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606 lines
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Executable file
* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2021 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added
* to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
* this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA.
* You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road,
* SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3,
* these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by
* SugarCRM" logo and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM" logo. If the display of the logos is not
* reasonably feasible for technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must
* display the words "Powered by SugarCRM" and "Supercharged by SuiteCRM".
if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
class ProjectTask extends SugarBean
// database table columns
public $id;
public $date_entered;
public $date_modified;
public $name;
public $description;
public $project_id;
public $project_task_id;
public $date_start;
public $date_finish;
public $duration;
public $duration_unit;
public $percent_complete;
public $parent_task_id;
public $predecessors;
public $priority;
public $importable = true;
// related information
public $assigned_user_name;
public $parent_name;
public $depends_on_name;
public $email_id;
public $table_name = 'project_task';
public $object_name = 'ProjectTask';
public $module_dir = 'ProjectTask';
public $field_name_map;
public $new_schema = true;
public $relationship_fields = array(
'email_id' => 'emails',
* @var bool skip updating parent percent complete
protected $_skipParentUpdate = false;
* ProjectTask constructor.
* @param bool $init
public function __construct($init = true)
if ($init) {
// default value for a clean instantiation
$this->utilization = 100;
global $current_user;
if (empty($current_user)) {
$this->assigned_user_id = 1;
$admin_user = BeanFactory::newBean('Users');
$this->assigned_user_name = $admin_user->user_name;
} else {
$this->assigned_user_id = $current_user->id;
$this->assigned_user_name = $current_user->user_name;
* @param bool $skip updating parent percent complete
public function skipParentUpdate($skip = true)
$this->_skipParentUpdate = $skip;
public function save($check_notify = false)
//Bug 46012. When saving new Project Tasks instance in a workflow, make sure we set a project_task_id value
//associated with the Project if there is no project_task_id specified.
if ($this->in_workflow && empty($this->id) && empty($this->project_task_id) && !empty($this->project_id)) {
$this->project_task_id = $this->getNumberOfTasksInProject($this->project_id) + 1;
$id = parent::save($check_notify);
if ($this->_skipParentUpdate == false) {
return $id;
public function get_summary_text()
return $this->name;
public function _get_depends_on_name($depends_on_id)
$return_value = '';
$query = "SELECT name, assigned_user_id FROM {$this->table_name} WHERE id='{$depends_on_id}'";
$result = $this->db->query($query, true, " Error filling in additional detail fields: ");
$row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result);
if ($row != null) {
$this->depends_on_name_owner = $row['assigned_user_id'];
$this->depends_on_name_mod = 'ProjectTask';
$return_value = $row['name'];
return $return_value;
public function _get_project_name($project_id)
$return_value = '';
$query = "SELECT name, assigned_user_id FROM project WHERE id='{$project_id}'";
$result = $this->db->query($query, true, " Error filling in additional detail fields: ");
$row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result);
if ($row != null) {
//$this->parent_name_owner = $row['assigned_user_id'];
//$this->parent_name_mod = 'Project';
$return_value = $row['name'];
return $return_value;
public function _get_parent_name($parent_id)
$return_value = '';
$query = "SELECT name, assigned_user_id FROM project WHERE id='{$parent_id}'";
$result = $this->db->query($query, true, " Error filling in additional detail fields: ");
$row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result);
if ($row != null) {
$this->parent_name_owner = $row['assigned_user_id'];
$this->parent_name_mod = 'Project';
$return_value = $row['name'];
return $return_value;
public function build_generic_where_clause($the_query_string)
$where_clauses = array();
$the_query_string = DBManagerFactory::getInstance()->quote($the_query_string);
$where_clauses[] = "project_task.name like '$the_query_string%'";
$the_where = "";
foreach ($where_clauses as $clause) {
if ($the_where != "") {
$the_where .= " or ";
$the_where .= $clause;
return $the_where;
public function bean_implements($interface)
switch ($interface) {
case 'ACL':
return true;
return false;
public function listviewACLHelper()
$array_assign = parent::listviewACLHelper();
$is_owner = false;
$in_group = false; //SECURITY GROUPS
if (!empty($this->parent_name)) {
if (!empty($this->parent_name_owner)) {
global $current_user;
$is_owner = $current_user->id == $this->parent_name_owner;
//parent_name_owner not being set for whatever reason so we need to figure this out
else {
if (!empty($this->parent_type) && !empty($this->parent_id)) {
global $current_user;
$parent_bean = BeanFactory::getBean($this->parent_type, $this->parent_id);
if ($parent_bean !== false) {
$is_owner = $current_user->id == $parent_bean->assigned_user_id;
$in_group = SecurityGroup::groupHasAccess($this->parent_type, $this->parent_id, 'view');
* if(ACLController::checkAccess('Project', 'view', $is_owner)){
if (ACLController::checkAccess('Project', 'view', $is_owner, 'module', $in_group)) {
$array_assign['PARENT'] = 'a';
} else {
$array_assign['PARENT'] = 'span';
$is_owner = false;
if (!empty($this->depends_on_name)) {
if (!empty($this->depends_on_name_owner)) {
global $current_user;
$is_owner = $current_user->id == $this->depends_on_name_owner;
if (ACLController::checkAccess('ProjectTask', 'view', $is_owner)) {
$array_assign['PARENT_TASK'] = 'a';
} else {
$array_assign['PARENT_TASK'] = 'span';
return $array_assign;
public function create_export_query($order_by, $where, $relate_link_join = '')
$custom_join = $this->getCustomJoin(true, true, $where);
$custom_join['join'] .= $relate_link_join;
$query = "SELECT
users.user_name as assigned_user_name ";
$query .= $custom_join['select'];
$query .= " FROM project_task LEFT JOIN project ON project_task.project_id=project.id AND project.deleted=0 ";
$query .= $custom_join['join'];
$query .= " LEFT JOIN users
ON project_task.assigned_user_id=users.id ";
$where_auto = " project_task.deleted=0 ";
if ($where != "") {
$query .= "where ($where) AND " . $where_auto;
} else {
$query .= "where " . $where_auto;
if (!empty($order_by)) {
//check to see if order by variable already has table name by looking for dot "."
$table_defined_already = strpos((string) $order_by, ".");
if ($table_defined_already === false) {
//table not defined yet, define accounts to avoid "ambigous column" SQL error
$query .= " ORDER BY $order_by";
} else {
//table already defined, just add it to end of query
$query .= " ORDER BY $order_by";
return $query;
* This method recalculates the percent complete of a parent task
public function updateParentProjectTaskPercentage()
if (empty($this->parent_task_id)) {
if (!empty($this->project_id)) {
//determine parent task
$parentProjectTask = $this->getProjectTaskParent();
//get task children
if ($parentProjectTask) {
$subProjectTasks = $parentProjectTask->getAllSubProjectTasks();
$tasks = array();
foreach ($subProjectTasks as &$task) {
$tasks[] = $task->toArray(true);
$parentProjectTask->percent_complete = $this->_calculateCompletePercent($tasks);
$parentProjectTask->save(isset($GLOBALS['check_notify']) ? $GLOBALS['check_notify'] : '');
* Calculate percent complete for parent task based on it's children tasks
* @param $subProjectTasks mixed Array of children tasks
* @return int percent complete
private function _calculateCompletePercent(&$subProjectTasks)
$totalHours = 0;
$cumulativeDone = 0;
//update cumulative calculation - mimics gantt calculation
foreach ($subProjectTasks as $key => &$value) {
if ($value['duration'] == "") {
$value['duration'] = 0;
if ($value['percent_complete'] == "") {
$value['percent_complete'] = 0;
if ($value['duration_unit'] == "Hours") {
$totalHours += $value['duration'];
$cumulativeDone += $value['duration'] * ($value['percent_complete'] / 100);
} else {
$totalHours += ($value['duration'] * 8);
$cumulativeDone += ($value['duration'] * 8) * ($value['percent_complete'] / 100);
$cumulativePercentage = 0;
if ($totalHours != 0) {
$cumulativePercentage = round(($cumulativeDone / $totalHours) * 100);
return $cumulativePercentage;
* Retrieves the parent project task of a project task
* returns project task bean
public function getProjectTaskParent()
$projectTaskParent = false;
if (!empty($this->parent_task_id) && !empty($this->project_id)) {
$query = "SELECT id FROM project_task WHERE project_id = '{$this->project_id}' AND project_task_id = '{$this->parent_task_id}' AND deleted = 0 ORDER BY date_modified DESC";
$project_task_id = $this->db->getOne($query, true, "Error retrieving parent project task");
if (!empty($project_task_id)) {
$projectTaskParent = BeanFactory::getBean('ProjectTask', $project_task_id);
return $projectTaskParent;
* Retrieves all the child project tasks of a project task
* returns project task bean array
public function getAllSubProjectTasks()
$potentialParentTaskIds = [];
$projectTasksBeans = array();
if (!empty($this->project_task_id) && !empty($this->project_id)) {
//select all tasks from a project
$query = "SELECT id, project_task_id, parent_task_id FROM project_task WHERE project_id = '{$this->project_id}' AND deleted = 0 ORDER BY project_task_id";
$result = $this->db->query($query, true, "Error retrieving child project tasks");
$projectTasks = array();
while ($row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result)) {
$projectTasks[$row['id']]['project_task_id'] = $row['project_task_id'];
$projectTasks[$row['id']]['parent_task_id'] = $row['parent_task_id'];
$potentialParentTaskIds[$this->project_task_id] = $this->project_task_id;
$actualParentTaskIds = array();
$subProjectTasks = array();
$startProjectTasksCount = 0;
$endProjectTasksCount = 0;
//get all child tasks
$run = true;
while ($run) {
$count = 0;
foreach ($projectTasks as $id => $values) {
if (in_array($values['parent_task_id'], $potentialParentTaskIds)) {
$potentialParentTaskIds[$values['project_task_id']] = $values['project_task_id'];
$actualParentTaskIds[$values['parent_task_id']] = $values['parent_task_id'];
$subProjectTasks[$id] = $values;
$count = $count + 1;
$endProjectTasksCount = count($subProjectTasks);
if ($startProjectTasksCount === $endProjectTasksCount) {
$run = false;
} else {
$startProjectTasksCount = $endProjectTasksCount;
foreach ($subProjectTasks as $id => $values) {
//ignore tasks that are parents
if (!in_array($values['project_task_id'], $actualParentTaskIds)) {
$projectTaskBean = BeanFactory::getBean('ProjectTask', $id);
$projectTasksBeans[] = $projectTaskBean;
return $projectTasksBeans;
* getNumberOfTasksInProject
* Returns the count of project_tasks for the given project_id
* This is a private helper function to get the number of project tasks for a given project_id.
* @param $project_id integer value of the project_id associated with this ProjectTask instance
* @return int total integer value of the count of project tasks, 0 if none found
private function getNumberOfTasksInProject($project_id = '')
if (!empty($project_id)) {
$query = "SELECT count(project_task_id) AS total FROM project_task WHERE project_id = '{$project_id}'";
$result = $this->db->query($query, true);
if ($result) {
$row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result);
if (!empty($row['total'])) {
return $row['total'];
return 0;
* Update percent complete for project tasks with children tasks based on children's values
public function updateStatistic()
* @var array Array of tasks for current project
$list = array();
* @var array Key-value array of project_task_id => parent_task_id
$tree = array();
* @var array Array with nodes which have childrens
$nodes = array();
* @var array Array with IDs of list which have been changed
$changed = array();
$db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
$this->disable_row_level_security = true;
$query = $this->create_new_list_query('', "project_id = {$db->quoted($this->project_id)}");
$this->disable_row_level_security = false;
$res = $db->query($query);
while ($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($res)) {
$list[] = $row;
// fill in $tree
foreach ($list as $k => &$v) {
if (isset($v['project_task_id']) && $v['project_task_id'] != '') {
$tree[$v['project_task_id']] = $v['parent_task_id'];
if (isset($v['parent_task_id']) && $v['parent_task_id']) {
if (!isset($nodes[$v['parent_task_id']])) {
$nodes[$v['parent_task_id']] = 1;
// fill in $nodes array
foreach ($nodes as $k => &$v) {
$run = true;
$i = $k;
while ($run) {
if (isset($tree[$i]) && $tree[$i] != '') {
$i = $tree[$i];
} else {
$run = false;
// calculating of percentages and comparing calculated value with database one
foreach ($nodes as $k => &$v) {
$currRow = null;
$currChildren = array();
$run = true;
$tmp = array();
$i = $k;
while ($run) {
foreach ($list as $id => &$taskRow) {
if ($taskRow['project_task_id'] == $i && $currRow === null) {
$currRow = $id;
if ($taskRow['parent_task_id'] == $i) {
if (!array_key_exists($taskRow['project_task_id'], $nodes)) {
$currChildren[] = $taskRow;
} else {
$tmp[] = $taskRow['project_task_id'];
if (count($tmp) == 0) {
$run = false;
} else {
$i = array_shift($tmp);
$subres = $this->_calculateCompletePercent($currChildren);
if ($subres != $list[$currRow]['percent_complete']) {
$list[$currRow]['percent_complete'] = $subres;
$changed[] = $currRow;
// updating data in database for changed tasks
foreach ($changed as $k => &$v) {
$task = BeanFactory::getBean('ProjectTask');
function getUtilizationDropdown($focus, $field, $value, $view)
if ($view === 'EditView') {
global $app_list_strings;
$html = '<select name="' . $field . '">';
$html .= get_select_options_with_id($app_list_strings['project_task_utilization_options'], $value);
$html .= '</select>';
return $html;
return translate('project_task_utilization_options', '', $focus->$field);