Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/salesagility/SuiteCRM.git synced 2025-03-14 05:22:49 +00:00
2023-07-18 15:53:09 +01:00

393 lines
18 KiB
Executable file

if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
function checkDBSettings($silent=false)
$sugar_db_version = '';
installLog("Begin DB Check Process *************");
global $mod_strings;
$errors = array();
$db = getInstallDbInstance();
installLog("testing with {$db->dbType}:{$db->variant}");
if (trim($_SESSION['setup_db_database_name']) == '') {
$errors['ERR_DB_NAME'] = $mod_strings['ERR_DB_NAME'];
installLog("ERROR:: {$errors['ERR_DB_NAME']}");
if (!$db->isDatabaseNameValid($_SESSION['setup_db_database_name'])) {
$errIdx = 'ERR_DB_' . strtoupper($_SESSION['setup_db_type']) . '_DB_NAME_INVALID';
$errors[$errIdx] = $mod_strings[$errIdx];
installLog("ERROR:: {$errors[$errIdx]}");
if ($_SESSION['setup_db_type'] != 'oci8') {
// Oracle doesn't need host name, others do
if (trim($_SESSION['setup_db_host_name']) == '') {
$errors['ERR_DB_HOSTNAME'] = $mod_strings['ERR_DB_HOSTNAME'];
installLog("ERROR:: {$errors['ERR_DB_HOSTNAME']}");
//check to see that password and retype are same, if needed
if (!empty($_SESSION['dbUSRData']) && ($_SESSION['dbUSRData']=='create' || $_SESSION['dbUSRData']=='provide')) {
if ($_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_password'] != $_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_password_retype']) {
installLog("ERROR:: {$errors['ERR_DBCONF_PASSWORD_MISMATCH']}");
// bail if the basic info isn't valid
if (count($errors) > 0) {
installLog("Basic form info is INVALID, exit Process.");
return printErrors($errors);
} else {
installLog("Basic form info is valid, continuing Process.");
$dbconfig = array(
"db_host_name" => $_SESSION['setup_db_host_name'],
"db_host_instance" => isset($_SESSION['setup_db_host_instance']) ? $_SESSION['setup_db_host_instance'] : null,
if (!empty($_SESSION['setup_db_port_num'])) {
$dbconfig["db_port"] = $_SESSION['setup_db_port_num'];
} else {
$_SESSION['setup_db_port_num'] = '';
// Needed for database implementation that do not allow connections to the server directly
// and that typically require the manual setup of a database instances such as DB2
if (empty($_SESSION['setup_db_create_database'])) {
$dbconfig["db_name"] = $_SESSION['setup_db_database_name'];
// check database name validation in different database types (default is mssql)
switch (strtolower($db->dbType)) {
case 'mysql':
if (preg_match("![/\\.]+!i", (string) $_SESSION['setup_db_database_name'])) {
$errors['ERR_DB_MYSQL_DB_NAME'] = $mod_strings['ERR_DB_MYSQL_DB_NAME_INVALID'];
installLog("ERROR:: {$errors['ERR_DB_MYSQL_DB_NAME']}");
case 'mssql':
// Bug 29855 - Check to see if given db name is valid
if (preg_match("![\"'*/\\?:<>-]+!i", (string) $_SESSION['setup_db_database_name'])) {
$errors['ERR_DB_MSSQL_DB_NAME'] = $mod_strings['ERR_DB_MSSQL_DB_NAME_INVALID'];
installLog("ERROR:: {$errors['ERR_DB_MSSQL_DB_NAME']}");
// test the account that will talk to the db if we're not creating it
if ($_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_user'] != '' && !$_SESSION['setup_db_create_sugarsales_user']) {
$dbconfig["db_user_name"] = $_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_user'];
$dbconfig["db_password"] = $_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_password'];
installLog("Testing user account...");
// try connecting to the DB
if (!$db->connect($dbconfig, false)) {
$error = $db->lastError();
$errors['ERR_DB_LOGIN_FAILURE'] = $mod_strings['ERR_DB_LOGIN_FAILURE'];
installLog("ERROR:: {$errors['ERR_DB_LOGIN_FAILURE']}");
} else {
installLog("Connection made using host: {$_SESSION['setup_db_host_name']}, usr: {$_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_user']}");
// privileged account tests
else {
if (empty($_SESSION['setup_db_admin_user_name'])) {
$errors['ERR_DB_PRIV_USER'] = $mod_strings['ERR_DB_PRIV_USER'];
installLog("ERROR:: {$errors['ERR_DB_PRIV_USER']}");
} else {
installLog("Testing priviliged account...");
$dbconfig["db_user_name"] = $_SESSION['setup_db_admin_user_name'];
$dbconfig["db_password"] = $_SESSION['setup_db_admin_password'];
if (!$db->connect($dbconfig, false)) {
$error = $db->lastError();
$errors['ERR_DB_LOGIN_FAILURE'] = $mod_strings['ERR_DB_LOGIN_FAILURE'];
installLog("ERROR:: {$errors['ERR_DB_LOGIN_FAILURE']}");
} else {
installLog("Connection made using host: {$_SESSION['setup_db_host_name']}, usr: {$_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_user']}");
$db_selected = $db->dbExists($_SESSION['setup_db_database_name']);
if ($silent==false && $db_selected && $_SESSION['setup_db_create_database'] && empty($_SESSION['setup_db_drop_tables'])) {
// DB exists but user didn't agree to overwrite it
$errStr = $mod_strings['ERR_DB_EXISTS_PROCEED'];
$errors['ERR_DB_EXISTS_PROCEED'] = $errStr;
installLog("ERROR:: {$errors['ERR_DB_EXISTS_PROCEED']}");
} elseif ($silent==false && !$db_selected && !$_SESSION['setup_db_create_database']) {
// DB does not exist but user did not allow to create it
$errors['ERR_DB_EXISTS_NOT'] = $mod_strings['ERR_DB_EXISTS_NOT'];
installLog("ERROR:: {$errors['ERR_DB_EXISTS_NOT']}");
} else {
if ($db_selected) {
installLog("DB Selected, will reuse {$_SESSION['setup_db_database_name']}");
if ($db->tableExists('config')) {
$versions = $db->getOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM config WHERE category='info' AND name='sugar_version' AND VALUE LIKE '$sugar_db_version'");
if ($versions > 0 && $silent==false) {
installLog("ERROR:: {$errors['ERR_DB_EXISTS_WITH_CONFIG']}");
} else {
installLog("DB not selected, will create {$_SESSION['setup_db_database_name']}");
if ($_SESSION['setup_db_create_sugarsales_user'] && $_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_user'] != '' && $db_selected) {
if ($db->userExists($_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_user'])) {
$errors['ERR_DB_USER_EXISTS'] = $mod_strings['ERR_DB_USER_EXISTS'];
installLog("ERROR:: {$errors['ERR_DB_USER_EXISTS']}");
$check = $db->canInstall();
if ($check !== true) {
$error = array_shift($check);
array_unshift($check, $mod_strings[$error]);
$errors[$error] = call_user_func_array('sprintf', $check);
installLog("ERROR:: {$errors[$error]}");
} else {
installLog("Passed DB install check");
if ($silent) {
return $errors;
} else {
installLog("End DB Check Process *************");
function printErrors($errors)
global $mod_strings;
if ((is_countable($errors) ? count($errors) : 0) == 0) {
echo 'dbCheckPassed';
installLog("SUCCESS:: no errors detected!");
} else {
if (((is_countable($errors) ? count($errors) : 0) == 1 && (isset($errors["ERR_DB_EXISTS_PROCEED"])||isset($errors["ERR_DB_EXISTS_WITH_CONFIG"]))) ||
((is_countable($errors) ? count($errors) : 0) == 2 && isset($errors["ERR_DB_EXISTS_PROCEED"]) && isset($errors["ERR_DB_EXISTS_WITH_CONFIG"]))) {
///throw alert asking to overwwrite db
echo 'preexeest';
installLog("WARNING:: no errors detected, but DB tables will be dropped!, issuing warning to user");
} else {
installLog("FATAL:: errors have been detected! User will not be allowed to continue. Errors are as follow:");
//print out errors
$validationErr = "<p><b>{$mod_strings['ERR_DBCONF_VALIDATION']}</b></p>";
$validationErr .= '<ul>';
foreach ($errors as $key =>$erMsg) {
if ($_SESSION['dbUSRData'] == 'same' && $key == 'ERR_DB_ADMIN') {
installLog(".. {$erMsg}");
$validationErr .= '<li class="error">' . $erMsg . '</li>';
installLog(".. {$erMsg}");
$validationErr .= '</ul>';
$validationErr .= '</div>';
echo $validationErr;
function copyInputsIntoSession()
if (isset($_REQUEST['setup_db_type'])) {
$_SESSION['setup_db_type'] = $_REQUEST['setup_db_type'];
if (isset($_REQUEST['setup_db_admin_user_name'])) {
$_SESSION['setup_db_admin_user_name'] = $_REQUEST['setup_db_admin_user_name'];
if (isset($_REQUEST['setup_db_admin_password'])) {
$_SESSION['setup_db_admin_password'] = $_REQUEST['setup_db_admin_password'];
if (isset($_REQUEST['setup_db_database_name'])) {
$_SESSION['setup_db_database_name'] = $_REQUEST['setup_db_database_name'];
if (isset($_REQUEST['setup_db_host_name'])) {
$_SESSION['setup_db_host_name'] = $_REQUEST['setup_db_host_name'];
//FTS Support
if (isset($_REQUEST['setup_fts_type'])) {
$_SESSION['setup_fts_type'] = $_REQUEST['setup_fts_type'];
if (isset($_REQUEST['setup_fts_host'])) {
$_SESSION['setup_fts_host'] = $_REQUEST['setup_fts_host'];
if (isset($_REQUEST['setup_fts_port'])) {
$_SESSION['setup_fts_port'] = $_REQUEST['setup_fts_port'];
if (isset($_SESSION['setup_db_type']) && (!isset($_SESSION['setup_db_manager']) || isset($_REQUEST['setup_db_type']))) {
$_SESSION['setup_db_manager'] = DBManagerFactory::getManagerByType($_SESSION['setup_db_type']);
if (isset($_REQUEST['setup_db_host_instance'])) {
$_SESSION['setup_db_host_instance'] = $_REQUEST['setup_db_host_instance'];
if (isset($_REQUEST['setup_db_port_num'])) {
$_SESSION['setup_db_port_num'] = $_REQUEST['setup_db_port_num'];
// on a silent install, copy values from $_SESSION into $_REQUEST
if (isset($_REQUEST['goto']) && $_REQUEST['goto'] == 'SilentInstall') {
if (isset($_SESSION['dbUSRData']) && !empty($_SESSION['dbUSRData'])) {
$_REQUEST['dbUSRData'] = $_SESSION['dbUSRData'];
} else {
$_REQUEST['dbUSRData'] = 'same';
if (isset($_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_user']) && !empty($_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_user'])) {
$_REQUEST['setup_db_sugarsales_user'] = $_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_user'];
} else {
$_REQUEST['dbUSRData'] = 'same';
$_REQUEST['setup_db_sugarsales_password'] = $_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_password'];
$_REQUEST['setup_db_sugarsales_password_retype'] = $_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_password'];
//make sure we are creating or using provided user for app db connections
$_SESSION['setup_db_create_sugarsales_user'] = true;//get_boolean_from_request('setup_db_create_sugarsales_user');
$db = getInstallDbInstance();
if (!$db->supports("create_user")) {
//if the DB doesn't support creating users, make the admin user/password same as connecting user/password
$_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_user'] = $_SESSION['setup_db_admin_user_name'];
$_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_password'] = $_SESSION['setup_db_admin_password'];
$_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_password_retype'] = $_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_password'];
$_SESSION['setup_db_create_sugarsales_user'] = false;
$_SESSION['setup_db_create_database'] = false;
} else {
$_SESSION['setup_db_create_database'] = true;
//retrieve the value from dropdown in order to know what settings the user
//wants to use for the sugar db user.
//use provided db admin by default
$_SESSION['dbUSRData'] = 'same';
if (isset($_REQUEST['dbUSRData']) && !empty($_REQUEST['dbUSRData'])) {
$_SESSION['dbUSRData'] = $_REQUEST['dbUSRData'];
if ($_SESSION['dbUSRData'] == 'auto') {
//create user automatically
$_SESSION['setup_db_create_sugarsales_user'] = true;
$_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_user'] = "sugar".create_db_user_creds(5);
$_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_password'] = create_db_user_creds(10);
$_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_password_retype'] = $_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_password'];
} elseif ($_SESSION['dbUSRData'] == 'provide') {
//use provided user info
$_SESSION['setup_db_create_sugarsales_user'] = false;
$_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_user'] = $_REQUEST['setup_db_sugarsales_user'];
$_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_password'] = $_REQUEST['setup_db_sugarsales_password'];
$_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_password_retype'] = $_REQUEST['setup_db_sugarsales_password_retype'];
} elseif ($_SESSION['dbUSRData'] == 'create') {
// create user with provided info
$_SESSION['setup_db_create_sugarsales_user'] = true;
$_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_user'] = $_REQUEST['setup_db_sugarsales_user'];
$_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_password'] = $_REQUEST['setup_db_sugarsales_password'];
$_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_password_retype'] = $_REQUEST['setup_db_sugarsales_password_retype'];
} else {
//Use the same login as provided admin user
$_SESSION['setup_db_create_sugarsales_user'] = false;
$_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_user'] = $_SESSION['setup_db_admin_user_name'];
$_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_password'] = $_SESSION['setup_db_admin_password'];
$_SESSION['setup_db_sugarsales_retype'] = $_SESSION['setup_db_admin_password'];
if (!isset($_SESSION['demoData']) || empty($_SESSION['demoData'])) {
$_SESSION['demoData'] = 'no';
if (isset($_REQUEST['demoData'])) {
$_SESSION['demoData'] = $_REQUEST['demoData'] ;
if ($db->supports('create_db')) {
if (!empty($_SESSION['setup_db_create_database'])) {
// if we're dropping DB, no need to drop tables
$_SESSION['setup_db_drop_tables'] = false;
} else {
// we can't create DB, so can't drop it
$_SESSION['setup_db_create_database'] = false;
if (isset($_REQUEST['goto']) && $_REQUEST['goto'] == 'SilentInstall' && isset($_SESSION['setup_db_drop_tables'])) {
//set up for Oracle Silent Installer
$_REQUEST['setup_db_drop_tables'] = $_SESSION['setup_db_drop_tables'] ;