mirror of
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1230 lines
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Executable file
1230 lines
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Executable file
if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
// modules/jjwg_Maps/controller.php
class jjwg_MapsController extends SugarController
* @var settings array
public $settings = array();
* $map_marker_data_points is used to store temporary data and prevent duplicate points
* @var array
public $map_marker_data_points = array();
* @var google_maps_response_codes
public $google_maps_response_codes = array('OK', 'ZERO_RESULTS', 'INVALID_REQUEST', 'OVER_QUERY_LIMIT', 'REQUEST_DENIED');
* Last Geocoding Status Message
* @var string
public $last_status = '';
* display_object - display module's object (dom field)
* @var object
public $display_object;
* relate_object - relate module's object
* @var object
public $relate_object;
* jjwg_Maps - Maps module's object
* @var object
public $bean;
public $jjwg_Maps; // Deprecated reference
* jjwg_Address_Cache - Address cache module's object
* @var object
public $jjwg_Address_Cache;
* smarty object for the generic configuration template
* @var object
public $sugarSmarty;
* Constructor
public function __construct()
// Admin Config Setting
* Load Configuration Settings using Administration Module
* See jjwg_Maps module for settings
* $GLOBALS['jjwg_config_defaults']
* $GLOBALS['jjwg_config']
public function configuration()
$this->bean = BeanFactory::newBean('jjwg_Maps');
$this->jjwg_Maps = &$this->bean; // Set deprecated reference
$this->settings = $GLOBALS['jjwg_config'];
* action geocoded_counts
* Google Maps - Geocode the Addresses
public function action_geocoded_counts()
$this->view = 'geocoded_counts';
$GLOBALS['log']->debug(__METHOD__.' START');
$this->bean->geocoded_counts = array();
$this->bean->geocoded_headings = array('N/A');
$this->bean->geocoded_module_totals = array();
$responses = array('N/A' => '');
foreach ($this->google_maps_response_codes as $code) {
if (!in_array($code, array('OVER_QUERY_LIMIT', 'REQUEST_DENIED'))) {
$responses[$code] = $code;
$this->bean->geocoded_headings[] = $code;
$responses['EMPTY'] = 'EMPTY';
$this->bean->geocoded_headings[] = 'APPROXIMATE';
$this->bean->geocoded_headings[] = 'EMPTY';
// foreach module
foreach ($this->settings['valid_geocode_modules'] as $module_type) {
if (!isset($this->bean->geocoded_counts[$module_type])) {
$this->bean->geocoded_module_totals[$module_type] = 0;
// Define display object from the necessary classes (utils.php)
$this->display_object = get_module_info($module_type);
foreach ($responses as $response => $code) {
// Create Simple Count Query
// 09/23/2010: Do not use create_new_list_query() and process_list_query()
// as they will typically exceeded memory allowed.
$query = "SELECT count(*) c FROM " . $this->display_object->table_name .
" LEFT JOIN " . $this->display_object->table_name . "_cstm " .
" ON " . $this->display_object->table_name . ".id = " . $this->display_object->table_name . "_cstm.id_c " .
" WHERE " . $this->display_object->table_name . ".deleted = 0 AND ";
if ($response == 'N/A') {
$query .= "(" . $this->display_object->table_name . "_cstm.jjwg_maps_geocode_status_c = '' OR " .
$this->display_object->table_name . "_cstm.jjwg_maps_geocode_status_c IS NULL)";
} else {
$query .= $this->display_object->table_name . "_cstm.jjwg_maps_geocode_status_c = '" . $code . "'";
$count_result = $this->bean->db->query($query);
$count = $this->bean->db->fetchByAssoc($count_result);
if (empty($count)) {
$count['c'] = 0;
$this->bean->geocoded_counts[$module_type][$response] = $count['c'];
} // end foreach response type
// Get Totals
$query = "SELECT count(*) c FROM " . $this->display_object->table_name . " WHERE " . $this->display_object->table_name . ".deleted = 0";
$count_result = $this->bean->db->query($query);
$count = $this->bean->db->fetchByAssoc($count_result);
$this->bean->geocoded_module_totals[$module_type] = $count['c'];
} // end each module type
* action geocode_addresses
* Google Maps - Geocode the Addresses
public function action_geocode_addresses()
$GLOBALS['log']->debug(__METHOD__.' START');
if (!empty($_REQUEST['display_module']) && in_array($_REQUEST['display_module'], $this->settings['valid_geocode_modules'])) {
$geocode_modules = array($_REQUEST['display_module']);
} else {
$geocode_modules = $this->settings['valid_geocode_modules'];
$geocoding_inc = 0;
$google_geocoding_inc = 0;
// Define Address Cache Object
$this->jjwg_Address_Cache = get_module_info('jjwg_Address_Cache');
foreach ($geocode_modules as $module_type) {
$GLOBALS['log']->debug(__METHOD__.' $module_type: '.$module_type);
// Define display object from the necessary classes (utils.php)
$this->display_object = get_module_info($module_type);
// Find the Items to Geocode - Get Geocode Addresses Result
$display_result = $this->bean->getGeocodeAddressesResult($this->display_object->table_name);
* Iterate through the display rows
* We build up an array here to prevent locking issues on some DBs (looking at you MSSQL)
$tmpDisplayResults = array();
while ($display = $this->bean->db->fetchByAssoc($display_result)) {
$tmpDisplayResults[] = $display;
foreach ($tmpDisplayResults as $display) {
$GLOBALS['log']->debug(__METHOD__.' $display[\'id\': '.$display['id']);
$aInfo = array();
$cache_found = false;
// Get address info array (address, status, lat, lng) from defineMapsAddress()
// This will provide a related address & optionally a status, lat and lng from an account or other object
$aInfo = $this->bean->defineMapsAddress($this->display_object->object_name, $display);
// Call Controller Method to Define Custom Address Logic
$aInfo = $this->defineMapsAddressCustom($aInfo, $this->display_object->object_name, $display);
// If needed, check the Address Cache Module for Geocode Info
if (!empty($aInfo['address']) && is_object($this->jjwg_Address_Cache)) {
$aInfoCache = $this->jjwg_Address_Cache->getAddressCacheInfo($aInfo);
if (!empty($aInfoCache['address'])) {
$cache_found = true;
$aInfo = $aInfoCache;
// If needed, Google Maps V3. Geocode the current address (status not set)
if (!empty($aInfo['address']) && empty($aInfo['status'])) {
// Limit Geocode Requests to Google based on $this->settings['google_geocoding_limit']
if ($google_geocoding_inc < $this->settings['google_geocoding_limit']) {
$aInfoGoogle = $this->bean->getGoogleMapsGeocode($aInfo['address'], false, false);
if (!empty($aInfoGoogle)) {
$aInfo = $aInfoGoogle;
// Set last status
$this->last_status = $aInfo['status'];
if (empty($aInfo['status'])) {
$aInfo['status'] = '';
if (empty($aInfo['lat']) || !is_numeric($aInfo['lat'])) {
$aInfo['lat'] = 0;
if (empty($aInfo['lng']) || !is_numeric($aInfo['lng'])) {
$aInfo['lng'] = 0;
// Successful geocode
// 'OK' Status
if (!empty($aInfo['address']) && $aInfo['status'] == 'OK' &&
!($aInfo['lng'] == 0 && $aInfo['lat'] == 0)) {
// Save Geocode $aInfo to custom fields
$update_result = $this->bean->updateGeocodeInfoByAssocQuery($this->display_object->table_name, $display, $aInfo);
// Save address, lng and lat to cache module - if not already found from cache
if (!$cache_found) {
$cache_save_result = $this->jjwg_Address_Cache->saveAddressCacheInfo($aInfo);
// Bad Geocode Results - Recorded
// Empty Address - indicates no address, no geocode response
// 'ZERO_RESULTS' - indicates that the geocode was successful but returned no results.
// This may occur if the geocode was passed a non-existent address.
// 'INVALID_REQUEST' - generally indicates that the query (address) is missing.
// Also, capture empty $aInfo or address.
} elseif (empty($aInfo) || empty($aInfo['address']) || (!empty($aInfo['address']) &&
($aInfo['status'] == 'ZERO_RESULTS' || $aInfo['status'] == 'INVALID_REQUEST' ||
$aInfo['status'] == 'APPROXIMATE'))) {
if (empty($aInfo['status'])) {
$aInfo['status'] = 'Empty';
// Save Geocode $aInfo to custom fields
$update_result = $this->bean->updateGeocodeInfoByAssocQuery($this->display_object->table_name, $display, $aInfo);
// Bad Geocode Results - Stop
// 'OVER_QUERY_LIMIT' - indicates that you are over your quota.
// 'REQUEST_DENIED' - indicates that your request was denied, generally because of lack of a sensor parameter.
} elseif (!empty($aInfo['address']) &&
($aInfo['status'] == 'OVER_QUERY_LIMIT' || $aInfo['status'] == 'REQUEST_DENIED')) {
// Set above limit to break/stop processing
$geocoding_inc = $this->settings['geocoding_limit'] + 1;
} // end if/else
// Wait 1 Second to Throttle Requests: Rate limit of 10 geocodings per second
if ($geocoding_inc % 10 == 0) {
if ($geocoding_inc > $this->settings['geocoding_limit']) {
} // while
if ($geocoding_inc > $this->settings['geocoding_limit']) {
} // end each module type
// If not cron processing, then redirect.
if (!isset($_REQUEST['cron'])) {
// Redirect to the Geocoded Counts Display
// contains header and exit
$url = 'index.php?module=jjwg_Maps&action=geocoded_counts';
if (!empty($this->last_status)) {
$url .= '&last_status=' . urlencode($this->last_status);
* Add a number of display_module objects to a target list
* Return JSON encoded result count
public function action_add_to_target_list()
$result = array('post' => $_POST);
// Target List
$list_id = (!empty($_POST['list_id'])) ? $_POST['list_id'] : '';
/** @var ProspectList $list */
$list = get_module_info('ProspectLists');
if (!empty($list_id) && is_guid($list_id)) {
$result['list']['name'] = $list->name;
// Selected Area IDs - Validate
if (is_string($_POST['selected_ids'])) {
$_POST['selected_ids'] = explode(',', $_POST['selected_ids']);
$selected_ids = array();
foreach ($_POST['selected_ids'] as $sel_id) {
if (is_guid($sel_id)) {
$selected_ids[] = $sel_id;
$result['selected_ids'] = $selected_ids;
// Display Module Type
$module_type = '';
if (!empty($_POST['display_module']) && in_array($_POST['display_module'], $this->settings['valid_geocode_modules'])) {
$module_type = $_POST['display_module'];
$result['module_type'] = $module_type;
// Define display object
$this->display_object = get_module_info($module_type);
if (!empty($list) && $list_id == $list->id && !empty($selected_ids) && !empty($this->display_object) &&
in_array($this->display_object->module_name, array('Accounts', 'Contacts', 'Leads', 'Prospects', 'Users'))) {
$object_name = $this->display_object->object_name;
$result['object_name'] = $object_name;
if ($object_name == 'Account') {
foreach ($selected_ids as $sel_id) {
} elseif ($object_name == 'Contact') {
foreach ($selected_ids as $sel_id) {
} elseif ($object_name == 'Lead') {
foreach ($selected_ids as $sel_id) {
} elseif ($object_name == 'Prospect') {
foreach ($selected_ids as $sel_id) {
} elseif ($object_name == 'User') {
foreach ($selected_ids as $sel_id) {
$result['message'] = 'Target List Updated';
} else {
$result['message'] = 'Target List NOT Updated';
// JSON Encoded $result
$out = [];
$out['message'] = $result['message'];
$out['list']['name'] = $result['object_name'];
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo @json_encode($out);
* export addresses in need of geocoding
public function action_export_geocoding_addresses()
$address_data = array();
$addresses = array();
if (!empty($_REQUEST['display_module']) && in_array($_REQUEST['display_module'], $this->settings['valid_geocode_modules'])) {
$module_type = $_REQUEST['display_module'];
} else {
$module_type = $this->settings['valid_geocode_modules'][0];
// Define display object
$this->display_object = get_module_info($module_type);
// Find the Items to Geocode - Get Geocode Addresses Result
$display_result = $this->bean->getGeocodeAddressesResult($this->display_object->table_name, $this->settings['export_addresses_limit']);
$address_data[] = array('address', 'lat', 'lng');
// Iterate through the display rows
while ($display = $this->bean->db->fetchByAssoc($display_result)) {
// Get address info array (address, status, lat, lng) from defineMapsAddress()
// This will provide a related address & optionally a status, lat and lng from an account or other object
$aInfo = $this->bean->defineMapsAddress($this->display_object->object_name, $display);
// Call Method to Define Custom Address Logic
$aInfo = $this->defineMapsAddressCustom($aInfo, $this->display_object->object_name, $display);
if (!empty($aInfo['address'])) {
$addresses[] = trim($aInfo['address'], ' ,;."\'');
$addresses = array_unique($addresses);
foreach ($addresses as $address) {
$address_data[] = array($address, '', '');
$filename = $module_type . '_Addresses_' . date("Ymd") . ".csv";
$this->do_list_csv_output($address_data, $filename);
* Custom Override for Defining Maps Address
* @param $aInfo address info array(address, status, lat, lng)
* @param $object_name signular object name
* @param $display fetched row array
public function defineMapsAddressCustom($aInfo, $object_name, $display)
// Use custom contoller.php with custom logic
return $aInfo;
* Export rows of data as a CSV file
* @param unknown_type $rows
* @param unknown_type $filename
private function do_list_csv_output($rows, $filename)
header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$filename\"");
header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
if (strpos((string) $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE')) {
// IE cannot download from sessions without a cache
header('Cache-Control: public');
foreach (array_keys($rows) as $key) {
$row = $rows[$key];
echo $this->list_row_to_csv($row);
* Create CSV row for export view
* @param $fields name value pairs
* @param $delimiter
* @param $enclosure
private function list_row_to_csv($fields, $delimiter = ',', $enclosure = '"')
$delimiter_esc = preg_quote((string) $delimiter, '/');
$enclosure_esc = preg_quote((string) $enclosure, '/');
$output = array();
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$output[] = preg_match("/(?:{$delimiter_esc}|{$enclosure_esc}|\s)/", (string) $field) ? (
$enclosure . str_replace($enclosure, $enclosure . $enclosure, (string) $field) . $enclosure
) : $field;
return (implode($delimiter, $output) . "\n");
* action geocoding_test
* Google Maps - Geocoding Test
public function action_geocoding_test()
$this->view = 'geocoding_test';
if (!empty($_REQUEST['geocoding_address']) && !empty($_REQUEST['process_trigger']) &&
strlen((string) $_REQUEST['geocoding_address']) <= 255) {
$this->bean->geocoding_results = $this->bean->getGoogleMapsGeocode($_REQUEST['geocoding_address'], true, true);
* action config
* Google Maps - Config
public function action_config()
// Admin Only
if (!empty($GLOBALS['current_user']->is_admin)) {
if (!empty($_REQUEST['submit'])) {
// Post-Get-Redirect
$save_result = $this->bean->saveConfiguration($_REQUEST);
$config_save_notice = ($save_result == true) ? '1' : '0';
} else {
$this->view = 'config';
} else {
* action reset module geocode info
* Google Maps - geocoded_counts
public function action_reset_geocoding()
$display_module = $_REQUEST['display_module'];
// Define display object from the necessary classes (utils.php)
$this->display_object = get_module_info($display_module);
// Admin Only
if (!empty($GLOBALS['current_user']->is_admin)) {
if (is_object($this->display_object)) {
$delete_result = $this->bean->deleteAllGeocodeInfoByBeanQuery($this->display_object);
} else {
$this->view = 'geocoded_counts';
} else {
* delete all address cache
* Google Maps - geocoded_counts
public function action_delete_all_address_cache()
// Define Address Cache Object
$this->jjwg_Address_Cache = get_module_info('jjwg_Address_Cache');
// Admin Only
if (!empty($GLOBALS['current_user']->is_admin)) {
if (is_object($this->jjwg_Address_Cache)) {
// Post-Get-Redirect
$delete_result = $this->jjwg_Address_Cache->deleteAllAddressCache();
} else {
$this->view = 'geocoded_counts';
} else {
* action quick_radius
* Google Maps - Quick Radius Map
public function action_quick_radius()
$this->view = 'quick_radius';
if (!isset($_REQUEST['distance'])) {
$_REQUEST['distance'] = $this->settings['map_default_distance'];
if (!isset($_REQUEST['unit_type'])) {
$_REQUEST['unit_type'] = $this->settings['map_default_unit_type'];
* action map_display
* Google Maps - Output the Page with IFrame to Map Markers
public function action_quick_radius_display()
$this->view = 'quick_radius_display';
* action map_display
* Google Maps - Output the Page with IFrame to Map Markers
public function action_map_display()
$this->view = 'map_display';
if (!isset($_REQUEST['current_post'])) {
$_REQUEST['current_post'] = '';
// Bug: 'current_post' too large for iFrame URL used in Google Library calls
$_SESSION['jjwg_Maps']['current_post'] = $_REQUEST['current_post'];
$_REQUEST['current_post'] = 'session';
* action donate
* Google Maps - Output the Donate Page
public function action_donate()
$this->view = 'donate';
* action map_markers
* Google Maps - Output the Map Markers
public function action_map_markers()
$map_module_type = '';
$map_unit_type = 'mi';
$map_distance = 250;
$map = null;
$search_array = [];
$this->view = 'map_markers';
// Define globals for use in the view.
$this->bean->map_center = array();
$this->bean->map_markers = array();
$this->bean->map_markers_groups = array();
$this->bean->custom_markers = array();
$this->bean->custom_areas = array();
// Create New Sugar_Smarty Object
$this->sugarSmarty = new Sugar_Smarty();
$this->sugarSmarty->assign("mod_strings", $GLOBALS['mod_strings']);
$this->sugarSmarty->assign("app_strings", $GLOBALS['app_strings']);
$this->sugarSmarty->assign('app_list_strings', $GLOBALS['app_list_strings']);
$this->sugarSmarty->assign('moduleListSingular', $GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['moduleListSingular']);
$this->sugarSmarty->assign('moduleList', $GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['moduleList']);
//echo '<pre>';
// Related Map Record Defines the Map
if (!empty($_REQUEST['record']) ||
(!empty($_REQUEST['relate_id']) && !empty($_REQUEST['relate_module'])) ||
(!empty($_REQUEST['quick_address']) && !empty($_REQUEST['display_module']))) {
// If map 'record' then define map details from current module.
if (@is_guid($_REQUEST['record'])) {
// Get the map object
$map = get_module_info($GLOBALS['currentModule']);
// Define map variables
$map_parent_type = $map->parent_type;
$map_parent_id = $map->parent_id;
$map_module_type = $map->module_type;
$map_unit_type = $map->unit_type;
$map_distance = $map->distance;
// Else if a 'relate_id' use it as the Relate Center Point (Lng/Lat)
else {
if (@(is_guid($_REQUEST['relate_id']) && !empty($_REQUEST['relate_module']))) {
// Define map variables
$map_parent_type = $_REQUEST['relate_module'];
$map_parent_id = $_REQUEST['relate_id'];
$map_module_type = (!empty($_REQUEST['display_module'])) ? $_REQUEST['display_module'] : $_REQUEST['relate_module'];
$map_distance = (!empty($_REQUEST['distance'])) ? $_REQUEST['distance'] : $this->settings['map_default_distance'];
$map_unit_type = (!empty($_REQUEST['unit_type'])) ? $_REQUEST['unit_type'] : $this->settings['map_default_unit_type'];
// Else if a 'quick_address' use it as the Center Point (Lng/Lat)
else {
if (!empty($_REQUEST['quick_address']) && !empty($_REQUEST['display_module'])) {
// Define map variables / No Parent
$map_parent_type = null;
$map_parent_id = null;
$map_module_type = (!empty($_REQUEST['display_module'])) ? $_REQUEST['display_module'] : $_REQUEST['relate_module'];
$map_distance = (!empty($_REQUEST['distance'])) ? $_REQUEST['distance'] : $this->settings['map_default_distance'];
$map_unit_type = (!empty($_REQUEST['unit_type'])) ? $_REQUEST['unit_type'] : $this->settings['map_default_unit_type'];
// Define display object, note - 'Accounts_Members' is a special display type
$this->display_object = ($map_module_type == 'Accounts_Members') ? get_module_info('Accounts') : get_module_info($map_module_type);
$mod_strings_display = return_module_language($GLOBALS['current_language'], $this->display_object->module_name);
$mod_strings_display = array_merge($mod_strings_display, $GLOBALS['mod_strings']);
// If relate module/id object
if (!empty($map_parent_type) && !empty($map_parent_id)) {
// Define relate objects
$this->relate_object = get_module_info($map_parent_type);
$mod_strings_related = return_module_language($GLOBALS['current_language'], $this->relate_object->module_name);
$mod_strings_related = array_merge($mod_strings_related, $GLOBALS['mod_strings']);
// Get the Relate object Assoc Data
$where_conds = $this->relate_object->table_name . ".id = '" . $map_parent_id . "'";
$query = $this->relate_object->create_new_list_query("" . $this->relate_object->table_name . ".assigned_user_id", $where_conds, array(), array(), 0, '', false, $this->relate_object, false);
$relate_result = $this->bean->db->query($query);
$relate = $this->bean->db->fetchByAssoc($relate_result);
// Add Relate (Center Point) Marker
$this->bean->map_center = $this->getMarkerData($map_parent_type, $relate, true, $mod_strings_related);
// Define Center Point
$center_lat = $this->relate_object->jjwg_maps_lat_c;
$center_lng = $this->relate_object->jjwg_maps_lng_c;
// Use Quick Address as Center Point
else {
// Geocode 'quick_address'
$aInfo = $this->bean->getGoogleMapsGeocode($_REQUEST['quick_address'], false, true);
// If not status 'OK', then fail here and exit. Note: Inside of iFrame
if (!empty($aInfo['status']) && $aInfo['status'] != 'OK' && preg_match('/[A-Z\_]/', (string) $aInfo['status'])) {
echo '<br /><br /><div><b>'.$GLOBALS['mod_strings']['LBL_MAP_LAST_STATUS'].': '.$aInfo['status'].'</b></div><br /><br />';
// Define Marker Data
$aInfo['name'] = $_REQUEST['quick_address'];
$aInfo['id'] = 0;
$aInfo['module'] = ($map_module_type == 'Accounts_Members') ? 'Accounts' : $map_module_type;
$aInfo['address'] = $_REQUEST['quick_address'];
$aInfo['jjwg_maps_address_c'] = $_REQUEST['quick_address'];
$aInfo['jjwg_maps_lat_c'] = $aInfo['lat'];
$aInfo['jjwg_maps_lng_c'] = $aInfo['lng'];
$this->bean->map_center = $this->getMarkerData($map_parent_type, $aInfo, true);
// Define Center Point
$center_lat = $aInfo['lat'];
$center_lng = $aInfo['lng'];
// Define $x and $y expressions
$x = '(69.1*((' . $this->display_object->table_name . '_cstm.jjwg_maps_lat_c)-(' . $center_lat . ')))';
$y = '(53.0*((' . $this->display_object->table_name . '_cstm.jjwg_maps_lng_c)-(' . $center_lng . ')) * COS((' . $center_lat . ')/57.1))';
$calc_distance_expression = 'SQRT(' . $x . '*' . $x . '+' . $y . '*' . $y . ')';
if (strtolower($map_unit_type) == 'km' || strtolower($map_unit_type) == 'kilometer') {
$calc_distance_expression .= '*1.609'; // 1 mile = 1.609 km
// Find the Items to Display
// Assume there is no address at 0,0; it's in the Atlantic Ocean!
$where_conds = "(" . $this->display_object->table_name . "_cstm.jjwg_maps_lat_c != 0 OR " .
"" . $this->display_object->table_name . "_cstm.jjwg_maps_lng_c != 0) " .
" AND " .
"(" . $this->display_object->table_name . "_cstm.jjwg_maps_geocode_status_c = 'OK')" .
" AND " .
"(" . $calc_distance_expression . " < " . $map_distance . ")";
$query = $this->display_object->create_new_list_query('display_object_distance', $where_conds, array(), array(), 0, '', false, $this->display_object, false);
// Add the disply_object_distance into SELECT list
$query = str_replace('SELECT ', 'SELECT (' . $calc_distance_expression . ') AS display_object_distance, ', (string) $query);
if ($map_module_type == 'Contacts') { // Contacts - Account Name
$query = str_replace(' FROM contacts ', ' ,accounts.name AS account_name, accounts.id AS account_id FROM contacts ', $query);
$query = str_replace(' FROM contacts ', ' FROM contacts LEFT JOIN accounts_contacts ON contacts.id=accounts_contacts.contact_id and accounts_contacts.deleted = 0 LEFT JOIN accounts ON accounts_contacts.account_id=accounts.id AND accounts.deleted=0 ', $query);
} elseif ($map_module_type == 'Opportunities') { // Opps - Account Name
$query = str_replace(' FROM opportunities ', ' ,accounts.name AS account_name, accounts.id AS account_id FROM opportunities ', $query);
$query = str_replace(' FROM opportunities ', ' FROM opportunities LEFT JOIN accounts_opportunities ON opportunities.id=accounts_opportunities.opportunity_id and accounts_opportunities.deleted = 0 LEFT JOIN accounts ON accounts_opportunities.account_id=accounts.id AND accounts.deleted=0 ', $query);
} elseif ($map_module_type == 'Accounts_Members') { // 'Accounts_Members' is a special display type
$query = str_replace(' AND accounts.deleted=0', ' AND accounts.deleted=0 AND accounts.parent_id = \''.$this->bean->db->quote($map_parent_id).'\'', $query);
$display_result = $this->bean->db->limitQuery($query, 0, $this->settings['map_markers_limit']);
while ($display = $this->bean->db->fetchByAssoc($display_result)) {
if (!empty($map_distance) && !empty($display['id'])) {
$marker_data_module_type = ($map_module_type == 'Accounts_Members') ? 'Accounts' : $map_module_type;
$marker_data = $this->getMarkerData($marker_data_module_type, $display, false, $mod_strings_display);
if (!empty($marker_data)) {
$this->bean->map_markers[] = $marker_data;
// Next define the Custom Markers and Areas related to this Map
// Define relate and display objects from the necessary classes (utils.php)
@$markers_object = get_module_info('jjwg_Markers');
@$areas_object = get_module_info('jjwg_Areas');
// Relationship Names: jjwg_maps_jjwg_areas and jjwg_maps_jjwg_markers
// Find the Related Beans: Maps to Markers
if (@(is_object($markers_object) && is_object($map))) {
$related_custom_markers = $map->get_linked_beans('jjwg_maps_jjwg_markers', 'jjwg_Markers');
if ($related_custom_markers) {
foreach ($related_custom_markers as $marker_bean) {
$marker_data = $this->getMarkerDataCustom($marker_bean);
if (!empty($marker_data)) {
$this->bean->custom_markers[] = $marker_data;
// Find the Related Beans: Maps to Areas
if (@(is_object($areas_object) && is_object($map))) {
$related_custom_areas = $map->get_linked_beans('jjwg_maps_jjwg_areas', 'jjwg_Areas');
if ($related_custom_areas) {
foreach ($related_custom_areas as $area_bean) {
$area_data = $this->getAreaDataCustom($area_bean);
if (!empty($area_data)) {
$this->bean->custom_areas[] = $area_data;
// Map Target List (ProspectLists)
} elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['list_id'])) {
$this->bean->map_markers = array();
$this->display_object = get_module_info('ProspectLists');
// Use the Export Query
if (!empty($_REQUEST['list_id'])) {
if ($this->display_object->id == $_REQUEST['list_id']) {
$prospect_list_object = $this->display_object;
$list_id = $this->display_object->id;
if (!empty($list_id)) {
$list_modules = array('Accounts', 'Contacts', 'Leads', 'Users', 'Prospects');
$temp_marker_groups = array();
foreach ($list_modules as $display_module) {
$this->display_object = get_module_info($display_module);
$mod_strings_display = return_module_language($GLOBALS['current_language'], $this->display_object->module_name);
$mod_strings_display = array_merge($mod_strings_display, $GLOBALS['mod_strings']);
// Find the Items to Display
// Assume there is no address at 0,0; it's in the Atlantic Ocean!
$where_conds = "(" . $this->display_object->table_name . "_cstm.jjwg_maps_lat_c != 0 OR " .
"" . $this->display_object->table_name . "_cstm.jjwg_maps_lng_c != 0) " .
" AND " .
"(" . $this->display_object->table_name . "_cstm.jjwg_maps_geocode_status_c = 'OK')";
$query = $this->display_object->create_new_list_query('', $where_conds, array(), array(), 0, '', false, $this->display_object, false);
if ($display_module == 'Contacts') { // Contacts - Account Name
$query = str_replace(' FROM contacts ', ' ,accounts.name AS account_name, accounts.id AS account_id FROM contacts ', (string) $query);
$query = str_replace(' FROM contacts ', ' FROM contacts LEFT JOIN accounts_contacts ON contacts.id=accounts_contacts.contact_id and accounts_contacts.deleted = 0 LEFT JOIN accounts ON accounts_contacts.account_id=accounts.id AND accounts.deleted=0 ', $query);
// Add List JOIN
$query = str_replace(
' FROM '.$this->display_object->table_name.' ',
' FROM '.$this->display_object->table_name.' '.
'LEFT JOIN prospect_lists_prospects ON prospect_lists_prospects.related_id = '.$this->display_object->table_name.'.id AND prospect_lists_prospects.deleted=0 '.
'LEFT JOIN prospect_lists ON prospect_lists_prospects.prospect_list_id = prospect_lists.id AND prospect_lists.deleted=0 ',
(string) $query
// Restrict WHERE to related type and $list_id
$query .= ' AND prospect_lists_prospects.related_type = \''.$this->display_object->module_name.'\' AND '.
'prospect_lists.id = \''.$this->bean->db->quote($list_id).'\'';
$display_result = $this->bean->db->limitQuery($query, 0, $this->settings['map_markers_limit']);
$display_type_found = false;
while ($display = $this->bean->db->fetchByAssoc($display_result)) {
if (!empty($display['id'])) {
$marker_data = $this->getMarkerData($display_module, $display, false, $mod_strings_display);
$marker_data['group'] = $GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['moduleList'][$display_module];
if (!empty($marker_data)) {
$this->bean->map_markers[] = $marker_data;
$display_type_found = true;
if ($display_type_found) {
$temp_marker_groups[] = $GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['moduleList'][$display_module];
$this->bean->map_markers_groups = $temp_marker_groups;
// Map Records
} elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['uid']) || !empty($_REQUEST['current_post'])) {
if (in_array($_REQUEST['display_module'], $this->settings['valid_geocode_modules'])) {
$display_module = $_REQUEST['display_module'];
} else {
$display_module = 'Accounts';
if ($_REQUEST['current_post'] == 'session') {
$current_post = $_SESSION['jjwg_Maps']['current_post'];
} else {
$current_post = $_REQUEST['current_post'];
$query = '';
$selected_query = '';
$records = array();
$order_by = '';
$this->display_object = get_module_info($display_module);
$mod_strings_display = return_module_language($GLOBALS['current_language'], $this->display_object->module_name);
$mod_strings_display = array_merge($mod_strings_display, $GLOBALS['mod_strings']);
if (!empty($_REQUEST['uid'])) {
// Several records selected or this page
$records = explode(',', $_REQUEST['uid']);
} elseif (!empty($current_post)) {
// Select all records (advanced search)
$search_array = generateSearchWhere($display_module, $current_post);
if (!empty($search_array['where'])) {
// Related Field Bug: Get relate/link patched 'where' and 'join'
@$ret_array = create_export_query_relate_link_patch($display_module, $search_array['searchFields'], $search_array['where']);
if (!empty($ret_array['join'])) {
@$selected_query = $this->display_object->create_export_query($order_by, $ret_array['where'], $ret_array['join']);
} else {
@$selected_query = $this->display_object->create_export_query($order_by, $ret_array['where']);
// SugarOnDemand JOIN Bug: If $ret_array['join'] is not included in query, force it in!
if (strpos((string) $ret_array['join'], (string) $selected_query) === false) {
$selected_query = str_replace(' where ', $ret_array['join'].' where ', (string) $selected_query);
// Avoiding subquery. Let's just record the record ID's for later
$selected_result = $this->bean->db->limitQuery($selected_query, 0, $this->settings['map_markers_limit']);
while ($display = $this->bean->db->fetchByAssoc($selected_result)) {
$records[] = $display['id'];
// Find the Items to Display
// Assume there is no address at 0,0; it's in the Atlantic Ocean!
$where_conds = "(" . $this->display_object->table_name . "_cstm.jjwg_maps_lat_c != 0 OR " .
"" . $this->display_object->table_name . "_cstm.jjwg_maps_lng_c != 0) " .
" AND " .
"(" . $this->display_object->table_name . "_cstm.jjwg_maps_geocode_status_c = 'OK')";
$query = $this->display_object->create_new_list_query('', $where_conds, array(), array(), 0, '', false, $this->display_object, false);
if ($display_module == 'Contacts') { // Contacts - Account Name
$query = str_replace(' FROM contacts ', ' ,accounts.name AS account_name, accounts.id AS account_id FROM contacts ', (string) $query);
$query = str_replace(' FROM contacts ', ' FROM contacts LEFT JOIN accounts_contacts ON contacts.id=accounts_contacts.contact_id and accounts_contacts.deleted = 0 LEFT JOIN accounts ON accounts_contacts.account_id=accounts.id AND accounts.deleted=0 ', $query);
} elseif ($display_module == 'Opportunities') { // Opps - Account Name
$query = str_replace(' FROM opportunities ', ' ,accounts.name AS account_name, accounts.id AS account_id FROM opportunities ', (string) $query);
$query = str_replace(' FROM opportunities ', ' FROM opportunities LEFT JOIN accounts_opportunities ON opportunities.id=accounts_opportunities.opportunity_id and accounts_opportunities.deleted = 0 LEFT JOIN accounts ON accounts_opportunities.account_id=accounts.id AND accounts.deleted=0 ', $query);
$display_result = $this->bean->db->limitQuery($query, 0, $this->settings['map_markers_limit']);
$this->bean->map_markers = array();
while ($display = $this->bean->db->fetchByAssoc($display_result)) {
if (!empty($search_array['where'])) { // Select all records (advanced search) with where clause
if (in_array($display['id'], $records)) {
$this->bean->map_markers[] = $this->getMarkerData($display_module, $display, false, $mod_strings_display);
} elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['uid'])) { // Several records selected or this page selected
if (in_array($display['id'], $records)) {
$this->bean->map_markers[] = $this->getMarkerData($display_module, $display, false, $mod_strings_display);
} else { // All
$this->bean->map_markers[] = $this->getMarkerData($display_module, $display, false, $mod_strings_display);
// Sort marker groups for the view
// Set display object for later use
$this->bean->display_object = $this->display_object;
// Get Prospect List Array Dropdown
$list = get_module_info('ProspectLists');
$list_query = $list->create_list_query('prospect_lists.name', '1=1', 0);
$list_result = $list->db->query($list_query);
$list_array = array();
while ($alist = $list->db->fetchByAssoc($list_result)) {
if (!empty($alist['name']) && !empty($alist['id'])) {
$list_array[$alist['id']] = $alist['name'];
$this->bean->list_array = $list_array;
// end function action_map_markers
* Define marker data for marker display view
* @param $module_type bean name
* @param $display bean fields array
* $param $mod_strings_display mod_strings from display module
* TODO: Use a custom defined field for the $marker['group']
public function getMarkerData($module_type, $display, $center_marker = false, $mod_strings_display = array())
// echo "<pre>";
// print_r($display);
// print_r($mod_strings_display);
// echo "</pre>";
// Define Marker
$marker = array();
// Set only partial display data for efficiency
$marker['name'] = $display['name'];
// Or, Set all display data for flexibility
//$marker = $display;
if (empty($marker['name'])) {
$marker['name'] = 'N/A';
$marker['id'] = $display['id'];
$marker['module'] = $module_type;
$marker['address'] = $display['jjwg_maps_address_c'];
$marker['lat'] = $display['jjwg_maps_lat_c'];
if (!$this->is_valid_lat($marker['lat'])) {
$marker['lat'] = '0';
$marker['lng'] = $display['jjwg_maps_lng_c'];
if (!$this->is_valid_lng($marker['lng'])) {
$marker['lng'] = '0';
// Define a phone field: phone_office, phone_work, phone_mobile
if (!empty($display['phone_office'])) {
$marker['phone'] = $display['phone_office'];
} elseif (!empty($display['phone_work'])) {
$marker['phone'] = $display['phone_work'];
} elseif (!empty($display['phone_mobile'])) {
$marker['phone'] = $display['phone_mobile'];
} else {
$marker['phone'] = '';
if ($marker['lat'] != '0' && $marker['lng'] != '0') {
// Check to see if marker point already exists and apply offset if needed
// This often occurs when an address is only defined by city, state, zip.
$i = 0;
while (isset($this->map_marker_data_points[(string) $marker['lat']][(string) $marker['lng']]) &&
$i < $this->settings['map_markers_limit']) {
$marker['lat'] = (float) $marker['lat'] + (float) $this->settings['map_duplicate_marker_adjustment'];
$marker['lng'] = (float) $marker['lng'] + (float) $this->settings['map_duplicate_marker_adjustment'];
// Set Marker Point as Used (true)
$this->map_marker_data_points[(string) $marker['lat']][(string) $marker['lng']] = true;
if (isset($display['account_name'])) {
$marker['account_name'] = $display['account_name'];
if (isset($display['account_id'])) {
$marker['account_id'] = $display['account_id'];
$marker['assigned_user_name'] = (isset($display['assigned_user_name'])) ? $display['assigned_user_name'] : '';
$marker['image'] = (isset($display['marker_image'])) ? $display['marker_image'] : '';
// Define Marker Group
if (!$center_marker) {
// Group Field for the Display Module
$group_field_name = $this->settings['map_markers_grouping_field'][$module_type];
$group_field_value = $display[$group_field_name];
// Check for DOM field types (enum type)
if (isset($this->display_object->field_name_map[$group_field_name]['type']) &&
$this->display_object->field_name_map[$group_field_name]['type'] == 'enum') {
$group_field_dom = $this->display_object->field_name_map[$group_field_name]['options'];
$marker['group'] = $GLOBALS['app_list_strings'][$group_field_dom][$group_field_value];
} elseif (!empty($display[$group_field_name])) {
$marker['group'] = $display[$group_field_name];
} else {
$marker['group'] = $GLOBALS['mod_strings']['LBL_MAP_NULL_GROUP_NAME']; // null group
if (!in_array($marker['group'], $this->bean->map_markers_groups)) {
$this->bean->map_markers_groups[] = $marker['group'];
* Define Dates for Meetings
* TimeDate.php to_display_date_time()
* Note, date time fields are converted to the User's date time settings
if ($module_type == 'Meetings') {
if (!isset($meetingTimeDate) || !is_object($meetingTimeDate)) {
$meetingTimeDate = new TimeDate();
$display['date_start'] = $meetingTimeDate->to_display_date_time($display['date_start'], true, true, $GLOBALS['current_user']);
$display['date_end'] = $meetingTimeDate->to_display_date_time($display['date_end'], true, true, $GLOBALS['current_user']);
$current_user_data = get_object_vars($GLOBALS['current_user']);
$this->sugarSmarty->assign('current_user', $current_user_data);
$this->sugarSmarty->assign('current_user_address', $this->bean->defineMapsFormattedAddress($current_user_data, 'address'));
$this->sugarSmarty->assign("mod_strings", $mod_strings_display);
// Define Maps Info Window HTML by Sugar Smarty Template
$this->sugarSmarty->assign("module_type", $module_type);
$this->sugarSmarty->assign("address", $display['jjwg_maps_address_c']);
$this->sugarSmarty->assign("fields", $display); // display fields array
// Use @ error suppression to avoid issues with SugarCRM On-Demand
if (file_exists('./custom/modules/jjwg_Maps/tpls/' . $module_type . 'InfoWindow.tpl')) {
$marker['html'] = $this->sugarSmarty->fetch('./custom/modules/jjwg_Maps/tpls/' . $module_type . 'InfoWindow.tpl');
if (empty($marker['html'])) {
$marker['html'] = $this->sugarSmarty->fetch('./modules/jjwg_Maps/tpls/' . $module_type . 'InfoWindow.tpl');
$marker['html'] = preg_replace('/\n\r/', ' ', (string) $marker['html']);
return $marker;
} else {
return false;
* Get Marker Data Custom for Mapping
* @param $marker_object
public function getMarkerDataCustom($marker_object)
// Define Marker
$marker = array();
$marker['name'] = $marker_object->name;
if (empty($marker['name'])) {
$marker['name'] = 'N/A';
$marker['id'] = $marker_object->id;
$marker['lat'] = $marker_object->jjwg_maps_lat;
if (!$this->is_valid_lat($marker['lat'])) {
$marker['lat'] = '0';
$marker['lng'] = $marker_object->jjwg_maps_lng;
if (!$this->is_valid_lng($marker['lng'])) {
$marker['lng'] = '0';
$marker['image'] = $marker_object->marker_image;
if (empty($marker['image'])) {
$marker['image'] = 'None';
if ($marker['lat'] != '0' || $marker['lng'] != '0') {
$fields = array();
foreach ($marker_object->column_fields as $field) {
$fields[$field] = $marker_object->$field;
// Define Maps Info Window HTML by Sugar Smarty Template
$this->sugarSmarty->assign("module_type", 'jjwg_Markers');
$this->sugarSmarty->assign("fields", $fields); // display fields array
// Use @ error suppression to avoid issues with SugarCRM On-Demand
if (file_exists('./custom/modules/jjwg_Markers/tpls/MarkersInfoWindow.tpl')) {
$marker['html'] = $this->sugarSmarty->fetch('./custom/modules/jjwg_Markers/tpls/MarkersInfoWindow.tpl');
if (empty($marker['html'])) {
$marker['html'] = $this->sugarSmarty->fetch('./modules/jjwg_Markers/tpls/MarkersInfoWindow.tpl');
$marker['html'] = preg_replace('/\n\r/', ' ', (string) $marker['html']);
return $marker;
} else {
return false;
* Get Area Data Custom for Mapping
* @param $area_object
public function getAreaDataCustom($area_object)
// Define Area
$area = array();
$area['name'] = $area_object->name;
if (empty($area['name'])) {
$area['name'] = 'N/A';
$area['id'] = $area_object->id;
$area['coordinates'] = $area_object->coordinates;
// Check for proper coordinates pattern
if (preg_match('/^[0-9\s\(\)\,\.\-]+$/', (string) $area_object->coordinates)) {
$fields = array();
foreach ($area_object->column_fields as $field) {
$fields[$field] = $area_object->$field;
// Define Maps Info Window HTML by Sugar Smarty Template
$this->sugarSmarty->assign("module_type", 'jjwg_Areas');
$this->sugarSmarty->assign("fields", $fields); // display fields array
// Use @ error suppression to avoid issues with SugarCRM On-Demand
if (file_exists('./custom/modules/jjwg_Areas/tpls/AreasInfoWindow.tpl')) {
$area['html'] = $this->sugarSmarty->fetch();
if (empty($area['html'])) {
$area['html'] = $this->sugarSmarty->fetch('./modules/jjwg_Areas/tpls/AreasInfoWindow.tpl');
$area['html'] = preg_replace('/\n\r/', ' ', (string) $area['html']);
return $area;
} else {
return false;
* Check for valid longitude
* @param $lng float
public function is_valid_lng($lng)
return (is_numeric($lng) && $lng >= -180 && $lng <= 180);
* Check for valid latitude
* @param $lat float
public function is_valid_lat($lat)
return (is_numeric($lat) && $lat >= -90 && $lat <= 90);