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460 lines
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460 lines
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Executable file
if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
class FontManager
* Contain all the errors generated during the process of FontManager
* @var String[]
public $errors = array();
* store the log string when addFont is call
* @var String
public $log = "";
* Current font filename
* @var String
public $filename = "";
* Current font file path
* @var String
public $fontPath = "";
* Multidimentional array which contain all the detail of all the available fonts
* @var Array
public $fontList = array();
* Name of the font of the current font file
* @var String
public $font_name = "";
* Encoding of the current font
* @var String
public $font_enc = "";
* Display name of the current font
* @var String
public $font_displayname = "";
* Type of the current font
* @var String
public $font_type = "";
private function setFontPath()
if (file_exists(K_PATH_CUSTOM_FONTS.$this->filename)) {
$this->fontPath = K_PATH_CUSTOM_FONTS;
} else {
if (file_exists(K_PATH_FONTS.$this->filename)) {
$this->fontPath = K_PATH_FONTS;
} else {
$this->fontPath = "";
array_push($this->errors, "Unable to find the font!");
* This method return a boolean which describe if the font define
* in filename is embedded or not.
* @return boolean true if embedded.
private function getEmbedded()
if (empty($this->fontList[$this->getFilenameShort()]['type'])) {
if (!$this->loadFontFile()) {
array_push($this->errors, translate('ERR_LOADFONTFILE', 'Configurator'));
return false;
if ($this->font_type == "cidfont0" || $this->font_type == "core") {
return false;
return true;
* This method return the style of the given font set in filename
* Values can be regular, bold, italic.
* @return array of styles on success
* @return empty array on failure
private function getStyle()
if (empty($this->filename)) {
array_push($this->errors, translate("ERR_FONT_EMPTYFILE", "Configurator"));
return array();
if (preg_match("/bi.php$/i", $this->filename)) {
return array("bold","italic");
} else {
if (preg_match("/ib.php$/i", $this->filename)) {
return array("bold","italic");
} else {
if (preg_match("/b.php$/i", $this->filename)) {
return array("bold");
} else {
if (preg_match("/i.php$/i", $this->filename)) {
return array("italic");
} else {
return array("regular");
* This method calculate the font size of $this->filename in KB
* .php file + .z file + .ctg.z file
* @return Integer font Size in KB
private function getFontSize()
$name = substr($this->filename, 0, strrpos($this->filename, '.'));
if (file_exists($this->fontPath.$name.".z")) {
if (file_exists($this->fontPath.$name.".ctg.z")) {
return round($fileSize/1024);
* Fill the fontList attribute with the data contains in the font file.
public function getDetail()
if ($this->loadFontFile()) {
$this->fontList[$this->getFilenameShort()]['filename'] = $this->filename;
$this->fontList[$this->getFilenameShort()]['fontpath'] = $this->fontPath;
if (!empty($this->font_name)) {
$this->fontList[$this->getFilenameShort()]['name'] = $this->font_name;
} else {
$this->fontList[$this->getFilenameShort()]['name'] = $this->getFilenameShort();
if (!empty($this->font_displayname)) {
$this->fontList[$this->getFilenameShort()]['displayname'] = $this->font_displayname;
if (!empty($this->font_enc)) {
$this->fontList[$this->getFilenameShort()]['enc'] = $this->font_enc;
if (!empty($this->font_type)) {
if ($this->font_type == 'cidfont0' || $this->font_type == 'core' || $this->font_type == 'TrueType' || $this->font_type == 'Type1' || $this->font_type == 'TrueTypeUnicode') {
$this->fontList[$this->getFilenameShort()]['type'] = $this->font_type;
} else {
array_push($this->errors, translate("ERR_FONT_UNKNOW_TYPE", "Configurator") . " " . $this->font_type);
$this->fontList[$this->getFilenameShort()]['style'] = $this->getStyle();
$this->fontList[$this->getFilenameShort()]['filesize'] = $this->getFontSize();
$this->fontList[$this->getFilenameShort()]['embedded'] = $this->getEmbedded();
return true;
return false;
* This method load the font file and check if it is good formatted.
* @return boolean true on success
private function loadFontFile()
if (empty($this->filename)) {
return false;
if (!file_exists($this->fontPath.$this->filename)) {
return false;
if ((!isset($type)) or (!isset($cw))) {
//The font definition file has a bad format
return false;
$this->font_name = "";
$this->font_enc = "";
$this->font_displayname = "";
$this->font_type = "";
if (!empty($name)) {
$this->font_name = $name;
if (!empty($enc)) {
$this->font_enc = $enc;
if (!empty($displayname)) {
$this->font_displayname = $displayname;
if (!empty($type)) {
$this->font_type = $type;
return true;
* This method parse the font path defined in the sugarpdf config file
* and fill the fontList
* @return boolean true if font files have been found
private function parseFolder()
if (!file_exists(K_PATH_FONTS) || !is_dir(K_PATH_FONTS)) {
array_push($this->errors, translate("ERR_NO_FONT_PATH", "Configurator"));
return false;
$result[0] = scandir(K_PATH_FONTS);
if (file_exists(K_PATH_CUSTOM_FONTS) && is_dir(K_PATH_CUSTOM_FONTS)) {
$result[1] = scandir(K_PATH_CUSTOM_FONTS);
foreach ($result as $v) {
foreach ($v as $vv) {
if (preg_match("/.php$/i", $vv)) {
$this->filename = $vv;
if (count($this->fontList)>0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* This method fill the fontList with all the fonts available
public function listFontFiles()
if (file_exists($cachedfile = sugar_cached("Sugarpdf/cachedFontList.php"))) {
require $cachedfile;
return true;
} else {
if ($this->parseFolder()) {
$cacheDir = create_cache_directory('Sugarpdf/');
write_array_to_file('cachedFontList', $this->fontList, $cacheDir . 'cachedFontList.php');
return true;
return false;
* This method generate an array of font which can be use with get_select_options_with_id
* @return Array
public function getSelectFontList()
$returnArray = array();
if ($this->listFontFiles()) {
foreach ($this->fontList as $k=>$v) {
if (!empty($v['displayname'])) {
} else {
return $returnArray;
* This method return the filename without the ".php"
* @return String The short filename
private function getFilenameShort()
return preg_replace("/.php$/i", "", $this->filename);
* This method delete all the files related to the font define in the filename attribute.
* @return boolean true on success
public function deleteFont()
global $current_user;
if (!is_admin($current_user)) {
if ($this->font_type == "core" || $this->fontPath == K_PATH_FONTS) {
array_push($this->errors, translate("ERR_DELETE_CORE_FILE", "Configurator"));
return false;
if (file_exists($this->fontPath.$this->filename)) {
if (is_writable($this->fontPath.$this->filename)) {
if (file_exists($this->fontPath.$this->getFilenameShort().".ctg.z") && is_writable($this->fontPath.$this->getFilenameShort().".ctg.z")) {
if (file_exists($this->fontPath.$this->getFilenameShort().".z") && is_writable($this->fontPath.$this->getFilenameShort().".z")) {
return true;
} else {
array_push($this->errors, $this->fontPath.$this->filename . " " . translate("ERR_FONT_NOT_WRITABLE", "Configurator"));
} else {
array_push($this->errors, $this->fontPath . " " . translate("ERR_FONT_FILE_DO_NOT_EXIST", "Configurator"));
return false;
* This method add a font to SugarCRM from a font file and a metric file using MakeFont()
* @param $font_file string
* @param $metric_file string
* @param $embedded boolean
* @param $encoding_table string
* @param $patch array
* @param $cid_info string
* @param $style string
* @return boolean true on success
* @see MakeFont() in K_PATH_FONTS/utils
public function addFont($font_file, $metric_file, $embedded=true, $encoding_table='cp1252', $patch=array(), $cid_info="", $style="regular")
global $current_user;
if (!is_admin($current_user)) {
$filename = MakeFont($font_file, $metric_file, $embedded, $encoding_table, $patch, $cid_info);
echo $oldStr;
if (empty($filename)) {
array_push($this->errors, translate("ERR_FONT_MAKEFONT", "Configurator"));
} else {
$this->filename = basename($filename.".php");
if (!$this->loadFontFile()) {
if (!mkdir_recursive(K_PATH_CUSTOM_FONTS)) {
array_push($this->errors, "Error : Impossible to create the custom font directory.");
} else {
switch ($style) {
case "italic":
case "bold":
case "boldItalic":
sugar_rename($filename.".php", K_PATH_CUSTOM_FONTS.basename($filename.$styleLetter.".php"));
$this->log .= "\n" . translate("LBL_FONT_MOVE_DEFFILE", "Configurator") . K_PATH_CUSTOM_FONTS.basename($filename.$styleLetter.".php");
if (file_exists($filename.".z")) {
sugar_rename($filename.".z", K_PATH_CUSTOM_FONTS.basename($filename.$styleLetter.".z"));
$this->log .= "\n" . translate("LBL_FONT_MOVE_FILE", "Configurator") . K_PATH_CUSTOM_FONTS.basename($filename.$styleLetter.".z");
if (file_exists($filename.".ctg.z")) {
sugar_rename($filename.".ctg.z", K_PATH_CUSTOM_FONTS.basename($filename.$styleLetter.".ctg.z"));
$this->log .= "\n" . translate("LBL_FONT_MOVE_FILE", "Configurator") . K_PATH_CUSTOM_FONTS.basename($filename.$styleLetter.".ctg.z");
} else {
array_push($this->errors, "\n".translate("ERR_FONT_ALREADY_EXIST", "Configurator"));
if ($error) {
if (file_exists($filename.".php")) {
if (file_exists($filename.".ctg.z")) {
if (file_exists($filename.".z")) {
return $error;
* This method delete the cached file cachedFontList.php
* @return boolean
public function clearCachedFile()
global $current_user;
if (!is_admin($current_user)) {
if (file_exists($cachedfile = sugar_cached("Sugarpdf/cachedFontList.php"))) {
return unlink($cachedfile);
return true;
* Check if the given font filename exist in the font directories
* @return boolean
public function fontFileExist($filename)
$this->filename = $filename;
return $this->loadFontFile();