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synced 2025-02-19 20:13:55 +00:00
366 lines
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366 lines
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Executable file
if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
$used_aliases = array();
$alias_map = array();
class SugarWidgetReportField extends SugarWidgetField
* Layout manager reporter attribute
* @var SugarBean
protected $reporter;
public function __construct(&$layout_manager)
$this->reporter = $this->layout_manager->getAttribute("reporter");
public function getSubClass($layout_def)
if (! empty($layout_def['type'])) {
if ($layout_def['type'] == 'time') {
$layout_def['widget_class'] = 'Fielddate';
} else {
$layout_def['widget_class'] = 'Field'.$layout_def['type'];
return $this->layout_manager->getClassFromWidgetDef($layout_def);
} else {
return $this;
public function display($layout_def)
$obj = $this->getSubClass($layout_def);
$context = $this->layout_manager->getAttribute('context');
$func_name = 'display'.$context;
if (! empty($context) && method_exists($obj, $func_name)) {
return $obj->$func_name($layout_def);
} else {
return 'display not found:'.$func_name;
public function _get_column_select_special($layout_def)
$alias = '';
if (! empty($layout_def['table_alias'])) {
$alias = $layout_def['table_alias'];
if ($layout_def['name'] == 'weighted_sum') {
return sprintf(
"SUM(%s * %s * 0.01)",
$this->reporter->db->convert("$alias.probability", "IFNULL", array(0)),
$this->reporter->db->convert("$alias.amount_usdollar", "IFNULL", array(0))
if ($layout_def['name'] == 'weighted_amount') {
return sprintf(
"AVG(%s * %s * 0.01)",
$this->reporter->db->convert("$alias.probability", "IFNULL", array(0)),
$this->reporter->db->convert("$alias.amount_usdollar", "IFNULL", array(0))
public function _get_column_select($layout_def)
global $reportAlias;
if (!isset($reportAlias)) {
$reportAlias = array();
if (! empty($layout_def['table_alias'])) {
$alias = $layout_def['table_alias'].".".$layout_def['name'];
} else {
if (! empty($layout_def['name'])) {
$alias = $layout_def['name'];
} else {
$alias = "*";
if (! empty($layout_def['group_function'])) {
if ($layout_def['name'] == 'weighted_sum' || $layout_def['name'] == 'weighted_amount') {
$alias = $this->_get_column_select_special($layout_def);
$reportAlias[$alias] = $layout_def;
return $alias;
// Use IFNULL only if it's not AVG aggregate
// because it adds NULL rows to the count when it should not, thus getting wrong result
if ($layout_def['group_function'] != 'avg') {
$alias = $this->reporter->db->convert($alias, 'IFNULL', array(0));
// for a field with type='currency' conversion of values into a user-preferred currency
if ($layout_def['type'] == 'currency' && strpos((string) $layout_def['name'], '_usdoll') === false) {
$currency = $this->reporter->currency_obj;
$currency_alias = isset($layout_def['currency_alias'])
? $layout_def['currency_alias'] : $currency->table_name;
$query = $this->reporter->db->convert($currency_alias.".conversion_rate", "IFNULL", array(1));
// We need to use convert() for AVG because of Oracle
if ($layout_def['group_function'] != 'avg') {
$alias = "{$layout_def['group_function']}($alias/{$query})*{$currency->conversion_rate}";
} else {
$alias = $this->reporter->db->convert("$alias/$query", "AVG") . " * {$currency->conversion_rate}";
} else {
// We need to use convert() for AVG because of Oracle
if ($layout_def['group_function'] != 'avg') {
$alias = "{$layout_def['group_function']}($alias)";
} else {
$alias = $this->reporter->db->convert($alias, "AVG");
$reportAlias[$alias] = $layout_def;
return $alias;
public function querySelect(&$layout_def)
return $this->_get_column_select($layout_def)." ".$this->_get_column_alias($layout_def)."\n";
public function queryGroupBy($layout_def)
return $this->_get_column_select($layout_def)." \n";
public function queryOrderBy($layout_def)
$field_def = array();
if (!empty($this->reporter->all_fields[$layout_def['column_key']])) {
$field_def = $this->reporter->all_fields[$layout_def['column_key']];
if (!empty($layout_def['group_function'])) {
$order_by = $this->_get_column_alias($layout_def);
} elseif (!empty($field_def['sort_on'])) {
$order_by = $layout_def['table_alias'].".".$field_def['sort_on'];
if (!empty($field_def['sort_on2'])) {
$order_by .= ', ' . $layout_def['table_alias'].".".$field_def['sort_on2'];
} else {
$order_by = $this->_get_column_alias($layout_def)." \n";
//use sugar db function convert on order by string to convert to varchar. This is mainly for db's
//that do not allow sorting on clob/text fields
if ($this->reporter->db->isTextType($this->reporter->db->getFieldType($field_def))) {
$order_by = $this->reporter->db->convert($order_by, 'text2char', array(10000)); // array(10000) is for db2 only
if (empty($layout_def['sort_dir']) || $layout_def['sort_dir'] == 'a') {
return $order_by." ASC";
} else {
return $order_by." DESC";
public function queryFilter($layout_def)
$method_name = "queryFilter".$layout_def['qualifier_name'];
return $this->$method_name($layout_def);
public function displayHeaderCell($layout_def)
global $start_link_wrapper,$end_link_wrapper;
// don't show sort links if name isn't defined
$no_sort = $this->layout_manager->getAttribute('no_sort');
if (empty($layout_def['name']) || ! empty($no_sort) || ! empty($layout_def['no_sort'])) {
return $layout_def['label'];
$sort_by ='';
if (! empty($layout_def['table_key']) && ! empty($layout_def['name'])) {
if (! empty($layout_def['group_function']) && $layout_def['group_function'] == 'count') {
$sort_by = $layout_def['table_key'].":".'count';
} else {
$sort_by = $layout_def['table_key'].":".$layout_def['name'];
if (! empty($layout_def['column_function'])) {
$sort_by .= ':'.$layout_def['column_function'];
} else {
if (! empty($layout_def['group_function'])) {
$sort_by .= ':'.$layout_def['group_function'];
} else {
return $this->displayHeaderCellPlain($layout_def);
$start = empty($start_link_wrapper) ? '': $start_link_wrapper;
$end = empty($end_link_wrapper) ? '': $end_link_wrapper;
// unable to retrieve the vardef here, exclude columns of type clob/text from being sortable
if (!in_array($layout_def['name'], array('description', 'account_description', 'lead_source_description', 'status_description', 'to_addrs', 'cc_addrs', 'bcc_addrs', 'work_log', 'objective', 'resolution'))) {
$header_cell = "<a class=\"listViewThLinkS1\" href=\"".$start.$sort_by.$end."\">";
$header_cell .= $this->displayHeaderCellPlain($layout_def);
$objListView = new ListView();
$header_cell .= $objListView->getArrowUpDownStart(isset($layout_def['sort']) ? $layout_def['sort'] : '');
$header_cell .= $objListView->getArrowUpDownEnd(isset($layout_def['sort']) ? $layout_def['sort'] : '');
$header_cell .= "</a>";
return $header_cell;
return $this->displayHeaderCellPlain($layout_def);
public function query($layout_def)
$obj = $this->getSubClass($layout_def);
$context = $this->layout_manager->getAttribute('context');
$func_name = 'query'.$context;
if (! empty($context) && method_exists($obj, $func_name)) {
return $obj->$func_name($layout_def);
} else {
return '';
public function _get_column_alias($layout_def)
$alias_arr = array();
if (!empty($layout_def['table_key']) && $layout_def['table_key'] == 'self' && !empty($layout_def['name']) && $layout_def['name'] == 'id') {
return 'primaryid';
// Bug: 44605
// this comment is being added to trigger the upgrade package
if (! empty($layout_def['group_function']) && $layout_def['group_function']=='count') {
return $layout_def['table_alias'] . '__count';
if (! empty($layout_def['table_alias'])) {
array_push($alias_arr, $layout_def['table_alias']);
if (! empty($layout_def['group_function']) && $layout_def['group_function'] != 'weighted_amount' && $layout_def['group_function'] != 'weighted_sum') {
array_push($alias_arr, $layout_def['group_function']);
} else {
if (! empty($layout_def['column_function'])) {
array_push($alias_arr, $layout_def['column_function']);
} else {
if (! empty($layout_def['qualifier'])) {
array_push($alias_arr, $layout_def['qualifier']);
if (! empty($layout_def['name'])) {
array_push($alias_arr, $layout_def['name']);
global $used_aliases, $alias_map;
$alias = strtolower(implode("_", $alias_arr));
$short_alias = $this->getTruncatedColumnAlias($alias);
if (empty($used_aliases[$short_alias])) {
$alias_map[$alias] = $short_alias;
$used_aliases[$short_alias] = 1;
return $short_alias;
} else {
if (! empty($alias_map[$alias])) {
return $alias_map[$alias];
} else {
$alias_map[$alias] = $short_alias.'_'.$used_aliases[$short_alias];
return $alias_map[$alias];
public function queryFilterEmpty($layout_def)
$column = $this->_get_column_select($layout_def);
return "($column IS NULL OR $column = ".$this->reporter->db->emptyValue($layout_def['type']).")";
public function queryFilterIs($layout_def)
return '( '.$this->_get_column_select($layout_def)."='".DBManagerFactory::getInstance()->quote($layout_def['input_name0'])."')\n";
public function queryFilteris_not($layout_def)
return '( '.$this->_get_column_select($layout_def)."<>'".DBManagerFactory::getInstance()->quote($layout_def['input_name0'])."')\n";
public function queryFilterNot_Empty($layout_def)
/** @var $db DBManager */
$db = $this->reporter->db;
$column = $this->_get_column_select($layout_def);
return "(coalesce(" . $db->convert($column, "length") . ",0) > 0)\n";