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// version: 2015-11-02
* o--------------------------------------------------------------------------------o
* | This file is part of the RGraph package - you can learn more at: |
* | |
* | http://www.rgraph.net |
* | |
* | RGraph is dual licensed under the Open Source GPL (General Public License) |
* | v2.0 license and a commercial license which means that you're not bound by |
* | the terms of the GPL. The commercial license is just £99 (GBP) and you can |
* | read about it here: |
* | http://www.rgraph.net/license |
* o--------------------------------------------------------------------------------o
RGraph = window.RGraph || {isRGraph: true};
RGraph.HTML = RGraph.HTML || {};
// Module pattern
(function (win, doc, undefined)
var RG = RGraph,
ua = navigator.userAgent,
ma = Math;
* Draws the graph key (used by various graphs)
* @param object obj The graph object
* @param array key An array of the texts to be listed in the key
* @param colors An array of the colors to be used
RG.drawKey =
RG.DrawKey = function (obj, key, colors)
if (!key) {
var ca = obj.canvas,
co = obj.context,
prop = obj.properties,
// Key positioned in the gutter
keypos = prop['chart.key.position'],
textsize = prop['chart.text.size'],
key_non_null = [],
colors_non_null = [];
co.lineWidth = 1;
* Change the older chart.key.vpos to chart.key.position.y
if (typeof(prop['chart.key.vpos']) == 'number') {
obj.Set('chart.key.position.y', prop['chart.key.vpos'] * prop['chart.gutter.top']);
* Account for null values in the key
for (var i=0; i<key.length; ++i) {
if (key[i] != null) {
key = key_non_null;
colors = colors_non_null;
* This does the actual drawing of the key when it's in the graph
* @param object obj The graph object
* @param array key The key items to draw
* @param array colors An aray of colors that the key will use
function DrawKey_graph (obj, key, colors)
var text_size = typeof(prop['chart.key.text.size']) == 'number' ? prop['chart.key.text.size'] : prop['chart.text.size'];
var text_italic = prop['chart.key.text.italic'] ? true : false
var text_bold = prop['chart.key.text.bold'] ? true : false
var text_font = prop['chart.key.text.font'] || prop['chart.key.font'] || prop['chart.text.font'];
var gutterLeft = obj.gutterLeft;
var gutterRight = obj.gutterRight;
var gutterTop = obj.gutterTop;
var gutterBottom = obj.gutterBottom;
var hpos = prop['chart.yaxispos'] == 'right' ? gutterLeft + 10 : ca.width - gutterRight - 10;
var vpos = gutterTop + 10;
var title = prop['chart.title'];
var blob_size = text_size; // The blob of color
var hmargin = 8; // This is the size of the gaps between the blob of color and the text
var vmargin = 4; // This is the vertical margin of the key
var fillstyle = prop['chart.key.background'];
var text_color = prop['chart.key.text.color'];
var strokestyle = '#333';
var height = 0;
var width = 0;
if (!obj.coords) obj.coords = {};
obj.coords.key = [];
// Need to set this so that measuring the text works out OK
co.font = text_size + 'pt ' + prop['chart.text.font'];
// Work out the longest bit of text
for (i=0; i<key.length; ++i) {
width = Math.max(width, co.measureText(key[i]).width);
width += 5;
width += blob_size;
width += 5;
width += 5;
width += 5;
* Now we know the width, we can move the key left more accurately
if ( prop['chart.yaxispos'] == 'left'
|| (obj.type === 'pie' && !prop['chart.yaxispos'])
|| (obj.type === 'hbar' && !prop['chart.yaxispos'])
|| (obj.type === 'hbar' && prop['chart.yaxispos'] === 'center')
|| (obj.type === 'hbar' && prop['chart.yaxispos'] === 'right')
|| (obj.type === 'rscatter' && !prop['chart.yaxispos'])
|| (obj.type === 'radar' && !prop['chart.yaxispos'])
|| (obj.type === 'rose' && !prop['chart.yaxispos'])
|| (obj.type === 'funnel' && !prop['chart.yaxispos'])
|| (obj.type === 'vprogress' && !prop['chart.yaxispos'])
|| (obj.type === 'hprogress' && !prop['chart.yaxispos'])
) {
hpos -= width;
* Horizontal alignment
if (typeof(prop['chart.key.halign']) == 'string') {
if (prop['chart.key.halign'] == 'left') {
hpos = gutterLeft + 10;
} else if (prop['chart.key.halign'] == 'right') {
hpos = ca.width - gutterRight - width;
* Specific location coordinates
if (typeof(prop['chart.key.position.x']) == 'number') {
hpos = prop['chart.key.position.x'];
if (typeof(prop['chart.key.position.y']) == 'number') {
vpos = prop['chart.key.position.y'];
// Stipulate the shadow for the key box
if (prop['chart.key.shadow']) {
co.shadowColor = prop['chart.key.shadow.color'];
co.shadowBlur = prop['chart.key.shadow.blur'];
co.shadowOffsetX = prop['chart.key.shadow.offsetx'];
co.shadowOffsetY = prop['chart.key.shadow.offsety'];
// Draw the box that the key resides in
co.fillStyle = prop['chart.key.background'];
co.strokeStyle = 'black';
if (typeof(prop['chart.key.position.graph.boxed']) == 'undefined' || (typeof(prop['chart.key.position.graph.boxed']) == 'boolean' && prop['chart.key.position.graph.boxed']) ) {
if (arguments[3] != false) {
co.lineWidth = typeof(prop['chart.key.linewidth']) == 'number' ? prop['chart.key.linewidth'] : 1;
// The older square rectangled key
if (prop['chart.key.rounded'] == true) {
co.strokeStyle = strokestyle;
RG.strokedCurvyRect(co, Math.round(hpos), Math.round(vpos), width - 5, 5 + ( (text_size + 5) * RG.getKeyLength(key)),4);
} else {
co.strokeRect(Math.round(hpos), Math.round(vpos), width - 5, 5 + ( (text_size + 5) * RG.getKeyLength(key)));
co.fillRect(Math.round(hpos), Math.round(vpos), width - 5, 5 + ( (text_size + 5) * RG.getKeyLength(key)));
* Custom colors for the key
if (prop['chart.key.colors']) {
colors = prop['chart.key.colors'];
// Draw the labels given
for (var i=key.length - 1; i>=0; i--) {
var j = Number(i) + 1;
* Draw the blob of color
if (typeof(prop['chart.key.color.shape']) == 'object' && typeof(prop['chart.key.color.shape'][i]) == 'string') {
var blob_shape = prop['chart.key.color.shape'][i];
} else if (typeof(prop['chart.key.color.shape']) == 'string') {
var blob_shape = prop['chart.key.color.shape'];
} else {
var blob_shape = 'square';
if (blob_shape == 'circle') {
co.fillStyle = colors[i];
co.arc(hpos + 5 + (blob_size / 2), vpos + (5 * j) + (text_size * j) - text_size + (blob_size / 2), blob_size / 2, 0, 6.26, 0);
} else if (blob_shape == 'line') {
co.strokeStyle = colors[i];
co.moveTo(hpos + 5, vpos + (5 * j) + (text_size * j) - text_size + (blob_size / 2));
co.lineTo(hpos + blob_size + 5, vpos + (5 * j) + (text_size * j) - text_size + (blob_size / 2));
} else if (blob_shape == 'triangle') {
co.strokeStyle = colors[i];
co.moveTo(hpos + 5, vpos + (5 * j) + (text_size * j) - text_size + blob_size);
co.lineTo(hpos + (blob_size / 2) + 5, vpos + (5 * j) + (text_size * j) - text_size );
co.lineTo(hpos + blob_size + 5, vpos + (5 * j) + (text_size * j) - text_size + blob_size);
co.fillStyle = colors[i];
} else {
co.fillStyle = colors[i];
co.fillRect(hpos + 5, vpos + (5 * j) + (text_size * j) - text_size, text_size, text_size + 1);
co.fillStyle = typeof text_color == 'object' ? text_color[i] : text_color;
ret = RG.Text2(obj, {'font': text_font,
'size': text_size,
'bold': text_bold,
'italic': text_italic,
'x': hpos + blob_size + 5 + 5,
'y': vpos + (5 * j) + (text_size * j) + 3,
'text': key[i]});
obj.coords.key[i] = [ret.x, ret.y, ret.width, ret.height, key[i], colors[i], obj];
* This does the actual drawing of the key when it's in the gutter
* @param object obj The graph object
* @param array key The key items to draw
* @param array colors An aray of colors that the key will use
function DrawKey_gutter (obj, key, colors)
var text_size = typeof(prop['chart.key.text.size']) == 'number' ? prop['chart.key.text.size'] : prop['chart.text.size'],
text_bold = prop['chart.key.text.bold'],
text_italic = prop['chart.key.text.italic'],
text_font = prop['chart.key.text.font'] || prop['chart.key.font'] || prop['chart.text.font'],
text_color = prop['chart.key.text.color'],
gutterLeft = obj.gutterLeft,
gutterRight = obj.gutterRight,
gutterTop = obj.gutterTop,
gutterBottom = obj.gutterBottom,
hpos = ((ca.width - gutterLeft - gutterRight) / 2) + obj.gutterLeft,
vpos = gutterTop - text_size - 5,
title = prop['chart.title'],
blob_size = text_size, // The blob of color
hmargin = 8, // This is the size of the gaps between the blob of color and the text
vmargin = 4, // This is the vertical margin of the key
fillstyle = prop['chart.key.background'],
strokestyle = '#999',
length = 0;
if (!obj.coords) obj.coords = {};
obj.coords.key = [];
// Need to work out the length of the key first
co.font = text_size + 'pt ' + text_font;
for (i=0; i<key.length; ++i) {
length += hmargin;
length += blob_size;
length += hmargin;
length += co.measureText(key[i]).width;
length += hmargin;
* Work out hpos since in the Pie it isn't necessarily dead center
if (obj.type == 'pie') {
if (prop['chart.align'] == 'left') {
var hpos = obj.radius + gutterLeft;
} else if (prop['chart.align'] == 'right') {
var hpos = ca.width - obj.radius - gutterRight;
} else {
hpos = ca.width / 2;
* This makes the key centered
hpos -= (length / 2);
* Override the horizontal/vertical positioning
if (typeof(prop['chart.key.position.x']) == 'number') {
hpos = prop['chart.key.position.x'];
if (typeof(prop['chart.key.position.y']) == 'number') {
vpos = prop['chart.key.position.y'];
* Draw the box that the key sits in
if (obj.Get('chart.key.position.gutter.boxed')) {
if (prop['chart.key.shadow']) {
co.shadowColor = prop['chart.key.shadow.color'];
co.shadowBlur = prop['chart.key.shadow.blur'];
co.shadowOffsetX = prop['chart.key.shadow.offsetx'];
co.shadowOffsetY = prop['chart.key.shadow.offsety'];
co.fillStyle = fillstyle;
co.strokeStyle = strokestyle;
if (prop['chart.key.rounded']) {
RG.strokedCurvyRect(co, hpos, vpos - vmargin, length, text_size + vmargin + vmargin)
// Odd... RG.filledCurvyRect(co, hpos, vpos - vmargin, length, text_size + vmargin + vmargin);
} else {
co.rect(hpos, vpos - vmargin, length, text_size + vmargin + vmargin);
* Draw the blobs of color and the text
// Custom colors for the key
if (prop['chart.key.colors']) {
colors = prop['chart.key.colors'];
for (var i=0, pos=hpos; i<key.length; ++i) {
pos += hmargin;
// Draw the blob of color
if (typeof(prop['chart.key.color.shape']) == 'object' && typeof(prop['chart.key.color.shape'][i]) == 'string') {
var blob_shape = prop['chart.key.color.shape'][i];
} else if (typeof(prop['chart.key.color.shape']) == 'string') {
var blob_shape = prop['chart.key.color.shape'];
} else {
var blob_shape = 'square';
* Draw the blob of color - line
if (blob_shape =='line') {
co.strokeStyle = colors[i];
co.moveTo(pos, vpos + (blob_size / 2));
co.lineTo(pos + blob_size, vpos + (blob_size / 2));
// Circle
} else if (blob_shape == 'circle') {
co.fillStyle = colors[i];
co.moveTo(pos, vpos + (blob_size / 2));
co.arc(pos + (blob_size / 2), vpos + (blob_size / 2), (blob_size / 2), 0, 6.28, 0);
} else if (blob_shape == 'triangle') {
co.fillStyle = colors[i];
co.strokeStyle = colors[i];
co.moveTo(pos, vpos + blob_size);
co.lineTo(pos + (blob_size / 2), vpos);
co.lineTo(pos + blob_size, vpos + blob_size);
} else {
co.fillStyle = colors[i];
co.rect(pos, vpos, blob_size, blob_size);
pos += blob_size;
pos += hmargin;
co.fillStyle = typeof text_color == 'object' ? text_color[i] : text_color;;
var ret = RG.Text2(obj, {
'italic': text_italic,
'y':vpos + text_size + 3,
'text': key[i]
pos += co.measureText(key[i]).width;
obj.coords.key[i] = [ret.x, ret.y, ret.width, ret.height, key[i], colors[i], obj];
if (keypos && keypos == 'gutter') {
DrawKey_gutter(obj, key, colors);
} else if (keypos && keypos == 'graph') {
DrawKey_graph(obj, key, colors);
} else {
alert('[COMMON] (' + obj.id + ') Unknown key position: ' + keypos);
if (prop['chart.key.interactive']) {
if (!RGraph.Drawing || !RGraph.Drawing.Rect) {
alert('[INTERACTIVE KEY] The drawing API Rect library does not appear to have been included (which the interactive key uses)');
* Check that the RGraph.common.dynamic.js file has been included
if (!RGraph.InstallWindowMousedownListener) {
alert('[INTERACTIVE KEY] The dynamic library does not appear to have been included');
// Determine the maximum width of the labels
for (var i=0,len=obj.coords.key.length,maxlen=0; i<len; i+=1) {
maxlen = Math.max(maxlen, obj.coords.key[i][2]);
//obj.coords.key.forEach(function (value, index, arr)
for (var i=0,len=obj.coords.key.length; i<len; i+=1) {
// Because the loop would have finished when the i variable is needed - put
// the onclick function inside a new context so that the value of the i
// variable is what we expect when the key has been clicked
(function (idx)
var arr = obj.coords.key;
var value = obj.coords.key[idx];
var index = idx;
var rect = new RGraph.Drawing.Rect(obj.id,value[0], value[1], prop['chart.key.position'] == 'gutter' ? value[2] : maxlen, value[3])
.Set('fillstyle', 'rgba(0,0,0,0)')
rect.onclick = function (e, shape)
var co = rect.context;
co.fillStyle = prop['chart.key.interactive.highlight.label'];
co.fillRect(shape.x, shape.y, shape.width, shape.height);
if (typeof obj.interactiveKeyHighlight == 'function') {
obj.Set('chart.key.interactive.index', idx);
RG.FireCustomEvent(obj, 'onbeforeinteractivekey');
RG.FireCustomEvent(obj, 'onafterinteractivekey');
rect.onmousemove = function (e, shape)
e.target.style.cursor = 'pointer';
* Returns the key length, but accounts for null values
* @param array key The key elements
RG.getKeyLength = function (key)
var length = 0;
for (var i=0,len=key.length; i<len; i+=1) {
if (key[i] != null) {
return length;
* Create a TABLE based HTML key. There's lots of options so it's
* suggested that you consult the documentation page
* @param mixed id This should be a string consisting of the ID of the container
* @param object prop An object map of the various properties that you can use to
* configure the key. See the documentation page for a list.
RGraph.HTML.key =
RGraph.HTML.Key = function (id, prop)
var div = doc.getElementById(id);
* Create the table that becomes the key
var str = '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" id="rgraph_key" style="display: inline;' + (function ()
var style = ''
for (i in prop.tableCss) {
if (typeof i === 'string') {
style = style + i + ': ' + prop.tableCss[i] + ';';
return style;
})() + '" ' + (prop.tableClass ? 'class="' + prop.tableClass + '"' : '') + '>';
* Add the individual key elements
for (var i=0; i<prop.labels.length; i+=1) {
str += '<tr><td><div style="' + (function ()
var style = '';
for (var j in prop.blobCss) {
if (typeof j === 'string') {
style = style + j + ': ' + prop.blobCss[j] + ';';
return style;
})() + 'display: inline-block; margin-right: 5px; margin-top: 4px; width: 15px; height: 15px; background-color: ' + prop.colors[i] + '"' + (prop.blobClass ? 'class="' + prop.blobClass + '"' : '') + '> </div><td>' + (prop.links && prop.links[i] ? '<a href="' + prop.links[i] + '">' : '') + '<span ' + (prop.labelClass ? 'class="' + prop.labelClass + '"' : '') + '" ' + (function ()
var style = '';
for (var j in prop.labelCss) {
if (typeof j === 'string') {
style = style + j + ': ' + prop.labelCss[j] + ';';
return style;
})() + (function ()
var style = '';
if (prop['labelCss_' + i]) {
for (var j in prop['labelCss_' + i]) {
style = style + j + ': ' + prop['labelCss_' + i][j] + ';';
return style ? 'style="' + style + '"' : '';
})() + '>' + prop.labels[i] + '</span>' + (prop.links && prop.links[i] ? '</a>' : '') + '</td></tr>';
div.innerHTML += (str + '</table>');
// Return the TABLE object that is the HTML key
return doc.getElementById('rgraph_key');
// End module pattern
})(window, document); |