public $confirm_opt_in_fail_date;
* @var string
public $confirm_opt_in_token;
* @var array $doNotDisplayOptInTickForModule
protected static $doNotDisplayOptInTickForModule = array(
* For saveAtUserProfile() method to telling what
* went wrong at the last call.
* @var array
public $lastSaveAtUserProfileErrors = [];
* Sole constructor
public function __construct()
$this->index = self::$count;
* Legacy email address handling. This is to allow support for SOAP or customizations
* @param SugarBean $bean
public function handleLegacySave($bean)
if ($this->needsToParseLegacyAddresses($bean)) {
$this->populateAddresses($bean->id, $bean->module_dir, array(), '');
if (isset($_REQUEST) && isset($_REQUEST[$bean->module_dir . '_email_widget_id'])) {
* @param SugarBean $bean
* @return bool
private function needsToParseLegacyAddresses($bean)
if (
|| !isset($_REQUEST[$bean->module_dir . '_email_widget_id'])
|| !isset($_REQUEST['massupdate'])
) {
if (empty($this->addresses)) {
$this->addresses = array();
$optOut = (isset($bean->email_opt_out) && $bean->email_opt_out == '1');
$invalid = (isset($bean->invalid_email) && $bean->invalid_email == '1');
$isPrimary = true;
for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) {
$email = 'email' . $i;
if (isset($bean->$email) && !empty($bean->$email)) {
$opt_out_field = $email . '_opt_out';
$invalid_field = $email . '_invalid';
$field_optOut = (isset($bean->$opt_out_field)) ? $bean->$opt_out_field : $optOut;
$field_invalid = (isset($bean->$invalid_field)) ? $bean->$invalid_field : $invalid;
$this->addAddress($bean->$email, $isPrimary, false, $field_invalid, $field_optOut);
$isPrimary = false;
* User Profile specific save email addresses,
* returns:
* true - success
* false - error
* Note:
* This function could head to many errors but return
* value is false in each case.
* It is confusing because the ambiguous return value.
* This function also stores the error code(s) in
* array SugarEmailAddress::$lastSaveAtUserProfileErrors
* @param array $request $_REQUEST
* @return bool
public function saveAtUserProfile($request)
$this->lastSaveAtUserProfileErrors = [];
// validate the request first
if (!$this->isUserProfileEditViewPageSaveAction($request)) {
$GLOBALS['log']->error('Invalid Referrer: '.
'expected the Save action to be called from the User\'s Profile Edit View');
$this->lastSaveAtUserProfileErrors[] = self::ERR_INVALID_REQUEST_NO_USER_PROFILE_PAGE_SAVE_ACTION;
return false;
if (!$request) {
$GLOBALS['log']->error('This function requires a request array');
$this->lastSaveAtUserProfileErrors[] = self::ERR_INVALID_REQUEST_NO_REQUEST;
return false;
// first grab the needed information from a messy request
$neededRequest = array();
foreach ($request as $key => $value) {
if (preg_match('/^Users\d+emailAddress/', $key)) {
$neededRequest[$key] = $value;
if (!$neededRequest) {
$GLOBALS['log']->error('Email info is not found in request');
$this->lastSaveAtUserProfileErrors[] = self::ERR_INVALID_REQUEST_NO_EMAIL_INFOS;
return false;
// re-parsing the request and convert into a useful format
$usefulRequest = array();
foreach ($neededRequest as $key => $value) {
if (preg_match('/^Users(\d+)emailAddress(\d+)/', $key, $matches)) {
$usefulRequest['Users'][$matches[1]]['emailAddress'][$matches[2]] = array(
'email' => $neededRequest["Users{$matches[1]}emailAddress{$matches[2]}"],
'id' => $neededRequest["Users{$matches[1]}emailAddressId{$matches[2]}"],
'primary' => false,
'replyTo' => false,
if (!$usefulRequest) {
$GLOBALS['log']->error('Cannot find valid email address(es) in request');
$this->lastSaveAtUserProfileErrors[] = self::ERR_INVALID_REQUEST_NO_VALID_EMAIL_ADDR_IN_REQUEST;
return false;
if (!isset($usefulRequest['Users']) || !$usefulRequest['Users']) {
$GLOBALS['log']->error('Cannot find valid user in request');
$this->lastSaveAtUserProfileErrors[] = self::ERR_INVALID_REQUEST_VALID_USER_IS_SET_BUT_NO_IN_REQUEST;
return false;
// find the selected primary and replyTo
$primary = null;
$replyTo = null;
foreach ($usefulRequest['Users'] as $ukey => $user) {
if (
!$primary &&
isset($neededRequest["Users{$ukey}emailAddressPrimaryFlag"]) &&
) {
$primary = $neededRequest["Users{$ukey}emailAddressPrimaryFlag"];
if (
!$replyTo &&
isset($neededRequest["Users{$ukey}emailAddressReplyToFlag"]) &&
) {
$replyTo = $neededRequest["Users{$ukey}emailAddressReplyToFlag"];
// founds?
if ($primary && $replyTo) {
// add primary and replyTo into useful formatted request
if ($primary && preg_match('/^Users(\d+)emailAddress(\d+)$/', $primary, $matches)) {
$usefulRequest['Users'][$matches[1]]['emailAddress'][$matches[2]]['primary'] = true;
} else {
$GLOBALS['log']->warn("Primary email is not selected.");
$this->lastSaveAtUserProfileErrors[] = self::ERR_PRIMARY_EMAIL_IS_NOT_SELECTED;
if ($replyTo && preg_match('/^Users(\d+)emailAddress(\d+)$/', $replyTo, $matches)) {
$usefulRequest['Users'][$matches[1]]['emailAddress'][$matches[2]]['replyTo'] = true;
} else {
$GLOBALS['log']->warn("Reply-to email is not selected.");
$this->lastSaveAtUserProfileErrors[] = self::ERR_REPLYTO_EMAIL_IS_NOT_SELECTED;
if (count($usefulRequest['Users']) < 1) {
$GLOBALS['log']->error("Cannot find valid user in request");
$this->lastSaveAtUserProfileErrors[] = self::ERR_INVALID_REQUEST_NO_VALID_USER_IN_REQUEST;
return false;
if (count($usefulRequest['Users']) > 1) {
$GLOBALS['log']->warn("Expected only one user in request");
$this->lastSaveAtUserProfileErrors[] = self::ERR_INVALID_REQUEST_MORE_THAN_ONE_USER_IN_REQUEST;
$return = true;
foreach ($usefulRequest['Users'] as $user) {
foreach ($user['emailAddress'] as $email) {
if (!$this->handleEmailSaveAtUserProfile($email['id'], $email['email'], $email['primary'], $email['replyTo'])) {
$GLOBALS['log']->warn("Some emails were not saved or updated: {$email['id']} ({$email['email']})");
$return = false;
if ($return === false) {
$this->lastSaveAtUserProfileErrors[] = self::ERR_SOME_EMAILS_WERE_NOT_SAVED_OR_UPDATED;
return $return;
* Handle save on User Profile specific Email Addresses,
* returns:
* true - success
* false - error
* @param string $id Email address ID
* @param string $address Valid Email address
* @param bool $primary
* @param bool $replyTo
* @return bool
protected function handleEmailSaveAtUserProfile($id, $address, $primary, $replyTo)
global $current_user;
// first validations
if (!$id) {
$GLOBALS['log']->error("Missing email ID");
return false;
if (!$address) {
$GLOBALS['log']->error("Missing email address");
return false;
if (!$this->isValidEmail($address)) {
$GLOBALS['log']->error("Invalid email address format");
return false;
$email = new SugarEmailAddress();
if (!$email->retrieve($id)) {
$GLOBALS['log']->error('Email retrieve error, please ensure that the email ID is correct');
return false;
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
$query = sprintf("SELECT * FROM email_addresses WHERE id = %s AND deleted = 0", $db->quoted($id));
if ($db->getOne($query) === false) {
$GLOBALS['log']->error("Missing Email ID ($id)");
return false;
// do we have to update the address?
if ($email->email_address != $address) {
$_address = $db->quote($address);
$_addressCaps = $db->quote(strtoupper($address));
$_id = $db->quoted($id);
$query =
"UPDATE email_addresses
email_address = '$_address',
email_address_caps = '$_addressCaps'
id = {$_id} AND
deleted = 0";
$result = $db->query($query);
if (!$result) {
$GLOBALS['log']->warn("Undefined behavior: Missing error information about email save (1)");
if ($db->getAffectedRowCount($result) != 1) {
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Email address has not change");
// update primary and replyTo
$_primary = (bool)$primary ? '1' : '0';
$_replyTo = (bool)$replyTo ? '1' : '0';
$_id = $db->quoted($id);
$query =
"UPDATE email_addr_bean_rel
primary_address = '{$_primary}',
reply_to_address = '{$_replyTo}'
email_address_id = {$_id} AND
bean_module = 'Users' AND
bean_id = '{$current_user->id}' AND
deleted = 0";
$result = $db->query($query);
if (!$result) {
$GLOBALS['log']->warn("Undefined behavior: Missing error information about email save (2)");
if ($db->getAffectedRowCount($result) != 1) {
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Primary or reply-to Email address has not change");
return true;
* Check a valid email format,
* return false if the email validation failed
* @param string $email
* @return mixed
protected function isValidEmail($email)
$return = filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);
return $return;
* Check for User Profile EditView / Save action for
* Email Addresses updates
* returns:
* true - User Profile Save action called by request
* @param array $request $_REQUEST
* @return bool
protected function isUserProfileEditViewPageSaveAction($request)
$return =
(isset($request['page']) && $request['page'] == 'EditView') &&
(isset($request['module']) && $request['module'] == 'Users') &&
(isset($request['action']) && $request['action'] == 'Save');
return $return;
* Fills standard email1 legacy fields
* @param string id
* @param string module
* @return object
public function handleLegacyRetrieve(&$bean)
$module_dir = $this->getCorrectedModule($bean->module_dir);
$this->addresses = $this->getAddressesByGUID($bean->id, $module_dir);
if (isset($bean->email1) && !isset($bean->fetched_row['email1'])) {
$bean->fetched_row['email1'] = $bean->email1;
public function populateLegacyFields(&$bean)
$primary_found = false;
$alternate_found = false;
$alternate2_found = false;
foreach ($this->addresses as $k => $address) {
if ($primary_found && $alternate_found) {
if ($address['primary_address'] == 1 && !$primary_found) {
$primary_index = $k;
$primary_found = true;
} elseif (!$alternate_found) {
$alternate_index = $k;
$alternate_found = true;
} elseif (!$alternate2_found) {
$alternate2_index = $k;
$alternate2_found = true;
if ($primary_found) {
$bean->email1 = $this->addresses[$primary_index]['email_address'];
$bean->email_opt_out = $this->addresses[$primary_index]['opt_out'];
$bean->invalid_email = $this->addresses[$primary_index]['invalid_email'];
if ($alternate_found) {
$bean->email2 = $this->addresses[$alternate_index]['email_address'];
} elseif ($alternate_found) {
// Use the first found alternate as email1.
$bean->email1 = $this->addresses[$alternate_index]['email_address'];
$bean->email_opt_out = $this->addresses[$alternate_index]['opt_out'];
$bean->invalid_email = $this->addresses[$alternate_index]['invalid_email'];
if ($alternate2_found) {
$bean->email2 = $this->addresses[$alternate2_index]['email_address'];
* @deprecated
* @param bool $check_notify
* @return null
public function save($check_notify = false)
$deprecatedMessage = 'SugarEmailAddress::save() function calls are deprecated use SugarEmailAddress::saveEmail() function instead';
if (isset($GLOBALS['log'])) {
} else {
trigger_error($deprecatedMessage, E_USER_DEPRECATED);
list($id, $module, $new_addrs, $primary, $replyTo, $invalid, $optOut, $in_workflow) = func_get_args();
return $this->saveEmail($id, $module, $new_addrs, $primary, $replyTo, $invalid, $optOut, $in_workflow);
* Saves email addresses for a parent bean.
* The base class SugarBean::save($check_notify) method is never called from SugarEmailAddresses::saveEmail(...)
* The method's signature has been changed to correctly represent the save method call for SugarEmailAddress.
* @param string $id Parent bean ID
* @param string $module Parent bean's module
* @param array $new_addrs Override of $_REQUEST vars, used to handle non-standard bean saves
* @param string $primary GUID of primary address
* @param string $replyTo GUID of reply-to address
* @param string $invalid GUID of invalid address
* @param string $optOut
* @param bool $in_workflow
* @param bool|null $opt_in
* @return null
public function saveEmail(
$new_addrs = array(),
$primary = '',
$replyTo = '',
$invalid = '',
$optOut = '',
$in_workflow = false,
$optIn = null
) {
if (gettype($id) == "boolean") {
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal('SugarEmailAddress::saveEmail() Invalid arguments - Parent method SugarBean::save
($checknotify) is not implemented. Please pass the correct arguments into SugarEmailAddress::saveEmail()');
if (
|| $in_workflow === true
) {
$this->populateAddresses($id, $module, $new_addrs, $primary);
// handle the Employee/User split
$module = $this->getCorrectedModule($module);
// find all email addresses
$current_links = array();
$q2 = "SELECT * FROM email_addr_bean_rel eabr WHERE eabr.bean_id = '" . $this->db->quote($id) . "' AND eabr.bean_module = '" . $this->db->quote($module) . "' AND eabr.deleted=0";
$r2 = $this->db->query($q2);
while (($row2 = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r2)) != null) {
$current_links[$row2['email_address_id']] = $row2;
$isConversion = (isset($_REQUEST) && isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'ConvertLead') ? true : false;
if (!empty($this->addresses)) {
// insert new relationships and create email address record, if they don't exist
foreach ($this->addresses as $address) {
if (!empty($address['email_address'])) {
$guid = create_guid();
$emailId = isset($address['email_address_id'])
&& isset($current_links[$address['email_address_id']])
? $address['email_address_id'] : null;
$emailId = $this->AddUpdateEmailAddress(
!is_null($optIn) ? $address['confirm_opt_in_flag'] : null
);// this will save the email address if not found
//verify linkage and flags.
$upd_eabr = "";
if (isset($current_links[$emailId])) {
if (!$isConversion) { // do not update anything if this is for lead conversion
if ($address['primary_address'] != $current_links[$emailId]['primary_address'] or $address['reply_to_address'] != $current_links[$emailId]['reply_to_address']) {
$upd_eabr = "UPDATE email_addr_bean_rel SET primary_address='" . $this->db->quote($address['primary_address']) . "', reply_to_address='" . $this->db->quote($address['reply_to_address']) . "' WHERE id='" . $this->db->quote($current_links[$emailId]['id']) . "'";
} else {
$primary = $address['primary_address'];
if (!empty($current_links) && $isConversion) {
foreach ($current_links as $eabr) {
if ($eabr['primary_address'] == 1) {
// for lead conversion, if there is already a primary email, do not insert another primary email
$primary = 0;
$now = $this->db->now();
$upd_eabr = "INSERT INTO email_addr_bean_rel (id, email_address_id,bean_id, bean_module,primary_address,reply_to_address,date_created,date_modified,deleted) VALUES('" . $this->db->quote($guid) . "', '" . $this->db->quote($emailId) . "', '" . $this->db->quote($id) . "', '" . $this->db->quote($module) . "', " . (int)$primary . ", " . (int)$address['reply_to_address'] . ", $now, $now, 0)";
if (!empty($upd_eabr)) {
$r2 = $this->db->query($upd_eabr);
//delete link to dropped email address.
// for lead conversion, do not delete email addresses
if (!empty($current_links) && !$isConversion) {
$delete = "";
foreach ($current_links as $eabr) {
$delete .= empty($delete) ? "'" . $this->db->quote($eabr['id']) . "' " : ",'" . $this->db->quote($eabr['id']) . "'";
$eabr_unlink = "update email_addr_bean_rel set deleted=1 where id in ({$delete})";
$this->stateBeforeWorkflow = null;
* returns the number of email addresses found for a specifed bean
* @param string $email Address to match
* @param SugarBean $bean Bean to query against
* @param string $addressType Optional, pass a 1 to query against the primary address, 0 for the other addresses
* @return int Count of records found
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
public function getCountEmailAddressByBean(
) {
$addressTypeInt = (int)$addressType;
if ($addressType != 0 && $addressType != 1) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
'Invalid Address Type Argument: ' .
'pass a 1 to query against the primary address, 0 for the other addresses'
$emailCaps = strtoupper(trim($email));
if (empty($emailCaps)) {
return 0;
$q = "SELECT *
FROM email_addr_bean_rel eabl JOIN email_addresses ea
ON (ea.id = eabl.email_address_id)
JOIN {$bean->table_name} bean
ON (eabl.bean_id = bean.id)
WHERE ea.email_address_caps = '" . $this->db->quote($emailCaps) . "'
and eabl.bean_module = '" . $this->db->quote($bean->module_dir) . "'
and eabl.primary_address = '" . $this->db->quote($addressTypeInt) . "'
and eabl.deleted=0 ";
$r = $this->db->query($q);
// do it this way to make the count accurate in oracle
$i = 0;
while ($this->db->fetchByAssoc($r)) {
return $i;
* This function returns a contact or user ID if a matching email is found
* @param string $email the email address to match
* @param string $table which table to query
public function getRelatedId($email, $module)
$email = $this->db->quote(trim(strtoupper($email)));
$module = $this->db->quote(ucfirst($module));
$q = "SELECT bean_id FROM email_addr_bean_rel eabr
JOIN email_addresses ea ON (eabr.email_address_id = ea.id)
WHERE bean_module = '$module' AND ea.email_address_caps = '$email' AND eabr.deleted=0";
$r = $this->db->query($q, true);
$returnArray = array();
while ($a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r)) {
$returnArray[] = $a['bean_id'];
if (count($returnArray) > 0) {
return $returnArray;
} else {
return false;
* returns a collection of beans matching the email address
* @param string $email Address to match
* @return array
public function getBeansByEmailAddress($email)
global $beanList;
global $beanFiles;
$return = array();
$email = trim($email);
if (empty($email)) {
return array();
$emailCaps = "'" . $this->db->quote(strtoupper($email)) . "'";
$q = "SELECT * FROM email_addr_bean_rel eabl JOIN email_addresses ea ON (ea.id = eabl.email_address_id and ea.deleted = 0)
WHERE ea.email_address_caps = $emailCaps and eabl.deleted=0 ";
$r = $this->db->query($q);
while ($a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r)) {
if (isset($beanList[$a['bean_module']]) && !empty($beanList[$a['bean_module']])) {
$className = $beanList[$a['bean_module']];
if (isset($beanFiles[$className]) && !empty($beanFiles[$className])) {
if (!class_exists($className)) {
$bean = BeanFactory::getBean($a['bean_module'], $a['bean_id']);
if ($bean !== false) {
$return[] = $bean;
} else {
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal("SUGAREMAILADDRESS: could not find valid class file for [ {$className} ]");
} else {
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal("SUGAREMAILADDRESS: could not find valid class [ {$a['bean_module']} ]");
return $return;
* Saves email addresses for a parent bean
* @param string $id Parent bean ID
* @param string $module Parent bean's module
* @param array $new_addrs Override of $_REQUEST vars, used to handle non-standard bean saves
* @param string $primary GUID of primary address
* @param string $replyTo GUID of reply-to address
public function populateAddresses(
$new_addrs = array(),
$primary = '',
$replyTo = '',
$invalid = '',
$optOut = ''
) {
if (!is_array($new_addrs)) {
'Invalid Argument: new address should be an array of strings, ' .
gettype($new_addrs) . ' given.'
$module = $this->getCorrectedModule($module);
//One last check for the ConvertLead action in which case we need to change $module to 'Leads'
$module = (isset($_REQUEST) && isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] === 'ConvertLead') ? 'Leads' : $module;
$post_from_email_address_widget = (isset($_REQUEST[$module . '_email_widget_id']));
$primaryValue = $primary;
$widgetCount = 0;
$widget_id = '';
$hasEmailValue = false;
$email_ids = array();
if (isset($_REQUEST[$module . '_email_widget_id'])) {
$fromRequest = false;
// determine which array to process
foreach ($_REQUEST as $k => $v) {
if (strpos($k, 'emailAddress') !== false) {
$fromRequest = true;
$widget_id = $_REQUEST[$module . '_email_widget_id'];
if (empty($widget_id)) {
$GLOBALS['log']->debug('Widget not found, so it should be an update and not a create');
//Iterate over the widgets for this module, in case there are multiple email widgets for this module
while (isset($_REQUEST[$module . $widget_id . 'emailAddress' . $widgetCount])) {
if (empty($_REQUEST[$module . $widget_id . 'emailAddress' . $widgetCount])) {
$hasEmailValue = true;
$eId = $module . $widget_id;
if (isset($_REQUEST[$eId . 'emailAddressPrimaryFlag'])) {
$primaryValue = $_REQUEST[$eId . 'emailAddressPrimaryFlag'];
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST[$module . 'emailAddressPrimaryFlag'])) {
$primaryValue = $_REQUEST[$module . 'emailAddressPrimaryFlag'];
$optOutValues = array();
if (isset($_REQUEST[$eId . 'emailAddressOptOutFlag'])) {
$optOutValues = $_REQUEST[$eId . 'emailAddressOptOutFlag'];
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST[$module . 'emailAddressOptOutFlag'])) {
$optOutValues = $_REQUEST[$module . 'emailAddressOptOutFlag'];
$invalidValues = array();
if (isset($_REQUEST[$eId . 'emailAddressInvalidFlag'])) {
$invalidValues = $_REQUEST[$eId . 'emailAddressInvalidFlag'];
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST[$module . 'emailAddressInvalidFlag'])) {
$invalidValues = $_REQUEST[$module . 'emailAddressInvalidFlag'];
$optInValues = array();
if (isset($_REQUEST[$eId . 'emailAddressOptInFlag'])) {
$optInValues = $_REQUEST[$eId . 'emailAddressOptInFlag'];
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST[$module . 'emailAddressOptInFlag'])) {
$optInValues = $_REQUEST[$module . 'emailAddressOptInFlag'];
$deleteValues = array();
if (isset($_REQUEST[$eId . 'emailAddressDeleteFlag'])) {
$deleteValues = $_REQUEST[$eId . 'emailAddressDeleteFlag'];
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST[$module . 'emailAddressDeleteFlag'])) {
$deleteValues = $_REQUEST[$module . 'emailAddressDeleteFlag'];
// prep from form save
$replyToField = '';
$invalidField = '';
$optOutField = '';
$optInField = '';
if ($fromRequest && empty($primary) && isset($primaryValue)) {
$primaryField = $primaryValue;
if ($fromRequest && empty($replyTo)) {
if (isset($_REQUEST[$eId . 'emailAddressReplyToFlag'])) {
$replyToField = $_REQUEST[$eId . 'emailAddressReplyToFlag'];
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST[$module . 'emailAddressReplyToFlag'])) {
$replyToField = $_REQUEST[$module . 'emailAddressReplyToFlag'];
if ($fromRequest && empty($new_addrs)) {
foreach ($_REQUEST as $k => $v) {
if (preg_match('/' . $eId . 'emailAddress[0-9]+$/i', $k) && !empty($v)) {
$new_addrs[$k] = $v;
if ($fromRequest && empty($email_ids)) {
foreach ($_REQUEST as $k => $v) {
if (preg_match('/' . $eId . 'emailAddressId[0-9]+$/i', $k) && !empty($v)) {
$key = str_replace('emailAddressId', 'emailAddress', $k);
$email_ids[$key] = $v;
// NOTE: probably it's never gonna happen:
// $fromRequest became true if there is any emailAddress in request but
// $new_addrs never empty because it's got a value if there is any emailAddress
if ($fromRequest && empty($new_addrs)) {
foreach ($_REQUEST as $k => $v) {
if (preg_match('/' . $eId . 'emailAddressVerifiedValue[0-9]+$/i', $k) && !empty($v)) {
$validateFlag = str_replace("Value", "Flag", $k);
if (isset($_REQUEST[$validateFlag]) && $_REQUEST[$validateFlag] == "true") {
$new_addrs[$k] = $v;
//empty the addresses array if the post happened from email address widget.
if ($post_from_email_address_widget) {
$this->addresses = array(); //this gets populated during retrieve of the contact bean.
} else {
$optOutValues = array();
$invalidValues = array();
foreach ($new_addrs as $k => $email) {
preg_match('/emailAddress([0-9])+$/', $k, $matches);
$count = $matches[1];
$query = "SELECT opt_out, invalid_email, confirm_opt_in FROM email_addresses WHERE email_address_caps = '" . $this->db->quote(strtoupper($email)) . "'";
$result = $this->db->query($query);
if (!empty($result)) {
$row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result);
if (!empty($row['opt_out'])) {
$optOutValues[$k] = "emailAddress$count";
if (!empty($row['invalid_email'])) {
$invalidValues[$k] = "emailAddress$count";
if (!empty($row['confirm_opt_in'])) {
$optInValues[$k] = "emailAddress$count";
// Re-populate the addresses class variable if we have new address(es).
if (!empty($new_addrs)) {
foreach ($new_addrs as $k => $reqVar) {
//$key = preg_match("/^$eId/s", $k) ? substr($k, strlen($eId)) : $k;
$reqVar = trim($reqVar);
if (strpos($k, 'emailAddress') !== false) {
if (!is_array($deleteValues)) {
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Invalid Argument: Delete Values to be an array, ' . gettype($deleteValues) . ' given.');
} else {
if (!empty($reqVar) && !in_array($k, $deleteValues)) {
$email_id = (array_key_exists($k, $email_ids)) ? $email_ids[$k] : null;
$primary = ($k == $primaryValue) ? true : false;
$replyTo = ($k == $replyToField) ? true : false;
$invalid = (in_array($k, (array)$invalidValues)) ? true : false;
$optOut = (in_array($k, (array)$optOutValues)) ? true : false;
$optIn = (in_array($k, $optInValues)) ? true : false;
} //foreach
}//End of Widget for loop
//If no widgets, set addresses array to empty
if ($post_from_email_address_widget && !$hasEmailValue) {
$this->addresses = array();
* Preps internal array structure for email addresses
* @param string $addr Email address
* @param bool $primary Default false
* @param bool $replyTo Default false
* @param bool $invalid Default false
* @param bool $optOut Default false
* @param string $email_id
* @param bool $optIn Default false
public function addAddress(
$primary = false,
$replyTo = false,
$invalid = false,
$optOut = false,
$email_id = null,
$optIn = null
) {
$addr = html_entity_decode($addr, ENT_QUOTES);
if (preg_match($this->regex, $addr)) {
$primaryFlag = ($primary) ? '1' : '0';
$replyToFlag = ($replyTo) ? '1' : '0';
$invalidFlag = ($invalid) ? '1' : '0';
$optOutFlag = ($optOut) ? '1' : '0';
if (!is_null($optIn)) {
$optInFlag = ($optIn) ? '1' : '0';
$addr = trim($addr);
// If we have such address already, remove it and add new one in.
foreach ($this->addresses as $k => $address) {
if ($address['email_address'] == $addr) {
} elseif ($primary && $address['primary_address'] == '1') {
// We should only have one primary. If we are adding a primary but
// we find an existing primary, reset this one's primary flag.
$this->addresses[$k]['primary_address'] = '0';
$addr = array(
'email_address' => $addr,
'primary_address' => $primaryFlag,
'reply_to_address' => $replyToFlag,
'invalid_email' => $invalidFlag,
'opt_out' => $optOutFlag,
'email_address_id' => $email_id,
'confirm_opt_in_flag' => null,
if (!is_null($optIn)) {
$addr['confirm_opt_in_flag'] = $optInFlag;
$this->addresses[] = $addr;
} else {
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal("SUGAREMAILADDRESS: address did not valid [ {$addr} ]");
* Updates invalid_email and opt_out flags for each address
public function updateFlags()
if (!empty($this->addresses)) {
foreach ($this->addresses as $addressMeta) {
if (isset($addressMeta['email_address']) && !empty($addressMeta['email_address'])) {
$address = $this->db->quote($this->_cleanAddress($addressMeta['email_address']));
$q = "SELECT * FROM email_addresses WHERE email_address = '{$address}'";
$r = $this->db->query($q);
$a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r);
if (
!empty($a) &&
isset($a['invalid_email']) &&
isset($addressMeta['invalid_email']) &&
isset($addressMeta['opt_out']) &&
$a['invalid_email'] != $addressMeta['invalid_email'] ||
$a['opt_out'] != $addressMeta['opt_out']
) {
$addressMetaInvalidEmailInt = (int)$addressMeta['invalid_email'];
$addressMetaOptOutInt = (int)$addressMeta['opt_out'];
$now = TimeDate::getInstance()->nowDb();
$id = $this->db->quote($a['id']);
$qUpdate = /** @lang sql */
"UPDATE email_addresses SET
invalid_email = {$addressMetaInvalidEmailInt},
opt_out = {$addressMetaOptOutInt},
date_modified = '{$now}'
WHERE id = '{$id}'";
public function splitEmailAddress($addr)
$email = $this->_cleanAddress($addr);
if (!preg_match($this->regex, $email)) {
$email = ''; // remove bad email addr
$name = trim(str_replace(array($email, '<', '>', '"', "'"), '', $addr));
return array("name" => $name, "email" => strtolower($email));
* Normalizes an RFC-clean email address, returns a string that is the email address only
* @param string $addr Dirty email address
* @return string clean email address
public function _cleanAddress($addr)
$addr = trim(from_html($addr));
if (strpos($addr, "<") !== false && strpos($addr, ">") !== false) {
$address = trim(substr($addr, strrpos($addr, "<") + 1, strrpos($addr, ">") - strrpos($addr, "<") - 1));
} else {
$address = trim($addr);
return $address;
* preps a passed email address for email address storage
* @param string $addr Address in focus, must be RFC compliant
* @return string $id email_addresses ID
public function getEmailGUID($addr)
$address = $this->db->quote($this->_cleanAddress($addr));
$addressCaps = strtoupper($address);
$q = "SELECT id FROM email_addresses WHERE email_address_caps = '{$addressCaps}'";
$r = $this->db->query($q);
$a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r);
if (!empty($a) && !empty($a['id'])) {
return $a['id'];
} else {
$guid = '';
if (!empty($address)) {
$guid = create_guid();
$now = TimeDate::getInstance()->nowDb();
$qa = "INSERT INTO email_addresses (id, email_address, email_address_caps, date_created, date_modified, deleted)
VALUES('{$guid}', '{$address}', '{$addressCaps}', '$now', '$now', 0)";
$ra = $this->db->query($qa);
return $guid;
* Creates or Updates an entry in the email_addresses table, depending
* on if the email address submitted matches a previous entry (case-insensitive)
* @param string $addr - email address
* @param int $invalid - is the email address marked as Invalid?
* @param int $opt_out - is the email address marked as Opt-Out?
* @param string $id - the GUID of the original SugarEmailAddress bean,
* in case a "email has changed" WorkFlow has triggered - hack to allow workflow-induced changes
* to propagate to the new SugarEmailAddress - see bug 39188
* @param int|null $optInFlag
* @return string GUID of Email Address or '' if cleaned address was empty.
public function AddUpdateEmailAddress($addr, $invalid = 0, $opt_out = 0, $id = null, $optInFlag = null)
// sanity checks to avoid SQL injection.
$invalid = (int)$invalid;
$opt_out = (int)$opt_out;
$address = $this->db->quote($this->_cleanAddress($addr));
$addressCaps = strtoupper($address);
// determine if we have a matching email address
$q = "SELECT * FROM email_addresses WHERE email_address_caps = '{$addressCaps}' and deleted=0";
$r = $this->db->query($q);
$duplicate_email = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r);
// check if we are changing an email address, where workflow might be in play
if ($id) {
$query = "SELECT * FROM email_addresses WHERE id='" . $this->db->quote($id) . "'";
$r = $this->db->query($query);
$current_email = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r);
} else {
$current_email = null;
// unless workflow made changes, assume parameters are what to use.
$new_opt_out = $opt_out;
$new_invalid = $invalid;
if (!empty($current_email['id']) && isset($this->stateBeforeWorkflow[$current_email['id']])) {
if ($current_email['invalid_email'] != $invalid ||
$current_email['opt_out'] != $opt_out
) {
// workflow could be in play
$before_email = $this->stateBeforeWorkflow[$current_email['id']];
// our logic is as follows: choose from parameter, unless workflow made a change to the value, then choose final value
if ((int)$before_email['opt_out'] != (int)$current_email['opt_out']) {
$new_opt_out = (int)$current_email['opt_out'];
if ((int)$before_email['invalid_email'] != (int)$current_email['invalid_email']) {
$new_invalid = (int)$current_email['invalid_email'];
// confirmed opt in check
if (!is_null($optInFlag)) {
$optInFlag = (int)$optInFlag;
$isValidEmailAddress = ($opt_out !== 1 && $invalid !== 1);
$optInIndication = $this->getOptInStatus();
if (
&& $this->isOptedInStatus($optInIndication)
&& (int)$optInFlag === 1
) {
$new_confirmed_opt_in = $this->getConfirmedOptInState();
} elseif (
&& (int)$optInFlag === 1
) {
// In case optInFlag is set and there is a duplicate,
// copy the opt-in state from it if it has some kind of opt-in set.
// This prevents losing the confirmed opt-in state in case we
// update an existing record with "confirmed-opt-in"
if (!empty($duplicate_email['id']) && $duplicate_email['confirm_opt_in'] != self::COI_STAT_DISABLED) {
$new_confirmed_opt_in = $duplicate_email['confirm_opt_in'];
} else {
$new_confirmed_opt_in = self::COI_STAT_OPT_IN;
} else {
// Reset the opt in status
$new_confirmed_opt_in = self::COI_STAT_DISABLED;
// determine how we are going to put in this address - UPDATE or INSERT
if (!empty($duplicate_email['id'])) {
$duplicate = clone $this;
// address_caps matches - see if we're changing fields
if (
$duplicate_email['invalid_email'] != $new_invalid
|| $duplicate_email['opt_out'] != $new_opt_out
|| (!is_null($optInFlag) && $duplicate_email['confirm_opt_in'] != $new_confirmed_opt_in)
|| (trim($duplicate_email['email_address']) != $address)
) {
$upd_q = 'UPDATE ' . $this->table_name . ' ' .
'SET email_address=\'' . $address . '\', ' .
'invalid_email=' . $new_invalid . ', ' .
'opt_out=' . $new_opt_out . ', ' .
(!is_null($optInFlag) ? ('confirm_opt_in=\'' . $this->db->quote($new_confirmed_opt_in) . '\', ') : '') .
'date_modified=' . $this->db->now() . ' ' .
'WHERE id=\'' . $this->db->quote($duplicate_email['id']) . '\'';
// set for audit table detection
$duplicate->invalid_email = $new_invalid;
$duplicate->opt_out = $new_opt_out;
$duplicate->confirm_opt_in = $new_confirmed_opt_in;
$upd_r = $this->db->query($upd_q);
if ($new_confirmed_opt_in === self::COI_STAT_DISABLED) {
// reset confirm opt in
$upd_q = 'UPDATE ' . $this->table_name . ' ' .
'SET '.
'confirm_opt_in_date=NULL,' .
'confirm_opt_in_sent_date=NULL,' .
'confirm_opt_in_fail_date=NULL ' .
'WHERE id=\'' . $this->db->quote($duplicate_email['id']) . '\'';
$upd_r = $this->db->query($upd_q);
// set for audit table detection
$duplicate->confirm_opt_in = null;
if (!empty($this->fetched_row)) {
foreach ($this->fetched_row as $fieldName => $fieldValue) {
$this->{$fieldName} = $duplicate->{$fieldName};
return $duplicate_email['id'];
} else {
// no case-insensitive address match - it's new, or undeleted.
$guid = '';
$isUpdate = true;
if (!empty($address)) {
$guid = create_guid();
$now = TimeDate::getInstance()->nowDb();
$qa = "INSERT INTO email_addresses (id, email_address, email_address_caps, date_created, date_modified, deleted, invalid_email, opt_out" . (!is_null($optInFlag) ? ", confirm_opt_in" : '') . ")
VALUES('{$guid}', '{$address}', '{$addressCaps}', '$now', '$now', 0 , $new_invalid, $new_opt_out" . (!is_null($optInFlag) ? ", '" . $this->db->quote($new_confirmed_opt_in) ."'" : '') . ")";
$isUpdate = false;
return $guid;
* @return string
public function getConfirmedOptInState()
return $this->confirm_opt_in;
* Returns Primary or newest email address
* @param object $focus Object in focus
* @return string email
public function getPrimaryAddress($focus, $parent_id = null, $parent_type = null)
$parent_type = empty($parent_type) ? $focus->module_dir : $parent_type;
// Bug63174: Email address is not shown in the list view for employees
$parent_type = $this->getCorrectedModule($parent_type);
$parent_id = empty($parent_id) ? $focus->id : $parent_id;
$q = "SELECT ea.email_address FROM email_addresses ea
LEFT JOIN email_addr_bean_rel ear ON ea.id = ear.email_address_id
WHERE ear.bean_module = '" . $this->db->quote($parent_type) . "'
AND ear.bean_id = '" . $this->db->quote($parent_id) . "'
AND ear.deleted = 0
AND ea.invalid_email = 0
ORDER BY ear.primary_address DESC";
$r = $this->db->limitQuery($q, 0, 1);
$a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r);
if (isset($a['email_address'])) {
return $a['email_address'];
return '';
* As long as this function is used not only to retrieve user's Reply-To
* address, but also notification address and so on, there were added
* $replyToOnly optional parameter used to retrieve only address marked as
* Reply-To (bug #43643).
* @param SugarBean $focus
* @param bool $replyToOnly
* @return string
public function getReplyToAddress($focus, $replyToOnly = false)
$q = "SELECT ea.email_address FROM email_addresses ea
LEFT JOIN email_addr_bean_rel ear ON ea.id = ear.email_address_id
WHERE ear.bean_module = '" . $this->db->quote($focus->module_dir) . "'
AND ear.bean_id = '" . $this->db->quote($focus->id) . "'
AND ear.deleted = 0
AND ea.invalid_email = 0";
if (!$replyToOnly) {
// retrieve reply-to address if it exists or any other address
// otherwise
$q .= "
ORDER BY ear.reply_to_address DESC";
} else {
// retrieve reply-to address only
$q .= "
AND ear.reply_to_address = 1";
$r = $this->db->query($q);
$a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r);
if (isset($a['email_address'])) {
return $a['email_address'];
return '';
* Returns all email addresses by parent's GUID
* @param string $id Parent's GUID
* @param string $module Parent's module
* @return array
public function getAddressesByGUID($id, $module)
$return = array();
$module = $this->getCorrectedModule($module);
$q = "SELECT
FROM email_addresses ea LEFT JOIN email_addr_bean_rel ear ON ea.id = ear.email_address_id
ear.bean_module = '" . $this->db->quote($module) . "'
AND ear.bean_id = '" . $this->db->quote($id) . "'
AND ear.deleted = 0
ORDER BY ear.reply_to_address, ear.primary_address DESC";
$r = $this->db->query($q);
while ($a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r, false)) {
$return[] = $a;
return $return;
* Returns the HTML/JS for the EmailAddress widget
* @global LoggerManager $log
* @global array $app_strings
* @global array $dictionary
* @global array $beanList
* @param string $parent_id ID of parent bean, generally $focus
* @param string $module $focus' module
* @param bool asMetadata Default false
* @return string HTML/JS for widget
public function getEmailAddressWidgetEditView($id, $module, $asMetadata = false, $tpl = '', $tabindex = '0')
if (null === $id) {
$GLOBALS['log']->debug('ID is null so it should be a create and NOT an update');
if (null === $module) {
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Invalid Argument: module');
return false;
if (!($this->smarty instanceof Sugar_Smarty)) {
$this->smarty = new Sugar_Smarty();
global $app_strings;
global $dictionary;
global $beanList;
$configurator = new Configurator();
$prefill = 'false';
$prefillData = 'new Object()';
$passedModule = $module;
$module = $this->getCorrectedModule($module);
$saveModule = $module;
if (isset($_POST['is_converted']) && $_POST['is_converted'] == true) {
if (!isset($_POST['return_id'])) {
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal('return_id not set');
$id = null;
} else {
$id = $_POST['return_id'];
if (!isset($_POST['return_module'])) {
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal('return_module not set');
$module = '';
} else {
$module = $_POST['return_module'];
$prefillDataArr = array();
if (!empty($id)) {
$prefillDataArr = $this->getAddressesByGUID($id, $module);
//When coming from convert leads, sometimes module is Contacts while the id is for a lead.
if (empty($prefillDataArr) && $module == "Contacts") {
$prefillDataArr = $this->getAddressesByGUID($id, "Leads");
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST['full_form']) && !empty($_REQUEST['emailAddressWidget'])) {
$widget_id = isset($_REQUEST[$module . '_email_widget_id']) ? $_REQUEST[$module . '_email_widget_id'] : '0';
$count = 0;
$key = $module . $widget_id . 'emailAddress' . $count;
while (isset($_REQUEST[$key])) {
$email = $_REQUEST[$key];
$prefillDataArr[] = array(
'email_address' => $email,
'primary_address' => isset($_REQUEST['emailAddressPrimaryFlag']) && $_REQUEST['emailAddressPrimaryFlag'] == $key,
'invalid_email' => isset($_REQUEST['emailAddressInvalidFlag']) && in_array(
'opt_out' => isset($_REQUEST['emailAddressOptOutFlag']) && in_array(
'reply_to_address' => false
$key = $module . $widget_id . 'emailAddress' . ++$count;
} //while
if (!empty($prefillDataArr)) {
$json = new JSON();
$prefillData = $json->encode($prefillDataArr);
$prefill = !empty($prefillDataArr) ? 'true' : 'false';
$required = false;
$moduleFound = true;
if (!isset($beanList[$passedModule])) {
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Module not found in bean list: ' . $passedModule);
$moduleFound = false;
} elseif (!isset($dictionary[$beanList[$passedModule]])) {
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Module bean not found in dictionary: ' . $beanList[$passedModule]);
$moduleFound = false;
if ($moduleFound) {
$vardefs = $dictionary[$beanList[$passedModule]]['fields'];
} else {
return false;
if (!empty($vardefs['email1']) && isset($vardefs['email1']['required']) && $vardefs['email1']['required']) {
$required = true;
$this->smarty->assign('required', $required);
$this->smarty->assign('module', $saveModule);
$this->smarty->assign('index', $this->index);
$this->smarty->assign('app_strings', $app_strings);
$this->smarty->assign('prefillEmailAddresses', $prefill);
$this->smarty->assign('prefillData', $prefillData);
$this->smarty->assign('tabindex', $tabindex);
//Set addDefaultAddress flag (do not add if it's from the Email module)
(isset($_REQUEST['module']) && $_REQUEST['module'] == 'Emails') ? 'false' : 'true'
$form = $this->view;
//determine if this should be a quickcreate form, or a quick create form under subpanels
if ($this->view == "QuickCreate") {
// Fixed #1120 - fixed email validation for: Accounts -> Contacts subpanel -> Select -> Create Contact -> Save.
// If email is required it should highlight this field and show an error message.
// It didnt because the form was named form_DCSubpanelQuickCreate_Contacts instead of expected form_SubpanelQuickCreate_Contacts
if ($this->object_name = 'EmailAddress' && $saveModule == 'Contacts') {
$form = 'form_' . $this->view . '_' . $module;
} else {
$form = 'form_DC' . $this->view . '_' . $module;
if (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'SubpanelCreates' || $_REQUEST['action'] == 'SubpanelEdits')) {
$form = 'form_Subpanel' . $this->view . '_' . $module;
$this->smarty->assign('emailView', $form);
if ($module == 'Users') {
$this->smarty->assign('useReplyTo', true);
} else {
$this->smarty->assign('useOptOut', true);
$this->smarty->assign('useInvalid', true);
if (
|| $configurator->isConfirmOptInEnabled()
) {
$this->smarty->assign('useOptIn', true);
} else {
$this->smarty->assign('useOptIn', false);
$template = empty($tpl) ? "include/SugarEmailAddress/templates/forEditView.tpl" : $tpl;
$newEmail = $this->smarty->fetch($template);
if ($asMetadata) {
// used by Email 2.0
$return = array();
$return['prefillData'] = $prefillDataArr;
$return['html'] = $newEmail;
return $return;
return $newEmail;
* Returns the HTML/JS for the EmailAddress widget
* @param object $focus Bean in focus
* @return string HTML/JS for widget
public function getEmailAddressWidgetDetailView($focus, $tpl = '')
if (!($this->smarty instanceof Sugar_Smarty)) {
$this->smarty = new Sugar_Smarty();
global $app_strings;
global $current_user;
$assign = array();
if (empty($focus->id)) {
return '';
$prefillData = $this->getAddressesByGUID($focus->id, $focus->module_dir);
foreach ($prefillData as $addressItem) {
$key = ($addressItem['primary_address'] == 1) ? 'primary' : '';
$key = ($addressItem['reply_to_address'] == 1) ? 'reply_to' : $key;
$key = ($addressItem['opt_out'] == 1) ? 'opt_out' : $key;
$key = ($addressItem['invalid_email'] == 1) ? 'invalid' : $key;
$key = ($addressItem['opt_out'] == 1) && ($addressItem['invalid_email'] == 1) ? 'opt_out_invalid' : $key;
$emailAddress = array(
'key' => $key,
'address' => $current_user->getEmailLink2($addressItem['email_address'], $focus)
if (empty($emailAddress['address'])) {
// Email Link is missing, lets just print the email address in plain text instead.
$emailAddress['address'] = $addressItem['email_address'];
$assign[] =$emailAddress;
$this->smarty->assign('app_strings', $app_strings);
$this->smarty->assign('emailAddresses', $assign);
$templateFile = empty($tpl) ? "include/SugarEmailAddress/templates/forDetailView.tpl" : $tpl;
$return = $this->smarty->fetch($templateFile);
return $return;
* getEmailAddressWidgetDuplicatesView($focus)
* @param object $focus Bean in focus
* @return string HTML that contains hidden input values based off of HTML request
public function getEmailAddressWidgetDuplicatesView($focus)
if (!($this->smarty instanceof Sugar_Smarty)) {
$this->smarty = new Sugar_Smarty();
$count = 0;
$emails = array();
$primary = null;
$optOut = array();
$invalid = array();
$mod = isset($focus) ? $focus->module_dir : "";
if (!isset($_POST) || !isset($_POST[$mod . '_email_widget_id'])) {
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Missing Argument: a required post variable not found: {$mod}_email_widget_id");
$widget_id = null;
} else {
$widget_id = $_POST[$mod . '_email_widget_id'];
$this->smarty->assign('email_widget_id', $widget_id);
$emailAddressWidget = null;
if (isset($_POST['emailAddressWidget'])) {
$emailAddressWidget = $_POST['emailAddressWidget'];
} else {
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Missing Argument: a required post variable not found: emailAddressWidget');
$this->smarty->assign('emailAddressWidget', $emailAddressWidget);
if (isset($_POST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressPrimaryFlag'])) {
$primary = $_POST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressPrimaryFlag'];
while (isset($_POST[$mod . $widget_id . "emailAddress" . $count])) {
$emails[] = $_POST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddress' . $count];
if ($count == 0) {
return "";
if (isset($_POST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressOptOutFlag'])) {
if (
!is_array($_POST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressOptOutFlag']) ||
!is_object($_POST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressOptOutFlag'])
) {
'Invalid Argument: post variable ' .
$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressOptOutFlag' .
' should be an array, ' .
gettype($_POST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressOptOutFlag']) . ' given'
foreach ((array)$_POST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressOptOutFlag'] as $v) {
$optOut[] = $v;
if (isset($_POST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressInvalidFlag'])) {
if (
!is_array($_POST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressInvalidFlag']) ||
!is_object($_POST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressInvalidFlag'])
) {
'Invalid Argument: post variable ' .
$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressInvalidFlag' .
' should be an array, ' .
gettype($_POST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressInvalidFlag']) . ' given'
foreach ((array)$_POST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressInvalidFlag'] as $v) {
$invalid[] = $v;
if (isset($_POST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressReplyToFlag'])) {
if (
!is_array($_POST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressReplyToFlag']) ||
!is_object($_POST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressReplyToFlag'])
) {
'Invalid Argument: post variable ' .
$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressReplyToFlag' .
' should be an array, ' .
gettype($_POST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressReplyToFlag']) . ' given'
foreach ((array)$_POST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressReplyToFlag'] as $v) {
$replyTo[] = $v;
if (isset($_POST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressDeleteFlag'])) {
if (
!is_array($_POST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressDeleteFlag']) ||
!is_object($_POST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressDeleteFlag'])
) {
'Invalid Argument: post variable ' .
$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressDeleteFlag' .
' should be an array, ' .
gettype($_POST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressDeleteFlag']) . ' given'
foreach ((array)$_POST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressDeleteFlag'] as $v) {
$delete[] = $v;
while (isset($_POST[$mod . $widget_id . "emailAddressVerifiedValue" . $count])) {
if (
!is_array($_POST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressVerifiedValue' . $count]) ||
!is_object($_POST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressVerifiedValue' . $count])
) {
'Invalid Argument: post variable ' .
$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressVerifiedValue' . $count .
' not found.'
$verified[] = $_POST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressVerifiedValue' . $count];
$this->smarty->assign('emails', $emails);
$this->smarty->assign('primary', $primary);
$this->smarty->assign('optOut', $optOut);
$this->smarty->assign('invalid', $invalid);
$this->smarty->assign('replyTo', $invalid);
$this->smarty->assign('delete', $invalid);
$this->smarty->assign('verified', $invalid);
$this->smarty->assign('moduleDir', $mod);
return $this->smarty->fetch("include/SugarEmailAddress/templates/forDuplicatesView.tpl");
* getFormBaseURL
public function getFormBaseURL($focus)
$get = "";
$count = 0;
$mod = isset($focus) ? $focus->module_dir : "";
if (!$mod) {
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Invalid Argument: Missing module dir.');
return false;
$widget_id = '';
if (!isset($_POST[$mod . '_email_widget_id'])) {
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Invalid Argument: requested argument missing: "' . $mod . '_email_widget_id"');
} else {
$widget_id = $_POST[$mod . '_email_widget_id'];
$get .= '&' . $mod . '_email_widget_id=' . $widget_id;
if (!isset($_POST['emailAddressWidget'])) {
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Invalid Argument: requested argument missing: "emailAddressWidget"');
$get .= '&emailAddressWidget=';
} else {
$get .= '&emailAddressWidget=' . $_POST['emailAddressWidget'];
while (isset($_REQUEST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddress' . $count])) {
$get .= "&" . $mod . $widget_id . "emailAddress" . $count . "=" . urlencode($_REQUEST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddress' . $count]);
} //while
while (isset($_REQUEST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressVerifiedValue' . $count])) {
$get .= "&" . $mod . $widget_id . "emailAddressVerifiedValue" . $count . "=" . urlencode($_REQUEST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressVerifiedValue' . $count]);
} //while
$options = array(
foreach ($options as $option) {
$count = 0;
$optionIdentifier = $mod . $widget_id . $option;
if (isset($_REQUEST[$optionIdentifier])) {
if (is_array($_REQUEST[$optionIdentifier])) {
foreach ($_REQUEST[$optionIdentifier] as $optOut) {
$get .= "&" . $optionIdentifier . "[" . $count . "]=" . $optOut;
} //foreach
} else {
$get .= "&" . $optionIdentifier . "=" . $_REQUEST[$optionIdentifier];
} //if
} //foreach
return $get;
public function setView($view)
$this->view = $view;
* This function is here so the Employees/Users division can be handled cleanly in one place
* @param object $focus SugarBean
* @return string The value for the bean_module column in the email_addr_bean_rel table
public function getCorrectedModule(&$module)
return ($module == "Employees") ? "Users" : $module;
public function stash($parentBeanId, $moduleName)
$result = $this->db->query("SELECT email_address_id FROM email_addr_bean_rel eabr WHERE eabr.bean_id = '" . $this->db->quote($parentBeanId) . "' AND eabr.bean_module = '" . $this->db->quote($moduleName) . "' AND eabr.deleted=0");
$this->stateBeforeWorkflow = array();
$ids = array();
while ($row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result, false)) {
$ids[] = $this->db->quote($row['email_address_id']); // avoid 2nd order SQL Injection
if (!empty($ids)) {
$ids = implode("', '", $ids);
$queryEmailData = "SELECT id, email_address, invalid_email, opt_out FROM {$this->table_name} WHERE id IN ('$ids') AND deleted=0";
$result = $this->db->query($queryEmailData);
while ($row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result, false)) {
$this->stateBeforeWorkflow[$row['id']] = array_diff_key($row, array('id' => null));
* Confirm opt in
public function confirmOptIn()
$this->confirm_opt_in_date = TimeDate::getInstance()->nowDb();
$this->confirm_opt_in = self::COI_STAT_CONFIRMED_OPT_IN;
* Reset opt in
public function resetOptIn()
$this->confirm_opt_in = self::COI_STAT_DISABLED;
* Update Opt In state to SugarEmailAddress::COI_STAT_OPT_IN
* @see SugarEmailAddress::COI_STAT_OPT_IN
* @return string|bool ID or false on failed
* @throws RuntimeException this function updates an exists SugarEmailAddress bean should have ID
public function optIn()
if (!$this->id) {
$msg = 'Trying to update opt-in email address without email address ID.';
throw new RuntimeException($msg);
if (!$this->retrieve()) {
$msg = 'Retrieve email address for opt-in failed.';
throw new RuntimeException($msg);
$state = $this->isConfirmedOptIn() ? self::COI_STAT_CONFIRMED_OPT_IN : self::COI_STAT_OPT_IN;
if (!$this->setConfirmedOptInState($state)) {
$msg = 'set confirm opt in state of email address "' . $this->email_address . '" failed.';
throw new RuntimeException($msg);
$ret = parent::save();
return $ret;
* @param string $state
* @return boolean
public function setConfirmedOptInState($state)
$this->confirm_opt_in = $state;
$ret = parent::save();
return $ret;
* It returns a ViewDefs for Confirm Opt In action link on DetailViews, specially for Accounts/Contacts/Leads/Prospects
* @param string $module module name
* @param string $returnModule optional, using module name if null
* @param string $returnAction optional, using module name if null
* @param string $moduleTab optional, using module name if null
* @return array ViewDefs for Confirm Opt In action link
public static function getSendConfirmOptInEmailActionLinkDefs($module, $returnModule = null, $returnAction = null, $moduleTab = null)
$configurator = new Configurator();
$configOptInEnabled = $configurator->isConfirmOptInEnabled();
$disabledAttribute = $configOptInEnabled ? '' : 'disabled="disabled"';
$hiddenClass = $configOptInEnabled ? '' : 'hidden';
if (is_null($returnModule)) {
$returnModule = $module;
if (is_null($returnAction)) {
$returnAction = $module;
if (is_null($moduleTab)) {
$moduleTab = $module;
$ret = array(
'customCode' =>
'<input type="submit" class="button ' .
$hiddenClass . '" ' . $disabledAttribute .
' title="{$APP.LBL_SEND_CONFIRM_OPT_IN_EMAIL}" onclick="this.form.return_module.value=\'' .
$returnModule . '\'; this.form.return_action.value=\'' .
$returnAction . '\'; this.form.return_id.value=\'{$fields.id.value}\'; ' .
'this.form.action.value=\'sendConfirmOptInEmail\'; this.form.module.value=\'' .
$module . '\'; this.form.module_tab.value=\'' . $moduleTab .
'\';" name="send_confirm_opt_in_email" value="{$APP.LBL_SEND_CONFIRM_OPT_IN_EMAIL}"/>',
'sugar_html' =>
'type' => 'submit',
'htmlOptions' =>
'class' => 'button ' . $hiddenClass,
'id' => 'send_confirm_opt_in_email',
'onclick' => 'this.form.return_module.value=\'' . $returnModule .
'\'; this.form.return_action.value=\'DetailView\'; this.form.return_id.value=\'{$fields.id.value}\'; ' .
'this.form.action.value=\'sendConfirmOptInEmail\'; this.form.module.value=\'' . $module .
'\'; this.form.module_tab.value=\'' . $moduleTab . '\';',
'name' => 'send_confirm_opt_in_email',
if (!$configOptInEnabled) {
$ret['sugar_html']['htmlOptions']['disabled'] = true;
return $ret;
* Uses the configuration to determine opt in status
* @return string
public function getOptInStatus()
$configurator = new Configurator();
$enableConfirmedOptIn = null;
if (isset($configurator->config['email_enable_confirm_opt_in'])) {
$enableConfirmedOptIn = $configurator->config['email_enable_confirm_opt_in'];
} else {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('EmailUI::populateComposeViewFields: $configurator->config[email_enable_confirm_opt_in] is not set');
$optInFromFlags = $this->getOptInIndicationFromFlags();
if ($enableConfirmedOptIn === self::COI_STAT_DISABLED) {
} elseif (
$enableConfirmedOptIn === self::COI_STAT_OPT_IN
&& $this->isOptedInStatus($optInFromFlags)
) {
$ret = self::COI_FLAG_OPT_IN;
} elseif ($enableConfirmedOptIn === self::COI_STAT_CONFIRMED_OPT_IN) {
$ret = $optInFromFlags;
} elseif ($optInFromFlags === self::COI_FLAG_INVALID) {
$ret = $optInFromFlags;
} elseif ($optInFromFlags === self::COI_FLAG_OPT_OUT) {
$ret = $optInFromFlags;
} else {
$msg = 'Invalid ENUM value of Opt In settings: ' . $enableConfirmedOptIn;
return $ret;
* Determines the opt in status without considering the configuration
* @return string
* @throws RuntimeException
private function getOptInIndicationFromFlags()
$log = LoggerManager::getLogger();
if (!in_array($this->module_name, self::$doNotDisplayOptInTickForModule, true)) {
if ((int)$this->invalid_email === 1) {
$ret = self::COI_FLAG_INVALID;
return $ret;
if ((int)$this->opt_out === 1) {
$ret = self::COI_FLAG_OPT_OUT;
return $ret;
if ($this->isNotOptIn()) {
$ret = self::COI_STAT_DISABLED;
return $ret;
if ($this->isConfirmedOptIn()) {
} elseif (
&& $this->getConfirmedOptInState() !== self::COI_STAT_DISABLED
) {
} elseif ($this->isConfirmOptInEmailSent()) {
} elseif ($this->isConfirmOptInEmailFailed()) {
return $ret;
return $ret;
* @return bool true when the an confirm optin email was successfully sent
* @throws Exception
private function isConfirmOptInEmailSent()
if (empty($this->confirm_opt_in_sent_date)) {
return false;
try {
$maxdate = $this->dateMax($this->confirm_opt_in_sent_date, $this->confirm_opt_in_fail_date);
if ($maxdate === $this->confirm_opt_in_fail_date) {
return false;
} elseif ($maxdate === $this->confirm_opt_in_sent_date) {
return true;
} else {
throw new Exception('its impossible email sending state');
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
if (!empty($this->confirm_opt_in_fail_date)) {
throw $e;
return true;
* @return bool true when the an confirm optin email failed to send
* @throws Exception
private function isConfirmOptInEmailFailed()
if (empty($this->confirm_opt_in_fail_date)) {
return false;
try {
$maxdate = $this->dateMax($this->confirm_opt_in_sent_date, $this->confirm_opt_in_fail_date);
if ($maxdate === $this->confirm_opt_in_fail_date) {
return true;
} elseif ($maxdate === $this->confirm_opt_in_sent_date) {
return false;
} else {
throw new Exception('its impossible email sending state');
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
if (!empty($this->confirm_opt_in_sent_date)) {
throw $e;
return false;
* @return bool if confirm opt in email has not yet been sent
private function isConfirmOptInEmailNotSent()
if (
&& empty($this->confirm_opt_in_fail_date)
) {
return true;
return false;
* @return bool true when confirmed opt in has been set
private function isConfirmedOptIn()
$ret = $this->getConfirmedOptInState() === self::COI_STAT_CONFIRMED_OPT_IN;
return $ret;
* @return bool
private function isNotOptIn()
return $this->confirm_opt_in === self::COI_STAT_DISABLED;
* @param string $date1
* @param string $date2
* @return bool
* @throws \RuntimeException
private function dateCompare($date1, $date2)
$time1 = strtotime($date1);
$time2 = strtotime($date2);
$err = 'unable to convert strtotime: ';
if ($time1 === -1) {
throw new RuntimeException($err . $date1);
if ($time2 === -1) {
throw new RuntimeException($err . $date2);
return $time1 > $time2;
* @param string $date1
* @param string $date2
* @return string
private function dateMax($date1, $date2)
return $this->dateCompare($date1, $date2) ? $date1 : $date2;
* @param string $emailAddressIndicatorStatus
* @return bool
private function isOptedInStatus($emailAddressIndicatorStatus = self::COI_FLAG_NO_OPT_IN_STATUS)
$ret = in_array($emailAddressIndicatorStatus, array(
), true);
return $ret;
* @global array $app_strings
* @return string
public function getOptInStatusTickHTML()
global $app_strings;
$configurator = new Configurator();
$sugar_config = $configurator->config;
$tickHtml = '';
if (isset($sugar_config['email_enable_confirm_opt_in'])) {
$emailConfigEnableConfirmOptIn = $sugar_config['email_enable_confirm_opt_in'];
$template = new Sugar_Smarty();
$optInStatus = $this->getOptInStatus();
switch ($optInStatus) {
case self::COI_FLAG_OPT_IN:
$optInFlagClass = 'email-opt-in-confirmed';
$optInFlagTitle = $app_strings['LBL_OPT_IN'];
$optInFlagText = '<span class="suitepicon suitepicon-action-confirm"></span>';
$optInFlagClass = 'email-opt-in-confirmed';
$optInFlagTitle = $app_strings['LBL_OPT_IN_CONFIRMED'];
$optInFlagText = '<span class="suitepicon suitepicon-action-confirm">';
$optInFlagText .= '</span><span class="suitepicon suitepicon-action-confirm"></span>';
$optInFlagClass = 'email-opt-in-sent';
$optInFlagTitle = $app_strings['LBL_OPT_IN_PENDING_EMAIL_SENT'];
$optInFlagText = '<span class="suitepicon suitepicon-action-confirm"></span>';
$optInFlagClass = 'email-opt-in-not-sent';
$optInFlagTitle = $app_strings['LBL_OPT_IN_PENDING_EMAIL_NOT_SENT'];
$optInFlagText = '<span class="suitepicon suitepicon-action-confirm"></span>';
$optInFlagClass = 'email-opt-in-failed';
$optInFlagTitle = $app_strings['LBL_OPT_IN_PENDING_EMAIL_FAILED'];
$optInFlagText = '<span class="suitepicon suitepicon-action-confirm"></span>';
case self::COI_FLAG_OPT_OUT:
$optInFlagClass = 'email-opt-in-opt-out';
$optInFlagTitle = $app_strings['LBL_OPT_IN_OPT_OUT'];
$optInFlagText = '❌';
case self::COI_FLAG_INVALID:
$optInFlagClass = 'email-opt-in-invalid';
$optInFlagTitle = $app_strings['LBL_OPT_IN_INVALID'];
$optInFlagText = '?';
$optInFlagClass = '';
$optInFlagTitle = '';
$optInFlagText = '';
$template->assign('optInFlagClass', $optInFlagClass);
$template->assign('optInFlagTitle', $optInFlagTitle);
$template->assign('optInFlagText', $optInFlagText);
$tickHtml = $template->fetch('include/SugarEmailAddress/templates/optInStatusTick.tpl');
return $tickHtml;
* @return string
public function getConfirmOptInTokenGenerateIfNotExists()
if (!$this->confirm_opt_in_token) {
$this->confirm_opt_in_token = md5(time() . md5($this->email_address) . md5(mt_rand(0, 9999999))) . md5(mt_rand(0, 9999999));
return $this->confirm_opt_in_token;
} // end class def
require_once __DIR__.'/getEmailAddressWidget.php';