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275 lines
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// version: 2015-11-02
* o--------------------------------------------------------------------------------o
* | This file is part of the RGraph package - you can learn more at: |
* | |
* | http://www.rgraph.net |
* | |
* | RGraph is dual licensed under the Open Source GPL (General Public License) |
* | v2.0 license and a commercial license which means that you're not bound by |
* | the terms of the GPL. The commercial license is just <20>99 (GBP) and you can |
* | read about it here: |
* | http://www.rgraph.net/license |
* o--------------------------------------------------------------------------------o
* Initialise the various objects
RGraph = window.RGraph || {isRGraph: true};
RGraph.CSV = function (url, func)
var RG = RGraph,
ua = navigator.userAgent,
ma = Math;
* Some default values
this.url = url;
this.ready = func;
this.data = null;
this.numrows = null;
this.numcols = null;
this.separator = arguments[2] || ',';
this.endofline = arguments[3] || /\r?\n/;
* A Custom split function
* @param string str The CSV string to split
* @param mixed char The character to split on - or it can also be an object like this:
* {
* preserve: false, // Whether to preserve whitespace
* char: ',' // The character to split on
* }
this.splitCSV = function (str, split)
// Defaults
var arr = [];
var field = '';
var inDoubleQuotes = false;
var inSingleQuotes = false;
var preserve = (typeof split === 'object' && split.preserve) ? true : false;
// The character to split the CSV string on
if (typeof split === 'object') {
if (typeof split.char === 'string') {
split = split.char;
} else {
split = ',';
} // If not an object just leave the char as it's supplied
for (var i=0,len=str.length; i<len; i+=1) {
char = str.charAt(i);
if ( (char === '"') && !inDoubleQuotes) {
inDoubleQuotes = true;
} else if ( (char === '"') && inDoubleQuotes) {
inDoubleQuotes = false;
if ( (char === "'") && !inSingleQuotes) {
inSingleQuotes = true;
} else if ( (char === "'") && inSingleQuotes) {
inSingleQuotes = false;
} else if (char === split && !inDoubleQuotes && !inSingleQuotes) {
// TODO look ahead in order to allow for multi-character separators
field = '';
} else {
field = field + char;
// Add the last field
// Now trim each value if necessary
if (!preserve) {
for (i=0,len=arr.length; i<len; i+=1) {
arr[i] = arr[i].trim();
return arr;
* This function splits the CSV data into an array so that it can be useful.
this.fetch = function ()
var sep = this.separator;
var eol = this.endofline;
var obj = this;
if (this.url.substring(0,3) == 'id:') {
// Get rid of any surrounding whitespace
var data = document.getElementById(this.url.substring(3)).innerHTML.trim();
// Store the CSV data on the CSV object (ie - this object)
obj.data = data.split(eol);
// Store the number of rows
obj.numrows = obj.data.length;
for (var i=0,len=obj.data.length; i<len; i+=1) {
* Split the individual line
//var row = obj.data[i].split(sep);
var row = obj.splitCSV(obj.data[i], {preserve: false, char: sep});
if (!obj.numcols) {
obj.numcols = row.length;
* If the cell is purely made up of numbers - convert it
for (var j=0; j<row.length; j+=1) {
if ((/^[0-9.]+$/).test(row[j])) {
row[j] = parseFloat(row[j]);
// Assign the split-up-row back to the data array
obj.data[i] = row;
// Call the ready function straight away
} else {
RGraph.AJAX.getString(this.url, function (data)
data = data.replace(/(\r?\n)+$/, '');
* Split the lines in the CSV
obj.data = data.split(eol);
* Store the number of rows
obj.numrows = obj.data.length;
* Loop thru each lines in the CSV file
for (var i=0,len=obj.data.length; i<len; i+=1) {
* Use the new split function to split each row NOT preserving whitespace
//var row = obj.data[i].split(sep);
var row = obj.splitCSV(obj.data[i], {preserve: false, char: sep});
if (!obj.numcols) {
obj.numcols = row.length;
* If the cell is purely made up of numbers - convert it
for (var j=0; j<row.length; j+=1) {
if ((/^\-?[0-9.]+$/).test(row[j])) {
row[j] = parseFloat(row[j]);
// Assign the split-up-row back to the data array
obj.data[i] = row;
// Call the ready function straight away
* Returns a row of the CSV file
* @param number index The index of the row to fetch
* @param start OPTIONAL If desired you can specify a column to start at (which starts at 0 by default)
this.getRow = function (index)
var row = [];
var start = arguments[1] || 0;
for (var i=start; i<this.numcols; i+=1) {
return row;
* Returns a column of the CSV file
* @param number index The index of the column to fetch
* @param start OPTIONAL If desired you can specify a row to start at (which starts at 0 by default)
this.getCol =
this.getColumn = function (index)
var col = [];
var start = arguments[1] || 0;
for (var i=start; i<this.numrows; i+=1) {
return col;
// Fetch the CSV file