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Executable file

if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
* Description: Contains a variety of utility functions used to display UI
* components such as form headers and footers. Intended to be modified on a per
* theme basis.
include_once __DIR__ . '/SugarThemeRegistry.php';
if (!defined('JSMIN_AS_LIB')) {
define('JSMIN_AS_LIB', true);
* Class that provides tools for working with a theme.
* @api
class SugarTheme
* Theme name
* @var string
protected $name;
* Theme description
* @var string
protected $description;
* Defines which parent files to not include
* @var string
protected $ignoreParentFiles = array();
* Defines which parent files to not include
* @var string
public $directionality = 'ltr';
* Theme directory name
* @var string
protected $dirName;
* Parent theme name
* @var string
protected $parentTheme;
* Colors sets provided by the theme
* @deprecated only here for BC during upgrades
* @var array
protected $colors = array();
* Font sets provided by the theme
* @deprecated only here for BC during upgrades
* @var array
protected $fonts = array();
* Maximum sugar version this theme is for; defaults to 5.5.1 as all the themes without this
* parameter as assumed to work thru 5.5.1
* @var int
protected $version = '5.5.1';
* Colors used in bar charts
* @var array
protected $barChartColors = array(
"docBorder" => "0xffffff",
"docBg1" => "0xffffff",
"docBg2" => "0xffffff",
"xText" => "0x33485c",
"yText" => "0x33485c",
"title" => "0x333333",
"misc" => "0x999999",
"altBorder" => "0xffffff",
"altBg" => "0xffffff",
"altText" => "0x666666",
"graphBorder" => "0xcccccc",
"graphBg1" => "0xf6f6f6",
"graphBg2" => "0xf6f6f6",
"graphLines" => "0xcccccc",
"graphText" => "0x333333",
"graphTextShadow" => "0xf9f9f9",
"barBorder" => "0xeeeeee",
"barBorderHilite" => "0x333333",
"legendBorder" => "0xffffff",
"legendBg1" => "0xffffff",
"legendBg2" => "0xffffff",
"legendText" => "0x444444",
"legendColorKeyBorder" => "0x777777",
"scrollBar" => "0xcccccc",
"scrollBarBorder" => "0xeeeeee",
"scrollBarTrack" => "0xeeeeee",
"scrollBarTrackBorder" => "0xcccccc",
* Colors used in pie charts
* @var array
protected $pieChartColors = array(
"docBorder" => "0xffffff",
"docBg1" => "0xffffff",
"docBg2" => "0xffffff",
"title" => "0x333333",
"subtitle" => "0x666666",
"misc" => "0x999999",
"altBorder" => "0xffffff",
"altBg" => "0xffffff",
"altText" => "0x666666",
"graphText" => "0x33485c",
"graphTextShadow" => "0xf9f9f9",
"pieBorder" => "0xffffff",
"pieBorderHilite" => "0x333333",
"legendBorder" => "0xffffff",
"legendBg1" => "0xffffff",
"legendBg2" => "0xffffff",
"legendText" => "0x444444",
"legendColorKeyBorder" => "0x777777",
"scrollBar" => "0xdfdfdf",
"scrollBarBorder" => "0xfafafa",
"scrollBarTrack" => "0xeeeeee",
"scrollBarTrackBorder" => "0xcccccc",
* Does this theme support group tabs
* @var bool
public $group_tabs;
* Support for classic themes
* @var bool
public $classic;
* Is this theme configurable
* @var bool
public $configurable;
* theme config options
* @var bool
public $config_options = array();
* Cache built of all css files locations
* @var array
private $_cssCache = array();
* Cache built of all image files locations
* @var array
private $_imageCache = array();
* Cache built of all javascript files locations
* @var array
private $_jsCache = array();
* Cache built of all template files locations
* @var array
private $_templateCache = array();
* Cache built of sprite meta data
* @var array
private $_spriteCache = array();
* Size of the caches after the are initialized in the constructor
* @var array
private $_initialCacheSize = array(
'cssCache' => 0,
'imageCache' => 0,
'jsCache' => 0,
'templateCache' => 0,
'spriteCache' => 0,
* Controls whether or not to clear the cache on destroy; defaults to false
private $_clearCacheOnDestroy = false;
private $imageExtensions = array(
'svg' => 'image/svg+xml',
'gif' => 'image/gif',
'png' => 'image/png',
'jpg' => 'image/jpeg',
'tif' => 'image/tiff',
'bmp' => 'image/bmp',
* Returns the mime type for the image extension in case it is supported.
* In case the extension isn't supported returns null.
* @param $extension The extension name, e.g. 'png'
* @return string|null
public function getMimeType($extension)
if (!isset($this->imageExtensions[$extension])) {
return null;
return $this->imageExtensions[$extension];
* Constructor
* Sets the theme properties from the defaults passed to it, and loads the file path cache from an external cache
* @param $defaults string defaults for the current theme
public function __construct(
) {
// apply parent theme's properties first
if (isset($defaults['parentTheme'])) {
$themedef = array();
foreach ($themedef as $key => $value) {
if (property_exists(__CLASS__, $key)) {
// For all arrays ( except colors and fonts ) you can just specify the items
// to change instead of all of the values
if (is_array($this->$key) && !in_array($key, array('colors','fonts'))) {
$this->$key = array_merge($this->$key, $value);
} else {
$this->$key = $value;
foreach ($defaults as $key => $value) {
if (property_exists(__CLASS__, $key)) {
// For all arrays ( except colors and fonts ) you can just specify the items
// to change instead of all of the values
if (is_array($this->$key) && !in_array($key, array('colors','fonts'))) {
$this->$key = array_merge($this->$key, $value);
} else {
$this->$key = $value;
if (!inDeveloperMode()) {
if (is_file($cachedfile = sugar_cached($this->getFilePath().'/pathCache.php'))) {
$caches = unserialize(file_get_contents($cachedfile));
if (isset($caches['jsCache'])) {
$this->_jsCache = $caches['jsCache'];
if (isset($caches['cssCache'])) {
$this->_cssCache = $caches['cssCache'];
if (isset($caches['imageCache'])) {
$this->_imageCache = $caches['imageCache'];
if (isset($caches['templateCache'])) {
$this->_templateCache = $caches['templateCache'];
$cachedfile = sugar_cached($this->getFilePath().'/spriteCache.php');
if (!empty($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['use_sprites']) && is_file($cachedfile)) {
$this->_spriteCache = unserialize(sugar_file_get_contents($cachedfile));
$this->_initialCacheSize = array(
'jsCache' => count($this->_jsCache),
'cssCache' => count($this->_cssCache),
'imageCache' => count($this->_imageCache),
'templateCache' => count($this->_templateCache),
'spriteCache' => count($this->_spriteCache),
* This is needed to prevent unserialize vulnerability
public function __wakeup()
// clean all properties
foreach (get_object_vars($this) as $k => $v) {
$this->$k = null;
throw new Exception("Not a serializable object");
* Destructor
* Here we'll write out the internal file path caches to an external cache of some sort.
public function __destruct()
// Set the current directory to one which we expect it to be (i.e. the root directory of the install
$dir = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../..');
static $includePathIsPatched = false;
if ($includePathIsPatched == false) {
$path = explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, get_include_path());
if (in_array($dir, $path) == false) {
set_include_path($dir . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path());
$includePathIsPatched = true;
chdir($dir); // destruct can be called late, and chdir could change
$cachedir = sugar_cached($this->getFilePath());
sugar_mkdir($cachedir, 0775, true);
// clear out the cache on destroy if we are asked to
if ($this->_clearCacheOnDestroy) {
if (is_file("$cachedir/pathCache.php")) {
if (is_file("$cachedir/spriteCache.php")) {
if (($cachedir) && is_dir($cachedir . '/modules') && (!rmdir_recursive($cachedir . '/modules'))) {
throw new Exception("Unable to clear cache: $cachedir . '/modules'");
} elseif (!inDeveloperMode()) {
// only update the caches if they have been changed in this request
if (count($this->_jsCache) != $this->_initialCacheSize['jsCache']
|| count($this->_cssCache) != $this->_initialCacheSize['cssCache']
|| count($this->_imageCache) != $this->_initialCacheSize['imageCache']
|| count($this->_templateCache) != $this->_initialCacheSize['templateCache']
) {
'jsCache' => $this->_jsCache,
'cssCache' => $this->_cssCache,
'imageCache' => $this->_imageCache,
'templateCache' => $this->_templateCache,
if (count($this->_spriteCache) != $this->_initialCacheSize['spriteCache']) {
* Specifies what is returned when the object is cast to a string, in this case it will be the
* theme directory name.
* @return string theme directory name
public function __toString()
return $this->dirName;
* Generic public accessor method for all the properties of the theme ( which are kept protected )
* @return string
public function __get(
) {
if (isset($this->$key)) {
return $this->$key;
public function __isset($key)
return isset($this->$key);
public function clearJSCache()
$this->_jsCache = array();
* Clears out the caches used for this themes
public function clearCache()
$this->_clearCacheOnDestroy = true;
* Return array of all valid fields that can be specified in the themedef.php file
* @return array
public static function getThemeDefFields()
return array(
* Returns the file path of the current theme
* @return string
public function getFilePath()
return 'themes/'.$this->dirName;
* Returns the image path of the current theme
* @return string
public function getImagePath()
return $this->getFilePath().'/images';
* Returns the css path of the current theme
* @return string
public function getCSSPath()
return $this->getFilePath().'/css';
* Returns the javascript path of the current theme
* @return string
public function getJSPath()
return $this->getFilePath().'/js';
* Returns the tpl path of the current theme
* @return string
public function getTemplatePath()
return $this->getFilePath().'/tpls';
* Returns the file path of the theme defaults
* @return string
final public function getDefaultFilePath()
return 'themes/default';
* Returns the image path of the theme defaults
* @return string
final public function getDefaultImagePath()
return $this->getDefaultFilePath().'/images';
* Returns the css path of the theme defaults
* @return string
final public function getDefaultCSSPath()
return $this->getDefaultFilePath().'/css';
* Returns the template path of the theme defaults
* @return string
final public function getDefaultTemplatePath()
return $this->getDefaultFilePath().'/tpls';
* Returns the javascript path of the theme defaults
* @return string
final public function getDefaultJSPath()
return $this->getDefaultFilePath().'/js';
* Returns CSS for the current theme.
* @param $color string optional, specifies the css color file to use if the theme supports it; defaults to cookie value or theme default
* @param $font string optional, specifies the css font file to use if the theme supports it; defaults to cookie value or theme default
* @return string HTML code
public function getCSS(
$color = null,
$font = null
) {
// include style.css file
$html = '
<!-- qtip & suggestion box -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="include/javascript/qtip/jquery.qtip.min.css" />';
$html .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.$this->getCSSURL('yui.css').'" />';
$html .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="include/javascript/jquery/themes/base/jquery.ui.all.css" />';
// sprites
if (!empty($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['use_sprites']) && $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['use_sprites']) {
// system wide sprites
if (file_exists("cache/sprites/default/sprites.css")) {
$html .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.getJSPath('cache/sprites/default/sprites.css').'" />';
// theme specific sprites
if (file_exists("cache/sprites/{$this->dirName}/sprites.css")) {
$html .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.getJSPath('cache/sprites/'.$this->dirName.'/sprites.css').'" />';
// parent sprites
if ($this->parentTheme && $parent = SugarThemeRegistry::get($this->parentTheme)) {
if (file_exists("cache/sprites/{$parent->dirName}/sprites.css")) {
$html .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.getJSPath('cache/sprites/'.$parent->dirName.'/sprites.css').'" />';
// repeatable sprites
if (file_exists("cache/sprites/Repeatable/sprites.css")) {
$html .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.getJSPath('cache/sprites/Repeatable/sprites.css').'" />';
// for BC during upgrade
if (!empty($this->colors)) {
if (isset($_SESSION['authenticated_user_theme_color']) && in_array($_SESSION['authenticated_user_theme_color'], $this->colors)) {
$color = $_SESSION['authenticated_user_theme_color'];
} else {
$color = $this->colors[0];
$html .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.$this->getCSSURL('colors.'.$color.'.css').'" id="current_color_style" />';
if (!empty($this->fonts)) {
if (isset($_SESSION['authenticated_user_theme_font']) && in_array($_SESSION['authenticated_user_theme_font'], $this->fonts)) {
$font = $_SESSION['authenticated_user_theme_font'];
} else {
$font = $this->fonts[0];
$html .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.$this->getCSSURL('fonts.'.$font.'.css').'" id="current_font_style" />';
$html .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.$this->getCSSURL('style.css').'" />';
return $html;
* Returns javascript for the current theme
* @return string HTML code
public function getJS()
$styleJS = $this->getJSURL('style.js');
return <<<EOHTML
<script type="text/javascript" src="$styleJS"></script>
* Returns the path for the tpl file in the current theme. If not found in the current theme, will revert
* to looking in the base theme.
* @param string $templateName tpl file name
* @return string path of tpl file to include
public function getTemplate(
) {
if (isset($this->_templateCache[$templateName])) {
return $this->_templateCache[$templateName];
$templatePath = '';
if (is_file('custom/'.$this->getTemplatePath().'/'.$templateName)) {
$templatePath = 'custom/'.$this->getTemplatePath().'/'.$templateName;
} elseif (is_file($this->getTemplatePath().'/'.$templateName)) {
$templatePath = $this->getTemplatePath().'/'.$templateName;
} elseif (isset($this->parentTheme)
&& SugarThemeRegistry::get($this->parentTheme) instanceof SugarTheme
&& ($filename = SugarThemeRegistry::get($this->parentTheme)->getTemplate($templateName)) != '') {
$templatePath = $filename;
} elseif (is_file('custom/'.$this->getDefaultTemplatePath().'/'.$templateName)) {
$templatePath = 'custom/'.$this->getDefaultTemplatePath().'/'.$templateName;
} elseif (is_file($this->getDefaultTemplatePath().'/'.$templateName)) {
$templatePath = $this->getDefaultTemplatePath().'/'.$templateName;
} else {
$GLOBALS['log']->warn("Template $templateName not found");
return false;
$this->_imageCache[$templateName] = $templatePath;
return $templatePath;
* Returns an image tag for the given image.
* @param string $image image name
* @param string $other_attributes optional, other attributes to add to the image tag, not cached
* @param string $width optional, defaults to the actual image's width
* @param string $height optional, defaults to the actual image's height
* @param string $ext optional, image extension (TODO can we deprecate this one ?)
* @param string $alt optional, only used when image contains something useful, i.e. "Sally's profile pic"
* @param string $imageJSONEncode optional, some of template javascript need the exact image-html-string to build HTML contents so this parameter make a json_encode call on the return SVG or image source
* @param string $forceExt optional, force image extension
* @return string HTML image tag or sprite
public function getImage($imageName, $other_attributes = '', $width = null, $height = null, $ext = null, $alt = '', $imageJSONEncode = false, $forceExt = null)
static $cached_results = array();
// look for .svg first
if (strpos($imageName, '.svg') !== false) {
$ext = '';
} else {
// Look for SVG first
$imagePath = SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImagePath().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$imageName.'.svg';
if (file_exists($imagePath)) {
$ext = '.svg';
if ($forceExt) {
$ext = $forceExt;
// trap deprecated use of image extension
if (is_null($ext)) {
$imageNameExp = explode('.', $imageName);
if (count($imageNameExp) == 1) {
$imageName .= '.gif';
} else {
$imageName .= $ext;
// trap alt attributes in other_attributes
if (preg_match('/alt=["\']([^\'"]+)["\']/i', $other_attributes)) {
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Sprites: alt attribute detected for $imageName");
// sprite handler, makes use of own caching mechanism
if (!empty($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['use_sprites']) && $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['use_sprites']) {
// get sprite metadata
if ($sp = $this->getSpriteMeta($imageName)) {
// requested size should match
if ((!is_null($width) && $sp['width'] == $width) || (is_null($width)) &&
(!is_null($height) && $sp['height'] == $height) || (is_null($height))) {
$other_attributes .= ' data-orig="'.$imageName.'"';
if ($sprite = $this->getSprite($sp['class'], $other_attributes, $alt)) {
return $imageJSONEncode ? json_encode($sprite) : $sprite;
// img caching
if (empty($cached_results[$imageName])) {
$imageURL = $this->getImageURL($imageName, false);
if (empty($imageURL)) {
return false;
if (strpos($imageURL, '.svg', strlen($imageURL)-4)) {
$cached_results[$imageName] = file_get_contents($imageURL);
} else {
$cached_results[$imageName] = '<img src="'.getJSPath($imageURL).'" ';
$attr_width = (is_null($width)) ? "" : "width=\"$width\"";
$attr_height = (is_null($height)) ? "" : "height=\"$height\"";
if (strpos($cached_results[$imageName], 'svg') !== false) {
return $imageJSONEncode ? json_encode($cached_results[$imageName]) : $cached_results[$imageName];
$ret = $cached_results[$imageName] . " $attr_width $attr_height $other_attributes alt=\"$alt\" />";
return $imageJSONEncode ? json_encode($ret) : $ret;
* Returns sprite meta data
* @param string $imageName Image filename including extension
* @return array Sprite meta data
public function getSpriteMeta($imageName)
// return from cache
if (isset($this->_spriteCache[$imageName])) {
return $this->_spriteCache[$imageName];
// sprite keys are base on imageURL
$imageURL = $this->getImageURL($imageName, false);
if (empty($imageURL)) {
$this->_spriteCache[$imageName] = false;
return false;
// load meta data, includes default images
$meta = SugarSprites::getInstance();
// add current theme dir
// add parent theme dir
if ($this->parentTheme && $parent = SugarThemeRegistry::get($this->parentTheme)) {
// add to cache
if (isset($meta->sprites[$imageURL])) {
$this->_spriteCache[$imageName] = $meta->sprites[$imageURL];
// add imageURL to cache
//$this->_spriteCache[$imageName]['imageURL'] = $imageURL;
} else {
$this->_spriteCache[$imageName] = false;
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Sprites: miss for $imageURL");
return $this->_spriteCache[$imageName];
* Returns sprite HTML span tag
* @param string class The md5 id used in the CSS sprites class
* @param string attr optional, list of additional html attributes
* @param string title optional, the title (equivalent to alt on img)
* @return string HTML span tag
public function getSprite($class, $attr, $title)
// handle multiple class tags
$class_regex = '/class=["\']([^\'"]+)["\']/i';
preg_match($class_regex, $attr, $match);
if (isset($match[1])) {
$attr = preg_replace($class_regex, 'class="spr_'.$class.' ${1}"', $attr);
// single class
} else {
$attr .= ' class="spr_'.$class.'"';
if ($title) {
$attr .= ' title="'.$title.'"';
// use </span> instead of /> to prevent weird UI results
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Sprites: generated sprite -> $attr");
return "<span {$attr}></span>";
* Returns a link HTML tag with or without an embedded image
public function getLink(
$other_attributes = '',
$img_name = '',
$img_other_attributes = '',
$img_width = null,
$img_height = null,
$img_alt = '',
$img_placement = 'imageonly'
) {
if ($img_name) {
$img = $this->getImage($img_name, $img_other_attributes, $img_width, $img_height, null, $img_alt);
if ($img == false) {
$GLOBALS['log']->debug('Sprites: unknown image getLink');
$img = 'unknown';
switch ($img_placement) {
case 'left': $inner_html = $img."<span class='title'>".$title."</span>"; break;
case 'right': $inner_html = "<span class='title'>".$title."</span>".$img; break;
default: $inner_html = $img; break;
} else {
$inner_html = $title;
return '<a href="'.$url.'" title="'.$title.'" '.$other_attributes.'>'.$inner_html.'</a>';
* Returns the URL for an image in the current theme. If not found in the current theme, will revert
* to looking in the base theme.
* @param string $imageName image file name
* @param bool $addJSPath call getJSPath() with the results to add some unique image tracking support
* @return string|bool path to image or false if image not found
public function getImageURL(
$addJSPath = true
) {
if (isset($this->_imageCache[$imageName])) {
if ($addJSPath) {
return getJSPath($this->_imageCache[$imageName]);
} else {
return $this->_imageCache[$imageName];
$imagePath = '';
if (($filename = $this->_getImageFileName('custom/'.$this->getImagePath().'/'.$imageName)) != '') {
$imagePath = $filename;
} elseif (($filename = $this->_getImageFileName($this->getImagePath().'/'.$imageName)) != '') {
$imagePath = $filename;
} elseif (isset($this->parentTheme)
&& SugarThemeRegistry::get($this->parentTheme) instanceof SugarTheme
&& ($filename = SugarThemeRegistry::get($this->parentTheme)->getImageURL($imageName, false)) != '') {
$imagePath = $filename;
} elseif (($filename = $this->_getImageFileName('custom/'.$this->getDefaultImagePath().'/'.$imageName)) != '') {
$imagePath = $filename;
} elseif (($filename = $this->_getImageFileName($this->getDefaultImagePath().'/'.$imageName)) != '') {
$imagePath = $filename;
} elseif (($filename = $this->_getImageFileName('include/images/'.$imageName)) != '') {
$imagePath = $filename;
} else {
$imagePath = false;
if ($imagePath) {
$this->_imageCache[$imageName] = $imagePath;
if ($addJSPath) {
return getJSPath($imagePath);
return $imagePath;
* Checks for an image using all of the accepted image extensions
* @param string $imageName image file name
* @return string path to image
protected function _getImageFileName(
) {
// return now if the extension matches that of which we are looking for
if (is_file($imageName)) {
return $imageName;
$pathParts = pathinfo($imageName);
foreach (array_keys($this->imageExtensions) as $extension) {
if (isset($pathParts['extension'])) {
if (($extension != $pathParts['extension'])
&& is_file($pathParts['dirname'].'/'.$pathParts['filename'].'.'.$extension)) {
return $pathParts['dirname'].'/'.$pathParts['filename'].'.'.$extension;
return '';
* Returns the URL for the css file in the current theme. If not found in the current theme, will revert
* to looking in the base theme.
* @param string $cssFileName css file name
* @param bool $returnURL if true, returns URL with unique image mark, otherwise returns path to the file
* @return string path of css file to include
public function getCSSURL($cssFileName, $returnURL = true)
if (preg_match('/.css$/', $cssFileName)) {
global $current_user;
if (method_exists($current_user, 'getSubTheme')) {
$subTheme = $current_user->getSubTheme();
$cssFileName = $subTheme . '/' . $cssFileName;
if (isset($this->_cssCache[$cssFileName]) && is_file(sugar_cached($this->_cssCache[$cssFileName]))) {
if ($returnURL) {
return getJSPath("cache/".$this->_cssCache[$cssFileName]);
} else {
return sugar_cached($this->_cssCache[$cssFileName]);
$cssFileContents = '';
$defaultFileName = $this->getDefaultCSSPath().'/'.$cssFileName;
$fullFileName = $this->getCSSPath().'/'.$cssFileName;
if (isset($this->parentTheme)
&& SugarThemeRegistry::get($this->parentTheme) instanceof SugarTheme
&& ($filename = SugarThemeRegistry::get($this->parentTheme)->getCSSURL($cssFileName, false)) != '') {
$cssFileContents .= file_get_contents($filename);
} else {
if (is_file($defaultFileName)) {
$cssFileContents .= file_get_contents($defaultFileName);
if (is_file('custom/'.$defaultFileName)) {
$cssFileContents .= file_get_contents('custom/'.$defaultFileName);
if (is_file($fullFileName)) {
$cssFileContents .= file_get_contents($fullFileName);
if (is_file('custom/'.$fullFileName)) {
$cssFileContents .= file_get_contents('custom/'.$fullFileName);
if (empty($cssFileContents)) {
$GLOBALS['log']->warn("CSS File $cssFileName not found");
return false;
// fix any image references that may be defined in css files
$cssFileContents = str_ireplace(
// create the cached file location
$cssFilePath = create_cache_directory($fullFileName);
// if this is the style.css file, prepend the base.css and calendar-win2k-cold-1.css
// files before the theme styles
if ($cssFileName == 'style.css' && !isset($this->parentTheme)) {
if (inDeveloperMode()) {
$cssFileContents = file_get_contents('include/javascript/yui/build/base/base.css') . $cssFileContents;
} else {
$cssFileContents = file_get_contents('include/javascript/yui/build/base/base-min.css') . $cssFileContents;
// minify the css
if (!inDeveloperMode() && !is_file($cssFilePath)) {
$cssFileContents = cssmin::minify($cssFileContents);
// now write the css to cache
sugar_file_put_contents($cssFilePath, $cssFileContents);
$this->_cssCache[$cssFileName] = $fullFileName;
if ($returnURL) {
return getJSPath("cache/".$fullFileName);
return sugar_cached($fullFileName);
* Returns the URL for an image in the current theme. If not found in the current theme, will revert
* to looking in the base theme.
* @param string $jsFileName js file name
* @param bool $returnURL if true, returns URL with unique image mark, otherwise returns path to the file
* @return string path to js file
public function getJSURL($jsFileName, $returnURL = true)
if (isset($this->_jsCache[$jsFileName]) && is_file(sugar_cached($this->_jsCache[$jsFileName]))) {
if ($returnURL) {
return getJSPath("cache/".$this->_jsCache[$jsFileName]);
} else {
return sugar_cached($this->_jsCache[$jsFileName]);
$jsFileContents = '';
$fullFileName = $this->getJSPath().'/'.$jsFileName;
$defaultFileName = $this->getDefaultJSPath().'/'.$jsFileName;
if (isset($this->parentTheme)
&& SugarThemeRegistry::get($this->parentTheme) instanceof SugarTheme
&& ($filename = SugarThemeRegistry::get($this->parentTheme)->getJSURL($jsFileName, false)) != '' && !in_array($jsFileName, $this->ignoreParentFiles)) {
$jsFileContents .= file_get_contents($filename);
} else {
if (is_file($defaultFileName)) {
$jsFileContents .= file_get_contents($defaultFileName);
if (is_file('custom/'.$defaultFileName)) {
$jsFileContents .= file_get_contents('custom/'.$defaultFileName);
if (is_file($fullFileName)) {
$jsFileContents .= file_get_contents($fullFileName);
if (is_file('custom/'.$fullFileName)) {
$jsFileContents .= file_get_contents('custom/'.$fullFileName);
if (empty($jsFileContents)) {
$GLOBALS['log']->warn("Javascript File $jsFileName not found");
return false;
// create the cached file location
$jsFilePath = create_cache_directory($fullFileName);
// minify the js
if (!inDeveloperMode()&& !is_file(str_replace('.js', '-min.js', $jsFilePath))) {
$jsFileContents = SugarMin::minify($jsFileContents);
$jsFilePath = str_replace('.js', '-min.js', $jsFilePath);
$fullFileName = str_replace('.js', '-min.js', $fullFileName);
// now write the js to cache
sugar_file_put_contents($jsFilePath, $jsFileContents);
$this->_jsCache[$jsFileName] = $fullFileName;
if ($returnURL) {
return getJSPath("cache/".$fullFileName);
return sugar_cached($fullFileName);
* Returns an array of all of the images available for the current theme
* @return array
public function getAllImages()
// first, lets get all the paths of where to look
$pathsToSearch = array($this->getImagePath());
$theme = $this;
while (isset($theme->parentTheme) && SugarThemeRegistry::get($theme->parentTheme) instanceof SugarTheme) {
$theme = SugarThemeRegistry::get($theme->parentTheme);
$pathsToSearch[] = $theme->getImagePath();
$pathsToSearch[] = $this->getDefaultImagePath();
// now build the array
$imageArray = array();
foreach ($pathsToSearch as $path) {
if (!is_dir($path)) {
$path = "custom/$path";
if (is_dir($path) && is_readable($path) && $dir = opendir($path)) {
while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) {
if ($file == ".."
|| $file == "."
|| $file == ".svn"
|| $file == "CVS"
|| $file == "Attic"
) {
if (!isset($imageArray[$file])) {
$imageArray[$file] = $this->getImageURL($file, false);
return $imageArray;
* Returns an array of all of the config values for the current theme
* @return array
public function getConfig()
global $sugar_config;
$config = array();
foreach ($this->config_options as $name => $def) {
$config[$name] = $def;
$value = '';
if (isset($sugar_config['theme_settings'][$this->dirName][$name])) {
$value = $sugar_config['theme_settings'][$this->dirName][$name];
} else {
if (isset($def['default'])) {
$value = $def['default'];
$config[$name] = $value;
return $config;
public function getSubThemes()
$subThemes = SugarThemeRegistry::getSubThemes();
return $subThemes;
public function getSubThemeDefault()
$subThemeDefault = SugarThemeRegistry::getSubThemeDefault();
return $subThemeDefault;