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Dillon-Brown 4ee7a709a0 Remove PHP4 constructors
Signed-off-by: Dillon-Brown <dillon.brown@salesagility.com>
2021-03-26 21:50:24 +00:00

1033 lines
44 KiB
Executable file

Modification information for LGPL compliance
r57813 - 2010-08-19 10:34:44 -0700 (Thu, 19 Aug 2010) - kjing - Author: John Mertic <jmertic@sugarcrm.com>
Bug 39085 - When loading the opposite search panel via ajax on the ListViews, call the index action instead of the ListView action to avoid touching pre-MVC code by accident.
r56990 - 2010-06-16 13:05:36 -0700 (Wed, 16 Jun 2010) - kjing - snapshot "Mango" svn branch to a new one for GitHub sync
r56989 - 2010-06-16 13:01:33 -0700 (Wed, 16 Jun 2010) - kjing - defunt "Mango" svn dev branch before github cutover
r55980 - 2010-04-19 13:31:28 -0700 (Mon, 19 Apr 2010) - kjing - create Mango (6.1) based on windex
r51719 - 2009-10-22 10:18:00 -0700 (Thu, 22 Oct 2009) - mitani - Converted to Build 3 tags and updated the build system
r51634 - 2009-10-19 13:32:22 -0700 (Mon, 19 Oct 2009) - mitani - Windex is the branch for Sugar Sales 1.0 development
r51443 - 2009-10-12 13:34:36 -0700 (Mon, 12 Oct 2009) - jmertic - Bug 33332 - Made application PHP 5.3 compliant with E_DEPRECATED warnings on by:
- Changing all ereg function to either preg or simple string based ones
- No more references to magic quotes.
- Change all the session_unregister() functions to just unset() the correct session variable instead.
r50375 - 2009-08-24 18:07:43 -0700 (Mon, 24 Aug 2009) - dwong - branch kobe2 from tokyo r50372
r42807 - 2008-12-29 11:16:59 -0800 (Mon, 29 Dec 2008) - dwong - Branch from trunk/sugarcrm r42806 to branches/tokyo/sugarcrm
r13782 - 2006-06-06 10:58:55 -0700 (Tue, 06 Jun 2006) - majed - changes entry point code
r11115 - 2006-01-17 14:54:45 -0800 (Tue, 17 Jan 2006) - majed - add entry point validation
r8846 - 2005-10-31 11:01:12 -0800 (Mon, 31 Oct 2005) - majed - new version of nusoap
r5462 - 2005-05-25 13:50:11 -0700 (Wed, 25 May 2005) - majed - upgraded nusoap to .6.9
r573 - 2004-09-04 13:03:32 -0700 (Sat, 04 Sep 2004) - sugarclint - undoing copyrights added in inadvertantly. --clint
r546 - 2004-09-03 11:49:38 -0700 (Fri, 03 Sep 2004) - sugarmsi - removed echo count
r354 - 2004-08-02 23:00:37 -0700 (Mon, 02 Aug 2004) - sugarjacob - Adding Soap
if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
* parses an XML Schema, allows access to it's data, other utility methods.
* imperfect, no validation... yet, but quite functional.
* @author Dietrich Ayala <dietrich@ganx4.com>
* @author Scott Nichol <snichol@users.sourceforge.net>
* @access public
class nusoap_xmlschema extends nusoap_base
// files
public $schema = '';
public $xml = '';
// namespaces
public $enclosingNamespaces;
// schema info
public $schemaInfo = array();
public $schemaTargetNamespace = '';
// types, elements, attributes defined by the schema
public $attributes = array();
public $complexTypes = array();
public $complexTypeStack = array();
public $currentComplexType = null;
public $elements = array();
public $elementStack = array();
public $currentElement = null;
public $simpleTypes = array();
public $simpleTypeStack = array();
public $currentSimpleType = null;
// imports
public $imports = array();
// parser vars
public $parser;
public $position = 0;
public $depth = 0;
public $depth_array = array();
public $message = array();
public $defaultNamespace = array();
* constructor
* @param string $schema schema document URI
* @param string $xml xml document URI
* @param string $namespaces namespaces defined in enclosing XML
* @access public
function __construct($schema='',$xml='',$namespaces=array()){
$this->debug('nusoap_xmlschema class instantiated, inside constructor');
// files
$this->schema = $schema;
$this->xml = $xml;
// namespaces
$this->enclosingNamespaces = $namespaces;
$this->namespaces = array_merge($this->namespaces, $namespaces);
// parse schema file
if ($schema != '') {
$this->debug('initial schema file: '.$schema);
$this->parseFile($schema, 'schema');
// parse xml file
if ($xml != '') {
$this->debug('initial xml file: '.$xml);
$this->parseFile($xml, 'xml');
* parse an XML file
* @param string $xml path/URL to XML file
* @param string $type (schema | xml)
* @return boolean
* @access public
public function parseFile($xml, $type)
// parse xml file
if ($xml != "") {
$xmlStr = @implode("", @file($xml));
if ($xmlStr == "") {
$msg = 'Error reading XML from '.$xml;
return false;
$this->debug("parsing $xml");
$this->parseString($xmlStr, $type);
$this->debug("done parsing $xml");
return true;
return false;
* parse an XML string
* @param string $xml path or URL
* @param string $type (schema|xml)
* @access private
public function parseString($xml, $type)
// parse xml string
if ($xml != "") {
// Create an XML parser.
$this->parser = xml_parser_create();
// Set the options for parsing the XML data.
xml_parser_set_option($this->parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0);
// Set the object for the parser.
xml_set_object($this->parser, $this);
// Set the element handlers for the parser.
if ($type == "schema") {
xml_set_element_handler($this->parser, 'schemaStartElement', 'schemaEndElement');
xml_set_character_data_handler($this->parser, 'schemaCharacterData');
} elseif ($type == "xml") {
xml_set_element_handler($this->parser, 'xmlStartElement', 'xmlEndElement');
xml_set_character_data_handler($this->parser, 'xmlCharacterData');
// Parse the XML file.
if (!xml_parse($this->parser, $xml, true)) {
// Display an error message.
$errstr = sprintf(
'XML error parsing XML schema on line %d: %s',
$this->debug("XML payload:\n" . $xml);
} else {
$this->debug('no xml passed to parseString()!!');
$this->setError('no xml passed to parseString()!!');
* gets a type name for an unnamed type
* @param string Element name
* @return string A type name for an unnamed type
* @access private
public function CreateTypeName($ename)
$scope = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->complexTypeStack); $i++) {
$scope .= $this->complexTypeStack[$i] . '_';
return $scope . $ename . '_ContainedType';
* start-element handler
* @param string $parser XML parser object
* @param string $name element name
* @param string $attrs associative array of attributes
* @access private
public function schemaStartElement($parser, $name, $attrs)
// position in the total number of elements, starting from 0
$pos = $this->position++;
$depth = $this->depth++;
// set self as current value for this depth
$this->depth_array[$depth] = $pos;
$this->message[$pos] = array('cdata' => '');
if ($depth > 0) {
$this->defaultNamespace[$pos] = $this->defaultNamespace[$this->depth_array[$depth - 1]];
} else {
$this->defaultNamespace[$pos] = false;
// get element prefix
if ($prefix = $this->getPrefix($name)) {
// get unqualified name
$name = $this->getLocalPart($name);
} else {
$prefix = '';
// loop thru attributes, expanding, and registering namespace declarations
if (count($attrs) > 0) {
foreach ($attrs as $k => $v) {
// if ns declarations, add to class level array of valid namespaces
if (preg_match('/^xmlns/', $k)) {
//$this->xdebug("$k: $v");
//$this->xdebug('ns_prefix: '.$this->getPrefix($k));
if ($ns_prefix = substr(strrchr($k, ':'), 1)) {
//$this->xdebug("Add namespace[$ns_prefix] = $v");
$this->namespaces[$ns_prefix] = $v;
} else {
$this->defaultNamespace[$pos] = $v;
if (! $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($v)) {
$this->namespaces['ns'.(count($this->namespaces)+1)] = $v;
if ($v == 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' || $v == 'http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema' || $v == 'http://www.w3.org/2000/10/XMLSchema') {
$this->XMLSchemaVersion = $v;
$this->namespaces['xsi'] = $v.'-instance';
foreach ($attrs as $k => $v) {
// expand each attribute
$k = strpos($k, ':') ? $this->expandQname($k) : $k;
$v = strpos($v, ':') ? $this->expandQname($v) : $v;
$eAttrs[$k] = $v;
$attrs = $eAttrs;
} else {
$attrs = array();
// find status, register data
switch ($name) {
case 'all': // (optional) compositor content for a complexType
case 'choice':
case 'group':
case 'sequence':
//$this->xdebug("compositor $name for currentComplexType: $this->currentComplexType and currentElement: $this->currentElement");
$this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['compositor'] = $name;
//if($name == 'all' || $name == 'sequence'){
// $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['phpType'] = 'struct';
case 'attribute': // complexType attribute
//$this->xdebug("parsing attribute $attrs[name] $attrs[ref] of value: ".$attrs['http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/:arrayType']);
$this->xdebug("parsing attribute:");
if (!isset($attrs['form'])) {
// TODO: handle globals
$attrs['form'] = $this->schemaInfo['attributeFormDefault'];
if (isset($attrs['http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/:arrayType'])) {
$v = $attrs['http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/:arrayType'];
if (!strpos($v, ':')) {
// no namespace in arrayType attribute value...
if ($this->defaultNamespace[$pos]) {
// ...so use the default
$attrs['http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/:arrayType'] = $this->defaultNamespace[$pos] . ':' . $attrs['http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/:arrayType'];
if (isset($attrs['name'])) {
$this->attributes[$attrs['name']] = $attrs;
$aname = $attrs['name'];
} elseif (isset($attrs['ref']) && $attrs['ref'] == 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/:arrayType') {
if (isset($attrs['http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/:arrayType'])) {
$aname = $attrs['http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/:arrayType'];
} else {
$aname = '';
} elseif (isset($attrs['ref'])) {
$aname = $attrs['ref'];
$this->attributes[$attrs['ref']] = $attrs;
if ($this->currentComplexType) { // This should *always* be
$this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['attrs'][$aname] = $attrs;
// arrayType attribute
if (isset($attrs['http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/:arrayType']) || $this->getLocalPart($aname) == 'arrayType') {
$this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['phpType'] = 'array';
$prefix = $this->getPrefix($aname);
if (isset($attrs['http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/:arrayType'])) {
$v = $attrs['http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/:arrayType'];
} else {
$v = '';
if (strpos($v, '[,]')) {
$this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['multidimensional'] = true;
$v = substr($v, 0, strpos($v, '[')); // clip the []
if (!strpos($v, ':') && isset($this->typemap[$this->XMLSchemaVersion][$v])) {
$v = $this->XMLSchemaVersion.':'.$v;
$this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['arrayType'] = $v;
case 'complexContent': // (optional) content for a complexType
$this->xdebug("do nothing for element $name");
case 'complexType':
array_push($this->complexTypeStack, $this->currentComplexType);
if (isset($attrs['name'])) {
// TODO: what is the scope of named complexTypes that appear
// nested within other c complexTypes?
$this->xdebug('processing named complexType '.$attrs['name']);
//$this->currentElement = false;
$this->currentComplexType = $attrs['name'];
$this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType] = $attrs;
$this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['typeClass'] = 'complexType';
// This is for constructs like
// <complexType name="ListOfString" base="soap:Array">
// <sequence>
// <element name="string" type="xsd:string"
// minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
// </sequence>
// </complexType>
if (isset($attrs['base']) && preg_match('/:Array$/', $attrs['base'])) {
$this->xdebug('complexType is unusual array');
$this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['phpType'] = 'array';
} else {
$this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['phpType'] = 'struct';
} else {
$name = $this->CreateTypeName($this->currentElement);
$this->xdebug('processing unnamed complexType for element ' . $this->currentElement . ' named ' . $name);
$this->currentComplexType = $name;
//$this->currentElement = false;
$this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType] = $attrs;
$this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['typeClass'] = 'complexType';
// This is for constructs like
// <complexType name="ListOfString" base="soap:Array">
// <sequence>
// <element name="string" type="xsd:string"
// minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
// </sequence>
// </complexType>
if (isset($attrs['base']) && preg_match('/:Array$/', $attrs['base'])) {
$this->xdebug('complexType is unusual array');
$this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['phpType'] = 'array';
} else {
$this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['phpType'] = 'struct';
$this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['simpleContent'] = 'false';
case 'element':
array_push($this->elementStack, $this->currentElement);
if (!isset($attrs['form'])) {
if ($this->currentComplexType) {
$attrs['form'] = $this->schemaInfo['elementFormDefault'];
} else {
// global
$attrs['form'] = 'qualified';
if (isset($attrs['type'])) {
$this->xdebug("processing typed element ".$attrs['name']." of type ".$attrs['type']);
if (! $this->getPrefix($attrs['type'])) {
if ($this->defaultNamespace[$pos]) {
$attrs['type'] = $this->defaultNamespace[$pos] . ':' . $attrs['type'];
$this->xdebug('used default namespace to make type ' . $attrs['type']);
// This is for constructs like
// <complexType name="ListOfString" base="soap:Array">
// <sequence>
// <element name="string" type="xsd:string"
// minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
// </sequence>
// </complexType>
if ($this->currentComplexType && $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['phpType'] == 'array') {
$this->xdebug('arrayType for unusual array is ' . $attrs['type']);
$this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['arrayType'] = $attrs['type'];
$this->currentElement = $attrs['name'];
$ename = $attrs['name'];
} elseif (isset($attrs['ref'])) {
$this->xdebug("processing element as ref to ".$attrs['ref']);
$this->currentElement = "ref to ".$attrs['ref'];
$ename = $this->getLocalPart($attrs['ref']);
} else {
$type = $this->CreateTypeName($this->currentComplexType . '_' . $attrs['name']);
$this->xdebug("processing untyped element " . $attrs['name'] . ' type ' . $type);
$this->currentElement = $attrs['name'];
$attrs['type'] = $this->schemaTargetNamespace . ':' . $type;
$ename = $attrs['name'];
if (isset($ename) && $this->currentComplexType) {
$this->xdebug("add element $ename to complexType $this->currentComplexType");
$this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['elements'][$ename] = $attrs;
} elseif (!isset($attrs['ref'])) {
$this->xdebug("add element $ename to elements array");
$this->elements[ $attrs['name'] ] = $attrs;
$this->elements[ $attrs['name'] ]['typeClass'] = 'element';
case 'enumeration': // restriction value list member
$this->xdebug('enumeration ' . $attrs['value']);
if ($this->currentSimpleType) {
$this->simpleTypes[$this->currentSimpleType]['enumeration'][] = $attrs['value'];
} elseif ($this->currentComplexType) {
$this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['enumeration'][] = $attrs['value'];
case 'extension': // simpleContent or complexContent type extension
$this->xdebug('extension ' . $attrs['base']);
if ($this->currentComplexType) {
$ns = $this->getPrefix($attrs['base']);
if ($ns == '') {
$this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['extensionBase'] = $this->schemaTargetNamespace . ':' . $attrs['base'];
} else {
$this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['extensionBase'] = $attrs['base'];
} else {
$this->xdebug('no current complexType to set extensionBase');
case 'import':
if (isset($attrs['schemaLocation'])) {
$this->xdebug('import namespace ' . $attrs['namespace'] . ' from ' . $attrs['schemaLocation']);
$this->imports[$attrs['namespace']][] = array('location' => $attrs['schemaLocation'], 'loaded' => false);
} else {
$this->xdebug('import namespace ' . $attrs['namespace']);
$this->imports[$attrs['namespace']][] = array('location' => '', 'loaded' => true);
if (! $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($attrs['namespace'])) {
$this->namespaces['ns'.(count($this->namespaces)+1)] = $attrs['namespace'];
case 'include':
if (isset($attrs['schemaLocation'])) {
$this->xdebug('include into namespace ' . $this->schemaTargetNamespace . ' from ' . $attrs['schemaLocation']);
$this->imports[$this->schemaTargetNamespace][] = array('location' => $attrs['schemaLocation'], 'loaded' => false);
} else {
$this->xdebug('ignoring invalid XML Schema construct: include without schemaLocation attribute');
case 'list': // simpleType value list
$this->xdebug("do nothing for element $name");
case 'restriction': // simpleType, simpleContent or complexContent value restriction
$this->xdebug('restriction ' . $attrs['base']);
if ($this->currentSimpleType) {
$this->simpleTypes[$this->currentSimpleType]['type'] = $attrs['base'];
} elseif ($this->currentComplexType) {
$this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['restrictionBase'] = $attrs['base'];
if (strstr($attrs['base'], ':') == ':Array') {
$this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['phpType'] = 'array';
case 'schema':
$this->schemaInfo = $attrs;
$this->schemaInfo['schemaVersion'] = $this->getNamespaceFromPrefix($prefix);
if (isset($attrs['targetNamespace'])) {
$this->schemaTargetNamespace = $attrs['targetNamespace'];
if (!isset($attrs['elementFormDefault'])) {
$this->schemaInfo['elementFormDefault'] = 'unqualified';
if (!isset($attrs['attributeFormDefault'])) {
$this->schemaInfo['attributeFormDefault'] = 'unqualified';
case 'simpleContent': // (optional) content for a complexType
if ($this->currentComplexType) { // This should *always* be
$this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['simpleContent'] = 'true';
} else {
$this->xdebug("do nothing for element $name because there is no current complexType");
case 'simpleType':
array_push($this->simpleTypeStack, $this->currentSimpleType);
if (isset($attrs['name'])) {
$this->xdebug("processing simpleType for name " . $attrs['name']);
$this->currentSimpleType = $attrs['name'];
$this->simpleTypes[ $attrs['name'] ] = $attrs;
$this->simpleTypes[ $attrs['name'] ]['typeClass'] = 'simpleType';
$this->simpleTypes[ $attrs['name'] ]['phpType'] = 'scalar';
} else {
$name = $this->CreateTypeName($this->currentComplexType . '_' . $this->currentElement);
$this->xdebug('processing unnamed simpleType for element ' . $this->currentElement . ' named ' . $name);
$this->currentSimpleType = $name;
//$this->currentElement = false;
$this->simpleTypes[$this->currentSimpleType] = $attrs;
$this->simpleTypes[$this->currentSimpleType]['phpType'] = 'scalar';
case 'union': // simpleType type list
$this->xdebug("do nothing for element $name");
$this->xdebug("do not have any logic to process element $name");
* end-element handler
* @param string $parser XML parser object
* @param string $name element name
* @access private
public function schemaEndElement($parser, $name)
// bring depth down a notch
// position of current element is equal to the last value left in depth_array for my depth
if (isset($this->depth_array[$this->depth])) {
$pos = $this->depth_array[$this->depth];
// get element prefix
if ($prefix = $this->getPrefix($name)) {
// get unqualified name
$name = $this->getLocalPart($name);
} else {
$prefix = '';
// move on...
if ($name == 'complexType') {
$this->xdebug('done processing complexType ' . ($this->currentComplexType ? $this->currentComplexType : '(unknown)'));
$this->currentComplexType = array_pop($this->complexTypeStack);
//$this->currentElement = false;
if ($name == 'element') {
$this->xdebug('done processing element ' . ($this->currentElement ? $this->currentElement : '(unknown)'));
$this->currentElement = array_pop($this->elementStack);
if ($name == 'simpleType') {
$this->xdebug('done processing simpleType ' . ($this->currentSimpleType ? $this->currentSimpleType : '(unknown)'));
$this->currentSimpleType = array_pop($this->simpleTypeStack);
* element content handler
* @param string $parser XML parser object
* @param string $data element content
* @access private
public function schemaCharacterData($parser, $data)
$pos = $this->depth_array[$this->depth - 1];
$this->message[$pos]['cdata'] .= $data;
* serialize the schema
* @access public
public function serializeSchema()
$schemaPrefix = $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($this->XMLSchemaVersion);
$xml = '';
// imports
if (count($this->imports) > 0) {
foreach ($this->imports as $ns => $list) {
foreach ($list as $ii) {
if ($ii['location'] != '') {
$xml .= " <$schemaPrefix:import location=\"" . $ii['location'] . '" namespace="' . $ns . "\" />\n";
} else {
$xml .= " <$schemaPrefix:import namespace=\"" . $ns . "\" />\n";
// complex types
foreach ($this->complexTypes as $typeName => $attrs) {
$contentStr = '';
// serialize child elements
if (isset($attrs['elements']) && (count($attrs['elements']) > 0)) {
foreach ($attrs['elements'] as $element => $eParts) {
if (isset($eParts['ref'])) {
$contentStr .= " <$schemaPrefix:element ref=\"$element\"/>\n";
} else {
$contentStr .= " <$schemaPrefix:element name=\"$element\" type=\"" . $this->contractQName($eParts['type']) . "\"";
foreach ($eParts as $aName => $aValue) {
// handle, e.g., abstract, default, form, minOccurs, maxOccurs, nillable
if ($aName != 'name' && $aName != 'type') {
$contentStr .= " $aName=\"$aValue\"";
$contentStr .= "/>\n";
// compositor wraps elements
if (isset($attrs['compositor']) && ($attrs['compositor'] != '')) {
$contentStr = " <$schemaPrefix:$attrs[compositor]>\n".$contentStr." </$schemaPrefix:$attrs[compositor]>\n";
// attributes
if (isset($attrs['attrs']) && (count($attrs['attrs']) >= 1)) {
foreach ($attrs['attrs'] as $attr => $aParts) {
$contentStr .= " <$schemaPrefix:attribute";
foreach ($aParts as $a => $v) {
if ($a == 'ref' || $a == 'type') {
$contentStr .= " $a=\"".$this->contractQName($v).'"';
} elseif ($a == 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/:arrayType') {
$this->usedNamespaces['wsdl'] = $this->namespaces['wsdl'];
$contentStr .= ' wsdl:arrayType="'.$this->contractQName($v).'"';
} else {
$contentStr .= " $a=\"$v\"";
$contentStr .= "/>\n";
// if restriction
if (isset($attrs['restrictionBase']) && $attrs['restrictionBase'] != '') {
$contentStr = " <$schemaPrefix:restriction base=\"".$this->contractQName($attrs['restrictionBase'])."\">\n".$contentStr." </$schemaPrefix:restriction>\n";
// complex or simple content
if ((isset($attrs['elements']) && count($attrs['elements']) > 0) || (isset($attrs['attrs']) && count($attrs['attrs']) > 0)) {
$contentStr = " <$schemaPrefix:complexContent>\n".$contentStr." </$schemaPrefix:complexContent>\n";
// finalize complex type
if ($contentStr != '') {
$contentStr = " <$schemaPrefix:complexType name=\"$typeName\">\n".$contentStr." </$schemaPrefix:complexType>\n";
} else {
$contentStr = " <$schemaPrefix:complexType name=\"$typeName\"/>\n";
$xml .= $contentStr;
// simple types
if (isset($this->simpleTypes) && count($this->simpleTypes) > 0) {
foreach ($this->simpleTypes as $typeName => $eParts) {
$xml .= " <$schemaPrefix:simpleType name=\"$typeName\">\n <$schemaPrefix:restriction base=\"".$this->contractQName($eParts['type'])."\">\n";
if (isset($eParts['enumeration'])) {
foreach ($eParts['enumeration'] as $e) {
$xml .= " <$schemaPrefix:enumeration value=\"$e\"/>\n";
$xml .= " </$schemaPrefix:restriction>\n </$schemaPrefix:simpleType>";
// elements
if (isset($this->elements) && count($this->elements) > 0) {
foreach ($this->elements as $element => $eParts) {
$xml .= " <$schemaPrefix:element name=\"$element\" type=\"".$this->contractQName($eParts['type'])."\"/>\n";
// attributes
if (isset($this->attributes) && count($this->attributes) > 0) {
foreach ($this->attributes as $attr => $aParts) {
$xml .= " <$schemaPrefix:attribute name=\"$attr\" type=\"".$this->contractQName($aParts['type'])."\"\n/>";
// finish 'er up
$attr = '';
foreach ($this->schemaInfo as $k => $v) {
if ($k == 'elementFormDefault' || $k == 'attributeFormDefault') {
$attr .= " $k=\"$v\"";
$el = "<$schemaPrefix:schema$attr targetNamespace=\"$this->schemaTargetNamespace\"\n";
foreach (array_diff($this->usedNamespaces, $this->enclosingNamespaces) as $nsp => $ns) {
$el .= " xmlns:$nsp=\"$ns\"";
$xml = $el . ">\n".$xml."</$schemaPrefix:schema>\n";
return $xml;
* adds debug data to the clas level debug string
* @param string $string debug data
* @access private
public function xdebug($string)
$this->debug('<' . $this->schemaTargetNamespace . '> '.$string);
* get the PHP type of a user defined type in the schema
* PHP type is kind of a misnomer since it actually returns 'struct' for assoc. arrays
* returns false if no type exists, or not w/ the given namespace
* else returns a string that is either a native php type, or 'struct'
* @param string $type name of defined type
* @param string $ns namespace of type
* @return mixed
* @access public
* @deprecated
public function getPHPType($type, $ns)
if (isset($this->typemap[$ns][$type])) {
//print "found type '$type' and ns $ns in typemap<br>";
return $this->typemap[$ns][$type];
} elseif (isset($this->complexTypes[$type])) {
//print "getting type '$type' and ns $ns from complexTypes array<br>";
return $this->complexTypes[$type]['phpType'];
return false;
* returns an associative array of information about a given type
* returns false if no type exists by the given name
* For a complexType typeDef = array(
* 'restrictionBase' => '',
* 'phpType' => '',
* 'compositor' => '(sequence|all)',
* 'elements' => array(), // refs to elements array
* 'attrs' => array() // refs to attributes array
* ... and so on (see addComplexType)
* )
* For simpleType or element, the array has different keys.
* @param string $type
* @return mixed
* @access public
* @see addComplexType
* @see addSimpleType
* @see addElement
public function getTypeDef($type)
//$this->debug("in getTypeDef for type $type");
if (substr($type, -1) == '^') {
$is_element = 1;
$type = substr($type, 0, -1);
} else {
$is_element = 0;
if ((! $is_element) && isset($this->complexTypes[$type])) {
$this->xdebug("in getTypeDef, found complexType $type");
return $this->complexTypes[$type];
} elseif ((! $is_element) && isset($this->simpleTypes[$type])) {
$this->xdebug("in getTypeDef, found simpleType $type");
if (!isset($this->simpleTypes[$type]['phpType'])) {
// get info for type to tack onto the simple type
// TODO: can this ever really apply (i.e. what is a simpleType really?)
$uqType = substr($this->simpleTypes[$type]['type'], strrpos($this->simpleTypes[$type]['type'], ':') + 1);
$ns = substr($this->simpleTypes[$type]['type'], 0, strrpos($this->simpleTypes[$type]['type'], ':'));
$etype = $this->getTypeDef($uqType);
if ($etype) {
$this->xdebug("in getTypeDef, found type for simpleType $type:");
if (isset($etype['phpType'])) {
$this->simpleTypes[$type]['phpType'] = $etype['phpType'];
if (isset($etype['elements'])) {
$this->simpleTypes[$type]['elements'] = $etype['elements'];
return $this->simpleTypes[$type];
} elseif (isset($this->elements[$type])) {
$this->xdebug("in getTypeDef, found element $type");
if (!isset($this->elements[$type]['phpType'])) {
// get info for type to tack onto the element
$uqType = substr($this->elements[$type]['type'], strrpos($this->elements[$type]['type'], ':') + 1);
$ns = substr($this->elements[$type]['type'], 0, strrpos($this->elements[$type]['type'], ':'));
$etype = $this->getTypeDef($uqType);
if ($etype) {
$this->xdebug("in getTypeDef, found type for element $type:");
if (isset($etype['phpType'])) {
$this->elements[$type]['phpType'] = $etype['phpType'];
if (isset($etype['elements'])) {
$this->elements[$type]['elements'] = $etype['elements'];
if (isset($etype['extensionBase'])) {
$this->elements[$type]['extensionBase'] = $etype['extensionBase'];
} elseif ($ns == 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema') {
$this->xdebug("in getTypeDef, element $type is an XSD type");
$this->elements[$type]['phpType'] = 'scalar';
return $this->elements[$type];
} elseif (isset($this->attributes[$type])) {
$this->xdebug("in getTypeDef, found attribute $type");
return $this->attributes[$type];
} elseif (preg_match('/_ContainedType$/', $type)) {
$this->xdebug("in getTypeDef, have an untyped element $type");
$typeDef['typeClass'] = 'simpleType';
$typeDef['phpType'] = 'scalar';
$typeDef['type'] = 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema:string';
return $typeDef;
$this->xdebug("in getTypeDef, did not find $type");
return false;
* returns a sample serialization of a given type, or false if no type by the given name
* @param string $type name of type
* @return mixed
* @access public
* @deprecated
public function serializeTypeDef($type)
//print "in sTD() for type $type<br>";
if ($typeDef = $this->getTypeDef($type)) {
$str .= '<'.$type;
if (is_array($typeDef['attrs'])) {
foreach ($typeDef['attrs'] as $attName => $data) {
$str .= " $attName=\"{type = ".$data['type']."}\"";
$str .= " xmlns=\"".$this->schema['targetNamespace']."\"";
if (count($typeDef['elements']) > 0) {
$str .= ">";
foreach ($typeDef['elements'] as $element => $eData) {
$str .= $this->serializeTypeDef($element);
$str .= "</$type>";
} elseif ($typeDef['typeClass'] == 'element') {
$str .= "></$type>";
} else {
$str .= "/>";
return $str;
return false;
* returns HTML form elements that allow a user
* to enter values for creating an instance of the given type.
* @param string $name name for type instance
* @param string $type name of type
* @return string
* @access public
* @deprecated
public function typeToForm($name, $type)
// get typedef
if ($typeDef = $this->getTypeDef($type)) {
// if struct
if ($typeDef['phpType'] == 'struct') {
$buffer .= '<table>';
foreach ($typeDef['elements'] as $child => $childDef) {
$buffer .= "
<tr><td align='right'>$childDef[name] (type: ".$this->getLocalPart($childDef['type'])."):</td>
<td><input type='text' name='parameters[".$name."][$childDef[name]]'></td></tr>";
$buffer .= '</table>';
// if array
} elseif ($typeDef['phpType'] == 'array') {
$buffer .= '<table>';
for ($i=0;$i < 3; $i++) {
$buffer .= "
<tr><td align='right'>array item (type: $typeDef[arrayType]):</td>
<td><input type='text' name='parameters[".$name."][]'></td></tr>";
$buffer .= '</table>';
// if scalar
} else {
$buffer .= "<input type='text' name='parameters[$name]'>";
} else {
$buffer .= "<input type='text' name='parameters[$name]'>";
return $buffer;
* adds a complex type to the schema
* example: array
* addType(
* 'ArrayOfstring',
* 'complexType',
* 'array',
* '',
* 'SOAP-ENC:Array',
* array('ref'=>'SOAP-ENC:arrayType','wsdl:arrayType'=>'string[]'),
* 'xsd:string'
* );
* example: PHP associative array ( SOAP Struct )
* addType(
* 'SOAPStruct',
* 'complexType',
* 'struct',
* 'all',
* array('myVar'=> array('name'=>'myVar','type'=>'string')
* );
* @param name
* @param typeClass (complexType|simpleType|attribute)
* @param phpType: currently supported are array and struct (php assoc array)
* @param compositor (all|sequence|choice)
* @param restrictionBase namespace:name (http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/:Array)
* @param elements = array ( name = array(name=>'',type=>'') )
* @param attrs = array(
* array(
* 'ref' => "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/:arrayType",
* "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/:arrayType" => "string[]"
* )
* )
* @param arrayType: namespace:name (http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema:string)
* @access public
* @see getTypeDef
public function addComplexType($name, $typeClass='complexType', $phpType='array', $compositor='', $restrictionBase='', $elements=array(), $attrs=array(), $arrayType='')
$this->complexTypes[$name] = array(
'name' => $name,
'typeClass' => $typeClass,
'phpType' => $phpType,
'compositor'=> $compositor,
'restrictionBase' => $restrictionBase,
'elements' => $elements,
'attrs' => $attrs,
'arrayType' => $arrayType
$this->xdebug("addComplexType $name:");
* adds a simple type to the schema
* @param string $name
* @param string $restrictionBase namespace:name (http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/:Array)
* @param string $typeClass (should always be simpleType)
* @param string $phpType (should always be scalar)
* @param array $enumeration array of values
* @access public
* @see nusoap_xmlschema
* @see getTypeDef
public function addSimpleType($name, $restrictionBase='', $typeClass='simpleType', $phpType='scalar', $enumeration=array())
$this->simpleTypes[$name] = array(
'name' => $name,
'typeClass' => $typeClass,
'phpType' => $phpType,
'type' => $restrictionBase,
'enumeration' => $enumeration
$this->xdebug("addSimpleType $name:");
* adds an element to the schema
* @param array $attrs attributes that must include name and type
* @see nusoap_xmlschema
* @access public
public function addElement($attrs)
if (! $this->getPrefix($attrs['type'])) {
$attrs['type'] = $this->schemaTargetNamespace . ':' . $attrs['type'];
$this->elements[ $attrs['name'] ] = $attrs;
$this->elements[ $attrs['name'] ]['typeClass'] = 'element';
$this->xdebug("addElement " . $attrs['name']);
$this->appendDebug($this->varDump($this->elements[ $attrs['name'] ]));
* Backward compatibility
class XMLSchema extends nusoap_xmlschema