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713 lines
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Executable file
713 lines
32 KiB
Executable file
* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
class TemplateHandler
* @var string $cacheDir
public $cacheDir;
* @var string $themeDir
public $themeDir = 'themes/';
* @var string $templateDir
public $templateDir = 'modules/';
* @var Sugar_Smarty|null $ss
public $ss;
* TemplateHandler constructor.
public function __construct()
$this->cacheDir = sugar_cached('');
public function loadSmarty()
if ($this->ss === null) {
$this->ss = new Sugar_Smarty();
* clearAll
* Helper function to remove all .tpl files in the cache directory
public static function clearAll()
global $beanList;
foreach ($beanList as $module_dir => $object_name) {
* clearCache
* Helper function to remove cached .tpl files for a particular module
* @param String $module The module directory to clear
* @param String $view Optional view value (DetailView, EditView, etc.)
public static function clearCache($module, $view = '')
$cacheDir = create_cache_directory('modules/' . $module . '/');
$d = dir($cacheDir);
while ($e = $d->read()) {
if (!empty($view) && $e !== $view) {
$end = strlen($e) - 4;
if (is_file($cacheDir . $e) && $end > 1 && substr($e, $end) === '.tpl') {
unlink($cacheDir . $e);
* Due to a change since 7.7, the tpl files may also exist in the current theme folder.
* So we need to also clear tpl files in eg cache/[Current Theme]/[modules]/**.tpl
* The tpl files for each theme should be cleared for consistency.
$cacheDir = rtrim($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['cache_dir'], '/\\');
$themesDir = array_filter(glob($cacheDir . '/themes/*'), 'is_dir');
foreach ($themesDir as $theme) {
$tplDir = $theme . '/modules/' . $module . '/';
if (!file_exists($tplDir)) {
$d = dir($tplDir);
while ($e = $d->read()) {
if (!empty($view) && $e !== $view) {
$end = strlen($e) - 4;
if ($end > 1 && is_file($tplDir . $e) && substr($e, $end) === '.tpl') {
unlink($tplDir . $e);
* Builds a template
* This is a private function that should be called only from checkTemplate method
* @param string $module module name
* @param string $view need (eg DetailView, EditView, etc)
* @param string $tpl generic tpl to use
* @param boolean $ajaxSave parameter indicating whether or not this is coming from an Ajax call
* @param array $metaDataDefs metadata definition as Array
* @return void
public function buildTemplate($module, $view, $tpl, $ajaxSave, $metaDataDefs)
global $theme;
$cacheDir = create_cache_directory($this->themeDir . $theme . '/' . $this->templateDir . $module . '/');
$file = $cacheDir . $view . '.tpl';
$this->ss->left_delimiter = '{{';
$this->ss->right_delimiter = '}}';
$this->ss->assign('module', $module);
// TODO: TASK: UNDEFINED - Move built_in_buttons into the metadata file.
$contents = $this->ss->fetch($tpl);
// Insert validation and quick search stuff here
if ($view === 'EditView' || $ajaxSave || $view === 'ConvertLead' || $view === 'ComposeView' || strpos($view, 'QuickCreate')) {
global $dictionary, $app_strings, $mod_strings;
$mod = BeanFactory::getObjectName($module);
$defs = isset($dictionary[$mod]['fields']) ? $dictionary[$mod]['fields'] : [];
$defs2 = array();
//Retrieve all panel field definitions with displayParams Array field set
$panelFields = array();
foreach ($metaDataDefs['panels'] as $panel) {
foreach ($panel as $row) {
foreach ($row as $entry) {
if (empty($entry)) {
if (is_array($entry) &&
isset($entry['name']) &&
isset($entry['displayParams']['required']) &&
) {
$panelFields[$entry['name']] = $entry;
if (is_array($entry)) {
$defs2[$entry['name']] = $entry;
} else {
$defs2[$entry] = array('name' => $entry);
} //foreach
} //foreach
} //foreach
foreach ($panelFields as $field => $value) {
$nameList = array();
if (!is_array($value['displayParams']['required'])) {
$nameList[] = $field;
} else {
foreach ($value['displayParams']['required'] as $groupedField) {
$nameList[] = $groupedField;
foreach ($nameList as $x) {
if (isset($defs[$x]) &&
isset($defs[$x]['type']) &&
) {
$defs[$x]['required'] = true;
} //foreach
//Create a base class with field_name_map property
$sugarBean = BeanFactory::getBean($module); // $sugarBean = new SugarBean();
$sugarBean->field_name_map = $defs;
$sugarBean->module_dir = $module;
$javascript = new javascript();
$view = $view === 'QuickCreate' ? "QuickCreate_{$module}" : $view;
if ($view !== "ConvertLead") {
$javascript->addAllFields('', null, true);
$validatedFields = array();
$javascript->buildStringToTranslateInSmarty('ERR_SQS_NO_MATCH_FIELD') . ': ' . $javascript->buildStringToTranslateInSmarty('LBL_ASSIGNED_TO'),
$validatedFields[] = 'assigned_user_name';
//Add remaining validation dependency for related fields
//1) a relate type as defined in vardefs
//2) set in metadata layout
//3) not have validateDepedency set to false in metadata
//4) have id_name in vardef entry
//5) not already been added to Array
foreach ($sugarBean->field_name_map as $name => $def) {
if ($def['type'] === 'relate' &&
isset($defs2[$name]) &&
(!isset($defs2[$name]['validateDependency']) || $defs2[$name]['validateDependency'] === true) &&
isset($def['id_name']) &&
!in_array($name, $validatedFields)
) {
if (isset($mod_strings[$def['vname']])
|| isset($app_strings[$def['vname']])
|| translate($def['vname'], $sugarBean->module_dir) != $def['vname']
) {
$vname = $def['vname'];
} else {
$vname = "undefined";
$javascript->buildStringToTranslateInSmarty('ERR_SQS_NO_MATCH_FIELD') . ': ' . $javascript->buildStringToTranslateInSmarty($vname),
(!empty($def['required']) ? 'true' : 'false'),
$validatedFields[] = $name;
} //foreach
$contents .= "{literal}\n";
$contents .= $javascript->getScript();
$contents .= $this->createQuickSearchCode($defs, $defs2, $view, $module);
$contents .= "{/literal}\n";
} else {
if (preg_match('/^SearchForm_.+/', $view)) {
global $dictionary, $beanList;
if (!isset($beanList[$module])) {
LoggerManager::getLogger()->warn('Template handler trying to build a template but module not found in module list. Module was: ' . $module);
$mod = null;
} else {
$mod = $beanList[$module];
if ($mod === 'aCase') {
$mod = 'Case';
$defs = isset($dictionary[$mod]['fields']) ? $dictionary[$mod]['fields'] : [];
$contents .= '{literal}';
$contents .= $this->createQuickSearchCode($defs, array(), $view);
$contents .= '{/literal}';
//Remove all the copyright comments
$contents = preg_replace('/\{\*[^\}]*?\*\}/', '', $contents);
if ($fh = @sugar_fopen($file, 'w')) {
fwrite($fh, $contents);
$this->ss->left_delimiter = '{';
$this->ss->right_delimiter = '}';
* Checks if a template exists
* @param string $module module name
* @param string $view view need (eg DetailView, EditView, etc)
* @param bool $checkFormName
* @param string $formName
* @return bool
public function checkTemplate($module, $view, $checkFormName = false, $formName = '')
global $theme;
if (inDeveloperMode() || !empty($_SESSION['developerMode'])) {
return false;
$view = $checkFormName ? $formName : $view;
return file_exists($this->cacheDir . $this->themeDir . $theme . '/' . $this->templateDir . $module . '/' . $view . '.tpl');
* Retrieves and displays a template
* @param string $module module name
* @param string $view need (eg DetailView, EditView, etc)
* @param string $tpl generic tpl to use
* @param boolean $ajaxSave parameter indicating whether or not this is from an Ajax operation
* @param array|null $metaDataDefs Optional metadata definition Array
* @return string
public function displayTemplate($module, $view, $tpl, $ajaxSave = false, $metaDataDefs = null)
global $theme;
if (!$this->checkTemplate($module, $view)) {
$this->buildTemplate($module, $view, $tpl, $ajaxSave, $metaDataDefs);
$file = $this->cacheDir . $this->themeDir . $theme . '/' . $this->templateDir . $module . '/' . $view . '.tpl';
if (file_exists($file)) {
return $this->ss->fetch($file);
} else {
global $app_strings;
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal($app_strings['ERR_NO_SUCH_FILE'] . ": $file");
return $app_strings['ERR_NO_SUCH_FILE'] . ": $file";
* Deletes an existing template
* @param string $module module name
* @param string $view view need (eg DetailView, EditView, etc)
* @return boolean true if successful
public function deleteTemplate($module, $view)
global $theme;
if (is_file($this->cacheDir . $this->themeDir . $theme . '/' . $this->templateDir . $module . '/' . $view . '.tpl')) {
// Bug #54634 : RTC 18144 : Cannot add more than 1 user to role but popup is multi-selectable
if (!isset($this->ss)) {
$cache_file_name = $this->ss->_get_compile_path($this->cacheDir . $this->themeDir . $theme . '/' . $this->templateDir . $module . '/' . $view . '.tpl');
return unlink($this->cacheDir . $this->themeDir . $theme . '/' . $this->templateDir . $module . '/' . $view . '.tpl');
return false;
* createQuickSearchCode
* This function creates the $sqs_objects array that will be used by the quicksearch Javascript
* code. The $sqs_objects array is wrapped in a $json->encode call.
* @param $defs
* @param array $defs2 The Meta-Data file definitions
* @param string $view
* @param string $module
* @return string
* @internal param array $def The vardefs.php definitions
public function createQuickSearchCode($defs, $defs2, $view = '', $module = '')
$sqs_objects = array();
if ($this instanceof TemplateHandler) { //If someone calls createQuickSearchCode as a static method (@see ImportViewStep3) $this becomes anoter object, not TemplateHandler
$qsd = QuickSearchDefaults::getQuickSearchDefaults($this->getQSDLookup());
} else {
$qsd = QuickSearchDefaults::getQuickSearchDefaults(array());
if (preg_match('/^SearchForm_.+/', $view)) {
if (strpos($view, 'popup_query_form')) {
$parsedView = 'advanced';
} else {
$parsedView = preg_replace('/^SearchForm_/', '', $view);
//Loop through the Meta-Data fields to see which ones need quick search support
foreach ($defs as $f) {
$field = $f;
$name = $qsd->form_name . '_' . $field['name'];
if (($field['type'] === 'relate' &&
isset($field['module']) &&
!empty($field['module']) &&
preg_match('/_name$|_c$/si', $name)) ||
) {
if (preg_match('/^(Campaigns|Teams|Users|Contacts|Accounts)$/si', $field['module'], $matches)) {
if ($matches[0] === 'Campaigns') {
$sqs_objects[$name . '_' . $parsedView] = $qsd->loadQSObject(
} else {
if ($matches[0] === 'Users') {
if (!empty($f['name']) && !empty($f['id_name'])) {
$sqs_objects[$name . '_' . $parsedView] = $qsd->getQSUser(
} else {
$sqs_objects[$name . '_' . $parsedView] = $qsd->getQSUser();
} else {
if ($matches[0] === 'Campaigns') {
$sqs_objects[$name . '_' . $parsedView] = $qsd->loadQSObject(
} else {
if ($matches[0] === 'Accounts') {
$nameKey = $name;
$idKey = isset($field['id_name']) ? $field['id_name'] : 'account_id';
//There are billingKey, shippingKey and additionalFields entries you can define in editviewdefs.php
//entry to allow quick search to autocomplete fields with a suffix value of the
//billing/shippingKey value (i.e. 'billingKey' => 'primary' in Contacts will populate
//primary_XXX fields with the Account's billing address values).
//addtionalFields are key/value pair of fields to fill from Accounts(key) to Contacts(value)
$billingKey = isset($f['displayParams']['billingKey']) ? $f['displayParams']['billingKey'] : null;
$shippingKey = isset($f['displayParams']['shippingKey']) ? $f['displayParams']['shippingKey'] : null;
$additionalFields = isset($f['displayParams']['additionalFields']) ? $f['displayParams']['additionalFields'] : null;
$sqs_objects[$name . '_' . $parsedView] = $qsd->getQSAccount(
} else {
if ($matches[0] === 'Contacts') {
$sqs_objects[$name . '_' . $parsedView] = $qsd->getQSContact(
} else {
$sqs_objects[$name . '_' . $parsedView] = $qsd->getQSParent($field['module']);
if (!isset($field['field_list']) && !isset($field['populate_list'])) {
$sqs_objects[$name . '_' . $parsedView]['populate_list'] = array(
$sqs_objects[$name . '_' . $parsedView]['field_list'] = array('name', 'id');
} else {
$sqs_objects[$name . '_' . $parsedView]['populate_list'] = $field['field_list'];
$sqs_objects[$name . '_' . $parsedView]['field_list'] = $field['populate_list'];
} else {
if ($field['type'] == 'parent') {
$sqs_objects[$name . '_' . $parsedView] = $qsd->getQSParent();
} //if-else
} //foreach
foreach ($sqs_objects as $name => $field) {
foreach ($field['populate_list'] as $key => $fieldname) {
$sqs_objects[$name]['populate_list'][$key] = $sqs_objects[$name]['populate_list'][$key] . '_' . $parsedView;
} else {
//Loop through the Meta-Data fields to see which ones need quick search support
foreach ($defs2 as $f) {
if (!isset($defs[$f['name']])) {
$field = $defs[$f['name']];
if ($view === 'ConvertLead') {
$field['name'] = $module . $field['name'];
if (isset($field['module']) &&
isset($field['id_name']) &&
substr($field['id_name'], -4) === '_ida'
) {
$lc_module = strtolower($field['module']);
$ida_suffix = '_' . $lc_module . $lc_module . '_ida';
if (preg_match('/' . $ida_suffix . '$/', $field['id_name']) > 0) {
$field['id_name'] = $module . $field['id_name'];
} else {
$field['id_name'] = $field['name'] . '_' . $field['id_name'];
} else {
if (!empty($field['id_name'])) {
$field['id_name'] = $module . $field['id_name'];
$name = $qsd->form_name . '_' . $field['name'];
if ($field['type'] === 'relate' && isset($field['module']) && (preg_match(
) || !empty($field['quicksearch']))
) {
if (!preg_match('/_c$/si', $name)
&& (!isset($field['id_name']) || !preg_match('/_c$/si', $field['id_name']))
&& preg_match('/^(Campaigns|Teams|Users|Contacts|Accounts)$/si', $field['module'], $matches)
) {
if ($matches[0] === 'Campaigns') {
$sqs_objects[$name] = $qsd->loadQSObject(
} else {
if ($matches[0] === 'Users') {
if ($field['name'] === 'reports_to_name') {
$sqs_objects[$name] = $qsd->getQSUser('reports_to_name', 'reports_to_id');
// Bug #52994 : QuickSearch for a 1-M User relationship changes assigned to user
} elseif ($field['name'] === 'assigned_user_name') {
$sqs_objects[$name] = $qsd->getQSUser('assigned_user_name', 'assigned_user_id');
} else {
$sqs_objects[$name] = $qsd->getQSUser($field['name'], $field['id_name']);
} else {
if ($matches[0] === 'Campaigns') {
$sqs_objects[$name] = $qsd->loadQSObject(
} else {
if ($matches[0] === 'Accounts') {
$nameKey = $name;
$idKey = isset($field['id_name']) ? $field['id_name'] : 'account_id';
//There are billingKey, shippingKey and additionalFields entries you can define in editviewdefs.php
//entry to allow quick search to autocomplete fields with a suffix value of the
//billing/shippingKey value (i.e. 'billingKey' => 'primary' in Contacts will populate
//primary_XXX fields with the Account's billing address values).
//addtionalFields are key/value pair of fields to fill from Accounts(key) to Contacts(value)
$billingKey = SugarArray::staticGet($f, 'displayParams.billingKey');
$shippingKey = SugarArray::staticGet($f, 'displayParams.shippingKey');
$additionalFields = SugarArray::staticGet($f, 'displayParams.additionalFields');
$sqs_objects[$name] = $qsd->getQSAccount(
} else {
if ($matches[0] === 'Contacts') {
$sqs_objects[$name] = $qsd->getQSContact($field['name'], $field['id_name']);
if (preg_match('/_c$/si', $name) || !empty($field['quicksearch'])) {
$sqs_objects[$name]['field_list'] = array(
} else {
$sqs_objects[$name] = $qsd->getQSParent($field['module']);
if (!isset($field['field_list']) && !isset($field['populate_list'])) {
$sqs_objects[$name]['populate_list'] = array($field['name'], $field['id_name']);
// now handle quicksearches where the column to match is not 'name' but rather specified in 'rname'
if (!isset($field['rname'])) {
$sqs_objects[$name]['field_list'] = array('name', 'id');
} else {
$sqs_objects[$name]['field_list'] = array($field['rname'], 'id');
$sqs_objects[$name]['order'] = $field['rname'];
$sqs_objects[$name]['conditions'] = array(
'name' => $field['rname'],
'op' => 'like_custom',
'end' => '%',
'value' => ''
} else {
$sqs_objects[$name]['populate_list'] = $field['field_list'];
$sqs_objects[$name]['field_list'] = $field['populate_list'];
} else {
if ($field['type'] === 'parent') {
$sqs_objects[$name] = $qsd->getQSParent();
} //if-else
// Bug 53949 - Captivea (sve) - Partial fix : Append metadata fields that are not already included in $sqs_objects array
// (for example with hardcoded modules before, metadata arrays are not taken into account in 6.4.x 6.5.x)
// As QuickSearchDefault methods are called at other places, this will not fix the SQS problem for everywhere, but it fixes it on Editview
//merge populate_list && field_list with vardef
if (!empty($field['field_list']) && !empty($field['populate_list'])) {
$totalFields = count($field['field_list']);
for ($j = 0; $j < $totalFields; $j++) {
//search for the same couple (field_list_item,populate_field_item)
$field_list_item = $field['field_list'][$j];
$field_list_item_alternate = $qsd->form_name . '_' . $field['field_list'][$j];
$populate_list_item = $field['populate_list'][$j];
$found = false;
$totalSqsObjects = count($sqs_objects[$name]['field_list']);
for ($k = 0; $k < $totalSqsObjects; $k++) {
if (
$field_list_item == $sqs_objects[$name]['populate_list'][$k] ||
$field_list_item_alternate === $sqs_objects[$name]['populate_list'][$k]
) &&
$populate_list_item === $sqs_objects[$name]['field_list'][$k]
) {
$found = true;
if (!$found) {
$sqs_objects[$name]['field_list'][] = $field['populate_list'][$j];
$sqs_objects[$name]['populate_list'][] = $field['field_list'][$j];
} //foreach
//Implement QuickSearch for the field
if (!empty($sqs_objects) && count($sqs_objects) > 0) {
$quicksearch_js = '<script language="javascript">';
$quicksearch_js .= 'if(typeof sqs_objects == \'undefined\'){var sqs_objects = new Array;}';
$json = getJSONobj();
foreach ($sqs_objects as $sqsfield => $sqsfieldArray) {
$quicksearch_js .= "sqs_objects['$sqsfield']={$json->encode($sqsfieldArray)};";
return $quicksearch_js . '</script>';
return '';
* Get lookup array for QuickSearchDefaults custom class
* @return array
* @see QuickSearchDefaults::getQuickSearchDefaults()
protected function getQSDLookup()
return array();