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380 lines
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Executable file

if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
* Connector component
* @api
class component
protected $_has_testing_enabled = false;
protected $_source;
public function __construct()
public function init()
* fillBean
* This function wraps the call to getItem, but takes an additional SugarBean argument
* and loads the SugarBean's fields with the results as defined in the connector
* loadBean configuration mapping
* @param array $args arguments to pass into getItem
* @param string|null $module value of the module to map bean to
* @param SugarBean|null $bean instance to load values into
* @throws Exception Thrown if results could not be loaded into bean
* @return mixed
public function fillBean($args=array(), $module=null, $bean=null)
$result = null;
if (is_object($bean)) {
$args = $this->mapInput($args, $module);
$item = $this->_source->getItem($args, $module);
$result = $this->mapOutput($bean, $item);
} else {
if (!empty($module) && ($bean = loadBean($module))) {
return $this->fillBean($args, $module, $bean);
} else {
throw new Exception("Invalid bean");
return $result;
* fillBeans
* This function wraps the call to getList, but takes an additional Array argument
* and loads the SugarBean's fields with the results as defined in the connector
* loadBean configuration mapping
* @param array $args arguments to pass into getItem
* @param string|null $module value of the module to map bean to
* @param SugarBean[] $beans load SugarBean instances into
* @throws Exception Thrown if errors are found
* @return mixed
public function fillBeans($args=array(), $module=null, $beans=array())
$results = array();
$args = $this->mapInput($args, $module);
if (empty($args)) {
throw new Exception($GLOBALS['app_strings']['ERR_MISSING_MAPPING_ENTRY_FORM_MODULE']);
$filter = FilterFactory::getInstance(get_class($this->_source));
$list = $filter->getList($args, $module);
if (!empty($list)) {
$resultSize = is_countable($list) ? count($list) : 0;
if (!empty($beans)) {
if (count($beans) != $resultSize) {
throw new Exception($GLOBALS['app_strings']['ERR_CONNECTOR_FILL_BEANS_SIZE_MISMATCH']);
} else {
for ($x=0; $x < $resultSize; $x++) {
$beans[$x] = loadBean($module);
$keys = array_keys($beans);
$count = 0;
foreach ($list as $entry) {
//Change the result keys to lower case. This has important ramifications.
//This was done because the listviewdefs.php files may not know the proper casing
//of the fields to display. We change the keys to lowercase so that the values
//may be mapped to the beans without having to rely on the proper string casing
//in the listviewdefs.php files.
$entry = array_change_key_case($entry, CASE_LOWER);
$results[] = $this->mapOutput($beans[$keys[$count]], $entry);
$field_defs = $this->getFieldDefs();
$map = $this->getMapping();
$hasOptions = !empty($map['options']) ? true : false;
if ($hasOptions) {
$options = $map['options'];
$optionFields = array();
foreach ($field_defs as $name=>$field) {
if (!empty($field['options']) && !empty($map['options'][$field['options']]) && !empty($map['beans'][$module][$name])) {
$optionFields[$name] = $map['beans'][$module][$name];
foreach ($results as $key=>$bean) {
foreach ($optionFields as $sourceField=>$sugarField) {
$options_map = $options[$field_defs[$sourceField]['options']];
$results[$key]->$sugarField = !empty($options_map[$results[$key]->$sugarField]) ? $options_map[$results[$key]->$sugarField] : $results[$key]->$sugarField;
} //foreach
return $results;
* Obtain a list of items
* @param string $module ideally this method should return a list of beans of type $module.
* @param Mixed $args this represents the 'query' on the data source.
* Given a bean, persist it to a data source
* @param SugarBean $bean
public function save($bean)
* getConfig
* Returns the configuration Array as definied in the config.php file
* @return $config Array of the configuration mappings as defined in config.php
public function getConfig()
return $this->_source->getConfig;
public function getFieldDefs()
return $this->_source->getFieldDefs();
* setConfig
* Used by the Factories to set the config on the corresponding object
* @param array $config this file will be specified in config file corresponding to the wrapper or data source we are
* using. The name would be something like hoovers.php if we are using the hoovers data source or hoovers wrapper
* and it would exist in the same directory as the connector and/or wrapper.
* Note that the confing specified at the connector level takes precendence over the config specified at the wrapper level.
* This logic is performed in ConnectorFactory.php
public function setConfig($config)
* mapInput
public function mapInput($inputData, $module)
$input_params = array();
$map = $this->getMapping();
if (empty($map['beans'][$module])) {
return $input_params;
$mapping = array_flip($map['beans'][$module]);
$field_defs = $this->getFieldDefs();
foreach ($inputData as $arg => $val) {
if (!empty($mapping[$arg]) || !empty($field_defs[$arg])) {
if (!empty($mapping[$arg])) {
$arg = $mapping[$arg];
if (!empty($field_defs[$arg]['input'])) {
$in_field = $field_defs[$arg]['input'];
$temp = explode('.', $in_field);
$eval_code = "\$input_params";
foreach ($temp as $arr_key) {
$eval_code .= '[\'' . $arr_key . '\']';
$eval_code .= "= \$val;";
} else {
$input_params[$arg] = $val;
} //if
} //foreach
return $input_params;
public function mapOutput($bean, $result)
if (is_object($bean)) {
$map = $this->getMapping();
$mapping = $map['beans'][$bean->module_dir];
//Check for situation where nothing was mapped or the only field mapped was id
if (empty($mapping) || ((is_countable($mapping) ? count($mapping) : 0) == 1 && isset($mapping['id']))) {
throw new Exception($GLOBALS['mod_strings']['ERROR_NO_DISPLAYABLE_MAPPED_FIELDS']);
$mapped = array();
if (!empty($mapping)) {
foreach ($mapping as $source_field => $sugar_field) {
$bean->$sugar_field = $this->getFieldValue($bean, $result, $source_field);
$mapped[$source_field] = $bean->$sugar_field;
} else {
foreach ($result as $key=>$value) {
if (isset($bean->field_defs[$key])) {
$bean->$key = $value;
//set the data_source_id field which contain the unique id for the source
$source_field = 'id';
$bean->data_source_id = $this->getFieldValue($bean, $result, $source_field);
//now let's check for any fields that have not been mapped which may be required
$required_fields = $this->_source->getFieldsWithParams('required', true);
if (!empty($required_fields)) {
foreach ($required_fields as $key => $def) {
if (empty($mapped[$key])) {
$bean->$key = $this->getFieldValue($bean, $result, $key);
return $bean;
return $bean;
private function getFieldValue($bean, $result, $source_field)
$def = $this->getModuleFieldDef($bean->module_dir, $source_field);
$out_field = $source_field;
if (!empty($def['output'])) {
$out_field = $def['output'];
$value = SugarArray::staticGet($result, $out_field);
if (is_array($def)) {
if (!empty($def['function'])) {
$function = $def['function'];
if (is_array($function) && isset($function['name'])) {
$function = $def['function']['name'];
if (!empty($def['function']['include'])) {
$value = $function($bean, $out_field, $value);
return $value;
public function saveConfig($persister=null)
public function loadConfig($persister=null)
public function setMapping($map=array())
public function getMapping()
return $this->_source->getMapping();
public function getModuleMapping($module)
$map = $this->getMapping();
return !empty($map['beans'][$module]) ? $map['beans'][$module] : array();
public function getModuleFieldDef($module, $field)
$map = $this->getMapping();
$field_defs = $this->getFieldDefs();
if (!empty($map['beans'][$module][$field])) {
$source_field = $field;
if (!empty($field_defs[$source_field])) {
return $field_defs[$source_field];
} elseif (!empty($field_defs[$field])) {
return $field_defs[$field];
} else {
return $field;
} elseif (!empty($field_defs[$field])) {
return $field_defs[$field];
} else {
return $field;
public function getSource()
return $this->_source;
public function setSource($source)
$this->_source = $source;