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// version: 2015-11-02
* o--------------------------------------------------------------------------------o
* | This file is part of the RGraph package - you can learn more at: |
* | |
* | http://www.rgraph.net |
* | |
* | RGraph is dual licensed under the Open Source GPL (General Public License) |
* | v2.0 license and a commercial license which means that you're not bound by |
* | the terms of the GPL. The commercial license is just <20>99 (GBP) and you can |
* | read about it here: |
* | http://www.rgraph.net/license |
* o--------------------------------------------------------------------------------o
RGraph = window.RGraph || {isRGraph: true};
* The scatter graph constructor
* @param object canvas The cxanvas object
* @param array data The chart data
RGraph.Scatter = function (conf)
* Allow for object config style
if ( typeof conf === 'object'
&& typeof conf.data === 'object'
&& typeof conf.id === 'string') {
var parseConfObjectForOptions = true; // Set this so the config is parsed (at the end of the constructor)
this.data = new Array(conf.data.length);
// Store the data set(s)
this.data = RGraph.arrayClone(conf.data);
// Account for just one dataset being given
if (typeof conf.data === 'object' && typeof conf.data[0] === 'object' && (typeof conf.data[0][0] === 'number' || typeof conf.data[0][0] === 'string')) {
var tmp = RGraph.arrayClone(conf.data);
conf.data = new Array();
conf.data[0] = RGraph.arrayClone(tmp);
this.data = RGraph.arrayClone(conf.data);
} else {
var conf = {id: conf};
conf.data = arguments[1];
this.data = [];
// Handle multiple datasets being given as one argument
if (arguments[1][0] && arguments[1][0][0] && typeof arguments[1][0][0] == 'object') {
// Store the data set(s)
for (var i=0; i<arguments[1].length; ++i) {
this.data[i] = RGraph.arrayClone(arguments[1][i]);
// Handle multiple data sets being supplied as separate arguments
} else {
// Store the data set(s)
for (var i=1; i<arguments.length; ++i) {
this.data[i - 1] = RGraph.arrayClone(arguments[i]);
this.id = conf.id;
this.canvas = document.getElementById(this.id);
this.canvas.__object__ = this;
this.context = this.canvas.getContext ? this.canvas.getContext('2d') : null;
this.max = 0;
this.coords = [];
this.type = 'scatter';
this.isRGraph = true;
this.uid = RGraph.CreateUID();
this.canvas.uid = this.canvas.uid ? this.canvas.uid : RGraph.CreateUID();
this.colorsParsed = false;
this.coordsText = [];
this.original_colors = [];
this.firstDraw = true; // After the first draw this will be false
// Handle multiple datasets being given as one argument
//if (arguments[1][0] && arguments[1][0][0] && typeof(arguments[1][0][0]) == 'object') {
// // Store the data set(s)
// for (var i=0; i<arguments[1].length; ++i) {
// this.data[i] = arguments[1][i];
// }
// Handle multiple data sets being supplied as separate arguments
//} else {
// Store the data set(s)
//for (var i=1; i<arguments.length; ++i) {
// this.data[i - 1] = arguments[i];
// Various config properties
this.properties = {
'chart.background.barcolor1': 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
'chart.background.barcolor2': 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
'chart.background.grid': true,
'chart.background.grid.width': 1,
'chart.background.grid.color': '#ddd',
'chart.background.grid.hsize': 20,
'chart.background.grid.vsize': 20,
'chart.background.hbars': null,
'chart.background.vbars': null,
'chart.background.grid.vlines': true,
'chart.background.grid.hlines': true,
'chart.background.grid.border': true,
'chart.background.grid.autofit.align': true,
'chart.background.grid.autofit.numhlines': 5,
'chart.background.grid.autofit.numvlines': 20,
'chart.background.image': null,
'chart.background.image.stretch': true,
'chart.background.image.x': null,
'chart.background.image.y': null,
'chart.background.image.w': null,
'chart.background.image.h': null,
'chart.background.image.align': null,
'chart.background.color': null,
'chart.text.size': 12,
'chart.text.angle': 0,
'chart.text.color': 'black',
'chart.text.font': 'Arial',
'chart.tooltips': [], // Default must be an empty array
'chart.tooltips.effect': 'fade',
'chart.tooltips.event': 'onmousemove',
'chart.tooltips.hotspot': 3,
'chart.tooltips.css.class': 'RGraph_tooltip',
'chart.tooltips.highlight': true,
'chart.tooltips.coords.page': false,
'chart.units.pre': '',
'chart.units.post': '',
'chart.numyticks': 10,
'chart.tickmarks': 'cross',
'chart.tickmarks.image.halign': 'center',
'chart.tickmarks.image.valign': 'center',
'chart.tickmarks.image.offsetx': 0,
'chart.tickmarks.image.offsety': 0,
'chart.ticksize': 5,
'chart.numxticks': true,
'chart.xaxis': true,
'chart.gutter.left': 25,
'chart.gutter.right': 25,
'chart.gutter.top': 25,
'chart.gutter.bottom': 30,
'chart.xmin': 0,
'chart.xmax': 0,
'chart.ymax': null,
'chart.ymin': 0,
'chart.scale.decimals': null,
'chart.scale.point': '.',
'chart.scale.thousand': ',',
'chart.title': '',
'chart.title.background': null,
'chart.title.hpos': null,
'chart.title.vpos': null,
'chart.title.bold': true,
'chart.title.font': null,
'chart.title.xaxis': '',
'chart.title.xaxis.bold': true,
'chart.title.xaxis.size': null,
'chart.title.xaxis.font': null,
'chart.title.yaxis': '',
'chart.title.yaxis.bold': true,
'chart.title.yaxis.size': null,
'chart.title.yaxis.font': null,
'chart.title.yaxis.color': null,
'chart.title.xaxis.pos': null,
'chart.title.yaxis.pos': null,
'chart.title.yaxis.x': null,
'chart.title.yaxis.y': null,
'chart.title.xaxis.x': null,
'chart.title.xaxis.y': null,
'chart.title.x': null,
'chart.title.y': null,
'chart.title.halign': null,
'chart.title.valign': null,
'chart.labels': [],
'chart.labels.bold': false,
'chart.labels.color': null,
'chart.labels.ingraph': null,
'chart.labels.above': false,
'chart.labels.above.size': 8,
'chart.labels.above.decimals': 0,
'chart.ylabels': true,
'chart.ylabels.count': 5,
'chart.ylabels.invert': false,
'chart.ylabels.specific': null,
'chart.ylabels.inside': false,
'chart.contextmenu': null,
'chart.defaultcolor': 'black',
'chart.xaxispos': 'bottom',
'chart.yaxispos': 'left',
'chart.crosshairs': false,
'chart.crosshairs.color': '#333',
'chart.crosshairs.linewidth': 1,
'chart.crosshairs.coords': false,
'chart.crosshairs.coords.labels.x': 'X',
'chart.crosshairs.coords.labels.y': 'Y',
'chart.crosshairs.hline': true,
'chart.crosshairs.vline': true,
'chart.annotatable': false,
'chart.annotate.color': 'black',
'chart.line': false,
'chart.line.linewidth': 1,
'chart.line.colors': ['green', 'red'],
'chart.line.shadow.color': 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
'chart.line.shadow.blur': 2,
'chart.line.shadow.offsetx': 3,
'chart.line.shadow.offsety': 3,
'chart.line.stepped': false,
'chart.line.visible': true,
'chart.noaxes': false,
'chart.noyaxis': false,
'chart.key': null,
'chart.key.background': 'white',
'chart.key.position': 'graph',
'chart.key.halign': 'right',
'chart.key.shadow': false,
'chart.key.shadow.color': '#666',
'chart.key.shadow.blur': 3,
'chart.key.shadow.offsetx': 2,
'chart.key.shadow.offsety': 2,
'chart.key.position.gutter.boxed': false,
'chart.key.position.x': null,
'chart.key.position.y': null,
'chart.key.interactive': false,
'chart.key.interactive.highlight.chart.fill': 'rgba(255,0,0,0.9)',
'chart.key.interactive.highlight.label': 'rgba(255,0,0,0.2)',
'chart.key.color.shape': 'square',
'chart.key.rounded': true,
'chart.key.linewidth': 1,
'chart.key.colors': null,
'chart.key.text.color': 'black',
'chart.axis.color': 'black',
'chart.zoom.factor': 1.5,
'chart.zoom.fade.in': true,
'chart.zoom.fade.out': true,
'chart.zoom.hdir': 'right',
'chart.zoom.vdir': 'down',
'chart.zoom.frames': 25,
'chart.zoom.delay': 16.666,
'chart.zoom.shadow': true,
'chart.zoom.background': true,
'chart.zoom.action': 'zoom',
'chart.boxplot.width': 1,
'chart.boxplot.capped': true,
'chart.resizable': false,
'chart.resize.handle.background': null,
'chart.xmin': 0,
'chart.labels.specific.align': 'left',
'chart.xscale': false,
'chart.xscale.units.pre': '',
'chart.xscale.units.post': '',
'chart.xscale.numlabels': 10,
'chart.xscale.formatter': null,
'chart.xscale.decimals': 0,
'chart.xscale.thousand': ',',
'chart.xscale.point': '.',
'chart.noendxtick': false,
'chart.noendytick': true,
'chart.events.mousemove': null,
'chart.events.click': null,
'chart.highlight.stroke': 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
'chart.highlight.fill': 'rgba(255,255,255,0.7)'
* This allows the data points to be given as dates as well as numbers. Formats supported by RGraph.parseDate() are accepted.
for (var i=0; i<this.data.length; ++i) {
for (var j=0; j<this.data[i].length; ++j) {
if (this.data[i][j] && typeof(this.data[i][j][0]) == 'string') {
this.data[i][j][0] = RGraph.parseDate(this.data[i][j][0]);
* Now make the data_arr array - all the data as one big array
this.data_arr = [];
for (var i=0; i<this.data.length; ++i) {
for (var j=0; j<this.data[i].length; ++j) {
// Create the $ objects so that they can be used
for (var i=0; i<this.data_arr.length; ++i) {
this['$' + i] = {}
// Check for support
if (!this.canvas) {
alert('[SCATTER] No canvas support');
* Translate half a pixel for antialiasing purposes - but only if it hasn't beeen
* done already
if (!this.canvas.__rgraph_aa_translated__) {
this.canvas.__rgraph_aa_translated__ = true;
// Short variable names
var RG = RGraph,
ca = this.canvas,
co = ca.getContext('2d'),
prop = this.properties,
pa = RG.Path,
pa2 = RG.path2,
win = window,
doc = document,
ma = Math
* "Decorate" the object with the generic effects if the effects library has been included
if (RG.Effects && typeof RG.Effects.decorate === 'function') {
* A simple setter
* @param string name The name of the property to set
* @param string value The value of the property
this.set =
this.Set = function (name)
var value = typeof arguments[1] === 'undefined' ? null : arguments[1];
* the number of arguments is only one and it's an
* object - parse it for configuration data and return.
if (arguments.length === 1 && typeof name === 'object') {
RG.parseObjectStyleConfig(this, name);
return this;
* This should be done first - prepend the propertyy name with "chart." if necessary
if (name.substr(0,6) != 'chart.') {
name = 'chart.' + name;
// Convert uppercase letters to dot+lower case letter
name = name.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function (str)
return '.' + String(RegExp.$1).toLowerCase();
* BC for chart.xticks
if (name == 'chart.xticks') {
name == 'chart.numxticks';
* This is here because the key expects a name of "chart.colors"
if (name == 'chart.line.colors') {
prop['chart.colors'] = value;
* Allow compatibility with older property names
if (name == 'chart.tooltip.hotspot') {
name = 'chart.tooltips.hotspot';
* chart.yaxispos should be left or right
if (name == 'chart.yaxispos' && value != 'left' && value != 'right') {
alert("[SCATTER] chart.yaxispos should be left or right. You've set it to: '" + value + "' Changing it to left");
value = 'left';
* Check for xaxispos
if (name == 'chart.xaxispos' ) {
if (value != 'bottom' && value != 'center') {
alert('[SCATTER] (' + this.id + ') chart.xaxispos should be center or bottom. Tried to set it to: ' + value + ' Changing it to center');
value = 'center';
* Compatibility for chart.noxaxisoption
if (name == 'chart.noxaxis' ) {
name = 'chart.xaxis';
value = !value;
prop[name.toLowerCase()] = value;
return this;
* A simple getter
* @param string name The name of the property to set
this.get =
this.Get = function (name)
* This should be done first - prepend the property name with "chart." if necessary
if (name.substr(0,6) != 'chart.') {
name = 'chart.' + name;
// Convert uppercase letters to dot+lower case letter
name = name.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function (str)
return '.' + String(RegExp.$1).toLowerCase()
return prop[name];
* The function you call to draw the line chart
this.draw =
this.Draw = function ()
// MUST be the first thing done!
if (typeof prop['chart.background.image'] === 'string') {
* Fire the onbeforedraw event
RG.FireCustomEvent(this, 'onbeforedraw');
* Parse the colors. This allows for simple gradient syntax
if (!this.colorsParsed) {
// Don't want to do this again
this.colorsParsed = true;
* Stop this growing uncontrollably
this.coordsText = [];
* This is new in May 2011 and facilitates indiviual gutter settings,
* eg chart.gutter.left
this.gutterLeft = prop['chart.gutter.left'];
this.gutterRight = prop['chart.gutter.right'];
this.gutterTop = prop['chart.gutter.top'];
this.gutterBottom = prop['chart.gutter.bottom'];
// Go through all the data points and see if a tooltip has been given
this.hasTooltips = false;
var overHotspot = false;
// Reset the coords array
this.coords = [];
* This facilitates the xmax, xmin and X values being dates
if (typeof(prop['chart.xmin']) == 'string') prop['chart.xmin'] = RG.parseDate(prop['chart.xmin']);
if (typeof(prop['chart.xmax']) == 'string') prop['chart.xmax'] = RG.parseDate(prop['chart.xmax']);
* Look for tooltips and populate chart.tooltips
* NB 26/01/2011 Updated so that chart.tooltips is ALWAYS populated
if (!RGraph.ISOLD) {
this.Set('chart.tooltips', []);
for (var i=0,len=this.data.length; i<len; i+=1) {
for (var j =0,len2=this.data[i].length;j<len2; j+=1) {
if (this.data[i][j] && this.data[i][j][3]) {
this.hasTooltips = true;
} else {
// Reset the maximum value
this.max = 0;
// Work out the maximum Y value
//if (prop['chart.ymax'] && prop['chart.ymax'] > 0) {
if (typeof prop['chart.ymax'] === 'number') {
this.max = prop['chart.ymax'];
this.min = prop['chart.ymin'] ? prop['chart.ymin'] : 0;
this.scale2 = RG.getScale2(this, {
'units.pre': prop['chart.units.pre'],
'units.post': prop['chart.units.post']
this.max = this.scale2.max;
this.min = this.scale2.min;
var decimals = prop['chart.scale.decimals'];
} else {
var i = 0;
var j = 0;
for (i=0,len=this.data.length; i<len; i+=1) {
for (j=0,len2=this.data[i].length; j<len2; j+=1) {
if (this.data[i][j][1] != null) {
this.max = Math.max(this.max, typeof(this.data[i][j][1]) == 'object' ? RG.array_max(this.data[i][j][1]) : Math.abs(this.data[i][j][1]));
this.min = prop['chart.ymin'] ? prop['chart.ymin'] : 0;
this.scale2 = RG.getScale2(this, {
'units.pre': prop['chart.units.pre'],
'units.post': prop['chart.units.post']
this.max = this.scale2.max;
this.min = this.scale2.min;
this.grapharea = ca.height - this.gutterTop - this.gutterBottom;
// Progressively Draw the chart
* Draw any horizontal bars that have been specified
if (prop['chart.background.hbars'] && prop['chart.background.hbars'].length) {
* Draw any vertical bars that have been specified
if (prop['chart.background.vbars'] && prop['chart.background.vbars'].length) {
if (!prop['chart.noaxes']) {
i = 0;
for(i=0; i<this.data.length; ++i) {
// Set the shadow
co.shadowColor = prop['chart.line.shadow.color'];
co.shadowOffsetX = prop['chart.line.shadow.offsetx'];
co.shadowOffsetY = prop['chart.line.shadow.offsety'];
co.shadowBlur = prop['chart.line.shadow.blur'];
// Turn the shadow off
if (prop['chart.line']) {
for (var i=0,len=this.data.length;i<len; i+=1) {
this.DrawMarks(i); // Call this again so the tickmarks appear over the line
* Setup the context menu if required
if (prop['chart.contextmenu']) {
* Draw the key if necessary
if (prop['chart.key'] && prop['chart.key'].length) {
RG.DrawKey(this, prop['chart.key'], prop['chart.line.colors']);
* Draw " above" labels if enabled
if (prop['chart.labels.above']) {
* Draw the "in graph" labels, using the member function, NOT the shared function in RGraph.common.core.js
* This function enables resizing
if (prop['chart.resizable']) {
* This installs the event listeners
* Fire the onfirstdraw event
if (this.firstDraw) {
RG.fireCustomEvent(this, 'onfirstdraw');
this.firstDraw = false;
* Fire the RGraph ondraw event
RG.FireCustomEvent(this, 'ondraw');
return this;
* Draws the axes of the scatter graph
this.drawAxes =
this.DrawAxes = function ()
var graphHeight = ca.height - this.gutterTop - this.gutterBottom;
co.strokeStyle = prop['chart.axis.color'];
co.lineWidth = (prop['chart.axis.linewidth'] || 1) + 0.001; // Strange Chrome bug
// Draw the Y axis
if (prop['chart.noyaxis'] == false) {
if (prop['chart.yaxispos'] == 'left') {
co.moveTo(this.gutterLeft, this.gutterTop);
co.lineTo(this.gutterLeft, ca.height - this.gutterBottom);
} else {
co.moveTo(ca.width - this.gutterRight, this.gutterTop);
co.lineTo(ca.width - this.gutterRight, ca.height - this.gutterBottom);
// Draw the X axis
if (prop['chart.xaxis']) {
if (prop['chart.xaxispos'] == 'center') {
co.moveTo(this.gutterLeft, Math.round(this.gutterTop + ((ca.height - this.gutterTop - this.gutterBottom) / 2)));
co.lineTo(ca.width - this.gutterRight, Math.round(this.gutterTop + ((ca.height - this.gutterTop - this.gutterBottom) / 2)));
} else {
co.moveTo(this.gutterLeft, ca.height - this.gutterBottom);
co.lineTo(ca.width - this.gutterRight, ca.height - this.gutterBottom);
// Draw the Y tickmarks
if (prop['chart.noyaxis'] == false) {
var numyticks = prop['chart.numyticks'];
//for (y=this.gutterTop; y < ca.height - this.gutterBottom + (prop['chart.xaxispos'] == 'center' ? 1 : 0) ; y+=(graphHeight / numyticks)) {
for (i=0; i<numyticks; ++i) {
var y = ((ca.height - this.gutterTop - this.gutterBottom) / numyticks) * i;
y = y + this.gutterTop;
if (prop['chart.xaxispos'] == 'center' && i == (numyticks / 2)) {
if (prop['chart.yaxispos'] == 'left') {
co.moveTo(this.gutterLeft, Math.round(y));
co.lineTo(this.gutterLeft - 3, Math.round(y));
} else {
co.moveTo(ca.width - this.gutterRight +3, Math.round(y));
co.lineTo(ca.width - this.gutterRight, Math.round(y));
* Draw the end Y tickmark if the X axis is in the centre
if (prop['chart.numyticks'] > 0) {
if (prop['chart.xaxispos'] == 'center' && prop['chart.yaxispos'] == 'left') {
co.moveTo(this.gutterLeft, Math.round(ca.height - this.gutterBottom));
co.lineTo(this.gutterLeft - 3, Math.round(ca.height - this.gutterBottom));
} else if (prop['chart.xaxispos'] == 'center') {
co.moveTo(ca.width - this.gutterRight + 3, Math.round(ca.height - this.gutterBottom));
co.lineTo(ca.width - this.gutterRight, Math.round(ca.height - this.gutterBottom));
* Draw an extra tick if the X axis isn't being shown
if (prop['chart.xaxis'] == false && prop['chart.yaxispos'] == 'left') {
co.moveTo(this.gutterLeft, Math.round(ca.height - this.gutterBottom));
co.lineTo(this.gutterLeft - 3, Math.round(ca.height - this.gutterBottom));
} else if (prop['chart.xaxis'] == false && prop['chart.yaxispos'] == 'right') {
co.moveTo(ca.width - this.gutterRight, Math.round(ca.height - this.gutterBottom));
co.lineTo(ca.width - this.gutterRight + 3, Math.round(ca.height - this.gutterBottom));
* Draw the X tickmarks
if (prop['chart.numxticks'] > 0 && prop['chart.xaxis']) {
var x = 0;
var y = (prop['chart.xaxispos'] == 'center') ? this.gutterTop + (this.grapharea / 2) : (ca.height - this.gutterBottom);
this.xTickGap = (prop['chart.labels'] && prop['chart.labels'].length) ? ((ca.width - this.gutterLeft - this.gutterRight ) / prop['chart.labels'].length) : (ca.width - this.gutterLeft - this.gutterRight) / 10;
* This allows the number of X tickmarks to be specified
if (typeof(prop['chart.numxticks']) == 'number') {
this.xTickGap = (ca.width - this.gutterLeft - this.gutterRight) / prop['chart.numxticks'];
for (x=(this.gutterLeft + (prop['chart.yaxispos'] == 'left' && prop['chart.noyaxis'] == false ? this.xTickGap : 0) );
x <= (ca.width - this.gutterRight - (prop['chart.yaxispos'] == 'left' || prop['chart.noyaxis'] == true ? -1 : 1));
x += this.xTickGap) {
if (prop['chart.yaxispos'] == 'left' && prop['chart.noendxtick'] == true && x == (ca.width - this.gutterRight) ) {
} else if (prop['chart.yaxispos'] == 'right' && prop['chart.noendxtick'] == true && x == this.gutterLeft) {
co.moveTo(Math.round(x), y - (prop['chart.xaxispos'] == 'center' ? 3 : 0));
co.lineTo(Math.round(x), y + 3);
* Reset the linewidth back to one
co.lineWidth = 1;
* Draws the labels on the scatter graph
this.drawLabels =
this.DrawLabels = function ()
co.fillStyle = prop['chart.text.color'];
var font = prop['chart.text.font'],
xMin = prop['chart.xmin'],
xMax = prop['chart.xmax'],
yMax = this.scale2.max,
yMin = prop['chart.ymin'] ? prop['chart.ymin'] : 0,
text_size = prop['chart.text.size'],
units_pre = prop['chart.units.pre'],
units_post = prop['chart.units.post'],
numYLabels = prop['chart.ylabels.count'],
invert = prop['chart.ylabels.invert'],
inside = prop['chart.ylabels.inside'],
context = co,
canvas = ca,
boxed = false
this.halfTextHeight = text_size / 2;
this.halfGraphHeight = (ca.height - this.gutterTop - this.gutterBottom) / 2;
* Draw the Y yaxis labels, be it at the top or center
if (prop['chart.ylabels']) {
var xPos = prop['chart.yaxispos'] == 'left' ? this.gutterLeft - 5 : ca.width - this.gutterRight + 5;
var align = prop['chart.yaxispos'] == 'right' ? 'left' : 'right';
* Now change the two things above if chart.ylabels.inside is specified
if (inside) {
if (prop['chart.yaxispos'] == 'left') {
xPos = prop['chart.gutter.left'] + 5;
align = 'left';
boxed = true;
} else {
xPos = ca.width - prop['chart.gutter.right'] - 5;
align = 'right';
boxed = true;
if (prop['chart.xaxispos'] == 'center') {
* Specific Y labels
if (typeof(prop['chart.ylabels.specific']) == 'object' && prop['chart.ylabels.specific'] != null && prop['chart.ylabels.specific'].length) {
var labels = prop['chart.ylabels.specific'];
if (prop['chart.ymin'] > 0) {
labels = [];
for (var i=0; i<(prop['chart.ylabels.specific'].length - 1); ++i) {
for (var i=0; i<labels.length; ++i) {
var y = this.gutterTop + (i * (this.grapharea / (labels.length * 2) ) );
RG.Text2(this, {'font':font,
'tag': 'labels.specific'
var reversed_labels = RG.array_reverse(labels);
for (var i=0; i<reversed_labels.length; ++i) {
var y = this.gutterTop + (this.grapharea / 2) + ((i+1) * (this.grapharea / (labels.length * 2) ) );
RG.Text2(this, {'font':font,
'tag': 'labels.specific'
* Draw the center label if chart.ymin is specified
if (prop['chart.ymin'] != 0) {
RG.Text2(this, {'font':font,
'y':(this.grapharea / 2) + this.gutterTop,
'text':prop['chart.ylabels.specific'][prop['chart.ylabels.specific'].length - 1],
'tag': 'labels.specific'
if (!prop['chart.ylabels.specific'] && typeof numYLabels == 'number') {
* Draw the top half
for (var i=0,len=this.scale2.labels.length; i<len; i+=1) {
//var value = ((this.max - this.min)/ numYLabels) * (i+1);
//value = (invert ? this.max - value : value);
//if (!invert) value += this.min;
//value = value.toFixed(prop['chart.scale.decimals']);
if (!invert) {
RG.Text2(this, {'font':font,
'size': text_size,
'x': xPos,
'y': this.gutterTop + this.halfGraphHeight - (((i + 1)/numYLabels) * this.halfGraphHeight),
'valign': 'center',
'bounding': boxed,
'boundingFill': 'white',
'text': this.scale2.labels[i],
'tag': 'scale'
} else {
RG.Text2(this, {'font':font,
'size': text_size,
'x': xPos,
'y': this.gutterTop + this.halfGraphHeight - ((i/numYLabels) * this.halfGraphHeight),
'valign': 'center',
'bounding': boxed,
'boundingFill': 'white',
'text': this.scale2.labels[this.scale2.labels.length - (i + 1)],
'tag': 'scale'
* Draw the bottom half
for (var i=0,len=this.scale2.labels.length; i<len; i+=1) {
//var value = (((this.max - this.min)/ numYLabels) * i) + this.min;
// value = (invert ? value : this.max - (value - this.min)).toFixed(prop['chart.scale.decimals']);
if (!invert) {
RG.Text2(this, {'font':font,
'size': text_size,
'x': xPos,
'y': this.gutterTop + this.halfGraphHeight + this.halfGraphHeight - ((i/numYLabels) * this.halfGraphHeight),
'valign': 'center',
'bounding': boxed,
'boundingFill': 'white',
'text': '-' + this.scale2.labels[len - (i+1)],
'tag': 'scale'
} else {
// This ensures that the center label isn't drawn twice
if (i == (len - 1)&& invert) {
RG.Text2(this, {'font':font,
'size': text_size,
'x': xPos,
'y': this.gutterTop + this.halfGraphHeight + this.halfGraphHeight - (((i + 1)/numYLabels) * this.halfGraphHeight),
'valign': 'center',
'bounding': boxed,
'boundingFill': 'white',
'text': '-' + this.scale2.labels[i],
'tag': 'scale'
// If ymin is specified draw that
if (!invert && yMin > 0) {
RG.Text2(this, {'font':font,
'size': text_size,
'x': xPos,
'y': this.gutterTop + this.halfGraphHeight,
'valign': 'center',
'bounding': boxed,
'boundingFill': 'white',
'text': RG.number_format(this, yMin.toFixed(prop['chart.scale.decimals']), units_pre, units_post),
'tag': 'scale'
if (invert) {
RG.Text2(this, {'font':font,
'size': text_size,
'x': xPos,
'y': this.gutterTop,
'valign': 'center',
'bounding': boxed,
'boundingFill': 'white',
'text': RG.number_format(this, yMin.toFixed(prop['chart.scale.decimals']), units_pre, units_post),
'tag': 'scale'
RG.Text2(this, {'font':font,
'size': text_size,
'x': xPos,
'y': this.gutterTop + (this.halfGraphHeight * 2),
'valign': 'center',
'bounding': boxed,
'boundingFill': 'white',
'text': '-' + RG.number_format(this, yMin.toFixed(prop['chart.scale.decimals']), units_pre, units_post),
'tag': 'scale'
// X axis at the bottom
} else {
var xPos = prop['chart.yaxispos'] == 'left' ? this.gutterLeft - 5 : ca.width - this.gutterRight + 5;
var align = prop['chart.yaxispos'] == 'right' ? 'left' : 'right';
if (inside) {
if (prop['chart.yaxispos'] == 'left') {
xPos = prop['chart.gutter.left'] + 5;
align = 'left';
boxed = true;
} else {
xPos = ca.width - obj.gutterRight - 5;
align = 'right';
boxed = true;
* Specific Y labels
if (typeof prop['chart.ylabels.specific'] == 'object' && prop['chart.ylabels.specific']) {
var labels = prop['chart.ylabels.specific'];
// Lose the last label
if (prop['chart.ymin'] > 9999) {
labels = [];
for (var i=0; i<(prop['chart.ylabels.specific'].length - 1); ++i) {
for (var i=0,len=labels.length; i<len; i+=1) {
var y = this.gutterTop + (i * (this.grapharea / (len - 1)) );
RG.Text2(this, {'font':font,
'tag': 'scale'
* X axis at the bottom
} else {
if (typeof(numYLabels) == 'number') {
if (invert) {
for (var i=0; i<numYLabels; ++i) {
//var value = ((this.max - this.min)/ numYLabels) * i;
// value = value.toFixed(prop['chart.scale.decimals']);
var interval = (ca.height - this.gutterTop - this.gutterBottom) / numYLabels;
RG.Text2(this, {'font':font,
'size': text_size,
'x': xPos,
'y': this.gutterTop + ((i+1) * interval),
'valign': 'center',
'bounding': boxed,
'boundingFill': 'white',
'text': this.scale2.labels[i],
'tag': 'scale'
// No X axis being shown and there's no ymin. If ymin IS set its added further down
if (!prop['chart.xaxis'] && !prop['chart.ymin']) {
RG.Text2(this, {'font':font,
'size': text_size,
'x': xPos,
'y': this.gutterTop,
'valign': 'center',
'bounding': boxed,
'boundingFill': 'white',
'text': RG.number_format(this, (this.min).toFixed(prop['chart.scale.decimals']), units_pre, units_post),
'tag': 'scale'
} else {
for (var i=0,len=this.scale2.labels.length; i<len; i+=1) {
//var value = ((this.max - this.min)/ numYLabels) * (i+1);
// value = (invert ? this.max - value : value);
// if (!invert) value += this.min;
// value = value.toFixed(prop['chart.scale.decimals']);
RG.Text2(this, {'font':font,
'size': text_size,
'x': xPos,
'y': this.gutterTop + this.grapharea - (((i + 1)/this.scale2.labels.length) * this.grapharea),
'valign': 'center',
'bounding': boxed,
'boundingFill': 'white',
'text': this.scale2.labels[i],
'tag': 'scale'
if (!prop['chart.xaxis'] && prop['chart.ymin'] == 0) {
RG.Text2(this, {'font':font,
'size': text_size,
'x': xPos,
'y': ca.height - this.gutterBottom,
'valign': 'center',
'bounding': boxed,
'boundingFill': 'white',
'text': RG.number_format(this, (0).toFixed(prop['chart.scale.decimals']), units_pre, units_post),
'tag': 'scale'
if (prop['chart.ymin'] && !invert) {
RG.Text2(this, {'font':font,
'size': text_size,
'x': xPos,
'y': ca.height - this.gutterBottom,
'valign': 'center',
'bounding': boxed,
'boundingFill': 'white',
'text': RG.number_format(this, prop['chart.ymin'].toFixed(prop['chart.scale.decimals']), units_pre, units_post),
'tag': 'scale'
} else if (invert) {
RG.Text2(this, {'font':font,
'size': text_size,
'x': xPos,
'y': this.gutterTop,
'valign': 'center',
'bounding': boxed,
'boundingFill': 'white',
'text': RG.number_format(this, prop['chart.ymin'].toFixed(prop['chart.scale.decimals']), units_pre, units_post),
'tag': 'scale'
* Draw an X scale
if (prop['chart.xscale']) {
var numXLabels = prop['chart.xscale.numlabels'],
y = ca.height - this.gutterBottom + 5 + (text_size / 2),
units_pre_x = prop['chart.xscale.units.pre'],
units_post_x = prop['chart.xscale.units.post'],
decimals = prop['chart.xscale.decimals'],
point = prop['chart.xscale.point'],
thousand = prop['chart.xscale.thousand'],
color = prop['chart.labels.color'],
bold = prop['chart.labels.bold']
if (!prop['chart.xmax']) {
var xmax = 0;
var xmin = prop['chart.xmin'];
for (var ds=0,len=this.data.length; ds<len; ds+=1) {
for (var point=0,len2=this.data[ds].length; point<len2; point+=1) {
xmax = Math.max(xmax, this.data[ds][point][0]);
} else {
xmax = prop['chart.xmax'];
xmin = prop['chart.xmin']
this.xscale2 = RG.getScale2(this, {
'min': xmin,
'scale.decimals': decimals,
'scale.point': point,
'scale.thousand': thousand,
'units.pre': units_pre_x,
'units.post': units_post_x,
'ylabels.count': numXLabels,
'strict': true
this.Set('chart.xmax', this.xscale2.max);
var interval = (ca.width - this.gutterLeft - this.gutterRight) / this.xscale2.labels.length;
for (var i=0,len=this.xscale2.labels.length; i<len; i+=1) {
var num = ( (prop['chart.xmax'] - prop['chart.xmin']) * ((i+1) / numXLabels)) + (xmin || 0);
var x = this.gutterLeft + ((i+1) * interval);
if (typeof(prop['chart.xscale.formatter']) == 'function') {
var text = String(prop['chart.xscale.formatter'](this, num));
} else {
var text = this.xscale2.labels[i]
RG.text2(this, {
'color': color,
'size': text_size,
'bold': bold,
'x': x,
'y': y,
'valign': 'center',
'tag': 'xscale'
// If the Y axis is on the right hand side - draw the left most X label
// ** Always added now **
RG.text2(this, {
'color': color,
'size': text_size,
'x': this.gutterLeft,
'y': y,
'valign': 'center',
'tag': 'xscale'
* Draw X labels
} else {
// Put the text on the X axis
var graphArea = ca.width - this.gutterLeft - this.gutterRight;
var xInterval = graphArea / prop['chart.labels'].length;
var xPos = this.gutterLeft;
var yPos = (ca.height - this.gutterBottom) + 3;
var labels = prop['chart.labels'];
var color = prop['chart.labels.color'];
var bold = prop['chart.labels.bold'];
* Text angle
var angle = 0;
var valign = 'top';
var halign = 'center';
if (prop['chart.text.angle'] > 0) {
angle = -1 * prop['chart.text.angle'];
valign = 'center';
halign = 'right';
yPos += 10;
for (i=0; i<labels.length; ++i) {
if (typeof(labels[i]) == 'object') {
if (prop['chart.labels.specific.align'] == 'center') {
var rightEdge = 0;
if (labels[i+1] && labels[i+1][1]) {
rightEdge = labels[i+1][1];
} else {
rightEdge = prop['chart.xmax'];
var offset = (this.getXCoord(rightEdge) - this.getXCoord(labels[i][1])) / 2;
} else {
var offset = 5;
RG.text2(this, {
'color': color,
'size': prop['chart.text.size'],
'bold': bold,
'x': this.getXCoord(labels[i][1]) + offset,
'y': yPos,
'valign': valign,
'halign':angle != 0 ? 'right' : (prop['chart.labels.specific.align'] == 'center' ? 'center' : 'left'),
'tag': 'labels.specific'
* Draw the gray indicator line
co.strokeStyle = '#bbb';
co.moveTo(Math.round(this.gutterLeft + (graphArea * ((labels[i][1] - xMin)/ (prop['chart.xmax'] - xMin)))), ca.height - this.gutterBottom);
co.lineTo(Math.round(this.gutterLeft + (graphArea * ((labels[i][1] - xMin)/ (prop['chart.xmax'] - xMin)))), ca.height - this.gutterBottom + 20);
} else {
RG.Text2(this, {
'color': color,
'size': prop['chart.text.size'],
'bold': bold,
'x': xPos + (xInterval / 2),
'y': yPos,
'valign': valign,
'tag': 'labels'
// Do this for the next time around
xPos += xInterval;
* Draw the final indicator line
if (typeof(labels[0]) == 'object') {
co.strokeStyle = '#bbb';
co.moveTo(this.gutterLeft + graphArea, ca.height - this.gutterBottom);
co.lineTo(this.gutterLeft + graphArea, ca.height - this.gutterBottom + 20);
* Draws the actual scatter graph marks
* @param i integer The dataset index
this.drawMarks =
this.DrawMarks = function (i)
* Reset the coords array
this.coords[i] = [];
* Plot the values
var xmax = prop['chart.xmax'];
var default_color = prop['chart.defaultcolor'];
for (var j=0,len=this.data[i].length; j<len; j+=1) {
* This is here because tooltips are optional
var data_point = this.data[i];
var xCoord = data_point[j][0];
var yCoord = data_point[j][1];
var color = data_point[j][2] ? data_point[j][2] : default_color;
var tooltip = (data_point[j] && data_point[j][3]) ? data_point[j][3] : null;
* Draws a single scatter mark
this.drawMark =
this.DrawMark = function (data_set_index, x, y, xMax, yMax, color, tooltip, coords, data, data_index)
var tickmarks = prop['chart.tickmarks'];
var tickSize = prop['chart.ticksize'];
var xMin = prop['chart.xmin'];
var x = ((x - xMin) / (xMax - xMin)) * (ca.width - this.gutterLeft - this.gutterRight);
var originalX = x;
var originalY = y;
* This allows chart.tickmarks to be an array
if (tickmarks && typeof(tickmarks) == 'object') {
tickmarks = tickmarks[data_set_index];
* This allows chart.ticksize to be an array
if (typeof(tickSize) == 'object') {
var tickSize = tickSize[data_set_index];
var halfTickSize = tickSize / 2;
} else {
var halfTickSize = tickSize / 2;
* This bit is for boxplots only
if ( y
&& typeof(y) == 'object'
&& typeof(y[0]) == 'number'
&& typeof(y[1]) == 'number'
&& typeof(y[2]) == 'number'
&& typeof(y[3]) == 'number'
&& typeof(y[4]) == 'number'
) {
//var yMin = prop['chart.ymin'] ? prop['chart.ymin'] : 0;
this.Set('chart.boxplot', true);
//this.graphheight = ca.height - this.gutterTop - this.gutterBottom;
//if (prop['chart.xaxispos'] == 'center') {
// this.graphheight /= 2;
var y0 = this.getYCoord(y[0]);//(this.graphheight) - ((y[4] - yMin) / (yMax - yMin)) * (this.graphheight);
var y1 = this.getYCoord(y[1]);//(this.graphheight) - ((y[3] - yMin) / (yMax - yMin)) * (this.graphheight);
var y2 = this.getYCoord(y[2]);//(this.graphheight) - ((y[2] - yMin) / (yMax - yMin)) * (this.graphheight);
var y3 = this.getYCoord(y[3]);//(this.graphheight) - ((y[1] - yMin) / (yMax - yMin)) * (this.graphheight);
var y4 = this.getYCoord(y[4]);//(this.graphheight) - ((y[0] - yMin) / (yMax - yMin)) * (this.graphheight);
var col1 = y[5];
var col2 = y[6];
var boxWidth = typeof(y[7]) == 'number' ? y[7] : prop['chart.boxplot.width'];
//var y = this.graphheight - y2;
} else {
* The new way of getting the Y coord. This function (should) handle everything
var yCoord = this.getYCoord(y);
//if (prop['chart.xaxispos'] == 'center'] {
// y /= 2;
// y += this.halfGraphHeight;
// if (prop['chart.ylabels.invert']) {
// p(y)
// }
* Account for the X axis being at the centre
// This is so that points are on the graph, and not the gutter - which helps
x += this.gutterLeft;
//y = ca.height - this.gutterBottom - y;
// Color
co.strokeStyle = color;
* Boxplots
if (prop['chart.boxplot']) {
// boxWidth is a scale value, so convert it to a pixel vlue
boxWidth = (boxWidth / prop['chart.xmax']) * (ca.width -this.gutterLeft - this.gutterRight);
var halfBoxWidth = boxWidth / 2;
if (prop['chart.line.visible']) {
co.strokeRect(x - halfBoxWidth, y1, boxWidth, y3 - y1);
// Draw the upper coloured box if a value is specified
if (col1) {
co.fillStyle = col1;
co.fillRect(x - halfBoxWidth, y1, boxWidth, y2 - y1);
// Draw the lower coloured box if a value is specified
if (col2) {
co.fillStyle = col2;
co.fillRect(x - halfBoxWidth, y2, boxWidth, y3 - y2);
// Now draw the whiskers
if (prop['chart.boxplot.capped']) {
co.moveTo(x - halfBoxWidth, Math.round(y0));
co.lineTo(x + halfBoxWidth, Math.round(y0));
co.moveTo(Math.round(x), y0);
co.lineTo(Math.round(x), y1);
if (prop['chart.boxplot.capped']) {
co.moveTo(x - halfBoxWidth, Math.round(y4));
co.lineTo(x + halfBoxWidth, Math.round(y4));
co.moveTo(Math.round(x), y4);
co.lineTo(Math.round(x), y3);
* Draw the tickmark, but not for boxplots
if (prop['chart.line.visible'] && typeof(y) == 'number' && !y0 && !y1 && !y2 && !y3 && !y4) {
if (tickmarks == 'circle') {
co.arc(x, yCoord, halfTickSize, 0, 6.28, 0);
co.fillStyle = color;
} else if (tickmarks == 'plus') {
co.moveTo(x, yCoord - halfTickSize);
co.lineTo(x, yCoord + halfTickSize);
co.moveTo(x - halfTickSize, yCoord);
co.lineTo(x + halfTickSize, yCoord);
} else if (tickmarks == 'square') {
co.strokeStyle = color;
co.fillStyle = color;
x - halfTickSize,
yCoord - halfTickSize,
} else if (tickmarks == 'cross') {
co.moveTo(x - halfTickSize, yCoord - halfTickSize);
co.lineTo(x + halfTickSize, yCoord + halfTickSize);
co.moveTo(x + halfTickSize, yCoord - halfTickSize);
co.lineTo(x - halfTickSize, yCoord + halfTickSize);
* Diamond shape tickmarks
} else if (tickmarks == 'diamond') {
co.fillStyle = co.strokeStyle;
co.moveTo(x, yCoord - halfTickSize);
co.lineTo(x + halfTickSize, yCoord);
co.lineTo(x, yCoord + halfTickSize);
co.lineTo(x - halfTickSize, yCoord);
co.lineTo(x, yCoord - halfTickSize);
* Custom tickmark style
} else if (typeof(tickmarks) == 'function') {
var graphWidth = ca.width - this.gutterLeft - this.gutterRight
var graphheight = ca.height - this.gutterTop - this.gutterBottom;
var xVal = ((x - this.gutterLeft) / graphWidth) * xMax;
var yVal = ((graphheight - (yCoord - this.gutterTop)) / graphheight) * yMax;
tickmarks(this, data, x, yCoord, xVal, yVal, xMax, yMax, color, data_set_index, data_index)
* Image based tickmark
// lineData, xPos, yPos, color, isShadow, prevX, prevY, tickmarks, index
} else if (
typeof tickmarks === 'string' &&
tickmarks.substr(0, 6) === 'image:' ||
tickmarks.substr(0, 5) === 'data:' ||
tickmarks.substr(0, 1) === '/' ||
tickmarks.substr(0, 3) === '../' ||
tickmarks.substr(0, 7) === 'images/'
) {
var img = new Image();
if (tickmarks.substr(0, 6) === 'image:') {
img.src = tickmarks.substr(6);
} else {
img.src = tickmarks;
img.onload = function ()
if (prop['chart.tickmarks.image.halign'] === 'center') x -= (this.width / 2);
if (prop['chart.tickmarks.image.halign'] === 'right') x -= this.width;
if (prop['chart.tickmarks.image.valign'] === 'center') yCoord -= (this.height / 2);
if (prop['chart.tickmarks.image.valign'] === 'bottom') yCoord -= this.height;
x += prop['chart.tickmarks.image.offsetx'];
yCoord += prop['chart.tickmarks.image.offsety'];
co.drawImage(this, x, yCoord);
* No tickmarks
} else if (tickmarks === null) {
* Unknown tickmark type
} else {
alert('[SCATTER] (' + this.id + ') Unknown tickmark style: ' + tickmarks );
* Add the tickmark to the coords array
if ( prop['chart.boxplot']
&& typeof y0 === 'number'
&& typeof y1 === 'number'
&& typeof y2 === 'number'
&& typeof y3 === 'number'
&& typeof y4 === 'number') {
x = [x - halfBoxWidth, x + halfBoxWidth];
yCoord = [y0, y1, y2, y3, y4];
coords.push([x, yCoord, tooltip]);
* Draws an optional line connecting the tick marks.
* @param i The index of the dataset to use
this.drawLine =
this.DrawLine = function (i)
if (typeof(prop['chart.line.visible']) == 'boolean' && prop['chart.line.visible'] == false) {
if (prop['chart.line'] && this.coords[i].length >= 2) {
if (prop['chart.line.dash'] && typeof co.setLineDash === 'function') {
co.lineCap = 'round';
co.lineJoin = 'round';
co.lineWidth = this.getLineWidth(i);// i is the index of the set of coordinates
co.strokeStyle = prop['chart.line.colors'][i];
var prevY = null;
var currY = null;
for (var j=0,len=this.coords[i].length; j<len; j+=1) {
var xPos = this.coords[i][j][0];
var yPos = this.coords[i][j][1];
if (j > 0) prevY = this.coords[i][j - 1][1];
currY = yPos;
if (j == 0 || RG.is_null(prevY) || RG.is_null(currY)) {
co.moveTo(xPos, yPos);
} else {
// Stepped?
var stepped = prop['chart.line.stepped'];
if ( (typeof stepped == 'boolean' && stepped)
|| (typeof stepped == 'object' && stepped[i])
) {
co.lineTo(this.coords[i][j][0], this.coords[i][j - 1][1]);
co.lineTo(xPos, yPos);
* Set the linedash back to the default
if (prop['chart.line.dash'] && typeof co.setLineDash === 'function') {
* Set the linewidth back to 1
co.lineWidth = 1;
* Returns the linewidth
* @param number i The index of the "line" (/set of coordinates)
this.getLineWidth =
this.GetLineWidth = function (i)
var linewidth = prop['chart.line.linewidth'];
if (typeof linewidth == 'number') {
return linewidth;
} else if (typeof linewidth == 'object') {
if (linewidth[i]) {
return linewidth[i];
} else {
return linewidth[0];
alert('[SCATTER] Error! chart.linewidth should be a single number or an array of one or more numbers');
* Draws vertical bars. Line chart doesn't use a horizontal scale, hence this function
* is not common
this.drawVBars =
this.DrawVBars = function ()
var vbars = prop['chart.background.vbars'];
var graphWidth = ca.width - this.gutterLeft - this.gutterRight;
if (vbars) {
var xmax = prop['chart.xmax'];
var xmin = prop['chart.xmin'];
for (var i=0,len=vbars.length; i<len; i+=1) {
var key = i;
var value = vbars[key];
* Accomodate date/time values
if (typeof value[0] == 'string') value[0] = RG.parseDate(value[0]);
if (typeof value[1] == 'string') value[1] = RG.parseDate(value[1]) - value[0];
var x = (( (value[0] - xmin) / (xmax - xmin) ) * graphWidth) + this.gutterLeft;
var width = (value[1] / (xmax - xmin) ) * graphWidth;
co.fillStyle = value[2];
co.fillRect(x, this.gutterTop, width, (ca.height - this.gutterTop - this.gutterBottom));
* Draws in-graph labels.
* @param object obj The graph object
this.drawInGraphLabels =
this.DrawInGraphLabels = function (obj)
var labels = obj.Get('chart.labels.ingraph');
var labels_processed = [];
if (!labels) {
// Defaults
var fgcolor = 'black';
var bgcolor = 'white';
var direction = 1;
* Preprocess the labels array. Numbers are expanded
for (var i=0,len=labels.length; i<len; i+=1) {
if (typeof(labels[i]) == 'number') {
for (var j=0; j<labels[i]; ++j) {
} else if (typeof(labels[i]) == 'string' || typeof(labels[i]) == 'object') {
} else {
* Turn off any shadow
if (labels_processed && labels_processed.length > 0) {
var i=0;
for (var set=0; set<obj.coords.length; ++set) {
for (var point = 0; point<obj.coords[set].length; ++point) {
if (labels_processed[i]) {
var x = obj.coords[set][point][0];
var y = obj.coords[set][point][1];
var length = typeof(labels_processed[i][4]) == 'number' ? labels_processed[i][4] : 25;
var text_x = x;
var text_y = y - 5 - length;
co.moveTo(x, y - 5);
co.lineTo(x, y - 5 - length);
// This draws the arrow
co.moveTo(x, y - 5);
co.lineTo(x - 3, y - 10);
co.lineTo(x + 3, y - 10);
// Fore ground color
co.fillStyle = (typeof(labels_processed[i]) == 'object' && typeof(labels_processed[i][1]) == 'string') ? labels_processed[i][1] : 'black';
RG.Text2(this, {
'text':(typeof(labels_processed[i]) == 'object' && typeof(labels_processed[i][0]) == 'string') ? labels_processed[i][0] : labels_processed[i],
'boundingFill':(typeof(labels_processed[i]) == 'object' && typeof(labels_processed[i][2]) == 'string') ? labels_processed[i][2] : 'white',
'tag': 'labels.ingraph'
* This function makes it much easier to get the (if any) point that is currently being hovered over.
* @param object e The event object
this.getShape =
this.getPoint = function (e)
var mouseXY = RG.getMouseXY(e);
var mouseX = mouseXY[0];
var mouseY = mouseXY[1];
var overHotspot = false;
var offset = prop['chart.tooltips.hotspot']; // This is how far the hotspot extends
for (var set=0,len=this.coords.length; set<len; ++set) {
for (var i=0,len2=this.coords[set].length; i<len2; ++i) {
var x = this.coords[set][i][0];
var y = this.coords[set][i][1];
var tooltip = this.data[set][i][3];
if (typeof(y) == 'number') {
if (mouseX <= (x + offset) &&
mouseX >= (x - offset) &&
mouseY <= (y + offset) &&
mouseY >= (y - offset)) {
var tooltip = RG.parseTooltipText(this.data[set][i][3], 0);
var index_adjusted = i;
for (var ds=(set-1); ds >=0; --ds) {
index_adjusted += this.data[ds].length;
return {
0: this, 1: x, 2: y, 3: set, 4: i, 5: this.data[set][i][3],
'object': this, 'x': x, 'y': y, 'dataset': set, 'index': i, 'tooltip': tooltip, 'index_adjusted': index_adjusted
} else if (RG.is_null(y)) {
// Nothing to see here
} else {
var mark = this.data[set][i];
* Determine the width
var width = prop['chart.boxplot.width'];
if (typeof(mark[1][7]) == 'number') {
width = mark[1][7];
if ( typeof(x) == 'object'
&& mouseX > x[0]
&& mouseX < x[1]
&& mouseY < y[1]
&& mouseY > y[3]
) {
var tooltip = RG.parseTooltipText(this.data[set][i][3], 0);
return {
0: this, 1: x[0], 2: x[1] - x[0], 3: y[1], 4: y[3] - y[1], 5: set, 6: i, 7: this.data[set][i][3],
'object': this, 'x': x[0], 'y': y[1], 'width': x[1] - x[0], 'height': y[3] - y[1], 'dataset': set, 'index': i, 'tooltip': tooltip
* Draws the above line labels
this.drawAboveLabels =
this.DrawAboveLabels = function ()
var size = prop['chart.labels.above.size'];
var font = prop['chart.text.font'];
var units_pre = prop['chart.units.pre'];
var units_post = prop['chart.units.post'];
for (var set=0,len=this.coords.length; set<len; ++set) {
for (var point=0,len2=this.coords[set].length; point<len2; ++point) {
var x_val = this.data[set][point][0];
var y_val = this.data[set][point][1];
if (!RG.is_null(y_val)) {
// Use the top most value from a box plot
if (RG.is_array(y_val)) {
var max = 0;
for (var i=0; i<y_val; ++i) {
max = Math.max(max, y_val[i]);
y_val = max;
var x_pos = this.coords[set][point][0];
var y_pos = this.coords[set][point][1];
RG.Text2(this, {
'y':y_pos - 5 - size,
'text':x_val.toFixed(prop['chart.labels.above.decimals']) + ', ' + y_val.toFixed(prop['chart.labels.above.decimals']),
'boundingFill':'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7)',
'tag': 'labels.above'
* When you click on the chart, this method can return the Y value at that point. It works for any point on the
* chart (that is inside the gutters) - not just points within the Bars.
* @param object e The event object
this.getYValue =
this.getValue = function (arg)
if (arg.length == 2) {
var mouseX = arg[0];
var mouseY = arg[1];
} else {
var mouseCoords = RG.getMouseXY(arg);
var mouseX = mouseCoords[0];
var mouseY = mouseCoords[1];
var obj = this;
if ( mouseY < this.gutterTop
|| mouseY > (ca.height - this.gutterBottom)
|| mouseX < this.gutterLeft
|| mouseX > (ca.width - this.gutterRight)
) {
return null;
if (prop['chart.xaxispos'] == 'center') {
var value = (((this.grapharea / 2) - (mouseY - this.gutterTop)) / this.grapharea) * (this.max - this.min)
value *= 2;
// Account for each side of the X axis
if (value >= 0) {
value += this.min
if (prop['chart.ylabels.invert']) {
value -= this.min;
value = this.max - value;
} else {
value -= this.min;
if (prop['chart.ylabels.invert']) {
value += this.min;
value = this.max + value;
value *= -1;
} else {
var value = ((this.grapharea - (mouseY - this.gutterTop)) / this.grapharea) * (this.max - this.min)
value += this.min;
if (prop['chart.ylabels.invert']) {
value -= this.min;
value = this.max - value;
return value;
* When you click on the chart, this method can return the X value at that point.
* @param mixed arg This can either be an event object or the X coordinate
* @param number If specifying the X coord as the first arg then this should be the Y coord
this.getXValue = function (arg)
if (arg.length == 2) {
var mouseX = arg[0];
var mouseY = arg[1];
} else {
var mouseXY = RG.getMouseXY(arg);
var mouseX = mouseXY[0];
var mouseY = mouseXY[1];
var obj = this;
if ( mouseY < this.gutterTop
|| mouseY > (ca.height - this.gutterBottom)
|| mouseX < this.gutterLeft
|| mouseX > (ca.width - this.gutterRight)
) {
return null;
var width = (ca.width - this.gutterLeft - this.gutterRight);
var value = ((mouseX - this.gutterLeft) / width) * (prop['chart.xmax'] - prop['chart.xmin'])
value += prop['chart.xmin'];
return value;
* Each object type has its own Highlight() function which highlights the appropriate shape
* @param object shape The shape to highlight
this.highlight =
this.Highlight = function (shape)
// Boxplot highlight
if (shape['height']) {
RG.Highlight.Rect(this, shape);
// Point highlight
} else {
RG.Highlight.Point(this, shape);
* The getObjectByXY() worker method. Don't call this call:
* RG.ObjectRegistry.getObjectByXY(e)
* @param object e The event object
this.getObjectByXY = function (e)
var mouseXY = RG.getMouseXY(e);
if (
mouseXY[0] > (this.gutterLeft - 3)
&& mouseXY[0] < (ca.width - this.gutterRight + 3)
&& mouseXY[1] > (this.gutterTop - 3)
&& mouseXY[1] < ((ca.height - this.gutterBottom) + 3)
) {
return this;
* This function can be used when the canvas is clicked on (or similar - depending on the event)
* to retrieve the relevant X coordinate for a particular value.
* @param int value The value to get the X coordinate for
this.getXCoord = function (value)
if (typeof value != 'number' && typeof value != 'string') {
return null;
// Allow for date strings to be passed
if (typeof value === 'string') {
value = RG.parseDate(value);
var xmin = prop['chart.xmin'];
var xmax = prop['chart.xmax'];
var x;
if (value < xmin) return null;
if (value > xmax) return null;
var gutterRight = this.gutterRight;
var gutterLeft = this.gutterLeft;
if (prop['chart.yaxispos'] == 'right') {
x = ((value - xmin) / (xmax - xmin)) * (ca.width - gutterLeft - gutterRight);
x = (ca.width - gutterRight - x);
} else {
x = ((value - xmin) / (xmax - xmin)) * (ca.width - gutterLeft - gutterRight);
x = x + gutterLeft;
return x;
* This function positions a tooltip when it is displayed
* @param obj object The chart object
* @param int x The X coordinate specified for the tooltip
* @param int y The Y coordinate specified for the tooltip
* @param objec tooltip The tooltips DIV element
this.positionTooltip = function (obj, x, y, tooltip, idx)
var shape = RG.Registry.Get('chart.tooltip.shape');
var dataset = shape['dataset'];
var index = shape['index'];
var coordX = obj.coords[dataset][index][0]
var coordY = obj.coords[dataset][index][1]
var canvasXY = RG.getCanvasXY(obj.canvas);
var gutterLeft = obj.gutterLeft;
var gutterTop = obj.gutterTop;
var width = tooltip.offsetWidth;
var height = tooltip.offsetHeight;
tooltip.style.left = 0;
tooltip.style.top = 0;
// Is the coord a boxplot
var isBoxplot = typeof(coordY) == 'object' ? true : false;
// Show any overflow (ie the arrow)
tooltip.style.overflow = '';
// Create the arrow
var img = new Image();
img.src = '';
img.style.position = 'absolute';
img.id = '__rgraph_tooltip_pointer__';
img.style.top = (tooltip.offsetHeight - 2) + 'px';
// Reposition the tooltip if at the edges:
// LEFT edge //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
if ((canvasXY[0] + (coordX[0] || coordX) - (width / 2)) < 10) {
if (isBoxplot) {
tooltip.style.left = canvasXY[0] + coordX[0] + ((coordX[1] - coordX[0]) / 2) - (width * 0.1) + 'px';
tooltip.style.top = canvasXY[1] + coordY[2] - height - 5 + 'px';
img.style.left = ((width * 0.1) - 8.5) + 'px';
} else {
tooltip.style.left = (canvasXY[0] + coordX - (width * 0.1)) + 'px';
tooltip.style.top = canvasXY[1] + coordY - height - 9 + 'px';
img.style.left = ((width * 0.1) - 8.5) + 'px';
// RIGHT edge //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
} else if ((canvasXY[0] + (coordX[0] || coordX) + (width / 2)) > doc.body.offsetWidth) {
if (isBoxplot) {
tooltip.style.left = canvasXY[0] + coordX[0] + ((coordX[1] - coordX[0]) / 2) - (width * 0.9) + 'px';
tooltip.style.top = canvasXY[1] + coordY[2] - height - 5 + 'px';
img.style.left = ((width * 0.9) - 8.5) + 'px';
} else {
tooltip.style.left = (canvasXY[0] + coordX - (width * 0.9)) + 'px';
tooltip.style.top = canvasXY[1] + coordY - height - 9 + 'px';
img.style.left = ((width * 0.9) - 8.5) + 'px';
// Default positioning - CENTERED //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
} else {
if (isBoxplot) {
tooltip.style.left = canvasXY[0] + coordX[0] + ((coordX[1] - coordX[0]) / 2) - (width / 2) + 'px';
tooltip.style.top = canvasXY[1] + coordY[2] - height - 5 + 'px';
img.style.left = ((width * 0.5) - 8.5) + 'px';
} else {
tooltip.style.left = (canvasXY[0] + coordX - (width * 0.5)) + 'px';
tooltip.style.top = canvasXY[1] + coordY - height - 9 + 'px';
img.style.left = ((width * 0.5) - 8.5) + 'px';
* Returns the applicable Y COORDINATE when given a Y value
* @param int value The value to use
* @return int The appropriate Y coordinate
this.getYCoord =
this.getYCoordFromValue = function (value)
if (typeof(value) != 'number') {
return null;
var invert = prop['chart.ylabels.invert'];
var xaxispos = prop['chart.xaxispos'];
var graphHeight = ca.height - this.gutterTop - this.gutterBottom;
var halfGraphHeight = graphHeight / 2;
var ymax = this.max;
var ymin = prop['chart.ymin'];
var coord = 0;
if (value > ymax || (prop['chart.xaxispos'] == 'bottom' && value < ymin) || (prop['chart.xaxispos'] == 'center' && ((value > 0 && value < ymin) || (value < 0 && value > (-1 * ymin))))) {
return null;
* This calculates scale values if the X axis is in the center
if (xaxispos == 'center') {
coord = ((Math.abs(value) - ymin) / (ymax - ymin)) * halfGraphHeight;
if (invert) {
coord = halfGraphHeight - coord;
if (value < 0) {
coord += this.gutterTop;
coord += halfGraphHeight;
} else {
coord = halfGraphHeight - coord;
coord += this.gutterTop;
* And this calculates scale values when the X axis is at the bottom
} else {
coord = ((value - ymin) / (ymax - ymin)) * graphHeight;
if (invert) {
coord = graphHeight - coord;
// Invert the coordinate because the Y scale starts at the top
coord = graphHeight - coord;
// And add on the top gutter
coord = this.gutterTop + coord;
return coord;
* A helper class that helps facilitatesbubble charts
RG.Scatter.Bubble = function (scatter, min, max, width, data)
this.scatter = scatter;
this.min = min;
this.max = max;
this.width = width;
this.data = data;
* A setter for the Bubble chart class - it just acts as a "passthru" to the Scatter object
this.set =
this.Set = function (name, value)
this.scatter.Set(name, value);
return this;
* A getter for the Bubble chart class - it just acts as a "passthru" to the Scatter object
this.get =
this.Get = function (name)
* Tha Bubble chart draw function
this.draw =
this.Draw = function ()
var bubble_min = this.min;
var bubble_max = this.max;
var bubble_data = this.data;
var bubble_max_width = this.width;
// This custom ondraw event listener draws the bubbles
this.scatter.ondraw = function (obj)
// Loop through all the points (first dataset)
for (var i=0; i<obj.coords[0].length; ++i) {
bubble_data[i] = Math.max(bubble_data[i], bubble_min);
bubble_data[i] = Math.min(bubble_data[i], bubble_max);
var r = ((bubble_data[i] - bubble_min) / (bubble_max - bubble_min) ) * bubble_max_width;
co.fillStyle = RG.RadialGradient(obj,
obj.coords[0][i][0] + (r / 2.5),
obj.coords[0][i][1] - (r / 2.5),
obj.coords[0][i][0] + (r / 2.5),
obj.coords[0][i][1] - (r / 2.5),
obj.data[0][i][2] ? obj.data[0][i][2] : obj.properties['chart.defaultcolor']
co.arc(obj.coords[0][i][0], obj.coords[0][i][1], r, 0, RG.TWOPI, false);
return this.scatter.Draw();
* This allows for easy specification of gradients
this.parseColors = function ()
// Save the original colors so that they can be restored when the canvas is reset
if (this.original_colors.length === 0) {
this.original_colors['data'] = RG.array_clone(this.data);
this.original_colors['chart.background.vbars'] = RG.array_clone(prop['chart.background.vbars']);
this.original_colors['chart.background.hbars'] = RG.array_clone(prop['chart.background.hbars']);
this.original_colors['chart.line.colors'] = RG.array_clone(prop['chart.line.colors']);
this.original_colors['chart.defaultcolor'] = RG.array_clone(prop['chart.defaultcolor']);
this.original_colors['chart.crosshairs.color'] = RG.array_clone(prop['chart.crosshairs.color']);
this.original_colors['chart.highlight.stroke'] = RG.array_clone(prop['chart.highlight.stroke']);
this.original_colors['chart.highlight.fill'] = RG.array_clone(prop['chart.highlight.fill']);
this.original_colors['chart.background.barcolor1'] = RG.array_clone(prop['chart.background.barcolor1']);
this.original_colors['chart.background.barcolor2'] = RG.array_clone(prop['chart.background.barcolor2']);
this.original_colors['chart.background.grid.color'] = RG.array_clone(prop['chart.background.grid.color']);
this.original_colors['chart.background.color'] = RG.array_clone(prop['chart.background.color']);
this.original_colors['chart.axis.color'] = RG.array_clone(prop['chart.axis.color']);
// Colors
var data = this.data;
if (data) {
for (var dataset=0; dataset<data.length; ++dataset) {
for (var i=0; i<this.data[dataset].length; ++i) {
// Boxplots
if (this.data[dataset][i] && typeof(this.data[dataset][i][1]) == 'object' && this.data[dataset][i][1]) {
if (typeof(this.data[dataset][i][1][5]) == 'string') this.data[dataset][i][1][5] = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(this.data[dataset][i][1][5]);
if (typeof(this.data[dataset][i][1][6]) == 'string') this.data[dataset][i][1][6] = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(this.data[dataset][i][1][6]);
this.data[dataset][i][2] = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(this.data[dataset][i][2]);
// Parse HBars
var hbars = prop['chart.background.hbars'];
if (hbars) {
for (i=0; i<hbars.length; ++i) {
hbars[i][2] = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(hbars[i][2]);
// Parse HBars
var vbars = prop['chart.background.vbars'];
if (vbars) {
for (i=0; i<vbars.length; ++i) {
vbars[i][2] = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(vbars[i][2]);
// Parse line colors
var colors = prop['chart.line.colors'];
if (colors) {
for (i=0; i<colors.length; ++i) {
colors[i] = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(colors[i]);
prop['chart.defaultcolor'] = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(prop['chart.defaultcolor']);
prop['chart.crosshairs.color'] = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(prop['chart.crosshairs.color']);
prop['chart.highlight.stroke'] = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(prop['chart.highlight.stroke']);
prop['chart.highlight.fill'] = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(prop['chart.highlight.fill']);
prop['chart.background.barcolor1'] = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(prop['chart.background.barcolor1']);
prop['chart.background.barcolor2'] = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(prop['chart.background.barcolor2']);
prop['chart.background.grid.color'] = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(prop['chart.background.grid.color']);
prop['chart.background.color'] = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(prop['chart.background.color']);
prop['chart.axis.color'] = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(prop['chart.axis.color']);
* Use this function to reset the object to the post-constructor state. Eg reset colors if
* need be etc
this.reset = function ()
* This parses a single color value for a gradient
this.parseSingleColorForGradient = function (color)
if (!color || typeof(color) != 'string') {
return color;
if (color.match(/^gradient\((.*)\)$/i)) {
var parts = RegExp.$1.split(':');
// Create the gradient
var grad = co.createLinearGradient(0,ca.height - prop['chart.gutter.bottom'], 0, prop['chart.gutter.top']);
var diff = 1 / (parts.length - 1);
grad.addColorStop(0, RG.trim(parts[0]));
for (var j=1; j<parts.length; ++j) {
grad.addColorStop(j * diff, RG.trim(parts[j]));
return grad ? grad : color;
* This function handles highlighting an entire data-series for the interactive
* key
* @param int index The index of the data series to be highlighted
this.interactiveKeyHighlight = function (index)
if (this.coords && this.coords[index] && this.coords[index].length) {
this.coords[index].forEach(function (value, idx, arr)
co.fillStyle = prop['chart.key.interactive.highlight.chart.fill'];
co.arc(value[0], value[1], prop['chart.ticksize'] + 3, 0, RG.TWOPI, false);
* Using a function to add events makes it easier to facilitate method chaining
* @param string type The type of even to add
* @param function func
this.on = function (type, func)
if (type.substr(0,2) !== 'on') {
type = 'on' + type;
this[type] = func;
return this;
* This function runs once only
* (put at the end of the file (before any effects))
this.firstDrawFunc = function ()
* Trace
* This effect is for the Scatter chart, uses the jQuery library and slowly
* uncovers the Line/marks, but you can see the background of the chart.
this.trace = function ()
var callback = typeof arguments[1] === 'function' ? arguments[1] : function () {};
var opt = arguments[0] || [];
var obj = this;
opt['duration'] = opt['duration'] || 1500;
if (opt['frames']) {
opt['duration'] = (opt['frames'] / 60) * 1000;
* Create the DIV that the second canvas will sit in
var div = document.createElement('DIV');
var xy = RG.getCanvasXY(this.canvas);
div.id = '__rgraph_trace_animation_' + RGraph.random(0, 4351623) + '__';
div.style.left = xy[0] + 'px';
div.style.top = xy[1] + 'px';
div.style.width = prop['chart.gutter.left'];
div.style.height = ca.height + 'px';
div.style.position = 'absolute';
div.style.overflow = 'hidden';
* Make the second canvas
var id = '__rgraph_scatter_trace_animation_' + RG.random(0, 99999999) + '__';
var canvas2 = document.createElement('CANVAS');
canvas2.width = ca.width;
canvas2.height = ca.height;
canvas2.style.position = 'absolute';
canvas2.style.left = 0;
canvas2.style.top = 0;
canvas2.setAttribute('data-l', 'false');
// This stops the clear effect clearing the canvas - which can happen if you have multiple canvas tags on the page all with
// dynamic effects that do redrawing
canvas2.noclear = true;
canvas2.id = id;
var reposition_canvas2 = function (e)
var xy = RGraph.getCanvasXY(obj.canvas);
div.style.left = xy[0] + 'px';
div.style.top = xy[1] + 'px';
window.addEventListener('resize', reposition_canvas2, false)
* Make a copy of the original Line object
var obj2 = new RGraph.Scatter(id, RG.array_clone(this.data));
// Remove the new line from the ObjectRegistry so that it isn't redawn
for (i in prop) {
if (typeof i === 'string') {
obj2.Set(i, prop[i]);
obj2.Set('chart.labels', []);
obj2.Set('chart.background.grid', false);
obj2.Set('chart.background.barcolor1', 'rgba(0,0,0,0)');
obj2.Set('chart.background.barcolor2', 'rgba(0,0,0,0)');
obj2.Set('chart.ylabels', false);
obj2.Set('chart.noaxes', true);
obj2.Set('chart.title', '');
obj2.Set('chart.title.xaxis', '');
obj2.Set('chart.title.yaxis', '');
obj2.Set('chart.key', []);
* This effectively hides the line
this.set('chart.line.visible', false);
* Place a DIV over the canvas to stop interaction with it
if (!ca.__rgraph_scatter_trace_cover__) {
var div2 = document.createElement('DIV');
div2.id = '__rgraph_trace_animation_' + RGraph.random(0, 4351623) + '__';
div2.style.left = xy[0] + 'px';
div2.style.top = xy[1] + 'px';
div2.style.width = ca.width + 'px';
div2.style.height = ca.height + 'px';
div2.style.position = 'absolute';
div2.style.overflow = 'hidden';
div2.style.backgroundColor = 'rgba(0,0,0,0)';
div.div2 = div2;
ca.__rgraph_scatter_trace_cover__ = div2
} else {
div2 = ca.__rgraph_scatter_trace_cover__;
* Animate the DIV that contains the canvas
jQuery('#' + div.id).animate({
width: ca.width + 'px'
}, opt['duration'], function ()
// Remove the window resize listener
window.removeEventListener('resize', reposition_canvas2, false);
div.style.display = 'none';
div2.style.display = 'none';
obj.Set('chart.line.visible', true);
// Revert the colors back to what they were
obj.Set('chart.colors', RGraph.array_clone(obj2.Get('chart.colors')));
obj.Set('chart.key', RG.array_clone(obj2.Get('chart.key')));
ca.__rgraph_trace_cover__ = null;
return this;
* This helps the Gantt reset colors when the reset function is called.
* It handles going through the data and resetting the colors.
this.resetColorsToOriginalValues = function ()
* Copy the original colors over for single-event-per-line data
for (var i=0,len=this.original_colors['data'].length; i<len; ++i) {
for (var j=0,len2=this.original_colors['data'][i].length; j<len2;++j) {
// The color for the point
this.data[i][j][2] = RG.array_clone(this.original_colors['data'][i][j][2]);
// Handle boxplots
if (typeof this.data[i][j][1] === 'object') {
this.data[i][j][1][5] = RG.array_clone(this.original_colors['data'][i][j][1][5]);
this.data[i][j][1][6] = RG.array_clone(this.original_colors['data'][i][j][1][6]);
* Register the object
* This is the 'end' of the constructor so if the first argument
* contains configuration data - handle that.
if (parseConfObjectForOptions) {
RG.parseObjectStyleConfig(this, conf.options);