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if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) {
die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
* SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by
* SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc.
* SuiteCRM is an extension to SugarCRM Community Edition developed by SalesAgility Ltd.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018 SalesAgility Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
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* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
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* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with
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* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
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* Description: Defines the English language pack for the base application.
* Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): ______________________________________..
* SearchMerge is a class for merging search meta data together. This search meta-data has a listing of fields similar to ListViews
class SearchMerge extends ListViewMerge
protected $varName = 'searchdefs';
protected $viewDefs = 'Search';
protected $panelName = 'layout';
* Loads the meta data of the original, new, and custom file into the variables originalData, newData, and customData respectively it then transforms them into a structure that EditView Merge would understand
* @param STRING $module - name of the module's files that are to be merged
* @param STRING $original_file - path to the file that originally shipped with sugar
* @param STRING $new_file - path to the new file that is shipping with the patch
* @param STRING $custom_file - path to the custom file
protected function loadData($module, $original_file, $new_file, $custom_file)
EditViewMerge::loadData($module, $original_file, $new_file, $custom_file);
$this->originalData = array($module=>array( $this->viewDefs=>$this->originalData[$module]));
$this->customData = array($module=>array( $this->viewDefs=>$this->customData[$module]));
$this->newData = array($module=>array( $this->viewDefs=>$this->newData[$module]));
* This takes in a list of panels and returns an associative array of field names to the meta-data of the field as well as the locations of that field
* Since searchdefs have the concept of basic and advanced those act as panels for merging
* @param ARRAY $panels - this is the 'panel' section of the meta-data for list views all the meta data is one panel since it is just a list of fields
* @return ARRAY $fields - an associate array of fields and their meta-data as well as their location
protected function getFields(&$panels, $multiple = true)
$fields = array();
if (!$multiple) {
$panels = array($panels);
foreach ($panels as $panel_id=>$panel) {
foreach ($panel as $col_id=>$col) {
if (is_array($col)) {
$field_name = $col['name'];
} else {
$field_name = $col;
$fields[$field_name . $panel_id] = array('data'=>$col, 'loc'=>array('row'=>$col_id, 'panel'=>$panel_id));
return $fields;
* This builds the array of fields from the merged fields in the right order
* when building the panels for a list view the most important thing is order
* so we ensure the fields that came from the custom file keep
* their order then we add any new fields at the end
* @return ARRAY
protected function buildPanels()
$panels = array();
//first only deal with ones that have their location coming from the custom source
foreach ($this->mergedFields as $id =>$field) {
if ($field['loc']['source'] == 'custom') {
$panels[$field['loc']['panel']][] = $field['data'];
return $panels;
* Sets the panel section for the meta-data after it has been merged
protected function setPanels()
$this->newData[$this->module][$this->viewDefs][$this->panelName] = $this->buildPanels();
$this->newData[$this->module] = $this->newData[$this->module][$this->viewDefs];
public function save($to)
return write_array_to_file("$this->varName['$this->module']", $this->newData[$this->module], $to);
* public function that will merge meta data from an original sugar file that shipped with the product, a customized file, and a new file shipped with an upgrade
* @param STRING $module - name of the module's files that are to be merged
* @param STRING $original_file - path to the file that originally shipped with sugar
* @param STRING $new_file - path to the new file that is shipping with the patch
* @param STRING $custom_file - path to the custom file
* @param BOOLEAN $save - boolean on if it should save the results to the custom file or not
* @return BOOLEAN - if the merged file was saved if false is passed in for the save parameter it always returns true
public function merge($module, $original_file, $new_file, $custom_file=false, $save=true)
//Bug 37207
if ($module == 'Connectors') {
return false;
$this->log("\n\n". 'Starting a merge in ' . get_class($this));
$this->log('merging the following files');
$this->log('original file:' . $original_file);
$this->log('new file:' . $new_file);
$this->log('custom file:' . $custom_file);
if (empty($custom_file) && $save) {
return true;
} else {
$this->loadData($module, $original_file, $new_file, $custom_file);
if (!isset($this->originalData[$module])) {
return false;
if ($save && !empty($this->newData) && !empty($custom_file)) {
//backup the file
copy($custom_file, $custom_file . '.suback.php');
return $this->save($custom_file);
if (!$save) {
return true;
return false;
protected function mergeTemplateMeta()
if (isset($this->customData[$this->module][$this->viewDefs][$this->templateMetaName])) {
$this->newData[$this->module][$this->viewDefs][$this->templateMetaName] = $this->customData[$this->module][$this->viewDefs][$this->templateMetaName];
if (!isset($this->newData[$this->module][$this->viewDefs][$this->templateMetaName]['maxColumnsBasic']) && isset($this->newData[$this->module][$this->viewDefs][$this->templateMetaName]['maxColumns'])) {
$this->newData[$this->module][$this->viewDefs][$this->templateMetaName]['maxColumnsBasic'] = $this->newData[$this->module][$this->viewDefs][$this->templateMetaName]['maxColumns'];