Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/salesagility/SuiteCRM.git synced 2025-02-11 08:48:55 +00:00
Dillon-Brown 4ee7a709a0 Remove PHP4 constructors
Signed-off-by: Dillon-Brown <dillon.brown@salesagility.com>
2021-03-26 21:50:24 +00:00

575 lines
29 KiB
Executable file

* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
class ViewSugarFieldCollection
public $ss; // Sugar Smarty Object
public $bean;
public $bean_id;
public $name;
public $value_name;
public $displayParams; // DisplayParams for the collection field (defined in the metadata)
public $vardef; // vardef of the collection field.
public $related_module; // module name of the related module
public $module_dir; // name of the module where the collection field is.
public $numFields;
public $json;
public $tpl_path;
public $extra_var;
public $skipModuleQuickSearch = false;
public $field_to_name_array; //mapping of fields for the return of the select popup
public $showSelectButton = true;
public $hideShowHideButton = false;
public $action_type;
public $form_name;
public function __construct($fill_data = true)
$this->json = getJSONobj();
if ($fill_data) {
$this->displayParams = $this->json->decode(html_entity_decode($_REQUEST['displayParams']));
$this->vardef = $this->json->decode(html_entity_decode($_REQUEST['vardef']));
$this->module_dir = $_REQUEST['module_dir'];
$this->action_type = $_REQUEST['action_type'];
$this->name = $this->vardef['name'];
$this->value_name = $this->name . '_values';
$this->numFields = 1;
$this->ss = new Sugar_Smarty();
$this->edit_tpl_path = $this->findTemplate('CollectionEditView');
$this->detail_tpl_path = $this->findTemplate('CollectionDetailView');
$this->extra_var = array();
$this->field_to_name_array = array();
* Retrieve the related module and load the bean and the relationship
* call retrieve values()
public function setup()
if (!class_exists('Relationship')) {
$rel = BeanFactory::newBean('Relationships');
if (!empty($this->vardef['relationship'])) {
if ($rel->relationship_type == 'many-to-many') {
if ($rel->lhs_module == $this->module_dir) {
$this->related_module = $rel->rhs_module;
$module_dir = $rel->lhs_module;
} else {
if ($rel->rhs_module == $this->module_dir) {
$this->related_module = $rel->lhs_module;
$module_dir = $rel->rhs_module;
} else {
die("this field has no relationships mapped with this module");
if ($module_dir != $this->module_dir) {
die('These modules do not match : '. $this->module_dir . ' and ' . $module_dir);
if (isset($GLOBALS['beanList'][$this->module_dir])) {
$class = $GLOBALS['beanList'][$this->module_dir];
if (file_exists($GLOBALS['beanFiles'][$class])) {
$this->bean = loadBean($this->module_dir);
if ($this->bean->load_relationship($this->vardef['name'])) {
} else {
die('failed to load the relationship');
} else {
die('class file do not exist');
} else {
die($this->module_dir . ' is not in the beanList.');
} else {
die("the relationship is not a many-to-many");
* Retrieve the values from the DB using the get method of the link class
* Organize and save the value into the bean
public function retrieve_values()
if (empty($this->bean->{$this->value_name}) && isset($this->bean->{$this->name})) {
$values = array();
$values = $this->bean->{$this->name}->get(true);
$role_field = $this->bean->{$this->name}->_get_link_table_role_field($this->bean->{$this->name}->_relationship_name);
foreach ($values as $v) {
$role = '';
foreach ($v as $kk=>$vv) {
if ($kk == $role_field) {
if ($role == 'primary') {
$primary_id = $v['id'];
} else {
$secondary_ids[] = array('id'=>$v['id'], 'role'=>$role);
$this->bean->{$this->value_name} = array('role_field'=>$role_field);
if (isset($primary_id) || isset($secondary_ids)) {
if (!isset($primary_id)) {
$primary_id = $secondary_ids[0]['id'];
if (isset($GLOBALS['beanList'][ $this->related_module])) {
$class = $GLOBALS['beanList'][$this->related_module];
if (file_exists($GLOBALS['beanFiles'][$class])) {
$mod = loadBean($this->module_dir);
$mod->relDepth = $this->bean->relDepth + 1;
if (isset($mod->name)) {
$this->bean->{$this->value_name}=array_merge($this->bean->{$this->value_name}, array('primary'=>array('id'=>$primary_id, 'name'=>$mod->name)));
$secondaries = array();
if (isset($secondary_ids)) {
foreach ($secondary_ids as $v) {
if ($mod->retrieve($v['id'])) {
if (isset($mod->name)) {
$secondaries['secondaries'][]=array('id'=>$v['id'], 'name'=>$mod->name);
$this->bean->{$this->value_name}=array_merge($this->bean->{$this->value_name}, $secondaries);
if (isset($field['additionalFields'])) {
foreach ($field['additionalFields'] as $field=>$to) {
if (isset($mod->$field)) {
$this->bean->$to = $mod->$field;
* redirect to the good process method.
public function process()
if ($this->action_type == 'editview') {
} else {
if ($this->action_type == 'detailview') {
public function process_detailview()
* Build the DisplayParams array
public function process_editview()
if (isset($this->bean->{$this->value_name}['secondaries'])) {
if (!isset($this->displayParams['readOnly'])) {
$this->displayParams['readOnly'] = '';
} else {
$this->displayParams['readOnly'] = $this->displayParams['readOnly'] == false ? '' : 'READONLY';
// If there is extra field to show.
if (isset($this->displayParams['collection_field_list'])) {
$relatedObject = BeanFactory::getObjectName($this->related_module);
vardefmanager::loadVardef($this->related_module, $relatedObject);
foreach ($this->displayParams['collection_field_list'] as $k=>$v) {
$collection_field_vardef = $GLOBALS['dictionary'][$relatedObject]['fields'][$v['name']];
// For each extra field the params which are not displayParams will be consider as params to override the vardefs values.
foreach ($v as $k_override=>$v_override) {
if ($k_override != 'displayParams') {
$collection_field_vardef[$k_override] = $v_override;
// If relate field : enable quick search by creating the sqs_object array.
if ($collection_field_vardef['type'] == 'relate') {
$tph = new TemplateHandler();
$javascript = $tph->createQuickSearchCode(array($collection_field_vardef['name']=>$collection_field_vardef), array($v), $this->form_name);
$javascript = str_replace('<script language="javascript">'."if(typeof sqs_objects == 'undefined'){var sqs_objects = new Array;}sqs_objects['{$collection_field_vardef['name']}']=", "", $javascript);
$javascript = substr($javascript, 0, -10);//remove ";</script>"
$javascriptPHP = $this->json->decode($javascript);
foreach ($javascriptPHP['populate_list'] as $kk=>$vv) {
$javascriptPHP['populate_list'][$kk] .= "_" . $this->vardef['name'] . "_collection_extra_0";
foreach ($javascriptPHP['required_list'] as $kk=>$vv) {
$javascriptPHP['required_list'][$kk] .= "_" . $this->vardef['name'] . "_collection_extra_0";
foreach ($javascriptPHP['field_list'] as $kk=>$vv) {
if ($vv == 'id') {
$javascript = $this->json->encode($javascriptPHP);
$javascript = "<script language='javascript'>if(typeof sqs_objects == 'undefined'){var sqs_objects = new Array;}sqs_objects['{$collection_field_vardef['name']}_" . $this->vardef['name'] . "_collection_extra_0']=".$javascript.';</script>';
$collection_field_vardef['name'] .= "_" . $this->vardef['name'] . "_collection_extra_0";
if (isset($collection_field_vardef['id_name'])) {
$collection_field_vardef['id_name'] .= "_" . $this->vardef['name'] . "_collection_extra_0";
if (isset($this->displayParams['allow_update']) && ($this->displayParams['allow_update'] === false || $this->displayParams['allow_update'] === 'false')) {
} else {
if (!isset($v['displayParams'])) {
$name = $collection_field_vardef['name'];
// Rearranging the array with name as key instaead of number. This is required for displaySmarty() to assign the good variable.
$this->displayParams['collection_field_list'][$name]['vardefName'] = $this->displayParams['collection_field_list'][$k]['name'];
$this->displayParams['collection_field_list'][$name]['name'] = $name;
if ($collection_field_vardef['type'] == 'relate') {
$this->displayParams['collection_field_list'][$name]['id_name'] = $collection_field_vardef['id_name'];
$this->displayParams['collection_field_list'][$name]['module'] = $collection_field_vardef['module'];
$this->displayParams['collection_field_list'][$name]['label'] = "{sugar_translate label='{$collection_field_vardef['vname']}' module='{$this->related_module}'}";//translate($collection_field_vardef['vname'], $this->related_module);
$this->displayParams['collection_field_list'][$name]['field'] = $sfh->displaySmarty('displayParams.collection_field_list', $collection_field_vardef, $viewtype, $v['displayParams'], 1);
$this->displayParams['collection_field_list'][$name]['field'] .= '{literal}'.$javascript;
// Handle update_field array ONCHANGE
$this->displayParams['collection_field_list'][$name]['field'] .= <<<FRA
<script language='javascript'>
var oldonchange = '';
if(typeof(document.getElementById('{$collection_field_vardef['name']}').attributes.onchange) != 'undefined')
$this->displayParams['collection_field_list'][$name]['field'] .= "eval(\"document.getElementById('{$collection_field_vardef['name']}').onchange = function onchange(event){collection['{$this->vardef['name']}'].update_fields.{$collection_field_vardef['name']}=true;";
if ($collection_field_vardef['type'] == 'relate') {
// If relate add the ID field to the array
$this->displayParams['collection_field_list'][$name]['field'] .= "collection['{$this->vardef['name']}'].update_fields.{$collection_field_vardef['id_name']}=true;";
$this->displayParams['collection_field_list'][$name]['field'] .= "document.getElementById('update_fields_{$this->vardef['name']}_collection').value = YAHOO.lang.JSON.stringify(collection['{$this->vardef['name']}'].update_fields);\" + oldonchange + \"};\");</script>{/literal}";
//we need to get rid of the old value;
if (!isset($this->displayParams['class'])) {
if (isset($this->displayParams['allow_new']) && ($this->displayParams['allow_new'] === false || $this->displayParams['allow_new'] === 'false')) {
$this->displayParams['class']=str_replace('sqsNoAutofill', '', $this->displayParams['class']);
} else {
$this->displayParams['class'].=' sqsNoAutofill';
if (isset($this->displayParams['new_on_update']) && ($this->displayParams['new_on_update'] !== false || $this->displayParams['new_on_update'] !== 'false' || $this->displayParams['new_on_update'] !== 'FALSE' || $this->displayParams['new_on_update'] !== '0')) {
} else {
* Init the template with the variables
public function init_tpl()
foreach ($this->extra_var as $k=>$v) {
$this->ss->assign($k, $v);
if ($this->action_type == 'editview') {
$this->ss->assign('quickSearchCode', $this->createQuickSearchCode());
$this->createPopupCode();// this code populate $this->displayParams with popupdata.
$this->tpl_path = $this->edit_tpl_path;
} else {
if ($this->action_type == 'detailview') {
$this->tpl_path = $this->detail_tpl_path;
$this->ss->assign('displayParams', $this->displayParams);
$this->ss->assign('vardef', $this->vardef);
$this->ss->assign('module', $this->related_module);
$this->ss->assign('values', $this->bean->{$this->value_name});
$this->ss->assign('showSelectButton', $this->showSelectButton);
$this->ss->assign('hideShowHideButton', $this->hideShowHideButton);
$this->ss->assign('APP', $GLOBALS['app_strings']);
* Display the collection field after retrieving the cached row.
public function display()
$cacheRowFile = sugar_cached('modules/') . $this->module_dir . '/collections/'. $this->name . '.tpl';
if (!$this->checkTemplate($cacheRowFile)) {
$dir = dirname($cacheRowFile);
if (!file_exists($dir)) {
mkdir_recursive($dir, null, true);
$cacheRow = $this->ss->fetch($this->findTemplate('CollectionEditViewRow'));
file_put_contents($cacheRowFile, $cacheRow);
$this->ss->assign('cacheRowFile', $cacheRowFile);
return $this->ss->fetch($this->tpl_path);
* Check if the template is cached
* return a bool
public function checkTemplate($cacheRowFile)
if (inDeveloperMode() || !empty($_SESSION['developerMode'])) {
return false;
return file_exists($cacheRowFile);
* Create the quickSearch code for the collection field.
* return the javascript code which define sqs_objects.
public function createQuickSearchCode($returnAsJavascript = true)
$sqs_objects = array();
$qsd = QuickSearchDefaults::getQuickSearchDefaults();
for ($i=0; $i<$this->numFields; $i++) {
$name1 = "{$this->form_name}_{$this->name}_collection_{$i}";
if (!$this->skipModuleQuickSearch && preg_match('/(Campaigns|Teams|Users|Accounts)/si', $this->related_module, $matches)) {
if ($matches[0] == 'Users') {
$sqs_objects[$name1] = $qsd->getQSUser();
} else {
if ($matches[0] == 'Campaigns') {
$sqs_objects[$name1] = $qsd->getQSCampaigns();
} else {
if ($matches[0] == 'Users') {
$sqs_objects[$name1] = $qsd->getQSUser();
} else {
if ($matches[0] == 'Accounts') {
$nameKey = "{$this->name}_collection_{$i}";
$idKey = "id_{$this->name}_collection_{$i}";
//There are billingKey, shippingKey and additionalFields entries you can define in editviewdefs.php
//entry to allow quick search to autocomplete fields with a suffix value of the
//billing/shippingKey value (i.e. 'billingKey' => 'primary' in Contacts will populate
//primary_XXX fields with the Account's billing address values).
//addtionalFields are key/value pair of fields to fill from Accounts(key) to Contacts(value)
$billingKey = isset($this->displayParams['billingKey']) ? $this->displayParams['billingKey'] : null;
$shippingKey = isset($this->displayParams['shippingKey']) ? $this->displayParams['shippingKey'] : null;
$additionalFields = isset($this->displayParams['additionalFields']) ? $this->displayParams['additionalFields'] : null;
$sqs_objects[$name1] = $qsd->getQSAccount($nameKey, $idKey, $billingKey, $shippingKey, $additionalFields);
} else {
if ($matches[0] == 'Contacts') {
$sqs_objects[$name1] = $qsd->getQSContact($name1, "id_".$name1);
$temp_array = array('field_list'=>array(),'populate_list'=>array());
foreach ($sqs_objects[$name1]['field_list'] as $k=>$v) {
if (!in_array($v, array('name','id'))) {
} else {
$sqs_objects[$name1]['field_list'] = $temp_array['field_list'];
$sqs_objects[$name1]['populate_list'] = $temp_array['populate_list'];
if (isset($this->displayParams['collection_field_list'])) {
foreach ($this->displayParams['collection_field_list'] as $v) {
$sqs_objects[$name1]['populate_list'][]= $v['vardefName']."_".$this->name."_collection_extra_".$i;
$sqs_objects[$name1]['field_list'][] = $v['vardefName'];
} else {
$sqs_objects[$name1] = $qsd->getQSParent($this->related_module);
$sqs_objects[$name1]['populate_list'] = array("{$this->vardef['name']}_collection_{$i}", "id_{$this->vardef['name']}_collection_{$i}");
$sqs_objects[$name1]['field_list'] = array('name', 'id');
if (isset($this->displayParams['collection_field_list'])) {
foreach ($this->displayParams['collection_field_list'] as $v) {
$sqs_objects[$name1]['populate_list'][] = $v['vardefName']."_".$this->name."_collection_extra_".$i;
$sqs_objects[$name1]['field_list'][] = $v['vardefName'];
if (isset($this->displayParams['field_to_name_array'])) {
foreach ($this->displayParams['field_to_name_array'] as $k=>$v) {
* "primary_populate_list" and "primary_field_list" are used when the field is selected as a primary.
* At this time the JS function changePrimary() will copy "primary_populate_list" and "primary_field_list"
* into "populate_list" and "field_list" and remove the values from all the others which are secondaries.
* "primary_populate_list" and "primary_field_list" contain the fields which has to be populated outside of
* the collection field. For example the "Address Information" are populated with the "billing address" of the
* selected account in a contact editview.
$sqs_objects[$name1]['primary_populate_list'][] = $v;
$sqs_objects[$name1]['primary_field_list'][] = $k;
} else {
if (isset($field['field_list']) && isset($field['populate_list'])) {
$sqs_objects[$name1]['primary_populate_list'] = array_merge($sqs_objects[$name1]['populate_list'], $field['field_list']);
$sqs_objects[$name1]['primary_field_list'] = array_merge($sqs_objects[$name1]['field_list'], $field['populate_list']);
} else {
$sqs_objects[$name1]['primary_populate_list'] = array();
$sqs_objects[$name1]['primary_field_list'] = array();
$id = "{$this->form_name}_{$this->name}_collection_0";
if (!empty($sqs_objects) && count($sqs_objects) > 0) {
foreach ($sqs_objects[$id]['field_list'] as $k=>$v) {
$this->field_to_name_array[$v] = $sqs_objects[$id]['populate_list'][$k];
if ($returnAsJavascript) {
$quicksearch_js = '<script language="javascript">';
$quicksearch_js.= "if(typeof sqs_objects == 'undefined'){var sqs_objects = new Array;}";
foreach ($sqs_objects as $sqsfield=>$sqsfieldArray) {
$quicksearch_js .= "sqs_objects['$sqsfield']={$this->json->encode($sqsfieldArray)};";
return $quicksearch_js .= '</script>';
} else {
return $sqs_objects;
return '';
* Always call createQuickSearchCode() before createPopupCode() to define field_to_name_array
public function createPopupCode()
// TODO the 'select' button is not fully working. We should use the sqs_objects in open_popup instead of the parameter.
if (isset($this->field_to_name_array) && !empty($this->field_to_name_array)) {
$call_back_function = 'set_return';
if (isset($this->displayParams['formName'])) {
$form = $this->displayParams['formName'];
} else {
if ($this->action_type == 'editview') {
$form = 'EditView';
} else {
if ($this->action_type == 'quickcreate') {
$form = "QuickCreate_{$this->module_dir}";
if (isset($this->displayParams['call_back_function'])) {
$call_back_function = $this->displayParams['call_back_function'];
$popup_request_data= array(
'call_back_function' => $call_back_function,
'form_name' => $form,
'field_to_name_array' => $this->field_to_name_array,
//Make sure to replace {{ and }} with spacing in between because Smarty template parsing will treat {{ or }} specially
$this->displayParams['popupData'] = '{literal}'. str_replace(array('{{', '}}'), array('{ {', '} }'), $this->json->encode($popup_request_data)) . '{/literal}';
public function findTemplate($view)
static $tplCache = array();
if (isset($tplCache[$this->type][$view])) {
return $tplCache[$this->type][$view];
$lastClass = get_class($this);
$classList = array($this->type,str_replace('ViewSugarField', '', $lastClass));
while ($lastClass = get_parent_class($lastClass)) {
$classList[] = str_replace('ViewSugarField', '', $lastClass);
$tplName = '';
foreach ($classList as $className) {
global $current_language;
if (isset($current_language)) {
$tplName = 'include/SugarFields/Fields/'. $className .'/'. $current_language . '.' . $view .'.tpl';
if (file_exists('custom/'.$tplName)) {
$tplName = 'custom/'.$tplName;
if (file_exists($tplName)) {
$tplName = 'include/SugarFields/Fields/'. $className .'/'. $view .'.tpl';
if (file_exists('custom/'.$tplName)) {
$tplName = 'custom/'.$tplName;
if (file_exists($tplName)) {
$tplCache[$this->type][$view] = $tplName;
return $tplName;