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Dillon-Brown 4ee7a709a0 Remove PHP4 constructors
Signed-off-by: Dillon-Brown <dillon.brown@salesagility.com>
2021-03-26 21:50:24 +00:00

346 lines
16 KiB
Executable file

if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
* EdtiViewMetaParser.php
* This is a utility file that attempts to provide support for parsing pre 5.0 SugarCRM
* EditView.html files and produce a best guess editviewdefs.php file equivalent.
* @author Collin Lee
class EditViewMetaParser extends MetaParser
public function __construct()
$this->mView = 'EditView';
* parse
* @param string $filePath The file path of the HTML file to parse
* @param array $vardefs The module's vardefs
* @param string $moduleDir The module's directory
* @param boolean $merge value indicating whether or not to merge the parsed contents
* @param array|null $masterCopy The file path of the mater copy of the metadata file to merge against
* @return string format of metadata contents
public function parse($filePath, $vardefs = array(), $moduleDir = '', $merge=false, $masterCopy=null)
global $app_strings;
$contents = file_get_contents($filePath);
$contents = $this->trimHTML($contents);
$contents = $this->stripFlavorTags($contents);
$moduleName = '';
$contents = $this->fixDuplicateTrTags($contents);
$contents = $this->fixRowsWithMissingTr($contents);
$tables = $this->getElementsByType("table", $contents);
$formElements = $this->getFormElements($tables[0]);
$hiddenInputs = array();
foreach ($formElements as $elem) {
$type = $this->getTagAttribute("type", $elem);
if (preg_match('/hidden/si', $type)) {
$name = $this->getTagAttribute("name", $elem);
$value = $this->getTagAttribute("value", $elem);
$hiddenInputs[$name] = $value;
// Get the second table in the page and onward
$tables = array_slice($tables, 1);
$panels = array();
$tableCount = 0;
$addedElements = array();
$maxTableCountNum = 0;
$tableCount = 0;
foreach ($tables as $table) {
$table = $this->fixTablesWithMissingTr($table);
$toptr = $this->getElementsByType("tr", $table);
foreach ($toptr as $tr) {
$tabledata = $this->getElementsByType("table", $tr);
$data = array();
$panelKey = $tableCount == 0 ? "default" : '';
foreach ($tabledata as $t) {
$vals = array_values($this->getElementsByType("tr", $t));
if (preg_match_all('/<h4[^>]*?>.*?(\{MOD\.|\{APP\.)(LBL_[^\}]*?)[\}].*?<\/h4>/s', $vals[0], $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
$panelKey = count($matches[0]) == 3 ? strtolower($matches[0][2]) : $panelKey;
//If $panelKey is empty use the maxTableCountNum value
if (empty($panelKey)) {
$panels[$maxTableCountNum++] = $vals;
} else {
$panels[$panelKey] = $vals;
} //foreach
} //foreach;
} //foreach
foreach ($panels as $id=>$tablerows) {
$metarow = array();
foreach ($tablerows as $trow) {
$emptyCount = 0;
$tablecolumns = $this->getElementsByType("td", $trow);
$col = array();
$slot = 0;
foreach ($tablecolumns as $tcols) {
$hasRequiredLabel = false;
//Get the sugar attribute value in the span elements of each table row
$sugarAttrLabel = $this->getTagAttribute("sugar", $tcols, "'^slot[^b]+$'");
//If there was no sugar attribute, try id (some versions of EditView.html used this instead)
if (empty($sugarAttrLabel)) {
$sugarAttrLabel = $this->getTagAttribute("id", $tcols, "'^slot[^b]+$'");
//Check if this field is required
if (!empty($sugarAttrLabel)) {
$hasRequiredLabel = $this->hasRequiredSpanLabel($tcols);
$sugarAttrValue = $this->getTagAttribute("sugar", $tcols, "'slot[0-9]+b$'");
//If there was no sugar attribute, try id (some versions of EditView.html used this instead)
if (empty($sugarAttrValue)) {
$sugarAttrValue = $this->getTagAttribute("id", $tcols, "'slot[0-9]+b$'");
// If there wasn't any slot numbering/lettering then just default to expect label->vallue pairs
if(count($sugarAttrValue) === 0){
$sugarAttrValue = $slot % 2 === 1;
if ($sugarAttrValue) {
$spanValue = $this->getElementValue("span", $tcols);
if (empty($spanValue)) {
$spanValue = $this->getElementValue("slot", $tcols);
if (empty($spanValue)) {
$spanValue = $this->getElementValue("td", $tcols);
//Get all the editable form elements' names
$formElementNames = $this->getFormElementsNames($spanValue);
$customField = $this->getCustomField($formElementNames);
$name = '';
$fields = null;
$customCode = null;
if (!empty($customField)) {
// If it's a custom field we just set the name
$name = $customField;
} else {
if (empty($formElementNames) && preg_match_all('/[\{]([^\}]*?)[\}]/s', $spanValue, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
// We are here if the $spanValue did not contain a form element for editing.
// We will assume that it is read only (since there were no edit form elements)
// If there is more than one matching {} value then try to find the right one to key off
// based on vardefs.php file. Also, use the entire spanValue as customCode
if (count($matches) > 1) {
$name = $matches[0][1];
$customCode = $spanValue;
foreach ($matches as $pair) {
if (preg_match("/^(mod[\.]|app[\.]).*?/i", $pair[1])) {
$customCode = str_replace($pair[1], '$'.strtoupper($pair[1]), $customCode);
} else {
if (!empty($vardefs[$pair[1]])) {
$name = $pair[1];
$customCode = str_replace($pair[1], '$fields.'.strtolower($pair[1]).'.value', $customCode);
} else {
$phpName = $this->findAssignedVariableName($pair[1], $filePath);
$customCode = str_replace($pair[1], '$fields.'.strtolower($phpName).'.value', $customCode);
} //if-else
} //foreach
} else {
//If it is only a label, skip
if (preg_match("/^(mod[\.]|app[\.]).*?/i", $matches[0][1])) {
$name = strtolower($matches[0][1]);
} else {
if (is_array($formElementNames)) {
if (count($formElementNames) == 1) {
if (!empty($vardefs[$formElementNames[0]])) {
$name = $formElementNames[0];
} else {
// Try to use the EdtiView.php file to find author's intent
$name = $this->findAssignedVariableName($formElementNames[0], $filePath);
//If it's still empty, just use the entire block as customCode
if (empty($vardefs[$name])) {
//Replace any { characters just in case
$customCode = str_replace('{', '{$', $spanValue);
} //if-else
} else {
//If it is an Array of form elements, it is likely the _id and _name relate field combo
$relateName = $this->getRelateFieldName($formElementNames);
if (!empty($relateName)) {
$name = $relateName;
} else {
//One last attempt to scan $formElementNames for one vardef field only
$name = $this->findSingleVardefElement($formElementNames, $vardefs);
if (empty($name)) {
$fields = array();
$name = $formElementNames[0];
foreach ($formElementNames as $elementName) {
if (isset($vardefs[$elementName])) {
$fields[] = $elementName;
} else {
$fields[] = $this->findAssignedVariableName($elementName, $filePath);
} //if-else
} //foreach
} //if
} //if-else
} //if-else
// Build the entry
if (preg_match("/<textarea/si", $spanValue)) {
//special case for textarea form elements (add the displayParams)
$displayParams = array();
$displayParams['rows'] = $this->getTagAttribute("rows", $spanValue);
$displayParams['cols'] = $this->getTagAttribute("cols", $spanValue);
if (!empty($displayParams['rows']) && !empty($displayParams['cols'])) {
$field = array();
$field['name'] = $name;
$field['displayParams'] = $displayParams;
} else {
$field = $name;
} else {
if (isset($fields) || isset($customCode)) {
$field = array();
$field['name'] = $name;
if (isset($fields)) {
$field['fields'] = $fields;
if (isset($customCode)) {
$field['customCode'] = $customCode;
$field['description'] = 'This field was auto generated';
} else {
$emptyCount = $name == '' ? $emptyCount + 1 : $emptyCount;
$field = $name;
} //if-else if-else block
$addedField = is_array($field) ? $field['name'] : $field;
if (empty($addedField) || empty($addedElements[$addedField])) {
//Add the meta-data definition for required fields
if ($hasRequiredLabel) {
if (is_array($field)) {
if (isset($field['displayParams']) && is_array($field['displayParams'])) {
} else {
$field['displayParams'] = array('required'=>true);
} else {
$field = array('name'=>strtolower($field), 'displayParams'=>array('required'=>true));
$col[] = is_array($field) ? $field : strtolower($field);
$addedElements[$addedField] = $addedField;
} //if($sugarAttValue)
} //foreach
// One last final check. If $emptyCount does not equal Array $col count, don't add
if ($emptyCount != count($col)) {
if ($hasRequiredLabel) {
if (is_array($col)) {
if (isset($col['displayParams'])) {
} else {
} else {
$col = array('name'=>strtolower($col), 'displayParams'=>array('required'=>true));
$metarow[] = $col;
} //if
} //foreach
$panels[$id] = $metarow;
} //foreach
$this->mCustomPanels = $panels;
$panels = $this->applyPreRules($moduleDir, $panels);
$templateMeta = array();
if ($merge && !empty($masterCopy) && file_exists($masterCopy)) {
$panels = $this->mergePanels($panels, $vardefs, $moduleDir, $masterCopy);
$templateMeta = $this->mergeTemplateMeta($templateMeta, $moduleDir, $masterCopy);
$panels = $this->applyRules($moduleDir, $panels);
return $this->createFileContents($moduleDir, $panels, $templateMeta);