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Executable file
* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
* Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): ______________________________________..
if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../include/EmailInterface.php';
// Contact is used to store customer information.
class Contact extends Person implements EmailInterface
public $field_name_map;
// Stored fields
public $id;
public $name = '';
public $lead_source;
public $date_entered;
public $date_modified;
public $modified_user_id;
public $assigned_user_id;
public $created_by;
public $created_by_name;
public $modified_by_name;
public $description;
public $salutation;
public $first_name;
public $last_name;
public $title;
public $department;
public $birthdate;
public $reports_to_id;
public $do_not_call;
public $phone_home;
public $phone_mobile;
public $phone_work;
public $phone_other;
public $phone_fax;
public $email1;
public $email_and_name1;
public $email_and_name2;
public $email2;
public $assistant;
public $assistant_phone;
public $email_opt_out;
public $primary_address_street;
public $primary_address_city;
public $primary_address_state;
public $primary_address_postalcode;
public $primary_address_country;
public $alt_address_street;
public $alt_address_city;
public $alt_address_state;
public $alt_address_postalcode;
public $alt_address_country;
public $portal_name;
public $portal_app;
public $portal_active;
public $contacts_users_id;
// These are for related fields
public $bug_id;
public $account_name;
public $account_id;
public $report_to_name;
public $opportunity_role;
public $opportunity_rel_id;
public $opportunity_id;
public $case_role;
public $case_rel_id;
public $case_id;
public $task_id;
public $note_id;
public $meeting_id;
public $call_id;
public $email_id;
public $assigned_user_name;
public $accept_status;
public $accept_status_id;
public $accept_status_name;
public $alt_address_street_2;
public $alt_address_street_3;
public $opportunity_role_id;
public $portal_password;
public $primary_address_street_2;
public $primary_address_street_3;
public $campaign_id;
public $sync_contact;
public $full_name; // l10n localized name
public $invalid_email;
public $table_name = "contacts";
public $rel_account_table = "accounts_contacts";
//This is needed for upgrade. This table definition moved to Opportunity module.
public $rel_opportunity_table = "opportunities_contacts";
public $object_name = "Contact";
public $module_dir = 'Contacts';
public $new_schema = true;
public $importable = true;
// This is used to retrieve related fields from form posts.
public $additional_column_fields = array(
public $relationship_fields = array(
'account_id' => 'accounts',
'bug_id' => 'bugs',
'call_id' => 'calls',
'case_id' => 'cases',
'email_id' => 'emails',
'meeting_id' => 'meetings',
'note_id' => 'notes',
'task_id' => 'tasks',
'opportunity_id' => 'opportunities',
'contacts_users_id' => 'user_sync'
public function __construct()
public function add_list_count_joins(&$query, $where)
// accounts.name
if (stristr((string) $where, "accounts.name")) {
// add a join to the accounts table.
$query .= "
LEFT JOIN accounts_contacts
ON contacts.id=accounts_contacts.contact_id
LEFT JOIN accounts
ON accounts_contacts.account_id=accounts.id
$custom_join = $this->getCustomJoin();
$query .= $custom_join['join'];
public function listviewACLHelper()
$array_assign = parent::listviewACLHelper();
$is_owner = false;
//MFH BUG 18281; JChi #15255
$is_owner = !empty($this->assigned_user_id) && $this->assigned_user_id == $GLOBALS['current_user']->id;
if (!ACLController::moduleSupportsACL('Accounts') || ACLController::checkAccess(
) {
$array_assign['ACCOUNT'] = 'a';
} else {
$array_assign['ACCOUNT'] = 'span';
return $array_assign;
public function create_new_list_query(
$filter = array(),
$params = array(),
$show_deleted = 0,
$join_type = '',
$return_array = false,
$parentbean = null,
$singleSelect = false,
$ifListForExport = false
) {
//if this is from "contact address popup" action, then process popup list query
if (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'ContactAddressPopup') {
return $this->address_popup_create_new_list_query(
//any other action goes to parent function in sugarbean
if (strpos((string) $order_by, 'sync_contact') !== false) {
//we have found that the user is ordering by the sync_contact field, it would be troublesome to sort by this field
//and perhaps a performance issue, so just remove it
$order_by = '';
return parent::create_new_list_query(
public function address_popup_create_new_list_query(
$filter = array(),
$params = array(),
$show_deleted = 0,
$join_type = '',
$return_array = false,
$parentbean = null,
$singleSelect = false
) {
//if this is any action that is not the contact address popup, then go to parent function in sugarbean
if (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] !== 'ContactAddressPopup') {
return parent::create_new_list_query(
$custom_join = $this->getCustomJoin();
// MFH - BUG #14208 creates alias name for select
$select_query = "SELECT ";
$select_query .= $this->db->concat($this->table_name, array('first_name', 'last_name')) . " name, ";
$select_query .= "
accounts.name as account_name,
accounts.id as account_id,
accounts.assigned_user_id account_id_owner,
users.user_name as assigned_user_name ";
$select_query .= $custom_join['select'];
$ret_array = [];
$ret_array['select'] = $select_query;
$from_query = "
FROM contacts ";
$from_query .= "LEFT JOIN users
ON contacts.assigned_user_id=users.id
LEFT JOIN accounts_contacts
ON contacts.id=accounts_contacts.contact_id and accounts_contacts.deleted = 0
LEFT JOIN accounts
ON accounts_contacts.account_id=accounts.id AND accounts.deleted=0 ";
$from_query .= "LEFT JOIN email_addr_bean_rel eabl ON eabl.bean_id = contacts.id AND eabl.bean_module = 'Contacts' and eabl.primary_address = 1 and eabl.deleted=0 ";
$from_query .= "LEFT JOIN email_addresses ea ON (ea.id = eabl.email_address_id) ";
$from_query .= $custom_join['join'];
$ret_array['from'] = $from_query;
$ret_array['from_min'] = 'from contacts';
$where_auto = '1=1';
if ($show_deleted == 0) {
$where_auto = " $this->table_name.deleted=0 ";
//$where_auto .= " AND accounts.deleted=0 ";
} elseif ($show_deleted == 1) {
$where_auto = " $this->table_name.deleted=1 ";
if ($where != "") {
$where_query = "where ($where) AND " . $where_auto;
} else {
$where_query = "where " . $where_auto;
$ret_array['where'] = $where_query;
$ret_array['order_by'] = '';
//process order by and add if it's not empty
$order_by = $this->process_order_by($order_by);
if (!empty($order_by)) {
$ret_array['order_by'] = ' ORDER BY ' . $order_by;
if ($return_array) {
return $ret_array;
return $ret_array['select'] . $ret_array['from'] . $ret_array['where'] . $ret_array['order_by'];
public function create_export_query($order_by, $where, $relate_link_join = '')
$custom_join = $this->getCustomJoin(true, true, $where);
$custom_join['join'] .= $relate_link_join;
$query = "SELECT
email_addresses.email_address email_address,
'' email_addresses_non_primary, " . // email_addresses_non_primary needed for get_field_order_mapping()
"accounts.name as account_name,
users.user_name as assigned_user_name ";
$query .= $custom_join['select'];
$query .= " FROM contacts ";
$query .= "LEFT JOIN users
ON contacts.assigned_user_id=users.id ";
$query .= "LEFT JOIN accounts_contacts
ON ( contacts.id=accounts_contacts.contact_id and (accounts_contacts.deleted is null or accounts_contacts.deleted = 0))
LEFT JOIN accounts
ON accounts_contacts.account_id=accounts.id ";
//join email address table too.
$query .= ' LEFT JOIN email_addr_bean_rel on contacts.id = email_addr_bean_rel.bean_id and email_addr_bean_rel.bean_module=\'Contacts\' and email_addr_bean_rel.deleted=0 and email_addr_bean_rel.primary_address=1 ';
$query .= ' LEFT JOIN email_addresses on email_addresses.id = email_addr_bean_rel.email_address_id ';
$query .= $custom_join['join'];
$where_auto = "( accounts.deleted IS NULL OR accounts.deleted=0 )
AND contacts.deleted=0 ";
if ($where != "") {
$query .= "where ($where) AND " . $where_auto;
} else {
$query .= "where " . $where_auto;
$order_by = $this->process_order_by($order_by);
if (!empty($order_by)) {
$query .= ' ORDER BY ' . $order_by;
return $query;
public function fill_in_additional_list_fields()
// cn: bug 8586 - l10n names for Contacts in Email TO: field
$this->email_and_name1 = "{$this->full_name} <" . $this->email1 . ">";
$this->email_and_name2 = "{$this->full_name} <" . $this->email2 . ">";
if ($this->force_load_details == true) {
public function fill_in_additional_detail_fields()
if (empty($this->id)) {
global $locale, $app_list_strings, $current_user;
// retrieve the account information and the information about the person the contact reports to.
$query = "SELECT acc.id, acc.name, con_reports_to.first_name, con_reports_to.last_name
from contacts
left join accounts_contacts a_c on a_c.contact_id = '" . $this->id . "' and a_c.deleted=0
left join accounts acc on a_c.account_id = acc.id and acc.deleted=0
left join contacts con_reports_to on con_reports_to.id = contacts.reports_to_id
where contacts.id = '" . $this->id . "'";
// Bug 43196 - If a contact is related to multiple accounts, make sure we pull the one we are looking for
// Bug 44730 was introduced due to this, fix is to simply clear any whitespaces around the account_id first
$clean_account_id = trim($this->account_id);
if (!empty($clean_account_id)) {
$query .= " and acc.id = '{$this->account_id}'";
$query .= " ORDER BY a_c.date_modified DESC";
$result = $this->db->query($query, true, " Error filling in additional detail fields: ");
// Get the id and the name.
$row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result);
if ($row != null) {
$this->account_name = $row['name'];
$this->account_id = $row['id'];
if (null === $locale || !is_object($locale) || !method_exists($locale, 'getLocaleFormattedName')) {
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Call to a member function getLocaleFormattedName() on ' . gettype($locale));
} else {
$this->report_to_name = $locale->getLocaleFormattedName(
} else {
$this->account_name = '';
$this->account_id = '';
$this->report_to_name = '';
/** concating this here because newly created Contacts do not have a
* 'name' attribute constructed to pass onto related items, such as Tasks
* Notes, etc.
$this->name = $locale->getLocaleFormattedName($this->first_name, $this->last_name);
if (!empty($this->contacts_users_id)) {
$this->sync_contact = true;
if (!empty($this->portal_active) && $this->portal_active == 1) {
$this->portal_active = true;
// Set campaign name if there is a campaign id
if (!empty($this->campaign_id)) {
$camp = BeanFactory::newBean('Campaigns');
$where = "campaigns.id='{$this->campaign_id}'";
$campaign_list = $camp->get_full_list("campaigns.name", $where, true);
if (!empty($campaign_list) && !empty($campaign_list[0]->name)) {
$this->campaign_name = $campaign_list[0]->name;
* loads the contacts_users relationship to populate a checkbox
* where a user can select if they would like to sync a particular
* contact to Outlook
public function load_contacts_users_relationship()
global $current_user;
if (!isset($this->user_sync)) {
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Contact::$user_sync is not set');
$beanIDs = null;
} elseif (!is_object($this->user_sync)) {
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Contact::$user_sync is not an object');
$beanIDs = null;
} elseif (!method_exists($this->user_sync, 'get')) {
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Contact::$user_sync::get() is not a function');
$beanIDs = null;
} else {
$beanIDs = $this->user_sync->get();
if (in_array($current_user->id, $beanIDs)) {
$this->contacts_users_id = $current_user->id;
public function get_list_view_data($filter_fields = array())
$temp_array = parent::get_list_view_data();
if ($filter_fields && !empty($filter_fields['sync_contact'])) {
$temp_array['SYNC_CONTACT'] = !empty($this->contacts_users_id) ? 1 : 0;
$temp_array['EMAIL_AND_NAME1'] = "{$this->full_name} <" . $temp_array['EMAIL1'] . ">";
return $temp_array;
* builds a generic search based on the query string using or
* do not include any $this-> because this is called on without having the class instantiated
public function build_generic_where_clause($the_query_string)
$where_clauses = array();
$the_query_string = $this->db->quote($the_query_string);
array_push($where_clauses, "contacts.last_name like '$the_query_string%'");
array_push($where_clauses, "contacts.first_name like '$the_query_string%'");
array_push($where_clauses, "accounts.name like '$the_query_string%'");
array_push($where_clauses, "contacts.assistant like '$the_query_string%'");
array_push($where_clauses, "ea.email_address like '$the_query_string%'");
if (is_numeric($the_query_string)) {
array_push($where_clauses, "contacts.phone_home like '%$the_query_string%'");
array_push($where_clauses, "contacts.phone_mobile like '%$the_query_string%'");
array_push($where_clauses, "contacts.phone_work like '%$the_query_string%'");
array_push($where_clauses, "contacts.phone_other like '%$the_query_string%'");
array_push($where_clauses, "contacts.phone_fax like '%$the_query_string%'");
array_push($where_clauses, "contacts.assistant_phone like '%$the_query_string%'");
$the_where = "";
foreach ($where_clauses as $clause) {
if ($the_where != "") {
$the_where .= " or ";
$the_where .= $clause;
return $the_where;
public function set_notification_body($xtpl, $contact)
global $locale;
$xtpl->assign("CONTACT_NAME", trim($locale->getLocaleFormattedName($contact->first_name, $contact->last_name)));
$xtpl->assign("CONTACT_DESCRIPTION", nl2br($contact->description));
return $xtpl;
public function get_contact_id_by_email($email)
$email = trim($email);
if (empty($email)) {
//email is empty, no need to query, return null
return null;
$where_clause = "(email1='$email' OR email2='$email') AND deleted=0";
$query = "SELECT id FROM $this->table_name WHERE $where_clause";
$GLOBALS['log']->debug("Retrieve $this->object_name: " . $query);
$result = $this->db->getOne($query, true, "Retrieving record $where_clause:");
return empty($result) ? null : $result;
public function save_relationship_changes($is_update, $exclude = array())
//if account_id was replaced unlink the previous account_id.
//this rel_fields_before_value is populated by sugarbean during the retrieve call.
if (!empty($this->account_id) && !empty($this->rel_fields_before_value['account_id']) && trim($this->account_id) !== trim($this->rel_fields_before_value['account_id'])
) {
//unlink the old record.
$this->accounts->delete($this->id, $this->rel_fields_before_value['account_id']);
public function bean_implements($interface)
switch ($interface) {
case 'ACL':
return true;
return false;
public function get_unlinked_email_query($type = array())
return get_unlinked_email_query($type, $this);
* used by import to add a list of users
* Parameter can be one of the following:
* - string 'all': add this contact for all users
* - comma deliminated lists of teams and/or users
* @param string $list_of_user
public function process_sync_to_outlook($list_of_users)
static $focus_user;
// cache this object since we'll be reusing it a bunch
if (!($focus_user instanceof User)) {
$focus_user = BeanFactory::newBean('Users');
if (empty($list_of_users)) {
if (!isset($this->users)) {
if (strtolower($list_of_users) == 'all') {
// add all non-deleted users
$sql = "SELECT id FROM users WHERE deleted=0 AND is_group=0 AND portal_only=0";
$result = $this->db->query($sql);
while ($hash = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result)) {
if (!isset($this->user_sync)) {
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Contact::$user_sync is not set');
} elseif (!is_object($this->user_sync)) {
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Contact::$user_sync is not an object');
} elseif (!method_exists($this->user_sync, 'add')) {
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Contact::$user_sync::add() is not a function');
} else {
} else {
$theList = explode(",", $list_of_users);
foreach ($theList as $eachItem) {
if (($user_id = $focus_user->retrieve_user_id($eachItem))
|| $focus_user->retrieve($eachItem)
) {
// it is a user, add user
if (!isset($this->user_sync)) {
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Contact::$user_sync is not set');
} elseif (!is_object($this->user_sync)) {
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Contact::$user_sync is not an object');
} elseif (!method_exists($this->user_sync, 'add')) {
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Contact::$user_sync::add() is not a function');
} else {
$this->user_sync->add($user_id ? $user_id : $focus_user->id);