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Executable file

* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
* MetaParser.php
* This is a utility base file to parse HTML
* @author Collin Lee
* @api
class MetaParser
public $mPHPFile;
public $mView;
public $mModule;
public $mCustomPanels;
public function __construct()
public function parse()
* getFormContents
* Parses for contents enclosed within <form>...</form> tags
public function getFormContents($contents, $all = true)
if ($all) {
preg_match_all("'(<form[^>]*?>)(.*?)(</form[^>]*?>)'si", $contents, $matches);
return $matches;
preg_match("'(<form[^>]*?>)(.*?)(</form[^>]*?>)'si", $contents, $matches);
return $this->convertToTagElement($matches);
//return $matches;
* getFormElements
* Parses for input, select, textarea types from string content
* @param $contents The String contents to parse
* @return $matches Array of matches of PREG_SET_ORDER
public function getFormElements($contents)
preg_match_all("'(<[ ]*?)(textarea|input|select)([^>]*?)(>)'si", $contents, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
$elems = array();
foreach ($matches[3] as $match) {
$elems[] = $match;
return $elems;
* getFormElementsNames
* Parses for the name values of input, select, textarea types from string content
* @param $contents The String contents to parse
* @return $matches Array of name/value pairs
public function getFormElementsNames($contents)
preg_match_all("'(<[ ]*?)(textarea|input|select)[^>]*?name=[\'\"]([^\'\"]*?)(\[\])?(_basic)?[\'\"]([^>]*?>)'si", $contents, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
return !empty($matches[3]) ? $matches[3] : null;
* getTagAttribute
* Returns the name/value of a tag attribute where name is set to $name
* @param $name The name of the attribute
* @param $contents The contents to parse
* @param $filter Option regular expression to filter value
* @return Array of name/value for matching attribute
public function getTagAttribute($name, $contents, $filter = '')
//$exp = "'".$name."[ ]*?=[ ]*?[\'\"]([a-zA-Z0-9\_\[\]]*)[\'\"]'si";
$exp = "'".$name."[\s]*?=[\s]*?[\'\"]([^\'^\"]*?)[\'\"]'si";
preg_match_all($exp, $contents, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
if (empty($filter)) {
return !empty($matches[0][1]) ? $matches[0][1] : '';
$filtered = array();
foreach ($matches as $tag) {
if (preg_match($filter, $tag[1])) {
$filtered[] = $tag;
return $filtered;
* getTables
* Returns an Array of the tables found in the file. If $tableClass parameter
* is supplied, it'll return only those tables that have a matching class attribute
* equal to $tableClass
* @param null $tableClass Optional table class parameter value
* @param null $contents
* @return array|false of table elements found
public function getTables($tableClass = null, $contents = '')
preg_match_all("'(<table[^>]*?>)(.*?)(</table[^>]*?>)'si", $contents, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
if ($tableClass == null) {
return $matches;
$tables = array();
foreach ($matches as $key => $table) {
if (strpos($table[1], $tableClass) > 0) {
$tables[] = $table;
return $this->convertToTagElement($tables);
* getElementsByType
* Returns an Array of all elements matching type. It will match
* for the outermost tags. For example given contents:
* "<tr><td>Text <table><tr><td>a</td></tr></table></td></tr>"
* and method call getElementsByType("<td>", $contents) returns
* "<td>Text <table><tr><td>a</td></tr></table></td>"
* @param $type The type of element to parse out and return
* @return a tag element format Array
public function getElementsByType($type, $contents)
$x = strlen($contents);
$mark = 0;
$count = 0;
$stag1 = "<" . trim($type, " <>") . '>';
$stag2 = "<" . trim($type, " <>") . ' ';
$etag = "</".$type.">";
$sincrement = strlen($stag1);
$eincrement = strlen($etag);
$sarr = array();
$values = array();
while ($count < $x) {
$stok = substr($contents, $count, $sincrement);
$etok = substr($contents, $count, $eincrement);
if ($stok == $stag1 || $stok == $stag2) {
//Reset mark;
if (count($sarr) == 0) {
$mark = $count;
$sarr[] = $count;
} else {
if ($etok == $etag) {
if (count($sarr) == 0) {
$val = substr($contents, $mark, ($count - $mark) + $eincrement);
$values[] = $val;
$mark = $count;
$count = 0;
return $values;
* getElementValue
public function getElementValue($type, $contents, $filter = "(.*?)")
$exp = "'<".$type."[^>]*?>".$filter."</".$type."[^>]*?>'si";
preg_match($exp, $contents, $matches);
return isset($matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : '';
public function stripComments($contents)
return preg_replace("'(<!--.*?-->)'si", "", $contents);
* stripFlavorTags
* This method accepts the file contents and uses the $GLOBALS['sugar_flavor'] value
* to remove the flavor tags in the file contents if present. If $GLOBALS['sugar_flavor']
* is not set, it defaults to CE flavor
* @param $contents The file contents as a String value
* @param $result The file contents with non-matching flavor tags and their nested comments removed
public function stripFlavorTags($contents)
$flavor = isset($GLOBALS['sugar_flavor']) ? $GLOBALS['sugar_flavor'] : 'CE';
$isPro = ($flavor == 'ENT' || $flavor == 'PRO') ? true : false;
if ($isPro) {
$contents = preg_replace('/<!-- BEGIN: open_source -->.*?<!-- END: open_source -->/', '', $contents);
} else {
$contents = preg_replace('/<!-- BEGIN: pro -->.*?<!-- END: pro -->/', '', $contents);
return $contents;
* getMaxColumns
* Returns the highest number of <td>...</td> blocks within a <tr>...</tr> block.
* @param $contents The table contents to parse
* @param $filter Optional filter to parse for an attribute within the td block.
* @return The maximum column count
public function getMaxColumns($contents, $filter)
preg_match_all("'(<tr[^>]*?>)(.*?)(</tr[^>]*?>)'si", $contents, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
$max = 0;
foreach ($matches as $tableRows) {
$count = substr_count($tableRows[2], $filter);
if ($count > $max) {
$max = $count;
return $max;
public function convertToTagElement($matches)
$elements = array();
foreach ($matches as $data) {
// We need 4 because the 1,2,3 indexes make up start,body,end
if (count($data) == 4) {
$element = array();
$element['start'] = $data[1];
$element['body'] = $data[2];
$element['end'] = $data[3];
$elements[] = $element;
return empty($elements) ? $matches : $elements;
* trimHTML
* This function removes the \r (return), \n (newline) and \t (tab) markup from string
public function trimHTML($contents)
$contents = str_replace(array("\r"), array(""), $contents);
$contents = str_replace(array("\n"), array(""), $contents);
$contents = str_replace(array("\t"), array(""), $contents);
return $contents;
* getJavascript
* This method parses the given $contents String and grabs all <script...>...</script> blocks.
* The method also converts values enclosed within "{...}" blocks that may need to be converted
* to Smarty syntax.
* @param $contents The HTML String contents to parse
* @return $javascript The formatted script blocks or null if none found
public function getJavascript($contents, $addLiterals = true)
$javascript = null;
//Check if there are Javascript blocks of code to process
preg_match_all("'(<script[^>]*?>)(.*?)(</script[^>]*?>)'si", $contents, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
if (empty($matches)) {
return $javascript;
foreach ($matches[0] as $scriptBlock) {
$javascript .= "\n" . $scriptBlock;
} //foreach
$javascript = substr($javascript, 1);
//Remove stuff first
//1) Calendar.setup {..} blocks
$javascript = preg_replace('/Calendar.setup[\s]*[\(][^\)]*?[\)][\s]*;/si', '', $javascript);
//Find all blocks that may need to be replaced with Smarty syntax
preg_match_all("'([\{])([a-zA-Z0-9_]*?)([\}])'si", $javascript, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
if (!empty($matches)) {
$replace = array();
foreach ($matches[0] as $xTemplateCode) {
if (!isset($replace[$xTemplateCode])) {
$replace[$xTemplateCode] = str_replace("{", "{\$", $xTemplateCode);
} //if
} //foreach
$javascript = str_replace(array_keys($replace), array_values($replace), $javascript);
} //if
if (!$addLiterals) {
return $javascript;
return $this->parseDelimiters($javascript);
public static function parseDelimiters($javascript)
$newJavascript = '';
$scriptLength = strlen($javascript);
$count = 0;
$inSmartyVariable = false;
while ($count < $scriptLength) {
if ($inSmartyVariable) {
$start = $count;
$numOfChars = 1;
while (isset($javascript[$count]) && $javascript[$count] != '}') {
$newJavascript .= substr($javascript, $start, $numOfChars);
$inSmartyVariable = false;
} else {
$char = $javascript[$count];
$nextChar = ($count + 1 >= $scriptLength) ? '' : $javascript[$count + 1];
if ($char == "{" && $nextChar == "$") {
$inSmartyVariable = true;
$newJavascript .= $javascript[$count];
} else {
if ($char == "{") {
$newJavascript .= " {ldelim} ";
} else {
if ($char == "}") {
$newJavascript .= " {rdelim} ";
} else {
$newJavascript .= $javascript[$count];
} //while
return $newJavascript;
* findAssignedVariableName
* This method provides additional support in attempting to parse the module's corresponding
* PHP file for either the EditView or DetailView. In the event that the subclasses cannot
* find a matching vardefs.php entry in the HTML file, this method can be called to parse the
* PHP file to see if the assignment was made using the bean's variable. If so, we return
* this variable name.
* @param $name The tag name found in the HTML file for which we want to search
* @param $filePath The full file path for the HTML file
* @return The variable name found in PHP file, original $name variable if not found
public function findAssignedVariableName($name, $filePath)
if ($this->mPHPFile == "INVALID") {
return $name;
if (!isset($this->mPHPFile)) {
if (preg_match('/(.*?)(DetailView).html$/', $filePath, $matches)) {
$dir = $matches[1];
} else {
if (preg_match('/(.*?)(EditView).html$/', $filePath, $matches)) {
$dir = $matches[1];
if (!isset($dir) || !is_dir($dir)) {
$this->mPHPFile = "INVALID";
return $name;
$filesInDir = $this->dirList($dir);
$phpFile = $matches[2].'.*?[\.]php';
foreach ($filesInDir as $file) {
if (preg_match("/$phpFile/", $file)) {
$this->mPHPFile = $matches[1] . $file;
if (!isset($this->mPHPFile) || !file_exists($this->mPHPFile)) {
$this->mPHPFile = "INVALID";
return $name;
$phpContents = file_get_contents($this->mPHPFile);
$uname = strtoupper($name);
if (preg_match("/xtpl->assign[\(][\"\']".$uname."[\"\'][\s]*?,[\s]*?[\$]focus->(.*?)[\)]/si", $phpContents, $matches)) {
return $matches[1];
return $name;
* dirList
* Utility method to list all the files in a given directory.
* @param $directory The directory to scan
* @return $results The files in the directory that were found
public function dirList($directory)
// create an array to hold directory list
$results = array();
// create a handler for the directory
$handler = opendir($directory);
// keep going until all files in directory have been read
while ($file = readdir($handler)) {
// if $file isn't this directory or its parent,
// add it to the results array
if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') {
$results[] = $file;
// tidy up: close the handler
return $results;
* isCustomField
* This method checks the mixed variable $elementNames to see if it is a custom field. A custom
* field is simply defined as a field that ends with "_c". If $elementNames is an Array
* any matching custom field value will result in a true evaluation
* @param $elementNames Array or String value of form element name(s).
* @return String name of custom field; null if none found
public function getCustomField($elementNames)
if (!isset($elementNames) || (!is_string($elementNames) && !is_array($elementNames))) {
return null;
if (is_string($elementNames)) {
if (preg_match('/(.+_c)(_basic)?(\[\])?$/', $elementNames, $matches)) {
return count($matches) == 1 ? $matches[0] : $matches[1];
return null;
foreach ($elementNames as $name) {
if (preg_match('/(.+_c)(_basic)?(\[\])?$/', $name, $matches)) {
return count($matches) == 1 ? $matches[0] : $matches[1];
return null;
public function applyPreRules($moduleDir, $panels)
if (file_exists("include/SugarFields/Parsers/Rules/".$moduleDir."ParseRule.php")) {
$class = $moduleDir."ParseRule";
$parseRule = new $class();
$panels = $parseRule->preParse($panels, $this->mView);
return $panels;
public function applyRules($moduleDir, $panels)
return $this->applyPostRules($moduleDir, $panels);
public function applyPostRules($moduleDir, $panels)
//Run module specific rules
if (file_exists("include/SugarFields/Parsers/Rules/".$moduleDir."ParseRule.php")) {
$class = $moduleDir."ParseRule";
$parseRule = new $class();
$panels = $parseRule->parsePanels($panels, $this->mView);
//Now run defined rules
$rules = ParseRules::getRules();
foreach ($rules as $rule) {
if (!file_exists($rule['file'])) {
$GLOBALS['log']->error("Cannot run rule for " . $rule['file']);
} //if
$runRule = new $rule['class'];
$panels = $runRule->parsePanels($panels, $this->mView);
} //foreach
return $panels;
* @param $moduleDir
* @param $panels
* @param array $templateMeta
* @param null $htmlFilePath
* @return mixed|string
public function createFileContents($moduleDir, $panels, $templateMeta = array(), $htmlFilePath = null)
$header = "<?php\n\n";
if (empty($templateMeta)) {
$header .= "\$viewdefs['$moduleDir']['$this->mView'] = array(
'templateMeta' => array('maxColumns' => '2',
'widths' => array(
array('label' => '10', 'field' => '30'),
array('label' => '10', 'field' => '30')
} else {
$header .= "\$viewdefs['$moduleDir']['$this->mView'] = array(
'templateMeta' =>" . var_export($templateMeta, true) . ",";
//Replace all the @sq (single quote tags that may have been inserted)
$header = preg_replace('/\@sq/', "'", $header);
$contents = file_get_contents($htmlFilePath);
$javascript = $this->getJavascript($contents, true);
if(!empty($javascript)) {
$javascript = str_replace("'", "\\'", $javascript);
$header .= "\n 'javascript' => '" . $javascript . "',\n";
} //if
$header .= "\n 'panels' =>";
$footer = "
$metadata = '';
$body = var_export($panels, true);
$metadata = $header . $body . $footer;
$metadata = preg_replace('/(\d+)[\s]=>[\s]?/', "", $metadata);
return $metadata;
* mergePanels
* This function merges the $panels Array against the $masterCopy's meta data definition
* @param $panels meta data Array to merge
* @param $moduleDir Directory name of the module
* @param $masterCopy file path to the meta data master copy
* @return Array of merged $panel definition
public function mergePanels($panels, $vardefs, $moduleDir, $masterCopy)
$masterpanels = $viewdefs[$moduleDir][$this->mView]['panels'];
$hasMultiplePanels = $this->hasMultiplePanels($masterpanels);
if (!$hasMultiplePanels) {
$keys = array_keys($viewdefs[$moduleDir][$this->mView]['panels']);
if (!empty($keys) && count($keys) == 1) {
if (strtolower($keys[0]) == 'default') {
$masterpanels = array('default'=>$viewdefs[$moduleDir][$this->mView]['panels'][$keys[0]]);
} else {
$firstPanel = array_values($viewdefs[$moduleDir][$this->mView]['panels']);
$masterpanels = array('default'=> $firstPanel[0]);
} else {
$masterpanels = array('default'=>$viewdefs[$moduleDir][$this->mView]['panels']);
foreach ($masterpanels as $name=>$masterpanel) {
if (isset($panels[$name])) {
// Get all the names in the panel
$existingElements = array();
$existingLocation = array();
foreach ($panels[$name] as $rowKey=>$row) {
foreach ($row as $colKey=>$column) {
if (is_array($column) && !empty($column['name'])) {
$existingElements[$column['name']] = $column['name'];
$existingLocation[$column['name']] = array("panel"=>$name, "row"=>$rowKey, "col"=>$colKey);
} else {
if (!is_array($column) && !empty($column)) {
$existingElements[$column] = $column;
$existingLocation[$column] = array("panel"=>$name, "row"=>$rowKey, "col"=>$colKey);
} //foreach
} //foreach
// Now check against the $masterCopy
foreach ($masterpanel as $rowKey=>$row) {
$addRow = array();
foreach ($row as $colKey=>$column) {
if (is_array($column) && isset($column['name'])) {
$id = $column['name'];
} else {
if (!is_array($column) && !empty($column)) {
$id = $column;
} else {
if (empty($existingElements[$id])) {
//Only add if
// 1) if it is a required field (as defined in metadata)
// 2) or if it has a customLabel and customCode (a very deep customization)
if ((is_array($column) && !empty($column['displayParams']['required'])) ||
(is_array($column) && !empty($column['customCode']) && !empty($column['customLabel']))) {
$addRow[] = $column;
} else {
//Use definition from master copy instead
$panels[$existingLocation[$id]['panel']][$existingLocation[$id]['row']][$existingLocation[$id]['col']] = $column;
} //foreach
// Add it to the $panels
if (!empty($addRow)) {
$panels[$name][] = $addRow;
} //foreach
} else {
$panels[$name] = $masterpanel;
} //foreach
// We're not done yet... go through the $panels Array now and try to remove duplicate
// or empty panels
foreach ($panels as $name=>$panel) {
if (count($panel) == 0 || !isset($masterpanels[$name])) {
} //foreach
return $panels;
* mergeTemplateMeta
* This function merges the $templateMeta Array against the $masterCopy's meta data definition
* @param $templateMeta meta data Array to merge
* @param $moduleDir Directory name of the module
* @param $masterCopy file path to the meta data master copy
* @return Array of merged $templateMeta definition
public function mergeTemplateMeta($templateMeta, $moduleDir, $masterCopy)
$masterTemplateMeta = $viewdefs[$moduleDir][$this->mView]['templateMeta'];
if (isset($masterTemplateMeta['javascript'])) {
//Insert the getJSPath code back into src value
$masterTemplateMeta['javascript'] = preg_replace('/src\s*=\s*[\'\"].*?(modules\/|include\/)([^\.]*?\.js)([^\'\"]*?)[\'\"]/i', 'src="@sq . getJSPath(@sq${1}${2}@sq) . @sq"', $masterTemplateMeta['javascript']);
return $masterTemplateMeta;
public function hasRequiredSpanLabel($html)
if (empty($html)) {
return false;
return preg_match('/\<(div|span) class=(\")?required(\")?\s?>\*<\/(div|span)>/si', $html);
public function hasMultiplePanels($panels)
if (!isset($panels) || empty($panels) || !is_array($panels)) {
return false;
if (is_array($panels) && (count($panels) == 0 || count($panels) == 1)) {
return false;
foreach ($panels as $panel) {
if (!empty($panel) && !is_array($panel)) {
return false;
} else {
foreach ($panel as $row) {
if (!empty($row) && !is_array($row)) {
return false;
} //if
} //foreach
} //if-else
} //foreach
return true;
public function getRelateFieldName($mixed='')
if (!is_array($mixed)) {
return '';
} else {
if (count($mixed) == 2) {
$id = '';
$name = '';
foreach ($mixed as $el) {
if (preg_match('/_id$/', $el)) {
$id = $el;
} else {
if (preg_match('/_name$/', $el)) {
$name = $el;
return (!empty($id) && !empty($name)) ? $name : '';
return '';
public function getCustomPanels()
return $this->mCustomPanels;
* fixTablesWithMissingTr
* This is a very crude function to fix instances where files declared a table as
* <table...><td> instead of <table...><tr><td>. Without this helper function, the
* parsing could messed up.
public function fixTablesWithMissingTr($tableContents)
if (preg_match('/(<table[^>]*?[\/]?>\s*?<td)/i', $tableContents, $matches)) {
return preg_replace('/(<table[^>]*?[\/]?>\s*?<td)/i', '<table><tr><td', $tableContents);
return $tableContents;
* fixRowsWithMissingTr
* This is a very crude function to fix instances where files have an </tr> tag immediately followed by a <td> tag
public function fixRowsWithMissingTr($tableContents)
if (preg_match('/(<\/tr[^>]*?[\/]?>\s*?<td)/i', $tableContents, $matches)) {
return preg_replace('/(<\/tr[^>]*?[\/]?>\s*?<td)/i', '</tr><tr><td', $tableContents);
return $tableContents;
* fixDuplicateTrTags
* This is a very crude function to fix instances where files have two consecutive <tr> tags
public function fixDuplicateTrTags($tableContents)
if (preg_match('/(<tr[^>]*?[\/]?>\s*?<tr)/i', $tableContents, $matches)) {
return preg_replace('/(<tr[^>]*?[\/]?>\s*?<tr)/i', '<tr', $tableContents);
return $tableContents;
* findSingleVardefElement
* Scans array of form elements to see if just one is a vardef element and, if so,
* return that vardef name
public function findSingleVardefElement($formElements=array(), $vardefs=array())
if (empty($formElements) || !is_array($formElements)) {
return '';
$found = array();
foreach ($formElements as $el) {
if (isset($vardefs[$el])) {
$found[] = $el;
return count($found) == 1 ? $found[0] : '';