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if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
class ACLRole extends SugarBean
public $module_dir = 'ACLRoles';
public $object_name = 'ACLRole';
public $table_name = 'acl_roles';
public $new_schema = true;
public $disable_row_level_security = true;
public $disable_custom_fields = true;
public $relationship_fields = array(
public $created_by;
// bug 16790 - missing get_summary_text method led Tracker to display SugarBean's "base implementation"
public function get_summary_text()
return (string)$this->name;
* function setAction($role_id, $action_id, $access)
* Sets the relationship between a role and an action and sets the access level of that relationship
* @param GUID $role_id - the role id
* @param GUID $action_id - the ACL Action id
* @param int $access - the access level ACL_ALLOW_ALL ACL_ALLOW_NONE ACL_ALLOW_OWNER...
public function setAction($role_id, $action_id, $access)
$relationship_data = array('role_id'=>$role_id, 'action_id'=>$action_id,);
$additional_data = array('access_override'=>$access);
$this->set_relationship('acl_roles_actions', $relationship_data, true, true, $additional_data);
* static getUserRoles($user_id)
* returns a list of ACLRoles for a given user id
* @param GUID $user_id
* @return a list of ACLRole objects
public function getUserRoles($user_id, $getAsNameArray = true)
//if we don't have it loaded then lets check against the db
$additional_where = '';
$query = "SELECT acl_roles.* ".
"FROM acl_roles ".
"INNER JOIN acl_roles_users ON acl_roles_users.user_id = '$user_id' ".
"AND acl_roles_users.role_id = acl_roles.id AND acl_roles_users.deleted = 0 ".
"WHERE acl_roles.deleted=0 ";
$result = DBManagerFactory::getInstance()->query($query);
$user_roles = array();
while ($row = DBManagerFactory::getInstance()->fetchByAssoc($result)) {
$role = BeanFactory::newBean('ACLRoles');
if ($getAsNameArray) {
$user_roles[] = $role->name;
} else {
$user_roles[] = $role;
return $user_roles;
* static getUserRoleNames($user_id)
* returns a list of Role names for a given user id
* @param GUID $user_id
* @return array a list of ACLRole Names
public static function getUserRoleNames($user_id)
$user_roles = sugar_cache_retrieve("RoleMembershipNames_".$user_id);
if (!$user_roles) {
//if we don't have it loaded then lets check against the db
$additional_where = '';
$query = "SELECT acl_roles.* ".
"FROM acl_roles ".
"INNER JOIN acl_roles_users ON acl_roles_users.user_id = '$user_id' ".
"AND acl_roles_users.role_id = acl_roles.id AND acl_roles_users.deleted = 0 ".
"WHERE acl_roles.deleted=0 ";
$result = DBManagerFactory::getInstance()->query($query);
$user_roles = array();
while ($row = DBManagerFactory::getInstance()->fetchByAssoc($result)) {
$user_roles[] = $row['name'];
sugar_cache_put("RoleMembershipNames_".$user_id, $user_roles);
return $user_roles;
* static getAllRoles($returnAsArray = false)
* @param boolean $returnAsArray - should it return the results as an array of arrays or as an array of ACLRoles
* @return either an array of array representations of acl roles or an array of ACLRoles
public function getAllRoles($returnAsArray = false)
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
$query = "SELECT acl_roles.* FROM acl_roles
WHERE acl_roles.deleted=0 ORDER BY name";
$result = $db->query($query);
$roles = array();
while ($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($result)) {
$role = BeanFactory::newBean('ACLRoles');
if ($returnAsArray) {
$roles[] = $role->toArray();
} else {
$roles[] = $role;
return $roles;
* static getRoleActions($role_id)
* gets the actions of a given role
* @param GUID $role_id
* @return array of actions
public function getRoleActions($role_id, $type='module')
global $beanList;
//if we don't have it loaded then lets check against the db
$additional_where = '';
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
$query = "SELECT acl_actions.*";
//only if we have a role id do we need to join the table otherwise lets use the ones defined in acl_actions as the defaults
if (!empty($role_id)) {
$query .=" ,acl_roles_actions.access_override ";
$query .=" FROM acl_actions ";
if (!empty($role_id)) {
$query .= " LEFT JOIN acl_roles_actions ON acl_roles_actions.role_id = '$role_id' AND acl_roles_actions.action_id = acl_actions.id AND acl_roles_actions.deleted = 0";
$query .= " WHERE acl_actions.deleted=0 ORDER BY acl_actions.category, acl_actions.name";
$result = $db->query($query);
$role_actions = array();
while ($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($result)) {
$action = BeanFactory::newBean('ACLActions');
if (!empty($row['access_override'])) {
$action->aclaccess = $row['access_override'];
} else {
$action->aclaccess = ACL_ALLOW_DEFAULT;
//#27877 . If there is no this module in beanlist , we will not show them in UI, no matter this module was deleted or not in ACL_ACTIONS table.
if (empty($beanList[$action->category])) {
if (!isset($role_actions[$action->category])) {
$role_actions[$action->category] = array();
$role_actions[$action->category][$action->acltype][$action->name] = $action->toArray();
// Sort by translated categories
uksort($role_actions, "ACLRole::langCompare");
return $role_actions;
private static function langCompare($a, $b)
global $app_list_strings;
// Fallback to array key if translation is empty
$a = empty($app_list_strings['moduleList'][$a]) ? $a : $app_list_strings['moduleList'][$a];
$b = empty($app_list_strings['moduleList'][$b]) ? $b : $app_list_strings['moduleList'][$b];
if ($a == $b) {
return 0;
return ($a < $b) ? -1 : 1;
* function mark_relationships_deleted($id)
* special case to delete acl_roles_actions relationship
* @param ACLRole GUID $id
public function mark_relationships_deleted($id)
//we need to delete the actions relationship by hand (special case)
$date_modified = DBManagerFactory::getInstance()->convert("'" . TimeDate::getInstance()->nowDb() . "'",
$query = "UPDATE acl_roles_actions SET deleted=1 , date_modified=$date_modified WHERE role_id = '$id' AND deleted=0";
* toArray()
* returns this role as an array
* @return array of fields with id, name, description
public function toArray($dbOnly = false, $stringOnly = false, $upperKeys=false)
$array_fields = array('id', 'name', 'description');
$arr = array();
foreach ($array_fields as $field) {
if (isset($this->$field)) {
$arr[$field] = $this->$field;
} else {
$arr[$field] = '';
return $arr;
* fromArray($arr)
* converts an array into an role mapping name value pairs into files
* @param Array $arr
public function fromArray($arr)
foreach ($arr as $name=>$value) {
$this->$name = $value;